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Bernice Anne N.

Lacbayen (BSN 1 – C)


As far as I have known, my experience doing art-related activities had been enjoying and
relaxing, therefore my activity of painting this time can be more of like a recreational activity that also
relaxes and invokes my mind and spirit, especially that my subject of art is relevant to my personal view
of art.

At first, I was still confused of what I am to draw, but later I began to think of ways of things
such as, “What would inspire me to paint?” and “How can I make my art unique and true?”. That was
when an idea came to my mind about, “What would my painting be like if I paint the art itself? What will
my works of hands reveal from my soul, about my own perception of art and painting?”

These was all why as you can see on my painting I selected a “symbolism” kind of
“expressionism” based on what I have learned from the discussions of our art teacher. Because at that
moment I thought, “Symbolism kind of interests me and is a beautiful and meaningful way of painting.”

In addition to that, I now just want to present to you my art, my own painting. I want to entitle it
as “The Fingerprint of Art in My Soul”. I know haha its kind of long for a name, however it’s the truth of
what I truly feel about my painting. Also, I intended to paint the giant curvy and smooth trail of
paintbrush and the big paintbrush itself that specifically highlights and symbolizes “art” itself and the
trails or tracks of the paintbrush that seemed to unite with everything it touches symbolized its
beautifying influence and the beauty it carries, in addition to the fact a “flower” often symbolizes joy,
pleasure and beauty. On the other hand, a woman symbolizes the woman within me, how it is carried
on by art, and especially the soft, but spiritual and powerful symbolism of a woman in everything she
does that relates to art. The several varying touches of colors and paint around the painting also
corresponds to the burst of colors, colorful vibrance, unity of colors, and distinct quality that only art
would bring to us. Overall, those symbols such as the flowers, the woman, the paint or paintbrush
tracks, the paintbrush, and the colorful paint touches, are all my ways of expressing my personal
perspectives and feeling about the art and painting, about “The Fingerprint of Art in My Soul”.

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