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A Door to the Stars

Sixto Paz Wells

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A Door to the stars

Because in true love, full peace, real harmony,

perfect balance,
authentic justice, total
surrender, natural service, great hope,
and in infinite light,
is the sacred goal of
the mission of


In memory of Pedro Santos, friend

of all and teacher of many things.
God always bless you!
To Eleonora Bachini and daughters, for their great love for humanity and
their selfless support for the missionaries of light.
To Ana Maria Camus, Maria Esther Dublé, Nena Borrero, Silv, ia
Ricketts, Rosa Calaf and Martita, beloved sisters of Chile, who gave us their
dedication to the Great Plan, their love for the
mission and their example of life.
To Carlos and Isabel Medina Casanova,
for their friendship and example of family.
To Carlos Berga and Maribel García who opened me
their heart and their home in Spain, and
they gave us an example of perseverance.
To Pedro Bravo Céspedes, great bastion of the mission
and the groups in Chile.
To Jaime Villanandos, the good friend along the way.
To Nimer and Carmen Obregón Maza for being wonderful people.
To E1ard and Cuqui Pastor; examples of true Rahmas.
To Juan and Silvia Maza for being builders of dreams.
To Paul and Carmen Angeles, apostles of Christ in this time.
To Javier and Daysi Jorquera for their friendship.
To Camilo Valdivieso because he has given so much.
To Richard González, noble and dedicated builder of the bridge with
the White Brotherhood of Earth and Heaven.
To Mario Cannas for his great love and
example of willingness to change.
To Rafael Ulloa, knight of the cross and of the grail.
To Yearim and Tanis Paz, teachers and inspirers in my life.
And above all and everyone, to Marinita, friend and wife for everything...

Mom!... I came from a pink planet, far from here

to take care of you."

“As long as we do not open our hearts we can see, as long as we

cannot direct a glance
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deep in that person's eyes, we will

not know if what he says is true or a
lie. We must think with our hearts and act with our minds.”


Few would have imagined that the proliferation of space travel and advances in astrophysics and quantum
physics would stimulate so much and generalize in the human being of the third millennium, the
adventure of inner contact with oneself.
The probes that have preceded interplanetary trips have come into contradiction one after another when it
comes to making known the evaluations of the living conditions on each planet and satellite in the system, and of
the systems close to ours. Showing that, more than an evolution and
perfection in technology, an emergency plan by the great nations to prepare the way for the release of information
that is increasingly difficult to hide. The kind of information in question would consist of the acceptance and deep
knowledge of the existence of life outside our world. But not only a basic and initial life, but also an intelligent life
with a high degree of evolution, which would have been present on Earth since time immemorial. And of all this,
there would be compelling evidence that more than half a century ago was violently hidden by terror and ambition.

The complicit silence of many, as well as the convenient foolishness of others, has not prevented the fact that
in the middle of the age of Aquarius, the symbol of the aquator who pours the purifying water of knowledge and
information, represented in mythology by the young Ganymede (abducted at Olympus by the god Jupiter), came
to materialize and fulfilled a prophecy of Nostradamus from the 16th century who said in his centuries: "The
present time together with the past will be judged by the great Jupiterian"... (Centuria X, quatrain LXXXIII). This
means that the forceful arrival in the 70s of extraterrestrial instructors from a station or colony of artificial life on
Ganymede - moon of the giant planet Jupiter - to promote contact groups on Earth was not only something that
was planned, but was part of a great Cosmic Plan.

In recent years, and despite the efforts of powerful negative forces, a spectacular outpouring of information
by governments and religions has begun, which from now on
going forward it will not cease to amaze us, producing not only an awakening of collective conscience, but also a
great evaluation of faith or "catastro-faith." Where the foundations of our beliefs will be shaken and where nothing
will be the same from now on.
And just as man's eyes and mind have come closer to heaven, so his heart once again finds the door to other
dimensions and planes of existence, which complement his material and daily adventure. In that other parallel
reality we are reminded that there are no limits. That the limits are set by ourselves and, generally, they are
established by our ignorance.
To a large extent, the promoters of uncovering what was hidden and that we have begun to move more freely
through interdimensional connections, are the extraterrestrial guides or older brothers of the cosmos, who have
increased in recent decades the experiences of contact with humanity. . They have also gone out to meet space
travel and our astronauts to exchange messages, as well as giving sincere seekers of truth the motivation to
establish the bridge of communication. And this communication is simpler than one could imagine, since all you
need to do is become aware and open your mind to the possibility of establishing it. For this reason, it is easier to
have communication than to maintain it, since maintaining it requires being willing to commit to the message it
contains, being willing to live it. This experience of the message, accompanied by a discipline of training and inner
strengthening, will give us the will; will to try to create the appropriate reception conditions, as they should be: a
good personal and group vibration, a positive mental attitude, an objective vision of cokes, as well as a harmony
of minds and hearts oriented toward the same goal, in addition of internal growth and a true vocation to serve
humanity. All of this will create, little by little, what we have come to define as a "mental community."

It is very important to reiterate that for any good reception of messages, an adequate environment, a like-
minded group of people, and a discipline that trains our mind and allows us to know ourselves more every day is
very necessary, trying to be consistent with the teachings received through how much we live in a world and a
time in which the best teaching is the example of life. All this will lead us to have continuous contact, free of
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In this matter of contacts there are conditions conducive to delirium and all kinds of imbalances, even more
so now that we face the so-called: "end of century or end of millennium syndrome." And not only because of the
dimension and intensity of the extrasensory and paranormal experiences to which one
is exposed, but also because of how the human relationships between the members of the group, their families
and with all the people who begin to orbit around the teachings are affected, when maturity is lacking and false
expectations exist.
Contact and communication can and should be an instrument that, well administered, with objectivity, effort
and sincere humility, will guide many, directing them towards the current work of human beings, such as
rediscovering their personal and collective mission, in order to fulfill with the leading role that humanity on planet
Earth has in the concert of the worlds.
This book Messengers of the Cosmos, extracts by theme the messages received over more than two
decades, by many people from different countries. Communications corroborated with telepathically announced
sightings in advance, coming from extraterrestrial beings coming from colonies of artificial life on the moons of
Jupiter; of planets of the Near Star Centaurus, and of many other places in our galaxy, addressing topics of special
interest for the present moment and that will shed light on our difficult return to our origins in the bosom of the
Father-Mother God.

Anatomy of a contact

The history of humanity is full of stories of experiences of communication, contact and contactees, whether
with gods, angels, fairies, elves, gnomes and currently with extraterrestrials, and even with the Virgin Mary. But,
is it really possible to think about communication with other planes and dimensions?... Do these exist?...

Of course! There are many things that, because they are not immediately accessible or verifiable by our
current technology and knowledge, or because they are not material or because they do not correspond to our
dense vibration, we cannot materially verify; but they exist and they are real. As science and human consciousness
evolve, we will "remember" these other realities. It will be like an awakening after a long sleep of unconsciousness,
where we have forgotten what is essential.

Currently there are important universities in the world that have a chair in parapsychology, as an experimental
science that seeks to study and measure the potentials of the unknown human mind. Today we know that
paranormal faculties exist, and that every human being possesses them, most of them dormant inside. What is not
known - according to our current scientific knowledge - is how they work and why they work in this or that way, at
that or another time and why with this or that person more than with others. And every physical sense has its
counterpart in an extrasensory perception, or a paranormal faculty corresponds to it, such as: clairvoyance in
sight, clairaudience in hearing, dermoptic touch in touch, etc. And all of this points to a limitless human being in a
limitless universe, which invites us to grow internally by maintaining interdimensional contacts.

The human being is a multidimensional being, he has seven bodies, six more apart from his physical body,
all of them subtle such as: the Astral body or vehicle of emotions and desires; the Lower Mental body or also
called the residence of Character and Personality; the Higher Mental body or Fourth Dimensional vehicle, our
psychic potentiality; the body of the Soul, Cathedral of the Spirit or also called the collection of our past existences;
the Body of the Spirit or vehicle of Consciousness; and finally the Body of Essence.

These seven vehicles or bodies allow us to manifest in the seven dimensions of the material universe where
we reside; but at the same time they allow us to access parallel universes through a consciousness that knows no
other limitation than the one we create for ourselves when we easily forget who we are, where we come from and
where we are going. Answers that are found within us, along with the best of ourselves. All of this must be
remembered and updated, but by those who can responsibly guide us without detriment to the person's health.
That's why,
You have to be willing to prepare to face these other realities.
Today there are more and more advanced psychiatrists and psychologists who are venturing into spirituality
to solve the problems that afflict human beings, problems of lack of communication with themselves and with the
environment that surrounds them. In ancient times people spoke of the human being as an integral being, so a
doctor was then a kind of doctor, healer, dietician, naturopath, electrician (the human body is an electrical circuit),
psychologist, psychiatrist, confidant, priest and
teacher, all together. Not today. We have separated things with that misunderstanding of specialization.
Nowadays there is a doctor for the body, a psychologist or psychiatrist for the mind and a priest
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for the soul, even though diverse research and ancestral knowledge show that before the body gets sick, the mind
usually gets sick, and before the mind, the soul. The current human being is incomplete as medicine is incomplete
in its actions, which is why we must go to the cause of the diseases and not the effect. The lack of self-knowledge,
loneliness and individualism, as well as the feeling of guilt that religions have conveniently exploited, combined with
the resentments and grudges stimulated by dark political interests; the inability to forgive oneself and to forgive;
The frustrations against the false values of this society, etc., have poisoned the lives of human beings, so the time
has come to return to the origins.

We must lose the fear of starting again from the beginning, with diversity as a slogan, without races, nations,
borders, or religions, or simply respecting the variety of responses and alternatives, seeking unity in diversity; that
is: everything that unites us and not what separates us.

In other words, it is time to give love a chance through respect, understanding, tolerance and forgiveness in
our relationships with ourselves, with others and with life, manifested in nature. Only then will we survive the current
crisis of human growth.
As it is time to love and love each other, we must begin by improving our relationship with ourselves and with
others, which is why we must learn to first contact our inner being or real being, through silence and meditation. To
the extent that we reestablish communication, we will be able to rediscover the other, the friend, the partner, the
children, the family and, why not, all of humanity.
When this begins to occur, contact with the universe will come by itself as a consequence of what we ourselves
have initiated.
Contact with other beings or entities should not be an end in itself but rather a means to perfect our self-
knowledge. This should serve as an example, model or stimulus for our future achievements, which are our total
We must keep in mind that the technique is not the most important thing in the process of self-observation and
self-knowledge, what is really fundamental is the attitude; because if you believe what you do, believe with it
the conditions to materialize positive results. Thus, whatever technique we choose, the important thing will always
be a positive mental attitude. And there are many and very different techniques. Just as human beings are different
and varied from each other.
In contact with more vibrationally evolved entities one has to be willing to learn to listen, because the contact
is usually induced, caused more by these entities than by us. So, what we can do best is predispose ourselves,
hypersensitizing ourselves through breathing, relaxation, concentration and meditation.

The fact that these entities lower their vibration to connect with us does not mean that one leaves aside the
personal effort of raising one's own vibration, and why not, reaching contact for oneself. And once contact is
obtained, the great effort will be to maintain it, since everything tends to conspire to make us lose the dimension of
what is real and wonderful, starting with our egos and defects. Delirium, madness, deception will always be around
our receptions if not
We remain vigilant and critical of our own internal and group work.
The entire previous stage of working on self-knowledge will allow us to know ourselves better every day,
organizing our thoughts and learning to recognize when the ideas that come to our mind are ours and when they
are not. With this one not only comes to discern but also to feel with clarity and intensity, the reality and origin of
the possible messages.
In the connection with a higher level of evolution there are many communication alternatives that have their
own manifestations, such as telepathy, psychography, astral communication (during dreams), vasography,
psychovoice, etc. The fundamental thing here is that under no circumstances should we allow communication to
occur without the receiver or receivers being fully aware during the transmission.

A state of trance or semi-trance should never be allowed, since this gives rise to the presence and participation
of disembodied entities or also called low astral entities, which could take advantage of the opportunity provided to
them to manifest themselves and even seek possession, cohabiting our physical vehicle. It is true that there are
protection exercises and that each person has an immunological barrier not only against diseases, but also against
the stalking of entities, which is the so-called auric egg, aura or bioplasmic body, but the danger always exists
because there are various causes that They weaken our protection, such as fear, depression, illness, insecurity or
excessive confidence. We know that an alien with a physical body cannot abandon it to enter the body of another
person, because if that entity did so or attempted to do so, it would be a transgression of the laws that exist, and in
any case it would not be an alien but a spirit. And in the case of some extraterrestrial beings that do not possess
corporeality and are energy beings, as also happens with the ascended masters - who have already transcended
the wheel of reincarnations - or with the
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Angels, all of them tend to respect the order of things, which is why they seek telepathic mental communication at a
distance because in this way there is no interference, invasion or aggression against free will. With incorporation,
mediumship or also called the phenomenon of "channelling", the door would be left open for any lower entity to enter the
person's body at will in the future, harming them. But it is good to clarify that under certain conditions and in very specific
cases, the incorporation of one entity into another could occur, for a short time, by mutual consent and as long as it really
was a high entity, however high the cause that led it to be. said symbiosis or form of transmigration.

We must differentiate extraterrestrial contact, intraterrestrial contact, and interdimensional contact. Extraterrestrial
contact is that which is established with beings from other planets coming from our material universe, and who try to
communicate with us by arriving with their spaceships in direct physical contacts, holographic projections (of sometimes
not very defined images) with the presence of ships . close or the so-called caneplas (spherical monitors also called
"cat's eyes"), telepathic mental contacts, psychographic telepathic (automatic writing) and conscious astral contacts
(preparing the person for future physical contacts, for which at that moment

the person would not be prepared or it would not be convenient).

Intraterrestrial contact is what occurs with the inhabitants of the intraworld, survivors of civilizations that have
disappeared from the earth's surface and who are currently isolated through a network of tunnels and underground cities
under our world, keeping the archives of the true planetary history, currently constituting themselves as the internal
positive planetary government. This contact can occur mentally, astrally and physically in certain isolated places on the
planet where one is called or invited to enter but always after a period of purification.

Interdimensional contact is one that can be established from the elemental plane to the angelic plane, occurring
after a personal purification process that leads one to connect through their subtle vehicles with all these entities, and
can also be carried out at a mental, astral and spiritual level.

Every contact experience requires - as I have previously mentioned in other works - that the person receiving the
messages is a healthy and balanced person, fair-minded, responsible and objective, disciplined and open to criticism,
sincere, humble and brave. All these requirements are prior so that the message to be channeled is: coherent and
logical; positive and offering alternatives; universalist and respectful; timeless (that maintains its validity beyond time);
constructive; understandable in itself (that does not require someone to interpret it); that maintains the line of the previous
messages; that it does not contradict itself; that always offers new contributions and above all, that can be confirmed,
either by an extraordinary manifestation that many people can witness or by the revelation of verifiable short-term future

The greater our objectivity and critical spirit, accompanied by open-mindedness, the less will be the danger of
mentalism, of subconscious outcrops, delusions and evasions of reality. It is also important that we do not allow the
messages to revolve around a single person or very few, because egos can easily make us stumble, quickly losing the
perception of what is real, imagining things or forging messages justifying the worst nonsense.

We must work as a group and with great courage to receive the messages and their subsequent analysis, thus
reducing the margins of error to a minimum.
Let us not fall into the terrible mistake of transferring the responsibility to someone and burdening them with the
heavy and difficult work of group guidance through messages. Communication is a risk
that we must assume it among all of us, just as we must all motivate ourselves to maintain the internal work and
preparation, so that said reception flows truly and authentically permanently, asking from time to time for external
manifestations that prove not only the seriousness of what is
is living but the validity of the contact. These types of checks should be requested especially when the messages
received involve important statements or announcements. Thus, the right way is to first confirm the messages and only
then make them publicly known, not before.

An inadequate interpretation that disguises excessive modesty and humility leads certain people to assume that
the supposed messages they are receiving - due to their deeply spiritual, poetic or confusing content - are from a source
other than themselves, presumably extraterrestrials, ascended masters or angels (they are in fashion). Obviously, these
messages cannot be confirmed because there is no way to verify them, and their recipients are usually the main
opponents of their verification, since in this way - in the apparent mystery of their origin - the magic or charm of their
origin is preserved. reception; and the danger that accompanies this situation is that its acceptance and validity supposes
an act of faith, modern religious fanatical sectarian tendencies emerging in light of these receptions. Because if the
authorship itself were accepted, free of all exoticism, the most
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It is certain that they would mistakenly not be taken into account no matter how profound and transcendental the
guidelines transmitted were... And every message is good because of what it says, not because of who says it.
Antennage, as we call the capacity or ability to channel messages from the guides, is something that can be
learned if we enter this field with a free and brave mentality. At first we will have to be patient and later consistency in
our preparation.
Below we are going to share the content of countless messages received over almost a quarter of a century, by
many people in different countries and who at the time were part of the Rama Mission, one of the most well-known and
serious contact groups, considered as such by the international press that participated in repeated sightings announced,
by appointment, confirming the reality and validity of the contact. This group, as I have already mentioned in previous
books, dissolved as an organization, as a consequence of a collective awareness of the need for detachment and
detachment from forms and as a tribute to the new time that is arriving and that demands of us a maximum of
universalism and integration with everything and everyone, free of labels and schemes.

Let us delve, then, into the message and philosophy of our true Elder Brothers "Messengers of the Cosmos"; and
let us extract from their concepts and ideas the message for this crucial moment in the history of the blue planet.


We are your brothers mission guides in contact.

All those motivated by contact brought together by vibrational affinity to share an experience -
experience that will enrich you in knowledge and science, since the key to the new time is marked by the number 3333,
which is a mathematical code, a symbol that everything in the Cosmic Plan is planned. And from this same code
comes the meaning of key 33, which means that a Universal Galactic Alliance has been established that maintains the
Confederation of Worlds with all the Galaxies of this local group and at the same time with Merla (Ur category planet
called Earth ), to help her in her evolutionary dimensional transition. The number 33 represents the maturity of the
spiritual man in a responsible and voluntary commitment to the salvation of humanity, through total dedication in
selfless and conscious service. 33 is the numerical key of the seal of the six-pointed star, two intersecting triangles
that symbolizes the search to achieve balance between the spiritual and the material through a positive and constructive
mental attitude; It is trying to synthesize the spiritual into the material, harmonizing. It also symbolizes ascent through

With love,

Question: What are activators?

The activators are symbolic and numerical keys that have been arranged to act at the appropriate moment of
maturity, reminding them of the commitment previously assumed in the spiritual spheres.

It's like an alarm clock that should help them open their eyes in time to do what they need to do. It warns them
that the time has come for them to rise from the long sumo and assume their corresponding role in the construction of
the bridge of light to the stars.
Question: Who controls these activators?
You yourselves activate the mechanisms that trigger them and make them repeat themselves until
consciousness of its meaning.
Each one has programmed their own activators before being born. These are related to each one's mission. And
they know well that there are two missions for everyone: the first is to realize themselves as a person; and the second
is to discover, through self-knowledge, each person's part in the great mission.
The Great Mission is one that involves many and commits them to the planet and general evolution. This has its own
activators, which begin to act once one advances in their search and is available to serve the Plan.

Question: Why are most people unaware of the existence of activators?

Many people are not yet at the evolutionary age to have their own activator, they will require several incarnations
to do so. It's like in your life, small children do not usually use alarm clocks in their rooms, but rather their parents are
in charge of waking them up in the morning.

Also, not everyone reacts to the call of the activators. The alarm clock rings in the morning and some people turn
it off and continue sleeping. There is the case of someone who wakes up and falls asleep again but on the edge of the
bed. There are those responsible who, when the alarm clock rings,
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they get up immediately; while others wake up before it rings, because the alarm clock is just a security so as not
to stop responding committedly.

Question: Could you give us an approximation of the meaning of some activators?

Each number or key has a secret value that you could access if you combine intuition, imagination and
intelligence. Let the deep meaning of these activating keys be revealed to you through your meditations.

The key of the number 88, for example, symbolizes the permanent higher vibration in the feminine aspects of
creation. It is an intuitive force that acts as an indicator of danger in the face of negative forces, and of which the
person must pay close attention.
Key 44 symbolizes that the person is in the correct location; in the exact coordinates or in the place to indicate
it to do what it has or is expected to do. This key also refers to the need to apply everything learned during the
preparation process.
Key 22 represents having received a lot and neglecting its application.
When this activating key is repeated, it is a wake-up call because you are failing to do things.
what should be Therefore it is a warning against omission.
Neglecting the personal process can immerse the person in a vicious cycle of dissatisfaction.
and feelings of guilt that take him further away from being able to balance.
Key 21 represents transcending the struggle of opposites to achieve unity, transmuting everything above to
achieve spiritual balance, and this is achieved if we manage to give an adequate rhythm to our internal work.

Having this key repeated to us is a good sign that we are achieving it.
Key 20 symbolizes rebirth, a new opportunity to achieve our goals, and at the same time an evaluation of
everything achieved. This key tells us that we are in a moment in which our internal forces are revitalized to be
able to complete our enterprise of self-realization.
Key 19 is linked to inspiration. When this activating key is repeated, we are reminded that inspiration comes
when the capacity exists to realize everything that is being revealed to us, and that we must do it because the time
has arrived. It is a solar key that also refers to irradiation towards others.

Key 18 tries to awaken us so that we do not allow ourselves to be carried away by passions and desires.
Key 17 reveals the transition from one stage to another, from one level to another. This number symbolizes
the mystical death of a denser, less evolved stage and the corresponding ascent to another, higher one. It
symbolizes the passage from spiritual adolescence to responsible youth. But be careful, traffic can be tough.

Key 16 is a warning to stay away from the path of lies and falsehood, and everything that is forged from it.

Key 15 warns us of the danger of becoming passionate and letting ourselves be carried away by injustice
and lies. The world and the forces that dominate it try to envelop you, but you must remain vigilant. Heed the
danger call of this activator when it appears.
Key 14 tells us about continuity and rebirth. It reminds us that in each one are found all the experiences of
previous lives, and that this wisdom must be awakened so as not to waste anything.

Key 13 teaches us that life leads to death and death to life. That death really does not exist, and that with
each passing day we are dying in matter so that the spiritual can live eternally, but elevated and purified.

Key 12 indicates that the disciple is qualified to face trials, because he has developed his faith, which is the
activating basis of all his magical potential. The purpose of this activator is to remind us that we must not forget,
for any reason, the ultimate goal of our search and
of the importance of service to find what we are looking for.
Key 11 reminds you that you must seek unity in the One, in God within you. You must open yourself to the
inner strength that will make you an important part of the sacred sacrifice for love. This key indicates that you must
face trials with courage because you are not alone.
The key 10 symbolizes the cycles that begin and those that end. When that activating key begins to appear
repeatedly, it means that something is ending for you but something new and different, opposite to what came
before, is beginning.
Key 9 is the key that reminds us of the importance of detachment, because we are all in agreement.
Step, nothing lasts forever and that is why we should not get attached to anything.
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Key 8 is the activator that tells you to maintain your peace and balance despite the trials,
that are never greater than one's capacity to overcome them.
The key of 7 reminds us that perfection is achievable but that we have to work hard to achieve it.
fighting to defeat oneself. 7 is also the number of the septernal universal order.
The key of 6 reminds you that you must be careful with your thinking, because through it you can be strongly
attacked trying to unbalance it. It is a warning to reject impulses
impure and control desire. In order to counteract this, breathing, concentration and meditation are recommended.

The key of 5, when this is the one that is repeated, is because the person is reaching, through a higher instruction,
to reach the key to the higher worlds. You have to be careful because with this
The activator usually comes with words and even the cosmic name or personal vibrational key, which as a key will
facilitate entry to the invisible worlds.
The key to 4 is the number of the four directions of the Earth, the four elements, the four seasons, the four stages
in the life of the human being and the cross, symbol of spiritual ascent.
transcending death or the horizontal. This numerical key reminds us that God is above his creation and that we must
prepare ourselves to understand and apply universal laws.
The key of 3 reminds us that the spiritual through love must take precedence in our lives.
The key of 2 reminds us that we live in a dual universe, where there are forces in opposition. And stay
From this struggle of opposites we must extract the synthesis, which is balance.
The key of 1, which few people realize when it is repeated to them, provides a message that is related to the
presence of the One, of God in our lives. It's like telling someone to look
peace within yourself so that everything in your life turns one hundred and eighty degrees, thus changing your luck,
which is the same as telling you that as long as your attitude towards life does not change, your personal outlook will
continue to be dark.
Question: What can you tell us about the numerical keys activating the contact mission?
During the process of the contact mission they have been given some numerical keys such as: 74,33, 44 and 88
which are related to a very important task, such as establishing the bridge between the Material Universe and the
Spiritual, following the pattern and example that Christ gave. For this reason, they must strengthen the will and raise
the personal and collective vibration towards the achievement of the seventh dimension of consciousness. Obviously,
they must first begin by reaching the previous stages such as the fourth, fifth and sixth stages of consciousness, which
requires a greater effort in preparation; preparation that is personal and non-transferable, and that along the way will
help them
create the conditions to gradually discover the details of your personal and collective mission.
With Love,

Yes, we are your brother Guides on Mission. With you, Sampiac.

Question: What is the greatest law in the universe?

Love in all its dimensions!...

Question: But what is love?

Only after having acted according to what the heart dictates but with wisdom, giving what
best of ourselves, only then will we talk about love.
Love is not defined, it simply is... It consists of being and giving...

Question: How is love manifested?

Love manifests itself in everything created without distinction, because even in the dramatic struggle for life,
which apparently appears unfair and violent due to the attachment to forms, one can see the search for what is
harmonious and perfect, for balance and contrast, growth and rebirth, improvement and evolution, life and death.
Death that does not really exist because everything is
In essence, continuous change and transformation.
Love is a force that comes and goes towards the Creator. There it originates us and it returns us to there but as
gods: "children of light", after having gone through purification and perfection in the
darkness. Up to this point, pain is learning and growth.
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Love manifests itself in the ability to give oneself with purity of intentions; but in a wise way and thus, grow through
service. It is discovering the divine essence that is in you and in others, respecting it and caring for it so that like a seed it
grows and bears fruit.
Love is discovering oneself in others. It is seeing yourself reflected in others to accept yourself, change, improve. To
love is to value yourself to discover your own potential. Only in this way will they help the change
collectively, because in this way they will discover how much they have to give.

Question: How do you express love?

Our guidance and support are based on love, because it is it that generates in us the need for the awakening of
consciousness that humanity needs to overcome the current moment they are going through.

This is a love that we teach with our attitude, but also from which we learn day by day...
Because love is renewed, grows and corrects itself, overcomes and matures; he becomes wise and prudent, but to
Coming to it more than once he has exposed himself and made a mistake.
It is a long learning process that will lead us all to the understanding of love, and it is there that our mission consists of
making you remember the leading role that weighs on you: To be architects of transcendental acts of universal love! A role
in which carriers of the
key to a "secret threshold" to which - due to requirements of the Cosmic Plan - only you can access
first, so that others, humbly learning from your effort and process, can then locate and go through it as well.

Question: How can this be possible?

We can all learn something from others. They are not familiar with that phrase that says: "The
"The first will be last, and the last will be first."

Question: What do you really expect from humanity?

May they learn to love, and may they discover what love requires them to give.
What you must develop is a different experience of love. Because for the most advanced civilizations in this latest
Creation, love has meant only the "common good." As a measure of coexistence and elevation, but one that quickly learned
its limitations and produced a relative stagnation in the evolutionary ascent. Now, after having observed you for much of
your time, we are convinced that you hold the key to all the answers we have waited for; and that if it is possible through
your participation, that we can all learn new alternatives for evolution; different facets in a general rethinking of everything
we have experienced and how we have understood and focused on it until now. And this is because no one knows
everything, nor has experienced everything, and even less so in love, where every day a new and enriching experience of
growth arises.

Just as the Sun illuminates you and the Moon brightens your nights, so should your love shine in your hearts; but a
love without holding back, without cuts. Love as surrender to the Plan of Creation, because everything is love and love is
one in everything.

Question: How is love perfected?

Love is perfected in forgiveness, matures in understanding, lives in tolerance and is nourished in compassion and
charity. There is no love without mercy, and this is being confirmed by the essence of this terrestrial humanity. And it's no
use knowing it, you have to experience it. Only experimentation will allow access to the essential.

Live and discover the true face of the love that potentially exists in you, and it will fill you and fill you, making you feel
like an inexhaustible honeycomb, from which everyone will be able to extract and always
There will be more to give and share.
True love does not have to exhaust itself but rather tends to reproduce itself. The more it gives, the more
has to give... It feeds back.
If your life becomes love, everything you do will be marked and surrounded by that force. And do not be afraid of the
consequences that love brings, because with it you will have ventured into the true purpose of existence; And even if a
violent opposing force of opposition is awakened, this will only crown your experience of loving with success.

Question: If you are so clear about the concepts, why do you find it difficult to put them into practice?
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It's easy to talk about love but it's another thing to act on it. Theory becomes something simple, compared to
experience, which is where everything gets complicated. Many things are necessary to materialize true love, including
knowing one's own mission, that of the group of people of which one is a part, and being in the right place and time to
translate it into attitudes and actions. All of this requires a heightened awareness, but above all a heart willing to risk
making mistakes, because that risk always exists.

Therefore: be careful, even to love you have to learn!... There will be times when true love will require us to refrain
from acting...
Yes, there will be many and very diverse situations in which we should not act even if we can give everything that
is asked of us, because there are times when we can give more by not giving anything or by refraining from intervening,
because it could be that at that moment the action would be more of an interference or harm than a help.

More than once they must experience love through not doing, through inhibiting themselves from acting.
Love with all your might, but don't stop asking for inspiration and wisdom in your actions.
love, to only do what is right even if sometimes this means not doing.

Question: How much can love change a person?

Love will slowly transform you, like the sculptor his sculpture, extracting the essence hidden deep in the rock, and
will make your existences light, for yourselves and others. and the light
of your love will protect you and help you increase your ability to give.
True love will motivate you to find the valuable diamond that lies hidden in the coal within you.

Question: What can we expect from love?

May it transform your existence and modify your environment. Because for love there are no limits.
Love means knowledge with understanding, treatment with tolerance and hope with patience. Love is the beginning
of a fraternal coexistence, without selfishness, without anger or arbitrariness. Love manifests itself fundamentally as
justice and fairness.
Give to those who have and to those who do not have, because everyone needs this love to a greater or lesser extent.
But only give what the other needs and not necessarily what the other asks of you, because true charity is there, in
loving with discernment and an awake conscience.
Question: Where do we start?

Start by loving yourself, which is the correct beginning to reach the great love for humanity. And don't stop learning
for the love of it... You will never finish doing it, becoming
your existence in an eternal adventure of unimaginable discoveries...
With love,


With you the mission guides.

Question: There is a lot of emphasis in the messages about the idea of change, what change are they referring
to? What is going to happen to the planet and to us? When is all this going to happen?
Do not worry about how everything is going to change, worry that the change is effective in you, because if you
are willing and aware, you will be able to guide and guide those who already suffer in the face of the end of material
structures and the danger of the collapse of dogmas and religious organizations.

The stage that has begun is the end of external rigid forms and the deepening of philosophies through a dynamic
and practical spirituality. It is now when they must make common cause
with universalism, being and giving an example of breadth of judgment, understanding, respect and tolerance.
Try to be an example of a new mentality and a new being, knowing how to gather in your
hearts and minds the best of all.
The change that is expected in humanity, starting with you, is a change in attitude towards life, the same one that
will generate a chain reaction in others, so worry about the part that you have, that the The rest will come as a
consequence. You will see how that "reaction" applies
in chain".
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Collect now from everything that has been sown throughout the years of the contact mission, and with detachment and joy, live a
new stage that is one of autonomy and inspiration; of action and own initiative; but at the same time of collaboration and union as well as
a close relationship with those who stay in tune.

Remember that if constructive collaboration occurs between you, you will be able to radiate it and
share it with others.
This stage of change requires forgetting about particular expectations, partisan positions and interests that do not agree with the
Great Plan. Everyone can and should feel that through renunciation and detachment; Collaboration and respect, work and joy, discipline
and perseverance will achieve the last objective, crowning this stage with success. That last objective is, as you well know: to receive in
the name of everyone something that is for everyone, and thus make it reach humanity.

Planet Earth is going to make a quantitative and qualitative leap towards the fourth dimension, in such a way that when the planetary
vibration rises, those who cannot also rise will not have the opportunity to survive there; but not only spiritually, but materially speaking.
And all this is so close
so that they don't turn around to see if it happens or not...

Question: What sign or guarantee do we have that we are changing?

Whoever wants to verify the positive results in their change and in the great change, expect very hard tests, which will temper their
soul like steel in the forge. And the law teaches that every force is opposed by another similar opposite, so the guarantee of your progress
is the innumerable difficulties that arise at every step. This will prepare you to endure the really difficult moments of darkness, loneliness
and discouragement, which are part of the process of internal growth.

It's not going to be easy, that's why your effort is so worthwhile.

Question: What are the signs of planetary change?

The dizzying transformations in the political, social and economic sphere that are being observed in the world, such as the chaotic
geological and climatic behavior, combined with the threatening movements of various stellar bodies around you, are the signs that in
some way were waiting. But remember that the future does not have to be more traumatic than the present is, because the power to
change things is within you. They simply have to awaken your potentialities.

Question: What will be the highest moment of the planetary change process?

For the final evaluation and consolidation of the process to occur, you must still go through a period of testing and definition that will
last around a thousand years of yours, but at the same time a thousand different years, at the end of which your elevation and evolution
could be sealing a "redemption
"cosmic space" from Earth to much of the material universe.
All this will mark the event of the return. Humanity's leap towards connection with a new time, a higher vibration and a relationship of
another order with the cosmos.
With love,


She, Oxalc.
Brothers of the Earth, the message is arriving in many different ways, the weight is penetrating deeply in many people who are
reacting and beginning to orient their lives towards the light, and the planet towards hope.

The world is not going to end, it is going to be transformed but based on your own personal transformation. Life on Earth is subject
to a dynamic of continuous change and transformation, therefore
There have always been catastrophes and there will continue to be as long as human beings are not fully aware of their internal potential.
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The mind is powerful, but more so when it channels the energy of the heart, the transformative light of love.
When a good part of humanity is capable of vibrating in harmony, balance and hope, the planet itself will react
with balance and stability.

Question: Why do the messages that are continually received in the different contact groups talk about

The future is a law of consequence, therefore prophecies and announcements of catastrophes are the
projection of everything that has been programmed over millennia, with wrong attitudes and thoughts. But as you
well know, the prophecies have not been given to be fulfilled but rather so that they are not fulfilled. Humanity has
the ability to reverse the future, but to do so we must believe it to create it.

The universal laws teach that "Everything is mental" and that "Everything vibrates", that is, one can create
what one believes and that the word is creative. For this reason our messages are not categorical when pointing
out possible calamities. We insist that all of this can happen, but that it does not necessarily have to happen.

An inexorable future is not compatible with the existence of free will.

Know how to differentiate our messages from the mentalisms that often lead to dramatizing our warnings and
giving them a definitive character, when they allow themselves to be carried away by helplessness and

Question: Can we really talk about a final catastrophe?

Humanity is approaching a true registry of faith, in which your beliefs and convictions will be evaluated.

Question: And how is that going to be?

In the coming years, things will be seen that have never been seen before or captured by your technology,
thereby proving many things, and resolving many of the so-called mysteries that plunged humanity into ignorance
and superstition. And the positive planetary internal government has ordered the dissemination of information and
knowledge to accelerate changes.

The great nations will begin to recognize what was previously denied, and religious organizations will tremble
with them. But the time is coming when that which had been kept from terror or convenience comes to light.

The ships of the confederation will not only continue to demonstrate, but will shock countries, public opinion
and governments, putting pressure on them and forcing them to react by releasing what
that was hidden.
In these years they will suffer climate changes and many seismic movements, but we will try to mitigate their
destructive effect. You, for your part, maintain the work of irradiating the planet through chains of concentration,
because this will contribute to stabilizing and balancing things.

Question: What can you tell us about the deviation of the planetary axis?

This has been happening for a long time, hence the changes that are occurring at the climate level, which are
not only due to the greenhouse effect of the perforation of the ozone layer or environmental pollution.

Question: Why has planetary seismic and volcanic activity increased?

We had already warned them of this in the experiences of dimensional doors, when images of the planetary
future were projected to them where we showed them the approach of more than one asteroid and comet,
endangering the Earth; and attracted like a magnet by human negativity.
This was going to gravitationally affect the planet, generating an internal chain reaction, and endangering all the
nuclear weapons that are ready to detonate in their own silos.

Yes, we are your brother guides on mission.

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Question: A while ago it was announced that our solar system was approaching the Pleiades photon belt, and
that as we approached we would pass through a neutral zone that would bring days of darkness, what can you
tell us about it?

You know well that the only darkness you should fear is the inner darkness, because it is the one that
It can make them lose their step and even lose their way.
Only the presence of a large asteroid placed between the Sun and the Earth can produce hours of darkness, but not
an area prior to a photon belt through which the solar system is continually transiting.

Yes, it is true that they are approaching the Pleiades group, this is the product of the end of a cycle
cosmic, which means a collective evaluation of this part of the Galaxy.
Your planet has acted as a purifier of many cyclical stages in man. Beings from one plane or another have come at
different levels of consciousness to live on your land, some to teach, others to serve; some to learn, others to cleanse
their karmas from past lives; some to manifest themselves openly in religions and mystical experiences, others to ennoble
the planet and some as true centers of irradiation through major missions from the driving centers.

Your world has been a space open to light for the progress not only of the planet but also of the cosmic, because
where a body rises in vibration and radiates more light, other bodies also benefit in the ascension, because this is:
"expansion of consciousness ".
The Earth is one of the most interesting and important evolutionary centers in the Galaxy, where great work of
universal repercussion is now being carried out. Hence our presence and that of many in our ships established in bases
on the Moon, underwater, intraterrestrial and orbiting around the planet.

The changes in the world will occur in the current relationships and roles occupied by religious leaders and large
governments, which will progressively lose authority, while movements and leaders will emerge that will mark a new
positive orientation with hope for unity and integration. And everything good can happen and the bad will cease to be
because you are working for it.

The teacher is approaching your world, he is the Great Jupiterian, so it is not strange that you feel his presence
strongly in your meditations and various meetings, as well as the presence of
other elevated entities. Purify your mind and soul so that you not only live a mental experience every time you work, but
that it is fundamentally spiritual.
Know that you are not alone. They have never been, and even less now that the great changes are already being

With love,


Yes, Oxalc, in contact with you. You can ask the questions that you consider appropriate for your inner growth,
without this implying creating dependencies on us, because when we are not better than you, we are simply at a different
moment of evolution.

Question: What is contact?

Contact is communication. It is establishing the bridge of union of minds and souls, guiding them
towards a transcendent goal such as creating conditions of personal and collective fulfillment.
Contact is communication, and communication is at this time communion in action. Only when
We participate in the same action, greater and more intense communication can occur.
Be the ones who, with your action, allow Contact to be established with us.
Question: How to distinguish a real contact from one that is not?

True contact is what allows you to establish the eyes of the soul, capable of looking into the essence of things and
into the hearts of people. That contact comes when the ability to feel and perceive beyond the physical senses has been
achieved, reacting with both hands extended towards the other selflessly, seeking the best for them.

Contact is more than a possibility, it is a potentiality that everyone must discover within themselves. It is a reality
between this and other worlds; between this dimension and others through connections
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and interdimensional bridges, built with purity of intentions, conviction and a lot of love. And it is more than a reality, it
is a need for growth through sharing.
Know how to interpret the messages, since our communications in some cases may seem personal and may not
be so, since they try through someone in the group to reduce foolishness and increase
the humility of everyone benefiting the mission. Seeking good for one person so that everyone benefits is often the
system used by the mission.
Little by little they must learn to perceive and value the spirit of the messages, but they will only achieve this by
risking receiving them and making mistakes in the attempt. Certainly they must face the challenge that this entails with
courage, with the correct disposition that they will achieve with prior preparation.

Question: What practical use is there in getting in touch?

Contact is also a service to humanity, through dedication to a noble work such as awakening consciousness
through connection with other realities. And this contact is for everyone, but not everyone is prepared to establish and
maintain such communication by tuning minds through telepathy, intuition, clairvoyance or precognition. Faculties that
everyone has, but that very few use consciously and voluntarily in this world.

Contact is a long learning process, but beneficial for those willing to

assume it. It is receiving to give. It is understanding to clarify others, it is seeing clearly to be able to guide others.

Question: How difficult or easy is it to contact you?

Having contact is easier than maintaining it, because receiving it depends largely on the messengers and the
plans of the Confederation of Worlds of the Galaxy, who saw in you the potential receiving antennas. And the
predisposition of the receiver is perceptible by its vibration
personal as well as the affinity with the contact program, which is used to induce him to
Take the next step: Try it!
But keeping in touch is something else. This does require delivery on your part. It means being willing to assume
the requirements of the process, and working with yourself to maintain vibrational attunement and affinity. All of this
depends largely on maintaining or recovering the appropriate attitude, seeking purity of mind and soul.

Maintaining contact is making an effort to strengthen the will.

Question: What should we expect from contact?

The experience of contact can never be the search for a spectacle, satisfying egos that distract attention from
what is fundamentally being proposed, since those who come to please their desires and escape are mistaken as to
the nature of the deployment of efforts. Contact seeks a commitment to humanity and life change. This is what our
presence and that of other interdimensional entities as part of the contact seek to support, that they maintain interest
and dedication to finding their own improvement. May they learn to survive and face this stage of adolescence in which
they find themselves, in which we can serve as inspiration for them. For this reason, we will make them feel, with our
solidarity, confidence in the forcefulness of your work.

It is important to keep in mind that nothing worthwhile will be achieved without dedication, which means sacrifice
and dedication. Also remember that every force is opposed by another force of equal intensity, which is why it will not
be easy for you to get ahead in this company.

Question: What does a contact experience commit us to?

What one sees, feels or receives as a product of the search for truth will require one to commit to that new vision
of things, working to make it accessible to everyone, but without taking away anyone's effort to achieve it for themselves.
And the mere example of the search engines motivates others to try too, thus giving everyone, as in a chain, the
opportunity to find answers.

What is received through the experience of contact commits to being consistent with oneself and with the message
that is taught, and above all to continue, if not, the consequences of the responsibility not assumed would be very great
and disastrous. Inconsistency, the first thing that makes you lose is inner peace and with it, security when channeling
new messages, plunging you into a vicious circle of feelings of guilt, discouragement and a feeling of abandonment,
caused by the distance itself.
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There are universal laws that are activated with each attitude in your lives, so you must seek to be in harmony
with them, trying to be a visible reflection of all teaching received, since
the same time, to be transmitted. For this reason, it is preferable to "know a little and do a lot, than to know a lot
and do nothing"... Of course, if you can know a lot and do it too, it would be optimal.
The result of being consistent with the message is the invaluable treasure of peace and inner harmony, giving
one the security necessary to maintain the link with the cosmos. And it is in that state, in which personal balance
allows a vibrational elevation, when very intense contact experiences can be achieved as well as trigger
mechanisms that allow the release of crucial information for the current moment in human history. That information
is inside and outside of each one, so that it can be verified and contrasted.

Question: What would be the deep meaning of contacting the guides?

Contact means a process of maturity that manifests itself with the approach between brothers of the cosmos
without creating dependencies, which is why it requires mutual respect and an attitude of internalization. We can
all learn and teach each other, we say this because some will have to reveal things, while for others their work will
lead them to remember others. And this has been planned this way because it obeys a Cosmic Plan arranged by
the Great Minds of the Universe for your planet, through it, but not only with it.

Contact is establishing a connection on multiple levels with humanity and the surrounding universe, but in
itself it is also a test of personal and collective growth. For this reason, each experience of contact requires
preparation and discipline, but not to deserve to see cocaine, nor to imagine others, but to maintain equanimity
during the development of events, strengthening oneself and learning to become more and more sensitive, in such
a way that At the same time, you can notice certain other events that under normal conditions would have gone

Question: What would be the requirements of a contact experience?

Contact requires training that will not only allow them to maintain the link, but will also make it easier for each
person to expand their panorama of experiences, realizing the accessibility to other dimensions as well as the
existence of other parallel realities. This training, which does not have to be improvised, but which does not require
years of dedication but rather a correct and sustained attitude, seeks to prepare the person so that he knows how
to recognize the type of situation to be experienced, master it, controlling himself to be able to take advantage of
it, and then open up. to many other experiences that you would never have imagined. Contact, then, allows
maintaining a channel of direct and updated information that, along the way, perfects one's own training and that
of the members of the groups, directing them towards increasingly intense experiences and deeper knowledge for
the benefit of the community. in general.

The contact process follows three phases or levels. The first of them is the contact of each one with himself.
This first type of contact consists of starting the process of self-knowledge, through introspection. This means
venturing to see oneself as one is, to begin to change and transform into a superior being; but not to be better than
others, but better than one is. The
The appropriate way for this is meditation. The second level of contact requires the previous one as a preliminary
phase, and it is this that is established with those closest to one, such as family and friends, so that it serves as a
springboard for a committed contact with humanity. And the family is the first and main laboratory for internal
growth and experimentation of love.
Because without communication between you, it is not possible to establish the link with the cosmos. Rather, it is
from your contact with others and through others that we are interested in reaching you; because it is through you
that the rest will be reached.
You will be the best link and interconnection system, because then spreading the message and making the
change, as theory and practice together, will have the strength to impact others, and it will then become mostly
your effort and merit.
The experience of contact will allow you to access a small vision of the grandeur of the great total light, but
this can be delicate, like a double-edged knife. Useful but dangerous if they do not learn to manage and control it.
And you only learn when you dedicate a good amount of time in your life training in self-control, and risking making

Question: Brother Guides, what are the dangers of contactism?

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We certainly warn you about the dangers in contact because the vision of a small beam of light that symbolizes
the first glimpses of truth to which you are approaching, does not necessarily imply the understanding of the totality
of the truth of things. No, dear friends! The steps towards the truth accessible to each one are found in the effort
to achieve internal understanding, striving to see oneself as one is, through a permanent attitude of self-observation
(meditation). This attitude will require humility and patience from you to accept the temporary limitations of your
perception, and a necessary openness through dialogue with others.

Only if they learn to listen will they know how to address others with and without words. Only if they learn to observe,
will they perceive that everything is in its right order and everything obeys a reason. And if they learn to listen to each
other and listen, they will perceive that everything speaks, that everything brings a message and that nothing happens
just because...
All of this is like climbing a mountain, only when you get to the top do you have a panoramic view of what you
left behind and overcame, what you reached and achieved, and what awaits or follows next.
But not before.
The greatest danger in contactism is that egos play tricks on you, and the absence of objectivity and criticism
easily makes you lose contact with yourself and, worst of all, with your own reality.

Question: What are we going to achieve through contact, in addition to new knowledge and various

More than achieving, they must learn to understand the depth of life and read in events and in the environment,
the signs of planetary change. Therefore, you must continue to become aware, thus, as permanent observers of
everything that surrounds you, you will know how to extract the lessons from everything that happens around you,
perceiving the forces that are behind the planetary movement that can serve and help you if you know how to use
them or Let them help you, and among them are the forces that you yourselves generate so that this or that thing
The part of truth that contact brings lies in internal understanding, in what you become able to discern and
intuit. Your attitude towards contact could allow them to feel very deep things and be able to reach them later in
various ways, knowing within themselves.
you, that is where you have to go.

Question: How do you verify a contact experience?

The way to verify messages is very simple if you train yourself to first create the appropriate reception and
security conditions; and then they analyze what they received with objectivity, logic and common sense.

The presence of our ships in a predetermined place and time through them
messages, it is usually the usual way that shows them that there was contact.
We do not impose our messages on anyone, we only give you information that you must evaluate and discern
according to your free will. You have a moral obligation to yourselves to act objectively and try to verify the reality
of all this, starting first by confirming that we are on the other side of the line.

Our commitment and obligation is to show ourselves so that the evidence of our closeness,
show that we are all participating in this reality that is the contact mission.
Another form of verification that they have at hand is simultaneous reception by several antennas.
at the same time, and the early announcement of certain events.

Question: What are the characteristics of a true contact?

We have already told you that what is important is the message and not the messenger, so we also tell you
that it does not matter much who receives the communication, but rather who is willing to put the message into
practice. But it is really important that whoever receives the messages is a good receiving antenna, which is the
same as saying a healthy, balanced, objective person, with discernment, spiritual, disciplined, humble in his
attitude to listen to criticism and constant in his personal work. , So
as consistent with the message and spirit of the mission. All this to achieve logical and coherent communication;
positive and offering alternatives; that is complemented by previous messages; that always contains new
contributions; may it never contradict itself; that is universal, respectful and timeless, which means that it does not
exhaust its content in a single reading.

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Yes, with you Antarel, in contact.

Question: Why did the first contacts take place in the desert, and is it to this same place where we are invited to
return again and again?

One is the desert as a geographical portion with its own characteristics, which facilitates intimacy and isolation as well
as close contacts with those who have prepared themselves through appropriate discipline and attitude. And another is the
symbolic desert, the interior, where one finds oneself alone, having to, in that self-knowledge, see oneself as one is and
accept oneself in order to change.
On each outing we invite you to both places. In one they will be alone with nature, awaiting our manifestations that will
demonstrate our always timely and forceful support, but always in relation to their previous preparation; and in the other,
they will be alone with the message and with the urgency of a greater commitment to humanity.

In your Holy Scriptures it is said: "It is in the desert where God forges his prophets", and it is thus that in the desert
there have been some of the most important experiences of mysticism as well as contact with us extraterrestrial guides,
because In your deserts one confronts oneself in a landscape that invites introspection. It is there in the midst of the
apparent solitude of the desert, in a place where few things happen, where the opportunity for internal contact can most
easily occur.

In the desert the contactee finds himself, first of all, faced with his mind, having to deal with his thoughts and his own
nature. It is in those lonely places that only change with the play of shadows, that hidden fears and fears take shape and
sound. And that is when the test can be overcome if they become part of that landscape, and discover the deep beauty and
harmony that the environment of silence gives them for communication and experience on multiple levels.

Only when you discover the interior desert, and when its aridity is not something foreign to you but rather you
understand and assume it as part of the diversity of the beauty of nature, and the learning process, will you come to value
the always existing oasis . Then they will discover the eye of water, the secret spiritual source that is not only in the place
but can accompany them wherever they go. But not only the memory, but the source will continue to flow but from within
you, like a well of wisdom and guidance for many.

Integrating with the desert itself constitutes a moment of purity, an experience of

self-discovery, and the first big step to establish the bridge with the stars.


Yes, Oxalc, in contact with you.

Question: Does God exist for you?

We exist for God, and the universe is an expression of his love...

Really what you want to know is whether or not we believe in a God like the one your religions preach.

Well yes, if we believe... And what's more, many of your religions have emerged from contact experiences in the past,
so the idea of God that you currently handle is a shared heritage with the various visitors.

God exists independently of us and of you. God is life itself, the Creative Power,
Evolution, Death as Transformation. In short, Everything is God.
Everything is directed to a center and is emanated from a center, which at the same time is everywhere, crossing light
years, distances, centuries, stages and epochs, dimensions in time, all directed to a single focus of attention: love .

We are only a millionth of irradiation with respect to an entire palpable universe but still unknown to you, but as important
as the whole, hence all the parts are important as components of this because they integrate, intertwine and form the total
unit. , mass
It is distributed but reassembled into a single unit of mind, matter and spirit. And in this interrelation of the trilogy of God the
One and the Universal All are formed.
If you see yourself in a mirror, you will see your image reflected in it and you will know what you are like, because it is
also the emanation of the love of God, its manifestation is reflected in everything. This natural manifestation of love and
wisdom should not be transgressed or violated as this would create disharmony. Although these natural laws existed from
the beginning, man from time to time has violated them and as a result you have today's world, because they have not
known how to give love to Mother Nature or live in
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harmony with it, and because they have very regrettably wasted the benefit that it grants you as part of its natural service
of love coming from the Deep and finally "all chaos is caused by your own chaos."

From the origin, love emanated and the radiation must reach your hearts to seek the First Cause, which will inspire
you towards natural respect for the basic and fundamental laws that bring in harmony the universe to which you are just

Question: How can we prove the existence of God?

How can you check radio waves? Isn't it through a receiver?
They can verify God through you because every living being is a recipient of the presence
of the Maker.
In your science we see that scientists emphasize that nothing arises from nothing, but that everything has a first
cause. Well, precisely, when we talk about God we are talking about that first cause.

Scientists cannot talk about chaos, because everything obeys laws that control and regulate the universe. Nothing is
destroyed, changed or transformed without there being complex and at the same time simple motives of evolution that
are planned for it. If not, why do planets revolve around their suns, and systems around the centers of their galaxies, and
galaxies move in the universe around central galaxies? What keeps it all there? Well, that consciousness that is behind
the creative forces of nature is God.

In the simplicity and simplicity of nature there is God. We live in a seven-dimensional material universe where our
perception of the Creator tends to be very limited, it is rather what we feel about Him... It is a sensitive perception.

Question: Since ancient times we have talked about "gods" and "God", how many gods are there?

There is only one God with multiple diverse manifestations. What happens is that in the past your ancestors mistook
visitors for gods. But there was always talk of one: The Supreme God, The Absolute, The Unity, The Essence of all
Things, The First Cause.
We know that there are three main universes contained within each other: the seven-dimensional Material Universe;
the Mental of three dimensions and the Spiritual from the eleventh dimension onwards. God is perceived manifested in
the spiritual universe as The Absolute, The Unity and The Essence. In the mental universe God is perceived as The
Father-Mother Creator and in the material universe as The Spirit of Love. In such a way that in the material we feel God,
in the mental we think and verify it in its universal order, and in the mental we live the spiritual.

Question: Is contact with God possible?

If within each being there is a divine essence, how can one not be able to contact God? But yes, the contact is
personal. Each one must seek it within himself, and let it manifest itself in its time. But do not stop being attentive,
learning to feel, returning to that attitude so typical of children.

A good recommendation to achieve this contact is learning to value being still and in
silence. Only in this way will we listen when deep within us we are spoken to.
In the inner contact with The Deep One you will receive messages like this one that I share with you.

I dwell within you, without a name, without age,

without time, without more faintings or sorrows
than yours, of which I am in solidarity.
I dwell in your heart without cold and without color.
With the times of time.
With the essence of the Sun and the stars.
I am The Being and the Creation.
I am who I Always Am, and I am in you and in everything.
I am the Light and the Shadow,
The Everything and the Nothing.
The contradiction, the apparent, the unequal; But
also the Unit.
Everything makes sense in Me,
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Nothing outside of Me.

All march and movement exist in Me, and towards
Me everything flows and ebbs,
Everything rises and falls; everything comes and goes.
In this infinite prayer, nothing remains and
everything remains
the same, Infinite and profound.
You are Me and I Am you.
We are the same essence: Father and Son.
The same Being, the same spirit.
And the basilicas and the temples, and the prayers,
and the saints,
All are one, fused in this Great Spirit.
And your voices and your lights on, The forgetfulness
and grievances, the encounters and disagreements; Everything is
one in learning love.

Therefore, do not be afraid to love with all the strength of this creation that vibrates in you, that feels and is perfected
through you. Let it out, allow it to continue creating; Radiate it, giving freedom so that your spirit encompasses the infinite.

Let that force embrace us in this consubstantiation with the infinite.

Let everything and nothing merge in you, establishing the bridge between the universes, planes and dimensions, so
you will shine with all the lights of the stars.
Always and forever love.

Question: Very beautiful prayer, but our religions have so many dogmas, and there are so many
conflicting beliefs. What to do about all this?

Each human group, each of the beings motivated by their spiritual search, by a higher motive, comes to live that
internal reality according to their own need and level of understanding.
There is therefore an evolutionary age, which is the one that allows one to have greater or lesser understanding of the
things. But all live in the One, and what lives in the One cannot be separated.
In reality, dogmas and doctrines do not have a real existence in reality; They are forms created by thought, and
therefore subject to variation and modification according to the evolution of thought. What moves in the depth of the
essence is beyond thought; Man repeats what he thinks and what he thinks motivates him, but the impulse of the One
lives within himself with greater force in his depth, hence only from him can emanate the force that seeks its original
source and its return to it.

Beliefs, dogmas and doctrines become apparent to the observer who seeks transcendent reality, and therefore does
not stop along the way analyzing group positions, because the root force is the same.


With you Oxiram.

Question: What is the Ego?

It is the role with which they come to act in material existence. But it's just a means to
develop and contribute to others what is intended to be for the good of all.
The Ego is an opportunity for growth in consciousness. It does not limit anyone because as it is the role that has
been given to each person based on their greater or lesser merit, a lot will depend on how they face it and take advantage
of it so that it allows them to evolve.
As in a play, each actor is assigned a character in the play, and it will depend on the stage work of each one so that
in the next performances, there are promotions and the secondary actors can play leading roles or first roles.

Question: Who assigns each person their role?

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At first they are the "Guardians of destiny" (ruling entities of births), who assign each person their role; But little by little it is oneself who,
depending on the personal dedication that makes him stand out, rehearsing over and over again, will be able to apply for more important roles
or simply choose them when he deserves them.

Question: Why do we forget our origin and let ourselves be enveloped by the character?

Because it is not easy to keep your conscience awake, in a world of illusions and deceptive forms. Furthermore, when they least think
about it, they have become so involved with the work that they do not remember anything other than what they have in their hands. Certainly
the danger is when one gives his own life to his
creation, and it begins to manifest itself. Also on Earth there are evil forces, of extraterrestrial origin, trapped in another dimension, which
mentally do the impossible to distract the evolutionary progress of human beings, stimulating the passions that end up involving them and
causing them to fall into a kind of torpor or amnesia.

It depends a lot on your personal effort that you can remain aware of your reality.

Question: Some schools of mysticism and spirituality talk about the death of the Ego; that's ok?

If the Ego is the character that allows you to appear in the work, how are you going to end it. The idea is not to destroy the ego, nor to
engage in a war to the death with it, but to know how to use it without losing the awareness that they are actors playing a role; and that role
cannot end before the work has so arranged. But it depends a lot on you and the charisma you have been cultivating so that the character
stands out by itself in the interpretation, no matter how brief the intervention may have been.

close encounters
With you in contact Ossim.
Question: How important is physical contact?

The physical encounter will occur in due time, and it will be like when two friends meet in a room.
same path, walking.
The physical encounter is first between you and yourselves. Next, the third phase will occur, they will see us descend from our ships,
and later they will accompany us in them to receive a special, more profound and committed instruction.

Everything comes in time. First are the increasingly closer sightings of our ships, always with prior notice. After a few days we prepare
them astrally through dreams where they see us and feel us. Then come the Xendras, which are the interdimensional doors where you are
projected physically or mentally. Then comes the definitive physical contact. It is assumed that when they reach this stage, the process of
physical, mental and spiritual preparation and purification has reached its maximum level.

The lack of continuity, the inconstancy in your personal and group work can postpone this meeting that is as important for you as it is for
us, because we are all part of the Cosmic Plan.

Contacts with us cannot be an end or a goal, nor something essential for their evolution in such a way that they dedicate all their
attention to achieving it, but rather they must be one more step within the mission.

There have already been several brothers who have had experiences of physical contact and have relived them after a certain time with
greater intensity. This should serve as an incentive for you to create the conditions yourselves to facilitate it.

Question: Why are there people who, without any preparation, have had direct physical encounters?

If you care about being well informed, you will realize that the most important people contacted, who have lived and repeated the
experiences, did have prior preparation. Another thing is the people who experience contact and it is not repeated. Many of these cases are of
people who are serving to carry out a sampling that allows evaluating various aspects of the current human being. With them you are not
looking for a contact but rather to complete an investigation or carry out a study. With you it's different. We have extended our friendship to
you, and we have summoned you as an invitation to be part of a planetary aid mission. This has been so not because we consider that they
are better than the rest, but
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yes because your evolutionary maturity allowed it. For us, others are like children, where one can take the
responsibility to consider what is best without consulting, of course without attacking and as long as it is something
good and positive.
Question: What is preventing many brothers from achieving physical contact?

What is preventing these brothers from carrying out the preparation program? Could it not be that they want to
live experiences without having to make an effort to deserve them? To whom more is given, more will be asked, so
be careful when operating universal laws.
Inconstancy and lack of commitment is what is preventing contact in the scheduled time.

Question: If we lose our rhythm in preparation and feel stuck, what do you recommend?

If they wish to advance and continue identifying with the essence of the mission, which is communication and
contact, they must renew themselves, supporting new groups, spreading the best of everything they have received
and discovered; reestablishing the bridge of light between you every day, meditating together and thus you will see
how the thread between us and you is united and strengthened, because then - already mentally and emotionally
predisposed - it will be easy for you to receive messages again.

Question: And once physical contact is achieved, what else?

Contact is receiving to give. Give a message and knowledge that justifies the effort deployed, both by you and
by us. But above all a better example of unity, integration and service.

When you understand that it is useless for you to understand everything, if there is no love in your attitudes and
actions, only then will they begin to perfect your change.
Physical contact will mark a stage of consolidation of objectives, which will allow you to disseminate with
authority but not convince; make people feel supported but not reward; fulfill the plan outlined for this mission. But
only when the triple balance is present in you.
Physical contact will occur with those who have managed to raise their vibrational rate.
On many of your outings we have been on the verge of approaching each other for direct physical contact, but
we have detected fear and in some cases anguish over the commitment that would derive from such an experience.
That is why we are waiting for the moment, which will be your moment.


Kulba in touch with you, peace and love.

Question: What is energy?

It is all the potentiality of the universe in the universe, both that which surrounds you and that which is within
It is the force that gives life and movement to life. Everything and everyone is energy, vibrating at different
There are energies that you have never used, and that under normal conditions do not activate themselves.
Only through a proper mental attitude, achieved by strengthening the will, do the internal and external activators
awaken the dormant potentials.

Question: How do you see the advances of scientists on Earth?

On Earth, scientists are working with particle accelerators, aiming to reach high energies, and with this they are
discovering that it is possible to work in a simpler way with particles than with other energies. Well, precisely, mystics
do the same but through their meditations. Certainly, if one seeks to influence the universe that surrounds him, he
must begin with his inner universe, because in the infinitely small there is also the infinitely large.

Internal and personal work displays a chain reaction of collective affectation. But to see the results of this you
have to have patience and perseverance. And even if we do not intend those results, the consequences will sooner
or later be manifest.
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To work with internal energies you must begin by forcing your own body, transcending fear, thereby overcoming
the first barrier: that of apparent limitations.
Fear is the main obstacle to achieving changes and working with the capacity for transformation, brought by
the new energies that are arriving at this moment on the planet. Energies that will accelerate internal and external
variations, requiring preparation for their adaptation.

Question: What would be the correct attitude when working with energies?

While the person remains superficial and oblivious to the transformations, he or she is impervious to the
positive influence of the new energies that, as forces of change, can help us be the active agents of planetary
change. And also, without an adequate predisposition, the energies act aggressively on the various vehicles or
bodies of the individual. For this reason, you must work on the dimension of depth in your existence, which is the
attitude of permeability, assuming meditation as the appropriate tool, which opens you up to receive and amplifies
your ability to use energy. Additionally, it increases your ability to channel and share with others.

Question: What is meditation?

It is an alignment of the individual with the energies of the universe. It is a discovery of antenna and bridge
of contact with the cosmos.
If you become aware that everything in the universe is energy, and you are part of it, you just have to learn to
let it flow. It all depends on the right attitude, so that the forces of nature act through you; and meditation as a
technique and practice, leads you to that.

Question: How important are positive and negative thoughts in our life?

Every useless thought represents environmental pollution and at the same time a great amount of wasted
energy, because creation is mental and your thoughts are a creation process that should be optimal and wonderful.
Don't waste a single thought. Learn to conserve your strength by not wasting energy on negative or inappropriate

Question: If our mind is so powerful, why until now have we not been able to change the world panorama,
which continues to drag the injustices, chaos and selfishness of the last five thousand years?

Because you yourselves are not aware of your potential, nor do you believe in yourself. Only when you
discover that the universe is composed of energy and that it is waiting to be molded by your wills, the same ones
that must have been previously worked on, only then will the world panorama change definitively because it will
have already changed before in you.

Guardians of destiny

From the Confederation ships at the Blue Base in the jungle of South America, we contact you to answer your

Question: Is there a destiny?

Everything is subject to a destiny, to a life plan. Nothing is left to chance. But it is not something immovable,
on the contrary it can be modified based on a firm willpower and through an awakened conscience.

We are the consequence of our past lives, subject to a long process of learning and evolutionary growth.

Question: What is destiny itself?

It is the program of existential activities planned for the development and evolutionary advancement of the being.
It exists for our benefit and not for anyone's harm.
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Question: Who establishes it and who enforces it?

The intention of destiny is none other than to ensure that everyone has the same initial starting point, and
that they can achieve future transcendence based on individual effort, and at the same pace.
that each one applies.
Those in charge of establishing and enforcing it are the so-called "Guardians of destiny."
(Lords of Karma). They, like the director of a school, have developed a course program (a curricular system) - and
activities to be developed according to each person's grade level.
Always citing examples consistent with your planetary reality, imagine a small child sent to your schools. His
parents did not ask him if he wanted to go to study or not. They just took him there because they assumed it was
best for him. But when that child grows up he will be able to decide if he wants to continue studying or not; if you
want to do it at that or another school; if you choose this or that profession, etc.

The greater our evolutionary age, which is the same as saying the greater maturity and consciousness
throughout the different existences, the greater the margin to choose the conditions of each new birth and what
each existence will be.

Question: Are those “Lords of destiny” three aliens, angels or what?

As you well know, all of us, including you, belong to a material universe of seven dimensions, and beyond, in
a higher octave as in music, there is a parallel universe that is no longer material but mental, and that beings who
come from there, are no longer extraterrestrials but ultraterrestrials. They are the Creator Parents of the Material
Universe, and it is from that sphere "of the mental" that the "Lords of destiny" in charge of the process of
advancement and growth of consciousnesses come.

Question: How can you use so many examples related to our daily lives? How come they are so familiar
with our way of life?

They forget that we have been visiting them since before humanity emerged on the face of the planet.
Furthermore, our visits have been with a certain periodicity, and for a few decades now some of us have been
infiltrating your culture without attracting attention, trying to go as unnoticed as possible and they have succeeded.
This way we have been able to take the pulse of humanity, feeling what it feels and becoming very sensitive to it.
Also remember that from outside and from a distance we intercept all communications from your communication
systems, from satellites to common and normal transmissions. Needless to say, on a telepathic mental level
through the voluntarily assumed receiving antennas, which allows us to know many things and learn a lot and

Question: If there are more of us than there were before, how do you explain the reincarnation from which
so many people have come?

New beings are continually emerging from the "Cosmic Pool" or "Collective Soul" of nature. The
condensation of new essences does not end, and the current problem that is presented to them is that with
overpopulation and the indiscriminate death of animals, the planetary pond is overflowing, and the new spirits that
are emerging cannot find the primitive favorable place to unwrap There are not enough primitive villages to house
them, so they are reincarnating in large cities which are gradually becoming true wild human jungles.

Question: Can a person from Earth reincarnate on another planet?

Of course... When one evolves beyond the average evolutionary level of the planet, one can choose between
continuing in one's world or reincarnating on higher planets. But not before I had done what I had to do. Remember:
"one must be where he can fulfill his mission." And if you have had to evolve on Earth, find your purpose, because
it exists.

Question: And can an alien reincarnate on Earth?

The Earth is a planet of a very special category within the worlds; and at this moment due to very particular
conditions that make it find itself at the end of a cosmic cycle and the beginning of another,
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Their situation is like that of a school that at the end of the school year is preparing to give the opportunity
so that all its students and many others coming from nearby private, religious and state schools can take an end-of-
year exam. Each one for the grade that corresponds to him.

Question: Why is this happening?

Your world is entering a process of resizing, which means an elevation

vibrational. Certainly you are entering a transition into the fourth dimension.
Therefore, those who reach the appropriate evolutionary level for the process will continue on Earth but now
under different conditions or will reincarnate on more evolved planets. Those who do not achieve the required level
will have to incarnate on planets like Earth, but before the great purification, and they will have to wait for a new
cosmic cycle.

Question: Returning to the Guardians of Destiny, are they the ones who appear at the end of a tunnel when
the person is about to die?

Destiny establishes the period of duration of the process by which the individual can carry out learning related
to the present existence. This does not mean that the person cannot die before that date or after that date, because
destiny, we reiterate, is not something immovable. For example:
If at the end of a life of personal achievements in the service of others, such as their own family, the person had not
finished with the assigned mission, but was about to achieve it, they can be given an extension of time, or granted
an existence under very similar conditions, to complete what has been started. In the first case, the person would
live what you have called: "An experience of Life after Life." And that being of light at the end of the tunnel observed
during the trauma of detachment, and that many identify with Jesus or with an angel or with family members, is none
other than
the Guardians, waiting for you to receive you or give you instructions.

Question: What determines the number of years one will live?

It is very relative because they know well that it does not depend on quantity but on quality in life to do more or
better things for oneself and for others. But depending on the case, it could be due to the amount of time pending
from past lives or the need for greater opportunities to share with others, which we should not waste.

Question: How long does it take to incarnate between one existence and another?

More or less the same number of years that he lived and up to a margin of two hundred years between one life
and another. Although currently due to global overpopulation and planetary evolutionary requirements, many people
take a very short time to return, some a year are already returning to

Let's take an example: a young man committed suicide at the age of twenty due to severe depression, but he
was going to live according to his destiny for fifty years. That was the time allotted for his life to include certain trips
and experiences of sharing with many people; but all this was frustrated. That person will have to wait the thirty
years that he or she needs to live in a dimension bordering the physical world, which is called: "Under astral." And
when he incarnates again, he will live only the thirty years he had pending.

Question: Would that explain why there are people who die shortly after being born or a year later, or

Certainly yes... There are people who slowly commit suicide through alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and the
consumption of all types of stimulants. These people may be dying a year, a month or a day before the initially
expected date; and that is what you will have to live with afterwards, that is, the remaining difference.

Question: But if the process of evolution is personal and non-transferable, why should what is supposedly
part of each person's individual process affect us?

The human being evolves by interacting with others. There is no isolated evolution. And things are arranged
so that they not only evolve depending on how they face the
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circumstances that affect you directly but also indirectly, through those closest to you.

Remember that an important part of the evolutionary process is when you let love affect you.
through solidarity, charity and compassion.

Question: How many incarnations does one have to live to evolve?

That's relative, it depends on each person. From the effort one assigns to the process.
Returning to the example of your schools, there is a normally established time to complete basic, intermediate and
higher studies, but there are those who take longer and those who take less.
There are those who demand it by standing out and those who take it without responsibility, this is also how it works in
the process of reincarnations.
Hoping to have been able to clarify some points for you, we say goodbye, your guides Etel and Dracel.


From a place very close to you in communication, your sister guide Anitac.

Question: What is an Extraterrestrial Guide?

It is someone from another world who out of love stands in solidarity with the humanity of your planet, and who with
conscience and responsibility is willing to serve a greater plan, guiding those human beings who vibrationally have the
ability to come into harmony with a mission, May it serve as a chain reaction awakening other minds and hearts.

A guide is a counselor, an emissary of high hierarchies, with whom he is in turn in contact.

And so, with such inspiration he maintains his closeness with missionaries in the world, encouraging them in a continuous
motivation of practical advice, reflections and various guidelines.
Wake up children of light and the new cosmic race and contemplate your transcendent destiny!
Wake up from your slumber and indifference, and use your powers and abilities that are infinite.
Fill your hearts with love, living the life of unity and harmony.
Recognize your possibilities today and follow the guiding voice of your guide, who offers you genuine friendship from
the stars, and helps you remember: what, where and with whom to do what to do.

Question: Do we all have a guide?

We must distinguish between a spiritual guide and an extraterrestrial guide.

We all have spiritual guides pending our walk in life. From our "Real Being or Inner Master", to true angels or
interdimensional beings, among which may include some highly evolved relative, that a voice has crossed the threshold
and not needing to reincarnate immediately, acts from the sphere where it is located as a guide and protector. But an
extraterrestrial guide is different.

An extraterrestrial guide is not personal but collective. There are guides for groups, cities and countries. And they are
dedicated to guiding based on specific contact missions, as is the case of Mission Rama, which has 49 guides for this

Question: How easy can we connect with our corresponding guide?

All those who move in the vibratory frequency of the guide must awaken from the deep sleep and dangerous lethargy
in which they find themselves, and which manifests itself in the wrong selfish, base and worthless desires of their materialistic
world that distracts them, making them lose their seen what is truly important in your existence. Only with a positive mental
attitude and through adequate awareness, can they be prepared to allow the connection to be established.

You can communicate with those beings that are on the same wavelength or frequency as you, so understand the
effort that guides make to get closer and strengthen ties that allow communication, which you yourselves must maintain.

They are receiving guidance from extraterrestrial guides to eventually become guides.
of land, in turn guiding others.
Each one must recognize their place in the work of awakening all those who are in darkness and ignorance, because
we are all guides in one way or another. Help each other to raise
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conscience to the knowledge of the power of good that lies in their hearts, showing the great responsibility they have both
individually and collectively in the concert of the worlds.
No one can guide if there is no one who feels and recognizes their need to be guided.
You are the instruments through which the universe can collaborate and intervene positively in your process. We can
operate in your world only if you, today increasingly aware, manage to interpret the intention of our help. Under no
circumstances can we create dependencies. The greatest effort must now come from you.

Question: How far can we count on your help?

We will help everyone as they need it and as long as they maintain their vocation of service to others, and each one
according to their own path of action. But we can only intervene when they make their inner self permeable to the message
of commitment and planetary change. Our strength can only be used to help others, so
they should not be surprised.
that the planet is being protected from those who do not come with good intentions.

Question: If there are problems in the universe with not well-intentioned civilizations, what can we expect from
our civilization?

For various reasons, you are the synthesis of the universe that surrounds you. They are a project and an experiment,
physical, mental and spiritual. What is achieved here will inspire others, even though many
of those others are more evolved in certain aspects.
Learn to live to help and to sustain the positive changes that seek perfection. Strengthen yourselves and you will
protect yourself from all attacks, letting the light flow within you that will radiate benefiting others.

Remember that our objective is to guide humanity so that it knows its possibilities, and comes to guide those who
guided it... Like the child, taken by the hand in its first steps and then with the years, offering its hand and arm as an adult,
accompanying the last steps of his elderly father.

Here is your Godar guide.

Anyone who wishes to contact a guide must, in order to achieve and maintain contact, assimilate and observe the

- Try to be disciplined in mind and spirit.

- Try to be humble regarding the observations and suggestions of those who guide you.
- Try to be cautious and cautious because the path of light is prone to mirages and dazzling.

- Try to be rational but at the same time spiritual, one thing does not contradict the other.
- Try to be a source of love for others and let yourself be loved.
- Try to be an example of life because the Mission that brings us together is to be a Sun on Earth.

And the important thing is to try. Nobody demands that you achieve it, but that you try again and again; and when
Unless you think about it, you will have advanced more than you imagine.

Dear brothers in the light, Xendor in communication.

Many times they have complained about the lack of an effective guide that allows them to know in advance what to
do and what not to do. But this is not correct, because this limits your capacity for self-determination at the individual and
group level. You are in a situation similar to that of a child
that he must learn to walk according to his own will and not only when an elder is at his side, constantly helping him. Take
the risk of being and achieving things for yourself.

She, Oxalc.
We give them messages that are life guidelines, diverse orientations according to the current moment they are living
and with a certain projection towards a medium future, which allows them to prepare for increasingly more committed
stages. You must be in charge of channeling these communications, applying them because discipline is involved, and
obedience to those who have greater experience and knowledge, and humility in the face of that which, although you do
not understand, will be discussed later.
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It will be clear and make sense. This is the first level that will allow you a complete understanding of the Mission at
hand and that commits you to humanity.
As your guides we tell you that you must learn to eradicate selfishness, vanity, and pride in your groups. You
will achieve this if you increase the moments of dialogue between you and seek to share as many activities as
We maintain permanent observation of the groups' development, so they must know how to interpret that
sometimes our distance or absence on outings responds to the
fact of not agreeing with your attitudes and behaviors, which are not typical of missionaries in the light.

Question: Should we do what you say?

No way!... Always do what is best, and for this follow your own discernment.
The responsibility is yours in the process of evolution, knowing whether or not to take the most appropriate advice
and guidelines.
We are not your judges or your bosses, just older brothers who act as counselors who give you teachings,
when you are able to ask for them, value them and apply from them what you believe is reasonable and
redeemable. We cannot direct or even less make decisions for you.

Throughout the process, more than once they have neglected our advice, delaying the Mission, and confusing
the message, allowing all kinds of misleading information to be introduced that bring them no benefit, but rather
hinder them.
Remember that as your guides we have insisted on humility as the correct attitude to allow yourself to be
guided. But many times they have preferred to leave aside the receptions and messages, or
They simply receive them but do not comply with them, or they do not reread them and forget precise guidelines for
this or that moment. Doubts increase when preparation is neglected, distancing them from the optimal vibrational state
that makes it impossible for them to fail.

Question: What can we do to avoid doubts?

Take preparation and inner work seriously. It's time they learned to be disciplined,
which is the same as being obedient to the inner voice that vibrates in the spirit of the mission.

White Brotherhood

With you Olmex.

The White Brotherhood is actively working on the mission for humanity.

Time is for action and only those who know how to see it that way and work committedly for it will have the
opportunity to see and feel a new dawn of hope.
Your job does not require you to do different things than you did before, but rather to do the same thing or do
it with a different attitude. Take advantage to radiate through every situation that arises.
present to you, feeling that true love is not realized with words but with actions that help your humanity; These
facts will mean positive energies that allow everyone to have the opportunity to see the light and follow it.

Question: What is the White Brotherhood?

It is the government of the Local Universe.

Your Galaxy along with others revolves around a Central Galaxy, which is the one you know as Andromeda.
All of this makes up a group or local universe, of which there are hundreds of billions in space.

Each Galaxy has its own government which is the sum of the most evolved worlds, capable of helping itself
and others that are in the process of evolution. For example, what you know as the Milky Way is directed by the
Twenty-Four Elders or Council of the Confederation of Worlds. And all satellite galaxies have a representative in
the Central Galaxy where there is the so-called Andromeda Council of Nine, or also known as the White
Brotherhood of the Star, whose symbol is the six-pointed star, symbol of cosmic balance.

The White Brotherhood of the Star is the one who, in coordination with the Twenty-Four Elders, arranged to
come to Earth thousands of years ago, an interplanetary peace force composed of
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thirty-two extraterrestrial teachers or instructors. They descended into the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, establishing a
system of intraterrestrial bases throughout the planet where much of the information about the Cosmic Plan on
Earth was stored. The reason for this is that when the time of maturity of humanity arrives, you yourselves can
access these archives to hasten the definitive awakening of consciences, and counteract the snares of negative
These thirty-two visitors became the first White Brotherhood of the Earth, the same one that has been
gradually replaced by people from your own world with a high level of evolution, who little by little have been
evaluated, formed, and inviting you to integrate it.

Question: What do we as a contact group have to do with the White Brotherhood?

One of the objectives of the contact is to enter into communication with the White Brotherhood of the Inner
Retreats, and subsequently have direct contact with them in order to receive the Book of the White Vestments,
which is nothing other than the Hidden Annals. of the Planetary History of the Earth.

In order to achieve these objectives, they would have to be willing to improve themselves, defeating
themselves every day and transcending external forms to be able to represent the entire world.
humanity to receive something that belongs to all humanity and to be able to share it with everyone without
She, Oxalc.

Question: Can you give us some information about contact with the White Brotherhood?

Contact with the White Brotherhood is vital because it is a cosmic encounter that is achieved through you,
after a time of isolation. Yes, the Earth and those who live on it were far from the Galactic Hierarchy, since the
planet had to be isolated to prevent the contamination and escape of negative entities that were deposited on the
planet, with the responsibility of redeeming themselves and helping them evolve, but finally they did the opposite.
They have been stalking man, trying to lead him towards self-destruction, in order to free themselves. But to the
extent that the human being becomes aware of his potential, and to the extent that a definition is produced in him

towards the light, the possibilities of influence and manipulation are reduced.
Today there is a planetary movement and current towards light and truth, with a great force of change, which
is returning hope to your planet, which is a plane of evolution, a space within the great universal space.

Contact with the White Brotherhood of the Earth occurs after the rapprochement with the Cosmic White
Brotherhood occurred through the Twenty-Four Elders. This prior contact was necessary to receive the responsibility
of being just custodians of the key to hidden knowledge, which today becomes manifest. And for this to happen, it
is required that they demonstrate humility, courage, charity, detachment and faith.

The final meeting will take place as a key element of a preparation process that has already begun but has
not yet been completed.

She, Oxalc.

Humanity awaits you and needs you willing to consciously cause an acceleration of your light vibration: you
are self-summoned and as such you have assumed responsibilities that you cannot discard.

They asked to see the light and it was shown to them, so they have to assume the role that within you
It exists, programmed since ancient times, so that today it arises naturally and spontaneously.
You are the seed of a New Humanity, in your youth are inserted the
genetic and mental changes that make this a fact.
The White Brotherhood has waited for you until this part of the process, but now reminds you that the bell has
already rung and it is time for you to connect with your inner temple, so that you may receive instruction and
guidance from the one who dwells in it, to awaken in definitive form to your real programming, letting your being
be the maker of your lives, so that one day they become an active part of the Cosmic Plan.

She, Oxalc.
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Since they were called by the White Brotherhood to make such or such trips, many have been made, and
many people have participated; But there have been few who have consciously vibrated with the message of the
mission, and he with the plan behind it.
Travel is not only about joining places, but about awakening the dormant wisdom that rests on the planet,
activating consciousness in each place to take advantage of everything that has been left there. Anyone who
attends a commitment of this type should know that they are not going in their personal capacity but on behalf of
others. Only then will they have a lot to share afterwards, beyond the anecdotes.
Those who attend a mission trip or contact outing must have applied everything they have been taught
throughout the entire mission process, otherwise they will not understand anything, and
They will not perceive anything, but their presence will be of no use to anyone, then dispersing into dark
justifications and interpretations.
It is true that there have been doors that have been opened and places that have been activated, but despite
this, the efforts deployed have not been sufficiently used. Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity that is
presented to you to be channels and antennas, activators and bridges in places to which the White Brotherhood
has summoned you more than once so that what was hidden comes to light, and what remained in darkness be
The emissaries of the White Brotherhood will be at your side closer every day, supervising your steps. Let
yourselves be guided by the light of the heart; They vibrate in tune with the mission and are carriers and
representatives par excellence of the plan.
Peace brothers, Anitac here.

Rejoice because in your world favorable conditions are being created for the vibrational level to approach the
fourth dimension of consciousness. With your personal and group efforts, you are making it possible for help to be
given as established in the Cosmic Plan, on the one hand by the White Brotherhood of the Star and on the other
by the White Brotherhood of the Earth, which together
With the workers of the work represented by you, servants of the light, the positive that was written is being
achieved to be fulfilled in the times of change on this planet of experimentation and, at the same time, many new
things are being written full of hope, which will soon make your world join the planets of the Confederation to be
part of helping other worlds.


Yes, we are your brother guides on mission.

Question: Could you tell us about Karma?

What is called Karma on Earth is nothing other than the learning process or curriculum by which you are
subject to a destiny. Returning to the examples based on your daily process, imagine a student at a university.
During this period you must take certain courses and you have one semester to study and learn them. All of this
constitutes symbolically speaking: the destiny of the present incarnation. But as you know, despite the fact that
their processes aim to be orderly fixed, it is easy to see that the established deadlines are not always met and that
Variations can be due to many circumstances, sometimes generated by the individual and sometimes not, and
may end sooner or later.
The approval or failure of each subject constitutes "karma". What is not approved will have to be repeated
until it is overcome; while what has already been learned directs one toward more complex and profound subjects.
In no way does karma mean punishment, but on the contrary they are the necessary opportunities to grow in
Those in charge of applying karma are the "Lords of Karma" or "Guardians of destiny",
with whom what each incarnation is going to be is negotiated.
Everything that is assigned to the individual or is allowed to happen to him, is ready to help him in his
improvement. Precisely depending on how you face life and difficulties, or how you make use of the facilities that
are presented to you, your spiritual advancement and growth will depend.

Question: What factors influence how long a person will live?

As time does not really exist and rather is subject to mental forms, depending on the dimension that is handled
and this obeying vibratory states, the Guardians of destiny generally take as a basis to establish someone's life
time, the life space.
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time necessary for the appropriate circumstances to pass and occur so that said person can create around them
the environment conducive to knowing themselves and improving themselves. If the person does not give himself
the opportunity and rather misses it, he will have to return again and again under similar circumstances, but
perhaps each time he will have less time to achieve the same thing; or be asked more in shorter periods.

They know well that the value of an existence does not depend on the number of years, but on the quality and
richness of said existence.

Question: How many years do you live compared to us?

Our time is not yours.

We can live one three thousand years of yours. But because our physical, mental and spiritual way of life is
healthy, our mind being the one that dominates the body; and we also have greater control and knowledge over
the purpose of our existence. This allows for a fuller life, without attachments, but it also allows you to manage it
better by being able to vary the deadlines with a certain will.

But although it may seem strange to you, we can live more but we can achieve less than you. This is because
where they are, they can advance light years in their evolution compared to us, as long as the contrast and difficulty
allow it. While on our planets, where we have reached very high levels, we live in evolutionary stagnation, where it
is difficult to be better than one is.

Question: So there is no punishment? Does nothing that happens to us happen because we deserve it?

Everything in life is dual, and it depends on how one faces it. What for one person may be great obstacles and
limitations for another may be a challenge or a great opportunity to develop their capabilities. It all depends on the
attitude with which you face life.
Although it is true that everything depends on the attitude towards things, we cannot deny something that is a
fact in the universe and that is the existence of universal laws, and among them is the law of Cause and Effect,
which teaches us that by Every positive or negative act, word or thought will generate a reaction around us, which
will eventually manifest as a consequence. This is the same as saying: "one reaps what one sows, both in this and
in other existences"... That is why in your sacred writings it is said: "Do unto others as you would have them do
unto you, and do not do unto others." what you don't want them to do to you."

Question: How is it that karma uses us with other people?

Returning to the school analogy, there are times that in a certain course you coincide in the same classroom
with certain students as classmates, and with this or that teacher. That is not a product of chance. It can be
explained in many ways, such as: that they entered that type of study at the same time; or who share an affinity of
interests; or that they are following the same career to achieve the same thing in life, etc.

Just as we told you that karma, you must understand it as a learning process, so also
The teaching tells them that there is no possibility of growing internally except through others.
Each person around you, whether closer or further away, is like a teacher for you, both good and bad. You
must be attentive to extract the best teaching from your human relationships.

Be open to learning from everything and everyone, but without this meaning giving others the opportunity to
hurt you. Your relatives are not around you to harm you or make your life impossible but to strengthen you and, at
the same time, to grow together;
surpassing each day. No one is by your side to hinder you but so that you learn to love each other.

The more they try to escape from certain responsibilities, the more times they will return to them. Nothing has
been left to chance, they are where they are for a reason; in the place and with the people they live with. Try to
take advantage of that opportunity by discovering why and doing what is expected of you. Because nothing lasts
forever, and every situation is an opportunity for growth that should not be wasted.

Question: What karmic ties exist between you and us?

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The connection between planets karmically united through a shared history requires
people like you to maintain ties of unity and mutual help without creating dependencies.
There is a powerful karmic relationship of mutual learning in which you, through the ministry of love, in your supreme exaltation
through forgiveness, come to create the conditions to help us overcome states of evolutionary stagnation, acting as the light in the path,
and at the same time so that we can intervene more directly in your world to make you remember previously assumed commitments, and
this requires you to know more about our relationship with you. For this reason, they have been vibrationally prepared to accompany us on
trips through the Solar System and outside of it. First with a few and then with many more. It is important that they not only know but also
feel our intentions.

Not only will it be one, if they prepare and maintain the appropriate attitude, there may be many who live experiences like this.

Question: What can you tell us about the karmic ties among those of us who form contact groups?

There are places on Earth that have brought together more than once those whose cosmic terminations vibrate in the same
termination; Some of these places are centers of power, of concentration of planetary and cosmic energies, from where humanity can be
Everyone ends up returning to the places where they walked in the past, sooner or later, but
Never before has one used their cosmic key as a material name because it is a key of inner opening.

Question: What can you tell us about planetary karma due to the indiscriminate killing of animals, which is leading many of them
to extinction?

There are animal species that selfishness and foolishness have made disappear from the face of the Earth, but this does not mean
that they have become extinct forever because many are preserved outside the Earth and will be replaced in due course, when the
panorama of the Earth is another and there is not only a new face, but one heart.

It is true that a lot of blood has been spilled on the planet and therefore, many misfortunes such as wars will continue to occur;
catastrophes and accidents that seek to compensate for those situations, and also aim to teach humanity what the consequences of their
misguided attitude are.

Question: What about the karma of those who were called and did not respond to the invitation or hindered the process with their
inappropriate attitude?

Everyone has the opportunity to rectify themselves, but we tell them not to hinder the mission process. If you do not understand the
processes, worry about meditating on it or discussing it until you can understand it, but do not let your narrow-mindedness and selfish
personal interests, as well as in some cases spite, lead you to deny what you do not understand or what you have not understood. touched
to live, otherwise they will face greater tension, lending themselves to the play of negative energies.

The word
With you in Meth communication.

The fifth main energy vortex located in the throat is responsible for developing in
all of us the power of the word.
It is the word that with the force of vibration is capable of creating, building and also destroying. The word resonates in time, and is
recorded in the environment, in the subtle bodies of the planet (in the magnetic belt) as well as in things and in the air.

With the word you give life, and various reactions are generated around you. Therefore, with the word one faces a true test of fire.
Take care of your language. Make each word a star, a guide for walkers in the darkness of the night of conscience; something

worth seeing and listening to.

Make sure that each word has a perfect and complete meaning because by the word we were created and
Through it we approach the record of our origin.

Question: How important can the conscious use of the word be?
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The word must be directed towards light and truth, otherwise darkness, confusion and slander will surround you.

You must eradicate from your language every foul word that itself contains its load of negativity, because it
contaminates the environment; rather make each word be light, generate life and
hope, that encourages and spreads love and brotherhood.
Make the secret power of each word expand throughout the universe, shining like the stars. For this, wrap each
word and thought in love, so that it is a reason for happiness, joy and union.

The verb must return to the verb, for this it must have as a requirement charity, fraternity and
compassion. It must obey a healthy intention such as helping.
The word must have the freshness of dawn, the joy of nature manifested in song.
of the birds. The word must contain the serenity and responsibility of an adult, the wisdom of an old man, the naivety
of a child, the innocence of a baby and the tenderness of a mother.

Comment: With so many requirements in the end no one would talk!

The word is a great responsibility, that is why we speak little and say a lot. In the
Earth there is a lot of ignorance about all this.
Your word must build as a building is built, with deep foundations that, although not perceived with the naked
eye, exist. These solid foundations must be spiritual, on which the walls can be built to resist the attacks of storms
and snares. And the word must strengthen as cement strengthens.

The word when manifested must be pure as dew, simple and beautiful as flowers, graceful and
agile as the arts and crystal clear as the clean water of a mountain stream.
Do not allow your word to cease to be clear and direct, firm but sweet, tender and soft but
knows how to correct when it comes to error, so that it reflects the transparency of the soul.
The word must always be directed towards a good purpose, in such a way that it reflects the essence
of God that we carry inside, so that the word becomes flesh...
From now on, think before you speak. Do not emit meaningless energy, remember that you have
A wonderful instrument, don't waste it.
Don't fill this world surrounded by negativity with more meaningless energy. From now on, emit light with the
word; Illuminate your path and that of others. Be dawns in the darkness of so many wayward villages, but looking
for the words that radiate positive energy, that clarify and read guidance in the darkness.

From now on, practice speaking only positive language. All the bad and negative
Speak it in the past so they will help transmute it.


She, Oxalc.

Each one must be a sun on Earth, so that with the preparation they are receiving and with everything
what each one must come to know, be lighthouses for Humanity that needs light.
The current moment is one of crisis, but a crisis of growth typical of a change of phase.
The Earth is changing and humanity has to vibrate in accordance with said change, which is why
It requires the joint work of all the groups that are preparing to help.
Use all the means at your disposal so that as many people as possible can receive the message and prepare
as well. We will be in charge of raising awareness among the world's population with our increasingly forceful and
continuous presence. Remember that time is shortening and the events that will arise will create a lot of tension.

Question: What can you tell us about the future of the mission?

They will soon change the entire perspective they had of the development of the mission, since everyone will know about
certain events that will mark and define them with respect to each one's role.
They can no longer get lost in useless thoughts. The dedication to internal growth must be total, since soon all
those called to be light must shine to illuminate the path of humanity, do not forget it.

She, Oxalc.
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All the steps that have been taken as a group are well oriented towards achieving the priority objectives of the
mission, such as spiritualizing the human heart and mind, as well as sowing hope with new and positive attitudes.
You cannot imagine how close you are to the Cosmic Plan on Earth coming to fruition.

We feel satisfied with the work done, although we still expect more from everyone and, why not, also from
everything around you that moves as a consequence. We consider that the development of the groups today is
due to a sincere and honest contest of brave personal contributions. Therefore, maintain your own initiative,
patience and perseverance. The fact that they do not give in to the extreme negativity of the environment is a sign
of strength, conviction and courage. And this denotes that they are reaching, with the maturity that comes with
time and trials, the vitality to continue. They can't stay now, there's always less to go.

There are several places that would be important that will connect in Peru and in the world, and that is why it
has not been a coincidence that I have been hearing about them repeatedly. In this regard, we will tell you that a
bell has been ringing that seeks to awaken in you the intuition and the directives that you received at some point
on this and other planes, to act by working on points of connection and collection of energies, as well as intervening
in the rescue of knowledge hidden and protected from the past in these sites.

Little by little, we will clarify to those who are willing to act when and what places require your presence, to
activate and awaken, connect and receive information, as well as keys to internal knowledge about your mission
and the global plan. We will also allow ourselves to specify
in future receptions, the type of knowledge and what kind of task will be carried out when they come to be in the
right place and at the right time, aware of being representing all of humanity.

It is important, now more than ever, that you use your cosmic endings and your Cesium crystals in collective
meditation and concentration practices, and especially in the places that will be mentioned, as this will allow you
to have access to deep keys in the messages. , and open your consciousness by accessing other planes and
dimensions. Also prepare yourselves because the time comes when the conditions are again met to live new
Xendra experiences (dimensional steps.)

Each year will be more important in terms of approaches and events linked to the release of information, so
your task will increase in the dissemination and orientation of people, giving guidelines towards understanding the
moment to be lived. That year will mark irreversible transformations on the world scene. There will be forceful and
transcendental changes in the political, social and religious sphere, for the implementation of an increasingly
hopeful future, even though the process to get there will continue to be hard and violent. And it will be in the
religious field that there will be many changes and
statements, which will be increasingly compromising as well as revealing, shaking the foundations of their
traditional structures.
Now our presence and movements throughout the planet are acting as an indirect help that is putting pressure
on your society from outside and inside the Earth, because the time has arrived for the turn of time to occur, and
to begin to stabilize the planet.
In the next trips to designated places, meetings, connections and contacts are planned with us and with the
White Brotherhood of the interior retreats, which will allow them to strengthen themselves and take advantage of
the effort to be made. In addition, you will increasingly understand what is expected of you. They are attentive,
working on raising awareness so that they do not stop capturing or receiving what is there to be delivered and
Our presence will be increasingly manifest if you take your place in the committed way that is expected.

With love, Oxalc.

Yes, we are your brother guides on mission.

In relation to the places to connect in Peru, you have those that have already been repeated in various
messages: the Hayu Marka gate in Puno; the pyramid of Vilcashuamán in Ayacucho and the pyramid of the Three
Windows in Ollantaytambo (CUZCO). Outside of Peru there are Parauna in Goias (Brazil); Chapel of the Mount in
Córdoba (Argentina); Aurora in Paysandú and Salto (Uruguay). In Spain they will soon receive the names of other
important places in addition to Santiago de Compostela and Silos in Burgos, which will provide them with
information, various keys and many experiences.

Yes, We are your brother guides on mission. Close to you.

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In the cosmos there is everything, beings with various roles and missions. Some are warlike, others are
expansionist, others are peaceful, and there are true globetrotters; You are also no exception, there in your world.
Rather, you are to a certain extent the synthesis of the universe that surrounds you, although a convulsive synthesis in
an accelerated process of transformation.

Question: What can you tell us about the current stage of the mission?

The contact continues, and the work is not finished, it is the forms that have changed. You also have to shift
towards a more universal and less sectarian vision and posture. If not, they will demonstrate
that they did not understand anything because they stayed on the outside of the mission.

Question: How do you perceive the development of the people in the contact groups?

Some group members continue to create vicious circles that make you start but not finish. They are living a very
interesting and important moment. We know it is hard and difficult, but it is transcendental. Therefore, encourage
internal work, integration and contact outlets, and maintain communications because that is where the mission is.

Question: What should be our focus of attention in the mission?

The mission for which they were called has used the word "Rama" as a key activator of consciousness, which
means "Sun on Earth." Therefore, everyone who identifies with the contact process must know that their job is
fundamentally to be a sun on Earth, radiating with their example of life the hope of a better world. We know that this is
not easy, especially on a planet like yours and in a society like yours based on values that are not met, which makes it
plunge into deep contradictions.

The first stage of contact functioned as an alarm clock for them to experience the message of change in the
laboratory of their own lives and families; but now the time has come for them to open themselves in a single great
mission for humanity, without names or labels; without rigid forms or structures.

The great mission for humanity is to become love and give it. But do it with faith in change, and with hope in a
future that only exists as a projection of positive and constructive or negative destructive minds.

The mission is the effort that they must assume of gradual improvement, oriented towards the achievement of
increasingly higher levels of evolutionary advancement. A mission based on radiating hope with the example of life.

The mission of all of you goes beyond the responsibility that the rulers of the great nations have, when they are
consciously and responsibly called to give encouragement in the midst of the greatest desolation; to stand firm when
everyone around you fails; to preserve and live the faith when everyone doubts a planetary future; In other words: to be
light in the darkness.
Work for change. Assume individual and collective responsibilities, so you will be
supporting the Plan that has resolved to confront the darkness with the light of hope for all of you.
In the near future you will be the instructors of the new humanity, so retrace the steps that will lead you to increase
intuition and sensitivity. The information you need will be arriving to the extent that your receiving antennas finish
predisposing and balancing themselves, leaving fear and doubt aside. Creating the right conditions will require work
meetings with deep harmonizations.

She, Oxalc.

Let all groups reflect on what has been and will no longer be; about what everyone's participation has been and
what now has to be done. Meditate on what was previously useful and necessary and now must be otherwise, by law
of evolution and maturity of your consciences.

Question: Are they talking to us about a change?

The mission is to promote change, and the change in mission is to remember a previous preparation and take
the next step that is expected of you: Act!
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Change is nothing other than continuous renewal, constant improvement, rebirth in each day and in each
The transformation in you must come from a state of darkness and ignorance towards a
expansion of light and understanding.
Before they did not know that light existed, then they did not know that they needed that light; but now they know
that you need to achieve your own fulfillment: to become that light yourself.
The mission demands of you that you strive to achieve clarity of concepts and objectives, therefore give
yourself time for individual and group reflection. Only in this way will you be able to overcome the stages of gloom
and darkness, which cyclically descend upon your work. Only by facing ignorance with an openness to higher
guidance and guidance, as well as inner knowing, can you stand in the light.

The mission will now be what you allow it to be for each one of you, but for the plan, a breach has already
been made in the high wall built by ignorance and selfishness. They have achieved this through simplicity, originality,
courage and poise.
The mission of contact must unite the links of the great chain, so that each one takes its place, vibrates in its
place and establishes a community of related energies that strengthen each other; harmonically vibrant entities
that, as they were awakened, will continue to awaken others. From now on everything they do will stir consciences
and define the undecided.

Question: When does this mission end?

This mission does not end, it is only renewed to give way to work with all humanity, so that man can save
man, his people, his race, his humanity; and all this with your effort and our support.

Dear brothers, do not neglect your preparation because the stalker plays his last cards through deception,
apathy, apathy, discouragement, sadness and tension. Try to transcend the negative vibrations that frequently
surround you, freeing yourself from everything that detracts from your light. Shine through love and do not look
back at what you have already overcome. Only with faith keep moving forward.

The world's needs for guidance and orientation are increasing every day, as confusion and hopelessness have
increased, which is why the portal must be completely open at this time, so maintain communication not only with
us but with all groups. in the world, so that they coordinate global action as a great chain of planetary aid.

The mission also consists of maintaining contact, both with oneself and with those
willing to help humanity from outside.
Contact is a means of interaction in the planetary aid mission; channel solidarity and guiding interest without
creating dependencies. Dependencies are in the heart and mind of the immature being. You must walk on your
own feet, making your own decisions but based on the wide range of guidelines, advice and experience that is
provided to you.
In the mission, contact is the right mechanism by which we support each other in working towards the plan.

Make sure that within your group few people receive the messages but at the same time there are several;
and let everyone try. Everyone can and should take advantage of the contributions of the communication, regardless
of who receives it, as long as they maintain the rigor they already know in the analysis of the content.

Seek internal contact before external contact, and let the bridge be established, so that the information arrives.
There are many ways to contact and receive messages: whether in dreams, in meditation, through inspirations,
visions, symbolic activators, etc.
Each group on the mission must work on a permanent planetary irradiation, sowing light with their thoughts.
The place where each one is is that of their planetary responsibility, and is the important point where the actions of
the dark forces can be neutralized. Although many times it is not possible to avoid events, they will always be
affected or accelerated for the good of all. The constant irradiation will contribute to the transmutation of future
events, so that they are the least traumatic.

You have the mission to tune in as a group, vibrating and experiencing the elevation of perfect love. Each one
and together will perfect the harmony that begins in the individual soul and then is
extends to the mental community. They are called to mature the awareness of your creative capacity to love.
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The new contact groups that are formed must cultivate above all the substance and not the form of the
message. Thus, free of prejudices and schemes, they will be able to move towards achieving the fundamental
objectives of the mission, such as establishing the bridge between Earth and the
Cosmos, and ensure human transcendence, in the midst of darkness and confusion in the face of the brilliance
that confuses with true light. You are the workers of a great work, and you are working to lay the solid foundations
that are the essence, the values and principles for the realization of the Cosmic Plan. They must remember the
individual and collective mission, for which they must live the message.
The mission is to be a bridge of light, a means of passage, a channel of energies, a transmitter of guidelines,
awakener of consciences and source of love for a command in change and transition.
Each human being must assume the status of alternative through their example and personal attitude; only then will
they live the mission.


From the Azul base in the Amazon Rainforest your guide Titinac.

Question: Can you tell us about death?

Death is change in a dynamic universe of continuous transformation. death does not exist
really like the ultimate end of existence, because it is simply like a change of costume.
It is death like the last exam ending each school year. From the first day of class they know that it is one day
less until the final exam, and that after that comes the well-deserved vacation, which will prepare them to return
with new brilliance to the next course.

Question: Why do we have to die?

First they would have to ask themselves: why do we have to live? Why did your parents conceive you? What
is the purpose of life beyond the survival of the species? And answer
It is within each one...
If one is not created, one could not create. If one did not have the opportunity to get to know the divine
essence that is within each person, we would not be able to get to know God. If one did not die, no
I would value the opportunity that life grants us to become and to give; to be happy and make others happy; to
experience inner peace and to share it. And everything has a deadline and a margin to be carried out. Each
deadline, like each life, is an opportunity to do it in this or that way. It is a cosmic game of alternatives.

Question: And who is playing with us?

Nobody is playing with you. It is each person who must set up their own game, play it and enjoy it.

Question: But don't we decide about our births?

The order of energy in the universe points towards existence and perfection through
continuous experimentation through forms.
At first one does not have the capacity or the possibility to decide, because it is like the child who is sent by
his parents to school without having consulted his opinion, considering that his education is the best for him, as to
when it will one day allow him to have the ability to choose for oneself how to face the following stages.

Thus, when this child grows up, and reaches adolescence and youth, he must be given a margin.
growing so that he can decide his own future.
The "Lords of Karma" or "Guardians of destiny" are those who assume the condition of our spiritual parents,
dictating the circumstances in which we will come to life, until our evolutionary advancement allows us to negotiate
or decide the conditions of each existence.
The greater the evolutionary progress, the greater our possibilities of intervening in the programming of our

Question: How many and which of the situations in our lives are usually punishments for improper attitudes
in past existences?
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Life is an experiment. If one fails in this or that aspect or course, so to speak,

You will have to repeat it until you pass it. But it is not a punishment, but a new opportunity.
It is true that there is a Law of cause-effect, which makes one live firsthand the consequences of their good or
bad actions; But the purpose is not to make anyone suffer but to grow in consciousness.

Everyone must go through all human experiences, in such a way that in one life they will be men and in other
lives women (because the spirit does not have sex); in one they will be poor and in others rich; in one healthy and in
another sick; and thus all the possibilities for them to learn that solidarity is a
manifestation of love and conscience.

Question: Do we all have a set time to die?

We all have a destiny, which is part of the programming that is available when you are born and when you
leave. But everything can vary depending on the level of consciousness you develop and how you face life. For
example: a suicide can die before the expected date, thereby renouncing
the opportunity that turned out to be life to evolve. Another example: a person trying to change and be better, or
someone committed to love and service to others, could have their term extended, ending up living a few more years.

As you can see, there is nothing definitive. That is why there is free will to delay more or less
in doing what we should do: try to be happy.

Question: What is the reason for the great fear we have of death?

To the ignorance of which they are victims, for having forgotten your individual process. Therefore, it is important
that they strive to deepen their self-knowledge, and thus remember that death is an old acquaintance, from which
we have learned a lot and many times.
There is nothing to fear... Nothing comes sooner if you don't look for it. But if you commit to giving meaning to
your life, your work will not be wasted by the higher hierarchies, and will last as long as necessary to achieve your


She, Oxalc.

Question: How do you educate your children?

In Morlen (Ganymede) children are educated from the fetus. They have not been born and we are already
meeting with that person in the astral spheres, instructing them and helping them to maintain the memory of their
progress in previous lives. We also try to become familiar with your karmic process in order to collaborate in your
subsequent integral growth.
Our children from their initial preparation learn to share. We teach them by example to know their egos,
dominate them and use them for the benefit of the group. Through games we teach them that the most important
thing is the community, which has taken the place of the family according to how things work on Earth.

They will understand that the work with our children is due to a difference in evolution. We are not better or
worse than you, we are simply at a different evolutionary moment.
We start earlier and that makes us act like their older brothers.

Question: Is there no family in Morlen?

Our entire community is one big family. But in the face of this concern I will tell you that the basis of our society
is the couple. The relationship is monogamy, and this thanks to the fact that we have been able to control our
passions, which allows us to consciously develop our extrasensory perception and to be able to choose our partner
as the right complement.
The clairvoyant vision of the "Aura" (electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body) and the
Telepathy allows us to know each other in depth and maintain a deep union.
Between us there are no divorces, no infidelity or relationship crisis. The more one knows oneself
himself, less expectation from others; but at the same time he is willing to give more.

Question: But doesn't a relationship without passions or emotions seem very cold to you?
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Our mentality and vision of life has different aspects from yours. We have found pleasure in other areas of existence, which would
overshadow your most exotic pleasures. We have emotions but we know how to control them.

Question: Do you love your children?

What is love for you? They are not clear about it and confuse attachment and belonging with love. Love is not feeling like you own
someone but knowing that you are useful in that person's life. It is good to clarify that it is not wrong for you to "love" your children, even if it
is in the wrong way: creating dependencies; because in their internal preparation they will be able to understand that the parent-child bond
is to fulfill cosmic plans. It is for mutual learning, both for the father and the son.

We do love our children, who are considered part of the entire community. No one considers their child their own, even if they have
conceived it. We love them all, as if they were all our own. Not like on Earth, where they despise street children and conceive by rudely
educating their own, sowing two classes of destructive individuals in your society, who in the end will end up harming each other.

Question: What is the education that you provide to the children in your Worlds?

Children learn more from what you do than from what you tell them to do, because they are great observers. Teach them by example,
promoting in them the imitation of what is good, positive, healthy and constructive. But for this you yourselves have to be clear about these

We accept reincarnation as something logical and fair, in a universe where everything obeys the same laws. Therefore, we make the
children remember their entire previous process and then we update them. Naturally we do it in a way that is pleasant to remember and the
memories manageable. In this way, time is not wasted and the person has resumed progress more quickly.

In our worlds we do not have schools or colleges, so we have children outdoors or entering and leaving different buildings, going
around all the places, doing varied and different things, accompanied by pairs of adults who take turns at teaching.

Question: If the children are from the entire community, do they not have homes?

There are houses for couples and multi-family buildings. The children remain with the couple only for the first stage of childhood and
then are integrated with all the other children by age, as in large homes where everyone takes care of everyone.

Question: What can you tell us about children's programming on Earth?

Certainly, since 1947, according to their calendar, a number of children have been born, programmed by us, with a higher level of
preparation to help themselves and the great leap.
planetary evolution. They have maintained monitoring of all these people, which is manifested by the
without number of anomalous phenomena around it, especially in the stages of growth and its inclination -
tion towards contact with the cosmos.
At this moment, many spirits with evolutionary potential from other planets are coming to reincarnate on your planet to take advantage
of the conditions that bring the Earth closer to a great leap.
evolutionary. The Earth is going to transform and along with it all those who reach the appropriate level of consciousness.


Yes, Antarel.

Question: What is forgiveness for you?

Forgiveness is the capacity to love manifested in the tolerance of mistakes.

In order to raise awareness among humanity about forgiveness, you must first assume it in your own lives. As long as you do not
incorporate it as an attitude in your personal development and as an essential part of the new being that you must become, you will not be
able to teach it.
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Question: Why is it important to teach forgiveness?

Forgiveness is the liberation from intolerance and the limitations of selfishness that leads the person to be attentive to others in a
negative way, with destructive thinking and criticism, which
They are part of a process of justifying one's own errors.
Forgiveness is the highest degree of love, and it is you on your planet who can give the highest example of love, thereby achieving a
cosmic role of liberation, since you constitute a civilization of the aggrieved.

Question: How so?

You have been hurt a lot throughout your history, sometimes trying to help them. Other times they have been harmed on purpose,
making it difficult for them, like few others, to test your abilities and manage to learn through you. Therefore, your forgiveness towards
civilizations that spread would be an original act of divine creation, a message of maturity to the cosmos, a factor of liberation for all and
restoration of an interrupted order.

Question: What are the consequences of unforgiveness?

There are many people who are sick with resentment, feelings of guilt, envy and hatred. All of this materializes the worst diseases in
their bodies, which is why we tell them that forgiveness is therapeutic.

But remember that you will not be able to teach forgiveness to humanity, if you do not incorporate it as part of
your personal lifestyle; if they do not make forgiveness their philosophy of life.
You must practice forgiveness in the secret of your heart, knowing yourself, facing your life with understanding and with charity
evaluating what it has meant until now. You must first try to overcome your own mistakes, forgiving yourself first; Only then will they be able to
extend this state of consciousness and this attitude to others.

Furthermore, it is not possible to talk about cosmic forgiveness if you are not first able to live the experience of forgiveness in your daily
life, with the people you say you love the most. If they achieve this, they will be able to give it a higher dimension over time.


With you Astar Sheran.

The human being has within himself the seed of his own help, he does not see it when he selfishly thinks only of his comfort.

Those who do not learn to face challenges cannot progress in any field, be it material or spiritual.

Now the greatest challenge opens before you, self-knowledge for the discovery of your own internal potential, which is extracted and
materialized in a life focused on
Commitment could help them discover their mission to be love and give love.
There is a dramatic urgency for you to strive to ensure the survival of humanity while maintaining the sacred roots of your race. And that
will only be possible if they teach by their example to have faith in the best for everyone; faith in humanity itself and in the mission they have
among each other
Nothing will be impossible for you if you awaken awareness. And even what has been prophesied will remain subject to your mental
power governed by love. Because there really is nothing definitive: "Believe in hope and you will create hope." And this does not mean that
we are not objective about the planetary future. We know that the outlook is adverse, difficult and is becoming even more complicated, but the
challenges are related to their ability to overcome.

Remember that humanity is: "a corrected and improved version of many other worlds"... It is the end of a long process that has involved
many; important part of a Cosmic Plan subject to a great cosmic expectation.

She, Oxalc.

Now is the time when the time is now.

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Question: How can you understand the Prophecies?

Human beings have unlimited potential that allows them not only to anticipate events through what you know as premonition and
precognition, but also their prior knowledge of things can help them modify the future.

The future is the same law of Cause-Effect, so everything is the consequence of the actions and decisions they made previously. If they
want to change the future, they have to create new causes that generate new effects that displace the previous ones, and any modification,
no matter how minimal, will bring with it a different future. But you have to believe it to create it.

Question: But don't prophecies have to be fulfilled anyway?

The prophecies have not been given to be fulfilled but rather so that they are not fulfilled. We are referring to negative prophecies,
because positive ones, on the contrary, must collaborate so that they come to pass.
Every prophecy is a warning of what can happen if you do nothing to change it.
You know just as we do about the deviation of the Earth's axis, which anticipates changes
violent planetary bodies that may be nearby. But it can be avoided.
We speak to you with hope because everything is in your hands. We will not be able to intervene until you yourselves have made the
great effort to change things or to ensure your own collective survival. And they won't know what they're capable of until they try.

Once they take the step we will intervene.

She, Oxalc.

Beloved brothers of the Earth, our message is a wake-up call for humanity to change and react to the great destructive effect that has
been accumulating, as a consequence of an endless number of causes summarized in selfishness and lack of love.

The alert that became current from the decade of the 40s of this century of yours, has begun to bear fruit in the 80s, since we welcome
transcendental changes in the population of the world trying to enjoy solidarity, peace and justice.

There is an awakening of conscience that has even escaped our predictions. We are surprised and at the same time amazed by how
much it is now possible to talk about changing the future. Until the end of the 70s we could only recommend that you be prepared to face, as
best as possible, and survive, the events that were unfolding or that you yourself allowed to occur.

Dear brothers, you should not be overconfident, but you should take advantage of gaining ground now that the balance is tilting towards
the light; and the true moments of darkness, lack of faith and hope have not yet arrived. As well as great confusion; and that can manifest
from one moment to the next.

It is true that the human mass must be guided and they will do so because the means and resources of all kinds will be provided to you
so that they can spread, like no one else has done before, the message of hope for
The humanity.
Do not fear your detractors and enemies, for they will be victims of their own feelings.
This year will bring changes in countries that seemed not to need change, and in those that believed change would never come.

Dictatorships will end and only the people of each city will choose to govern themselves.
The dark forces will attack in the middle and end of the year, but they will only hasten positive definitions.

Be aware that this year begins with serious events, but they will be the window to the
hope and the door to the new day: the new humanity.
They are about to spin the Apocalypse conveniently for the Spiritual Man; because one revelation is opposed by another that is
established when there are those who react, and there are few who are necessary for this, you already know. *

Yes, Oxalc, with love.

Brothers in contact, do not seek experiences before having achieved the experience of change. This does not mean that you will not
experience them, because without looking for them you will have them; The problem is that if
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Their mind is behind it, they will not be able to realize what they have at hand, and what is happening around them.

The internal search, peace and balance will provide external consequences, such as
corroborations to the effort.
The 90s will be critical because it suggests that the forces of darkness will continue to lose their agents of negativity,
which are being confronted, suppressed or transformed into the positive.

This is a difficult but important decade, as changes will occur and humanity will be ignorant of them. We know that
the capacity exists for this to be corrected as we go along; and it will be with your help.

The decade will bring with it the internal and external war without quarter of some very religious religions.
important with themselves and with others with whom they have always maintained distance.

* This communication was received in Lima-Peru, in the early morning of January 1, 1990, and world events widely
corroborated all the aspects indicated during this communication.

A decade of changes with unpredictable consequences is opening, which first require your self-control and coping
skills, as well as channeling of energies. You will be able to do a lot and know more if you know how to stay in the work of
permanent change.
From then on, what was hidden will begin to be known and fear in religions and in man will grow.

Inconvenient discoveries began to occur in the field of anthropology; They will continue with physics, then continue
with chemistry. The crisis of discovery is accentuated by transcendental archaeological finds in the Middle East, which will
astonish their discoverers and distress those in the know. An attempt will be made to reverse the changes, but this will be
impossible; and political, religious and social changes will multiply.

Religious authorities will suffer a progressive loss of power and control over internal crises
of the communities. Surprising and unimaginable attitudes will then be seen within the religious community, and everything
will happen from this decade onwards.
As a consequence of the human process, in the Caribbean the clock hand will go back and then positively advance,
in such a way that forgetfulness, intolerance and sadness will quickly be overcome.

In this decade anything can happen and among its possibilities is that perhaps nothing more
grave of what has happened is going to happen, and a general routing is then carried out.
In South America, internal forces confront each other, leading to all kinds of attitudes, some of which are more
violent. The military will be pushed to want to parade in power again, therefore
The tragedy will be great, and it will not prosper. But at the cost of how much?
The people will unite, maturing and changing their way of thinking and acting. For the first time there will be hope for
justice, and peace will soon follow.

Yes, Oxalc with love.

You are reaching the moment of maturity necessary to fulfill your great mission.
During the time that has passed, they learned to sensitize themselves and mentally create conditions
different; Today that predisposition is necessary to continue.
Today they know what it means to be guided. Do not stop living it because days of great darkness and darkness await you.
confusion worldwide.
The nearby events that were going to accelerate planetary destruction will not occur, since the awakened force
already exists that will contain them. Furthermore, it would be unfair if with so many at this time trying to keep the light on
the planet, the prophesied events would inevitably occur.

There is, therefore, a positive balance of balance for everything that has been done for world peace.

The spread of the message must continue. It has to continue, because the world needs guidance
and a voice of hope to encourage you.

She, Oxalc.
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Dear brothers, the connection is being established, but you must facilitate it in the future, becoming more and
more willing, and with the conviction that only closely united through messages will we be able to carry out the
mission together.
This decade, humanity will change the concepts that it maintained as unalterable, just as rigid scientific
structures will fall, because every day more will be known and more quickly it will be known to everyone, and the
information will no longer be able to be hidden; and this will translate into questioning everything and everyone.

Our ships will leave observable and notable footprints in the United States, as well as in
many of the great nations. This will mark the proximity of the final meeting.
The problems will increase in number, but they will be solved quickly; some at the very moment they occur,
because certainly the time on Earth is accelerating, adapting to the time of the universe that surrounds you.

The world economy is about to suffer a great collapse, but the positive planetary internal government will try
to control and help so that the effect is reversed, and surprisingly your countries are the ones that suffer the least.

Religions will crumble, observing how every day the questioning is increasing,
and despair will bring the climax of religious civil wars.
In a short time the great dictatorships will suffer the most deadly blows, as the people increase in awareness
and unity. Nothing will remain of totalitarianism and intolerance.
There will be many and very continuous geological and geomagnetic changes that the planet will register,
affecting the coasts with the anomalous behavior of the tides, and all this due to the increasingly close proximity
of the asteroid and comets that global tension is attracting, as if it were a magnet.
Telluric energies will be shaken and volcanic activity will continue to increase.
At the same time, human behavior will also be affected; Therefore, the domain they maintain and your control will
be that of others. If you prepare you will have power and authority over people to help them.

This decade will be used by the Plan to move public opinion with events of all kinds, which will sensitize it to
the need for change; But events that turn out to be negative will have a positive and unsuspected outcome.

We tell you all this so that you increase your chains of planetary aid and
meditation, receiving and channeling energies towards the places on the planet that need it most.

With love, Oxalc.

Yes, we are your brother guides on mission in contact with you.

The planet is about to experience three great changes: in Time, in its Civilization and in the level of
consciousness of beings. The world economy, politics and religion have little time before
be totally moved; Meanwhile, structures that seemed firm, along with representative organizations and people, will
shake and partially crumble as certain discoveries become known.

New philosophical and humanist movements will emerge based on a new structure of the
thinking with different, more harmonious and spiritual patterns.
You will see the fulfillment of the plan of the Confederation of Worlds in many aspects, when it is implemented.
to know what was hidden in relation to the distortion of real time and the consequences of it.
With love,

The future looks hopeful, with this we encourage you and tell you that your mental attitude will be of great
help. They are already reaching the level where contact with us will be greater and closer; Do not force the desire
to arrive, everyone will have the opportunity to make the change they need.

With love your guides in contact: unity and balance.


Yes, we are your brothers mission guides in contact.

In the second half of the 90s there will be as many changes as good news, and also many new discoveries
and revelations that will shake the world panorama again and again. Many of the changes will occur in Europe, and
especially in Spain, which will show a significant turn towards
light and fulfill its leading role already mentioned so many times before. Therefore, support with your
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higher irradiations. If you prepare, you will receive what will strengthen you and drive you to greater triumphs.

With love,


From the Council of 12 of Morlen (Ganymede) in contact with you.

As you well know, throughout the centuries some people from your planet have been invited to accompany us
outside your world, others have been rescued from natural interdimensional vortices (Bermuda Triangle, Dragon
Triangle in the Philippines, etc.), and also recovered from the hands of certain civilizations that do not come with
good intentions. And all of them have remained with us since then or have returned to incarnate on Earth because
this is their
evolutionary school, or because their mission required it, as is the case of Enoch and Elijah.

Question: Why were Enoch and Elijah taken from our planet?

There is a Cosmic Plan that has focused its attention on several civilizations and on several planets, which are
potentially capable of making extraordinary evolutionary leaps, transforming over time into masters of the masters
themselves. One of those selected worlds is the Earth, and therefore, to the extent that some beings stand out from
the common people for their greater sensitivity and commitment, they are invited to strengthen ties even more with
the planetary instructors by visiting the ships and nearby bases, being able to sense our intentions up close and
returning immediately.

But in the case of Enoch and Elijah, they were people who were very advanced in many aspects for their time,
a product of this special planet, so it was thought to build on the basis that they left, the terrestrial colony that
currently brings together more of twelve thousand people on the Moons of Jupiter. Their bodies remain today in the
Confraternity city of Morlen, as an important part of the history of the colony.

Question: All those people who have been taken, what are they doing there?

She is constantly being instructed and prepared to return. As we already told you, starting in August 1987,
according to your calendar, all those people were going to begin to be reintegrated into Earth, infiltrated into your
world in a discreet way so that over time they could reintegrate into your society, helping it with that greater
preparation they received.
The idea was that later they could access positions of power or the media,
thus helping to expand minds and promote collective change.
During the time they have remained with us they have been subject to very demanding instruction, preparing
them in all branches of science and knowledge with the purpose of helping them free themselves from all the
conditions previously received, cultivating in them a new mentality and vision. of things that could ultimately benefit
others. It is like the preparation that we gave to young adolescents who, according to your history, are known as
Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, cornerstones of the origins of the Inca culture.

We have begun by giving back to those who had less time to be with us, and less
of having left so that reintegration would not be so hard.
The presence of these brothers of yours will, first of all, be an incentive for many, since their actions will
cultivate hope and generate chain reactions of commitment and change. They will act especially in places called
"Centers of Light", places on Earth with a great responsibility for irradiation and that are currently in conflict (Mexico,
Colombia, Peru, Spain, Israel, etc.) by the same universal law. of polarity that says: "that every force is opposed by
another opposite force of equal intensity." In these places affected by civil wars, terrorism, foreign war snares and
various internal crises, they will be lit little by little like a fuse that was extinguished - but a wick of love - contributing
to sowing breath and hope, and that will run - like you would say - like wildfire until mentalities change. They will be
like additional lamps of light in the prevailing darkness, the other and more important ones are the ones that you
have been lighting with your commitment for a long time.

You will not have to look for them, as they will be well occupied in important tasks and roles in your society,
and they will approach you when the time allows. And they won't be able to keep up
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hidden from you for a long time because the intuition and obvious actions of these people will reveal them before your eyes.

Within your own planet there are many places that remain pure. We call those places "Spaces of Light", which are like a door that
opens to protect the good and the pure, the ancient and the past; at the same time they create areas where our ships enter the missions and
tasks that bring them to your world. Through these same "spaces" our ships are entering with those of your brothers who are eager to feel
their soil again and share with humanity, fulfilling what they have been working so hard for.

Question: But after so much time, how will they adapt?

We have already planned this because there are people who have been off the planet for almost three hundred years. And they have
not died because the rate of aging outside the planet is different. With us it is much slower. Furthermore, we have taught them to live and
not to contaminate themselves as they usually do on Earth.

Every time ships arrive on Earth to replace crews, some of the terrestrials from the Morlen base come with us, in this way they become
familiar with the Earth they left behind.

Question: But how do they deal with their documents, their identity and their means of subsistence?

Actually, that is not usually a problem because nowadays in a globalized world like yours, contaminated by selfishness and individuality,
there are so many wars and places in conflict that it is not problematic to locate someone and create a personality for them, arguing that
they are a refugee. displaced without documents of which there are millions; and once inserted in society, help him so that he can patent
some little things out there, which allow him a respectable and detectable solvency by the international security means.

Question: And will they all return?

Everyone has to be present for this time of planetary dimensional transit. Even the
people who die are reincarnating quickly.

Question: Why are some people visited by ships and guides from a very young age? Does it have to do with everything we've talked

Certainly yes... When someone dies in the Confraternidad city colony, they are reincarnated on planet Earth because this is their
evolutionary plane, and what we have to do is follow up on them, and remind them of the preparation they received so that as soon as
possible get to work and act accordingly with the responsibility given to you.

Question: Who gave you that responsibility?

I grant life to you through the spiritual hierarchies, because they know well that nothing is coincidental.

With love in the light,



With you Erjabel in contact from the Columo orbital ship.

Question: What is extraterrestrial medicine like?

Our medicine is preventive not curative. We usually teach people not to get sick, for which we appeal to a comprehensive education
that emphasizes the need to live in harmony with nature, with one's own body and with others.
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It is important that they know that before the body gets sick, the mind begins to get sick, and before the mind
the soul usually grazes. Therefore we must go to the cause of diseases and not to the effect.

Question: What are the most frequent causes of diseases?

The human being is like a sponge, while it is dry it is seen with a defined shape and color, and without weight;
But as soon as it begins to absorb water, the sponge loses its shape and looks dark and heavy. And if you delay
squeezing it, the sponge rots and falls to pieces. Therefore you must learn to express yourself from the negativity
that you absorb during daily life, and
You should also know that as you learn to breathe and channel a greater amount of energy, your aura, which is
your immunological barrier, will be expanded and it will isolate you from low vibrations.
This is like putting on a raincoat in the rainy season.

Question: What should be done to avoid getting sick?

They must learn to live... From starting over with proper breathing, to changing their diet. Because you are
the product of what you eat. If you feed it with death and decomposition, after seven years in which you have
regenerated the cells of your body, you will have converted it into death and decomposition, completely
contaminating yourself with all kinds of diseases that will wait for the moment of weakness in which the defenses
They are at a minimum to finish you off.

Question: What should proper breathing be like?

Breathing should be done through the nose, using the diaphragm as if it were a bellows and making space
to then push the air filling the lower and upper part of the lungs, trying to inhale at full capacity. After retaining the
breath, exhale through the nose, trying to do it slowly.

With slow and deep breathing you not only oxygenate the blood and irrigate the lungs better, improving
memory and concentration, but you also become charged with electrons, and all that electrical charge is housed
in the nervous system, which is the electrical system of the body. human being. This energy manifests itself
through the physical body, forming above it, the bioplasmic body or electromagnetic belt of the human being,
which is nothing other than the aura.
By being able to perceive the aura, thanks to the continuous stimulation of the neurovegetative system
through breathing, you can capture the aura of health, in the form of spots on the body that show and locate the
cause of diseases and not so much their effect, being able to achieve diagnoses of

Question: What other aspects should be taken into account to maintain health?

In addition to learning to breathe and taking slow, deep breaths several times a day, they must learn to relax
since many diseases are the product of tension and stress. We also recommend a balanced diet that is as natural
as possible, if possible, based primarily on vegetables and whole grains. And don't forget the therapeutic fast of
organic cleansing, at least once a month.

Another very important aspect is psychophysical gymnastics and sports in the rhythm of your life for
how much the universe is movement, and being sedentary reduces health.
To complete the recipe, we recommend minimizing or eliminating the consumption of all types of stimulants
that affect the nervous system and create quarrels by undermining the will. It is also advisable to go to bed early,
maintain continuous cleanliness of the body and go out into the countryside at least once a week, walking barefoot
on the grass or sand, to make contact with the earth because your body is an electrical circuit. and needs to
discharge and recycle energy.

Question: What can you tell us about the healings?

Every person has the ability to channel energies that can restore harmony and balance other people. But to
be able to do this you have to know that the channeling and transmission of energies exists and can manifest itself
through you. To believe it is to materialize it!
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The bridge of help is established when the person who is going to serve as a channel for higher energies is
aware of his or her capacity as a transmitter and that he or she is prepared to do so; and also when the person
who is going to be helped or the relatives or people close to them believe that help is possible and want to receive
it. Trust is a bridge that facilitates the movement of energies.

You can intervene in any case of healing, whether with the person present or from a distance, because for
mental power and love there are no distances. Make sure that they do not lack concentration and less conviction
when it comes to helping.
There is no specific or definitive technique for healing, but the one usually used is the imposition of hands on
the head, on the area affected by the ailment or on the vortexes of
energy along the back (chakras). You then work by placing both hands on the head of the person you are going
to help, without touching them, and taking slow, deep breaths, while visualizing how with each inhalation, retention
and exhalation a ray descends through you. of color in the order of the chromatic scale, and is projected on and
through the head of the person in front of you, visualizing how the energy of this or that color is reaching the
different parts of the patient's body. If the person is not present, you can imagine them and act as if they were.

While you do this work, you can visualize in your minds the Columo ship in which we find ourselves orbiting
the Earth, and which however is not visible or detectable from the surface of your world.

In a very large circular room of the ship we have a complete body made of rock crystal, and in it they can
exercise their mental projection by sending the image of the person who is being helped so that we can also assist
them from a distance.
Another form of imposition is by placing both hands on the affected area of the person or on the back at the
level of one of the chakras, especially the one that is related to the affected area, performing the same previous
work. One keeps one's hands on the spot for five to fifteen minutes, depending on one's intuition.

One more way is the imposition with a single hand directed forward, with the palm at the level between the
eyebrows of the person to be helped.
Healing can be done in dreams, for which you have to practice a lot of unfolding.
conscious astral and programming in dreams.
Always visualize the person you want to help healthy, free of all illness. And humbly ask for help from Above,
in such a way that your attitude will channel those extraordinary energies of love of the universe in an optimal
vibratory state.

Question: Could it be the case that the illness of the person being helped or his bad
vibrations were absorbed by us?

No, it is not possible. The single act of love that involves healing is the best vaccine against any disease. But
we do not advise people who are easily suggestible to try these aids, because their mind can play tricks on them.

And remember that you will never give away your energy, but at that moment you become channels of the
cosmic energy that flows through you, letting it pass and at the same time beneficially charging you.

Question: They told us that the chakras are related to our ailments, and that through them we can apply
healing, could you specify this for us ?

The vortex that is located at the height of the Coccyx and which is called the Root is directly related to the
Sexual Organs or Gonads; Its color is red and its healing application is for: circulation, sterility, menstruation
problems, anemia, neuralgia, paralysis and depression.
The vortex located in the first lumbar vertebra called the Belly is related to the pancreas, liver and spleen; Its
color is orange and its healing application is for: sexual disorders, constipation, colitis, dysentery, arthritis, kidneys,
cough, fatigue and helps lift your spirits.
The vortex located in the eighth thoracic vertebra called the solar plexus is related to the adrenal glands or
pancreas; Its color is yellow and its curative application is for: stress, increasing resistance, allergies, hives, fatigue,
digestion, hiccups and learning problems.
The vortex located in the first thoracic vertebra and called the Heart is related to the thymus; Its color is green
and its healing application is for: heart, chest pains, asthma, ulcers, eye problems, burns, headaches, infections,
antiseptic, sadness and depression due to loneliness.
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The vortex located in the third cervical vertebra called the Throat is related to the thyroid and parathyroid
glands; Its color is aquamarine or light blue, and its healing application is for: pain, neuralgia, burns, regulating
pain, calming, headaches, inflammation, infections, swelling, fever, cramps, sore throat, acne and eczema. .

The vortex located in the first cervical vertebra called the Forehead is related to the pituitary gland; Its color
is indigo blue, and its healing application is for: ears, eyes, nose, headache, nervousness, insomnia, colds, blood
pressure, amnesia, epilepsy, dizziness, pneumonia and also for negativity.

The vortex located at the crown of the head is called Corona and is related to the pineal gland; Its color is
violet, and its healing application is for: cataracts, tu mores, insomnia, stress, nervousness, scalp and skull.

Question: And help always comes?

We can assure you that there is no request or action that does not receive a response, and even more so when it
is done with the appropriate attitude.
Help will always come but not necessarily how and when one wants, but when universal laws so provide. It
may be the case that they do a healing chain or lay hands on someone, and instead of getting better, this person
gets worse, facing a strong crisis, after which they improve dramatically. Here what we see that happened was
that it accelerated
The process of illness, and what would have been a long and painful illness, was short-lived. The help was there.

You will see other cases in which someone is helped and that person quickly dies. Here the help was
manifested by having contributed to speeding up the process by freeing the person from their suffering, since
death when it arrives is not necessarily a misfortune or a punishment, it can also be a liberation from suffering.


With you your guide Atunez.

Question: Why do they use telepathy as a form of communication?

Because it is the simplest way to transcend the barrier of languages and cultural patterns. It seeks to establish
deep links of unity between beings of various civilizations and dimensions.

Question: How can you be sure that telepathic communication is well directed towards positive entities?

Telepathy is the emission and channeling of mental waves. These not only transmit ideas but also emotions
and feelings, in such a way that the communication ends up being integral, coming to feel and know the sender
If the connection were established with a vibrationally negative entity, what you would perceive would be
distrust, uneasiness and a certain rejection.

Question: But is telepathy really useful and reliable?

How can a communication system that allows you to capture, first of all, the sender's intentions, be useful
and efficient? But it is not the only way we have to communicate, we can also do it verbally. We are not mute, we
have our own languages and we learn yours very easily, but telepathy has all the advantages.

Question: What is the disadvantage of words and oral communication?

You have to be very careful with the word, because it has the concentrated power of vibration. She
adds thoughts and sound. With it you can build and also destroy.

Question: What other form of communication do you use?

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We also use astral communication to connect with those people who are being
preparing for future more direct contacts. There are no limits to communication between beings.

Question: How does telepathy work?

When we project our mental waves, one of your sensors located in

the nervous system, which influences the intuitive process, predisposing them to engage in dialogue.
Certainly the receiver receives the mental wave and his brain automatically decodes and interprets it, in such
a way that the person appears to be listening in his mind as if someone were speaking in his ear, and in his own
native language.
Mental waves know no distance and move at speeds incomprehensible to you, which facilitates communication.
Those waves they receive require a receptive attitude, which is why many people could meet in a meeting and few
would catch the message; and it could also be the case that many people present, with the appropriate sensitivity
and attitude, which meditation usually brings, could simultaneously capture the same message.

Question: What recommendation can you give us for the message receiving antennas?

You, the mission antennas, have forgotten something very important to try to maintain the quality of the
communications, and so that they are increasingly clear, and that is the fact of mentally activating the Cesium
Crystals that you received during the initiation outings in the field. These
Crystals will allow you to achieve and maintain the necessary vibrational frequency at the current moment.
When you make vocalizations or mantralizations of key keywords, such as the word "Rama", whether out
loud, quietly or mentally, the vibration of the crystals is stimulated, serving as activators of the reception waves
that They accumulate around the perimeter of the
base of the skull to the between the eyebrows. This allows your body to act as an antenna and your hand as a
pulser in the case of psychography.
So that the receiving antennas do not have blockages and can perceive and receive messages with the
security that is needed for this time, we recommend that you perform mental purification exercises either by
meditating constantly, concentrating on nature with contemplation exercises or with practical practices. of
Concentrating on something positive makes the mind purge all bad thoughts or undesirable activities and
allows it to be a good receiving agent for high-level waves, both consciously and at the level of dreams.


Time is a mental form that seeks to define the duration of things, an illusion based on the movement of the
Universe in space. The idea of time is related to the consciousness of being, if its
Perception is limited to a third dimension, time is conceived as something linear, as a continuity; but when he
discovers his multidimensional nature and enters a fourth dimension, he realizes that time moves in a spiral and
that it does not exist beyond his consciousness; and that simultaneously there are several spaces within a larger
space that we could call the "Real Time of the Universe."

When we talk about the existence of the "Real Time of the Universe" different from the out-of-phase time in
which you operate, what we are saying is that what you are perceiving as time or becoming is the speed with
which you are moving in the universe. space. That speed is given by the vibration of the planetary energy and the
system, which is different from ours. We are not just talking about Earth's rotation and translation, it is something
more. The answer lies in the subtle, in the infinitely small to understand the infinitely large.

As you well know, a group of civilizations were entrusted by the Twenty-Four Elders of the Galaxy (Council of
the Confederation of Worlds) and by the Andromeda Council of Nine (The Great White Brotherhood of the Star) to
intervene on Earth as well. than on seven more planets of the Ur category, planets with a blue aura, from single-
star solar systems, to experience new alternatives of evolution. Planets where beings emerged who quickly went
from being educated
to instructors, from disciples to teachers. For which we traveled to the past faster than the speed of light, in the
opposite direction to the expansion of the universe, but since this expansion is everywhere, we did it inwards,
towards the center of everything, through cosmic folds which are cosmic interdimensional doors.
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The journey was made towards the past in a space contained within the great space, and now the moment is coming
when that smaller space is integrated into the greater space, which coincides with the end.
of a cosmic cycle of the entire system of which they are part. We call this the "Turn of Time", an accelerating process of
planetary resizing and the individuals who inhabit those worlds. A collective evaluation.

The turn of time supposes the increasingly closer connection with the real time of the universe and the return of the Great
Teacher, called by you the Cosmic Christ. This represents the leap of humanity
in the coming years, if they continue working and do not let themselves be discouraged.
With love,
She, Oxalc.

Nothing that has been happening around you ceases to have transcendent meaning, since it contributes to strengthening
you in the spirit of the message. They know well that being on this path does not free them from trials; on the contrary, it often
places them in the eye of the storm, so that they feel right there, in the midst of desolation, fear, uncertainty, restlessness or
loneliness, the presence of the guiding hand of those of us who trust you and support you. Therefore they are not alone. But
the great effort to move forward, grow with each difficulty and spiritually survive the trials is yours. We are only witnesses of the
merit and the sincere motives that accompany the minds and hearts of the missionaries.

Everything you have been experiencing not only in recent decades, but throughout your present existence is important
within the plan that is ready to be fulfilled, and that moves closer to its realization with each year.

These years have to be accompanied by great achievements and goals achieved, to do so they must make an effort to
remember, completing the information that has been left in certain places, situations and moments. They must know how to
return to each place and moment passed. All of this was taught to you and requires putting into practice.

If they were not aware at this or that moment, it was because they were not prepared to remember or because it was not
the time for them to be aware of this or that information. But everything comes, and the stages need to awaken the programming
that was given to them. We are waiting for you in the right place and at the right time, but for those who are enlightened to
understand it and are brave and committed to take it on.

Now you must realize that a shift in time is taking place, in such a way that there is an inversion in things, therefore, your
time has begun to be ours, and ours has begun to coexist with yours, until it becomes one. This means that the bridge is being
completed, and you workers at the foundation of the structure, at the bottom of the ravine, must rise to the highest part and thus
participate in the benefit of the established bridge. It will not be easy to raise awareness of the work accomplished and of a new
task with as much or greater responsibility.

Thus, a leap is being made that links two existing times, which brings with it role modifications, changes in the participation
and location of the protagonists who are you and us. We are all attending the process of planetary resizing.

Suddenly we are getting closer to a real coexistence in the same temporal process, because the
Earth is already beginning to vibrate in a conscious fourth dimension.

Question: But the global panorama does not show evolution, rather there seems to be a setback?

Be careful in your assessments, since you have already been told of the danger of pessimism when you allow yourself to
be discouraged and allow trials to take your spirits or defenses down. Do not let yourself be carried away by negativity, rather
act like someone who is reaching the top of the mountain and grabs the first crack they find. If you look down you may become
dizzy and fall as a result of vertigo, fatigue or discouragement from the tremendous effort; or on the contrary, be encouraged by
seeing everything that has already been overcome and the little, even if it is very steep, that is still missing. Certainly there is
little left, less than you imagine, which is why the forces are out of control and the stalking and attack of negative entities is
bloody, but always to the extent of your ability to confront. They must be tested, only then will they know what they are capable

There is a whole contingent of beings of light supporting your work and mission, only they are left room to grow with the
suffering and with the joy of overcoming your difficult but meritorious triumphs.

With love,
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