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Giving birth –
2. Making a living –
3. Fixing the broken faucet -
4. Doing household chores -
5. Helping the children with their homework –

1. Does knowing your gender and gender role help you in shaping your
personality today?
- Yes. Knowing your gender and gender role help you in shaping your
personality. being aware or knowing more about them can help you
better understand yourself. Understanding yourself better helps in
learning nad development. It helps you explore about yourself and in
building connections and empowering yourself.
2. Why is it important to know our gender role base on our sex and
- Gender role or sex role is a social role that consists of what is
acceptable or appropriate based on a person's perceived or biological
sex. Knowing our gender role helps in development and future actions.
Gender roles affect the opportunities and power structure among
people. Understanding it better can help you realize issues involving
sexism and bring awareness to you and even other people.
- Because, Gender expectations can have an impact on a person's
social, occupational, and legal rights. Most children are aware of their
gender identity from an early age and find it difficult to consider
themselves in any other way.
- It's crucial for your emotional and mental health to be able to express
your authentic gender identity.
- For teenagers, gender identification can be a difficult subject.
Understanding gender and sex, as well as how we see ourselves as a
boy/male, girl/female, transgender, intersex, or anywhere in between,
can help youth develop their own gender identity.

3. What are the roles of male and females at home?

- In the past, males and females are have expected roles. The males
work while the females stay at home, tend to the children, and ensure
that the house is clean and food icooked and served. This, however, is
no longer the trend. As equality is being pushed is work opportunities,
gender roles are are also changing. What used to be the expected role
of females may now be done by males. Females can also be providers
and perform minimally at home. Moreover, family dynamics are have
also changed and partners are not necessarily male to female. In short,
there is no definite role for males and females at home as every home
and family is different. Some may stick to the traditional roles, while
others are adapting to the changing times.
- mostly, the roles of female at home are like taking care of their
children, cleaning their house. while the males are, they fix everything
at home like when the sink is not fixed, they will fix it. Most of them is
they're doing hard chores.
- The male role in families is continually reified by men as they model
gender norms and adult sexuality, provide resources, offer nurturance
and support, and manage and maintain the family unit. Each of these
primary male sex roles empower – and often constrain – male behavior
within a family unit.

1. What can you say about the following?

a. Sexuality
- Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts,
attractions and behaviors towards other people. You can find other
people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those
things are a part of your sexuality. Sexuality is diverse and personal, and
it is an important part of who you are.
- Our sexuality is personal and unique to us, which means we might feel
and act differently from what we are seeing around us. We all get to
make choices and express our sexuality and gender in ways that make
sense to us. As long as we’re not hurting or harassing other people in
the process, it’s all good.
b. gender equality
- Gender equality requires equal enjoyment by women and men
of socially-valued goods, opportunities, resources and rewards. Where
gender inequality exists, it is generally women who are excluded or
disadvantaged in relation to decision-making and access to economic
and social resources.
- Gender equality means that all genders are free to pursue
whatever career, lifestyle choice, and abilities they want without
discrimination. Their rights, opportunities, and access to society are not
different based on their gender.
- Gender equality means that all genders are free to pursue whatever
career, lifestyle choice, and abilities they want without discrimination.
Their rights, opportunities, and access to society are not different based
on their gender. Gender equality does not necessarily mean that
everyone is treated exactly the same. Their different needs and dreams
are valued equally. Gender equity is often discussed at the same time
as gender equality for this reason. Since society has favored men for so
long, men have many advantages. Equity fills in the gaps so everyone
else can “catch up” to men. It addresses discrimination and imbalances
in society so that equality can become a reality.
c. Gender role
- Gender roles are the behaviors men and women exhibit in the
private and public realm. They are the sociocultural expectations that
apply to individuals on the basis of their assignment to a sex category
(male or female). Usually an individual's sex is determined by how their
genitalia look at birth.
- Gender roles in society means how we're expected to act, speak,
dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For
example, girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically
feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and nurturing.
2. Is gender equality important in terms of roles at home? If yes, Why?
If no, why not?
- Yes, gender equality important in term of roles at home because
Gender equality is a human right and Gender equality prevents violence
against women and girls. It is essential for economic prosperity.
Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier.
- Yes, because Gender equality begins at home, and families are at
the front lines of change. For the next generation, the examples set at
home by parents, care-givers and extended family are shaping the way
they think about gender and equality.
3. Why is it that sexuality is an important component of one’s
- Sexuality is one of the fundamental drives behind everyone's
feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. It defines the means of biological
reproduction, describes psychological and sociological representations
of self, and orients a person's attraction to others. Further, it shapes the
brain and body to be pleasure-seeking.
- 1. Sexuality refers to our biological and natural nature of
behavior in relation to our sexual feelings, thoughts towards other
Knowing your sexuality will definitely part of your personality. In fact,
sexuality is always part of our personality development specially our
behavior, thoughts, feelings, and action towards other people. Some
people despite of gender will be attracted towards their opposite sex,
some would tend to be more enthusiastic with the same gender and
some are not. Some are introvert and some are extrovert.
Knowing sexuality helps build good relation and understanding to our
self and toward others.
2. Sexuality is a natural part of life. The concepts of human sexuality are
learned. From our viewpoint, human sexuality involves at least three
dimensions— biological, psychological, and sociocultural. Each
dimension has many sub-dimensions.
- Sexuality refers to our biological and natural nature of behavior
in relation to our sexual feelings, thoughts towards other people.
Knowing your sexuality will definitely part of your personality. In fact,
sexuality is always part of our personality development specially our
behavior, thoughts, feelings, and action towards other people. Some
people despite of gender will be attracted towards their opposite sex,
some would tend to be more enthusiastic with the same gender and
some are not. Some are introvert and some are extrovert.
Knowing sexuality helps build good relation and understanding to our
self and toward others.

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