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a) Write an e-mail to get reacquainted with an old classmate.

Date: August 9th, 2022
Subject: Meet again
Dear Agustina:
How are you? I really hope you are well. Today I remembered about you and I wanted to
write to you to say hello.
I haven’t communicated with you since you returned to England. We haven't been in
contact for a long time. It's been 6 years since we last met.
Do you remember when we met at the university? We meet in math class. I think Matias
introduced us. Since then we get along very well. We even studied together almost every
day. I remember we had a lot of fun after classes, especially on weekends.

What have you been doing lately? Are you still studying agronomy engineering? Do you go
to London University? I remember you told me that it is a very difficult degree. I'm sure
you'll be able to graduate soon.
I don't know if you've heard, but this year I graduated with a degree in geological sciences.
Now I am looking for a job. I have sent my resume to several companies, and I hope to get
a job soon.
I'm still living in the same place in San Luis, and I’m still going hiking in the mountains
whenever I can. I also go to the gym three times a week.
So, the main reason for sending this email is to invite you to my home. Would you like to
visit me next summer vacation? If you come, we can go for a bike ride like old times. Or
we can try climbing walls in the park. Let me know if you feel like it.
Hope to hear from you soon.

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