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Drainage Master Plan

Pluvial de Piura, Veintiséis

de octubre y Castilla
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document
Document Control Number - 2022-0283-ALT-RT-001 Revision 2
Quality Information
Name of Reviewer Paper Date Signature

Thomas Sagris Urban Manager 21/10/2022

Lead Flood Risk 21/10/2022
David Wilkes Specialist

Integrated Solutions 21/10/2022

Alejandro Gutierrez Co-ordination Lead

Review History
Number fr
o Date Description
1 21/10/2022 Initial Delivery

Copyright Information
The contents of this document are the property of the Authority for Reconstruction
with Change (ARCC). No part of this document may be used without the permission of
the ARCC.
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1
2. STRUCTURE OF THE PLAN .....................................................................................................................1
3. GENERAL FRAMEWORK AND CONTEXT...............................................................................................2
3.1. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA.........................................................................................................................................2
3.2. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE STUDY AREA.......................................................................................................................................3
3.3. PROBLEM IDENTIFIED ..............................................................................................................................................................4
4. GENERAL AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................7
4.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................................................7
4.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES...............................................................................................................................................................7
5. DIAGNOSIS: CHARACTERISATION AND CURRENT SITUATION..............................................................8
5.1. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................8
5.2. BIOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................................47
5.3. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISATION ..............................................................................................................................68
5.4. CURRENT CONDITIONS FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT...........................................................................................................70
5.5. ANALYSIS OF INSTITUTIONAL TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITIES .................................................................131
6. DIAGNOSIS: BASIC STUDIES ..............................................................................................................149
6.1. EXISTING INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................................149
6.2. FIELD RECONNAISSANCE.....................................................................................................................................................149
6.3. INVENTORY OF STORM DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE ......................................................................................................151
6.4. DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL (DEM)......................................................................................................165
6.5. HYDROLOGY .......................................................................................................................................................................166
6.6. MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION MODEL FOR HYDROLOGICAL-HYDRAULIC SIMULATION ....................................................200
7. FORMULATION OF THE MASTER PLAN ............................................................................................249
7.1. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN.........................................................................................................................................................249
7.2. PROJECT IDEA .....................................................................................................................................................................254
7.3. DESIGN CRITERIA................................................................................................................................................................258
7.4. DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVE 1...........................................................................................................260
7.5. DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVE 2...........................................................................................................261
8. STRATEGIES .......................................................................................................................................262
8.1. PROPOSED STRUCTURAL MEASURES..................................................................................................................................262
8.2. PROPOSED NON-STRUCTURAL MEASURES.........................................................................................................................325
8.3. HYDROLOGICAL-HYDRAULIC EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTED MEASURES .................................................................333
9. PROPOSAL, MECHANISMS AND ACTION PLAN ...............................................................................398
9.1. STORM DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS..............................................................................................................398
9.2. RESOURCES FOR STORM DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................399
9.3. FINANCING AND PROGRAMMING OF THE BUDGET............................................................................................................400
9.4. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.....................................................................................................................................................402
9.6. ACTION PLAN......................................................................................................................................................................402
10. IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMME ...............................................................................................406
11.1. OUTPUT INDICATORS OR INDICATORS OF PROGRESS OF THE DRAINAGE PLAN .............................................................407
11.2. OUTCOME AND IMPACT INDICATORS ...............................................................................................................................409
11.3. PROPOSED INDICATORS .....................................................................................................................................................410
12. CONCLUSIONS...............................................................................................................................412
13. RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................................414
14. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................415
15. ANNEXES.......................................................................................................................................418
List of Figures

FIGURE 3-1 LOCATION OF THE PROJECT AREA .....................................................................................................................................3

FIGURE 5-1 TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (MM/DAY).........................................................................................23
FIGURE 5-2 MONTHLY MEAN MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (°C) AT MIRAFLORES STATION ...........................................................24
FIGURE 5-3 MONTHLY MEAN MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (°C) AT MIRAFLORES STATION ...........................................................25
FIGURE 5-4 MONTHLY MEAN RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%) AT MIRAFLORES STATION.......................................................................26
FIGURE 5-5 MONTHLY SOLAR RADIATION (KW/M2) OBTAINED FROM PVGIS, PERIOD 2015-2020 .......................................28
FIGURE 5-6 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN THE DISTRICT OF CASTILLA INDIO1, INDIO 2, INDIO 3..........................................32
FIGURE 5-9 OVERVIEW MAP OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN THE STUDY AREA ................................................................................34
FIGURE 5-10 DRONE SURVEY AT EL INDIO SITES 1, 2 AND 3......................................................................................35
FIGURE 5-11 PANORAMIC VIEW OF INDIO SITE 3....................................................................................................35
FIGURE 5-12 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE SITE CASTILLA - EL INDIO 01 .........................................................................36
FIGURE 5-14 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE CASTILLA - EL INDIO SITE 02 .........................................................................37
FIGURE 5-16 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE CASTILLA - EL INDIO 03 ................................................38
FIGURE 5-18 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE ALTO DEL MORO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE........................................................................39
FIGURE 5-19 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE SITE HUACA ALTO DE LA CRUZ - SECTOR 1.......................................................40
FIGURE 5-21 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE SITE HUACA ALTO DE LA CRUZ - SECTOR 02.....................................................41
FIGURE 5-22 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SURVEY OF THE SITE HUACA ALTO DE LA CRUZ - SECTOR 02 ......................................41
. ...........................................................................................................................................................42
FIGURE 5-24 SATELLITE VIEW OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE EL BOSQUE .....................................................................................42
FIGURE 5-25 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SURVEY - ORTHO MOSAIC OF THE COSCOMBA SUR SITE ........................................................43
FIGURE 5-26 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE LA PENINSULA SITE ...........................................................................................................44
FIGURE 5-27 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SURVEY - ORTHO MOSAIC OF THE LA PENINSULA SITE ...........................................................44
FIGURE 5-28 THE INVADED PENINSULA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE ......................................................................................................45
FIGURE 5-29 PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE LOS OLIVOS SITE ...............................................................................................................46
FIGURE 5-30 POTTERY EVIDENCE AT SANTA JULIA............................................................................................................................46
FIGURE 5-31 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SURVEY - ORTHO MOSAIC OF THE SANTA JULIA SITE ..............................................................47
FIGURE 5-32 ECOSYSTEM MAP ..........................................................................................................................................................48
FIGURE 5-33 MAP OF LIFE ZONES......................................................................................................................................................50
FIGURE 5-34 VEGETATION COVER MAP............................................................................................................................................51
FIGURE 5-35 AREA VIEW OF PIURA, CASTILA AND 26 DE OCTUBRE URBAN CENTRES ...................................................................80
FIGURE 5-36 CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PIURA .................................................................................................81
FIGURE 5-37 CONCEPTUAL MODEL IMPACTED BY STRATEGIES ..........................................................................................................82
FIGURE 5-38 SECTORISATION PLAN....................................................................................................................................................84
FIGURE 5-39 COVERAGE INITIAL EQUIPMENT.....................................................................................................................................87
FIGURE 5-40 PRIMARY EQUIPMENT COVERAGE..................................................................................................................................88
FIGURE 5-41 SECONDARY EQUIPMENT COVERAGE.............................................................................................................................88
FIGURE 5-42 CETPRO EQUIPMENT COVERAGE ......................................................................................................90
FIGURE 5-43 LOCATION OF UNIVERSITY EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................90
FIGURE 5-44 HEALTH EQUIPMENT COVERAGE...................................................................................................................................91
FIGURE 5-45 R.P. EQUIPMENT COVERAGE .............................................................................................................92
FIGURE 5-46 LOCATION OF GREEN AREAS ........................................................................................................................................92
FIGURE 5-47 HEIGHT PLAN ................................................................................................................................................................94
FIGURE 5-48 CURRENT LAND USE .....................................................................................................................................................99
FIGURE 5-49 LOCATION OF REAL ESTATE PROJECTS .........................................................................................................................103
FIGURE 5-50 TRADE AXES ................................................................................................................................................................104
FIGURE 5-51 THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF THE LIVEABLE CITY...................................................................................................109
FIGURE 5-52PLAZA DE ARMAS.........................................................................................................................................................110
FIGURE 5-53 PUBLIC SPACE IN COSSIO DEL POMAR .......................................................................................................................111
FIGURE 5-54 MALECON PIURA RIVER .............................................................................................................................................112
FIGURE 5-55 PIURA RIVER.................................................................................................................................................................112
FIGURE 5-56 KURT BEER PARK ........................................................................................................................................................113
FIGURE 5-57 PROJECT LOCATION .....................................................................................................................................................114
FIGURE 5-58 PROJECT LOCATION .....................................................................................................................................................115
FIGURE 5-59 PROJECT LOCATION .....................................................................................................................................................116
FIGURE 5-60 PROJECT LOCATION .....................................................................................................................................................118
FIGURE 5-61 RAIN GARDENS. SOURCE: GOOGLE.............................................................................................................................119
FIGURE 5-62 SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE. SOURCE: GOOGLE .............................................................................................................119
FIGURE 5-63 CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS. SOURCE: GOOGLE ..........................................................................................................120
FIGURE 5-64 RETENTION BASINS. SOURCE: GOOGLE ......................................................................................................................120
FIGURE 5-65 GREEN ROOFS. SOURCE: GOOGLE ..............................................................................................................................121
FIGURE 5-66 LOCATION OF SANTA JULIA WETLAND.........................................................................................................................123
FIGURE 5-67 SANTA JULIA WETLAND..............................................................................................................................................124
FIGURE 5-68 CURRENT SITUATION....................................................................................................................................................124
FIGURE 5-69 LOS PATOS LAGOON ...................................................................................................................................................125
FIGURE 5-70 LOS PATOS LAGOON ...................................................................................................................................................125
FIGURE 5-71 QUEBRADA EL GALLO FLOOD ZONE..........................................................................................................................126
FIGURE 5-72 QDA EL GALLO - COSSIO DEL POMAR.......................................................................................................................126
FIGURE 5-73 EL GALLO STREAM ......................................................................................................................................................126
FIGURE 5-74 KURT BEER PARK ........................................................................................................................................................127
FIGURE 5-75 KURT BEER PARK ........................................................................................................................................................127
FIGURE 5-76 RAMON CASTILLA PARK ..............................................................................................................................................128
FIGURE 5-77 PLAZA DE ARMAS........................................................................................................................................................128
FIGURE 5-78 MIGUEL CORTEZ PARK ...............................................................................................................................................129
FIGURE 5-79 BICENTENNIAL PARK....................................................................................................................................................129
FIGURE 5-80 BLUE-GREEN ECOSYSTEM NETWORK..........................................................................................................................130
FIGURE 6-1. ZONING OF THE CITY OF PIURA FOR THE INFORMATION SURVEY ..............................................................................150
FIGURE 6-3. VÍCTOR MALDONADO DRAINAGE SYSTEM WEST TOWARDS PAJARITOS CREEK.......................................................153
FIGURE 6-4. VICTOR MALDONADO DRAINAGE SYSTEM EAST TO SANTA JULIA WETLAND. ..........................................................154
FIGURE 6-6. DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TOWARDS THE SECHURA DRAIN................................................................................................156
FIGURE 6-7. DETAIL OF THE SULLANA DRAINAGE SYSTEM..............................................................................................................157
FIGURE 6-8. DRAINS DISCHARGING TO THE RIVER AND UPAO DRAINS ......................................................................158
FIGURE 6-9. DRAINAGE SYSTEMS IN THE CASTILE DISTRICT...........................................................................................................162
FIGURE 6-10. DRAINS DISCHARGING TO DRAIN 1308 ............................................................................................163
FIGURE 6-11. DEM IN THE VICINITY OF THE CITY OF PIURA ..........................................................................................................165
IDF .....................................................................................................................................................167
FIGURE 6-13. LOCATION OF RAMÓN MUGICA AND MIRAFLORES STATIONS, SEPARATED BY 2.45 KM. ...................................168
FIGURE 6-16. DAILY PRECIPITATION AVAILABLE AT MIRAFLORES STATION. .................................................................................171
FIGURE 6-19. MIRAFLORES DAILY PMAX SUSPECT DATA ANALYSIS...............................................................................................173
FIGURE 6-20. MIRAFLORES STATION DATA INDEPENDENCE TEST..................................................................................................174
FIGURE 6-21. SEASONALITY TEST OF DATA FROM MIRAFLORES STATION. ...................................................................................174
FIGURE 6-23. CORRELATION OF THE TWO SOURCES OF DAILY RAINFALL DATA (MM) ....................................................177
FIGURE 6-24. EXAMPLE OF INTENSITY DETERMINATION (I240) BY INTERPOLATION......................................................................180
FIGURE 6-25. CORRELATION OF THE I60 SERIES AND PMAX DIA. .................................................................................................180
HAVE BEEN USED FOR FILLING IN EACH CASE. ........................................................................................................................181
FIGURE 6-27. VARIABILITY OF MAXIMUM DAILY RAINFALL IN PIURA AND ITS AVERAGE..............................................................183
FIGURE 6-28. VARIABILITY OF MAXIMUM ANNUAL FLOWS IN THE PIURA RIVER. ........................................................................184
FIGURE 6-29. IDF CURVES FOR THE CITY OF PIURA (1983-2017)...........................................................................190
FIGURE 6-30. ADJUSTMENT OF THE NUMERATOR AS A FUNCTION OF THE RETURN PERIOD T.........................................191
FIGURE 6-33. IDF CURVES FROM THE PRELIMINARY HYDROLOGY STUDY.....................................................................................194
NIÑO PHENOMENON..............................................................................................................................................................195
FIGURE 6-37. STORM RECORDED ON 12-13 MARCH 2017. ....................................................................................196
FIGURE 6-38. STORM RECORDED ON 21-22 MARCH 2017. ....................................................................................197
FIGURE 6-39. HOURLY COMPARISON OF OBSERVED STORMS WITH SCS PROFILES. ......................................................197
FIGURE 6-40. COMPARISON OF THE PROPOSED AND OBSERVED HIETOGRAMS ...........................................................................198
FIGURE 6-41. PROPOSED DESIGN HAIROGRAMS FOR DIFFERENT RETURN PERIODS. ...................................................................198
TAKEN FROM LAGOS (2019)....................................................................................................................201
FIGURE 6-43. MODELLING DOMAINS: MHH-PIURA AND MHH-CASTILLA MODELS ....................................................................202
FIGURE 6-44. DEM USED FOR THE ASSEMBLY OF THE MHH-PIURA AND MHH-CASTILLA MODELS. ......................................203
FIGURE 6-45. TANDEM-X DEM .......................................................................................................................203
FIGURE 6-46. STREET WIDTHS IN THE 26 DE OCTUBRE, PIURA AND CASTILLA DISTRICTS. .........................................................204
FIGURE 6-47. TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS FOR 8-METRE (RIGHT) AND 25-METRE (LEFT) WIDTHS. ...................................204
SULLANA DRAIN AT THE JUNCTION WITH AV. PERÚ (LEFT). .............................................................................205
WITH CALLE LAS PALMERAS (LEFT). ...........................................................................................................205
FIGURE 6-50. HYPSOMETRIC CURVES (IN GREY) AND ADOPTED CURVE (IN RED)..........................................................206
FIGURE 6-51. MODEL SUB-BASINS..................................................................................................................................................206
FIGURE 6-52. DETAIL OF MODEL SUB-BASINS. ...............................................................................................................................207
FIGURE 6-53. OUTPUT NODES OF THE MHH-PIURA AND MHH-CASTILLA MODELS. ................................................................208
FIGURE 6-56. EXTERNAL INPUT BASINS ..........................................................................................................................................212
EVENT AND ITS CORRELATION WITH THE RECORDED IMPACT ZONES. ..................................................................................215
FIGURE 6-59. FLOOD MAP OF THE CASTILE DISTRICT FOR THE VALIDATION EVENT. ....................................................................216
WITH THE RECORDED IMPACT ZONES.....................................................................................................................................217
FIGURE 6-61. MAP OF MAXIMUM DEPTHS, WITHOUT PROJECT, TR100 .....................................................................218
FIGURE 6-62. MAXIMUM DEPTH MAP, WITH PROJECT, WITHOUT DAMS, TR10CC, 1903 M³/S ............................................219
FIGURE 6-63. MAXIMUM DEPTH MAP, WITH PROJECT, WITHOUT DAMS, TR25CC, 2683 M³/S ............................................220
FIGURE 6-64. MAXIMUM DEPTH MAP, WITH PROJECT, WITHOUT DAMS, TR50CC, 3285 M³/S ............................................221
TR100, 3396 M³/S ...............................................................................................................................................................222
TR100, 3396 M³/S ...............................................................................................................................................................223
FIGURE 6-67. AREAS SURVEYED AS FLOOD-PRONE OR BLIND WATERSHEDS (LIGHT BLUE DOTS) ......................................224
FIGURE 6-68. PIURA FLOOD SPOT DSI - TR25.......................................................................................................227
FIGURE 6-73. DISCHARGES TO MALDONADO EAST AND WEST DRAINAGE - DSI - TR025 ............................................230
FIGURE 6-76. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE SULLANA DRAIN - DSI - TR025 .............................................................234
SECTION OF THE 6 DE SEPTIEMBRE DRAIN. ............................................................................................................................234
JUNCTION WITH THE PAN-AMERICAN HIGHWAY NORTH. ...................................................................................................235
FIGURE 6-80. MAXIMUM SPEEDS MHH-PIURA DSI - TR025...................................................................................236
FIGURE 6-81. FLOOD PLAIN FOR SITUATION DSI TR025 WITH THE UPPER PIURA RIVER. ..........................................................237
SOUTHERN ZONE PIURA DISTRICT............................................................................................................................................238
CENTRAL ZONE PIURA DISTRICT ...............................................................................................................................................238
FIGURE 6-84. FLOODED SPOT MODEL MHH-CASTILE DSI - TR025 ..........................................................................240
FIGURE 6-85. COMPARISON OF SERIES OF LEVELS FOR DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF DRAIN 1308.........................................241
FIGURE 6-87. MAXIMUM SPEEDS MHH-CASTILE - DSI - TR025...............................................................................242
PIURA RIVER LOW (LEFT) VS. SITUATION DSI TR025 WITH THE PIURA RIVER HIGH (RIGHT). .................................244
FIGURE 6-91. PIURA FLOOD PLAIN DSI - TR25 AND IDENTIFIED BLIND BASINS ..............................................................................245
FIGURE 6-92. DETAIL OF PIURA FLOOD PLAIN DSI - TR25 AND IDENTIFIED BLIND BASINS. ...........................................................246
FIGURE 6-93. FLOOD PLAIN CASTILLA DSI - TR25 AND IDENTIFIED BLIND BASINS.........................................................................246
SURVEYS BY THE UNIVERSITY OF PIURA. ................................................................................................................................247
FIGURE 7-1. CITY OF PIURA. OVERALL, ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM................................................................250
FIGURE 7-2. CITY OF PIURA. PRIVATE, ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM .................................................................250
FIGURE 7-3. REGULATION OF THE UPPER PIRUA RIVER BASIN........................................................................................................252
FIGURE 7-4. ALTERNATIVE 1 - DRAINAGE AREAS............................................................................................................................257
FIGURE 7-5. ALTERNATIVE 2 - DRAINAGE AREAS............................................................................................................................258
FIGURE 7-6. IDF CURVES FOR THE CITY OF PIURA (1983 - 2017)............................................................................259
FIGURE 7-7. PROPOSED DESIGN HYDROGRAPHS FOR DIFFERENT RETURN PERIODS .....................................................................259
FIGURE 7-8. ALTERNATIVE 1 - SPECIFIC WORKS ...............................................................................................................................260
FIGURE 7-9. ALTERNATIVE 2 - SPECIFIC WORKS ...............................................................................................................................261
FIGURE 8-1. MARCAVELICA. GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERVENTION .........................................................................263
FIGURE 8-2. MARCAVELICA. PROPOSED SOLUTION .........................................................................................................................263
FIGURE 8-3. AMOTAPE IMPLANTATION ............................................................................................................................................264
FIGURE 8-4. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE AMOTAPE ..............................................................................................................................264
FIGURE 8-5. REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SECTION TO BE PROFILED...........................................................................265
FIGURE 8-6. POSSIBLE SITE FOR FLOW ATTENUATION ....................................................................................................................266
FIGURE 8-7. POSSIBLE ATTENUATION OF THE FLOW ON THE PROPERTY NEXT TO AV. GRAU......................................................266
FIGURE 8-8. IMPLEMENTATION OF A POSSIBLE COLLECTOR AT AV. GRAU ...................................................................................267
FIGURE 8-9. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE COLLECTOR IN AV. GRAU .......................................................................................267
FIGURE 8-10. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE DEEPENING OF THE PETROPERÚ DRAINAGE. ......................................................268
FIGURE 8-11. IMPLEMENTATION OF PETROPERU DRAIN DEEPENING ...........................................................................................268
FIGURE 8-12. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MALDONADO EAST CANAL .............................................................................................269
FIGURE 8-13. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE MALDONADO EAST CHANNEL ................................................................................269
FIGURE 8-14. TURKEY - JAPAN DRAIN..............................................................................................................................................270
FIGURE 8-15. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE DRAIN TURKEY......................................................................................................270
FIGURE 8-16. MALDONADO SOUTH CHANNEL ................................................................................................................................271
FIGURE 8-17. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE MALDONADO SUR CHANNEL..................................................................................271
FIGURE 8-18. IMPLANTATION OF THE SANTA JULIA LAGOON........................................................................................................272
FIGURE 8-19. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DISCHARGE FROM THE SANTA JULIA LAGOON ............................................................274
LUIS EGUIGUREN AND AV. SULLANA). ........................................................................................................275
FIGURE 8-22. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW SULLANA COLLECTOR ...........................................................................................276
FIGURE 8-23. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE NEW SULLANA COLLECTOR ..................................................................................276
FIGURE 8-24. BLUE LAGOON BASIN IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................................277
FIGURE 8-25. IMPLANTATION OF THE GULLMAN DRAIN .................................................................................................................278
FIGURE 8-26. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE GULMAN COLLECTOR .............................................................................................278
FIGURE 8-27. SAN MARTÍN DE PORRES DRAIN..............................................................................................................................279
FIGURE 8-28. CURRENT SITUATION OF THE SAN MARTÍN DE PORRES DRAIN..............................................................................279
FIGURE 8-29. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PUMACAHUA DRAIN. ......................................................................................................280
FIGURE 8-30. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE PUMACAHUA DRAIN. ...........................................................................................280
FIGURE 8-31. IMPLANTATION DRAIN TELEFÓNICA...........................................................................................................................281
FIGURE 8-32. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE ON MICAELA BÁSTIDAS STREET.......................................................................................281
FIGURE 8-33. IMPLANTATION DREN PAREDES MACEDA .................................................................................................................282
FIGURE 8-34. IMPLANTACIÓN DREN CIUDAD DEL SOL...................................................................................................................283
FIGURE 8-35. CIUDAD DEL SOL DRAIN............................................................................................................................................283
FIGURE 8-36. IMPLANTATION OF THE DUNAS DRAIN.......................................................................................................................284
FIGURE 8-37. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE DUNAS DRAIN ......................................................................................................284
FIGURE 8-38. VILLA HERMOSA DRAINAGE SYSTEM........................................................................................................................285
FIGURE 8-39. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE VILLA HERMOSA DRAIN .......................................................................................285
FIGURE 8-40. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE MALDONADO WEST CHANNEL ..............................................................................286
FIGURE 8-41. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE MALDONADO WEST CHANNEL ..............................................................................286
FIGURE 8-43. LOCATION OF POSSIBLE ATTENUATION TANK OF THE CHILCAL SYSTEM .................................................................288
FIGURE 8-46. FIVE-CORNER SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION..................................................................................................................290
FIGURE 8-47. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF BRANCH LINE 2 TAPS......................................................................................................290
FIGURE 8-48. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE 5-CORNER BRANCH LINE.........................................................................................291
FIGURE 8-49. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE CAPULLANAS BRANCH LINE..................................................................................291
FIGURE 8-50. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE LAS DALIAS BRANCH LINE ....................................................................................291
FIGURE 8-51. ALTO PIURA SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................................................................292
FIGURE 8-52. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE UPPER PIURA........................................................................................................292
FIGURE 8-53. PIURA CENTRO SEWER AND PUMPING STATION INSTALLATION.............................................................................293
FIGURE 8-54. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE PIURA CENTRO COLLECTOR .................................................................................293
FIGURE 8-55. IMPLANTATION QUINTA ANA MARÍA........................................................................................................................294
FIGURE 8-56. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE QUINTA ANA MARÍA........................................................................................................295
FIGURE 8-57. IMPLANTATION FUNDO SAN PEDRO..........................................................................................................................296
FIGURE 8-58. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FUNDO SAN PEDRO ............................................................................................................296
FIGURE 8-59. LOS EJIDOS NORTH PLANTATION...............................................................................................................................297
FIGURE 8-60. LOCATION OF EB LOS BRILLANTES ............................................................................................................................298
FIGURE 8-61. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LOS BRILLANTES SYSTEM ..............................................................................................298
FIGURE 8-62. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF LOS ROBLES BRANCH LINE ..........................................................................................299
FIGURE 8-63. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE LUIS MONTERO BRANCH LINE .............................................................................299
FIGURE 8-64. EB MIRAFLORES IMPLEMENTATION ..........................................................................................................................300
FIGURE 8-65. IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW TACNA BS ....................................................................................................................301
FIGURE 8-66. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LAS MONTERO SYSTEM ................................................................................................302
FIGURE 8-67. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE LAS MONTERO BRANCH LINE ..............................................................................302
FIGURE 8-68. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF LAS PALMERAS BRANCH..............................................................................................303
FIGURE 8-69. ALTO GALLO. POSSIBLE LOCATION OF THE LAMINATING RESERVOIR. ......................................................................303
FIGURE 8-70. ALTO GALLO. GENERAL LOCATION ............................................................................................................................304
FIGURE 8-72. POSSIBLE WIDENING OF THE COUNTRY MIRAFLORES CANAL ................................................................................305
FIGURE 8-73. POSSIBLE WIDENING OF THE COUNTRY MIRAFLORES CANAL ................................................................................306
FIGURE 8-74. SPRING DRAIN............................................................................................................................................................307
FIGURE 8-75. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE PRIMAVERA DRAIN ...............................................................................................307
FIGURE 8-76. EL GALLO CREEK.........................................................................................................................................................308
FIGURE 8-77. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF EL GALLO CREEK. ........................................................................................................309
FIGURE 8-78. DISCHARGE AREA OF EL GALLO CREEK TO DRAIN 1308.......................................................................309
FIGURE 8-80. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE CIUDAD DEL NIÑO DRAIN (NUEVA CASTILLA 2). .....................................310
FIGURE 8-81. POPULATION RESETTLEMENT IN NUEVA CASTILLA....................................................................................................311
FIGURE 8-82. URBANISATION IN PAMPAS DE CASTILLA (NUEVA CASTILLA 1) ...............................................................312
FIGURE 8-83. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PAMPAS DE CASTILLA DRAIN (NUEVA CASTILLA 1). ........................................312
FIGURE 8-85. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AVIATION SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................314
FIGURE 8-86. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE AVIATION DRAIN..................................................................................................314
FIGURE 8-87. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE INTERNAL AIRPORT DRAIN ..................................................................................315
FIGURE 8-88. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE AVIATION DRAIN..................................................................................................315
FIGURE 8-89. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EL INDIO SYSTEM...........................................................................................................316
FIGURE 8-90. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE PACHACUTEC BRANCH LINE. ................................................................................316
FIGURE 8-91. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF THE EL INDIO BRANCH LINE.........................................................................................317
FIGURE 8-92. CHICLAYITO IMPLANTATION.......................................................................................................................................317
FIGURE 8-93. EMBANKMENTS TRANSVERSE TO DRAIN 1308 ....................................................................................318
FIGURE 8-94. DRAIN 1308 ...............................................................................................................................318
FIGURE 8-95. LONGITUDINAL PROFILE OF DRAIN 1308..........................................................................................319
FIGURE 8-96. DISCHARGE TO RIVER FROM DRAIN 1308.........................................................................................320
FIGURE 8-97. LAMINATION OF THE HYDROGRAPH, PRIOR TO PUMPING INTO THE PIURA RIVER. ..............................................320
FIGURE 8-102. DETAIL OF THE SPECIFIC WORKS OF THE SELECTED ALTERNATIVE ........................................................................334
FIGURE 8-103. DETAILS OF THE SPECIFIC WORKS OF THE SELECTED ALTERNATIVE. .....................................................................335
FIGURE 8-104. CURRENT DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND PROPOSED INTERVENTIONS...........................................................................336
FIGURE 8-105. MHH PIURA FLOODPLAIN - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025 .............................................................338
CURRENT SCENARIO (TOP) AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (BOTTOM).....................................................341
FIGURE 8-109. MAXIMUM SPEEDS MHH PIURA - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025 .....................................................342
CURRENT SCENARIO (TOP) AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (BOTTOM).....................................................343
CURRENT SCENARIO (TOP) AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (BOTTOM).....................................................344
CURRENT SCENARIO (TOP) AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (BOTTOM).....................................................345
SELECTED ALTERNATIVE (RIGHT) - TR025.....................................................................................................346
SELECTED ALTERNATIVE (RIGHT) - TR025.....................................................................................................346
SELECTED ALTERNATIVE (RIGHT) - TR025....................................................................................................346
FOR SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025. .......................................................................................................347
TR025 .................................................................................................................................................348
FOR SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025. ........................................................................................................350
TR025 .................................................................................................................................................351
FIGURE 8-121. FLOWS IN THE FIVE CORNERS SYSTEM DRAINS. SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025.....................................354
SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025................................................................................................................356
SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025................................................................................................................357
THE SANTA JULIA WETLAND FOR SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025. .................................................................358
ALTERNATIVE - TR025. ...........................................................................................................................359
SYSTEM DRAINS FOR SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025...................................................................................360
SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025................................................................................................................363
TR025. ................................................................................................................................................364
ALTERNATIVE - TR025. ...........................................................................................................................365
FIGURE 8-130. MHH CASTILLA FLOODPLAIN - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025..........................................................367
CURRENT SCENARIO (TOP) AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (BOTTOM).....................................................368
CURRENT SCENARIO (TOP) AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (BOTTOM).....................................................369
FIGURE 8-133. MAXIMUM SPEEDS MHH CASTILLA - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR025 .................................................370
CURRENT SCENARIO (TOP) AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (BOTTOM).....................................................371
CURRENT SCENARIO (TOP) AND SELECTED ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO (BOTTOM).....................................................372
- TR 025...............................................................................................................................................373
CASTILE ....................................................................................................................................................................................376
FIGURE 8-141. DECREASE IN THE IMPACT IN CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE AIRPORT DRAINAGE ..............................................379
CASTILE ....................................................................................................................................................................................383
FIGURE 8-145. HYDROGRAPH AT 5 CORNERS RESERVOIR ..............................................................................................................388
FIGURE 8-146. LAGUNA SANTA JULIA HYDROGRAPH ....................................................................................................................389
FIGURE 8-147. HYDROGRAPH AT LAGUNA AZUL...........................................................................................................................389
FIGURE 8-148. MHH PIURA FLOODPLAIN - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR010 .............................................................390
FIGURE 8-149. DETAIL OF FLOODING SPOT MHH PIURA - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR010 ...........................................391
FIGURE 8-150. MHH CASTILLA FLOODPLAIN - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR010..........................................................392
FIGURE 8-151. DETAIL OF FLOODING SPOT MHH CASTILLA - SELECTED ALTERNATIVE - TR010 .......................................393
FIGURE 8-152. URBANISED AREA UNDER CONSIDERATION .............................................................................................................394
FIGURE 8-153. AGRICULTURAL AREAS UNDER CONSIDERATION .....................................................................................................397
List of Tables

TABLE 3-1. COORDINATES OF THE STUDY AREA ...................................................................................................................................3

TABLE 5-1. IDENTIFIED GEOLOGICAL UNITS ..........................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 5-2. IDENTIFIED GEOMORPHOLOGICAL UNITS.........................................................................................................................10
TABLE 5-3. HISTORICAL EARTHQUAKES (MR > 7.2) IN THE REGION ................................................................................................12
TABLE 5-4. MAXIMUM INTENSITY MODIFIED MERCALLI SCALE (MMSI).......................................................................13
TABLE 5-5. TYPE OF SEISMIC ZONES AND "Z" ZONE FACTORS ...................................................................................14
TABLE 5-6. CURRENT LAND USE IN THE PROJECT AREA...................................................................................................................16
TABLE 5-7. MAJOR LAND USE CAPACITY IN THE PROJECT AREA .....................................................................................................19
TABLE 5-8. CLIMATE CLASSIFICATION OF THE PROJECT'S AREA OF INFLUENCE..............................................................................22
TABLE 5-9. TOTAL MONTHLY PRECIPITATION DATA (MM/DAY) AT MIRAFLORES STATION..........................................................23
TABLE 5-10. MONTHLY MEAN MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE DATA (°C) AT MIRAFLORES STATION...............................................24
TABLE 5-11. MONTHLY MEAN MINIMUM TEMPERATURE DATA (°C) AT MIRAFLORES STATION................................................25
TABLE 5-12. MONTHLY MEAN RELATIVE HUMIDITY DATA (%) AT MIRAFLORES STATION ..........................................................26
TABLE 5-13. BEAUFORT ANEMOMETER SCALE....................................................................................................................................27
TABLE 5-14. MONTHLY SOLAR RADIATION DATA (KW/M2) OBTAINED FROM PVGIS, PERIOD 2015-2020.........................29
TABLE 5-15. SUNSHINE HOURS, PERIOD 2015 ........................................................................................................29
TABLE 5-16. MONTHLY EVAPORATION DATA (MM) OBTAINED FROM THE PVGIS, PERIOD 1972-1997. ..............................30
TABLE 5-17. ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE..........................................................................................................................................34
UPDATE (2019).......................................................................................................................................53
UPDATE (2019).......................................................................................................................................54
FACTSHEET (2018). .................................................................................................................................55
TABLE 5-21. ENDEMIC AND ENDANGERED SPECIES OF FLORA..........................................................................................................55
PROJECT EIA UPDATE (2019). ...................................................................................................................56
CORRIDOR PROJECT EIA UPDATE (2019).....................................................................................................56
CONSERVATION SANTA JULIA COASTAL WETLAND (2018) ..............................................................................57
TABLE 5-25. ENDEMIC AND THREATENED HERPETOFAUNA SPECIES ................................................................................................57
UPDATE (2019) - HTTPS://EBIRD.ORG/PERU/HOTSPOT/L7367961 ..................................................................58
JULIA (2018) - HTTPS://EBIRD.ORG/PERU/HOTSPOT/L2623926 ......................................................................61
TABLE 5-28. ENDEMIC AND THREATENED BIRD SPECIES ...................................................................................................................62
UPDATE (2019). .....................................................................................................................................62
UPDATE (2019). .....................................................................................................................................62
TABLE 5-31. ENDEMIC AND THREATENED MASTOFAUNAL SPECIES .................................................................................................63
TABLE 5-33. POTENTIAL SOCIAL RISKS IDENTIFIED ..............................................................................................................................70
TABLE 5-34. NORMATIVE APPROACH TO URBAN DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................................78
TABLE 5-35. OCCUPIED URBAN AREA. SOURCE: URBAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN .................................................................................79
TABLE 5-36. LIST OF SELECTED TRENDS. SOURCE: CONCERTED PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ..................................................81
TABLE 5-38. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES, INDICATORS AND TARGETS. SOURCE: OWN ...........................................................................83
TABLE 5-39. COLOUR OF SECTORS. SOURCE: OWN ...........................................................................................................................84
TABLE 5-40. HA. BY SECTOR. SOURCE: OWN.....................................................................................................................................85
TABLE 5-41. SETTLEMENTS BY SECTOR IN PIURA ................................................................................................................................86
TABLE 5-43. NUMBER OF CETPROS. SOURCE: OWN.......................................................................................................................89
TABLE 5-44. EQUIPMENT IN THE HEALTH SECTOR. SOURCE: OWN ...................................................................................................90
TABLE 5-45. INVENTORY OF THE SUPPLY OF PUBLIC RECREATION EQUIPMENT (PR). SOURCE: OWN .............................................91
TABLE 5-46. PREDOMINANT LAND USE - HOUSING. SOURCE: OWN .................................................................................................93
TABLE 5-47. PREDOMINANT LAND USE - COMMERCIAL. SOURCE: OWN..........................................................................................95
TABLE 5-48. PREDOMINANT INDUSTRIAL LAND USE. SOURCE: OWN................................................................................................96
TABLE 5-49. PREDOMINANT LAND USE - AGRICULTURAL. SOURCE: OWN .......................................................................................97
TABLE 5-50. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. SOURCE: OWN.....................................................................................................................98
TABLE 5-51. HEALTH FACILITIES. SOURCE: OWN ...............................................................................................................................98
TABLE 5-52. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. SOURCE: OWN....................................................................................................................99
TABLE 5-53. URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND TRENDS BY SECTOR. SOURCE: OWN..............................................................................102
TABLE 5-54. POSSIBLE SCENARIO. SOURCE: OWN...........................................................................................................................107
TABLE 5-55. FUNCTIONS OF PROVINCIAL MUNICIPALITIES .............................................................................................................142
TABLE 5-56. FUNCTIONS OF THE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY ..............................................................................................................142
TABLE 6-1. EXISTING PROJECT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................149
TABLE 6-2. MAIN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS IN THE PIURA AND VEINTISÉIS DE OCTUBRE DISTRICTS ..................................................159
OCTOBER .................................................................................................................................................................................160
TABLE 6-4. MAIN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS IN THE DISTRICT OF CASTILLA ...........................................................................................164
MIRAFLORES AND RAMÓN MUGICA STATIONS. ...................................................................................................................179
TABLE 6-8. PMAX DIA (MM) AND INTENSITIES (MM/H) FOR DIFFERENT DURATIONS (MIN) ..............................................182
TABLE 6-9. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS FOR PMAX DIA.......................................................................................................................184
TABLE 6-10. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS FOR I60 .......................................................................................................185
TABLE 6-11. STUDENT'S T-TEST APPLIED TO THE SERIES OF PMAX DIA. .......................................................................................185
TABLE 6-12. STUDENT'S T-TEST APPLIED TO THE VARIABLE I60................................................................................185
TABLE 6-13. F-TEST APPLIED TO THE VARIABLE PMAX DIA. ...........................................................................................................186
TABLE 6-14. F-TEST APPLIED TO THE VARIABLE I60 ...............................................................................................186
TABLE 6-15. FINAL DATABASE..........................................................................................................................................................187
TEST .........................................................................................................................................................................................189
DURATION (MIN) AND RETURN PERIOD TR (YEARS) .......................................................................................190
TABLE 6-20. PARAMETER VALUES AND CORRELATION COEFFICIENT FOR EACH RETURN PERIOD ................................................190
TABLE 6-21.COMPARISON OF IDF VALUES ...........................................................................................................195
TABLE 6-22. CN, INITIAL ABSTRACTION (IA) AND IMPERVIOUSNESS BY ADOPTED LAND USES.......................................................211
TWENTY-SIXTH OCTOBER.......................................................................................................................................................248
TABLE 8-1. SUMMARY OF PUMPING STATIONS TO BE IMPLEMENTED...........................................................................................322
THRESHOLD [HA]....................................................................................................................................395
THRESHOLD [HA]....................................................................................................................................395
THRESHOLD [%]. ....................................................................................................................................396
AND WITH WORKS [HA]...........................................................................................................................397
TABLE 9-1. FUNCTIONS OF PROVINCIAL MUNICIPALITIES................................................................................................................398
TABLE 9-2 93. FUNCTIONS OF THE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY.........................................................................................................399
TABLE 9-4. BUDGETARY CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................................................................................................401
TABLE 9-5. FUNDING MODELS ........................................................................................................................................................401
TABLE 9-6. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES ......................................................402
TABLE 9-7. PRIORITISATION OF STRUCTURAL MEASURES ...............................................................................................................406
TABLE 11-1. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ........................................................................................................................................411
Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

1. Introduction
The districts of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla, located on the banks of the Piura River
in the province of Piura in northern Peru, are in the North Coast region of Peru, which is
historically among the most frequently affected by disasters due to rainfall and flooding as a
result of ocean-atmospheric phenomena in the South Pacific ("El Niño Phenomenon",
generally referred to by its acronym FEN).

The El Niño phenomenon itself is a climatological event that occurs at variable intervals,
increasingly more frequently and with greater intensity, characterised by an increase in the sea
surface temperature in the areas of northern Peru and southern Ecuador, causing alterations
in the characteristics of the winds and sea currents and a considerable increase in the
magnitude of rainfall in a region of arid characteristics, with a deficiency of rainfall in all

In this context, these districts have been repeatedly affected, with heavy losses and a constant
delay to their growth and that of their communities. Despite this, the districts have not been
provided with sufficient water infrastructure to prevent or mitigate damage caused by rain or
river floods such as those generated by FEN events. On the contrary, cities have grown in a
haphazard manner, and have had to be rebuilt several times, and if concrete actions are not
taken, they will have to do it again, wasting valuable resources time and time again.

The works or measures that have been implemented have been isolated, not planned or
comprehensive, and especially since the last critical event in 2017, when Peru was hit by the
Coastal El Niño phenomenon (FENC) that strongly affected these districts, little or nothing has
been done in terms of rain prevention.

Thus, cities, their heritage, inhabitants and the prosperity desired by any community continue
to be exposed to new disasters that halt all expectations of development.

Under this scenario and the need to have the necessary studies to carry out sustainable works
over time for the benefit of the citizens of the north of the country, the Authority for
Reconstruction with Change (ARCC), of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in the
framework of the Government to Government agreement signed by Peru with the United
Kingdom, has drawn up this Master Plan for Rainwater Drainage in the districts of Piura,
Vetististiséis de Octubre and Castilla, has drawn up this Master Plan for Rainwater Drainage in
the districts of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla in order to outline the main works to
be carried out in the coming years and thus provide the area of influence with the necessary
infrastructure to guarantee the reduction of exposure to the risk of flooding.

2. Structure of the Plan

The development of the work of the PMDP of the districts of Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis de
Octubre was carried out in three (03) phases and each of these had as a product a deliverable,
as indicated below:

Phase I: Diagnosis and identification of the problem (Deliverable No. 1)

• Review of existing information.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

• Field visit and inspection. Collection of additional information. Inventory of existing

network infrastructure.
• Diagnosis of rainwater infrastructure.
• Hydrological-Hydraulic Modelling: Construction and calibration of SWMM model
(Current Situation).
• Diagnosis of the current situation (infrastructure and general problems).
• Problem analysis (social, economic, environmental context, etc.).
• Analysis of the results of the current situation model (blind basins, flood maps and
Phase II: Technical Solution Approach (Deliverable No. 2)

• Problem analysis and solution concept.

• Identification and prioritisation of interventions. Proposal of alternatives.
• Hydrological-Hydraulic Modelling: Analysis of alternatives.
• Multi-criteria analysis and selection of prioritised structural measures.
Phase III: Plan Development (Deliverable No. 3)

• Engineering development of the solution. Adjustments to the selected alternative.

• Costing of measures and planning.
• Hydrological-Hydraulic Modelling: Situation with optimised works.
• Completion of socio-environmental study.
• Generation of maps for input to the risk model to be developed by ARCC.
• Economic evaluation.
• Drafting and integration of the Master Plan.
For the purposes of better understanding and ease of handling all the documentation
generated, the Final Report of the Master Plan has been divided into the present main
document (Volume I), which describes, summarises and formulates the Master Plan, and
another complementary volume (Volume II), which contains, in the form of annexes, the
studies carried out or complementary information necessary for the preparation and support
of this plan.

3. General framework and context

3.1. Description of the study area
The department of Piura is located in the extreme northwest of Peru, where it borders the
Pacific Ocean to the west, the department of Lambayeque to the south, Cajamarca to the east
and Tumbes to the north. It is comprised in its greater extension in relation to the geographic
region by coast, with a mountainous section of smaller extension in relation to the
mountainous region. It is also located 1,050 km north of the city of Lima, the capital of the
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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

The storm drainage project is located in the city of Piura, capital of the province of Piura, and
includes the districts of Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis de Octubre. The UTM coordinates are
given below:

Datum: WGS84 - UTM Coordinates

Zone East (m) North(m)
Piura 17 540 276 9 425 970
Castile 17 542 170 9 425 092
Twenty-sixth October 17 536 317 9 427 187
Table 3-1. Coordinates of the study area

Figure 3-1 Location of the Project area

3.2. Brief history of the study area1

The territory where the department of Piura currently extends was inhabited in ancient times
by the Tallan culture. Later the area was influenced by the Chimu culture, and from 500 BC to
500 AD the Vicus culture flourished.

It is the first city founded by the Spaniards in South America in 1532, with the name of San
Miguel de Piura. Its name derives from the Quechua word "Pirhua" which means granary.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

or supply depot. In ancient times, Piura was a supply base for the Quechua settlers.

Between 1535 and 1570, the city became a centre of some importance that welcomed
illustrious visitors and was able to try out a complete urban planning. The city had a main
church, a Convent of Mercedarios and Casas del Cabildo, and by the middle of the 16th
century it had about a hundred inhabitants.

The Law of creation of the province of Piura, dated 12 February 1821, dates from the time of

In the case of the district of Castilla, it was created on 30 March 1861 by Regional Law Nº 208
and claimed on 13 August 1920 politically as a district.

In the case of the district of Veintiséis de Octubre, the first steps towards its creation date back
to 1986, when documents were presented and the support of local leaders and residents who
sought the independence of a group of human settlements from the local government of the
city of Piura. Finally, in February 2013, by means of Law Nº 29991, the district was created.

3.3. Problem identified

The city of Piura is located on the banks of the Piura River and includes the districts of
Veintiséis de Octubre and Piura, located on the right bank of the river (West) and the district of
Castilla, located on the left bank (East). This location has determined that, throughout its
history, the city has been affected by rains and floods, the magnitude of which has increased
since the occurrence of the so-called El Niño phenomenon.

The El Niño Phenomenon (FEN) has its origin in climate alterations in the South Pacific Ocean,
generating an increase in sea temperature in the region and causing the appearance of winds
and a notable increase in rainfall. These events have been increasing in magnitude and
frequency in recent years. Although these processes have been increasing, they are occurring
in a clearly arid region. This is why the direct consequence on the situation in the region is the
alternation of intense rainfall events, when the ENF occurs, with relatively long periods of
intense drought.

Both cycles characterise the city's behaviour in terms of the growth of urbanised sectors in
cycles of drought, with the disorderly occupation of spaces, often in naturally floodable areas
or areas that form part of the city's drainage system. This drainage system has not formed part
of a comprehensively developed plan either, but has been implemented on the basis of the
resolution of the problems that characterise different sectors of the city.

The previous studies that have been carried out have not culminated in an organised works
plan and, as a result, there has been little intervention in terms of structural and non-structural
measures in recent years. This is why, together with the aforementioned population and urban
growth, there has been a progressive increase in the degree of exposure and risk to pluvial and
fluvial flooding events.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

According to these studies, as well as the assessments carried out in the context of the
consequences of the last El Niño phenomenon in 2017, it was possible to identify the following
specific problems in the city in terms of the degree of protection against major rainfall events:

• Infrastructure gap for river regulation, protection, drainage or defence works. In

addition, it is noted that the existing works have been designed from a very local
• Deficient risk management with respect to hydrological events, evidenced by: the lack
of detection and prediction of risk-generating phenomena; the absence of vulnerability
studies; and the lack of preventive and awareness-raising work.
• Inappropriate land use and improper occupation of watercourses, which aggravate the
hydrological risks affecting the population.
• Weakness of public and civil society institutions and organisations, which show gaps in
their prevention and management capacity.
• Lack of knowledge among the population about risk and about the responsible
behaviour required, both preventively and during or after the occurrence of critical
flood events.
In the aforementioned context, and in view of the need to evolve with studies that make it
possible to define integral visions of the problem and, within them, to establish a set of works
that make up a global and sustainable solution scheme over time, avoiding particular and
short-term solutions, the Authority for Reconstruction with Change (ARCC), within the
framework of the Government to Government agreement signed by Peru with the United
Kingdom, has been preparing the Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis de Octubre Pluvial Drainage
Plan (PMDP).

Within the framework of this study, work has been carried out on the preparation of a
diagnosis of the problems of the area of influence in terms of flood irrigation, and therefore
the specific problems identified in the rainwater drainage of the districts of Piura, Veintiséis de
Octubre and Castilla, following the diagnosis of the system, are set out below:

• Population exposure: Disorderly urban growth has occurred in recent decades in the
districts of Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis de Octubre. In general, they are human
settlements with an incipient grid around a central area or public space (they have not
followed urban planning), most of them without urban services, with limited coverage
of equipment, with roads only paved, with houses in the process of consolidation
(most of them use construction technologies with low efficiency and local materials
such as adobe and quincha and the rest of brick). Although they have space on the
lots, most of them do not occupy the whole lot and in many cases there is some
overcrowding and precariousness.
The need for housing sites for a growing population, due to both fertility and the
migration of families from the interior of the region, and the lack of resources and
opportunities, have led to the decision to occupy topographical depressions and build
their homes there. In most cases, the land is located to the south of the city.
• Affectation of drainage infrastructure and buffer areas: Unorganised and informal
growth generates cases such as the Susana Higuchi drain,

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

drain 66-B, which have been cancelled to build houses, and the 31 de enero sewer,
which does not pass through Gulman Avenue to discharge into the Gulman drain.
Another case is that of the Sullana drain, which had a wetland in what was called
Laguna Azul, which served as a buffer to the flow that then continued through the
Sechura drain more than a decade ago. Today the wetland has been eliminated by
filling the depression with debris material.
It has become evident in the visits carried out that the inhabitants of the human
settlements need to connect the banks of the drains, for which they build clandestine
bridges and embankments, blocking or cutting off the continuity of the drains.
• Insufficient drainage infrastructure: After carrying out an inventory of the storm
drainage system, which included an extensive tour, it has been possible to identify that
it is made up of a network of open and closed drains, canal channels, pumping stations
and some pipes, which flow into the Piura River, Pajaritos Creek, Sechura Drain, 1308
Drain and into the Santa Julia Lagoon.
This existing infrastructure is neither sufficient nor efficient, and is characterised by
partial and isolated solutions. Moreover, it is not adequately operated and maintained,
so that many of them are deteriorated, obstructed or inoperative.
• Inefficient management: The management of operation and maintenance of urban
drainage works in the districts of Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis de Octubre has had
significant shortcomings, of which a brief summary is given below:
o Regular cleaning activities have not been carried out in the conduits, drains
and discharge areas of the storm drainage system, and there is evidence of
blockages and accumulations of rubbish in all sectors of the city.
o The hydromechanical equipment of the existing pumping stations has not
been properly maintained.
o The integrity of the assets of the drainage system has not been controlled,
allowing vandalism (e.g. unauthorised closure of the Gulman Drain) and the
execution of works that alter the functionality of the works (e.g. embankments
crossing the Victor Maldonado Drain).
o Encroachment in areas close to the drains, the so-called Laguna Azul or in the
vicinity of the Santa Julia wetland has been allowed or is not adequately
controlled. Day by day the settlers are gaining ground in these areas.
• Pollution: Another problem identified is the high level of pollution present in the
existing drains. Direct contamination is observed due to the dumping of solid urban
waste and inadequate disposal of rubble (clearing). Direct discharge of wastewater
into the drains has also been detected, which gives rise to an excessive growth of
plants that make up the weeds in the watercourses, mainly in urban areas that lack
sanitary sewage systems.
The waste prevents the free flow of water, causing stagnation of rainwater and the
drains produce visual pollution, bad smells and the presence of vectors that affect
people's health.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

4. General and specific objectives

4.1. General objectives
The final and general objective of the study is the formulation of this Master Plan for the
districts of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla, in which structural and non-structural
measures are established to generate an efficient system for managing water surpluses and
the drainage system in a sustainable manner, with a vision of integrated and participatory
management of water resources in the long term.

The objective of the Master Plan focuses on reducing vulnerability to extreme

hydrometeorological events and their consequences, ensuring the sustainability of long-term
interventions that allow for the adequate implementation of institutional mechanisms, with
the plan's horizon being 2050.

4.2. Objectives specific

The specific objectives of this study include the elaboration of:

a) Comprehensive diagnosis of the citywide storm drainage system, including evaluation of

the results of structural and non-structural measures implemented in the city.

b) Development of a hydraulic model of the rainwater system of the study area on a

computer platform, with the purpose of ensuring its further use in drainage management.
This model makes it possible to simulate all aspects necessary for the assessment of the
flooding situation and the design of solutions and to provide technical and timely support
for flood risk management in the districts studied.

c) Identify and develop a set of structural and non-structural measures aimed at the control,
management, prevention and management of pluvial floods in the area of the districts
under study; either in isolation or in joint and/or complementary operation.

d) Establish priorities for intervention in space and time and implement them through
various structural and non-structural measures.

e) Develop the Master Plan with the legal implementation of the non-structural measures,
the works plan (structural measures), and the elaboration of the pre-investment studies
of the projects prioritised in the Master Plan.

f) Generate ways to promote the Institutional Strengthening of the bodies responsible for
storm drainage management.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

5. Diagnosis: Characterisation and Current Situation

5.1. Description physical
The purpose of this section is to describe the abiotic components present in the Project's area
of influence, including climate, geology, geomorphology, soils, hydrology, among others.

5.1.1. Geological Characteristics

Geologically, the territory of the Piura area belongs to the course and banks of the Piura River.
There are sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age, the rocky basement being covered by Pleistocene
and recent Quaternary deposits of marine type, the former, and fluvial deposits, the latter; as
well as residual and colluvial soils in the sectors where sedimentary rocks of the units called
Zapallal and Miramar outcrop, the same ones that outcrop in a dispersed way, given the
rupture tectonics that has made play in blocks of gravel formations, giving rise to sunken and
elevated areas called graven and horst respectively and controlling the direction of the course
of the Piura River in the urban area of the city in the section between the Ejidos Dam and
Bolognesi Bridge. Local Geology

The study is developed on the basis of the technical information published by INGEMMET in its
Geological Quadrangles of Piura, surveyed at a scale of 1:100 000. The geological units
identified in the project area are shown below. See map UKDT-2021- PDMP-01 "Geological

Wind Qr-e 12,645.62 75.15
Cenozoic Quaternary Recent Qr-al 4,054.21 24.09

Urban AU 126.65 0.75

Total 16,826.49 100
Table 5-1. Identified Geological Units Wind Tanks (Qr-e)

They are found in the eastern sector of the coastal plain (left bank of the Piura River and the
Ñaupe sector, forming thick layers of poorly diagenetised eolian sand stabilised by vegetation;
morphologically they are hills dissected by a very characteristic dendritic fluvial network that
gives them the appearance of badlands.
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This unit covers 12,645.62 Ha, representing 75.15% of the area of influence of the project. Alluvial Deposits (Qr-al)

The areal distribution of this type of material extends to the areas of the old terraces of the
Piura river, where the main agricultural areas are located, and is basically an intercalation of
light brown silt with fine to medium-grained yellowish-brown sands, with the presence of tree
roots and minor plants. There are also small lenses of light to dark brown clays that vary
according to the fluctuating moisture content.

This unit covers 4,054.21 Ha, representing 24.09 % of the area of influence of the project. Urban Area

This unit represents the areas occupied by the urban area of the city of Piura, characterised by
residential, commercial and industrial buildings, as well as road and service infrastructure.

This unit covers 126.65 Ha, representing 0.75% of the area of influence of the project.

5.1.2. Geomorphological and Physiographical Characteristics

Morphologically, the city of Piura is located in the so-called Parandina Basin, which is bordered
to the east by the western foothills of the Andes and to the west by the Amotapes Mountains,
formed by two basins called Lancones to the north and Sechura to the south, which are divided
by the Sullana highlands, which allows the materials that form them to have different histories,
the Lancones being Mesozoic and the Sechura Cenozoic; The study area is located in the
northern sector.

The structural domains of the district morphology are influenced by the tectonic features that
define each area and make it possible to establish differences between the area where the
land under study is located and adjacent areas, which correspond to the tectonic domain
known as the raised block, in comparison with the gravity structural domain of the Piura River,
which runs from north to south dividing the Districts of Piura and Castilla. The differences in
elevation correspond to the set of normal faults of SW - NE orientation, the same ones that
control the course of the Piura River. The geomorphology can also be divided. Local Geomorphology

The study is developed on the basis of technical information published by INGEMMET

surveyed at a scale of 1:100 000. The geomorphological units identified in the project area are
shown below. See map UKDT-2021-PDMP-02 "Geomorphological Map".

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document


Unit Symbol Ha %
Mountain foothills fan Ab 372.09 2.21
Water bodies Lg/ca 183.03 1.09
Plain or floodplain Pl-al 12,149.17 72.20
Flood plain or flood plain Pl-i 350.42 2.08
Hill y lomada at rock RCL-rs 6.86 0.04
Alluvial terrace T-al 3,764.92 22.37
Total 16,826.49 100.00

Table 5-2. Identified Geomorphological Units Bush-foot fan

They are formed by geoforms originated because the torrents loaded with material descending
from the Illescas Massif and penetrating the lower lands, markedly reduce their gradient and,
as a consequence of this change and taking into consideration the lithology of the area of the
headwaters of these watercourses (schists and granites), they have deposited first sandy and
gravelly sediments, and then the less coarse material, which has spread out in the form of a
fan in the lower part.

This unit covers 372.09 Ha, representing 2.21 % of the area of influence of the project. Water bodies

The project area is part of the Piura River basin. The Piura River, the main physiographic
feature, crosses the city from north to south and is formed in the foothills of the mountain

This unit covers 183.03 Ha, representing 1.09 % of the area of influence of the project. Alluvial plain or floodplain

It is located on the current right bank of the Piura River and recent ones of the Motupe River,
and is characterised by its low slope. It presents a certain resistance to erosive processes.
These are the old river beds, which have remained at higher altitudes than the current river
bed, constituting non-floodable terraces during normal rainfall events. Due to the flat
topography and fertility of the soils and the proximity of the river's water source, agricultural
activities are carried out on this land.

This unit covers 12,149.17 Ha, representing 72.20% of the area of influence of the project.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Flood plain or flood plain

Originated by the exceptional floods coming from the streams of the Western Cordillera of the
Andes in the rainy season, whose action and influence penetrates the area of the Sechura

This unit covers 350.42 Ha, representing 2.08 % of the area of influence of the project. Hill and ridge in sedimentary rock

This unit is characterised by isolated reliefs with heights of up to 299 m, which emerge in the
foothills with clear and well-defined shapes. The shapes of the summits are generally flat and
crowned by a hard stratum. The slopes are slightly concave in cross-section.

This unit covers 6.86 Ha, representing 0.04 % of the area of influence of the project. Alluvial terrace

A flat area of land that has been shaped by the Piura river, generally on its own deposits, and
which is located above the main riverbed. A terrace corresponds to a (former) flood plain, it
also has flat relief with slopes of 2-4 %, these terraces are characterised by their slightly
depressed relief and receive water from surface runoff, groundwater or from the surrounding
rivers and streams, which means that this unit has a water table close to the surface.
Lithologically, these terraces are formed by fluvial and alluvial deposits, made up of fine, sandy
to sandy-clayey sediments.

This unit covers 3,764.92 Ha, representing 22.37 % of the area of influence of the project.

5.1.3. Seismic Characterisation of the

The Northern Region of Peru is characterised by Neotectonic activity, particularly the
geological conformation of the area; however, folding and block faulting tectonics show
considerable movements during the Pleistocene.

The limitations imposed by the scarcity of seismic information in a statistically representative

period restrict the use of the probabilistic method and the scarcity of tectonic data restricts the
use of the deterministic method. Nevertheless, a calculation based on the application of such
methods, but without losing sight of the aforementioned limitations, provides sufficient
criteria to arrive at a preliminary evaluation of the seismic risk in Northern Peru,

Studies by Grange et al (1978) revealed that the dip of the Benioff zone for Northern Peru is
below 15°, which results in less tectonic activity, as a direct consequence of the phenomenon
of subduction of the Oceanic Plate beneath the Continental Plate, in relation to Central and
Southern Peru and, therefore, seismic activity and seismic risk also decrease to a certain

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Due to the confluence of the Cocos and Nazca tectonic plates, both of which push towards the
continent, the presence of the Grijalbo and Sarmiento ridges, and the presence of the active
Huaypirá fault, earthquakes of great magnitude can occur, as shown in the following table.


Sechura destroyed,
Jul. 09 1587 - 19:30 number of dead not
Feb. 01 1645 - - Moderate damage in
Aug. 20 1657 - - Strong damage in
Tumbes and
Jul. 24 1912 7.6 Part of Piura
Strong damage in
Dec. 17 1963 7.7 12:31
Tumbes and
Some major
damage at
Dec. 07 1964 7.2 04:36
Piura, damage at
Talara and Tumbes.
Damage in Tumbes,
Dec. 09 1970 7.6 23:34 Zorritos, Máncora
Table 5-3. Historical Earthquakes (MR > 7.2) of the Region Intensity
The territory where the project study area is located is immersed in a grade VIII seismic
intensity zone. The following table shows the seismic intensities in relation to the Modified
Mercalli classification methodology - IMM (CENEPRED, 2003).


Slightly felt by all people inside dwellings and by some

people outside, including those inside stopped
IV 20 - 40 vehicles. Hanging lamps tend to sway moderately,
however, no objects fall.

Perceived moderately by almost all people, including

outdoor traffic. People inside moving vehicles may
V 40 - 80 not perceive it. People are startled and feel a slight
sensation of dizziness, hanging lamps swing strongly

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and some light objects fall. Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

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Vulnerable or rustic dwellings may suffer small cracks
in their walls.

Strongly felt by everyone. Many light objects fall,

furniture and household appliances move a few
centimetres, but it is still possible to stand upright. It
VI 80 - 160
is also felt by people inside moving vehicles.

Perceived as very strong by all, making it difficult for

people to stand up. Many objects fall,
some furniture and household appliances may
VII 160 - 320
The damage is moderate in well-designed dwellings.
Vulnerable or rustic dwellings collapse.

Perceived severely. Standing up is very difficult

difficult as driving a vehicle. All the
objects fall, furniture and appliances fall, furniture and
appliances are
VIII 320 - 640 and significant damage is caused to
well designed dwellings, while those with
vulnerable or of rustic material collapse in their

Perceived violently. Standing up is

IX 640 - 1280 impossible. Almost all the houses collapse and most of
them are
Part of the city remains in ruins.

Perceived as extreme. People lying on the ground

or pushed from one place to another by the
earthquake. The
X 1280 - 2560 wooden structures are destroyed and the
produce curvatures in the railway rails. The
city is left in ruins.

Table 5-4. Maximum Intensity Modified Mercalli Scale (MSM) Zoning
According to the Seismic Zoning Map for Peru, Seismic Resistant Norm NTE-030 of 2016, the
national territory has been divided into four zones of seismic occurrence: Zone 4 with very high
seismicity, zone 3 with high seismicity; zone 2 with medium seismicity, and zone 1 where strong
earthquakes are not very frequent.

The zoning is based on the spatial distribution of observed seismicity, the general
characteristics of seismic motions and their attenuation with epicentral distance, as well as
neotectonic information. A Z-factor is assigned to each zone, this factor is interpreted as the
maximum horizontal acceleration on rigid ground with a 10 % probability of being exceeded in
50 years. The Z-factor is expressed as a fraction of the acceleration of gravity.

According to the Seismic Zoning, the project site area corresponds to Zone 4.

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Exceptional Soils are exceptionally flexible

soils and sites where the geological and/or
topographical conditions are particularly
0,45 S4 unfavourable, where a site-specific study is
4 required. It is only necessary to consider an
(Very High) S4 profile when the soil mechanics study
(EMS) so determines.

Soft soils, which correspond to flexible soils

with a velocity of
0,35 S3
shear wave propagation less than or equal to
3 at 180 m/s.
(High) Intermediate Soils, corresponds to
moderately stiff soils, with
0,25 S2
wave propagation velocities of
2 shear between 180 m/s and 500 m/s.
Very stiff rock or soil, to this type correspond
0,10 the rocks with different
degrees of fracturing, from
1 S1
homogeneous massifs, and very
(Bass) stiff soils with
shear wave propagation speeds from 500 m/s
to 1500 m/s.

Table 5-5. Seismic Zone Type and "Z" Zone Factors

5.1.4. Hydrology

phy Piura River Basin

The Piura river basin is located in the region of Piura, in the north of Peru, between 0 and 3600
m.a.s.l., geographically, it is situated between the following coordinates: 99° 33' - 80° 58' West
longitude and 04°46' - 05°43' South latitude.

According to the geodynamic study of the Piura River Basin, carried out by INGEMMET in 1994,
the basin is determined by two large physiographic areas.

The first, of greater extension, called Medio y Bajo Piura, corresponds to an area of very gentle
slopes, with small erratic dry creek beds that are only activated during the "El Niño"
phenomenon and by a wide course of the main river that over time has changed the place
where it flows into the river.

The second, called Alto Piura, is made up of the massif of the Western Cordillera, with inter-
Andean valleys of abrupt topography, where the divortium aquarum with the Huancabamba,
Quiroz and Chipillico river basins can be easily defined.

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The project area is located in the lower zone of the basin, specifically in Sub Zone B located
between 50 - 350 m.a.s.l., an undulating and semi-desert area, dry climate with rainfall of 500
mm and average temperatures of 28 ºC in normal years. The climate is semi-arid, with little
sunshine and a seasonally increasing watery season as one ascends between the months of
January and April.

There are also areas where periods of sunshine alternate with periods of fog and frost. This
climate is found in the upper middle part of the basin and varies from the bottom of the valley
to the slopes, from warm and dry to cold and dry. Local hydrology

The Piura River, the main physiographic feature, crosses the city from north to south and is
formed in the foothills of the mountain range, moving down the slope to get lost in the
burning desert sands, except in times of heavy rainfall, where it generates floods in the lower

The Piura River in the urban section crosses the city of Piura from North to South and divides
the districts of Piura and Castilla, showing its intermediate portion altered by the presence of
the Los Ejidos Dam that regulates its flow to irrigate agricultural lands of the Middle and Lower

5.1.5. Current Land Use

The Piura region has 32 current use units, of which 17 are associations, i.e. the combination of
2 or 3 types of land occupation or use.

For the determination of the current land use, an objective approach was used in order to
record mainly the external appearance of the land use, taking as a premise that land use is
mainly conditioned by the potential of the land.

In order to carry out the corresponding classification, it was necessary to use the Current Land
Use map, which has as its source the Ecological Economic Zoning of the Regional Government
of Piura extracted from MINAM. The study area is made up of the following land uses.


Unit Symbol Ha %
Intensive Agriculture 2,529.09 15.03
Temporary Agriculture 138.20 0.82
Inland Waters 192.37 1.14
Natural Forest 1101.57 6.55
Sparsely Vegetated Spaces 150.45 0.89
Extensive Livestock - Natural Forests 5,895.56 35.04
Livestock Extensive - Vegetation 2,358.47 14.02
Shrub and/or Natural Herbaceae
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Unused 404.36 2.40

Urban and Industrial Areas 4,056.42 24.11
Total 16,826.49 100.00

Table 5-6. Current Land Use in the Project Area Intensive Agriculture

Intensive agriculture is concentrated in the main basins of the Piura region, such as the Chira
and Piura river basins.

These areas have year-round agricultural production, with water supply from two large
infrastructures such as the Poechos and San Lorenzo dams, which benefit hundreds of farmers
located in the agricultural valleys.

In the Piura river valley the predominant crop is rice, especially in the lower Piura, which has a
continuous irrigation system, followed by other crops such as maize, bananas, lemons and
cotton on a smaller scale, and as a hedge for these plots we find tamarind, coconut and carob

This unit covers 2,529.09 Ha, representing 15.03 % of the area of influence of the project. Temporary Agriculture

In the coastal plain there are agricultural areas that do not have irrigation systems, but use
water from the rainy season and the water table, categorising them as seasonal agriculture.
There is an unusual way of coexistence and production, where there is a mixture of agricultural
cultivation of bread baskets or seasonal crops, livestock and oil extraction. The agriculture that
is developed in Medio Piura takes advantage of the water of the Piura River; there are
temporary crops such as pole beans, Chilean beans, maize, lemon, mango and rice plantations.

This type of agriculture is also observed in the sectors Huapira, Lancones, Venados, where they
produce maize, beans, onions, with some lemon and banana plots for self-consumption and on a
smaller scale. In the main ravines such as Fernández, Pariñas, Río Seco, Huarmaca, there is
evidence of bread crops. In the highlands, temporary agriculture covers the slopes of the hills,
taking advantage of the humidity stored by rainfall. Normally, these areas are located in the
middle and upper part of the mountainous zones, where corn, wheat, barley and peas are
grown in large extensions.

This unit covers 138.20 Ha, representing 0.82 % of the area of influence of the project. Inland Waters

The Piura River, the main physiographic feature, crosses the city from north to south and is
formed in the foothills of the mountain range.

This unit covers 192.37 Ha, representing 1.14 % of the area of influence of the project.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Natural Forest

On the coast we have the dry forests that occupy the plains, hills and mountains. They are
bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the east by the western slopes of the Andes, on
the north by the region of Tumbes and on the south by the region of Lambayeque. The climate
is hot and dry, with two distinct seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season
lasts from December to March, with an average rainfall between 100 and 500 mm, which can
reach more than 1000 mm when the El Niño phenomenon occurs, such as the one recorded in
1982-1983. The average annual temperature varies between 24 and 27ºC.

The type of vegetation in this area is highly influenced by the presence of the El Niño
phenomenon, a period when rainfall intensifies greatly, and the vegetation regenerates
rapidly, passing from one succession to another. The most representative species of these
forests are the carob tree (Prosopis spp.), sapote (Capparis scabrida), charán (Caesalpinea
paipai), ceibo (Ceiba trichistandra), hualtaco (Loxopterygium huasango), palo santo (Bursera
graveolens), porotillo (Erythrina smithiana), pasayo (Eriotheca discolor), overo (Cordia lutea),
borrachera (Ipomoea carnea), papelillo (Bougainvillea sp.).

This unit covers 1,101.57 Ha, representing 6.55 % of the area of influence of the project. Sparsely Vegetated Spaces

This unit is made up of all those desert slopes and hillsides, including rocky outcrops and bare
or sparsely vegetated land; they constitute all those marginal areas for all types of agricultural,
livestock and forestry activities, due to climate and soil limitations.

Numerous gullies can be observed in this unit, forming a very heterogeneous physiographic
landscape of slopes and hills, ranging from moderately steep to very steep slopes.

This unit covers 150.45 Ha, representing 0.89 % of the area of influence of the project. Extensive Livestock - Natural Forests

There are few areas on the coast where intensive livestock farming is observed, most of it is
extensive, using large areas. In the region there are cattle, goats, and other small-scale
livestock such as pigs and sheep, which are important in the local market. Mostly natural forest
areas are used for grazing.

This unit covers 2,358.47 Ha, representing 14.02 % of the area of influence of the project. Extensive Livestock - Natural Shrub and/or Herbaceous Vegetation

These areas of livestock use are covered by natural pastures resulting from the slashing and
burning of forests for livestock, mainly cattle. It is observed in extensive areas throughout the
mountainous area of the region, including in many foothill sectors.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

This unit covers 5,895.56Ha, representing 35.04 % of the area of influence of the project. Unused

Refers to land that is not used for agricultural, livestock, mining, forestry and/or agro-industrial
activities; but rather is covered by little or no vegetation, rocky outcrops; forming pure units.

This unit covers 404.36 Ha, representing 2.40% of the area of influence of the project. Urban and Industrial Areas

It refers to the area that covers the urban area of the department of Piura; in these spaces
different economic activities are carried out, mainly related to commercial exchange and are
horizontally articulated through the National, Departmental and Neighbourhood Road

This unit covers 4,056.42, representing 24.11 % of the area of influence of the project.

5.1.6. Major Land Use Capacity

The major use capacity constitutes the interpretative part of the soil study, which provides
information on the potential or natural supply of the land for agricultural, livestock, forestry or
protection purposes, as well as the limitations of use and the management and conservation
practices that prevent its deterioration. The classification will be based on the Land
Classification Regulation established by Supreme Decree N°005-2022-MIDAGRI, which
establishes the conformation of three (03) categories of use: Major Use Capacity Group (5
groups): Land suitable for clean cultivation, Land suitable for Permanent crops, Land suitable
for Pastures, Land suitable for Forestry and Protected Land), Major Use Capacity Class (03
classes of agrological quality have been established; high, medium, low), Major Use Capacity
Subclass (6 types of limitations and 3 special conditions). Therefore, the Major Use Capacity
Classification System establishes three categories: Groups, Classes and Subclasses and other
areas of interest (CCPP. Rivers, Lagoons, Estuaries, Dams and Reservoirs).

This section is based on information compiled from the Ecological and Economic Zoning of the
Piura Region, which was elaborated by the General Directorate of Territorial Planning (DGOT)
of the Ministry of Environment. The CUM units are presented below.


Unit Symbol Ha %
Land suitable for clean cultivation with A1s(r) 1,595.04 9.48
high agrological quality, soil limitation,
irrigation requirement
Land suitable for clean cultivation, A1s(r)- 334.39 1.99
quality Agrological high a low. A3slw(r)

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Limitation by soil, salts and drainage.
Requires irrigation
Land suitable for clean cultivation A2s(r)-C3s(r) 617.01 3.67
Land suitable for permanent cultivation,
medium to low agrological quality.
Soil limitation. Requires irrigation.
Land suitable for clean cultivation, A3s(r) 4,142.39 24.62
low Agrological quality
Land suitable for clean cultivation, A3s(r)- 475.17 2.82
low agrological quality. Limited by A3slw(r)
soil, salts and drainage. Requires
Land suitable for clean cultivation, A3slw(r) 148.03 0.88
Agrological quality low to high
Land suitable for clean cultivation, A3slw(r)- 1,988.24 11.82
quality Agrological high a low. A2s(r)
Limitation by soil, salts and drainage.
Requires irrigation.
Land suitable for permanent cultivation, C3s(r) 654.15 3.89
low agrological quality. Limited by
soil and deficit irrigation
Land suitable for permanent cultivation, C3s(r)-A2s(r) 239.27 1.42
low Agrological quality -Suitable land
for crops at crops, quality
agrological medium. Limitations due to
soil. Irrigation required
Village Centre CCPP 4,056.40 24.11
Land suitable for cultivation and grazing P2s(t) 1,320.16 7.85
temporary, medium agrological quality.
Limitation by soil.
Land suitable for temporary grazing, P3s(t) 1,022.34 6.08
low Agrological quality, limitations
on the ground
Rio River 192.37 1.14
Protected land Xse 41.52 0.25
Total 16,826.49 100.00
Table 5-7. Major Land Use Capacity in the Project area

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Land suitable for clean cultivation (A)

It groups lands of high agrological quality, with appropriate characteristics for agricultural
exploitation, with moderate soil management and conservation practices; its limitations are
mainly related to the edaphic and irrigation factors. They are located in the coastal valleys on
flat to slightly sloping surfaces.

The use of these lands for the intensive and economically profitable production of annual
crops requires moderate soil management and conservation measures, through the rational
and balanced application of chemical nitrogenous, phosphorous and potassium fertilisers, as
well as microelements, biostimulants and microbiological inoculants, in accordance with an
integral analysis of the soil to determine its level of natural fertility; thus proceeding to
implement a fertilisation programme in accordance with the requirements of the cultivated
species. In this respect, the three classes and associations with other classes and groups were
identified, resulting in the following subclasses:

• A1s(r), This unit covers 1,595.04 Ha, representing 9.48 % of the area of influence of the
• A1s(r)-A3slw(r); This unit covers 334.39 Ha, representing 1.99 % of the area of
influence of the project.
• A2s(r)-C3s(r); This unit covers 617.01 Ha, representing 3.67 % of the area of influence
of the project.
• A3s(r); This unit covers 4,142.39 Ha, representing 24.62 % of the area of influence of
the project.
• A3s(r)-A3slw(r); This unit covers 475.17 Ha, representing 2.82 % of the area of
influence of the project.
• A3slw(r); This unit covers 148.03 Ha, representing 0.88 % of the area of influence of
the project.
• A3slw(r)-A2s(r); This unit covers 1,988.24 Ha, representing 11.82 % of the area of
influence of the project.
Despite the heterogeneity of classes in the relationship shown, the common condition of
permanent or supplementary irrigation ("r") can be identified in the subclasses and
associations due to the low precipitation rate during the year in the study area. Another
common factor is soil limitation ("s"). Land suitable for permanent crops (C)

It includes land whose climatic, relief and soil characteristics are not favourable for crop
production. These lands require the periodic and continuous removal of the soil (clean crops),
but allow the production of permanent crops, either bushes or trees (mainly fruit trees).

Likewise, they can also be used for other alternative uses, such as pasture production, forestry
production, protection in accordance with the policies and social interest of the State and the
private sector, and the following subclasses were identified:

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• C3s(r); This unit covers 654.15 Ha, representing 3.89 % of the area of influence of the

• C3s(r)-A2s(r); This unit covers 239.27 Ha, representing 1.42 % of the area of influence
of the project. Village Centre (CC.PP.)

These are urbanised areas made up of buildings and all those spaces where anthropic elements
predominate, such as access roads, parks, among others. In addition, these urban areas have all
the basic services (drinking water, sewage and electrification). This unit of current use is
characterised by a continuous urban fabric, in which the buildings are located in the form of an
urban centre.

This unit covers 4,056.40, representing 24.11 % of the area of influence of the project. Land suitable for grazing (P)

These lands, due to their soil, topographical and climatic limitations, are not suitable for
intensive or permanent crops, but they are suitable for grazing, either on the basis of
temporary, permanent and semi-permanent natural pastures, or improved pastures, adapted
to the ecological conditions of the department.

It groups lands of low agrological quality, it is made up of moderately deep to shallow soils,
with slopes, moderately to steeply inclined (4 - 15%), medium to moderately fine texture; with
moderately to slightly acid reaction; low natural fertility; with good to excessive natural
drainage. Its limitations are mainly related to edaphic and slightly climatic factors. In this
respect, the following subclasses were identified:

• P2s(t); This unit covers 1,320.16 Ha, representing 7.85 % of the area of influence of the

• P3s(t); This unit covers 1022.34 Ha, representing 6.08 % of the area of influence of the
project. Rio

This corresponds to the project area which forms part of the Piura River basin. The Piura River,
the main physiographic feature, crosses the city from north to south and is formed in the
foothills of the mountain range.

This unit covers 192.37 Ha, representing 1.14 % of the area of influence of the project. Protected land (Xse)

It is made up of soils mostly with steep to very steep or steep topography, including skeletal
soils, river and stream beds, very shallow soils, areas with severe water erosion problems such

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gullies, rills, bad lands; soils with abundant gravel, stoniness, rockiness and/or the presence of
a lithic contact limiting the effective depth and useful volume of the soil, mainly.

This unit of Protected Lands is generally associated with hilly topography in phase with steep
to extremely steep slopes (25 to more than 75 %); but it also includes those areas of softer
topography without vegetation cover or with scarce or sporadic vegetation cover, where there
is a dynamic erosive process: laminar, arroyadas, canículas, furrows and in extreme cases
gullies and "bad lands", with ground slopes between 8 to 25%.

This unit covers 41.52 Ha, representing 0.25% of the area of influence of the project.

5.1.7. Climatology and

The department of Piura has 11 types of climates, the largest being arid, which covers the
provinces of Talara, Sullana, Paita, Piura and Sechura.

In addition, it is characterised by an average annual rainfall of 20 mm to 50 mm in the Sechura

desert and values between 700 mm to 900 mm in the interior and high areas of Piura, as well
as temperatures ranging between 13°C to 33°C respectively.

The climatology of the study area has been determined or evaluated based on the CLIMATE
CLASSIFICATION of Peru according to the Warren Thornthwaite System of the National Service
of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI, 2020). The climatic classification corresponding to
the area of influence of the project is presented below.

Symbol Description

Climate: Effective Precipitation: Arid, Thermal Efficiency:

E(d) A' Warm and Moisture Concentration: Moisture deficiency in all

Table 5-8. Climate Classification of the Project Influence Area Meteorology

The meteorological characteristics are determined by a series of factors that condition the
configuration of the climate, these factors are temperature (°C), wind speed (m/s), wind
direction (°), relative humidity (%) and rainfall (mm/day).

For the characterisation of the climate in this sector, meteorological information from the
Miraflores Station was used as it is located within the project area, which in turn contains the
most up-to-date records. In this sense, the characteristics of the parameters taken into
consideration for the meteorological analysis of the station in question will be presented.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Precipitation

Precipitation is considered as the first meteorological variant as it is the natural input of water
into the water balance in the river basins.

Information is available on the total monthly rainfall at the Miraflores station for the period
2015 to 2020, where a very seasonal rainfall regime is evident, characterised mainly by the
presence of precipitation in the first months of the year. The summary of the values analysed
is shown in the tables and graph below.

2015 Y/N Y/N 1.40 Y/N 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2016 0.03 1.80 2.60 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10
2017 2.30 5.60 5.60 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.01
2018 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.10
2019 0.10 1.40 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.40
2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
Prom. 0.50 1.76 1.63 0.15 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.12
Max. 2.30 5.60 5.60 0.30 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.04 0.40
Mim. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Table 5-9. Total Monthly Precipitation Data (mm/day) at Miraflores Station

Figure 5-1 Total Monthly Precipitation (mm/day)

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Temperature

Temperature is a climatic variable of great importance due to its influence on

evapotranspiration. Its spatial variation is more clearly linked to the altitudinal factor than

At the Miraflores station, information is available for the period 2015 - 2020. According to the
latest records made at this station, the maximum temperature ranges between 28 and 35 ºC
respectively. The summary of the values analysed is shown in the tables and graph below.


2015 Y/N Y/N 34.8 Y/N 31.8 30.6 29.7 29 30.7 30.8 30.8 32.7

2016 34.4 35.2 35 33.9 31.8 Y/N 29.7 29.5 30.4 30.4 31.6 32.9

2017 34.5 33.7 32.5 32.7 30.6 Y/N 26.5 26.9 28.3 29 29.1 31.8

2018 34.3 35.1 35.3 34.3 30.7 27.5 27.2 28.6 29.5 29.6 30.9 33

2019 34.3 35.1 35.8 34.3 32.1 30 28.5 28.2 29.5 29.6 30.9 33

2020 35.4 36.4 36.5 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N

Prom. 34.6 35.1 35.0 33.8 31.4 29.4 28.3 28.4 29.7 29.9 30.7 32.7

Max. 35.4 36.4 36.5 34.3 32.1 30.6 29.7 29.5 30.7 30.8 31.6 33.0

Mim. 34.3 33.7 32.5 32.7 30.6 27.5 26.5 26.9 28.3 29.0 29.1 31.8

Table 5-10. Mean Monthly Maximum Temperature (°C) data at Miraflores Station Figure 5-2

Mean Monthly Maximum Temperature (°C) at Miraflores Station

Monthly Average Maximum

Period 2015 - 2020
Maximum temperature


Prom. Max. Mim.

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The minimum temperature at the Miraflores weather station ranges between 18 and 24 ºC
respectively, with the last months being the coldest. The summary of the analysed values is
shown in the tables and graph below.


2015 Y/N Y/N 24.8 Y/N 22.5 21.4 20 19.3 19.8 20.3 20.7 22.5

2016 24.0 24.9 24.7 22.9 20.3 Y/N 18.3 18.1 18.6 18.9 18.2 20.7

2017 23.5 24.3 24.8 22.7 21.5 Y/N 18.8 17.7 17.5 17.6 17.7 20.3

2018 21.8 23.7 22.5 21.6 19.6 18.3 18 18.2 17.8 18.7 20 21.5

2019 23.9 24.4 23.7 22.2 21.2 19.0 17.1 16.5 17.2 17.6 19.5 21.4

2020 23.1 24.1 24.7 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N

Prom. 23.3 24.3 24.2 22.4 21.0 19.6 18.4 18.0 18.2 18.6 19.2 21.3

Max. 24.0 24.9 24.8 22.9 22.5 21.4 20.0 19.3 19.8 20.3 20.7 22.5

Mim. 21.8 23.7 22.5 21.6 19.6 18.3 17.1 16.5 17.2 17.6 17.7 20.3

Table 5-11. Monthly Mean Minimum Temperature Data (°C) at Miraflores Station

Figure 5-3 Monthly Mean Maximum Temperature (°C) at Miraflores Station

Monthly Average Minimum

Period 2015 - 2020

Minimum temperature





Prom. Max. Mim. Relative Humidity

At the Miraflores station, monthly relative humidity data is available for the period 2015 to
2020. The average monthly relative humidity is between 67-80%. Likewise, it can be observed
that the relative humidity remains at similar values throughout the year. The summary of the
values analysed is shown in the tables and graph below.

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2015 Y/N Y/N 73.1 Y/N 79.5 81 78.7 80.2 76.2 76.3 76.2 77.2

2016 71.2. 69.6 76.6 75.5 74.4 Y/N 74.3 72.5 72.3 72.3 67.2 64.8

2017 69.3 77.7 81.7 68.7 71 Y/N 77.6 73.4 72.1 71.1 69.6 66.4

2018 61.8 68.1 63.9 67 76.1 83.3 81.4 81 78.6 80.4 80.6 74.1

2019 70.1 70.5 63.4 66.6 75.6 77.8 80 80.1 79.4 77.6 79 79.8

2020 67.1 66.4 67.0 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N

Prom. 67.1 70.5 70.9 69.5 75.3 80.7 78.4 77.4 75.7 75.5 74.5 72.5

Max. 70.1 77.7 81.7 75.5 76.1 83.3 81.4 81.0 79.4 80.4 80.6 79.8

Mim. 61.8 66.4 63.4 66.6 71.0 77.8 77.6 73.4 72.1 71.1 69.6 66.4

Table 5-12. Monthly Mean Relative Humidity Data (%) at Miraflores Station

Figure 5-4 Monthly Mean Relative Humidity (%) at Miraflores Station

Wetland Relative Monthly Mean

Period 2015 - 2020
Humidity (%)

Max. Mim. Prom. Wind Direction and Speed

Wind is the movement of air masses on the earth's surface that is generated by the action of
atmospheric pressure gradients produced by the differential heating of air surfaces and air
loops, therefore, the air will be directed from the point of higher pressure to the point of lower
pressure and at a speed that is greater than the difference in pressures, with the fundamental
characteristics of the wind being direction and speed.

For the classification of the winds in the study area, the Beaufort anemometric scale will be
used, which is a system for estimating the strength of winds over the surface.

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The speed range of the sea or land, which has a graduation from 0 to 12, corresponds to a
certain range of speeds depending on its appreciable aspects.

Due to the fact that no information on the variable under study was found in the Senamhi
meteorological stations in the work area. The records taken for the wind speed estimation
came from the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) 2 - NOAH 3.3 sub-model (NASA),
the aforementioned model generates a monthly average of meteorological data every 3 hours
with a resolution of 0.25 degrees, which covers a period from 1948 to the present. The average
is found to be 2.7 m/s, with predominant direction (SW). In terms of speed, the following
winds were found: calm winds, gale force winds and very weak breezes. The following table
will show more accurately the classification of the winds mentioned above.

(m/s) (km/h)
0 0 - 0,2 1 Calm Calm, smoke rises vertically.
1 0,3 - 1,5 1-5 Ventolina Smoke indicates wind direction.
2 Leaves are falling from trees, beginning to
1,6 - 3,3 6 - 11 Sluggish (very weak breeze)
moving the windmills in the fields.
3 3,4 - 5,4 12 - 19 Light breeze (light breeze) Fluttering leaves, waving flags.
4 Bonancible Dust and papers are kicked up, treetops are
5,5 - 7,9 20 - 26
(Breeze shaken.
Little movement of trees,
5 8,0 - 10,7 29 - 38 Fresquito (cool breeze)
undulating lake surface.
6 Tree branches are moving, difficulty
10,8 - 13,8 39 - 49 Cool (strong breeze)
to keep the umbrella open.
7 Frescachón (Wind Large trees move, difficulty walking against
13,9 - 17,1 50 - 61
strong) the wind.
Treetops break, movement of people very
8 17,2 - 20,7 62 - 74 Seasonal (Hard wind) difficult, vehicles move on their own.
Damage to trees, impossible to walk with
Severe storm (Very
9 20,8 - 24,4 75 - 88 normality. Damage starts to occur to the
constructions. Vehicle towing
Trees uprooted, damage to the structure of
Temporary hard
10 24,5 - 28,4 89 - 102 buildings. Major damage to outdoor objects.
Destruction everywhere, very heavy rains,
very high floods. Blowing up of people and
Temporary very
11 28,5 - 32,6 103 - 117 many other objects.
12 Storm hurricane Blowing off vehicles, trees, houses, roofs and
> 32,7 > 118
(Hurricane) people. Can generate a hurricane or typhoon

Table 5-13. Beaufort anemometric scale

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Solar radiation

Solar radiation is the energy emitted by the sun, which propagates in all directions through
space by means of electromagnetic waves. This energy is the driving force behind the
dynamics of atmospheric processes and climate. The energy coming from the Sun is
electromagnetic radiation provided by the reactions of hydrogen in the Sun's core by nuclear
fusion and emitted by the solar surface.

This is due to the fact that no information on the variable studied was found in the Senamhi
meteorological stations in the working area. The records taken for the solar radiation
estimation came from the Photovoltaic Geographic Information System - PVGIS2 (for its
acronym in English) of the European Union. The data obtained are for the period 2015-2020.

Figure 5-5 Monthly Solar Radiation (kW/m2) obtained from PVGIS, period 2015-2020

Monthly Solar Radiation

Period 2015 - 2020


Solar radiation (



Prom Max Min

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2015 128.08 123.67 145.79 184.52 193.75 192.25 206.17 205.43 187.58 162.8 137.02 127.74

2016 123.79 117.71 157.28 179.94 224.45 205.78 211.6 206.28 189.18 169.81 142.76 130.26

2017 123.78 124.04 117.24 174.81 183.06 171.72 190.54 199.06 185.13 166.43 141.44 123.05

2018 130.25 129.44 173.34 187.49 205.79 198.58 195.21 200.98 191.82 160.34 131.15 124.58

2019 122.74 117.76 165.16 187.46 199.29 207.13 205.13 209.66 185.63 167.08 133.16 121.07

2020 128.21 138.03 171.51 190.74 209.16 210.08 213.45 206.06 190.97 172.18 137.42 123.67

Prom. 126.14 125.11 155.05 184.16 202.58 197.59 203.68 204.58 188.39 166.44 137.16 125.06

Max. 130.25 138.03 173.34 190.74 224.45 210.08 213.45 209.66 191.82 172.18 142.76 130.26

Mim. 122.74 117.71 117.24 174.81 183.06 171.72 190.54 199.06 185.13 160.34 131.15 121.07

Table 5-14. Monthly Solar Radiation Data (kW/m2) obtained from PVGIS, period 2015-2020.

Sunshine hours. These are the hours of sunlight in a day. The data on hours of sunshine were
obtained on a monthly basis for the period 2015; the source is a database of the National
Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), which in turn cites the National Service of
Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI) as a source.

On average, the Piura region receives 178.1 hours of sunshine per month, with a minimum of 178.1 hours of
sunshine per month.
147.7 and a maximum of 240.3 hours of sunshine.


2015 236.8 167.2 189.6 ... 172.0 147.7 180.2 206.8 240.3 194.4 180.1 222.2

Table 5-15. Sunshine hours, period 2015 Evaporation

Evaporation is the process by which liquid water is converted into water vapour (vaporisation)
and removed from the evaporating surface (vapour removal). Water evaporates from a variety
of surfaces, such as lakes, rivers, roads, soils and wet vegetation.

For the present study, information from the Miraflores station was used, averaged over the
periods 1972-1982, 1984-1992, 1994-1997, obtained from an evaluation study in the Piura
river basin carried out by INRENA (2006)3 .

The average monthly evaporation is 214.42 mm, with a monthly maximum value of 262.7 mm
and a monthly minimum of 168.8 mm.

3 Assessment of Future Natural Physical Vulnerability and Adaptation Measures in Areas of Interest in
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the Piura River Basin - National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA, 2006).

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1972- 262.7 231.8 239.4 221.8 201.8 171.6 168.8 181.7 200.7 222.1 228.2 242.4

Table 5-16. Monthly evaporation data (mm) obtained from PVGIS, period 1972-1997.

5.1.8. Landscape units
The landscape units correspond to the delimitation of a portion of the territory with a defined
visual coherence and structure (Meaza and Ormaetxea, 1992). In each unit, a similar visual
response to the possible actions to be carried out in it is foreseen, so that a change in the
visual characteristics of one of the parts will modify the landscape values of the whole.

The landscape units in the area of influence of the Project were identified during field surveys,
based on knowledge of the physiography, climate, water bodies present, vegetation cover and
current land uses, as shown in the following description:

Urban landscape: Towns and villages with a regular population and different infrastructure. It
represents a landscape of medium naturalness due to the fact that it is characterised in an
urban-rural way.

Coastal plain landscape: Landscape characterised by being homogeneous and extensive,

dominated by spaced trees and shrub and herbaceous vegetation, located in the lower part of
Piura up to approximately 500 m of altitude.

Flood-prone ravine landscape: characterised by constant, periodic streams, which become

flooded during flood seasons. There is abundant herbaceous and shrubby vegetation along the
banks and in the vicinity of the stream bed. There are also tree species typical of dry forests
along the banks. quality (Laguna Santa Julia Sector)

During the field visit to the area around the Santa Julia lagoon, we found a lot of deterioration
of the landscape due to the pollution generated by dumping wastewater, solid waste, debris,
and encroachment without any order or control. In addition, it was found that most of the
drains in the area are also used to evacuate sewage and solid waste.

This situation is getting worse and worse due to the lack of delimitation of the lagoon's
marginal strip. At the time of the last field visit, it has been possible to see a greater number of
precarious dwellings that are encroachments and, not having a sewage system, the waste
water ends up in the fragile ecosystem, which is protected by a specific legal norm.

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In general, there is a threat to the natural landscape of Laguna Santa Julia, as the presence of
man, noise and the constant threat of dumping of material will gradually displace the birdlife
(both endemic and migratory) and as a consequence will bring about the gradual degradation
of this environment.

Situations like these can be observed in other sectors of the city with disorderly urban

5.1.9. Archaeological assessment and

diagnosis information

A review of the areas delimited as archaeological heritage by the different official platforms of
the Ministry of Culture, such as SIGDA and GEOPORTAL, was carried out. This information was
used as a preliminary basis and official delimitations for the on-site assessment, also
considering the entire area of the proposed works.

The aim was to determine whether there is a need to protect specific archaeological heritage
and/or whether the structural measures necessary to mitigate the risk of rainfall could be
restricted by the existence of archaeological remains in the study area. Archaeological background

Archaeological studies for the Piura region date from the Pre Ceramic period (5,000 BC - 1,200
AD) to the Late Horizon. -1,200 A.D. to the Late Horizon, concentrated essentially on the coast
as temporary occupations, where they moved northwards and southwards and mainly through
the coastal mountain valley inland. This mobility and transit dynamics, according to E. Lanning,
covered the Ecuadorian coasts, as proven by the evidence found in the excavations that cover
the Piura coasts. In other words, Olmos, Sullana and the Piura river basin were intensely
occupied from very early times (hunters and gatherers), which were later occupied by
sedentary groups, including the Chira valley, where there is evidence of the development of
agriculture. This river rises at 2,500 m on the Pacific slope of the Andes and extends as far as
Olmos. The lower valley of Piura is characterised by its wide extension where water is a
limiting factor for agricultural production, its waters are used from January to May.

The area of intervention of the project for the reconstruction with changes in Piura, Castilla
and 26 de Octubre, corresponds to the urban area, whose development over time has involved
the generation of urban growth rings that have had an impact on the territory.

The metropolitan area dates back to its foundation in the 16th century and over the years it
has grown into rings of growth which, in many cases, overlay ancient archaeological
settlements that have gradually reduced in size.

In the same way, the extension of the agricultural frontier directly or indirectly affects the
archaeological remains. The very environmental dynamics and the nature of a desert with low
scrubland has buried the archaeological remains by wind erosion or weathering, but in the
underlying part when there is soil removal, it is possible to find traces of archaeological
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The field evaluation has mainly shown the drastic change of archaeological sites as a result of
population growth. Archaeological Site Identification

Exactly in the intervention area, according to SIGDA 5, archaeological sites have been
identified: Indio 1, Indio 2, Indio 3, Huaca El Moro and Huaca El Bosque, of which some very
vague data or references are indicated. However, more sites were identified, including new
ones, such as Santa Julia.

In the district of Castilla the sites Indio 1, Indio2, Indio3 have no cadastral information, but are
approved, with Directorial Resolution N°1360-2009. Huaca el Bosque is located to the south
west on the district boundary near the airport with an area of 60779.0054m2 and a perimeter
of 1,077.998m. According to SIGDA data, Huaca el Bosque is in the process of approval (Fig. 7).
In the district of Piura there is no record according to SIGDA.

In the district of Veintiséis de Octubre is located the archaeological site Huaca Alto del Moro
with Resolution N° 509-2002 which indicates its approval. We should also mention the
ecological park Kurt Beer, characterised by a dry forest and a biodiversity of flora and fauna.

Figure 5-6 Archaeological sites in the district of Castilla Indio1, Indio 2, Indio 3.

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Figure 5-7 Huaca Alto del Moro archaeological site in the Veintiséis de Octubre district. (Source SIGDA)

Figure 5-8 Archaeological site Huaca el Bosque located in the district of Castilla (Source SIGDA).

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Figure 5-9 Overview map of the archaeological sites in the study area Archaeological evidence assessed

Within the evaluation area, archaeological evidence has been recorded, both registered and
delimited by the Ministry of Culture, as well as evidence that has not yet been physically
delimited, but maintains its cultural character due to the evidence found.


Name Interference
This North
Castilla - El Indio 01 543399.0000 9421726.0000 None
Castilla - El Indio 02 543793.0000 9421343.0000 None
Castile - El Indio 03 543979.0000 9421477.0000 None
Huaca Alto del Moro 537257.0000 9423499.0000 None
Huaca Alto La Cruz - Sector 1 537781.0000 9420924.0000 None
Huaca Alto La Cruz - Sector 2 537839.0000 9420870.0000 None
Huaca EL Bosque 542836.9220 9426377.7330 None
Coscomba South 540110.0000 9424976.0000 None
The Peninsula 537344.0000 9424620.0000 Santa Julia Lagoon
Los Olivos 538383.0000 9422936.0000 None
Santa Julia 537406.7500 9424055.3200 None

Table 5-17. Archaeological evidence

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Castilla - El Indio 01

There is currently no surface evidence and access is restricted by plantations and by being
enclosed by private property due to urban and agricultural growth.

It maintains a referential delimitation, which should be considered for any projection or

engineering design in the final stages.

Figure 5-10 Drone survey at El Indio sites 1, 2 and 3

Figure 5-11 Panoramic view of Indio site 3

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Figure 5-12 Panoramic view of the site Castilla - El Indio 01

Figure 5-13 Photogrammetric survey - Ortho mosaic of the Castilla - El Indio site 01 Castilla - El Indio 02

There is currently no surface evidence and access is restricted by plantations and by being
enclosed by private property due to urban and agricultural growth.

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It maintains a reference delimitation from the Ministry of Culture in 2009, which should be
considered for any projection or engineering design.

Figure 5-14 Panoramic view of the Castilla - El Indio 02 site.

Figure 5-15 Photogrammetric survey - ortho mosaic of the Castilla - El Indio 02 site.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Castile - El Indio 03

There is currently no surface evidence and access is restricted by plantations and by being
enclosed by private property due to urban and agricultural growth.

It maintains a referential delimitation, which should be considered for any projection or

definitive engineering design, and is the largest in area. The only cultural indicators are very
sporadic and faint surface pottery.

Figure 5-16 Panoramic view of the archaeological site Castilla - El Indio 03.

Figure 5-17 Photogrammetric survey - ortho mosaic of the Castilla - El Indio 03 site.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Huaca Alto del Moro

The archaeological site has no visible evidence of archaeological architecture or material, it

currently maintains a referential delimitation, which will need to be considered for any
engineering design or projection.

There is currently no surface evidence and access is restricted by plantations and by being
enclosed by private property due to urban and agricultural growth.

Figure 5-18 Panoramic view of the archaeological site Alto del Moro Huaca Alto de la Cruz - Sector 1

The archaeological site has no visible evidence of architecture or archaeological material, and
currently maintains a referential delimitation as it is invaded by urban growth, as well as by
industrial installations.

Even under these conditions, the delineation should be considered for any engineering design
or projection.

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Figure 5-19 Panoramic view of the site Huaca Alto de la Cruz - Sector 1.

Figure 5-20 Photogrammetric survey - ortho mosaic of the Huaca Alto de la Cruz site - Sector 1.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Huaca Alto de la Cruz - Sector 2

The archaeological site has no visible evidence of architecture or archaeological material, and
currently maintains a referential delimitation as it is invaded by modern buildings in a state of
abandonment and agricultural areas of plantations. Even under these conditions the
delimitation will have to be considered for any projection or engineering design.

Figure 5-21 Panoramic view of the site Huaca Alto de la Cruz - Sector 02.

Figure 5-22 Photogrammetric survey of the site Huaca Alto de la Cruz - Sector 02.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Huaca El Bosque

The archaeological site is currently partially invaded by urban growth, and on the surface only
very few ceramic fragments and no evidence of architecture can be identified, although there
are elevations in the form of rises.

Due to its proximity to the Piura airport runway, it is not possible to carry out a
photogrammetric survey, as any civilian flight of RPAS equipment is restricted. However, it is
an archaeological site with perimeter fencing and signage with Ministry of Culture signs. This
signage maintains the site and must be considered intangible during the design and projection
of any engineering works.

Figure 5-23 Panoramic view of Huaca El Bosque - Currently delimited and signposted.

Figure 5-24 Satellite view of the archaeological site El Bosque

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Coscomba South

The archaeological site could not be identified in the area indicated in the preliminary records,
perhaps due to the urban growth of the area and the disappearance of any cultural remains.

Similarly, this site did not present any interference with the planned works.

Figure 5-25 Photogrammetric survey - ortho mosaic of the Coscomba Sur site. The Peninsula

The archaeological site presents a large amount of ceramic material, both diagnostic (handles,
rims and painted) and non-diagnostic, i.e. fragments of simple bodies.

There is no surface evidence of archaeological architecture and it is overrun by modern shanty

dwellings, which use part of the site as a rubbish dump.

Even under these conditions, a perimeter of intangibility of not less than 100 metres from the
central point provided in the planimetry must be maintained, which must be considered in the
design and projection of the engineering works.

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Figure 5-26 Panoramic view of the La Península site.

Figure 5-27 Photogrammetric survey - ortho mosaic of the La Península site.

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Figure 5-28 The invaded Peninsula archaeological site Los Olivos

The archaeological site is comprised of an elevated platform, of which only a wall remains on
the surface and is located in an area of intense traffic, no associated movable archaeological
material is found and its preservation is quite poor considering that it is being used as an
access road.

The site has no official boundary, so a radius of 50 metres should be considered as an

intangible area from the centre point provided on the plan.

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Figure 5-29 Panoramic view of the Los Olivos site.

Presence of a mound
Small with a platform Santa Julia

The archaeological site has abundant evidence of ceramic material, both fragmentary non-
diagnostic and diagnostic. There is no archaeological architecture on the surface.

Likewise, in the absence of an official delimitation, a radius of 100 metres around the central
point shown on the planimetry should be considered.

Figure 5-30 Pottery evidence at Santa Julia

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Figure 5-31 Photogrammetric survey - ortho mosaic of the Santa Julia site. Overlapping evidence

The alternative works projections do not directly interfere with any archaeological evidence
recorded on the surface. Conclusions and recommendations

- Most of the archaeological sites have suffered impacts, both from time and
anthropogenic agents (rubbish, precarious dwellings, dwellings made of noble
- As part of the procedures for CIRA processing, CIRA will only be required (and possible)
for areas that are not in urban areas, roads or built-up or cleared areas.
- Affected" areas within the urban zone must have a PMA (for pre-existing works) and
will require the permanent presence of a monitor archaeologist with the prior
approval of the Ministry of Culture (DDC Piura).
- In the same way, the area that, if CIRA is required, will have to undergo the same PMA
procedure, after the certificate of non-existence of archaeology on the surface has
been obtained.

5.2. Description biological

Within the framework of the "Master Plan for Pluvial Drainage of Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis
de Octubre" project, a characterisation of the biological component of the area of direct and
indirect influence was carried out with the aim of finding out the existing biodiversity and the
current state of the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the different taxa: flora, birds,
mammals, amphibians, reptiles and hydrobiological resources.

This document develops the characterisation of the biological component, which includes the
systematisation and analysis of bibliographic and cartographic information related to the
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biological component.

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The information has been taken from environmental management instruments, research
studies, regional or local management tools and specialised information elaborated by the
Ministry of Environment - MINAM, National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State -
SERNANP, National Forestry and Wildlife Service - SERFOR, National Service of Environmental
Certification - SENACE, non-governmental institutions, scientific institutions, as well as
cartographic information. These are publicly accessible and come from updated sources.

5.2.1. Ecology (living ecosystems) and life zones
To classify the ecosystems present in the area of influence of the project, the classification
established in the "National Map of Ecosystems, the descriptive memory and the conceptual
definitions of the Ecosystems of Peru" approved by Ministerial Resolution N° 440-2018-
MINAM was considered. See map PMDP-07 ECOSYSTEMS MAP.

Figure 5-32 Ecosystem Map

Five (04) types of ecosystems have been identified within the project area. Each of them is
described below. Seasonally Dry Lowland Forest

Large, homogeneous, subarid deciduous ecosystem dominated by spaced trees of Prosopis

pallida and P. limensis "algarrobo". The general physiognomy corresponds to forest up to 5 - 8
metres with shrubs and ephemeral grassland. This dry forest contains few species, besides
Prosopis, there are Vachellia macracantha "faique" and Colicodendron [=Capparis] scabridum
"sapote". It is distributed from sea level to approximately 500 m a.s.l. It has a marked
seasonality (in periods of 3 to 8 years) influenced by the El Niño phenomenon.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Agricultural area

It includes the areas dedicated to crops. They can be transitory crops, i.e. those that after
harvesting must be replanted to continue producing (short vegetative cycle, from a few
months to 2 years); or permanent crops, those whose vegetative cycle is longer than two
years, producing several harvests without the need to replant.

In remotely sensed images, they usually have a typical pattern of regular polygons (squares,
rectangles and eventually triangles). Urban area

This unit is made up of the spaces covered by urban infrastructure and all those green areas
and communication routes associated with them, which make up an urban system. It includes
the urban core (buildings, houses and monuments), green areas (gardens, parks and orchards),
watercourses (rivers, ditches and natural and artificial ponds), peri-urban or suburban areas
(where orchards, farms and corrals may predominate), among others (e.g. large undeveloped
areas). River

It is a natural stream of water of variable depth and size that normally flows continuously; it
can be located on flat or gently sloping to extremely rugged and steep slopes (including
waterfalls). It has a specific flow that is rarely constant or regular throughout the year, and
may even reach minimum levels in the dry season; it empties into the sea, a lake or another
larger river. When it has a low flow and a narrow channel, it is known as a stream or creek. Life zones

The area of influence of the project is occupied by the super-arid - subtropical desert life zone.

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Figure 5-33 Life Zones Map Super-arid - subtropical desert

The life zone Super-arid - subtropical desert is distributed in the subtropical latitudinal belt and
dominates an area of 9850 km2 .

Geographically, it extends along the coast, including the coastal plains of the North Coast and
the low foothills of the western Andean slopes, between sea level and 1000 metres above sea
level. It is located between 4° 20' and 11° 10' south latitude.

The relief varies from flat or undulating to sloping to steep. Soils are generally deep, of variable
textures and accumulate calcium and gypsum (Yermosols and Xerosols).

The vegetation includes xerophytic shrubs, such as ephemeral grasses, in the somewhat more
humid places, typical of the meadows and beds of dry rivers or along the banks of irrigated
alluvial valleys; thus, we have the "algarrobo", "sapote", "faique", "caña brava", "pájaro bobo",
and "chilca", among the most important ones.

Most of this life zone is devoid of agricultural and livestock activity, except where permanent
irrigation water is available.

5.2.2. Vegetation cover

According to the Classification of Vegetation Cover in Peru prepared by the Ministry of the
Environment (2015). The area of influence of the project includes the vegetation covers of dry
savannah-type forest and coastal wetland, as well as other covers such as coastal and Andean
agriculture, urban area and river. See map PMDP-06 VEGETAL COVER MAP.

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Figure 5-34 Vegetation Cover Map Savannah type dry forest (Bss)

This type of cover is located in the plains covered by alluvial deposits and marine terraces, on
which there are eolian deposits, in the departments of Lambayeque, Piura and Tumbes, from
very close to sea level to approximately 500 m above sea level.

The savannah type forest is a source of timber and non-timber forest resources and a source of
fodder for livestock, mainly goats. It is the main source of energy for the rural population. In
years with exceptional rainfall such as the El Niño phenomenon, a good natural regeneration
of the forest is achieved, as well as a good development of the herbaceous cover that allows
for an increase in livestock production. Coastal wetland (Huc)

In the area of influence of the project are located the wetlands of Castilla and Santa Julia
(adjacent to the Norperuan Municipal Ecological Park "Kurt Beer"). The coastal wetland
represents a very attractive life zone that serves as a refuge station because it hosts a great
variety of resident and migratory birds from the Pacific.

The predominant climate is dry subtropical with seasonal rainfall present in the summer
months (December - March), with rainfall being scarce and irregular throughout the year (80
mm/year), except during the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event.

The following habitat types can be distinguished in the wetland:

• Juncal, a natural habitat that is colonised by the species Schoenoplectus americanus

"They are shallow and stagnant waters. According to the Ramsar Convention they can

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natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, backwater or flowing, fresh, brackish or

• Totoral, a habitat where the species Typha angustifolia "cattail" is generally present,
usually in the core zone of the wetland, and which is habitat for wildlife.
• Herbaceous zone, a transition zone between fluvial and terrestrial habitats, is a long strip
of adjacent vegetation with species of Batis maritima, Cynodon dactylon and Distichlis
• Water body, body of water where sediments rich in organic matter are deposited as a
result of the disintegration of the species present in the ecosystem.
Villagers and real estate developers dump solid waste and debris near the water body,
deteriorating the quality of the environment and dramatically reducing the area of this

There has been a process of encroachment along the wetland, which little by little has led to
the construction of buildings of noble material on the grassy areas. Coastal and Andean Agriculture (Agri)

This coverage corresponds to all areas where agricultural activity is carried out, currently active
and at rest, located in all the valleys that cross the extensive coastal desert and those that
ascend the western Andean slope up to the border with the high Andean grasslands.

Also, the bottoms and slopes of the inter-Andean valleys up to the limit of the high Andean
grasslands. It occupies an area of 5 792 395 ha, which represents 4.51 % of the national area. It
includes irrigated and rainfed crops, both annual and permanent. It also includes natural
riparian vegetation that extends as narrow and interrupted strips along riverbeds and streams,
for example in the coastal zone and the lower Andean portions where the species Salix
humboldtiana "willow", Acacia macracantha "huarango" and Shinus molle "molle" are
frequent. Urban area (U)

In the urban area, the city of Piura stands out, surrounded by urbanisations and human
settlements. Among the main urban centres are the districts of Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis de
Octubre. River (R)

Considered as other cover according to the MINAM classification (2015), it is represented by
the Piura River, a river of the Pacific slope of the northern coast, its tributaries and canals
present in the area of influence of the project.

5.2.3. Flora
The characterisation of the flora was carried out with information related to the area with the
aim of identifying species that could potentially be distributed in the area, for which the
following was used

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the Memoria Descriptiva Mapa de Cobertura Vegetal del Perú (2015), as well as the Ficha
Técnica de Estado de Conservación del Humedal Costero Santa Julia (SERFOR 2018) and the
Instrumento de Gestión Ambiental del proyecto Corredor Vial Amazonas Norte (2019).

Likewise, for the review of the conservation status of the registered species, the Supreme
Decree 046-2006-AG, the IUCN list of endangered species (2022), the CITES appendices (2022),
as well as the Red Book of Endemic Species of Peru (2018) were consulted.

A total of 57 plant species were recorded in the area of influence of the project, distributed in
16 orders and 24 families.

The following is a characterisation of the wild flora with secondary information by type of
vegetation cover: dry savannah-type forest, coastal wetland and coastal and Andean
agriculture. Savannah type dry forest

A record of 20 plant species was found in the dry savannah-like forest, distributed in 8 orders
and 9 families. The most representative orders are Fabales and Poales with four species each.

Order Family Species Common name

Asterales Asteraceae Encelia canescens Charamusco
Asterales Asteraceae Tessaria integrifolia Pájaro bobo
Lamiales Boraginaceae Cordia lutea Overo
Boraginales Boraginaceae Heliotropium angiospermum Scorpion weed
Boraginales Boraginaceae Tiquilia dichotoma Mouse hand
Brassicales Capparaceae Morisonia scabrida Sapote
Brassicales Capparaceae Morisonia crotonoides Guayabito de gentil
Brassicales Capparaceae Beautempsia avicennifolia Vichayo
Solanales Convolvulaceae Ipomoea asarifolia Bejuco
Fabales Fabaceae Acacia nilotica Faique
Fabales Fabaceae Prosopis pallida Carob
Fabales Fabaceae Parkinsonia praecox Palo verde
Fabales Fabaceae Vachellia macracantha Faique
Poales Poaceae Sporobolus virginicus
Poales Poaceae Chloris virgata
Poales Poaceae Cenchrus echinatus Cadillo
Poales Poaceae Paspalum sp.
Caryophyllales Tamaricaceae Tamarix sp.
Poales Typhaceae Typha angustifolia Carrizo
Zygophyllales Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris Cadillo

Table 5-18. Flora in the dry savannah-type forest. Source: Amazonas Norte Road Corridor Project EIA Update

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Coastal and Andean Agriculture

Thirty plant species were recorded in the coastal and Andean agriculture vegetation cover,
distributed in 12 orders and 15 families. The most representative orders are Fabales, with
(7) species and Solanales with four (4) species.

Order Family Species Common name

Lamiales Acanthaceae Dicliptera sexangularis
Lamiales Acanthaceae Elytraria imbricata
Caryophyllales Amaranthaceae Alternanthera pubiflora
Gentianales Apocynaceae Vallesia glabra Cun cun
Asterales Asteraceae Isocarpha microcephala
Lamiales Boraginaceae Cordia lutea Overo
Lamiales Verbenaceae Lantana haughtii
Brasicales Capparaceae Morisonia scabrida Sapote
Solanales Convolvulaceae Ipomoea asarifolia Bejuco
Solanales Convolvulaceae Ipomoea nil
Solanales Convolvulaceae Ipomoea piurensis
Solanales Convolvulaceae Merremia aegyptia
Cucurbitales Cucurbitaceae Cucumis dipsaceus Soap
Cucurbitales Cucurbitaceae Luffa operculata
Cucurbitales Cucurbitaceae Momordica charantia
Fabales Fabaceae Vachellia macracantha Faique
Fabales Fabaceae Cercidium praecox Palo verde
Fabales Fabaceae Dolichos purpureus Sieve
Fabales Fabaceae Macroptiulium lathyroides
Fabales Fabaceae Prosopis pallida Carob
Fabales Fabaceae Stylosanthes psammophila
Fabales Fabaceae Tephrosia cinerea
Santalales Loranthaceae Psittacanthus chanduyensis Weld with weld
Malvales Malvaceae Waltheria ovata
Malvales Malvaceae Bastardia viscosa
Caryophyllales Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia coccinea
Malpighiales Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida
Poales Poaceae Cenchrus echinatus Cadillo
Poales Poaceae Cenchrus myosuroides Cadillo
Solanales Solanaceae Browallia viscosa

Table 5-19. Flora in Coastal and Andean Agriculture. Source: Amazon North Road Corridor Project EIA Update
(2019). Coastal wetland

Seventeen plant species were recorded in the coastal wetland, distributed in 9 orders and 12
families. The most representative orders are Poales with four species and Fabales with three
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Order Family Species Common name

Gentianales Apocynaceae Cynanchum sp.
Gentianales Apocynaceae Vallesia glabra Cun cun
Asterales Asteraceae Tessaria integrifolia silly bird
Brassicales Bataceae Batis maritima glass
Boraginales Boraginaceae Heliotropium curassavicum scorpion weed
Brassicales Capparaceae Colicodendron scabridum sapote
Poales Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus americanus reed
Poales Cyperaceae Cyperus sp. ciperus
Poales Poaceae Cynodon dactylon sweet grass
Poales Poaceae Distichlis spicata Salt grass

Fabales Fabaceae Acacia macracantha acacia

Fabales Fabaceae Acacia huarango faique
Fabales Fabaceae Prosopis pallida carob
Rosebushes Rhamnaceae Scutia spicata lipe
Solanales Solanaceae Grabowskia boerhaaviifolia black stick
Caryophyllale Tamaricaceae Tamarix gallica tamarix
Poales Typhaceae Typha angustifolia cattail

Table 5-20. Flora in the coastal wetland. Source: Santa Julia Coastal Wetland Conservation Status Sheet (2018). Endemic and endangered species of the Flora

A total of 4 species were recorded in some category of conservation, of which two are listed in
the DS 043-2006, Colicodendron scabridum in critical danger (CR) and Prosopis pallida in the
Vulnerable category (VU). In terms of international legislation, two species were found in the
IUCN (2022) in the category of Least Concern. No record of endemic species was found.

Name D.S. 043-

Order Family Species common 2006-AG IUCN CITES Endemic
Brasicales Capparaceae Colicodendron scabridum Sapote RC - - -
Fabales Fabaceae Prosopis pallida carob VU - - -
Gentianales Apocynaceae Vallesia glabra Cun cun - LC - -
Lamiales Acanthaceae Elytraria imbricata - LC - -

Table 5-21. Endemic and endangered species of flora

5.2.4. Fauna
Records were found of 166 species of fauna, one species of amphibian, 10 reptiles, 166 birds
and 4 mammals.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Reptiles and amphibians

A total of one (1) species of amphibian and 10 species of reptiles belonging to the order
Squamata, divided into five (5) families, were recorded. Dry savannah-type forest

One species of amphibian "cane toad" Rhinella marina and 8 species of reptiles of the order
Squamata were recorded in the dry savannah forest.

Order Family Species Common name

Anura Bufonidae Rhinella marina Cane toad

Squamata Iguanidae Iguana iguana Capaso
Squamata Phyllodactylidae Phyllodactylus reissii Jañape Bss
Squamata Phyllodactylidae Phyllodactylus kofordi Jañape Bss
Squamata Phyllodactylidae Phyllodactylus inaequalis Jañape
Squamata Teiidae Dicrodon guttulatum Cañan
Squamata Teiidae Dicrodon heterolepis Red-headed canan
Squamata Teiidae Callopistes flavipunctatus False iguana
Squamata Tropiduridae Microlophus occipitalis Capon

Table 5-22. Amphibians and reptiles in savanna-type dry forest. Source: Amazonas Norte Road Corridor Project EIA
Update (2019). Coastal and Andean agriculture

One (1) amphibian, the "cane toad" Rhinella marina and four (4) species of reptiles of the
order Squamata were recorded.

Order Family Species Common name

Anura Bufonidae Rhinella marina Cane toad
Squamata Iguanidae Iguana iguana Capaso
Squamata Teiidae Dicrodon guttulatum Cañan
Squamata Teiidae Callopistes flavipunctatus False iguana
Squamata Tropiduridae Microlophus occipitalis Capon

Table 5-23. Amphibians and reptiles in coastal and Andean agriculture. Source: Amazon North Road Corridor
Project EIA Update (2019). Coastal wetland

No amphibian records were found in the Santa Julia coastal wetland. Five species of reptiles of
the order Squamata were recorded in the Santa Julia coastal wetland.

Order Family Species Common name

Squamata Phyllodactylidae Phyllodactylus kofordi Lizard

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Squamata Phyllodactylidae Phyllodactylus microphyllus Lizard

Squamata Tropiduridae Microlophus thoracicus Grassland lizard

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Squamata Teiidae Callopistes flavipunctatus False iguana

Squamata Teiidae Dicrodon guttulatum Cañan

Table 5-24. Amphibians and reptiles in the Santa Julia coastal wetland. Sources: Santa Julia coastal wetland
conservation status fact sheet (2018). Endemic and threatened reptile and amphibian species

S.D. NO.
Order Family Species Common name 004-2014 IUCN CITES Endemic
Squamata Teiidae heterolepis Red-headed canan NT - - -
Squamata Teiidae flavipunctatus False iguana NT - - -

Table 5-25. Endemic and threatened herpetofaunal species Birds

A total of 151 species of birds were recorded, distributed in 20 orders Dry savannah-type forest

A record of 29 bird species was found in the dry savannah-like forest, of which the order
Passeriformes is the most diverse with 15 species.

Order Family Species Common name

Caprimulgiformes Trochilidae Amazilis amazilia Coastal Amazon
Cathartiformes Cathartidae Coragyps atratus Black-crowned moorhen
Columbiformes Columbidae Zenaida meloda Zenaida Peruvian
Columbiformes Columbidae Columbina cruziana Columbina Quiquagua
Columbiformes Columbidae Zenaida auriculata Zenaida Torcaza
Coraciiformes Alcedinidae Megaceryle torquata Neotropical Giant Martin
Cuculiformes Cuculidae Crotophaga sulcirostris Assorted ticked
Cuculiformes Cuculidae Tapera naevia Cuclillo Crespín
Falconiformes Falconidae Caracara plancus Caracara Carancho
Passeriformes Furnariidae Furnarius leucopus Hornero Paticlaro
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiodynastes bairdii Baird's Bienteveo
Passeriformes Polioptilidae Polioptila bilineata Perlita Cejiancha
Passeriformes Troglodytidae Campylorhynchus fasciatus Cockroach Winged
Passeriformes Mimidae Mimus longicaudatus Long-tailed Mockingbird
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Pyrocephalus rubinus Turtupilín
Passeriformes Corvidae Cyanocorax mystacalis Chara Coliblanca
Passeriformes Icteridae Dives warczewiczi Scrub stiltgrass
Passeriformes Thraupidae Thraupis episcopus Tile tanager
Passeriformes Thraupidae Sicalis flaveola Saffron Chirigüe
Passeriformes Furnariidae Geositta peruviana Peruvian Mining
Passeriformes Furnariidae Lepidocolaptes souleyetii Scratch-headed nuthatches

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Order Family Species Common name

Passeriformes Tyrannidae Todirostrum cinereum Common Titiriji
Passeriformes Hirundinidae Tachycineta stolzmanni Golondrina of Tumbes
Passeriformes Thraupidae Sporophila telasco Gorjicastaño Seedbed
Piciformes Picidae Colaptes rubiginosus Olive-sided woodpecker
Piciformes Picidae Dryobates callonotus Scarlet Woodpecker
Psittaciformes Psittacidae Forpus coelestis Cotorrita de Piura
Strigiformes Strigidae Glaucidium peruanum Peruvian Mochuelo
Strigiformes Strigidae Athene cunicularia Barn Owl

Table 5-26. Birds of the dry savannah-type forest. Sources: Amazonas Norte Road Corridor Project EIA Update
(2019) - Coastal wetland

A total of 125 bird species were recorded in the Santa Julia coastal wetland, corresponding to
20 orders and 37 families. The order Passeriformes was the most abundant with 46 species.

Order Family Species Common name

Accipitriformes Accipitridae Geranoaetus polyosoma Harrier Variable
Accipitriformes Accipitridae Parabuteo unicinctus Mixed Busard
Anseriformes Anatidae Sarkidiornis melanotos Crested Duck
Anseriformes Anatidae Anas georgica Duck Duck
Anseriformes Anatidae Anas bahamensis Gargantillo Duck
Anseriformes Anatidae Anas discors Blue Winged Duck
Anseriformes Anatidae Anas cyanoptera Red Duck
Anseriformes Anatidae Oxyura jamaicensis Frog Duck
Anseriformes Anatidae Dendrocygna bicolor Bicoloured Suirirí
Burhinidae Burhinidae Burhinus superciliaris Herring Sparrowhawk
Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae Chordeiles acutipennis Least Nightjar
Caprimulgiformes Trochilidae Amazilis amazilia Coastal Amazon
Cathartiformes Cathartidae Coragyps atratus Black-crowned Grouse
Cathartiformes Cathartidae Cathartes aura Red-cockaded Grouse
Charadriiformes Charadriidae Pluvialis dominica American Golden Plover
Charadriiformes Charadriidae Charadrius vociferus Screaming Plover
Charadriiformes Charadriidae semipalmatus Chorlo Semipalmado
Charadriiformes Charadriidae Charadrius collaris Plover
Charadriiformes Charadriidae Charadrius nivosus Snowy Plover
Charadriiformes Recurvirostridae Himantopus mexicanus Black-necked Stilt
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Calidris pusilla Semipalmated Playerito
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Red Knot (Calidris mauri) Western Playerito
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Calidris minutilla Playerito Menudo
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Calidris melanotos Pectoral Shirt

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Order Family Species Common name

Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Calidris himantopus Long-legged Sandpiper
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Phalaropus tricolor Tricolour Phalarope
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Phalaropus fulicarius Thick-billed Phalarope
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Actitis macularius Coleador Beachwear
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Tringa melanoleuca Yellow-footed sandpiper Major
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Tringa semipalmata White Winged Sandpiper
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Tringa flavipes Yellow Legged Sandpiper Minor
Charadriiformes Laridae cirrocephalus Grey Hooded Gull
Charadriiformes Laridae Leucophaeus atricilla Black-headed Gull
Charadriiformes Laridae Gelochelidon nilotica Black-billed Tern
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Calidris bairdii Baird's sandpiper
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Calidris alba Tridactyl Correlimos
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Numenius phaeopus Warbling Curlew
Charadriiformes Laridae Phaetusa simplex Great Crested Tern
Charadriiformes Charadriidae Charadrius wilsonia Kentish Plover
Charadriiformes Laridae Rynchops niger American Skateboarder
Charadriiformes Laridae Leucophaeus pipixcan Pipizcan Gull
Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae Mycteria americana Stork Gaban
Columbiformes Columbidae Leptotila verreauxi White-tipped Pigeon
Columbiformes Columbidae Zenaida meloda Melodic Turtledove
Columbiformes Columbidae Zenaida auriculata Eared Turtle Dove
Columbiformes Columbidae Columbina cruziana Peruvian Tortolita
Columbiformes Columbidae Columbia livia Feral pigeon
Coraciiformes Alcedinidae Chloroceryle americana Martin Green Fisherman
Cuculiformes Cuculidae Crotophaga sulcirostris Striated Beak Tick Trapper
Cuculiformes Cuculidae Tapera naevia Cuclillo Listado
Falconiformes Falconidae Caracara plancus Crested Caracara
Falconiformes Falconidae Falco sparverius American Kestrel
Falconiformes Falconidae Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon
Gruiformes Rallidae sanguinolentus Rascon Plumb
Gruiformes Rallidae Gallinula galeata Common Water Fowl
Gruiformes Rallidae Fulica rufifrons Red-fronted Coot
Gruiformes Rallidae Fulica ardesiaca Andean coot
Gruiformes Rallidae Pardirallus maculatus Rascón Overo
Passeriformes Furnariidae Geositta peruviana Peruvian Mining
Passeriformes Furnariidae Furnarius leucopus Pale-legged Hornero
Passeriformes Furnariidae Phleocryptes melanops Junquero
Passeriformes Furnariidae Synallaxis stictothorax Cola-Spina Padded
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Phaeomyias murina Murine Moscareta
Passeriformes Tyrannidae meloryphus Tawny-crowned Tyrannus-Pygmy

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Order Family Species Common name

Passeriformes Tyrannidae leucospodia Grey and White Flysheet
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Todirostrum cinereum Common Spatulilla
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Pyrocephalus rubinus Vermilion Flycatcher
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Muscigralla brevicauda Short-tailed sleeper
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Tyrannus melancholicus Tropical Tyrant
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiarchus semirufus Copetón Rufo
Passeriformes Hirundinidae cyanoleuca Blue and White Swallow
Passeriformes Hirundinidae Stelgidopteryx ruficollis Southern Swallow-winged Swallowtail
Passeriformes Hirundinidae Progne chalybea Grey-breasted Martin
Passeriformes Hirundinidae Tachycineta stolzmanni Golondrina of Tumbes
Passeriformes Troglodytidae fasciatus Cockroach Winged
Passeriformes Troglodytidae superciliaris Cockroach with eyebrow
Passeriformes Polioptilidae Polioptila plumbea Tropical Perlite
Passeriformes Mimidae Mimus longicaudatus Long-tailed larks
Passeriformes Thraupidae Conirostrum cinereum Pico-de-Cono Cinéreo
Passeriformes Thraupidae Sicalis flaveola Saffron Chirigüe
Passeriformes Thraupidae Geospizopsis plebejus Ash-breasted Fringilo
Passeriformes Thraupidae Sporophila peruviana Parrot's Beak Spurge
Passeriformes Thraupidae Sporophila telasco Chestnut-throated Spurgeon
Passeriformes Thraupidae Saltator striatipectus Striped Jumper
Passeriformes Thraupidae Piezorina cinerea Fringilo Cinéreo
Passeriformes Thraupidae Thraupis episcopus Tile tanager
Passeriformes Emberizidae Zonotrichia capensis Rufous-collared Sparrow
Passeriformes Icteridae Dives warczewiczi Scrub thrush
Passeriformes Icteridae Molothrus bonariensis Shining Thrush
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Tachuris rubrigastra Sietecolores
Passeriformes Hirundinidae Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow
Passeriformes Polioptilidae Polioptila bilineata Perlita Cejiancha
Passeriformes Hirundinidae Progne tapera Brown Swallow
Passeriformes Tyrannidae obsoletum Mosquerito Silbón
Passeriformes Troglodytidae Troglodytes aedon Criollo Wren
Passeriformes Icteridae Leistes bellicosus Loica Peruana
Passeriformes Hirundinidae rufocollaris Red-necked Swallow
Passeriformes Thraupidae Sicalis taczanowskii Taczanowski's Chirigüe
Passeriformes Corvidae Cyanocorax mystacalis Chara Coliblanca
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiodynastes bairdii Baird's Bienteveo
Passeriformes Furnariidae souleyetii Scratch-headed nuthatches
Passeriformes Thraupidae Sporophila simplex Simple Seedbed

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Order Family Species Common name

Passeriformes Tyrannidae leucospodia Mosquerito Blanquigris
Passeriformes Thraupidae Poospiza hispaniolensis Monterita Collareja
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Butorides striata Garcita striated
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Ardea cocoi Cuca Heron
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Ardea alba Great Egret
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Egretta tricolor Garcita Tricolor
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Egretta thula Garcita Blanca
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Egretta caerulea Blue Heron
Pelecaniformes Threskiornithidae Plegadis ridgwayi Ibis of the Puna
Pelecaniformes Threskiornithidae Platalea ajaja Pink Spatula
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Ixobrychus exilis American Bittern
Pelecaniformes Ardeidae Nycticorax nycticorax Common Night Herring
Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae Phoenicopterus chilensis Chilean Flamenco
Piciformes Picidae Colaptes rubiginosus Carpenter Olive and Gold
Podicipediformes Podicipedidae Tachybaptus dominicus Junior Diver
Podicipediformes Podicipedidae Podiceps major Large Diver
Podicipediformes Podicipedidae Podilymbus podiceps Great Crested Grebe
Psittaciformes Psittacidae Forpus coelestis Emerald Parakeet
Psittaciformes Psittacidae Psittacara erythrogenys Aratinga de Guayaquil
Strigiformes Strigidae Glaucidium peruanum Peruvian Lechucita
Strigiformes Strigidae Athene cunicularia Burrowing Owl
Suliformes Phalacrocoracidae brasilianus Neotropical Cormorant

Table 5-27. Birds of the Coastal Wetland. Sources: Ficha Técnica de Estado de Conservación Humedal Costero Santa
Julia (2018) - Endemic and threatened bird species

A record was found of 5 species of threatened birds according to the IUCN, one of them in the
vulnerable category (VU) and 4 in the near threatened category (NT). One endemic species,
Geositta peruviana "Peruvian miner", was recorded.


Order Family Species Common name 2014 (2022) (2022) Endemic
Charadriiformes Charadriidae Charadrius nivosus Snowy Plover - NT - -
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae Calidris pusilla Semipalm - NT - -
Passeriformes Tyrannidae Myiarchus semirufus Copetón Rufo - VU - -
Phoenicopterus Flamenco
Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae chilensis Chilean NT NT - -

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Psittacara Aratinga of
Psittaciformes Psittacidae erythrogenys Guayaquil - NT - -

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Passeriformes Furnariidae Geositta peruviana Peruvian - LC - Yes

Table 5-28. Endemic and threatened bird species. Mammals

A total of 4 mammal species were recorded. Dry savannah-type forest

Three (3) species of mammals were recorded in the savannah type dry forest, two of them are
small mammals or of the order Rodentia and one is a large mammal of the order Carnivora.

Order Family Species Common name

Rodentia Sciuridae Sciurus stramineus White-naped squirrel
Rodentia Cricetidae Phyllotis gerbillus gerbil eared mouse
Carnivora Canidae Lycalopex sechurae coastal fox, sechura fox

Table 5-29. Mammals of the dry savannah-type forest. Source: Amazonas Norte Road Corridor Project EIA Update
(2019). Coastal and Andean Agriculture

Three mammal species were recorded in the coastal and Andean agriculture vegetation cover,
of which one is a small mammal of the order Rodentia and two are large mammals of the order
Order Family Species Common name
Rodentia Sciuridae Sciurus stramineus white-naped squirrel
Carnivora Canidae Lycalopex sechurae coastal fox, sechura fox
Carnivora Canidae Conepatus semistriatus skunk, hog snout, añaz

Table 5-30. Mammals of Coastal and Andean Agriculture. Source: Amazon North Road Corridor Project EIA Update
(2019). Coastal wetland

No mammal records were found in the coastal wetland. Endemic and threatened mammal species

A record was found of one endangered species according to national regulations (D.S.Nº 004-
2014. MINAGRI), Lycalopex sechurae "Sechura fox" which is in the near threatened category
(NT). According to international legislation two species are listed by IUCN (2022) as Near
Threatened (NT). One endemic species, the coastal fox or Sechura fox, Lycalopex sechurae, was
Order Family Species D.S.Nº IUCN CITES Endemic
Comm 004-2014 (2022 (2022)
name I

Fox from
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Carnivora Canidae Lycalopex sechurae sechura NT Deliverable
NT Nº-3 - MainYesDocument

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Charadriiform Conepatus
s Scolopacidae semiatriatus Skunk - NT - -

Table 5-31. Endemic and threatened mastofaunal species Hydrobiological Resources

The potential species in the Santa Julia wetlands would be the same as in Laguna La Niña, a
wetland also located in Piura.
Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Cyprinus carpio carpio Common carp
Mugiliformes Mugilidae Mugil cephalus Lisa big-headed
Andinoacara rivulatus Mojarra
Perciformes Cichlidae
Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia

Table 5-32. Potential hydrobiological species of the Santa Julia Wetland. Source: Seasonal variation of extractive
activity in the ictic populations of the wetlands of Sechura. Piura 2013-2014.4

5.2.5. Ecological status of vital ecosystems

Of the ecosystems described, we can consider the seasonally dry lowland forest and aquatic
ecosystems (Piura River and Santa Julia Wetland) to be vital because they do not have an
anthropic origin, such as the urban and agricultural zones.

Piura River: Diagnosis of the Piura river basin with a risk management approach and emphasis
on water resources, soil and vegetation cover - Autoridad Autónoma de la Cuenca Hidrográfica
Chira Piura (AACHCP), 2001.

Ninety percent of the waters of the Bajo Piura are affected by some degree of salinity. Water
for human consumption has a medium to high concentration of salts and is likely to have some
degree of contamination; the population itself contributes to this problem by often throwing
rubbish into the river.

Every year, 10 million cubic metres of untreated domestic wastewater is discharged into the
Piura River.

Approximately 10,000 hectares of rice are planted in large fields in Bigote, Salitral, Buenos
Aires, Morropón, Chulucanas and Tambogrande, a smaller amount is planted in small fields;
This monoculture practice, together with the scarce and deficient drainage systems and the
lack of respect of the users for the sowing plans, put the agricultural areas at risk of
salinisation, generate water pollution of the Piura river due to the discharge of pesticides and
at the same time do not allow the optimisation of the use of this resource.

4BR. CYNTHIA KATHERINE MARUSIA MARUSIA PANTA RAMOS "Seasonal variation of extractive activity in the ichthyic
populations of the wetlands of Sechura. Piura 2013-2014" THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF BIOLOGIST, PIURA - PERU,

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Santa Julia Wetland: In the Santa Julia Wetlands Conservation Status Technical Sheet (SERFOR
2018) it is described that settlers and real estate developers dump solid waste and debris near
the water body, deteriorating the quality of the environment and dramatically reducing the
area of this wetland.

With a higher species richness of native wild flora and/or fauna in relation to its surroundings.
With presence or evidence of at least five endangered and/or endemic species.

Continuous tracts of wild forest cover or wild vegetation formation. Without evidence of
anthropogenic disturbance or with presence of anthropogenic disturbance affecting up to 1% of
the ecosystem.

Dry forest: 45 natural communities were identified representing 94.27% of the total surface of
the district and 3 communities of anthropic order representing 1.59%; while the wooded areas
that are part of the plant communities represent 92.41% of the district's surface, the
scrublands represent 1.46% and the grasslands 0.39%; 41 species of flora grouped in 22
families have been identified; likewise, four degrees of degradation of the natural communities
were quantified, ranging from slight to very strong and representing 56.08% of the district's
surface area, while 39.25% are forests in a good state of conservation that are home to
important species of wild flora and fauna, part of which correspond to the natural areas
protected by the state: El Angolo Game Preserve and Cerros de Amotape National Park5 .

5.2.6. Sensitive areas

The area of influence of the project does not overlap with any protected natural area
or buffer zone, as recorded in the register of the National Service of Natural Areas
Protected by the State SERNANP.

5.2.7. Fragile ecosystems

In the area of influence of the project there is a fragile ecosystem recognised by
SERFOR: the coastal wetland of Santa Julia (PIU-01), located in the district of Veintiséis
de Octubre, covering an area of 36.79 hectares.

5.2.8. Identification and description of areas of conservation concern Important Bird Areas (IBAs)
116 IBAs have been designated in Peru according to the updated BirdLife International
database (2021), the Piura region has four (04) IBAs.


5 OTIVO, J. (2015) Aportes para un manejo sostenible del ecosistema bosque tropical seco de Piura. Asociación para
la Investigación y Desarrollo integral - AIDER, Piura - Peru. 67 P.: illus.

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• PE003 Talara dry forest

• PE012 San Pedro Mangroves - Vice
• PE013 Virrilá Estuary
The area of influence of the Project does not overlap with any Important Bird Areas (IBAs). Endemic Bird Area (EBA)

The Piura region is located in this area called Tumbesian Region (EBA 045), therefore, 100% of
the direct and indirect area of influence of the Project is also located in this region. Therefore,
only the "Emerald Parakeet" Forpus coelestis is reported as the only bird species of restricted
distribution for this site. Environmental Conservation Areas (ECAs)

In the Piura region, an Environmental Conservation Area (ACA) has been established to date,
this being the Virrilá Estuary located in the Province of Sechura, therefore, the area of
influence of the project does not overlap with an environmental conservation area. RAMSAR Sites

The area of influence of the project does not overlap with any of the 13 RAMSAR sites
recognised in Peru. Biosphere Reserve

The area of influence of the project does not overlap with any of the 7 biosphere reserves
recognised in Peru.

5.2.9. Solid waste management

The generation of solid waste is a function of population growth, especially in the urban
sector, which is a major generator of waste, and of the economic activity that takes place. District Municipality of Castilla

The District Municipality of Castilla has a public cleaning service. The

administration of the service is: Direct.

The Processes or operations carried out by the Public Cleaning service are:

- Household collection by direct administration

- Street Sweeping by Direct Administration
- Gleaning by Direct administration
- Transfer by direct administration

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- Final Disposal by direct administration

The type of solid waste collected by the municipal service are:

Municipal Waste:
- Household Waste
- Trade waste
- Waste from public roads
Solid Waste Collection Service: The collection service provided by the Municipality of the
district of Castilla is carried out under the modality of Direct Administration.

This service includes the collection of solid household waste generated on properties used for
housing and other uses (commerce, services, industry, education, etc.).

With regard to the production of Solid Domestic Waste generated in the District of Castilla,
taking into consideration the information generated by the Sub Management of Public
Cleaning and the study carried out by SB PRISMA, an average of 68.57 MT of domestic waste is
collected daily, 91.1% of which is generated in properties used for housing.

Transport service: In the district of Castilla, the solid waste collection units are the same as the
ones that transport the waste to the final disposal site.

Final Disposal: The final disposal of solid waste from the district of Castilla is carried out in a
semi-controlled landfill located in the jurisdiction of the district of Castilla, 8.5 km from the
road to Chulucanas, which is administered and controlled by the Provincial Municipality of

Non-Municipal Waste:
Non-municipal waste is waste that is not managed by local authorities and therefore the
responsibility for ensuring that this waste is treated appropriately lies with the producers or
initial holders. However, the Municipality of Castilla is responsible for the collection of waste
from dismantling.

Industrial waste, hospital waste, etc..:

Non-municipal solid waste made up of industrial and hospital waste, etc., is not managed by
the municipality. The responsible for the management of this waste is the generator, whose
transport for final disposal, according to the law of Integral Management of Solid Waste
(Legislative Decree Nº 1278), must be through an EO-RS in a Sanitary Landfill Authorised by
MINAM. Veintiséis de Octubre District Municipality

Currently, the city of Veintiséis de Octubre and its human settlements do not have the
minimum equipment necessary for the correct collection and distribution of solid waste;
according to the diagnosis carried out, there are insufficient units for the entire solid waste
collection process.

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The municipality has a public cleaning service. The service is administered directly. The

operations carried out by the public cleaning service are as follows:

- Household collection by direct administration.

- Street sweeping by direct administration.
- Transfer by direct administration.
- Segregation at source
- Final disposal by direct administration.
The type of solid waste generated in the district of Veintiséis de Octubre are:

Municipal Waste:
- Household Waste
- Trade waste
- Waste from public roads
Waste storage: Municipal solid waste in the district of Veintiséis de Octubre is all waste
generated by households, businesses, street sweepings, minor industries, markets, green
areas, rubble, etc.

Intra-household storage: The storage of solid waste within households is the responsibility of
each household.

Public Storage: The district currently does not have enough litter bins for public waste storage
and they are not regularly maintained, so they end up becoming infectious hotspots and
provide an unpleasant appearance to the city.

Storage in Markets: In the city of Veintiséis de Octubre there are two markets; in some cases in
particular, inadequate waste storage and the lack of coordination between collection schedules
and the times at which traders remove their waste generates the accumulation of waste in the
areas surrounding the market.

Sweeping service: The sweeping service in the city of Veintiséis de Octubre is manual and arises
from the need to keep the city clean, which is why it is mainly carried out on roads with high
pedestrian traffic, such as the main avenues and small squares. The small number of operators
only covers part of the demand for sweeping of main roads and public spaces. In unattended
areas such as human settlements and unrecognised popular urbanisations, it is the inhabitants
themselves who clean the streets on their own initiative, but in many cases they burn the
rubbish or throw it on abandoned land and, due to the action of the wind, it is dispersed,
contaminating the entire landscape.

Collection: The district municipality of Veintiséis de Octubre provides the collection service and
the Management of Social Development and Public Services, through the Sub-management of
Public Cleaning and Ornamentation is responsible for ensuring that the coverage and quality of
service is carried out in the greater part of the District's jurisdiction.

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Transport: This work is carried out for household waste, commercial waste and waste from
street sweeping, collecting a portion of the 74.74 MT/day and its respective transfer to the
final disposal of solid waste on a daily basis.

Transfer: At present, the collected waste is taken directly to the municipal dump of Piura, so
there is no transfer point for solid waste.

Final disposal: All waste generated in the district is disposed of at the Piura municipal dump.
The daily tasks carried out by the Sub-management of Public Cleanliness and Decoration in the
area of public cleanliness are: programming, execution of operations, control and supervision.

Segregation: The Municipality of Veintiséis de Octubre has been running a Segregation at

Source Pilot Programme since 2016, where single mothers are employed.

Non-Municipal Waste:

This includes industrial waste, agricultural waste, construction waste and waste generated in
health establishments. These wastes are regulated and supervised by the corresponding
ministries or regulatory bodies (MINAM, 2016). Those responsible for ensuring that this waste
receives adequate treatment are the generating companies.

5.3. Socio-Economic Characterisation

For the elaboration of this Social Characterisation or Social Baseline, the application of a
descriptive design is considered, based on information from secondary sources (official
portals) and primary sources (interviews and surveys).

As a result of the fieldwork, the main concerns and perceptions of local representatives and
the population in general have been gathered, who expressed their problems in relation to
flooding due to the effects of rain.

From the interviews conducted with local 14.6%

representatives from the districts of Piura, Castilla
and Veintiséis de Octubre, 85.4% (146)
representatives indicated that their 85.4%
locality/association/village/urbanisation had suffered
some kind of damage as a result of the rains, while
14.6% (25) indicated that they had no problems as a Yes No
result of the rains.
Figure 1 Localities affected by rainfall as
On the other hand, surveys were conducted among reported by local authorities
the population of the different localities of the
districts of Castilla, Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre.
These surveys were randomly applied to heads of
households in their homes. The following were
According to their experience and perception of whether "Has your locality or sector been
affected by flooding due to heavy rains in the city?", there is a higher incidence of cases in the
districts of Veintiséis de Octubre and Piura respectively. In the Sector, which corresponds to
part of the district of Castilla, 34.3% of those surveyed stated that they had not been affected
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by rainfall in their locality.

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When asked "Do you know or have

you heard of the Master Plan for
86.9 78.1 83.3 Pluvial Drainage in Piura, Castilla
100.0 92.1 95.5
and Veintiséis de Octubre?", a high
50.0 percentage of the surveyed
13.1 21.9 16.7
7.9 4.5 population indicated that they did
Sector I Sector II Sector Sector Sector Sector V Sector
Sector III VI VIII not know about the formulation of
the plan.

It is worth noting that, according to the perception of the surveyed population, in response to
the question "Do you think that the Master Plan for the Pluvial Drainage of Piura, Castilla and
Veintiséis de Octubre would generate any benefit, effect or positive impact on the locality?",
among the main benefit the surveyed population recognises the "Reduction of the affectation
of houses", followed by the "Reduction of reconstruction costs" and finally the "Reduction of
transport routes", as shown in the following table for each of the sectors.
The potential social risks identified as a result of the interviews and surveys carried out are
presented below, and the details of this item are presented in an annex.
Lack of timely and clear communication that could generate
Difficulties for intervention
mistrust for the quality of the work and the guarantee of its
Opposition optimal operation. Stakeholders have suggested evaluating other
t technical solutions, which could be more effective and less costly.
o the project
Lack of a communication strategy that defines the project's
interlocutors and the alignment of messages. The population and
local leaders do not identify the project owner.

t Mistrust of institutions and public management due to the delay
o the project in the formulation of the Stormwater Drainage Master Plan.

Discomfort from
the population by
the Confusion among the inhabitants about the scope of the Master
entry of different Plan for Pluvial Drainage and the Integral Plan for the Piura River
brigades Basin.
mixed messages
Expectation of the population for the construction of pedestrian
Discomfort from
and/or vehicular bridges (Dren Maldonado) as these accesses
the population by
could be affected by the scope of the works.
entry of different
Encroachment into the drainage easement area by the location of
new human settlements which
mixed messages
On public
expectations of the
scope of works
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The socialisation of
the formulation of
the plan should
involve the
participation of
representatives of
the localities.
meetings should also
be considered for an
socialisation of the
project by localities.

The Communications
Plan and
Socialisation Plan
should contain clear
messages about the
competencies of the
ARCC and the
benefits of the

Implement, as part
of the
Plan, fluid
communication with
local authorities and
the project owner.

Implement, as part
of the
Plan, fluid
communication with
local authorities and
the project owner.

The Communications
Plan and
Socialisation Plan
should contain clear
messages about the
competences of the
ARCC and the scope
of the project.
Consider raising
public awareness of
conservation. Also,
develop capacity
building with the

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release of drains or could hinder the maintenance local governments for the conservation of the
natural or proper functioning of the drains. city's drainage system.
Consider raising public awareness on drainage
conservation. Also develop capacity building with
Interruption of the drainage channel for the
local governments for the conservation of the
creation of pedestrian and vehicular accesses.
city's drainage system.
Include as part of the measures the complaints
and claims programme between the project areas
and the population of the intervention area.
Sensitisation of the different areas of the project
Insufficient or inadequate signalling and/or control.
for the timely handling of complaints and claims.
Disseminate the complaints and grievances
programme among the project areas and the
Accidents population of the intervention area.
ac Sensitisation of the different areas of the project
cidents for the timely handling of complaints and claims.
Deficient scheduling of detours.

Table 5-33. Potential social risks identified

5.4. Current conditions for urban development

A major factor contributing to the existing flood risk in Piura is the relatively unplanned nature
of the development and urbanisation that has taken place in recent decades. For example,
many residential properties have been built on the floodplain of the Piura River, as well as in
the path of natural channels such as the Quebrada El Gallo. There has also been extensive
urbanisation in low-lying areas of land that are not connected to the drainage network
(cuencas ciegas).

As the city of Piura continues to develop and urbanise in the coming years, it is recommended
that flood risk and the provision of resilient drainage infrastructure be a key priority for all new
developments. Failure to take these considerations into account will increase the cost of
damage to property and the potential risk to life due to flooding.

It is for this reason that this chapter presents the "Diagnosis of the Urban Development of the
districts of Piura, Castilla and 26 October" in the framework of the General Law of Pluvial
Drainage and its regulation, which establishes according to Art. 11 of its regulations that the
projects contained in the Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan constitute an input to be
incorporated in the Urban Development Plan in force, in the urban infrastructure component,
in accordance with the technical procedures established in the Regulations of Territorial
Development and Sustainable Urban Development (RATDUS).

The Urban Development Plan (PDU) is the technical-regulatory instrument that guides the
urban development of major, intermediate and minor cities, in accordance with the
categorisation established in the National System of Town Centres (SINCEP). It is prepared in
accordance with the Territorial Development Plan (PAT) and/or the Metropolitan Development
Plan (PDM), as appropriate, and with the SINCEP. This document is part of the Provincial
and/or District Concerted Municipal Development Plan, as appropriate, to which it forms part.

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The physical component of the project, which is referred to in Law No. 27972, Organic Law of Municipalities,
constitutes its physical component.
- space.

In this context, the present document presents the "Diagnosis of the Urban Development of
the districts of Piura, Castilla and 26 de octubre", which includes key aspects that allow to
diagnose the current situation of the Urban Development of the districts of Piura, Castilla and
26 de octubre and their possible areas of urban expansion, for the elaboration of the Drainage
Plan of the city. Likewise, on the other hand, aspects related to the existing road
infrastructure, general conditions of housing constructions and social infrastructure are
analysed, according to the housing problem, situational status and deficit of recreational
equipment and public spaces, current land use and urban zoning according to the current Urban
Development Plan of the Districts of: Piura, 26 de octubre, Castilla and Catacaos al 2032",
currently in force.

5.4.1. Background
In order to have a comprehensive view of the urbanisation process of the present districts, a
history of the different plans within the study area is presented: Piura Master Plan (1972)

Prepared within the framework of the agreement signed between the former Economic and
Social Development Corporation of the Department of Piura (Corpiura), the Provincial Council
of Piura and the General Directorate of Urban Development of the Ministry of Housing. This
technical normative document was elaborated for the urban conurbation of Piura-Castilla, by
the Provincial Municipality of Piura in 1972, whose technical team was headed by Architect
César Lama More. Professionals from the area were present, who would be in charge of
compliance and execution; unfortunately, the multiple economic commitments of the
Municipality led to the interruption of the Plan's objective; from this study, the preliminary
road scheme is salvaged, in which an avoidance road is proposed at the height of the current
Piura Integration Collector Road, which outlines the need for the Don Bosco Bridge over the
Piura River. Regulatory Plan of Piura (1982)

It was elaborated by the Provincial Municipality of Piura with the objective of being a
management document, however, the supporting information of this Plan was not found,
having only two physical plans and the oral information of the executors. This technical
document contains many proposals such as: the relocation of the airport, the relocation of
the military bases in Piura-Castilla, the urban renewal of the monumental zone of Piura and
the Special Regulation Zone of Castilla. Pre-Investment Study. INADUR (1989)

The main objective of the study was to locate and size housing programmes in the main urban
settlements of the Piura - Sechura Axis. Piura - Castilla Master Plan 2010

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This study was elaborated by the National Institute of Urban Development (INADUR), in
accordance with an agreement between the Provincial Municipality of Piura and this institute.
It is worth mentioning that

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The document was drawn up after the "El Niño" phenomenon of 1983, in the absence of a
document to guide the urban development of the city; however, only a diagnosis and a
preliminary proposal were made. The technical team was headed by Architect Beatriz Sologuren
Cappuccini, and the study was the first approach to the urban reality of Piura-Castilla, in order
to subsequently draw up the Piura-Castilla Master Plan for 2010 with the pertinent corrections
and clarifications. From this study, many proposals for Piura-Castilla that were left truncated
due to lack of execution and which, even as proposals, are still appropriate for the new urban
reality of the Metropolitan Area: Piura, Castilla, Catacaos, were rescued.

The following evaluation refers to the fulfilment of the goals and objectives of the Master Plan
for Piura and Castilla up to 2010, approved in 2001, which has been executed in 35 % of its
proposals in partial and/or total form, as follows:

• Inappropriate conversion of dwellings to other purposes without conditioning and area

• Inadequate location of the slaughterhouse, land terminals, workshops and inter-city
bus stops.
• Lack of recreational, tourist and cultural facilities (theatres, tourist restaurants, 5-star
hotels, craft centres, etc.).
• Deterioration of its urban green areas and total destruction of riparian green areas.
The following are still pending:
• Loss of unity and harmony in the monumental zone of Piura due to the lack of
adequate regulations.
• Loss of the urban-architectural-monumental character of the Malecón Eguiguren and
María Auxiliadora.
• Soil erosion between San Teodoro Av. and Panamericana Av. due to the lack of
completion of the river defences.
• Waterlogging and flooding of areas in the central area during the rainy season due to
lack of proper drainage and canalisation.
• Partial existence of a land registry, of a technical and statistical file of the real existing
area, of the identification, location and quantification of urban furniture, and of the
state of conservation of roads, pavements, mailboxes, posts, etc., due to the lack of an
urban cadastre. Plan de Desarrollo Concertado Distrital de Castilla - Piura (2013-

The updating of the Concerted Development Plan of the District of Castilla is a process that
stems from the evaluation of the current Concerted Development Plan, which was drawn up in
2009 with the participation of representatives of territorial and sectoral organisations
operating in the district, with a long-term horizon, incorporating in its content the vision and
five strategic axes and objectives, as well as programmes and projects for each axis. The results
of the implementation of the goals proposed in the Plan show a considerable level of progress
in the processes of building productive, economic, urban, social and environmental
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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document District Concerted Development Plan of 26 October (2016- 2021)

The development proposal is based on a strategic framework with the following components:
principles, the Development Vision, the Strategic Axes, strategic objectives, management
indicators, programmes and projects, and the implementation strategy. The implementation of
the development strategy requires the concurrence of the three levels of government (regional,
provincial and district) mentioned above and the business sector, with adequate inter-
institutional coordination to achieve the strategic objectives.

The new district of Veintiséis de Octubre is faced with changing international and national
environments, such as: global socio-economic, political and demographic factors, accelerated
technological change, climate change and environmental factors. The people of the district of
Veintiséis de Octubre are the main force in realising the shared vision. The shared vision is the
"snapshot" of the kind of district the population decides to be in the year 2021. Concerted Development Plan for the Province of Piura (2016-2021)

The Regional Development Plan 2016 - 2021 (PDRC 2016 - 2021), establishes the Conceptual
Model and the Strategic Objectives that allow to materialise the Mission of the regional actors
and the Vision of the regional territory. At the same time, it is the basis or framework for the
establishment of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for these objectives, i.e. the control
of development management and how decision-making is exercised.

The Regional Government of Piura, in the framework of its competences established in the
Organic Law of Regional Government and after more than a year of concerted efforts and joint
work with different civil society organisations, such as professional associations, producer
organisations, social collectives, development organisations, universities, different institutions
and representatives of the public sector, makes available to the regional community the
Concerted Regional Development Plan 2016 -2021. Urban Development Plan for the Districts of Piura, Castilla, 26 de

octubre and Catacaos to 2032.
This Urban Development Plan for the districts of Piura, Veintiséis de octubre, Castilla and
Catacaos up to 2031, was drawn up at the initiative and political will of the Provincial
Municipality of Piura, in response to the need for a technical and regulatory instrument that
will become the main element in the management and promotion of urban development in
the Metropolitan Area of Piura. This Plan is approved by Ordinance N° 122 - 02 - CMPP, dated
4 September 2014. Metropolitan Development Plan (PDM) Piura, Catacaos, Castilla

and Veintiséis de octubre 2020 - 2040
The present plan is published on the official website of the Ministry of Housing on 27 July
2020, for consultation and with an expiry date of 22 August 2020. It is worth mentioning that
the aim of the plan is to establish forecasts and

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sustainable urban development proposals, in order to guide, procure, promote and regulate
the balanced and planned conjugation of the following components of sustainable urban
development: urban-territorial complementarity, urban competitiveness, urban functionality,
urban and landscape quality, environmental sustainability, disaster risk management, urban
social equity, cultural identity, and urban governance in the urban study area; in accordance
with the Piura - Catacaos - Castilla - 26 de Octubre Metropolitan Development Plan, and within
the framework of national and regional land-use planning policies and strategies. Plan de Acondicionamiento Territorial (PAT) de la provincia

de Piura 2020 - 2040 (Piura Province Territorial Development Plan
2020 - 2040)
The present plan is published on the official website of the Ministry of Housing on 24 July
2020, for consultation and with an expiry date of 22 August 2020. The vision proposed in the
Plan de Acondicionamiento Territorial de la Provincia de Piura 2020 - 2040 is consistent with
the following:

- The National Accord with its vision of National Development to 2050

- The National Strategic Plan (Plan Bicentenario 2021)
- The National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan
- The Concerted Regional Development Plan to 2021
- The Comprehensive Plan for Reconstruction with Change (PIRCC)
- The Regulation on Land Development and Sustainable Urban Development D.S 022 -
- The Concerted Development Plan for the province of Piura (2016 - 2021)
In addition, the long-term development vision for the Piura TAP was constructed with the
support of the population, achieving the integration and participation of the key actors for the
development of the territory, which, in addition to providing a realistic vision, guarantees that
it is legitimate and owned by the population.

Thus, the approach of the territorial vision of development that underpins the formulation of
proposals, both general and specific, is based on an understanding of the relationships and
processes of the various stakeholders in their relationship with the territory. This vision of
development proposes the co-responsibility of the different actors in the collective
construction of their territory, in order to facilitate the integration and targeting of resources
towards the execution of strategic actions that will positively transform the province.

5.4.2. Objectives

The objective of this chapter is to elaborate a diagnosis of the current situation in the districts
of Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis de Octubre, describing the problems in the urban context and
the characterisation of the city, as well as to show the trends of urban expansion and to
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identify and review potential locations for Blue-Green interventions.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Specific objectives

• Identify and analyse the PDU in force, focusing on aspects related to urban projection
zones and surface uses and their integration with the storm drainage system.
• Characterisation of the current conditions for urban development and land occupation
in the city, possibilities for further expansion, general conditions of housing
constructions to face the associated or consequent risks of storm drainage, road
articulation with other nearby cities.
• Formulation of specific proposals for sustainable metropolitan development for the
districts of Piura, Castilla and 26 October, on issues of general classification of land use,
urban sectorisation, delimitation of areas for the elaboration of urban plans,
sustainable urban mobility, urban road system; equipment, infrastructure and basic
services; and urban zoning.

5.4.3. Scope of the diagnosis

The diagnosis includes the evaluation of the current situation in the districts of Piura, Castilla
and 26 October, corresponding to the urban area of the districts in question, which belong
politically to the province of Piura.

For the elaboration of the Diagnosis of the Urban Development of the districts of Piura, Castilla
and 26 de octubre, primary and secondary information has been considered, the latter
fundamentally compiled from the "Urban Development Plan (PDU) of the Districts of Piura, 26
de octubre, Castilla and Catacaos to 2032", the present Plan is approved by Ordinance N° 122 -
02 - CMPP and the "Plan de Desarrollo Regional Concertado 2016 -2021" said plan counts with
Resolution of Mayor's Office No. 729-2016-A/MPP and its modifying R.A No. 842- 2016-A/MPP
and R.A No. 646-2017-A/MPP No. 646-2017-A/MPP No. 646-2017-A/MPP. 729-2016-A/MPP
and its amendment R.A No. 842- 2016-A/MPP and R.A No. 646-2017-A/MPP.

The information in the "Urban Development Plan for the Districts of Piura, 26 October, Castilla
and Catacaos to 2032" has been considered of greater relevance, as it is linked to the
objectives of this study. It consists of two documents: Diagnosis and Proposal. This plan is
posted on the official websites of the different districts that belong to the study area.

From the PDU Diagnosis document we have selected: the analysis of the characterisation of
the urban structure, analysis of equipment, infrastructure and urban services, current land use,
urban growth trends, urban mobility analysis, information that provides an overview of the
urban centre and its evolution, in a short, medium and long term time horizon.

On the other hand, the UDP Proposal document establishes specific policies and proposals for
sustainable urban development aimed at the promotion, orientation and regulation of a
balanced and planned combination of sustainable urban development components,
establishes technical urban planning standards for zoning undeveloped land and for the
cataloguing and conservation of the structural elements of the territory that define the
character of a landscape to a greater extent, as well as orienting the programming of
investments for sustainable urban development, for the short, medium and long term.

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Likewise, this study will be carried out acting under the principles of sustainability, social
inclusion, interculturality, competitiveness, envisioning the city as a great URBAN
ENVIRONMENTAL project, identifying its strengths and strategic opportunities to reduce
unemployment gaps, poverty, deficit of public spaces and urban facilities, quantitative and
qualitative deficit of housing, deficit of basic services, etc. The project will be a participatory
project that generates resilience in its final proposal, and it will also be a project that will
improve the quality of life, reverse the deterioration of environmental and landscape quality,
violence, social exclusion, and gender equity.

5.4.4. Conceptual framework

What is the urban development plan?
The urban development plan: is a technical regulatory instrument that serves to promote
and guide the development of cities in accordance with the Provincial Concerted
Development Plan, the Regional Concerted Development Plan and the Territorial
Development Plan, establishing:
- Urban land use zoning
- The road and transport plan
- Housing requirements for expansion and/or densification areas
- The preservation of areas and properties of historic value
- The regulations
- The service level of health, safety, security, recreation and other community facilities.
Benefits of the urban development plan

- It facilitates the construction of a vision for the future, guiding the development of the city.
- It fosters citizen awareness and consensus building.
- It defines a portfolio of short-, medium- and long-term projects, a framework for
action by public institutions.
- It allows for the most appropriate and optimal use of urban land and natural, human
and economic resources.
It contributes to improving the quality of life of all inhabitants.

5.4.5. Legal and regulatory framework

The Pluvial Drainage Plans are included in the Reconstruction Plan, approved by Supreme
Decree N° 091-2017-PCM, within the framework of the General Law on Pluvial Drainage and its
regulations; law established by Legislative Decree N° 1356, dated 20 July 2018, provision that,
by Law N° 30776, the Congress of the Republic has delegated to the Executive Power the
power to legislate in matters of reconstruction and closing of gaps in infrastructure and

This Legislative Decree is applicable nationwide and mandatory for the three levels of
government, as well as to the interventions related to storm drainage established by Law No.
30556, Law that approves extraordinary provisions.

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The National Government's disaster response plan, which provides for the creation of the
Authority for Reconstruction with Change and its amendment; and which, through Article 4:
Reconstruction with Change, numeral 4.2 Prevention of floods and mass movements, provides
for the need to install rainwater drainage systems in those cities that during extreme rainfall
events saturate their drainage capacity, accumulating in them.

The regulation of the General Law on Stormwater Drainage establishes in Art. 11 the definition
of the Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan as a management tool that guides the
physical organisation of the drainage system.
- The development of storm drainage infrastructure, as well as the development of public and
private investment, at the provincial level, to develop sustainable storm drainage systems, as
well as the improvement of existing storm drainage systems.

The projects contained in the Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan constitute an input to
be incorporated into the current Urban Development Plan, in the urban infrastructure
component, in accordance with the technical procedures established in the Regulations on
Land Development and Sustainable Urban Development (RATDUS).

The following are the standards covered by this approach to urban development:

LEGISLATIVE DECREE No. 1356 Approving the The purpose of the Legislative Decree is to order
General Law on Stormwater Drainage and its the actions of the competent authorities in the
Regulations development and sustainability of storm drainage
The objective of this standard is to establish the
Norma Técnica O.S 060 del Reglamento Nacional general design criteria to enable the development
de Edificaciones (DS 011-2006-VIVIENDA y sus of Urban Stormwater Drainage projects
modificatorias). comprising the collection, conveyance and
SUPREME DECREE Nº 012-2020-HOUSING that disposal of stormwater runoff from an urban area
modifies the name and location of Technical to a receiving body.
Standard S.060 Urban Stormwater Drainage to
Technical Standard CE.040 Stormwater Drainage
The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the
in the index of the National Building Regulations.
technical procedures followed by Local
SUPREME DECREE N° 022-2016-VIVIENDA Governments at national level, in the exercise of
Approving the regulation on land development their powers in land planning and management,
and sustainable urban development. land development and urban development in
their districts.
The purpose of this Legislative Decree is to amend
Law No. 29090, Law on the Regulation of Urban
and Building Permits, in order to simplify the
DL 1426 that amends Law 29090 Law of administrative procedures for obtaining urban
Regulation of Urban Allotments and Buildings and building permits, as well as to strengthen the
(date of publication 16/09/2018). powers of the Ministry of Housing, Construction
and Sanitation and to clarify the regulation of the
Municipalities, within the framework of the
modernisation of the State.

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D.S. N° 029-2019-VIVIENDA Legislative Decree No. 1426 amends various
Regulation of Urban Allotment Licences and articles of the Law in order to simplify the
Building Licences (Publication Date 06/09/2019) administrative procedures for obtaining urban
habilitation and building licences, as well as to
strengthen the powers of the MVCS and to clarify
the regulation of the Municipalities, within the
framework of the modernisation of the State; Its
First Final Complementary Provision establishes
that by means of a Supreme Decree, with the
endorsement of the Minister of Housing,
Construction and Sanitation, the Regulation of
Urban Qualification Licenses and Building
Licenses will be adapted to the modifications it
formulates within a period not exceeding one
hundred and eighty (180) calendar days, counted
as of its validity.
Amends Law No. 29090. It is included as a Within the framework of the health emergency
Technical Building Standard to the Special caused by COVID-19, it is necessary to amend Law
Regulation of Urban and Building Enabling. (Date Nº 29090, Law on the Regulation of Urban and
of Publication 24/04/2020). Building Permits, by issuing measures to
reactivate and promote the national economy,
which has been affected by COVID-19, with the
aim of boosting real estate activity in the
construction sector, by speeding up the obtaining
of urban and building permits.

Table 5-34. Normative approach to urban development

5.4.6. Analysis of current Development Plans General proposal for the development of the Urban Development

Plan for the districts of Piura, 26 October, Castilla and Catacaos to
During the last few years, a series of political, legal, economic, social, natural and
technological, environmental, etc., events have generated substantial changes, not only in the
country, but worldwide, which have had an enormous impact, through globalisation,
multiculturalisation, the world economy, and climate change, on a new conception of urban
development based on sustainability and harmony with the environment.

These changes have directly influenced a certain agro-urban area, which contains the urban
centres of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre, Castilla and Catacaos; including the population centres:
Ejidos de Huan to the north of Piura, La Mariposa, Terela and Rio Seco to the north of Castilla;
Simbilá to the north of Catacaos; Rinconada and Narihualá to the south of Catacaos; La Legua
and San Jacinto to the west of Catacaos across the Piura River.

These population centres do not constitute a consolidated physical-spatial urban continuum,

but they do have close economic, social, cultural and service links, and there is a strong
tendency towards conurbation with political independence. This particular situation leads us
to speculate on a Metropolitan Area which, although it does not currently meet the population
requirement established in the current regulation, statistical projections to 2015 show that, in
the short term, it will meet this parameter.
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Therefore, the Provincial Municipality of Piura, by virtue of the culmination of the validity of
the current Urban Plan, will approach the present study as the urban development of the
province of Piura and the districts of; Veintiséis de Octubre, Castilla and Catacaos as the
Metropolitan Area of the city of Piura, being necessary for this the elaboration of the "Urban
Development Plan Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre, Castilla and Catacaos to 2032"; which will
establish the guidelines, guidelines and strategies for the Metropolitan Area to reach an
integral, sustainable and sustainable development.

The Urban Development Plan as a management tool for local governments serves the
following purposes:

• The rational use of urban land in the urban centres of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre,
Castilla and Catacaos for the development of urban and agro-urban activities.
• The incorporation of risk management in land-use planning, for the prevention and
mitigation of the impacts that could be caused by natural phenomena, such as: periods
of moderate rainfall, the El Niño and La Niña phenomena.
• The protection of the urban and agro-urban environment, as well as the identification
of protection and conservation areas within the Metropolitan Area.
• Reservation of urban areas in the Metropolitan Area for urban facilities. Urban area

The urban area, in the case of this study, is the territory on which the Metropolitan Area is
developed, made up of the current urban centres of the cities of Piura, Castilla and Catacaos,
in addition to the existing urban areas occupied by the population centres located in their
immediate surroundings.

This urban area can be occupied or unoccupied depending on its current status and is detailed
as follows:


The Butterfly 16.68 Ha
Ejidos de Huan 10.30 Ha
Miraflores 31.04 Ha
Rio Seco 66.45 Ha
Terela 113.51 Ha
La Legua 159.40 Ha
San Jacinto 31.15 Ha
Catacaos Simbalá 41.19 Ha
Narihualá 19.20 Ha
La Rinconada 8.73 Ha

Table 5-35. Occupied urban area. Source: Urban development plan

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It is important to mention the level that corresponds to each of the four urban centres (Piura,
Veintiséis de Octubre, Castilla and Catacaos), within the classification of urban centres in the
country, in order to determine and better understand the scope of the Urban Development
Plan. Although there is no official classification of urban centres in the country, a classification
has been determined in accordance with the current Law of Demarcation and Territorial

Thus, the city of Piura, together with the district of Veintiséis de Octubre, is considered a
major city, as it fulfils a main function and has a population of more than 250,001 inhabitants.
The city of Castilla is classified as an intermediate city, and Catacaos as a minor city, as its
population ranges from 5001 to 100,000 inhabitants. Given the constant growth of these four
urban nuclei, and the consolidation and conurbation of these, the beginning of a growing
Metropolis is marked, which is why the present study considers the development of an Urban
Development Plan.

Figure 5-35 Area view of the urban centres of Piura, Castila and 26 de octubre.

Source: Urban development plan General Proposal of the Concerted Provincial Development Plan

By Mayoral Resolution No. 729-2016-A/MPP dated 17 August 2016 and its amending R.A No.
842-2016-A/MPP and R.A No. 646-2017-A/MPP. This document contains the diagnosis and
proposal of the concerted provincial development plan for the province of Piura, in which an
outline of the conceptual model of the region is presented, as follows:

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Figure 5-36 Conceptual model of the department of Piura

Source: Concerted Provincial Development Plan

Having defined the conceptual model that corresponds to the endogenous components of the
territory, the next step was to identify the trends that have a positive or negative impact on
the development of the territory, which may be of an economic, social, cultural, political or any
other nature.


1 Increasing scientific and technological gap.
2 Increase in value chains based on new forms of organisation of productive factors.
3 Increased risks due to disasters and climate change.
4 Persistent commodity price volatility.
5 Increase in urban population.
6 Increased levels of Physical and Technological Connectivity.
7 Persistence of the primary-export model.
8 Recentralisation of the state.
9 Persistence of gender gaps.
10 Decline of international cooperation forces in Peru.
11 Increasing trade importance with China.
12 Consolidation of knowledge societies.

Table 5-36. List of selected trends. Source: Concerted provincial development plan

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Figure 5-37 Conceptual model impacted with the strategies

Source: Concerted Provincial Development Plan

After carrying out the stages mentioned above (conceptual model and the trends that impact
it). The next stage, which aims to identify and define the variables that are most relevant for
the construction of future scenarios, is reached.


1 Social protection.
2 Developing people's skills for poverty reduction.
3 Social equity and gender equality.
4 Educational quality.
5 Healthy population.
6 Citizen security.
7 Democratic governance.
8 Productive diversification.
9 Appropriate employment.
10 Availability of economic infrastructure and services.
11 Quality of the environment and environmental management.
12 Vulnerability of the population to disasters and climate change.
13 Availability of water resources.

Table 5-37. Selected strategic variables. Source: Concerted provincial development plan
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In relation to these variables, the strategic objectives are identified, which serve to define the
changes that are to be achieved in the territory to improve the conditions and quality of life of
the people. They describe the purpose to be achieved, which is measured through indicators
and goals.

We have the following strategic objectives, as set out in the Provincial Concerted Development

• Improve levels of social inclusion and gender equality in the department.

• Guarantee access to quality basic services for the population, especially in rural and
border areas.
• Improve the population's access to quality health and education services.
• Reduce the vulnerability of the population and the departmental territory to disaster
risk and climate change.
• Promote the sustainable and diversified use of natural resources and improve
environmental quality and management.
In the Provincial Concerted Development Plan, a number of goals were set out for 2021, the
most relevant of which are mentioned below:

N° Strategic objective Indicator Value Source Target at

curre 2021
1 Reduce the vulnerability of No. of municipalities with ... Regional Civil 50
the population and the risk management plans. Defence Office
departmental territory to
disaster risk and climate
2 Promote the Number of cumulative 149.46 GRN - MA 20
sustainable and diversified hectares protected under
use of natural resources and conservation modalities.
improvement of the
quality and environmental
3 management. Percentage of 20% ICR - CNC 32%
municipalities disposing
of solid waste in landfill

4 Guarantee access to quality % of population with some 26.24% ENAHO - INEI 15%
basic services (safe water, Unsatisfied Basic
sanitation and electrification) Unsat
for the population, especially isfied Basic Needs (UBN)
in rural and border areas.

5 Strengthening democratic Regional Ranking: ICR - ost NC Rank 10

governance, security Institutions -INCORE 19
and social peace in the department.

Table 5-38. Strategic objectives, indicators and targets. Source: Own

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5.4.7. Diagnosis of urban development in the districts of Piura, Castilla and

26 October.
The following is a diagnosis of the districts within the area of influence of the Stormwater
Drainage Master Plan, taking as a reference the urban development plans mentioned in
chapter 1.2. Sectorisation for Urban Diagnosis

The sectorisation is carried out with the aim of facilitating the identification of actions and
projects appropriate to the urban environmental and social characteristics of the sector and its
adjoining expansion area.

Therefore, the sectorisation of the study area is defined by spatial criteria of social, urban and
economic homogeneity, land use criteria, district boundaries, land use, urban density, urban
edges, natural edges, among others.

Figure 5-38 Sectorisation plan.

Source: Own elaboration

Colour Sector

Sector 1

Sector 2

Sector 3

Sector 4

Sector 5

Sector 6

Table 5-39. Colour of sectors. Source: Own

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Sector Hectare

1 1914.97 ha

2 1938.26 ha

3 66.87 ha

4 17.07 ha

5 588.70 ha

6 690.22 ha

Table 5-40. Ha. by sector. Source: Own

Urban analysis of the sectors

We can observe that the sectors with the highest population are sectors 1, belonging to the
district of 26 October and sector 2 of the district of Piura, sectors 4 and 5, belonging to the
district of Castilla, are the sectors with the highest concentration of urban functions.

Sectors Settlement

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, A.H.

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Sector 3 A.H. PACHITEA

Sector 4
Sector 5
Sector 6 LA LEGUA

Table 5-41. Settlements by sector in Piura

Sector 1: Sector 1 has a total area of 1,857.67 hectares, totally urban, belonging to the district
of 26 de Octubre, with settlements in the process of consolidation, but compact, with public
spaces and roads that between them make up 100% of the sector's territory. Not all roads are
consolidated because they are affected by the so-called blind basins. The urban density is
95.84% inhab/ha.

Sector 2: Sector 2 has a total area of 1,464.75 hectares, most of the sector is urban and
belongs to the district of Piura; it has an urban density of 99.85 inhabitants/ha. Conformed in
the northern part of the Don Bosco Avenue by a consolidated urban structure with
consolidated roads and public spaces, while in the southern part of the sector by urban
settlements with a medium level of consolidation with unpaved roads. To the south, bordering
the occupied urban area; in the lower part of the sector there is a strip of agricultural use and
green areas for urban recreation of approximately 25% of the sector's area.

Sector 3: Sector 3 has a total area of 69.46 hectares and is known as the monumental area
and/or historic centre of Piura, and is made up of the main administrative and commercial
buildings. It has a grid-shaped urban grid, typical of the Spanish Colonial cities in Peru, also for
being a historical centre it has a high constructive consolidation which gives it a morphological
characteristic of compact urban structure with roads, finished public spaces. It has an urban
density of 91.46 inhab/ha; and 100 is the occupied built area that includes the EEPP and/or
small squares.

Sector 4: Sector 4 has a total area of 838.78 hectares. It is located in the central part of the
district of Castilla and is made up of housing developments that occupy an area with an urban
density of 83.54 inhab/ha, the rest is for passive recreational use, in the sector there are lots
with asphalt and pavements, such as the Miraflores Park Plaza housing development.

Sector 5: Sector 5 has a total area of 499.44 ha. It is located to the south of the district of
Castilla and has a net urban density of 134.55 inhabitants/ha. The urban part occupies 73% of
the total area of the Sector and is made up of settlements that form a compact conglomerate
urban structure with medium density; they have an average building coefficient of
approximately 1.7 but the second level without a roof; in terms of

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The level of urban consolidation is regular, with 50% of the roads paved with cobblestones and
basic services, and the remaining 27% is the area occupied by the city's airport.

Sector 6: Sector 6 is located in the district of Catacaos, has a total area of 639.58ha. and an
occupied urban area of 511.58ha. on the right bank of the Piura river, made up of groups of
houses, most of them of only one level in the process of consolidation, they are located on
both sides of the only asphalted road in the sector called Principal that joins La Legua-San
Jacinto; they have provisional services. It has a low urban density of approximately 17.66
inhabitants/ha. Analysis of equipment, infrastructure and services Education

The education sector has a normative categorisation and spheres of influence whose objective
is to provide an adequate development of the educational functions, thus determining two
large groups such as:

• Basic education: This includes early education, primary education, secondary

education, regular, alternative and special basic education, as well as community
education. In the case of regular basic education, early education covers the age
ranges from 3 months to 3 years in cradle and from 3 to 5 years in kindergarten;
primary education covers the age ranges from 6 to 11 years and secondary education
covers the age ranges from 12 to 16 years.

• Higher education; Aimed at research, creation and dissemination of knowledge; at the

projection to the community; at the achievement of high level professional
competences, in accordance with the demand and the need for sustainable
development of the country.

Figure 5-39 Coverage Initial equipment

Source: Own elaboration

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Figure 5-40 Primary equipment coverage

Source: Own elaboration

Figure 5-41 Secondary equipment coverage

Source: Own elaboration


1 119 62 31
2 130 80 47
3 8 11 10
4 54 25 13
5 30 27 12
6 5 5 2
Table 5-42. Inventory of the supply of public regular basic education facilities. Source: Own

The table shows that sector 2, in the district of Piura (central zone), contains the largest
number of facilities at the pre-school level with 130 institutions, primary with 80 institutions
and secondary with 47 institutions. Similarly, sector 1 in the district of 26 de Octubre is the
sector with the second highest number of regular basic education facilities, with 119
institutions at the pre-school level, 62 institutions at the primary level and 31 institutions at
the secondary level. Likewise, it is one of the sectors with the highest number of institutions in

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the district.

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In terms of regular basic educational facilities, we find sector 4 in the district of Castilla; here
we see that at the pre-school level there are 54 institutions, at the primary level there are 25,
sector 5 in Castilla has 30 institutions, and at the secondary level sector 4 has 13 institutions.

Due to the Coastal El Niño phenomenon, 711 schools were affected in Piura, of which 500
were intervened because the damage was minor and the foundations of the buildings were in
good condition. On the other hand, 180 were at high risk of collapse. For example, in the
surroundings of the I.E.I. 071 Micaela Bastidas, which is located in sector 1 in the district of 26
de Octubre, a huge lagoon was found that was home to a large number of mosquitoes, which
affected the health of the surrounding population.

In the I.E.P. N°20139 Enace, located in sector 1 in the district of 26 de Octubre, which suffered
from leaks in the roofs of classrooms and bathrooms; walls of the perimeter fence with cracks;
and the fall of a tree very close to the children's play area.

Consequently, the Ministry of Education, through the National Education Infrastructure

Programme (Pronied), delivered and installed prefabricated modules or classrooms of a
standard size with a maximum capacity of 30 students, giving priority to educational
institutions that had collapsed or were in danger of collapse.

In relation to productive technical education they are a form of education oriented towards
the acquisition and development of labour and entrepreneurial competences, as well as
contributing to a better performance of the working person, to improve his or her level of
employability and to his or her personal development.

Sectors Number of facilities
1 4
2 3
3 0
4 1
5 0
6 1
Table 5-43. Number of CETPROs. Source: Own

In relation to university higher education, there is one public university, the National University
of Piura. It is located in sector 4, in the district of Castilla, close to the central area of the
district of Piura. It should be noted that there is a range of private universities, in sector 2,
district of Piura, we find the private University Alas Peruanas, and in the district of Castilla, we
find the Private University of Piura and the private University Antenor Orrego.

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Figure 5-42 CETPRO Equipment Coverage

Source: Own elaboration

Figure 5-43 Location of University Equipment

Source: Own elaboration Healt

The health care of the population of the Metropolitan Area is provided by the components of
the health sector: they are divided into three levels

Sectors Health posts Health centres Hospitals

1 1 6 2
2 0 4 2
3 1 1 0
4 1 6 2
5 0 2 0
6 1 1 0

Table 5-44. Equipment in the health sector. Source: Own

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Figure 5-44 Health Equipment Coverage

Source: Own elaboration Recreation

Currently, there is a lack of recreational facilities in zonal and sectoral parks.

The metropolis should have sectoral park areas of 5 hectares approx. located in the urban
expansion area of Castilla. The urban areas of the district of Piura and 26 October are the areas
with the highest demand for public recreational spaces due to the high population
concentrated in this area.

Likewise, the urban areas of Piura, Castilla and 26 de Octubre have a greater amount of public
recreation area, which is distributed in the number of local parks for each neighbourhood.

Public recreation facilities by typology

Sectors Square Civic square Local park Zonal Park
1 5,888.00 13,968.00 1,217,828.00 57,707.00 6,347.00
2 24,169.00 - 385,230.00 4,350.00 -
3 4,265.00 7,964.00 2,763.00 - -
4 10,040.00 - 180,370.00 26,649.00 3,112.00
5 7,780.00 2,520.00 25,533.00 - -
6 - - 8,361.00 - -
Table 5-45. Inventory of the supply of public recreation equipment (PR). Source: Own

While there is a high number of public recreation areas in urban areas. On a qualitative level,
most public spaces are in a state of unfinished construction. Under this condition, treatment of
ground surfaces, street lighting and variety in street furniture are required.

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Figure 5-45 P.R. Equipment Coverage

Source: Own elaboration

In conclusion, it can be said that recreational facilities need to be improved, to be able to

accommodate a greater number of activities, to be interconnected and to be truly spaces that
foster social cohesion. Having a public space in the city is a civic right, public space should give
continuity to the city and maintain an important role in the urban fabric, be multifunctional,
accessible and inclusive.

Figure 5-46 Location of Green Areas

Source: Own elaboration Storm drainage networks

This chapter is developed in more detail in section 5.2 of this document. Solid waste collection and treatment system

In the district of Castilla: The current management of solid urban waste in the municipality is
deficient, mainly due to the lack of financial resources, the lack of trained personnel for the
provision of the service and the lack of environmental awareness of the population.

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It is important to point out that there are critical areas of rubbish accumulation, such as Dren
1308, Campo Papal, Corpac, Policlínico, Los Periquitos, AH Las Monteros (along the banks of
the Piura river), the exit to Catacaos, at the intersection of Buenos Aires street and Av.
Progreso, near the stadium, A H. Víctor Raúl (along the Biaggio Arbulú Canal), A.H. La
Primavera (near the community centre - Mono), Universidad Nacional de Piura (behind the San
Gabriel school) near the left bank of the Piura river (Badén). These critical points become a
source of environmental contamination and proliferation of infectious diseases for the health
of the population living in the surrounding areas.

Solid waste collection service: The collection service provided by the municipality in the
District of Castilla is carried out under direct administration. This service includes the collection
of solid waste generated by properties used for housing and other uses (commerce, services,
industry, education, etc.).

Final disposal: The final disposal of solid waste from the District of Castilla is carried out in a
semi-controlled landfill located in the jurisdiction of the District of Castilla, 8.5 km from the
road to Chulucanas, which is administered and controlled by the Provincial Municipality of

In the district of 26 de Octubre: Currently, the city of 26 de Octubre and its human
settlements do not have the minimum equipment necessary for the correct collection and
distribution of solid waste.

Waste storage: Municipal solid waste in the 26 October district is waste generated by
households, businesses, street neighbourhoods, small industries, markets, green areas, rubble,
etc. The current fleet requires a project to purchase new units and renovate them to improve
their operability and collection capacity. Current land use

The current land use as opposed to the analysis of equipment, infrastructure and services is
measured by the horizontal extent used and the measurement is in hectares. Predominantly residential land

The study area (districts of Piura, Castila and 26 October) is represented by 5,511.24 hectares
of residential land, according to information from the municipalities, representing 9.42% of the
total area.

Sectors Housing (HA) Percentage

1 938.23 17.02 %
2 678.06 12.30 %
3 38.74 0.70 %
4 451.90 8.20 %
5 256.14 4.65 %
6 127.23 2.31 %
Table 5-46. Predominant land use - housing. Source: Own

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When analysing the predominant residential land at the sector level, we find that sector 1 (26
de octubre district) has the largest area of residential land, representing 17.02%. 26 de octubre
district is a district founded in 2013 and is made up of human settlements located in the
former periphery of the district of Piura.

Sector 3, which represents the historic centre of Piura and the downtown area, has the lowest
percentage of residential land in the area, at 0.7%. It is worth mentioning that this sector is
mostly made up of shops.

The photographic register shows that the most consolidated sectors are represented by
sectors 2 and 3 in the district of Piura, and sectors 4 and 5 in the district of Castilla. For this
analysis we have considered the sectors that have houses of noble material, as well as paved
pavements and asphalted roads. It is evident that the district of Castilla is made up of
consolidated sectors or sectors in the process of consolidation.

It is worth mentioning that, although these sectors have been considered as more
consolidated, this does not represent a better quality of life for their residents. For example,
many of the pavements observed do not meet the minimum required width or are in poor
condition, limiting the passage of residents.

We also found that sector 1, district of 26 de Octubre, is characterised by more than 30 human
settlements, and most of them have houses made of precarious and local material, although
some of them are made of noble material with up to three floors. This sector lacks pavements
and asphalted roads, although near the border with sector 2 (district of Piura) asphalted roads
in the process of consolidation could be observed.

In the case of sector 1 and 2, which represents the central and more consolidated area of
Piura, houses of 3 and up to 10 floors were found, using concrete or brick for the structure and
aluminium, steel, glass or porcelain tile for the enclosures.

Figure 5-47 Height Plan

Source: Own elaboration

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Predominantly commercial land represents almost 0.12% of the total area occupied as
commercial land in the whole area.

Sectors Housing (HA) Percentage

1 22.73 32.38 %
2 30.53 43.48 %
3 1.59 2.27 %
4 1.74 2.48 %
5 1.37 1.95 %
6 1.24 1.77 %
Table 5-47. Predominant land use - Commercial. Source: Own

The predominantly commercial land use of sector 1 (district of 26 October) represents 32.37% of
the total commercial land use, as well as sector 2 (district of Piura) with 30.53 ha, which
represents 43.49% of the total commercial land use in the study area. It should be mentioned
that both sectors are neighbours and are located in the central zone of the whole study area,
very close to the historic centre and the airport. Sector 2 has new shopping centres that have
become centres of commercial and social activity.

Characteristically, the cities of Piura and Castilla are made up of commerce, which is mainly
located around the Plaza de Armas and along the main roads such as Grau Avenue and
Sanchez Cerro. In these roads is where a varied and intensive commerce is concentrated in
which commercial premises are located, such as commercial galleries, banks, pharmacies,
doctors' offices, photographic services, restaurants, discotheques, cevicherías, electrical
appliance shops, clothing and textile shops, medical clinics, warehouses, police institutions, as
well as large department stores, such as Saga, and also large department stores, such as Saga,
which are located in the centre of the city, large commercial department stores such as Saga,
Carsa, Curacao, Topy Top, and supermarkets, whose trade is of the "district" and
"metropolitan" type such as Maxi Ahorro, Makro and currently Economax, modifying in most
cases the use of "housing to commerce" and in others they use the mixed use "housing-
commerce" and the Market complex.

In the Markets we find all types of commerce, in the north-west sector 12 adjacent to the
central part of the city that supplies the inhabitants of Piura, Castilla, Catacaos and other
districts of the province, due to its service radius and its almost central location, currently the
public spaces that had been taken for several years by more than 3,000 street vendors have
been freed. Formal traders have returned to their stalls and customers have been able to
access the interior of the Market Complex, reducing the chaos and slums and allowing for easy
evacuation in the event of an emergency, creating escape options. Today the situation seems
to be improving in terms of accessibility, but informal traders are hoping to re-enter again to
take to the streets and pavements.

In the cities of Piura (sector 1 and 3) and Castilla (sector 4 and 5) there are several thousand
micro and small enterprises, most of which are mainly dedicated to commerce and various
services (sale of clothes, grocery shops, bookstores, pharmacies, hardware stores, sales of
computer equipment, electrical appliances, internet booths, call shops, restaurants, hotels),

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consultancy services for construction projects, car and motorbike taxi repair shops, beauty
salons, bakeries, carpentry, clothing, tailoring, etc.).

Currently the districts of Piura and Castilla have several large shopping centres: "Plaza del Sol"
located in the central area or Zona Monumental (Piura), "Real Plaza" which is located in front
of Sánchez Cerro Avenue and Vice Avenue (Piura), "Plaza de la Luna" which is located between
Sánchez Cerro Avenue and Gullman Avenue in Piura, and the "Open Plaza" located between
the intersection of Andrés Avelino Cáceres Avenue and Guillermo Irazola Avenue in the
Miraflores urbanisation in Castilla. It is also worth mentioning Loreto Avenue where there are
hotels, restaurants, public services, computer and mobile phone shops, and a variety of
commercial premises. Bolognesi Avenue where you can find taps, motor vehicle spare parts
shops, hotels, transport agencies, theatres, military institutions, etc. The Avenida Guardia Civil
in Castilla is the main commercial axis with banks and financial institutions, restaurants, snack
bars, pharmacies, supermarkets, hotels, bakeries, warehouses, etc., in this area a varied and
intensive commerce is concentrated.

And in Castilla there is a Zonal market and in the surrounding area there are warehouses and
shops incorporated into the houses. The Mercado de Castilla is the main retail supply centre in
the district. The market building is of a very austere quality, it is made of metal structures and
covered with eternit sheets, the floors are made of concrete, there are deficiencies in the
lighting system, in the water supply networks and in the hygienic services, these deficiencies
do not allow the traders to offer a quality service to the population of Castilla. Industrial Land

Currently in the province of Piura there are thousands of small and medium sized industrial
companies dedicated to the production of consumer goods such as: textile plants, corn and
grain mills, rice processing mills and fruit processing plants, cotton gins, animal feed producers,
sausage companies, ice factories, metal-mechanical workshops, wood carpentry workshops,
glass and aluminium workshops, oil companies, companies producing components for
construction, etc., most of which are located in the district of Piura, most of which are located
in the district of Piura.

Sectors Industry Percentage

1 17.84 16.40%
2 - 0.00%
3 - 0.00%
4 - 0.00%
5 - 0.00%
6 25.86 23.77%
Table 5-48. Predominant industrial land use. Source: Own

In sector 1 (26 October district) the textile industry is located, which together with other SMEs
engaged in industrial activity occupies 17.84Ha, which constitutes 16.40% of the total area of
the study area.

Also in sector 6, we find some factories and warehouses such as Alicorp SA, DSM Marine Lipids
Peru among others.

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Through the table, we observe that the rest of the sectors lack predominantly industrial land
use, this is because the analysis of predominantly industrial areas has not considered mixed
uses or small industries, i.e. dwellings with an industrial workshop or small-scale workshops in
their buildings. This shows that these sectors do not lack commercial land use altogether, since
most of them have mixed uses, such as: furniture shops, flower arrangements, chiffon shops,
ice cream shops, glass shops, liquor production and others; there is also artisanal production of
carved gourds, wood carvings and, to a lesser extent, metalworking.

Such is the case in sectors 4 and 5, where there are no large companies, although there are a
large number of glass and aluminium workshops, carved wood workshops, metal-mechanical
workshops, mechanical workshops, clothing workshops, as well as bakeries, chifleries, liquor
production, production of algarrobina honey and bee honey, manufacture of tiles and
majolica, saddleries, etc. It should be noted that most of these small industries operate

Likewise, sector 6 highlights the activity of handicraft industry with wood craft workshops,
straw and reed craft workshops and their fine works of ceramics, goldsmithing and pottery,
which is also very widespread but unfortunately does not receive the support of the
corresponding authorities. There are also large and medium-sized companies such as the
Alicorp group, as well as the factory of concrete components for construction, fruit processing
plants, ice factories, cotton gins, several rice processing mills, among others. Agricultural land

The Piura River Valley is one of the two largest and most fertile valleys on our coast, both in
terms of the quality of its land and the extension available.

Sectors Industry Percentage

1 - 0.00 %
2 120.32 0.68%
3 0.19 0.00%
4 1.60 0.01%
5 0.50 0.00%
6 97.04 24.85%
Table 5-49. Predominant land use - Agricultural. Source: Own

In sector 5, rice cultivation predominates. On the other hand, in sectors 4, 5 and 6, in the
district of Castilla, the main product is vines. Land dedicated to facilities and other uses

Educational equipment

Within the study area there are the following types of facilities: public recreation, health,
education, other uses. The facility with the largest area, in horizontal extension, is the
educational facility.

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Sectors Education (HA) Percentage

1 151.94 24.39%
2 126.98 20.39%
3 3.75 0.60%
4 69.78 11.20%
5 21.24 3.41%
6 1.65 0.27%

Table 5-50. Educational facilities. Source: Own

After reviewing the table, it is identified that sector 1, in the district of 26 October, has the
largest area of horizontal expansion of educational facilities. This last sector is determined, as
previously mentioned, by the fact that it is a recently formed sector (2013) and is made up of
human settlements, bordering sector 2, which is the central area of the district of Piura. This
area of extension of educational facilities is related to the amount of population demand,
given that this sector has the largest population within the study area.

Finally, sector 2, the central area of the Piura district, contains 126.98 hectares, which
represents 20.39% of the area of educational facilities. As mentioned, this sector is the most
consolidated, with one of the highest demand and supply of educational institutions.

Health equipment

It is surprising that public health facilities maintain one of the smallest areas dedicated to
facilities. Within these, sector 4 has the largest horizontal extension of health facilities with
6.09 Ha. It is followed by sector 4 with 5.99 Ha, which represents 26.09% of the study area.

Sectors Health Percentage

1 6.09 12.32%
2 5.29 25.52%
3 0.29 1.42%
4 7.10 34.29%
5 1.49 7.19%
6 0.07 0.84%

Table 5-51. Health facilities. Source: Own

Recreational Equipment

In relation to public recreational facilities, sector 1, in the district of 26 October, has the largest
amount of area destined for recreational facilities, 72.1 ha. It is followed by sector 2, in the
district of Piura, which contains 54.06 Ha.

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Sectors Health Percentage

1 72.10 39.71%
2 54.06 29.77%
3 1.82 1.00%
4 22.03 12.13%
5 8.65 4.76%
6 1.57 0.86%
Table 5-52. Recreational facilities. Source: Own Figure

5-48 Current Land Use Soil around the Piura river

Over time, cities have grown and industry has grown, generating more and more waste that
has been spread into the rivers. Cities have changed from growth parallel to the rivers to
growth parallel to the roads, and the rivers have become forgotten, polluted areas, while the
city has turned its back on the river. Today, the river has ceased to be a space where activities
take place and has become a neglected area, polluted by industry. Piura, like many cities, was
born and grew around the river and thanks to the services it provided; the river has been of
great importance for the population, especially for being in a desert area, making possible and
promoting cultural, economic and social development and being an ecological axis which, due
to the bad management of the population and the authorities, nowadays represents a threat
due to floods, landslides, etc.

Piura River Basin: The Piura River Basin is located in the northern part of the Western Pacific
slope, it is one of the three largest of the Peruvian Coast, it is elongated and sinuous, bordered
to the North by the Chira River Basin, to the East by the Quiroz and Huancabamba River Basins,
to the South by the Olmos and Cascajal River Basins and to the West by the Pacific Ocean.

Piura River: It is the main drainage axis of the basin, it has its headwaters in the Tranca Loma
hill, in the heights of the town of Huarmaca at 2,795 m above sea level, at the beginning it
flows under the name of Silacahuay stream, then Overal stream and when it joins Challpa
stream it takes the name of Chalpa River until it receives the waters of Hualcas stream where it
begins to be called Huarmaca River,

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until its confluence with the Pusmalca River, being called the Canchaque River until the sector
where it flows into the Tabernas Stream (Salitral Area), from where it begins to take the name
of Piura River until the Monte Castillo Sector (Catacaos Area), where it forks into several
branches until its mouth, with various denominations (Old River, Tronadera River, Bazán River,
Piura River, etc.). From its source to its mouth in the Pacific Ocean, it flows for 326 km. Urban growth trend

Urban growth: The territory where the department of Piura currently extends was inhabited in
ancient times by the Tallan culture. Later the area was influenced by the Chimu culture, and
from 500 BC to 500 AD the Vicus culture flourished.

Subsequently, on Friday 15 August 1532, the lands of the Tallán world witnessed an
unprecedented event in the pre-Hispanic world, and the Tallán people of that time, and not
only the curacas, but all those who were present, relived it until the end of their existence.
According to the historian Miguel Arturo Seminario Ojeda72 , the event was documented by
Juan José Vega and Miguel Maticorena, also by Edmundo Guillen Guillen, but above all, by
Maticorena and Del Busto, who located important data that rightly shed much light to
determine the fact of the foundation of San Miguel. Its primitive seat was in Tangarara, on the
banks of the Chira river near Sullana.

The process of urban expansion took place after the settlement of San Miguel de Piura. With
the establishment of the colony73 , the great north, although marginal in relation to the great
economic circuits established around mining, ended up becoming a region articulated
internally and externally by the production of some export goods, but above all by trade. The
region controlled the maritime and overland trade routes between two of the most important
economic and administrative centres: Lima and Quito. The region produced and exported
soap, husks, tobacco, cotton, salt and sugar, consumer goods for the rest of the Viceroyalty
(and for a time also ore from Cajamarca, for export overseas). It was also an important point of
circulation for "Castilian" products sold from Spain and also for smuggled English products.

The growth of the city and its roads are closely linked to urban development. Piura grew in the
classic way of an old city, starting from a small nucleus and growing radially from there. There
was no adequate planning of the city and its roads.

Metropolitan trend: The urban expansion trend of the urban centres of Piura, Veintiséis de
Octubre, Castilla and Catacaos is related to the economic and investment growth that has
been taking place in the Piura Region. It is a fact that these cities are growing strongly towards
the North East and South East, with real estate companies and the road axes towards
Chulucanas, Sullana and Paita having the greatest impact on the expansion of the city.

Castilla, in its urban area is the airport of Piura, this causes that the city grows around it, at the
moment it grows towards the east by the highway towards Chulucanas and towards the south
already joining with Catacaos.

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26 October, grows on the Piura-Paita axis and towards the south on the road to La Legua and
San Jacinto, in the jurisdiction of the District of Catacaos.

Piura, bordering 26 October and the Piura River, with no other option but to grow northwards.

In the Piura metropolitan area, they experience traffic congestion as a result of vehicle growth
and poor urban planning, which implies higher costs for the local government and its
population. In addition, it is more expensive for municipalities: they have to build longer
infrastructure networks, expand the public transport network and waste collection.

The growth trend of the city of Piura in recent years has become very dynamic, due to the
good indexes of the agricultural and service sectors.

Trends by district: The city of Piura and Castilla encompasses large areas of urban growth for
residential purposes, which expands towards the north-eastern sector of the city, where some
urban developments are usually located and in the near future the urban projects of Techo
Propio and Fondo Mi Vivienda will be conceived. It is worth mentioning that a good number of
human settlements have been arbitrarily located in these areas as a result of land invasions.

In recent years, 460 hectares of urban area have been integrated in the "northern" sector of
the city of Piura, comprising two population centres: Los Ejidos del Norte and La Mariposa,
establishing areas with low-density residential characteristics.

The urban expansion of the city of Castilla is directed towards its northern side, establishing a
large number of areas for residential use. There is interest on the part of the inhabitants to
reside in the northern sector of Castilla, and this is due to the physical and environmental
security conditions that this sector possesses, having expanded the residential area as a result
of the change of zoning approved by Municipal Ordinance No. 027-2008-C/C/CPP of
27/10/2008, going from "Agro Urban and Medium Density Residential Zone to High Density
Residential Zone compatible with Commerce.

Not only the inhabitants of the current perimeter of the zoning plan are interested, but also
the inhabitants belonging to population centres such as Los Ejidos de Huan, Simbilá and La
Legua in the territory of the district of Catacaos, Punta Arenas, Río Seco and Miraflores on the
side of Castilla. All of which require the execution of public investment works whose system
demands that the population centres are duly cleaned up in physical and legal terms.

As far as the district of Veintiséis de Octubre is concerned, although urban expansion is taking
place as a continuation of the urban areas already occupied, there is a process or tendency
towards the west and on both sides of the Paita-Sullana road, even crossing the Canal de la
Monja, there are some urban areas.

Sectoral trends: The need for residential space generates growth in all directions, including the
districts of Piura to the north, Castilla district to the east, 26 de Octubre district to the west
and Catacaos district to the south.

Table 5-1. Urban development and trends by sector

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Sectors Urban developments and trends

1 Sector 13 is located in the district of Veintiséis de Octubre and has an area of 1857.67 ha. Like
sector 12, its occupation process began as an extension of the old centre of Piura, until 2013
when it was separated from the jurisdiction of the district of Piura and became the district of
Veintiséis de Octubre. As of 2007, 70.26 hectares of the area was occupied by urban

2 Sector 12 is located in the district of Piura and has an area of 1464.75 ha. It has been
progressively occupied since the last century, as an expansion of the historic centre. In 1982,
38.83% of Sector 12 was occupied, and nowadays it is a completely consolidated area, with all its
services, which has led to its sectorisation as a homogenous area,

3 Sector 10 is located in the district of Piura, International Airport Captain FAP Guillermo Concha
Iberico has an area of 69.46 ha., it is called the Historic Centre, as such it is the embryo of the
city created since its foundation in 1532, it is occupied 100% as urban area.
4 Sector 9 is located in the district of Piura and has an area of 838.78 ha. It is also progressively
occupied since before 1982, occupying 43.64% of the total area of the territory in that year, and
83.61% in 2007. Finally, by 2020 the territory is being occupied at 100%.

5 Sector 8 is located in the district of Castilla and has an area of 499.44 hectares. It is a totally
urban territory, progressively occupied since the middle of the last century, being a large part of
the territory used for the International Airport Captain FAP Guillermo Concha Iberico, by 2007
the territory of Sector 6 had already been 100% occupied in an urban manner.

6 Sector 5 is located in the district of Catacaos on the right bank of the Piura River, has an area of
639.58 ha. The largest urban occupation of this sector has occurred around the year 2000, so
much so that in the 2007 census was already occupied 67.64% of the territory, the main
population centres are La Legua and San Jacinto, After 2017 is that in Sector 5 of the total area,
79.99% is urban and 20.01% for agricultural purposes or probable urban expansion.

Table 5-53. Urban development and trends by sector. Source: Own

Urban projects within the study area

The construction sector in the country, made up of infrastructure and real estate projects, has
resumed its growth in the last year, after a difficult 2020 due to the pandemic, which was
increased by the political and economic instability affecting the country. In the Northern
Macroregion, Piura, Lambayeque and La Libertad are the most attractive areas in the real estate
sector for families and investors.

Piura has been one of the regions that exceeded, only in the first half of 2021, the national
average in construction with a growth of 118.7 %, compared to the previous year, according to
a report by the Peruvian Chamber of Construction (CAPECO). In addition, that same year,
mortgage lending at the national level reached a record 63.4% for residential real estate

From that period to the present day, large real estate projects have been standing out in the
region, with innovative proposals, focused on the tranquillity and comfort of families in Piura
who are looking to build their first home, move to accessible and quiet areas or invest in a
second property that will generate peace of mind in the future.

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Below, as shown in the image below, we will detail the real estate projects within the area of

- Area 1 belongs to Inmobiliaria Miraflores Peru (IMP), with two projects: Alameda de
Miraflores Country and Urb. Country Club La Alameda. It has a total area of 516.19
he, it also has an internal drainage of an extension of 1, 978 m.
- Area 2 belongs to the real estate company Menorca, with the project Urb Alto Sol.
It has an area of 140.11 hectares.
- Area 3 and 4 belongs to Los Portales, with three projects: Paseo Rinconada I, Sol de
Piura V and La Rinconada. It has an area of 66.8 ha for the first two projects and 2.63
ha for the last project.

Figure 5-49 Location of real estate projects


5.4.8. Urban development model Conformation
Spatial Configuration: The spatial configuration, after analysis, is that of a compact city with
medium and high density residential growth in areas where there is less risk.

It is proposed to break with the current centrality, hierarchising current public spaces and
generating new sub-centralities in the districts of Castilla and 26 de Octubre, minor centralities
that alleviate the financial, work and commercial burden of the central area.

Urban areas: It is proposed to orientate the current growth trends of urban areas in order to
form a more compact and hierarchical urban structure that optimises the integration of the
different sectors. Spatial articulation

The development axes

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a) Commercial Axis
• Old urban centre of the city of Piura, considering all of sector 3 and part of sector
2, articulated by seven large facilities: Plaza Vea, El Mercado Modelo, Plaza de la
Luna, Terminales Terrestres, Ovalo Bolognesi and Ovalo Grau. It has a high
intensity of commercial uses, with numerous galleries and commercial
establishments in the surrounding blocks, which generates a large influx of visitors.
The avenues Grau, La Alameda and Sanchez Cerro Avenue, articulate the majority
of the spaces within this centrality.
• Centralidad Castilla, considers part of sectors 4 and 5, both within the district of
Castilla, formed by the articulation of two facilities: The Open Plaza Piura and El
Mercado de Castilla, a clear integration between both facilities is not yet
established, but in some way it is already consolidating an axis of development
that would involve the implementation of the waterfront road linking both
facilities. In addition to this, the presence of the airport as an attractive element
facilitates the creation of a commercial axis in the area.

Figure 5-50 Trade Axes

The image shows the main commercial axes. The yellow line represents the commercial axis
within the urban area of the district of Piura and the green axis represents the commercial axis
of the district of Castilla.

b) Road axis
This axis must be articulated by the urban road system and structure each of the territorial
units, which allow for the following:
- Provide urban services and equipment to their respective areas.
- Contribute to the redevelopment of the city centre
- Raising the profitability levels of urban land Functioning of urban-territorial activities

The functioning of the urban activities in the proposal are defined in the following urban
systems and define the urban configuration that articulate with each other and function
harmoniously in relation to the new structure of the organisation of its centralities and
articulated by the main road network.

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Five areas of development or urban configuration have been identified:

- Residential development areas

- Business development areas
- Areas for public spaces, green spaces and landscaped areas
- Urban equipment areas
- Transport equipment areas

Residential development areas

The occupation with residential uses is conditioned by aspects of distribution and conditions of
the built habitat, factors directly linked to the quality of life of the resident population and
involving aspects of density, composition, distribution of housing, environmental quality and
vulnerability to hazards. The objective of the residential activity is the rational and equitable
distribution of the residential proposal obeys the requirement of current and future housing
with adequate basic services and accessibility that allow it to interact conveniently with other
urban systems through an urban road structure that articulates its connectivity and the
diversity of services in its context.

Business development areas

Productive economic development activities within the urban area refer to the location and
good development of the productive activities that are or can be developed in the city, and to
the set of infrastructures and facilities that provide adequate support for these purposes.

Areas of public space development, green areas

The concept of urban green areas groups together a diverse set of spaces located within the
city and whose vegetation is original or planted by humans, including forests or landscape
protection areas (green areas with the largest surface area in the city), parks and squares.

Green spaces are considered by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as essential for the
benefits they bring to physical and emotional well-being, contributing to mitigate the urban
deterioration of cities, making them more habitable and healthier. The WHO recommends that
cities should have at least 9 to 15 m² of green space per inhabitant, distributed equally in
relation to population density.

The Green Areas system comprises natural spaces and biodiversity corridors, open spaces with
free access (squares and parks) and public roads articulated with each other, in such a way that
in addition to providing links between the different urban sectors, they give rise to vital
functions such as meeting, socialisation and identity of the different areas of the city, revaluing
the surrounding natural areas, and those that cross the city. Its objective is the recovery,
provision, expansion and improvement of the current supply of public spaces and green areas,
as strategic urban areas for the regulation of environmental balance, passive and active
recreation of citizens and the improvement of the urban landscape.

Areas for development of urban facilities

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Urban amenity areas will be addressed with reference to the deficit coverage and new
requirements corresponding to the Urban Planning Standards.

Transport development areas

Urban mobility is the set of road infrastructure, transport equipment, stops of various scales,
the vehicle fleet and their interactions, which are closely related to the urban form and the
distribution of activities in the city. Future scenarios

Based on what was identified in the diagnosis stage, the urban conformation, the spatial
articulation and the functioning of urban activities, starting situations are proposed in order to
foresee the future, based on the development of scenarios.

Two scenarios are generated that will serve to arrive at the possible scenario.

Trend Scenario - The Fuzzy Metropolis

This is the scenario we can expect to reach if we do not intervene. Based on the synthesis of
the diagnosis, it is defined as "The Diffuse Metropolis", due to the fact that the expansion of
the city has been taking place by occupying territory in a scattered manner, which extends the
limits of the urban area over agricultural land and uncultivated land, generating a reduction in
productive primary economic activities such as agriculture and inefficiency in the coverage of
services and functionally separating and segregating the population in the territory based on
their economic capacity. The city is unsustainable and the repercussions on nearby ecosystems
are increasing.

This scenario shows us a city that is growing and depredating its environment, requiring a
greater consumption of resources, a trend that leads us in the opposite direction to what we
are looking for, the sustainability of the metropolitan area.

Desirable Scenario - The modern, green Metropolis

We aspire to a more consolidated, modern and sustainable city, environmentally more

balanced and liveable, with an urban property for every household in the metropolis. A
metropolis that is a pole of competitive development with a developed and prosperous
industrial cluster, with a road system that integrates all urban areas and areas to be urbanised.
With the Piura river integrated to the city as the main articulating axis and with infrastructure
for tourist recreation and risk mitigation. A city capable of responding immediately to
adversities, which continues with its activities and local development in an uninterrupted

Scenario Scenario - The Compact and eco-friendly Metropolis

This is the scenario that combines the two previous scenarios, and which is possible by making
compatible what the population wants and the resources available to the municipality. . A
homogeneous, sustainable and compact development is sought, i.e. "The Compact and Eco-
friendly Metropolis".

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Variable Situation Features

Urban growth Compact Metropolis Medium density urban areas
Consolidation of new
urban centralities
Vertical urban growth trend

Formal and secure housing

Enhancing the historic centre
Natural Area Eco-friendly metropolis Wastewater and solid waste
treatment plants with capacity and
Housing located in low-risk areas

Protected environmental areas with

fragile ecosystems
Piura River integrated into the urban
Circuit of green areas within the
Metropolis city.
Conservation of agricultural areas
within the metropolitan area

Table 5-54. Possible scenario. Source: Own Urban vision

It is estimated that by 2050 almost 70% of the world will live in cities. Until then, many
challenges remain to be overcome to make them more sustainable, inclusive and liveable
places, as outlined in the United Nations (UN) New Urban Agenda.

At the Habitat III summit, a conference held in the city of Quito on housing and urban
development in 2016, the New Urban Agenda was approved, with the aim of promoting a new
global model of sustainable urbanism. It sets out how cities should be transformed to be
liveable, inclusive, healthy, sustainable, safe, orderly, compact and resilient to natural
phenomena. At the same time, it calls for changes in the way cities are planned, developed,
governed and managed by acting on design, legislation, local economic policies and state
urban policies.

Its objectives are as follows:

- Reducing inequality in both urban and rural communities

- Boosting greater shared prosperity for cities and regions
- Strengthening climate action and improving the urban environment
- Implement effective urban crisis prevention and response policies.

The importance of environmental urbanism

The environment features prominently in the New Urban Agenda and the new sustainable
urbanism. Cities need to focus on green spaces, renewable energies, energy efficiency,
sustainable urban development and the

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bio-architecture, recycling policies and responsible consumption to reduce pollution and

become healthier and more liveable places.

Environmental urbanism drives the energy transition towards a model that is less dependent
on carbon and more effective against climate change by reducing CO2 emissions. This way of
conceiving cities favours biodiversity, the use of water, the conservation of soil and aquifers,
the protection of flora and fauna, the use of public transport and sustainable mobility, among
other initiatives. In this sense, the New Urban Agenda adds other concrete measures such as,
for example, the regulation of building heights, the preservation of open areas or the
allocation of between 30 and 50% of land to public spaces.

In accordance with the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban
Development (UN-Habitat III), five essential principles are set out to achieve the goal:

a) The development of a national urban policy:

This commits central governments to accept their role in addressing the problems of cities.
It is thus worth refuting the delegation of responsibilities to municipalities (often without
political, operational or budgetary capacity) and its complement, the discourse of cities
competing in a scenario of nation states blurred by globalisation.

b) The need for a legal framework, a regulatory design prior to the physical design of cities:

The lack of regulatory instruments means that the state can only acquire land for public
space by expropriation, which makes it more expensive and leads to poor urban structure
and incorrect subdivision. On the other hand, the legal design of urbanisation must
guarantee the social function of private property (this claim implies the requirement of
adequate land transfers for social housing and public space in private sector urban

c) Urban planning and design oriented towards forms of development that have proven to
work well:

Special emphasis is placed on housing density as a factor in environmental sustainability

and human interactions that foster economic productivity.

d) The importance of financing urban development:

Adequate planning and management instruments must be created to design sound and
accessible financial plans, thus avoiding potential corruption in relation to public works
and urban development.

e) The exercise of municipal planning through urban sprawl and inner regeneration:

Both on large scales to avoid land speculation, there must be a plan for growth on the
urban peripheries.

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Figure 5-51 The 10 Commandments of the Liveable City

Source: UN - Habitat III The vision of Piura, Castile and 26 October

The urban vision shows a diverse city, aiming to achieve quality of life in an equitable way. We
have to see these three districts as one big city in order to realise the best scenarios. In the
following, we will present five scenarios for the city:

a) A pedestrianised centre
The vision seeks to create a car-free city centre. The idea of pedestrianisation is related to
creating new areas for citizens to walk through. In this way, people who walk through the
pedestrianised city centre every day will do so in a safer, more orderly and sustainable
UNESCO's recommendations on the historic urban landscape have provided a new policy
framework for intervention in historic urban centres. This recommendation begins by
stating that historic centres are places that are losing their functionality, tradition and
population. For this reason, interventions are suggested on a holistic level away from a
purely conservationist approach.

It proposes the "preservation of the quality of the environment, the improvement of the
productive and sustainable use of urban spaces, the recognition of their dynamic character
and the promotion of social and functional diversity in them".

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In this sense, the strategy of pedestrianisation of the centre is proposed. The most
appropriate streets to be pedestrianised are defined and some of these streets will follow
the Ripley's Boulevard model, extending this use to other streets where commerce and
public life are developed both during the day and at night.

The aim of the urban vision is to have a city with fewer cars. Neighbours in the centre will be
able to enjoy the transformation of their streets with fewer vehicles. Thus, Piura wants to
create a more inclusive and democratic place, improve the quality of public space and
study how it is used by pedestrians.
The proposal is to have a restricted zone which will cover the historic centre of the city
between Sánchez Cerro Av. and Bolognesi Av.

Figure 5-52Plaza de Armas

b) Human settlements with public spaces

Unequal access to quality public space is an urgent urban planning issue that needs to be
highlighted and resolved. Human settlements are unfortunately the most affected by
climatic events. The uncontrolled growth of the city and invasions have occupied public
land, severely hindering the creation of open public spaces.

Having better public spaces, from a social perspective, allows a relationship of integration
to be established through the different activities carried out in the process. The
regeneration of public space seeks to achieve an internal network that works towards
greater social cohesion.

The vision for the city of Piura is to have more public spaces. The different social and
aesthetic qualities of its public spaces will shape the character of the city rather than its
topographical characteristics or the peculiarities of its building typologies.

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Figure 5-53 Public space in Cossio del Pomar

Source: Own

c) Have a waterfront that is the centre of the city

On the right side of the city of Piura there is a boardwalk on both banks of the river, in the
districts of Piura and Castilla, which for years has been used as a dump and public bath, a
situation that generates discomfort among neighbours and passers-by. The area is full of
dust, the railings are broken and there is no security even during the day. In addition, the
overflowing of the river has affected the piers of Piura and Castilla.

The Malecon is the heart of the city for all the people of Piura and forms part of Piura's
identity. For the people of Piura, the river Piura means history, tradition, beauty,
landscape, identity and above all water that is life. There are several groups that take
advantage of the waterfront for activities such as sports and strolling.

he urban vision is to transform the malecon de rio into a modern park for the entire
population of Piura with different themes that would allow walks along the river and
walking for visual enjoyment. Also part of the improvement would be to transform the
public lighting with self-sufficient measures through the use of solar panels.

It is also intended to create a cultural promenade along the river with activities such as
dancing, music, etc. In addition, activities along the river that generate income for the city
can be promoted in order to improve the quality of life, such as kayaking or kayaking, and
to implement a cycle path that integrates with the river.

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Figure 5-54 Malecon Piura River

Figure 5-55 Piura River

d) Promoting the large ecological park Kurt Beer

The Kurt Beer Ecological Park will be transformed into a space that will promote the
development of natural and cultural heritage conservation activities, eco-efficient
economic activities and recreational activities, contributing to the sustainable
development of the city of Piura, promoting the adequate use of the eco-systemic services
provided by the physical and natural environment of the area.

The space will be transformed into an urban park that will form a large part of the city's
green infrastructure in the future. In addition to its function as an amusement and
recreation park, it will be a theme park on ecological themes in desert climates. The Kurt
Beer Park will be implemented, applying concepts of sustainable architecture, green
infrastructure, eco-efficiency and resilient, low carbon development, promoting
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improving the quality of life, ensuring the social and economic sustainability of the
population through environmental education and healthy recreation.

The urban vision is to have a large urban park and natural forest in the south of the city of
Piura. With a surface area of 75 hectares, it is the largest park in the city of Piura, and it is
proposed to have lagoons within the park. The park will be considered the "green heart" of
Piura, even though it is located about 7km from the city centre.

Figure 5-56 Kurt Beer Park

e) A city with green infrastructure

Piura is crossed by the Piura river which flows directly down from the highlands through
fertile valleys to the Niña lagoon.

The urban vision is to have ecological infrastructure and water-sensitive multifunctional

open spaces that will combine natural ecological processes and at the same time support
the proper functioning of the water infrastructure and waste management system. The
ecological infrastructure can be described as a multifunctional system of open spaces that
integrate ecological processes and the urban water cycle. It is expected to have a plan of
open spaces and ecological infrastructure in Piura, which will organise the system of open
spaces of different scale and function, from agricultural zones, wetlands, river axes, parks,
orchards, among others, to build an environmental matrix that fulfils social functions and
ecosystems. Projects prioritised within the Metropolitan Development Plan (2040)

a) Expansion and modernisation of the Concha Ibérico airport in the district of Castilla:
The new project can be connected to the streets Zarumila, Los Angeles, Arequipa,
Francisco Bolognesi and Av. El Progreso, etc. It is worth mentioning that there is also a list
of parks and gardens with the closest one to the airport called Parque Zonal de "03 de
Octubre", the aforementioned is exposed in the already existing plan of construction of
irrigation system for parks and gardens in the Castilla Sector.

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It will help to cover the user demand of the current airport and thus improve the gap in
the percentage of urban mobility infrastructure, planned to improve the operational
connection for the air transport service, with the aim that the Concha Ibérico Airport will
improve passenger trafficability.

The project will be located on the perpendicular streets (Los Incas, Arequipa, Túpac Amaru,
Los Mochicas, Los Tallanes, Ica, Av. Junín, etc.) to the Cocha Ibérico airport. The first one
starts at Corpac and connects with Av. Don Bosco by means of a vehicular bridge. The
second one starts from Jorge Chávez Avenue until it connects with Atahualpa Street,
where there is a vehicular bridge.

Finally, with the implementation of this project, there will be an improvement in

communications, the creation of jobs, the generation of economic activity, the revaluation
of the environment and sustainable urban planning.

Figure 5-57 Project Location

Source: Metropolitan Development Plan (PDM) Piura, Catacaos, Castilla and Veintiséis de octubre 2020 - 2040.

b) Disaster risk management and mitigation programme for prevention, emergency

measures and local organisation in disaster response in the districts of Piura, Catacaos
and Veintiséis de octubre:

The capacity building programme for land-use planning is at a priority level, as it is a

priority for risk mitigation, vulnerability reduction, prevention and physical security. It
generates social development and closes gaps in housing deficit and basic services. It
contributes greatly to public spaces and infrastructure.

The programme is related to the Strategic Sector Plan, as it is oriented towards improving
the quality of life of the population and considers access to housing, access to drinking
water, access to sanitation and the improvement of urban slums, the

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which are often located in very high-risk areas. It is also linked to Piura's Concerted
Development Plan, as it proposes a territorial development plan.

Intervention mainly takes place on the banks of the river where the marginal strip and very
high-risk areas are located. Also other areas close to water resources. The direct
beneficiaries are the inhabitants located in these areas.

Figure 5-58 Project Location

Source: Metropolitan Development Plan (PDM) Piura, Catacaos, Castilla and Veintiséis de octubre 2020 - 2040.

c) Comprehensive programme for the management of green areas and public spaces for
landscape and urban improvement in the districts of Piura, Castilla, Catacaos and
Veintiséis de Octubre:

The programme is related to the environmental territorial development plan of the CDP, which
sets out a vision for the future and strategic objectives. It is articulated with the integrated
environmental management programme within the scope of the MMP, as both are part of the
strategic objective of achieving environmental management and protecting fragile ecosystems
and natural areas within the Metropolitan Area.

It is proposed to generate a system of public spaces that order and articulate the PDM area,
contributing to a large extent to physical security, coverage of basic services, public spaces and

The central problem is the lack of protection of natural areas; only Kurt Beer Park is protected
and there is less than 1m2 of green area per person. Urban growth has caused green areas to
decrease significantly, and there is a lack of adequate information generation and access to
information on environmental issues. The depredation of green and natural areas affects the
quality of life, the environment and deteriorates the ecosystem.

Kurt Beer Park is intervened, the new metropolitan park in the Piura Sector is located in the
short term (2022); the Santa Julia Wetland is improved, in the medium term (2030); and

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the banks of the Piura river, in the long term (2040). The beneficiaries are all the inhabitants
of the PDM, as they are parks and cultural heritage sites on a metropolitan scale.

1. Environmental management programme for the protection and upgrading of the

urban environmental system
- Implementation and regulation of the environmental action plan
- Implementation and regulation of the urban environmental management regulation
2. Integrated programme for the management of green areas and public spaces for
landscape and urban improvement.
- Construction of the metropolitan park circuit
- Construction of a new metropolitan park
3. Waste management programme for the improvement of the storage and treatment
- Improvement of the landfill area
- Implementation of a solid waste treatment plant
4. Solid waste management programme for the improvement of storage and treatment
- Implementation of compact WWTPs in the north of the metropolis
- Construction of compact micro wastewater treatment plants and urban irrigation
system for green areas.
Figure 5-59 Project Location

Source: Metropolitan Development Plan (PDM) Piura, Catacaos, Castilla and Veintiséis de octubre 2020 - 2040.

d) Programme to improve operational capacities for the management of the primary road
network (express roads and corridors) in the districts of Piura, Castilla, Catacaos and
Veintiséis de Octubre:

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The programme seeks to improve vehicular and pedestrian transitivity within the scope of
Piura's metropolitan development plan.
1. Construction of pavements to improve pedestrian traffic and accessibility of the
population in the district of Piura.
- Pedestrianisation n of Ca. Libertad, Ca. Junín and Ca. Ayacucho. Ca. Huancavelica. It
seeks to create a circuit only for pedestrian traffic, in which the necessary works will
be carried out based on the National Building Regulations (RNE) and according to the
technical standard GH-020 which establishes Urban Design Components, because this
road conglomerates relevant amounts of citizens, and tourists and gives pass to
different attractive centres and increases every weekend, this area is very busy as well
as on holidays, as well as typical and atypical days, therefore in this area will be carried
out the pedestrianization.
2. Construction and improvement of cycle tracks for the improvement of road
infrastructure and multimodal transport.
- Continuity of the Chulucanas Avenue cycle lane up to the junction with José Aguilar
Santisteban Avenue. This will give way to the continuity of the construction of cycle
lanes based on the Technical Standard for Special and Complementary Works 030
Design and Construction of Cycle Roads, providing connectivity for the different local
and arterial roads, as a benefit we will achieve multimodal transport.
3. Construction of complementary works and recovery of roads and public spaces for
the extension and modernisation of the Concha Ibérico airport.
- Recovery of the Corpac road up to Don Bosco Av.
4. Programme for the creation and improvement of the primary road network for the
improvement of trafficability services and reduction of interferences
The project comprises:
- Improving road infrastructure on express roads
- Implementation of a National-Regional expressway (Panamerican Avenue with the
Interoceanic Highway).

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Figure 5-60 Project Location

Source: Metropolitan Development Plan (PDM) Piura, Catacaos, Castilla and Veintiséis de octubre 2020 - 2040. Blue - Green Interventions Blue-green infrastructure for climate change adaptation

In recent decades a paradigm shift has been evident and an approach has emerged that seeks
to capture, retain and reuse rainwater at source rather than building massive infrastructure.
The term is known as Blue-Green Infrastructure and refers to the recognition of green spaces
and the innate capacities of water to produce environmental benefits.

Blue-Green Infrastructure is an interconnected network of natural and designed landscapes

that include water bodies (blue) and green open spaces (green) and provide stormwater-
related ecosystem services such as flood control, water storage for irrigation and industrial use,
wetland areas for wildlife habitat, among others.

This approach relies on the existing ecosystem and natural processes rather than engineered
structures. Through biophysical processes such as water retention, storage, infiltration, as well
as the absorption of pollutants, IAV contributes to enhancing biodiversity, purifying water and
improving air quality. By including blue and green components, it explicitly emphasises the fact
that aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are interconnected.

IAV involves a variety of natural landscape systems such as nature reserves, rivers, lakes,
watersheds, but also landscapes that are designed to mimic natural hydrology such as green
corridors, flood parks, community gardens or vegetated depressions designed to capture and
filter rainwater.

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Some of the most widely recognised elements as BTIs are:

a) Rain gardens:
Shallow excavated areas with vegetation capable of absorbing rainwater. Strategically
located to capture runoff from impervious surfaces.

Figure 5-61 Rain gardens. Source: Google

b) Sustainable drainage:
Landscaped depressions designed to capture, treat and infiltrate stormwater runoff. They
are similar to rain gardens, but are conditioned to capture much more runoff and their
materials allow for the collection and removal of pollutants, sediment and debris.

Figure 5-62 Sustainable drainage. Source: Google

c) Constructed wetlands:
Similar to natural wetlands, they not only have the capacity to store large amounts of
rainwater, but also use natural processes through vegetation and soil composition to treat
water and improve water quality.

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Figure 5-63 Constructed wetlands. Source: Google

d) Retention and detention basins:

Depressions designed to collect stormwater. Detention depressions temporarily retain
water for gradual release into natural drains or flows. Retention depressions store water
permanently until it infiltrates into the ground or evaporates.

Figure 5-64 Retention basins. Source: Google

e) Green roofs:
Vegetative cover installed on roofs of buildings on a layer of waterproofing that function as
drainage and irrigation systems. They serve a variety of purposes such as urban agriculture

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Figure 5-65 Green roofs. Source: Google

Although green areas play a key role in rainwater harvesting, landscapes considered as BTIs
are designed to capture, retain or reuse water more efficiently.

Multifunctionality as a main attribute

As the city continues to expand and densify it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain and
expand the conventional drainage system to handle the increasing runoff. IAV is increasingly
being used to supplement the traditional system as it can intercept, retain, absorb and
evaporate stormwater locally to reduce runoff that ends up in the drains and collapses the
system causing flooding.

The retention capabilities of the BTI allow water to be stored during and after extreme rainfall
and gradually discharged to the sewerage system, but it also allows water to infiltrate into the
ground without being connected to the drainage system.

The amenities of BTI in cities are manifold. Its main advantage over traditional grey
infrastructure (urban drainage) is its multi-functionality to address a variety of factors that not
only include stormwater retention and conveyance:

a) Improve water quality by retention and filtration of toxic agents and components.
b) Reduce the potential for flooding, as well as allow stormwater to slow down by filtering it
into the soil
c) They reduce the heat island effect by helping to cool the air temperature through
evaporation, shading from vegetation and moisture emanating from the ground. For
example, green roofs are often the most valued BTI in terms of thermal performance as
they are effective in reducing air temperature and thus reducing the energy consumption
of air conditioning.
d) It contributes to the protection of biodiversity in urban areas as it enriches the quality of
ecosystems and connects landscapes fragmented by city infrastructures.

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e) They provide more spaces for recreation and enjoyment for citizens, as well as
encouraging them to care for and protect the environment. Potential infrastructure locations Blue - Green

Within the study area we have possible locations for blue-green infrastructure interventions, it
is proposed to have a network of BTI, which allows for resilience over time. It can be combined
with conventional technologies and complements existing infrastructure. It can start with
micro-interventions at the scale of a few blocks and be scaled up to the whole network. In the
same sense, the staging and works are more operational compared to grey infrastructure. It can
be decentralised, and adapted to limited budgets and variable built environments.

This proposed BTI network increases public space in intervention areas, where it is usually
most needed. In many cities in our region, low basins and flood zones are inhabited by the
most vulnerable population, in dwellings with high levels of overcrowding and neighbourhoods
with little public green space.

A well-planned network of BTIs reduces the risk of flooding and improves water quality in
stormwater systems and their outlets, while enhancing sustainable mobility and contributing
to the improvement of environmental quality through the provision of socio-environmental
services. It also promotes the possibility of producing land value through two ways in urban
environments with water risk: the one related to the reduction of flood risk and the one
generated from improvements in public space and the environmental qualities of the urban

In that sense, as part of the development of this component, we have identified possible areas
to develop this BTI network:

• Laguna Santa Julia: The Santa Julia wetland, located in the western sector of the city of
Piura, is surrounded by the human settlements Alejandro Sánchez Arteaga, Tupac Amaru
2do sector III, La Península, Jesús de Nazaret and 4 annexes of San Pablo. It borders the
Kurt Beer ecological park. This wetland is classified as a periurban coastal wetland, with a
water surface area of 36 Ha and a perimeter of 3,159.40 m.

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Figure 5-66 Location of Santa Julia wetland


The wetland is a small geographic depression where water regularly accumulates from
rainfall drainage and seepage from household connections in the surrounding urban area.
Ninety species of birds have been recorded in the wetland, including the following: Puna
ibis, Andean flamingos, Black-necked nightjar, Lesser nightjar, Common moorhen, among
others. The number of birds is high in comparison to its small extension (12 hectares).
The predominant climate is dry subtropical with seasonal rainfall occurring in the summer
months (December - March), with rainfall being scarce and irregular throughout the year
(80 mm/year), except during the El Niño event.
Through the Resolution of Executive Direction 072-2019-MINAGRI-SERFOR-DE, the
incorporation of the Santa Julia coastal wetland to the "Sectorial List of Fragile
Ecosystems" was approved. In this way, SERFOR articulates and promotes actions with
Regional and Local Governments to ensure the sustainable management of forest and
wildlife heritage in fragile ecosystems. In this sense, Law N° 29763, Forestry and Wildlife
Law, considers fragile ecosystems to be those with unique characteristics or resources with
low resilience (capacity to return to their original conditions), and unstable in the face of
human intervention, because it alters their structure and composition.
In relation to the problems of the place, we can see that every year the invasion of settlers
near the wetland of Santa Julia increases. More than 10 new settlements have been
established around the water body, which has also caused the clearing of the small carob
tree forests that were part of the wetland vegetation.

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Figure 5-67 Santa Julia Wetland

Figure 5-68 Current situation

As can be seen in the image, the inhabitants and real estate developers dump solid waste and
debris at the edge of the water body, deteriorating the quality of the environment and
reducing the area of this wetland, with anthropic disturbance affecting up to 1% of the
• Los Patos Lagoon: The Los Patos lagoon, ex Coscomba, is located in the Manuel Scorza
settlement. It is connected to the Sullana drain. It has the function of storing the rainwater
that arrives from the drains in the west and northwest sector.
As part of the problem, there is a wall at the outlet of the lagoon that obstructs the flow of
water into the Sechura drain.

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Figure 5-69 Los Patos Lagoon

Los Patos Lagoon

Sechura Drain

Figure 5-70 Los Patos Lagoon

• Quebrada El Gallo: Quebrada El Gallo has its source in the north-east of the city of Castilla.
It evacuates its waters towards the areas that present a lower topographic level, inside the
gully there is an existing drain called Dren El Gallo, which flows into Dren 1308. It runs
from north-east to south-west, with changes in the morphology of the stream, due to the
buildings that have been installed in the development of the stream. It crosses the Tacalá
and Cossio del Pomar housing estates. Its flow is temporary and only transports large
volumes of water in times of heavy rainfall, becoming a collector of runoff water from the
adjoining human settlements.
It is located in areas of urban expansion where there are housing associations and areas of
private housing associations, through which water will flow in times of heavy rainfall and El
Niño phenomena in order to ensure the outflow of water resources to the Drain 1308.
In relation to the flooding caused by rainfall in the areas adjacent to the El Gallo stream,
there is a social impact, direct damage to homes, human damage, economic impact, and
damage to the urbanised environment and to infrastructure and public services. The
population centres directly affected are the following: AA.HH. Tacala, Cossio del Pomar,
Los Almendros, Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Miguel Grau, Nuevo Castilla II stage, Nueva
Esperanza, Pecuario Nuevo Horizonte, La Primavera, Las Mercedes and Los Medanos.

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The affected area covers more than 75 hectares and most of it is housing.
Figure 5-71 Quebrada El Gallo Flood Zone

Figure 5-72 Qda El Gallo - Cossio del Pomar

Figure 5-73 Quebrada El Gallo Gully

• Kurt Beer Park: Kurt Beer Park is the country's first Urban Nature Park, and although it is
now only 48 hectares out of its original 2,000 hectares, it was originally intended to be the
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first urban nature park in the country.

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is the main natural lung of the city. It is a centre for recreation and ecological tourism,
oriented towards the greening of the city and the progress of the environment. It has
sports courts, recreational games and a mini zoo, as well as extensive green areas mainly
made up of the most representative tree of the coastal desert of Piura, the carob tree, it is
also a warm refuge for animals and varieties of plants.
The ecological park Kurt Beer is located in the South West sector of the city of Piura,
district 26 of October, province and department of Piura, at approximately 7km from the
Main Square. It has a registered area of 48.23 hectares.
It has two access routes
Route 1: From Jr. Amotape, passing by Av. El Tallan, up to there is a tarmac road, from then
on there is only a dirt road with a distance of 1.5 km to the north entrance.
Route 2: It comes from the intersection between the bypass road and Gullman Avenue. It
runs along the bypass road up to the municipal slaughterhouse.
Figure 5-74 Kurt Beer Park

Figure 5-75 Kurt Beer Park

• Parque Ramón Castilla: The park is located in the district of Castilla, across the Bolognesi
bridge, it has an area of 2,000 m2 approx.

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Figure 5-76 Ramon Castilla Park

• Main Square: The main square or Plaza de Armas of the city of Piura, is located in the
historical centre of the city. It is one of the oldest and most beautiful squares in the
country, with a square Spanish style, surrounded by trees such as tamarind, ficus,
crocuses, cucardas, poncianas and papelillos. In the centre of the Plaza de Armas is the
monument called "Alegoría a la libertad". It has an area of approximately 4,400 m2.
Figure 5-77 Plaza de Armas

• Miguel Cortez Park: Located on Grau Avenue and Jr Huancavelica. The park has
playgrounds for children and rest areas. There is also a water reservoir with a capacity of
4,000 m3. The park has an area of 13,000 m2 approx.

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Figure 5-78 Miguel Cortez Park

• Bicentennial Park: The park is located on Grau Avenue, has an area of 9.4 hectares and is
part of the 26 Bicentennial parks that will be built throughout the country. This park will
integrate three key factors such as culture, citizenship and environment and will have 5
components to build a sustainable city.
- Ecological area, it will be an inclusive space to generate environmental awareness,
social integration and recreational spaces.
- Cultural esplanade, a space for events that generate identity
- Citizenship Resource Centre, which will include an exhibition hall telling the history of
the city and strengthening values.
- Library, an educational space with differentiated services and digital resources for
people with disabilities
- Cultural centre, where the auditorium will allow presentations, conferences, theatres,
trainings, among others.
Figure 5-79 Bicentennial Park

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In conclusion, it is proposed to have a network of BTIs, which is as follows:

Figure 5-80 Blue-Green Ecosystem Network

Public ecosystem
network in the
study area

A. El Gallo Gorge
B. Piura River
C. Coscomba Lagoon
D. Santa Julia Wetland

1. Ramon Castilla Park
2. Plaza de Armas
3. Miguel Cortez Park
4. Bicentennial Park
5. Kurt Beer Park

Ecological Corridor

5.4.9. Conclusions
This chapter corresponds to the current conditions for urban development in the districts of
Piura, Castila and 26 October, as input for the preparation of the analysis tools for the
formulation of the proposals for the Storm Drainage Plan for the districts of Piura, Castila and
26 October, where the adaptation of the storm drainage subsystems to the urban structure of
the city and its ecosystem will be determined. With regard to the analysis it is concluded:
a) The current Master Plan is out of step with the physical and economic reality of Piura,
the current growth and development scenario being the Metropolitan Area made up
of the cities of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre, Castilla and Catacaos, which is why a new
study of the city is necessary for the formulation of the Urban Development Plan
based on the zoning of the Metropolitan Area, articulated with a study of its Road
System that contemplates the forecast of optimal interconnection systems compatible
with vulnerability and risks.
b) In the northwest of the city of Piura, growth is accelerated and disorderly, due to the
constant encroachments that do not respect the approved zoning nor the approved
road scheme, contradicting the current Master Plan.
c) In the case of Castilla, there is a disorderly growth and in some cases with tendencies
to consolidate on areas that in the future will be exposed to flooding and erosion
d) The northern area of Castilla is the best potential for urban development and another
interesting axis is towards the Interoceanic road to Chulucanas, where commercial
activity, services and industry are more frequent.
e) A blue-green infrastructure network should be in place as an important part of
drainage solutions.

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5.5. Analysis of of the capacitiescapacities y

administrative capacities institutional
The capacity with regard to the resources and skills that the Provincial Municipality of Piura
and the district municipalities of Castilla and 26 de Octubre have, together with the GORE
Piura to correctly perform the area of disaster risk management generated from 2017 to 2022
is very important for the development of an action plan based on this area, It is therefore
necessary to have a detailed description of the technical and administrative capacity of the
municipalities in the intervention area to manage the storm drainage plan, its strengths and
weaknesses, and the necessary recommendations for the proper provision of the service for
the benefit of society. It is known that Disaster Risk Management (DRM) is a social process
whose purpose is the prevention, reduction and permanent control of disaster risk factors in
society, as well as preparedness and response to disaster situations, to protect the lives of the
population and the assets of individuals and the State.

5.5.1. Disaster Risk Management is disaster risk?

The term "risk" in its broadest sense is an integral part of human existence on this earth. It
arouses thoughts of loss and damage related to various fields of human activities. It must also
be recognised that the concept of risk is related to the idea of business and the pursuit of
progress and profit under certain conditions of uncertainty.

Considering, in particular, a disaster, a problem of social conditions, in which the consequences

of physical events of various origins (such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods or explosions) had
a significant impact on society. This risk is part of the "global" or total risk, and considering the
relationships between its parts, it has close links to the aspects in which global risks are
described, such as an economic risk to health, technological risk, etc. Historically, the definition
of "catastrophic risk" has taken two directions: First, definitions derived from the earth
sciences that tend to define risk as "the probability of an adverse event or physical event.

Risk is a latent condition that, if not modified or mitigated through human intervention or
through a change in the conditions of the physical-environmental setting, heralds a certain
level of social and economic impact into the future, when a physical event triggers or updates
the existing risk. This risk is expressed and concretised by the existence of human population,
production and infrastructure exposed to the possible impact of the various types of possible
physical events, and which is also in a condition of "vulnerability", that is, in a condition that
predisposes society and its livelihoods to suffer damage and loss. The level of risk will be
determined by the possible intensity or magnitude of physical events, and the degree or level
of exposure and vulnerability.

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Disasters, whether natural or man-made, cause loss of life and damage to livelihoods. The
immediate expenditure required for response and reconstruction is compounded by a
weakened economy, damaged infrastructure, destroyed businesses, reduced tax revenues and
increased levels of poverty. Risk Management (DRM)

Disaster risk management is a social process whose ultimate goal is the prevention, reduction
and permanent management of society's disaster risk factors, as well as adequate
preparedness and response to disaster situations. It considers national policies, especially
those related to the economy, environment, security, national and regional defence in a
sustainable manner. Disaster management is based on scientific research and data recording
and guides policies, strategies and actions at all levels of government and society to protect
the lives of the population and the assets of the nation and the state.

5.5.2. Storm Drainage

By Supreme Decree No. 16-2018-VIVIENDA, the Regulation of Legislative Decree No. 1356
approving the General Law on Rainwater Drainage is approved. Through which the general
framework is established to promote the development and sustainability of investments for the
collection, transport, storage and evacuation of rainwater, which guarantees the safety of the
infrastructure, as well as the optimal functioning of economic and social activities in populated

It should be noted that the contents of these regulations apply to all three (03) levels of
government. It is important to mention that this regulation defines comprehensive storm
drainage plans as: "...a management tool that guides the physical-spatial organisation of storm
drainage infrastructure, as well as the development of public and private investment, at the
provincial level, to develop sustainable storm drainage systems, as well as the improvement of
existing storm drainage systems".

5.5.3. Internal, Technical and Administrative Capabilities

A detailed description is given of the technical and administrative capacities of the local
governments in the area of intervention for the management of the storm drainage plan,
pointing out strengths and weaknesses, as well as the recommendations necessary for the
adequate provision of the service. Regional Government of Piura Management instruments.

A. Concerted Regional Development Plan - PDRC.

We have a specific objective, which is SO6: To reduce the vulnerability of the
population and the departmental territory to disaster risk and climate change. This consists
1. Strengthening of the Regional Disaster Risk Management Working Group.

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2. Implement projects to regulate and protect river and stream beds against landslides
and floods.
3. Develop a culture of disaster risk prevention among the population.
4. Articulate the existing information systems in the SINAGERD at the territorial level.
5. Organise and strengthen provincial and district Civil Defence committees.
6. Develop district and provincial disaster risk prevention and reduction plans.
7. Incorporate the disaster risk management approach into territorial planning and
management processes.
8. Capacity building of authorities, professionals and population in disaster risk

B. Rules of organisation and functions (ROF).

• Article 35.- The Regional Office for National Security and Defence.
The Regional Office of Security and National Defence reports directly to the Regional
Governorate and carries out the following functions:
• Article 36.- Functions of the Regional Office of Security and National Defence. The
Regional Office for National Security and Defence shall perform the selected and
related functions:

36.9. Incorporate Disaster Risk Management into planning, environmental

management and public investment processes.

36.10. To formulate, propose, execute, evaluate, direct, control and administer

policies in the area of Civil Defence, in accordance with the National Disaster Risk
Management Policy and the corresponding sectoral and local plans.

36.11. Advise the Senior Management in matters related to Security, National

Defence and Disaster Risk Management; as well as promote and participate in
the civic and patriotic education of the population, in order to contribute to the
increase of cohesion and strengthening of national and regional identity.

36.18. Formulate the Disaster Risk Management Monitoring and Control Plan.

36.24. Functions related to Disaster Risk Management:

✓ Promote, plan the processes and sub-processes of Disaster Risk Management

in the Region.
✓ Develop and evaluate prevention, contingency, response and rehabilitation
✓ Promote and/or execute the Civil Defence Training Plan, as well as the
execution of drills at all levels.
✓ Formulate and propose the Regional Disaster Prevention and Response,
Contingency and Operations Plan.
✓ Apply in the area of its competence the technical norms issued by the National
System for Disaster Risk Management (SINAGERD).

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✓ Elaborate and propose agreements on Disaster Risk Management with

national or foreign organisations, in coordination with the National Disaster
Risk Management System (SINAGERD).
✓ Support the permanent functioning of the Disaster Risk Management Working
Group, the Regional Civil Defence Platform and the Regional Emergency
Operations Centre (COER).
✓ Act as the Technical Secretariat of the Disaster Risk Management Platform and
Working Group.
✓ Promote the sustainable cities programme, as well as the early warning
✓ Strengthen and support the Scientific and Technological Advisory Council.
✓ To keep informed of the levels of storage and movement of materials in the
forward warehouses under their jurisdiction.
✓ Organise Civil Defence Brigades in their area, training them for their better
✓ Coordinate humanitarian aid assistance requested by disaster-affected districts
within the framework of established agreements or arrangements, in
accordance with regulations.
C. Function Organisation Manual (MOF).
Observation: It does not have specific functions for the risk management function according
to the MOF 2018.
D. From the staff allocation table (SAC).
Observation: Information related to risk management is not found in Chapter 2021.
E. From the analytical personnel budget (APB).
Observation: No information related to risk management can be found in pap 2021.
F. Internal Directives
Remark: No directives related to risk management can be found. Provincial Municipality of Piura Management instruments.

A. Concerted Development Plan

Within the concerted development plan found on the website of the Piura provincial
municipality related to disaster risk management, there is objective 2:
SO2: Reduce the vulnerability of the population to climate change and disaster risk.
i. Promote the creation of a Provincial Technical Committee to address the issue
of climate change.

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ii. Promote a study of the impact of climate change in the province to enable
prevention and mitigation actions to be taken.
iii. Raise awareness, train families located in vulnerable areas exposed to risk
iv. Carry out preventive actions in the event of possible occurrences of FEN
(cleaning of canals and drains, de-silting of the Piura River, construction of
river defences, polders, etc.).
v. Build storm drainage systems in every city
vi. Incorporate the risk management approach in all public infrastructure works in
the province.
vii. Relocate families living in unmitigable risk areas.
viii. Strengthen and equip the province's Civil Defence system.
B. Rules of organisation and functions (ROF).

According to the ROF (2003) found on the transparency website, it does not present a specific
area on risk management, but it does stipulate in ART.17º. - The Provincial Municipality of
Piura exercises exclusively the following functions on the Organisation of Physical Space and
Land Use:
i. Approve the Provincial Land Development Plan, which identifies urban and urban
expansion areas, as well as areas of protection or security due to natural risks;
agricultural areas and environmental conservation areas.
ii. Approve the Urban Development Plan, the Rural Development Plan, the Urban Area
Zoning Scheme, the Human Settlement Development Plan and other specific plans in
accordance with the Territorial Development Plan.
iii. To pronounce on territorial demarcation actions in the province.
iv. Approve the provincial regulation regarding the granting of licences and the control
and inspection work of the district municipalities in accordance with the technical
regulations on the subject: Granting of licenses for construction, remodeling,
demolition, zoning certificate, certificate of compatibility of use, certificate of
conformity of work.
Comment: It should be noted that these functions are not directly related to disaster risk
management functions.
C. Function Organisation Manual (MOF).

Job Title: Engineer Specific Duties:

I. Support in carrying out Technical Security Inspections to: Premises

II. public non-sporting events, public non-sporting events, state and private educational
establishments and real estate.

III. Organise neighbourhood civil defence committees.

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IV. Assess public housing and commercial premises.

V. Train neighbourhood committees and brigadistas.

VI. Damage assessment and hazard mapping.

VII. Train the population to cope with natural and induced phenomena.

VIII. Use institutional e-mail as a coordination and management tool.

IX. Other functions assigned by the Manager of Citizen Security and Municipal Control.

D. From the staff allocation table.


✓ Manager
✓ Assistant


✓ Head of Office
✓ Attachment
✓ Assistant
✓ Administrative Technician
✓ Secretary


✓ Manager
✓ Planner

NOTE: The CAP is from the year 2021, but it is not directly linked to risk management, however
it is within the planning, plus it is more than one related area.

E. From the analytical personnel budget (APB).


✓ Manager (5,865.41-Budgeted)
✓ Assistant (3,201.24-Budgeted)


✓ Head of Office (4,952.67-Budgeted)

✓ Attachment (3,201.24-Budgeted)
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✓ Assistant (4, 806.5-Budgeted)

✓ Administrative Technician (2,603.23-Budgeted)
✓ Secretary (3,600.65-Budgeted)


✓ Manager (5,665.41-Budgeted)
✓ Planner (3,385.39-Budgeted)

F. Internal Directives

According to the Municipal Ordinance N° 324-00-CMPP on 10 December 2021

PROVINCIAL OF PIURA, in compliance with the Resolution of Mayor Nº 299-2021-A/MPP, that
approves the modification of the Program of Activities 2021 of the Working Group for the
Management of the Disaster Risk of the Provincial Municipality of Piura - GTFRD and in
application to the Ministerial Resolution Nº 149-2020-PCM, that approves the guidelines for
the implementation of the process of Rehabilitation and Formulation of the Plans of
Rehabilitation in the three levels of government; the same one that as annex forms integral
part of the present Ordinance. (Published on Tuesday 21 December 2021, in the newspaper LA
REPÚBLICA) This norm belongs to the compendium. Veintiséis de Octubre Municipality Management instruments.

A. Concerted development plan

Within strategic axis 4:

The strategic objective is to protect the population from natural and man-made events. Of
which we have as a project.
• Strengthen the disaster risk management programme by incorporating the population.
• Implementation of a communication strategy on evacuation routes and solidarity
actions in case of disasters.

B. Rules of organisation and functions (ROF).

Within Article 134.- Disaster Risk Management Sub-management

The Disaster Risk Management Sub-Management is the organic unit responsible for
programming, supervising, executing and controlling activities related to Disaster Risk
Management, through prevention, contingency, emergency and urgency plans in the
jurisdiction within the framework of the regulations in force. It reports to the Public
Safety Management.
Article 135.- Functions of the Disaster Risk Management Sub-Management
Office The functions of the Disaster Risk Management Sub-Management
Office are as follows:
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a) Formulate, conduct and supervise the implementation of rules, plans and

processes of Disaster Risk Management, within the scope of its competence in
the framework of the National Policy on Disaster Risk Management and the
guidelines of the governing body.
b) Formulate the Comprehensive Prevention and Contingency Plan for
emergency, urgency, disaster and catastrophe situations, in coordination with
the National Civil Defence Institute.
c) Plan and execute disaster drills in educational institutions, workplaces,
community centres, public and private premises, to systematise the experience
in order to provide feedback for prevention, contingency, emergency and
urgency plans.
d) Exercise the role of technical secretary of the District Civil Defence Committee.
e) Assess damages and carry out needs analysis in case of disaster, generating
relevant proposals for the declaration of a state of emergency and technical
and scientific information on hazards, vulnerability and risk in the jurisdiction
for the prevention of risks and disasters.
f) Issue technical opinion in relation to areas considered vulnerable in the
g) Supervise the care of populations affected by natural or other disasters, in
coordination with the corresponding bodies.
h) Coordinate and/or arrange actions to relocate people settled in vulnerable,
high-risk or non-mitigable areas.
i) Elaborate the Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (DANA), which is the
basis for the establishment of specific emergency response plans at all levels,
through the provision of Humanitarian Aid Goods (HAG) to the victims and
affected people, as well as rehabilitation plans for the devastated and/or
affected areas.
j) Formulate proposals for the implementation of preparedness, response and
rehabilitation processes. with the objective of integrating capacities and
actions of all actors of society in their field of competence.

C. Function Organisation Manual (MOF).

Remark: This document is IN IMPLEMENTATION.

D. From the staff allocation table (SAC).

Within the area related to risk management we have:

✓ Deputy Manager of Civil Defence and Disaster Risk Reduction.

E. From the analytical personnel budget (APB).


✓ Sub Manager Civil Defence and Disaster Risk Reduction (2.890,23- Budgeted)

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F. Internal Directives

According to the Resolution of the Mayor's Office Nº 344-2021-MDVO-A, which in accordance

with the powers of the mayor duly recognised by Art 20 paragraph 6), in accordance with
Article 43 of Law 27972- Organic Law of Municipalities;


ARTICLE ONE: APPROVE the Annual Activity Plan 2021 of the Disaster Risk Management
Working Group of the District Municipality of Veintiséis de Octubre, which forms an integral
part of this resolution.

ARTICLE TWO: TO INSTRUCT the Municipal Management to the Civil Defence and Disaster
Management Unit, in order to comply with its attributions and competences.

ARTICLE THREE: TO NOTIFY, to all interested parties; the Municipal Management; the
Administration and Finance Management; the Legal Advice Management; the Planning and
Budget Management; the Local Economic Development Management; the Community Services
and Environmental Management Management; the Civil Defence and Risk Management Unit;
the Planning, Computing and Statistics Unit, the publication of the present Resolution of the
Mayor's Office in the Institutional Portal of the District Municipality of Veintiséis de Octubre. District Municipality of Castilla Management instruments.

A. Concerted development plan

Within the concerted development plan we have the specific objective SO7: REDUCE
which mentions:
1. Elaborate and/or update the risk and vulnerability map.
2. Carry out annual cleaning and de-silting programmes for drains and canals.
3. Build storm drainage systems in human settlements and urban areas.
4. Relocate families living in areas of unmitigable risk.
5. To channel the existing blind basins in the city.
6. Reinforce river defences along the left bank of the Piura River.
7. Promote the Integral Management Plan for the Piura River.
8. Incorporate the risk management approach in all infrastructure projects.
9. Form alliances between the authorities and the population to demand the fulfilment
of the projects contemplated in the Reconstruction Plan.

B. Rules of organisation and functions (ROF).

the article:

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The Urban Rural Development and Infrastructure Management is the line body responsible
for implementing and conducting local policies and processes related to territorial planning,
urban development and control, investment management within the framework of the
national system of multi-annual programming and investment management; it is also
responsible for the administration and execution of periodic maintenance activities of the
infrastructure derived from public investment projects and risk and disaster management.

Specifically with regard to the management plan in section 5:

1. Coordinate and coordinate the actions and interests of the Local Government, and its
interrelation with the Regional Government and the National Government, on
territorial, disaster risk management and urban issues in order to achieve sustainable

C. From the Manual of Organisation and Functions (MOF).

According to section 1.8 DEVELOPMENT POLICIES
1.8.4 ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES. We have: Promote effective environmental management through the rational and sustainable
use of natural resources and ecosystems. Promote adequate risk management, boosting prevention and improving district
resilience. Ensure the necessary investment for effective reduction of vulnerabilities to NPS,
droughts and climate change. Promote the use of the natural environment for ecotourism and experiential

Another area related to disaster risks according to section 1.9 OF INSTITUTIONAL

1.9.3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND RISK PREVENTION Manage natural resources and prevent risks through conservation and
preparedness policies and actions to reduce the effects of environmental impacts and

D. From the staff allocation table (PAC).

✓ Deputy Manager
✓ Computer technician
✓ Manager
✓ Secretary
✓ Service worker
✓ Deputy Manager
✓ Civil Engineer
✓ Surveyor
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✓ Cadista

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✓ Architect
✓ Accounting technician
E. From the analytical personnel budget (APB).
✓ Assistant Manager (Employed)
✓ Computer technician (Free)
✓ Manager (Employed)
✓ Secretary (Busy)
✓ Service worker (Free)
✓ Assistant Manager (Employed)
✓ Civil Engineer (Free)
✓ Surveyor (Employed)
✓ Cadista (Busy)
✓ Architect (Free)
✓ Accounting Technician (Free)
F. Internal Directives.
Through Ordinance Municipal NO. 021 -2021-MDC-
CDC. within article
98, in section 2 we have:

Article 98.- Powers of the Ordinary Commissions

The Ordinary Commissions with respect to risk management are as follows:

2) Commission on Urban-Rural Development and Risk Management

a) Promote the approval of policies, strategies and projects related to matters
within its competence, seeking the greatest benefit for the district's
b) Promote adequate and timely territorial planning, articulated with provincial
and regional territorial planning processes.
c) To oversee the execution, maintenance and administration, as appropriate, of
works, studies and investment projects related to the orderly growth of the
d) To oversee the proper administration and conservation of public
infrastructure, as well as public property under the responsibility of the
e) Monitor the processes of sanitation and recognition of regulated and
unregulated human settlements, within the framework of district development
f) To give an opinion on the cadastre, zoning and other urban development plans
of the district of Castilla.

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g) Promote the regular functioning of the District Civil Defence Platform and the
District Emergency Operations Centre - COED.
h) Oversee the implementation of civil defence and disaster risk management
processes in the jurisdiction of the district of Castilla, in accordance with the
regulations governing the matter.
i) Others inherent to its competence as entrusted to it by the Municipal Council.

5.5.4. Internal Functions and Capabilities for Stormwater Drainage

The functions identified in the Regulations of Legislative Decree N° 1356 - Law on Rainwater
Drainage for Provincial Municipalities can be organised as follows:
General Functions Specific Functions
Address y Elaborate Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan (provincial only)
Manage main emitters Elaborate Infrastructure Inventory
and collectors Report on infrastructure to GORE and MVCS
Subscribe cooperation agreements
Store equipment, materials and other inputs
Operate main Prepare Operation Plan
emitters and collectors Monitor stormwater runoff Operate pumping
Train staff
Maintain main Scheduling preventive and corrective
emitters and collectors maintenance Executing preventive maintenance
Execute corrective maintenance

Table 5-55. Functions of Provincial Municipalities

The functions identified in the Regulation of Legislative Decree N° 1356 - Rainwater Drainage
Law for District Municipalities can be organised as follows:
General Functions Specific Functions
Address Drawing up Infrastructure Inventory Signing
a cooperation agreements
nd Manage sub- Storing equipment, materials and other supplies
Operate sub-collectors Elaborate Operation Plan
Monitor stormwater runoff Operate pumping
Train staff
Maintain sub- Scheduling preventive and corrective maintenance
collectors Executing preventive maintenance
Execute corrective maintenance

Table 5-56. Functions of the District Municipality

The Regional Government of Piura has functions assigned in Article 9 of the Regulation of the
D.L. N° 1356 - Law of Pluvial Drainage, approved by D.S. N°016-2018- VIVIENDA.
On the other hand, at the municipal level, according to the Organic Law of Municipalities (Law
No. 27972, 6 May 2003), they are the following:
a) Exclusive functions of the provincial municipalities: Article 79 (1.4.6.) on the
organisation of physical space and land use: Security of the
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Civil Defence System.

b) Specific functions of the provincial municipalities: Numerals 1.7, 2.2 and 2.5 of
Article 73: Basic urban or rural infrastructure; environmental, sanitation and
health; and public safety.
c) Specific functions exclusive to district municipalities: Numeral 3.2 of Article 85 on
citizen security: "Coordinate with the district Civil Defence Committee the necessary
actions for the care of populations affected by natural or other disasters". Organisation and functioning: Regional Government of Piura

The internal rules and instruments of the government bodies under analysis provide
information on the institutional functioning and identify the powers, bodies and organisational
units linked to storm drainage management:
• Rules of Organization and Functions of the Regional Government of Piura (Regional
Ordinance No. 000001 and amendments Regional Ordinance No. 000006 and Regional
Ordinance No. 000009 of 26 January 2018).
• Reglamento de Organización y Funciones- ROF de la Municipalidad Provincial de Piura
approved with Ordenanza Municipal N° 021-2003- C/CPP.
• Reglamento de Organización y Funciones- ROF de la Municipalidad Distrital de Castilla
approved by Municipal Ordinance approved by Ordinance N° 016-2015-CDC. Castilla
25 September 2015.
• Reglamento de Organización y Funciones -ROF de la Municipalidad Distrital 26 de
octubre, approved by Municipal Ordinance 004-2016-MDVO-CM, on 25 April 2016.
At the level of the Regional Government, this level of government has a Regulation of
Organisation and Functions (ROF) that has recently been approved (year 2018), however, it
needs to be updated to what is set out in the PEI 2018-2023, considering that this was
approved on 30 June 2020.
The Regional Government of Piura has made progress since 2017 in the design of an
organisational structure with a process approach through the Regional Directive N° 002 -
2017/GRP-410300. This is a positive aspect because it contributes to the development of
greater clarity in the coordination between bodies and organisational units.
In accordance with what was indicated in the survey phases, the organisational structure and
functions will be revised within the framework of the new regulatory provisions stemming
from the State Organisation Guidelines approved by D.S. No. 054-2018-PCM and amended
by D.S. No. 131-2018-PCM. Likewise, the National Civil Service Authority (SERVIR) declared
in February 2018 the beginning of the implementation of the new civil service regime in the
Regional Government of Piura, according to the RPE N° 044-2018- SERVIR/PE in order to
unify the labour regimes, improve personnel management and implement meritocracy.

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The two preceding paragraphs show that the Regional Government of Piura is updating its
organisational and human resources instruments in accordance with the new State
Competences and Functions:
According to "Art. 14 Competences", described in the Regulation of the Legislative Decree N°
1356 that approves the General Law of Pluvial Drainage.

"14.1. The operation and maintenance of storm drainage infrastructure is the responsibility of
the local government, according to the type of drain: a) Main outfalls and sewers, by the
provincial municipality; b) Sub-sewers, by the district municipality.
14.2. Local government must have the personnel, infrastructure, equipment, materials and
other inputs to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities.

The competencies and functions related to rainwater drainage of the Regional Government of
Piura, according to the Organic Law of Regional Governments, are the following:
a) Exclusive Competence: Article 10(d)(1): "Promote and execute regional public
investment in road, energy, communications and basic services infrastructure
projects at regional level, with strategies for sustainability, competitiveness,
private investment opportunities, dynamising markets and making activities
profitable" Article 45(a): define, direct, regulate and manage national and sectoral
b) Shared Responsibility: Article 10(2)(b) and (d): Public health and sustainable
management of natural resources and improvement of environmental quality.
c) Functions in health, population, housing, sanitation and civil defence:
• Article 49 (i): "Conduct and execute, in coordination with the competent
bodies, the prevention and control of risks and damage from emergencies and
• Article 50 (d): "Promote the incorporation of demographic criteria and
forecasts in urban and regional development plans and programmes, in
coordination with local governments".
• Article 58 (b): "Promote the implementation of urban and rural housing
programmes, channelling public and private resources, and the use of
regional government land and regional materials for municipal housing
• Article 61 (c): "Organise and implement disaster prevention actions and
provide direct and immediate assistance to victims and rehabilitation of
affected populations".
d) Regional Management involved: Article 29-A, paragraphs 2 and 4: Management of
Social Development, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental
Management, Management of Infrastructure.

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It is worth mentioning that in terms of the provision of infrastructure services of all

kinds, the Infrastructure Management (and its decentralised units such as the
Luciano Castillo and Morropón Huancabamba sub-regional offices) is in charge of
developing the administrative processes for the implementation of the same, from
the formulation of investment project profiles to the formulation of technical files
in compliance with State contracting regulations.
Likewise, the Regional Office for National Security and Defence, which is
responsible for disaster risk prevention and emergency response. Provincial Municipality of Piura

According to the ROF (2003), it does not present a specific area on risk management, but it
does stipulate in ART.17º. - The Provincial Municipality of Piura exercises exclusively the
following functions on the Organisation of Physical Space and Land Use:

1) Approve the Provincial Land Development Plan, which identifies urban and urban expansion
areas, as well as areas of protection or security due to natural risks; agricultural areas and
environmental conservation areas.

2) Approve the Urban Development Plan, the Rural Development Plan, the Urban Area Zoning
Scheme, the Human Settlement Development Plan and other specific plans in accordance with
the Territorial Development Plan.

3) To pronounce on territorial demarcation actions in the province.

4) Approve the provincial regulation of licensing, control and supervision of district

municipalities in accordance with the technical standards on the subject:

Granting of construction, remodelling, demolition, zoning certificate, certificate of

compatibility of use, certificate of conformity of work. District Municipality of Castilla

Art 124.- Internal and external relations

The Disaster Risk Management Department maintains external interrelations with INDECI,
CENEPRED, IGP, MVCS, CEPLAN, ANA, SENAMI, Instituto de Hidrografía y Navegación de la
Marina de Guerra del Perú and other public and private entities.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Veintiséis de Octubre District Municipality

The bodies and functions of the Provincial Municipality of Veintiséis de Octubre linked to the
management of the Pluvial Drainage Plans, according to the Regulation of Organisation and
Functions, correspond to:

Sub-Chapter VI Urban
Development Management
Article 135º GENERAL FUNCTIONS To carry out specialised executive functions of (i)
formulation and execution of public investment projects through the preparation of technical
files, ex-post evaluation and settlement of works; (ii) urban planning, cadastral
administration and control of private works and public works; (iii) management of the

Legal Physical Sanitation; and, (iv) civil defence administration

in prevention, emergency and rehabilitation activities for
natural disasters, public catastrophes and calamities.

Also, as part of the field activities, it was possible to observe

the deficiency in the maintenance and conservation of drains in
the city. As shown in the Manuel Sullón Drain.

5.5.5. Complementary Technical Capacities

The complementary technical capacities identified to improve municipal action in the
framework of the Storm Drainage Master Plan would be oriented towards planning,
organisation, operation, inter-institutional coordination, performance monitoring and
evaluation of results, which include the Regional Government of Piura. The complementary
technical capacities correspond to:

a) Updating of management instruments such as the Concerted Regional Development

Plan, the Concerted Local Development Plan, the Institutional Strategic Plan and the
Institutional Operational Plan of the municipalities, in order to develop the current
regulations on rainwater drainage, urban development and territorial articulation.
b) Coordination between the bodies and organisational units responsible for the operation
and maintenance of the storm drainage system, pollutant control, environmental
sanitation, public cleaning, maintenance of urban infrastructure and disaster risk
management. This coordination should be carried out internally in each municipality and
externally with other institutions.

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c) Design of a performance indicator dashboard, and mechanisms for monitoring and

evaluating results.
d) Communication and education of the population on the objectives, functioning and
importance of the storm drainage system in disaster situations such as rainfall.
e) Mapping and documentation of the processes and procedures to manage the storm
drainage system emphasising the coordination and cooperation between municipalities
and the Regional Government of Piura.

5.5.6. Obstacles to the management of the Stormwater Drainage Plan

integrated into urban development planning processes.
Urban development planning is one of the pending tasks in the process of territorial
management. It is evident that the authority of municipal governments at different levels of
government does not have the internal capacities for an adequate implementation of policies
and projects aimed at providing better infrastructure to cities, particularly in relation to
disaster risk management.

Since the El Niño phenomenon of 1983, the Piura region has shown its vulnerability to the
occurrence of extreme rains, which cause severe damage to public and private infrastructure.
The episode known as the Coastal El Niño phenomenon in 2017, with the flooding caused by
the overflowing of the Piura river, once again highlighted this vulnerability.

The negative impacts generated by the El Niño phenomenon have not been addressed to the
magnitude necessary to allow for greater resilience of our cities and the main efforts have
been oriented towards the replacement of the affected infrastructure. After the floods of 2017
and with the intervention of the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes, greater efforts
have been made not only to replace infrastructure but also to reduce vulnerability, proof of
which are the efforts to have an Integrated Watershed Management Plan and a Rainwater
Drainage Plan; however, there are still conditions that limit the adequate management of
these instruments.

The main obstacles to the management of the Storm Drainage Plan include:

✓ From the review of the development planning instruments of the different

government entities, it is evident that there is almost no investment in the
implementation of a Stormwater Drainage Plan.
✓ The competencies of the governmental bodies have not been ordered. Thus, while the
city of Piura has a system of pumping stations as a rapid response instrument to
floods, these are under the control of the regional government of Piura and efforts to
transfer them to the provincial government have failed given the current conditions of
the infrastructure and the high costs of operation and maintenance of the pumping

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maintenance they entail.

✓ Municipal governments have limited resources for the maintenance of public
infrastructure, which does not allow them to guarantee its optimal functioning.
✓ The greatest capacities installed in government bodies are related to the capacity to
respond to the occurrence of disasters, i.e. they focus on reactive actions rather than
on prevention. Thus, the organic units identified (COER, COEP; COEL) are integrated
into the national disaster risk management system, but their actions are basically
oriented towards the development of capacities for emergency response and
attention to immediate effects.
✓ The organisation chart of the government entities does not have an area identified
with the necessary capacities for the management, operation and maintenance of the
infrastructure related to a Storm Drainage Plan, the most outstanding feature is the
existence of infrastructure managers who have a technical team with experience in the
formulation of projects and maintenance of road infrastructure.
✓ No internal policies have been identified to prioritise the development and
implementation of a Drainage Plan, and what is even more complicated is that the
sources of own resources are limited, for example in the interviews with officials of the
municipality of Castilla it is stated that the resources from RDR are approximately 5%
of the total budget of the entity.

5.5.7. Organisational culture to establish coordination relationships with

other organisations.
The Piura region is one of the pioneering regions in terms of citizen participation mechanisms.
Since the beginning of the year 2000, different mechanisms for participation and joint work
have been promoted. Among the most outstanding ones we could mention:

✓ The Formulation of Concerted Development Plans

✓ The functioning of joint work spaces such as the Round Table for the Fight against
Poverty and the Regional Committee for Gender Equality.
✓ The Functioning of Regional and Local Coordinating Councils
✓ The RISS Platform 3 Regional Agenda for Sustained Growth Based on Innovation and
Research Strategies
✓ Among others
All of these spaces bring together the public sector at different levels of government, the
private sector and academia, which generates a favourable ecosystem for inter-institutional
cooperation. The challenge in these spaces is to transcend from planning to the
implementation of the different plans formulated, for which it is necessary to establish
cooperation strategies according to the competencies and commitments of each instance and
to improve the mechanisms to facilitate the involvement of the private sector beyond what is
related to the mechanism of works for taxes, which is the best known and most used.

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6. Diagnosis: Basic Studies

6.1. Information existing
The following existing information related to the project (see Annex J: Existing Information)
has been reviewed and analysed:

aammdd Folder File Name (Reports) Type Content

Urban drainage R01 Critique and improve the
diagnosis - UK Piura Diagnostics Report_Identification existing SWMM simulation
of Concept Strategies_16072021_v2
Report: 400212-UKD001-000-XX-RP-
Annexes: PDF/DOCX Master Plan
Annex G -
Urban drainage Hydrology Annex I -
210813 masterplan CHAPTER 29 - Quick Action Bread PDF/DOCX Rapid Action Plan
Piura Drainage Final Report_WORKING Final drainage report of
COUMENT_markedup Piura
Table of comments and
ARCC Comments on Draft 1_TS XLSX
Report: Piura Urban Drainage
Urban drainage Masterplan_DRAFT 2
Master plan -Technical
220318 masterplan Annexes: PDF/DOCX
UKDT Annex A
Annex B Shapes
Vol II -
Urban Drainage Drawings
Vol III - Basic Studies
220505 - Hydrology PDF Advance files
Progress Update
- Geology
Vol I - Final Report Vol
II - Plans
Vol III - Basic studies Latest version of the study
220606 PMDPU - Topograph PDF/DOCX
Internal y
- Hydrology
- Geology
- ESIA PDF/SHP/D Inventory of drains
- Inventory of Existing Drainage Network Piura's main cities -
existing WG
- UK - Urban Hydraulic model in
Drainage Model UK Urban Drainage Model ICMT
Shared files of the last
Various information from editable
MPK/XLSX/ study mainly plans in
220714 ARCC Piura files (mainly maps in Arcmap)
DOC Arcmap
Table 6-1. Existing project information.

6.2. Recognition of field

During the different phases of the preparation of this plan, field visits have been carried out to
gather information in the different specialities and/or validate the solution plans.
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In the case of the survey of the existing storm drainage infrastructure and after the analysis of
the information received and collected, field activities were deployed. The work was carried
out by five brigades consisting of a junior engineer, a bachelor, a security personnel and a
driver, who travelled around the city in a van, verifying and recording updated information on
the infrastructure and problems. This team was joined by the environmental specialist and the
electromechanical specialist, and was led by two senior drainage engineers, who directed the
field work and the subsequent processing of the information and analysis of the results. The
field work was carried out between 21 July and 10 August.

The city of Piura, composed of three districts, Piura, Castilla and Veintiséis de Octubre, was
divided into 24 zones (Figure 6-1) for a better organisation of the routes.

Figure 6-1. Zoning of the city of Piura for data collection.

6.2.1. Presentation of the inventory

Although there are three districts, the inventory has been organised in two sectors: Distritos
de Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre together, as the works cover both districts, and Castilla
separately. The information collected by the brigades was done through files in Excel format.
The experience and previous knowledge, as well as the observations, records and photographs
have allowed the requested inventory to be drawn up. The products presented are:

a) General GIS database, in shapefile format.

b) Two "Base" archives, Piura+26Oct and Castilla, which contains all the works inventoried.
c) Two folders, Piura+26Oct and Castilla, which contain the files of each main drainage
element or major infrastructure, which is associated with its respective minor works
such as culverts, speed bumps, collectors, etc. The files contain relevant details of each
element, as well as a couple of reference photos.

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d) Photographic album, containing the photographs of the route organised in two folders,
Piura+26Oct and Castilla, with subfolders for each main drainage element or major

This digital inventory is duly annexed to this report.

6.3. Inventory of drainage infrastructure pluvial drainage

6.3.1. General description of the drainage system
The city of Piura, in its present location, dates back to the end of the 16th century, on the
banks of the Piura River. The district of Piura was created at the beginning of republican life.
Since the end of the 19th century, the city was organised into two districts, Piura and Castilla,
on the right and left banks, respectively, so that its boundaries are clear and well-defined. In
2013, the district of Veintiséis de Octubre was created in the west of the city, in part of the
territory of the district of Piura.

The current storm drainage system in the city of Piura consists of a set of drains of the canal
type, open-pit drains, covered conduits, etc., which in general are not sufficient to meet the
city's storm drainage demand. In accordance with the spatial organisation of the city, the
districts of Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre share avenues and drains, so they would be built
together. The district of Castilla, on the other hand, is presented separately, since the Piura
river divides the two territories.

6.3.2. Infrastructure in the districts of Piura and 26 de octubre

Urban drainage in the districts of Veintiséis de Octubre and Piura is organised by various
systems, made up of different types of structures such as: channels, roads, closed conduits,
rainwater and agricultural drains that transport rainwater to natural and/or artificial channels.
In general, drainage runs in a north-south direction, in accordance with the predominant slope
of the city, which coincides with that of the Piura river. Main drainage systems of Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre

The rainfall events that occurred in 2017 during the coastal El Niño, as well as the isolated
events of 2015 and 2016, show that these systems are not sufficient to provide adequate
drainage for the city, even more so when the city continues to grow steadily. Further details of
this assessment can be found in Chapters 6.6 and 8.3 of this document, where, based on the
hydrological-hydraulic modelling of a 25-year recurrence event (similar to the FEN 2017 event),
there is an area of 448 ha with a flood height of more than 30 cm within the urban area.
Despite this, the existing infrastructure can be classified and grouped according to their
discharge point (Figure 6-2):

• Dren Víctor Maldonado Oeste, which goes to the Pajaritos stream (Figure 6-3).
• Victor Maldonado East Drain, which goes to the Santa Julia wetland (Figure 6-4 and Figure 6-5).
• Santa Julia wetland, which discharges to drain 66.
• Sechura Drain (Figure 6-6).

Isolated direct discharges to the Piura river and ditches and speed bumps on Av. Sánchez Cerro.
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Figure 6-2. Main drainage systems in the districts of Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre.

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Figure 6-3. Víctor Maldonado drainage system west towards Pajaritos stream.

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Figure 6-4. Victor Maldonado drainage system east to Santa Julia wetland.

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Figure 6-5. Detail of the drainage system from the Central Strip to the Santa Julia wetland.

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Figure 6-6. Drainage systems towards the Sechura drain.

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Figure 6-7. Detail of the Sullana drainage system.

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Figure 6-8. Drains discharging to the river and UPAO drain.

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Clearly not all of the city is served. Table 6-2 summarises the information on the infrastructure
mentioned above, with a total of more than 40 km of drains throughout the districts of Piura
and Veintiséis de Octubre. The final destination of these drains is the Pajaritos stream, the
Sechura drain and the Piura river.

State Length Point of

Name Sector
predominant (m) download
Villa Hermosa A.H. Villa Hermosa Good 1380
Dunes - ENACE A.H. Las Dunas Regular 685 Victor
City of the Sun A.H. Ciudad del Sol Regular 699 Maldonado
Maceda Walls A.H. Paredes Maceda Good 814 West
Telefónica A.H. San Sebastián Malo 1600
Victor Maldonado West A.H. Kurt Beer Malo 3250
Pumacahua A.H. St. Martin Regular 1282
Saint Martin de Porres A.H. Nueva Esperanza Regular 100 Victor
A.H. San Martín and A.H. Nueva Maldonado
Petroperú Regular 3109
Hope This
Amotape A.H. Nueva Esperanza Regular 1045
Between the A.H. Nueva Esperanza
Victor Maldonado East Inaccessible 2117
and A.H. Villa Peru Canada
Marcavelica Marcavelica Av. Regular 2059
Santa Julia
Urb. Ignacio Merino, Urb. El
Central Strip Inaccessible 5783
Chilcal, Turkey-Japan
Dren 66B A.H. City of God Malo 585
Dren 66
Zero Drain A.H. Buenos Aires Malo 1274
Santa Ana, San Isidro Urb.
Gulman Inaccessible 3397 Sullana
and A.H. Buenos Aires,
Dren 66 South of Santa Julia wetlands Malo 1129 Dren
Sullana Santa Isabel, Av. Sullana Malo 8301 Sechura
UPAO Santa María del Pinar Urb. Good 619 UPAO
Vice Industrial Zone I and Real Inaccessible 1680
Plaza de Armas Downtown Piura Regular 68.5
Piura River
Quinta Ana María Quinta Ana María Urb. Very Good 490
Cocos del Chipe Cocos del Chipe Urb. Very Good 57

Table 6-2. Main drainage systems in the Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre districts

A summary of the characteristics of the pumping stations in the districts of Piura and Veintiséis
de Octubre is presented (Table 6-3). Despite the efforts made, it was not possible to gain access
to the pumping station at Av. Vice, so the specialist's report is not included, as it is for the
other stations. Nor was any information obtained in the background reports.

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Name Gulman Ignacio Merino El Chilcal Quinta Ana María 1 Quinta Ana María 2 Vice
Sector Barrio Obrero Urb. Urb. Ignacio Merino Banking Urb. Quinta Ana María Urb. Quinta Ana María Urb. Avelino Cáceres Av.
Pan-American St. John Paul II Park
Catchment Av. Guillermo Gulman Av. Grau St. Josemaría Park
Tank Vol. 40 m3 507 m3 1165 m3 96 m3 36 m3
Flow rate (l/s) 200 L/s (100 L/s each) 432 L/s (144 L/s 576 L/s (144 L/s 144 L/s (36 L/s each) 36 L/s (12 L/s each)
each) each)
Longitudinal ditch Longitudinal ditch
Receiving body Sullana Drain Dren César Vallejo Dren César Vallejo of section 1 of the of section 1 of the Piura River
river river
Piura - Piura Norte Piura - Piura Norte
Current status Regular Regular Regular Good Good Uninspected
Located opposite
Located at Ca. C3, Located at the height
EPPO transport
central berm. of the street C11, Located in St. John Located in the San
Details of the company. Difficult
Difficult access to central berm. Paul II Park Josemaría Park
site access to
download. Difficult access to
2 Gorman Rupp 10" 3 Gorman Rupp 12"
4 electric pumps of 3 electric pumps of
diameter motor diameter motor
Equipment found 4 Gorman Rupp 12" 40 hp each 7.5 hp each
pumps. pumps.
motor pumps

Table 6-3. Main characteristics of the pumping stations in the Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre districts

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6.3.3. Infrastructure of the Castilla district

The district of Castilla was born at the end of the 19th century under the name of Tacalá. Until a
few decades ago, it was organised predominantly parallel to the banks of the Piura River,
starting in the north at the campus of the National University, extending downstream, where
we find the Miraflores Urb, the enclosure of Castilla and various human settlements. To the
east of the district is the Capitán FAP Guillermo Concha Iberico airport.

With the creation of the IIRSA Norte inter-oceanic highway and the high migration from Alto
Piura, the district has grown around this highway where new human settlements and more
recently new urbanisations have sprung up, as well as the Alas Peruanas University campus
and a cemetery. In 2008, the real estate company Miraflores Peru initiated a gradual process
of formal urbanisation in the north of the district that increased the size of the urban area by
around 600 ha. Finally, with the construction of the eastern bypass road, new urban growth
areas are being generated.

The urban storm drainage system of the district of Castilla is made up of several systems,
composed of various types of structures such as: channels, roads, closed conduits, storm
drains and agricultural drains that transport rainwater to natural and/or artificial channels. In
general, drainage runs in a north-south direction, in accordance with the predominant slope of
the city, which coincides with that of the Piura river. Main drainage systems in the Castilla district

These systems are not sufficient to serve the district, as can be seen in chapters 6.6 and 8.3 of
this document. This assessment can also be seen from the results of the hydrological-hydraulic
modelling, where it is observed that for a 25-year recurrence event (similar to the FEN 2017
event) there is a flooded urban area of 364 ha, with a height of more than 30 cm. Despite this,
the existing area can be classified and grouped according to their discharge point (Figure 6-9
and Figure 6-10):

• The agricultural drain 1308

• Discharges into the Piura River

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Figure 6-9. Drainage systems of the Castilla district.

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Figure 6-10. Drains discharging to drain 1308.

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Predomina Length
Name Sector Unloading point
nt state (m)
Quebrada El Gallo 2 A.H. Tacalá Regular 749 Quebrada El Gallo 1
Airport Private property Inaccessibl 2285 Aviation
Miraflores Country
Miraflores Country Club Bueno 1721
Spring A.H. Primavera Malo 1265
Alm. Miguel Grau I and Alm. 1308
Quebrada El Gallo 1 Inaccessible 3434
II, Tacalá and Los
Aviation A.H. John Paul II Inaccessibl 1732
Las Brisas A.H. Las Brisas Malo 1119
Miraflores hamlet Miraflores hamlet Regular 284 Castilla Norte
1308 Castile Malo 11084
Miraflores Miraflores Urb. Regular 267
The Shining Ones Miraflores Urb. Regular 312
Guardia Civil Miraflores Urb. Good 692
Ramon Castilla Urb. Castilla and Good 151 Piura River
Fence Urb. Castilla Regular 1237
Jorge Chávez Av. and Ca. 1520
Miguel Grau Malo
Urb. Miraflores Country - 2316
Castilla Norte Bueno
Miraflores hamlet
Monterrico Miraflores Urb. Malo 425 Channel B.
Chiclayito A.H. Chiclayito Malo 1925 Dead end
Table 6-4. Main drainage systems in the district of Castilla

Castilla has a pumping station called "Tacna", located in the first block of Piura Street,
intersection with Tacna Avenue, in the district of Castilla.

The walls are made of plywood without any type of covering. In poor state of repair. The roof
is made of Eternit with steel beams. Inside the enclosure there are three 8-inch diameter
diesel pumping units.

The detail and description of the components of the existing storm drainage system is
documented in Annex A.

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6.4. Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) used in this master plan has been obtained from previous
studies from a topographic survey using LIDAR technology carried out in September 20196 and
covering the project area. The file used was 'DEM WITH BUILDINGS UNIDO.tif'. For more
details see Annex B.

Figure 6-11. DEM around the city of Piura.

Topographic survey using LIDAR technology and photogrammetry combined for the characterisation of flood zones for the
formulation of the comprehensive plan for the control of floods and mass movements in the city of Piura. Piura Floods Consortium
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6.5. Hydrology
In order to design hydraulic works that aim to control runoff and protect infrastructure, it is
necessary to carry out a prior hydrological study to determine the flow that will be required to
be evacuated. At the urban level, flow records are not generally available for probabilistic
modelling, as may be the case in the design of reservoirs or some bridges, so in their absence it
is necessary to resort to hydrological modelling of the basins of interest. Thus, urban
stormwater management systems will have Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves as a
standard design tool.

As part of the study of the stormwater drainage master plan for the districts of Veintiséis de
Octubre, Piura and Castilla, it is necessary to have appropriate hydrology to determine the
design flows for the drainage works in the city of Piura. For this city, we currently have the
article "Determination of the Intensity-Duration-Frequency equation in the presence of ENSO
and Coastal Niño. Case: city of Piura" by Marina Farías and Milagros Ruiz, which was
presented at the XVI LACCEI International Conference for Engineering, Education and
Technology, held in July 2018 in Lima, and which includes the latest important events
developed in the north of Peru.

The purpose of this report is to detail the updates used in the hydrological estimations
concerning the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves and the design storm profile.

As part of the background review, the information detailed in Table 6-1 has been received. In
this report, the study in Volume III - Basic Study - Part 3 - Hydrology will be referred to as the
Preliminary Hydrology Study.

On the other hand, this chapter consists of three parts: the analysis of the data, the
determination of the IDF curves and the determination of the design storm. The methodology
used for the first two parts is presented in Figure 6-12. Finally, for the determination of the
storms, some alternatives are explored and finally the alternating block method is used.

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Figure 6-12. Sequence of work used in the analysis of the data and the determination of the IDF curves.

6.5.1. Analysis of weather stations

In the Preliminary Hydrology Study, it indicates the availability of records from 8
meteorological stations operated by SENAMHI, within which the two stations closest to the
city of Piura (Miraflores and San Miguel) were analysed, both of which record rainfall data on a
daily time scale. Subsequently, San Miguel is discarded because, in the comparison of
maximum daily rainfall estimated for different return periods, the Miraflores station presents
greater magnitudes and therefore a more conservative approach.

However, it is noted that the preliminary hydrology study has not considered the data
provided by the Ramón Mugica automatic weather station at the University of Piura (UDEP),
which has the capacity to record rainfall every 10 minutes since March 2017 (previously it
recorded every 30 minutes) and has been able to collect information from the last
extraordinary rainfall event caused by the El Niño phenomenon in 2017.

The data from the Ramón Mugica station were provided by the UDEP, using in this study the
data corresponding to the year 2017 for the calculation of the storm profile representative of
the El Niño phenomenon; while the rest of the information was considered in the work carried
out by Farías & Ruiz (2018)7 , which uses and analyses the series of information from this
station. In this context, the stations used in the study are the Miraflores station and the Ramón
Mugica station, which are located 2.45 km away (Figure 6-13).

7Determination of the Intensity-Duration-Frequency equation in the presence of ENSO and Coastal

Niño. Case: city of Piura. Marina Farías de Reyes and Milagros Ruiz. 16th LACCEI International Multi-
Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology. 19-21 July 2018, Lima, Peru.

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Figure 6-13. Location of Ramón Mugica and Miraflores stations, 2.45 km apart.

Ramon Mugica

Miraflores Miraflores Station

The Miraflores pluviographic station was created by the Chira-Piura Special Project (PECHP) in
1971. After more than two decades of pluviographic measurements, in 1993, the PECHP
stations were transferred to the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI) to
be integrated into its network. Although many of the stations of the PECHP
hydrometeorological network were deactivated, the Miraflores station remained in operation
under the responsibility of the Zonal Directorate 01 (Piura) of Senamhi.

At some point in its operation, around 2003, the Miraflores rainfall station ceased to operate
due to technical equipment reasons, and was only able to take rainfall measurements twice a
day, i.e. every 12 hours. Location

The Miraflores station is located in the district of Castilla, province of Piura, on the campus of
the National University of Piura, at coordinates 5°10'31" South and 80°36'59.55" West, at an
altitude of 34 m asl.

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Figure 6-14. Disused conventional rain gauge at Miraflores station photographed in 2019. Available information Pluviographic information

Historical rainfall information from the Miraflores station was provided by the PECHP
Hydrometeorology department, consisting of annual maximum daily rainfall for the years 1971
to 2017, maximum intensities for various durations and years (Figure 6-15), and pluviographic
bands for the years 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990. Storm data analysed and provided by
PECHP staff in 2000 and later years is available. Appendix A shows the pluviogram for 24
January 1998.

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Figure 6-15. Rainfall intensities for different durations of maximum events at Miraflores station.

Subsequently, pluviographic bands were obtained from the Miraflores station for the
maximum storms in 1984, 1987 to 1992, 1994, 1999, 2001 to 2003, which allowed the
database to be expanded. Rainfall information

On the other hand, the daily rainfall information goes from April 1971 to March 2020, with
5.7% of information missing. Information is missing from 1 to 10 days in some years; one or
two months in the years 1991, 2009, 2015 and 2020, and information is missing from the year
1993. Figure 6-16 plots the available information.

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Figure 6-16. Daily precipitation available at Miraflores station.



Daily precipitation (mm)






4/1/2021 Selection of information

From the daily information it was possible to select the maximum daily and monthly values for
each hydrological year that appear in Figure 6-17. The different proportion in the years 1983,
1998 and 2017, with respect to the rest of the series, can be seen, which is logical due to the
nature of the El Niño events.

The 3 FEN events were eliminated from the correlation because of their different character
since 1993 is a typical year of low rainfall, as it predominates in the series. A good correlation
was obtained, R2 = 0.856 (Figure 6-18).

Figure 6-17. Maximum daily and monthly precipitation available at Miraflores station.



Precipitation (mm)






Pmax day Pmax month

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Figure 6-18. Correlation of maximum daily and monthly precipitation available at Miraflores station.


y = 0.503x
R² = 0.923
Annual daily max P




0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
P max monthly (mm) Consistency analysis of rainfall data

Outlier analysis

The analysis of questionable data was carried out using the Water Resources Council method,
which recommends the identification of Outliers, which are points that deviate significantly
from the trend of the data.

The equation representing the frequency is used to detect those data considered as doubtful,
which has the following expression:

𝐻 � = 𝑦̅ ± 𝐾𝑛𝑆𝑦


�� =high doubtful data threshold in logarithm

𝑛 �= Coefficient as a function of sample size from Ven Te Chow's table

In Figure 6-19 we can see the annual historical records of daily maximum accuracies, where
lower and upper thresholds of detection of suspect data are also indicated.

Based on this analysis, it is concluded that there are no outliers in the series, therefore, it is
reliable data for the frequency analysis of maximum rainfall.

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Figure 6-19. Miraflores daily Pmax suspect data analysis

Daily Pmax (mm)

Time (years)

Source: Own Independence analysis

This analysis consists of analysing the probability of occurrence of any one of them that does
not depend on the occurrence of the data that precede it and that it does not influence the
data that follow it or future data. In other words, in the analysis of precipitation, the sample is
expected to be composed of independent data.

One of these statistical tests of independence is the Wald Wolfowitz test. In this test, the
hypotheses to be tested are the following:

• H0: The analysed data series is independent.

• H1: The analysed data series is dependent.
• If p < 0.05 it is considered significant, in which case the null hypothesis is rejected.
• If p > 0.05 it is considered non-significant in which case the null hypothesis is not

This test was performed with HYFRAN software for the series of rainfall data recorded by the
Miraflores station, which concludes that the null hypothesis supporting the independence of
the data is accepted.

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Figure 6-20. Test of independence of data from Miraflores station. Seasonality analysis

This analysis will be performed using Kendall's stationarity test, which assesses whether the
data series, excluding random fluctuations, is invariant with respect to time.

The Mann-Kendall test is a non-parametric test (Kendall, 1975; Mann, 1945), suggested to
evaluate the trend in data series, it basically consists of the comparison between the values
that make up the same time series, in sequential order. In this test, the hypotheses to be
tested are the following:

• H0: No apparent trend in the observations.

• H1: There is a trend in the observations.
• If p < 0.05 it is considered significant, in which case the null hypothesis is rejected.
• If p > 0.05 it is considered non-significant in which case the null hypothesis is not

This test was performed with HYFRAN software for the series of rainfall data recorded by the
Miraflores station, which concludes that the null hypothesis supporting no trend in the data is

Figure 6-21. Seasonality test of data from Miraflores station.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Processing of pluviographic information

From the pluviographic bands of the maximum storms and the table of intensities obtained
from the Miraflores station, the corresponding analysis was carried out, in order to extract the
numerical information to spreadsheets, and in this way obtain the maximum intensities for
periods of 30, 60, 120, 180, 180, 240, 360, 720 and 1440 minutes from all the events.

Yea Date Pmax day i10 i15 i30 i60 i120 i180 i240 i360 i720 i1440
1971 1972 19/03/1972 65.3 24.333 24.33 24.33 19.15 14.4 9.71 5.43 2.71
1972 1973 9/01/1973 30.2 34.5 12.7 10.08 7.05 3.96 2.33 1.45
1973 1974 30/04/1974 2.4 4.8 3.6 2.338 1.3 0.87 0.43 0.22 0.11
1974 1975 27/02/1975 7.0 4.2 4.2 3.567 2.694 1.88 1 0.5 0.25
1975 1976 21/02/1976 18.1 18.133 18.13 13.75 7.287 5.24 3 1.5 0.75
1976 1977 21/03/1977 14.1 11.2 10.23 8.6 4.793 3.44 2.32 1.16 0.58
1977 1978 29/03/1978 31.9 21.429 21.43 14.58 9.35 7.88 4.63 2.6 1.3
1978 1979 30/05/1979 4.5 10.8 6.52 4 2.127 1.43 0.72 0.36 0.18
1979 1980 4/04/1980 30.3 17.28 15.73 13.32 7.533 6.43 4.8 2.4 1.2
1980 1981 6/03/1981 18.4 11.8 11.8 8 6.4 5.43 2.75 1.38 0.69
1982 1983 16/04/1983 151.4 55.5 44.6 34.2 32.8 29.5 16.5 9.3 4.6
1983 1984 25/02/1984 13.0 16.40 16.40 11.53 7.40 4.83 4.09 3.26 2.86 1.21 0.60
1986 1987 15/03/1987 34.9 55.4 52.0 40.4 20.6 11.7 8.4 6.9 5.5 2.9 1.4
1987 1988 2/10/1987 5.1 4.0 4.0 3.5 2.8 2.1 1.5 1.3 0.9 0.4 0.2
1988 1989 24/02/1989 10.1 16.0 14.0 12.2 7.9 4.1 2.7 2.1 1.7 0.8 0.4
1989 1990 23/03/1990 2.4 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1
1990 1991 30/12/1990 1.5 9 6.3 3.7 2.1 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1
1991 1992 12/04/1992 107.1 60 50 40 35 29.5 24.6 14.6 8.7 4.5
1993 1994 29/03/1994 19.5 27.6 19.2 13.7 12.4 7.4 5 2.8 1.8 1.4
1997 1998 24/04/1998 173.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.3 36.4 37.1 36.2 27.3 15.2 7.6
1998 1999 15/02/1999 16.0 19 19 19 12 7.2 5.2 3 1.7 1
2000 2001 18/03/2001 61.5 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 28.5 10.4 11.4 6.6 3.3
2001 2002 28/03/2002 91.5 38.7 38.1 38.1 38.1 25.2 20 13.4 7.4 3.7
2002 2003 1/02/2003 16.0 26.8 24.5 22.2 12.8 7 5.3 2.6 1.3 0.7

Table 6-5. Series of annual maximum intensities (mm/h) obtained from records of the Miraflores station. Ramón Mugica Station

The Ramón Mugica automatic pluviometric station was created in 1995 by the University of
Piura. Location

The Ramón Mugica station is located in the district and province of Piura, on the campus of the
University of Piura, in charge of the General Physics Laboratory, at coordinates 05°10'14"
South and 80°38'18" West, at an altitude of 45 m asl. It should be noted that this station is only
2 km away from the Miraflores station. Pluviographic information available

The Institute of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Sanitary Engineering of the University of Piura
(IHHS) provided the pluviographic data base of the Ramón Mugica meteorological station, in
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The rainfall data for the years 1996-1998 and for the case of 2006-2017, consisting of a 30-
minute interval rainfall database, except for the 2017 data which are set every 10 minutes. Information processing

The collected storm data was analysed to determine intensities for different durations,
resulting in Table 6-6.

The half-hourly rainfall database from the Udep station was processed in an Excel spreadsheet,
determining the rainfall intensities for 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 720 and 1440 minutes
duration periods from all the data. The maximum annual intensities were obtained for each

Year Date Pmax day i10 i15 i30 i60 i120 i180 i240 i360 i720 i1440
1995 1996 11/11/1995 7.2 14.4 7.2 3.6 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 0.3
1996 1997 18/02/1997 20.8 14.4 8.4 5.5 4.8 3.9 2.7 1.4 0.9
1997 1998 24/01/1998 174.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.3 36.4 37.1 36.2 27.3 15.2 7.6
2005 2006 8/03/2006 17.2 15.6 11.6 6.6 4.4 3.3 2.4 1.4 0.8
2006 2007 18/01/2007 6.8 6.0 4.0 2.4 1.9 1.7 1.1 0.6 0.3
2007 2008 2/04/2008 12.6 14.8 10.6 5.3 3.5 3.0 2.9 1.7 1.0
2008 2009 18/01/2009 11.8 8.0 5.8 4.1 2.9 2.2 1.7 1.1 0.5
2009 2010 7/02/2010 26.2 9.6 8.2 5.3 5.0 4.0 2.8 1.8 1.2
2010 2011 10/04/2017 8.6 3.6 3.1 2.3 2.0 1.6 1.3 0.7 0.4
2011 2012 10/02/2012 24.1 6.1 5.8 4.7 4.6 4.4 3.6 2.0 1.0
2012 2013 4/03/2013 23.1 17.3 13.0 9.7 6.8 5.3 3.8 1.9 1.2
2013 2014 25/02/2014 7.9 5.1 4.8 3.3 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.7 0.3
2014 2015 21/03/2015 36.3 45.7 34.3 17.8 11.9 8.9 5.9 3.0 1.6
2015 2016 5/03/2015 63.0 21.3 20.6 14.4 11.3 10.1 8.2 5.2 2.6
2016 2017 22/03/2017 94.2 88.4 73.7 47.5 28.3 20.1 16.1 14.3 7.7 3.9

Table 6-6. Series of maximum annual intensities (mm/h) obtained from records of the Ramón Mugica station. Combined series for the city of Piura

As there are two stations: Miraflores and Ramón Mugica, located 2 km apart, and as the
Senamhi station does not have pluviographic information or its equivalent as rainfall height for
each time interval, it was decided to evaluate the intensity series in order to generate a joint
series with the information from both. Correlation of stations

The first step is to determine whether the station records are well correlated. For this, two
criteria were taken into account: the maximum annual daily rainfall and the daily rainfall. Correlation of annual maximum daily rainfall

The common period of maximum daily rainfall data is 1996 and 1997, and from 2006 to 2017.
The correlation of the values recorded by each station was evaluated, and it was found that
the information from the stations has a good R coefficient2 of 0.871. In addition, the equation

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should tend to the straight identity, resulting in y = 1.034, which would be within the margins
of what is acceptable as a good correlation (Figure 6-22). Correlation of daily rainfall

On the other hand, for the most recent period, the daily accumulated information
corresponding to both stations was correlated for the period 2017 to April 2020, resulting in an
R2 of 0.9992 and the equation Y = 0.9904 X (Figure 6-23). The days 22/02/2017 and 15/03/2017
were excluded from this analysis because of high difference. It is not that the data taken on
these days is wrong, but it is another example of the irregular development of the coastal El
Niño, an event that occurred in 2017.

Figure 6-22. Correlation of the two sources of information on maximum daily precipitation (mm).

90 y = 1.034x
R² = 0.940
P daily maximum in Ramón


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Daily max P at Miraflores (mm)

Figure 6-23. Correlation of the two sources of daily precipitation data (mm).

Daily precipitation at Ramón Mugica


y = 0.9904x
100 R² = 1.0000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Daily rainfall in Miraflores (mm)

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Conformation of the joint series

Having proven that the Miraflores and Ramón Mugica stations record information that
correlates very well, the maximum daily rainfall and intensity matrix was updated, obtaining a
preliminary version, which contains information for the years 1972 to 2017; with the exception
of 1993, for which no records were found at either of the two stations. This matrix is 73%
complete and needs to be completed in order to elaborate the IDF curves, especially because
for some years only maximum daily rainfall records are available (Table 6-7).

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Maximum precipitation (mm) Intensities (mm/h)

Water year
Date Pmax day Source i10 i15 i30 i60 i120 i180 i240 i240 i360 i360 i720
1971 1972 19/03/1972 65.3 PECHP 24.3 24.3 24.3 19.2 14.4 9.7 5.4 2.7
1972 1973 9/01/1973 30.2 PECHP 34.5 12.7 10.1 7.0 4.0 2.3 1.4
1973 1974 30/04/1974 2.4 PECHP 4.8 3.6 2.3 1.3 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.1
1974 1975 27/02/1975 7.0 PECHP 4.2 4.2 3.6 2.7 1.9 1.0 0.5 0.3
1975 1976 21/02/1976 18.1 PECHP 18.1 18.1 13.8 7.3 5.2 3.0 1.5 0.8
1976 1977 21/03/1977 14.1 PECHP 11.2 10.2 8.6 4.8 3.4 2.3 1.2 0.6
1977 1978 29/03/1978 31.9 PECHP 21.4 21.4 14.6 9.4 7.9 4.6 2.6 1.3
1978 1979 30/05/1979 4.5 PECHP 10.8 6.5 4.0 2.1 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.2
1979 1980 4/04/1980 30.3 PECHP 17.3 15.7 13.3 7.5 6.4 4.8 2.4 1.2
1980 1981 6/03/1981 18.4 PECHP 11.8 11.8 8.0 6.4 5.4 2.8 1.4 0.7
1981 1982 8/04/1982 2.2 PECHP
1982 1983 16/04/1983 151.4 PECHP 55.5 44.6 34.2 32.8 29.5 16.5 9.3 4.6
1983 1984 25/02/1984 13.0 PECHP 16.4 16.4 11.5 7.4 4.8 4.1 3.3 2.9 1.2 0.6
1984 1985 5/03/1985 15.9 PECHP
1985 1986 23/02/1986 6.1 PECHP
1986 1987 15/03/1987 34.9 PECHP 55.4 52.0 40.4 20.6 11.7 8.4 6.9 5.5 2.9 1.4
1987 1988 2/10/1987 5.1 PECHP 4.0 4.0 3.5 2.8 2.1 1.5 1.3 0.9 0.4 0.2
1988 1989 24/02/1989 10.1 PECHP 16.0 14.0 12.2 7.9 4.1 2.7 2.1 1.7 0.8 0.4
1989 1990 23/03/1990 2.4 PECHP 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1
1990 1991 30/12/1990 1.5 PECHP 9 6.3 3.7 2.1 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1
1991 1992 12/04/1992 107.1 PECHP 60 50 40 35 29.5 24.6 14.6 8.7 4.5
1992 1993 0/01/1900 - -
1993 1994 29/03/1994 19.5 PECHP 27.6 19.2 13.7 12.4 7.4 5 2.8 1.8 1.4
1994 1995 18/12/1994 10.4 PECHP
1995 1996 11/11/1995 7.2 UDEP 14.4 7.2 3.6 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 0.3
1996 1997 18/02/1997 20.8 UDEP 14.4 8.4 5.5 4.8 3.9 2.7 1.4 0.9
1997 1998 24/04/1998 173.6 SENAMHI 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.3 36.4 37.1 36.2 27.3 15.2 7.6
1998 1999 15/02/1999 16.0 SENAMHI 19 19 19 12 7.2 5.2 3 1.7 1
1999 2000 5/02/20007 .3 SENAMHI
2000 2001 18/03/2001 61.5 SENAMHI 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 28.5 10.4 11.4 6.6 3.3
2001 2002 28/03/2002 91.5 SENAMHI 38.7 38.1 38.1 38.1 25.2 20 13.4 7.4 3.7
2002 2003 1/02/2003 16.0 SENAMHI 26.8 24.5 22.2 12.8 7 5.3 2.6 1.3 0.7
2003 2004 16/11/2003 6.2 SENAMHI
2004 2005 5/03/2005 9.5 SENAMHI
2005 2006 8/03/2006 17.2 UDEP 15.6 11.6 6. 64.4 3 . 32.4 1 .4 0.8
2006 2007 18/01/2007 6.8 UDEP 6.0 4.0 2. 41.9 1 . 71.1 0 .6 0.3
2007 2008 2/04/2008 12.6 UDEP 14.8 10.6 5. 33.5 3 . 02.9 1 .7 1.0
2008 2009 18/01/2009 11.8 UDEP 8.0 5.8 4. 12.9 2 . 21.7 1 .1 0.5
2009 2010 7/02/2010 26.2 UDEP 9.6 8.2 5. 35.0 4 . 02.8 1 .8 1.2
2010 2011 10/04/2017 8.6 UDEP 3.6 3.1 2. 32.0 1 . 61.3 0 .7 0.4
2011 2012 10/02/2012 24.1 UDEP 6.1 5.8 4. 74.6 4 . 43.6 2 .0 1.0
2012 2013 4/03/2013 23.1 UDEP 17.3 13.0 9. 76.8 5 . 33.8 1 .9 1.2
2013 2014 25/02/2014 7.9 UDEP 5.1 4.8 3. 32.4 1 . 81.2 0 .7 0.3
2014 2015 21/03/2015 36.3 UDEP 45.7 34.3 17.8 11.9 8 . 95.9 3 .0 1.6
2015 2016 5/03/2015 63.0 UDEP 21.3 20.6 14.4 11.3 10. 18.2 5 .2 2.6
2016 2017 22/03/2017 94.2 UDEP 88.38 73.7 47.5 28.3 20.1 16.1 14.3 7 .7 3.9


Table 6-7. Series of maximum annual intensities (mm/s) obtained from the available records between the Miraflores
and Ramón Mugica stations.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Filling in information

The first step was to complete the intensities in the years with the least amount of missing
data. Thus, we started with the hydrological year 2016-2017 by determining the 15-minute
intensity, i15, interpolating the adjacent intensities, i10 and i30 of the same year, and then the i240
in several missing years, interpolating the annual values corresponding to i180 and i360 in the
same way (Figure 6-24).

Figure 6-24. Example of intensity determination (i240) by interpolation.

The i60 series was then completed, as it had few missing data and was representative of the
pluviographic behaviour, and correlated with the Pmax dia (Figure 6-25).

Figure 6-25. Correlation of i60 series and Pmax dia.

Finally, the correlation of the remaining intensity series with respect to the complete series,
Pmax dia and i60, was evaluated, filling in the one with the best correlation (Figure 6-26). This
made it possible to complete all the missing data and obtain the matrix of maximum annual
intensities for the period 1972-2017, except for the year 1993 with no records (Table 6-8).

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Figure 6-26. Evaluation of the correlation of the different maximum intensity series with the Pmax dia series (left) and
with i60 (right) for the missing data fill. The shaded boxes indicate the best correlations that have been used for filling in
each case.

150 150
y = 0.6351x y = 1.5679x

intensity (mm/h)
intensity (mm/h)

R² = 0.7236 R² = 0.8548
100 100

10' maximum
10' maximum

50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80

150 150
y = 1.4763x

intensity (mm/h)
intensity (mm/h)

y = 0.5393x
R² = 0.7276 R² = 0.897
100 100

15' maximum
15' maximum

50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80

50 50
y = 0.6605x
maximum intensity

maximum intensity

40 y = 0.2581x 40 R² = 0.9153
of 120' (mm/h)

of 120' (mm/h)
R² = 0.8708
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80

40 40
maximum intensity

maximum intensity

y = 0.1911x y = 0.4763x
30 30 R² = 0.8742
of 240' (mm/h)

of 240' (mm/h)

R² = 0.9788
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80

30 30
y = 0.1422x y = 0.3539x
maximum intensity

maximum intensity
of 360' (mm/h)

of 360' (mm/h)

20 R² = 0.9608 20 R² = 0.9045

10 10

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80

20 20
maximum intensity
maximum intensity

y = 0.0798x
15 R² = 0.964 15 y = 0.1973x
of 720' (mm/h)
of 720' (mm/h)

R² = 0.8883
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80

8 8
maximum intensity of

maximum intensity of

y = 0.0406x
6 R² = 0.9566 6 y = 0.1008x
R² = 0.8941
1440' (mm/h)

1440' (mm/h)

4 4
2 2
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 20 40 60 80
Daily Pmax (mm) 60' maximum intensity (mm/h)

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Yea Pmax day 10 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 720 1440

1971 1972 65.3 38.2 24.3 24.3 24.3 19.2 14.4 12.5 9.7 5.4 2.7
1972 1973 30.2 34.5 34.5 34.5 12.7 10.1 7.0 6.0 4.0 2.3 1.4
1973 1974 2.4 7.2 4.8 3.6 2.3 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1
1974 1975 7.0 5.6 4.2 4.2 3.6 2.7 1.9 1.6 1.0 0.5 0.3
1975 1976 18.1 21.6 18.1 18.1 13.8 7.3 5.2 4.5 3.0 1.5 0.8
1976 1977 14.1 13.5 11.2 10.2 8.6 4.8 3.4 2.9 2.3 1.2 0.6
1977 1978 31.9 22.9 21.4 21.4 14.6 9.4 7.9 6.7 4.6 2.6 1.3
1978 1979 4.5 10.8 10.8 6.5 4.0 2.1 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.2
1979 1980 30.3 20.9 17.3 15.7 13.3 7.5 6.4 5.7 4.8 2.4 1.2
1980 1981 18.4 12.5 11.8 11.8 8.0 6.4 5.4 4.5 2.8 1.4 0.7
1981 1982 2.2 1.4 1.2 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
1982 1983 151.4 55.5 55.5 44.6 34.2 32.8 29.5 25.2 16.5 9.3 4.6
1983 1984 13.0 16.4 16.4 11.5 7.4 4.8 4.1 3.3 2.9 1.2 0.6
1984 1985 15.9 10.1 8.6 8.1 6.0 4.1 3.4 3.1 2.3 1.3 0.6
1985 1986 6.1 3.9 3.3 3.1 2.3 1.6 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.2
1986 1987 34.9 55.4 52.0 40.4 20.6 11.7 8.4 6.9 5.5 2.9 1.4
1987 1988 5.1 4.0 4.0 3.5 2.8 2.1 1.5 1.3 0.9 0.4 0.2
1988 1989 10.1 16.0 14.0 12.2 7.9 4.1 2.7 2.1 1.7 0.8 0.4
1989 1990 2.4 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1
1990 1991 1.5 9.0 6.3 3.7 2.1 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1
1991 1992 107.1 60.0 50.0 40.0 35.0 29.5 24.6 21.3 14.6 8.7 4.5
1993 1994 19.5 27.6 19.2 13.7 12.4 7.4 5.0 4.3 2.8 1.8 1.4
1994 1995 10.4 6.6 5.6 5.3 3.9 2.7 2.2 2.0 1.5 0.8 0.4
1995 1996 7.2 21.6 21.6 14.4 7.2 3.6 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 0.3
1996 1997 20.8 21.6 21.6 14.4 8.4 5.5 4.8 3.9 2.7 1.4 0.9
1997 1998 173.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.3 36.4 37.1 36.2 27.3 15.2 7.6
1998 1999 16.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 12.0 7.2 5.2 4.5 3.0 1.7 1.0
1999 2000 7.3 4.6 3.9 3.7 2.7 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.3
2000 2001 61.5 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 28.5 18.0 14.1 11.4 6.6 3.3
2001 2002 91.5 38.7 38.1 38.1 38.1 25.2 20.0 18.0 13.4 7.4 3.7
2002 2003 16.0 26.8 24.5 22.2 12.8 7.0 5.3 4.4 2.6 1.3 0.7
2003 2004 6.2 3.9 3.3 3.1 2.3 1.6 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.3
2004 2005 9.5 6.0 5.1 4.8 3.6 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.4 0.8 0.4
2005 2006 17.2 18.2 17.1 15.6 11.6 6.6 4.4 3.3 2.4 1.4 0.8
2006 2007 6.8 6.3 5.9 6.0 4.0 2.4 1.9 1.7 1.1 0.6 0.3
2007 2008 12.6 16.6 15.6 14.8 10.6 5.3 3.5 3.0 2.9 1.7 1.0
2008 2009 11.8 9.1 8.6 8.0 5.8 4.1 2.9 2.2 1.7 1.1 0.5
2009 2010 26.2 12.9 12.1 9.6 8.2 5.3 5.0 4.0 2.8 1.8 1.2
2010 2011 8.6 4.8 4.5 3.6 3.1 2.3 2.0 1.6 1.3 0.7 0.4
2011 2012 24.1 9.2 8.6 6.1 5.8 4.7 4.6 4.4 3.6 2.0 1.0
2012 2013 23.1 20.3 19.1 17.3 13.0 9.7 6.8 5.3 3.8 1.9 1.2
2013 2014 7.9 7.6 7.1 5.1 4.8 3.3 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.7 0.3
2014 2015 36.3 53.8 50.6 45.7 34.3 17.8 11.9 8.9 5.9 3.0 1.6
2015 2016 63.0 32.3 30.4 21.3 20.6 14.4 11.3 10.1 8.2 5.2 2.6
2016 2017 94.2 88.4 82.7 73.7 47.5 28.3 20.1 16.1 14.3 7.7 3.9

Table 6-8. Pmax dia (mm) and intensities (mm/h) for different durations (min).

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Determination of record length Stationarity analysis

The Piura region is located in the arid zone of northern Peru, with very dry years and some
years of considerable rainfall, due to the presence of the El Niño Phenomenon (ENSO), either
global (ENSO) or coastal. Figure 6-27 shows the variability of the annual maximum daily rainfall
for the period 1972-2017, where it can be seen that from 1983 onwards the water regime in
the area may have increased. The average of 20.4 mm up to 1982 increased to 30.9 mm for the
period 1983-2017. In this last 35-year period, three extraordinary ENF events occurred: two
ENSO and one coastal El Niño.

Figure 6-27. Variability of maximum daily rainfall in Piura and its mean.


Maximum daily precipitation





40 32.9


There is evidence that the maximum flows of the Piura river (Figure 6-28) show this same change
in the even longer series, between 1926-2008. Palacios8 (2010) statistically analyses this
hypothesis and proposes a division of the hydrometric series, based on the fact that, in recent
years, the intensity of the NPS and the respective flows in the Piura river have increased,
suggesting that possibly the series has changed and, therefore, the 1926-1982 and 1983-2008
series may belong to a non-stationary universe. Based on the aforementioned findings, the
series matrix of annual maximum intensities was divided into two groups of series to analyse
whether or not all the series belong to the same universe; and to decide on the basis of this
which series would be proposed for the final construction of the IDF curves.

8Palacios, C. (2010) "Caudales de diseño en el Río Piura y su variación histórica ante el Fenómeno El
Niño", Thesis for the degree of Civil Engineer, Universidad de Piura, Peru.
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Figure 6-28. Variability of maximum annual flows in the Piura river.

Maximum flow rate

(m3 /s)

1,500 1,047
1,000 550
By splitting the database and analysing these groups of data series, it is observed that these
series have different statistical parameters. However, and in accordance with the conclusions
of several other studies worldwide, it is considered that these differences cannot be directly
considered as confirmation of changes in the main trends and parameters of a basin; but it is
possible to analyse whether there is a difference in the means and standard deviations of the
series splits by hypothesis testing.

For the analysis, three variables were chosen to represent the entire matrix: Pmax dia, i10 and
i60. The data for each variable were divided into two series, A (1972-1982) and B (1983- 2017),
as proposed by Palacios (2010). Descriptive statistics of the series

To check and verify the quality and reliability of the series mentioned above, the key statistics
were first assessed to see to what extent the data are clustered or dispersed around that
central value (Table 6-9 and Table 6-10). The statistics look very different between the series.
Series B (1983-2017) significantly exceeds the values in different parameters of the total series
and series A; for this reason it was decided to continue with the necessary hypothesis tests to
check if these parameters really differ from each of the series.

Parameters Total series Serie A Series B

Media 29.8 20.4 32.9
Medium 16 18.1 16
Standard deviation 38.4 18.7 42.7
Variance 1474 348 1821
Kurtosis 5.4 2.5 3.9
Asymmetry coefficient 2.3 1.4 2.1
Range 172.1 63.1 172.1
Minimum 1.5 2.2 1.5
Maximum 173.6 65.3 173.6
Account 45 11 34

Table 6-9. Descriptive statistics for Pmax dia.

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Parameters Total series Serie A Series B

Media 13.2 9.6 14.4
Medium 8.2 8.6 8
Standard deviation 13.9 7 15.4
Variance 193 48 237
Kurtosis 3.8 0.5 2.6
Asymmetry coefficient 1.9 0.7 1.7
Range 64.6 23.5 64.6
Minimum 0.7 0.8 0.7
Maximum 65.3 24.3 65.3
Account 45 11 34

Table 6-10. Descriptive statistics for i60. Application of hypothesis testing to the series

For the application of the hypothesis test of comparison of means to the chosen series, the
null hypothesis was: "The average of series B is equal to the average of series A" and the
alternative hypothesis was that there is a significant difference between the averages.

We went on to evaluate the size of the samples, which were smaller than 50 in both cases, 11
and 34 years respectively. As explained, the t-Student test was applied, obtaining the results in
Table 6-11 and Table 6-12 for the variables Pmax dia and i60, respectively.

Parameters Serie A Series

Media 20.4 32.9
Variance 347.9 1820.8
Remarks 11 34
Pooled variance 1478.3
Hypothetical difference of the
Degrees of freedom 43
Statistic t 0.938
P(T<=t) one tail 0.180

Table 6-11. Student's t-test applied to the Pmax dia series.

Parameters Serie A Series B

Media 9.6 14.4
Variance 48.4 237
Remarks 11 34
Pooled variance 193.1
Hypothetical difference of the
Degrees of freedom 43
Statistic t 0.992
P(T<=t) one-tailed 0.163

Table 6-12. Student's t-test applied to the variable i60.

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With the results of the t-statistics, the excess probabilities of 0.180 and 0.163, respectively, were
obtained, which means that, at these significance levels or higher, e.g. 20%, it can be admitted
that the means of the two groups of series studied belong to different universes or that the
universe studied is non-stationary.

On the other hand, in 4.3.2 it can be observed that the values of the variances of the B series
are notably higher than those of the A series. This evidence is not sufficient to reject the
hypothesis that the samples have equal variances, so the F hypothesis test of comparison of two
variances was applied, for which it was established as the null hypothesis that the samples
come from universes with equal variances and as an alternative hypothesis that the variance of
the B series is greater than the variance of the A series.

For both variables tested, the F-values calculated from the samples are greater than the critical
F, so we can reject the null hypothesis (Table 6-13 and Table 6-14). Therefore, we can consider
accepting the hypothesis that the samples do not come from universes with the same
variance, with a significance level of 5%.

Parameters Series A Series B

Media 32.91 20.4
Variance 1820.8 347.9
Remarks 34 11
Degrees of freedom 33 10
F calculated 5.23
P(F<=f) one tail 0.00427
Critical value for F (one-tailed: 5%) 2.69

Table 6-13. F-test applied to the variable Pmax dia.

Parameters Series A Series B

Media 14.42 9.64
Variance 236.95 48.4
Remarks 34 11
Degrees of freedom 33 10
F calculated 4.9
P(F<=f) one tail 0.00558
Critical value for F (one-tailed: 5%) 2.69

Table 6-14. F-test applied to the variable i60. Final database

Based on the analysis of descriptive statistics, hypothesis tests and the work done in Palacios
(2010), it is concluded that series A and B come from different universes, i.e. that there is a
change in the climatological characteristics of rainfall in the city of Piura, which must be
considered to determine the design rainfall of the infrastructure. This non-stationarity could be
related to and a manifestation of climate change in the region, where, according to
predictions, wet events will become more intense.

In view of the results of the application of the means and variances tests, it was decided to
work only with the B series (1983-2017) for the calculation (Table 6-15). This is in line with the
concern to consider the effects of climate change in the designs, as traditional designs consider
that the larger a statistical sample is, the better it is to use the B series.
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will represent the universe or variable under study; and by taking the most recent series, it is
taking the trend of the influence already perceived in the region.

Year 10 15 30 60 120 180 240 360 720 1440

1982 1983 55.5 55.5 44.6 34.2 32.8 29.5 25.2 16.5 9.3 4.6
1983 1984 16.4 16.4 11.5 7.4 4.8 4.1 3.3 2.9 1.2 0.6
1984 1985 10.1 8.6 8.1 6.0 4.1 3.4 3.1 2.3 1.3 0.6
1985 1986 3.9 3.3 3.1 2.3 1.6 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.2
1986 1987 55.4 52.0 40.4 20.6 11.7 8.4 6.9 5.5 2.9 1.4
1987 1988 4.0 4.0 3.5 2.8 2.1 1.5 1.3 0.9 0.4 0.2
1988 1989 16.0 14.0 12.2 7.9 4.1 2.7 2.1 1.7 0.8 0.4
1989 1990 1.5 1.4 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1
1990 1991 9.0 6.3 3.7 2.1 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1
1991 1992 60.0 50.0 40.0 35.0 29.5 24.6 21.3 14.6 8.7 4.5
1993 1994 27.6 19.2 13.7 12.4 7.4 5.0 4.3 2.8 1.8 1.4
1994 1995 6.6 5.6 5.3 3.9 2.7 2.2 2.0 1.5 0.8 0.4
1995 1996 21.6 21.6 14.4 7.2 3.6 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 0.3
1996 1997 21.6 21.6 14.4 8.4 5.5 4.8 3.9 2.7 1.4 0.9
1997 1998 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.3 36.4 37.1 36.2 27.3 15.2 7.6
1998 1999 19.0 19.0 19.0 12.0 7.2 5.2 4.5 3.0 1.7 1.0
1999 2000 4.6 3.9 3.7 2.7 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.3
2000 2001 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 28.5 18.0 14.1 11.4 6.6 3.3
2001 2002 38.7 38.1 38.1 38.1 25.2 20.0 18.0 13.4 7.4 3.7
2002 2003 26.8 24.5 22.2 12.8 7.0 5.3 4.4 2.6 1.3 0.7
2003 2004 3.9 3.3 3.1 2.3 1.6 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.3
2004 2005 6.0 5.1 4.8 3.6 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.4 0.8 0.4
2005 2006 18.2 17.1 15.6 11.6 6.6 4.4 3.3 2.4 1.4 0.8
2006 2007 6.3 5.9 6.0 4.0 2.4 1.9 1.7 1.1 0.6 0.3
2007 2008 16.6 15.6 14.8 10.6 5.3 3.5 3.0 2.9 1.7 1.0
2008 2009 9.1 8.6 8.0 5.8 4.1 2.9 2.2 1.7 1.1 0.5
2009 2010 12.9 12.1 9.6 8.2 5.3 5.0 4.0 2.8 1.8 1.2
2010 2011 4.8 4.5 3.6 3.1 2.3 2.0 1.6 1.3 0.7 0.4
2011 2012 9.2 8.6 6.1 5.8 4.7 4.6 4.4 3.6 2.0 1.0
2012 2013 20.3 19.1 17.3 13.0 9.7 6.8 5.3 3.8 1.9 1.2
2013 2014 7.6 7.1 5.1 4.8 3.3 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.7 0.3
2014 2015 53.8 50.6 45.7 34.3 17.8 11.9 8.9 5.9 3.0 1.6
2015 2016 32.3 30.4 21.3 20.6 14.4 11.3 10.1 8.2 5.2 2.6
2016 2017 88.4 82.7 73.7 47.5 28.3 20.1 16.1 14.3 7.7 3.9
Table 6-15. Final database.

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6.5.2. IDF curves Probabilistic modelling of intensities

Of the various models fitted to the intensity series, the best fitting models were the three-
parameter Log Normal model and the Double Gumbel model. Fitting of the Log Normal 3p model to the series

The physical variables of interest in hydrology (precipitation, flow, evaporation and others) are
generally positive, so it is usual for them to have asymmetric frequency distributions. The
probability function of the 3-parameter Log Normal (LN3) model is as follows:

Table 6-16 presents the parameters μ and σ and χo of the LN3 distribution determined by the
maximum likelihood method.

Parameter Pmax dia i10 i15 i30 i60 i120 i180 i360 i720 i1440
μ 2,78 2,76 2,66 2,44 2,16 1,63 1,37 0,00 0,00 0,00

σ 1,22 0,00 1,02 1,07 1,06 1,15 1,17 1,15 1,17 1,21

χo 0.73 -0,38 -0,23 0,20 -0,03 0,34 0,25 0,06 0,03 0,04

Table 6-16. Parameters of the Log-Normal 3p distribution fitted to each set of intensities and Pmax dia. Fitting of the Double Gumbel model to series

While the type I or Gumbel extreme value function is designed for one population, the Double
Gumbel distribution allows modelling the behaviour of two mutually exclusive populations that
intercalate their occurrence under the same climatological variable. Such is the case of rainfall
on the northern coast of Peru, where there are normal years and years with the presence of El
Niño, with magnitudes totally different from those observed in the rest of the years.

The Gumbel probability distribution function, for a population, is given by:

Whereas the probability distribution function for two populations is given by:

Where p is the probability that the variable x belongs to the second population, which groups
together elements occurring under ordinary weather conditions. The fitting of the series to
Double Gumbel models starts with the selection of the parameter p, from the observation of
the data,
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considering that it groups climatologically ordinary events, that is, without evidence of the
presence of El Niño. After defining all the parameters and evaluating the fit achieved, the value
of the parameter p can be varied to try to achieve a better fit. The evaluation made showed that
the best division of the study series was with 24 normal years and 10 extraordinary years or
with the presence of El Niño. Once the series have been divided, the determination of the
remaining parameters is carried out independently for each one (Table 6-17).

Series Pmax day i10 i15 i30 i60 i120 i180 i360 i720 i1440
n1 10
μ1 84 54.5 51.7 45.9 34.2 23.4 18.8 12.1 6.8 3.5
σ1 49.7 24 23.6 23.9 14.8 9.3 9.7 6.9 3.9 1.9
yn1 0.495
Sn1 0.95
a1 52.3 25.2 24.9 25.2 15.6 9.8 10.2 7.3 4.1 2
u1 58 42 39.4 33.4 26.4 18.6 13.7 8.5 4.8 2.5
n2 24
m2 11.6 11.5 10.5 8.7 6.2 3.8 2.9 1.8 1 0.6
s2 6.3 7.1 6.6 5.3 3.7 2 1.5 0.9 0.5 0.3
yn2 0.53
Sn2 1.086
a2 5.8 6.6 6.1 4.9 3.4 1.8 1.4 0.9 0.5 0.3
u2 8.6 8 7.3 6.1 4.4 2.9 2.2 1.3 0.7 0.4

Table 6-17. Parameters of the Double Gumbel distribution fitted to each set of intensities and Pmax dia. Goodness of fit of fitted models

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test was applied to the fits made with the 3p Log-
Normal and Double Gumbel probabilistic models (Table 6-18).

Maximum Pmax day i10 i30 i60 i120 i360 i720 i1440
LN 3 0.070 0.067 0.074 0.098 0.087 0.108 0.102 0.083
Double 0.079 0.085 0.091 0.059 0.057 0.105 0.084 0.080
Table 6-18. Maximum delta values for the determination of goodness-of-fit with the Kolmogorov - Smirnov test.

From Table 6-18, it can be affirmed that the fits of the series to the Log-Normal 3p and Double-
Gumbel probabilistic models are both adequate, since in all cases maximum delta values,
Δmax, are obtained that are lower than the critical delta, Δcritical, with 5% significance,
which, for the sample size used, corresponds to 0.233. Determination of the final intensity matrix

Observing that both model types yield relatively similar values, it was decided to average their
predictions to form a single intensity matrix (Table 6-19), which allowed the required IDF
curves to be plotted (Figure 6-29).

Tr (years) Pmax dia (mm) i10 i15 i60 i120 i360 i720 i1440
5 48.5 37.8 35.3 22.8 15.5 7.2 4.0 2.1
10 90.6 59.6 56.7 36.8 24.9 13.1 7.3 3.8
25 147.5 88.9 85.7 55.8 37.9 20.9 11.8 6.1

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50 196.9 113.3 110.0 71.9 49.4 27.6 15.6 8.1

100 254.1 140.3 137.2 90.2 62.8 35.2 19.9 10.5

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150 291.9 157.6 154.6 102.0 71.6 40.2 22.7 12.0

200 321.0 170.5 167.8 110.9 78.4 44.0 24.9 13.2

Table 6-19. Matrix of maximum rainfall (mm) and maximum annual intensities (mm/h) as a function of duration (min)
and return period Tr (years).

Figure 6-29. IDF curves for the city of Piura (1983-2017). IDF Equation

From the intensity matrix obtained for the study area (Table 6-19), we sought to determine a
single expression for the entire family of IDF curves of the form:

�� =
�(�) (1)
� (�+�)�

For this purpose, preliminary work was carried out with the above expression by finding the
parameters a, b and c, i.e. working separately for each return period. In this analysis, a good
correlation was obtained (Table 6-20).

T a b c R2

5 1.933 58,82 0,930 1,000

10 3.274 67,90 0,919 0,998
25 5.131 73,47 0,915 0,997
50 6.890 77,59 0,916 0,996
100 9.077 81,97 0,919 0,996
150 10.605 84,68 0,921 0,996
200 11.820 86,68 0,923 0,996

Table 6-20. Parameter values and correlation coefficient for each return period.

It can be seen that the values of parameters b and c do not show major differences, so that a
single value can be established for these parameters. For this reason,
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it was decided to find appropriate expressions for the numerator, N, and the denominator, D,
of the expression ( 1 ).

First, a common value was assigned to b, taking the average of the values found for each
return period. Thus, b = 75 was established, and with this single value of b, the values of c
were recalculated for each return period. With the same criteria, a single value of c was
established with the average of the new values, obtaining as a result c = 0.912. With the single
values of b = 75 and c = 0.912 for all return periods, the denominator of the equation ( 1 ) was
expressed as follows:

D = (t + b)c = (t + 75)0.912 (2)

Next, the expression for the numerator of equation ( 1 ), N, was established as a function of
the return period, T. This is achieved by estimating values of N as the product of the intensities
in Table 6-19, matrix, by the denominator calculated with the expression ( 31 ) and fitting a
mathematical expression to these values:

N = imatrix * D (3)

Figure 6-30 plots the return period, T, and the numerator, N, to find the mathematical
expression sought for the numerator of the expression ( 1 ).

Figure 6-30. Adjustment of the numerator as a function of the return period T.

Finally, the equation is expressed as follows:

𝑖𝑇 2327𝑙𝑛(𝑇)-2085 (4)


In order to validate equation ( 4 ), the intensities of the matrix ( imatrix ) and those provided by
the adjusted equation were correlated, resulting in a correlation coefficient fairly close to unity
(Figure 6-31), which makes the obtained expression of rainfall intensity as a function of return
period and duration appropriate.

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Figure 6-31. Correlation between matrix intensities and those obtained by the fitted equation. Analysis of the El Niño Phenomenon

The city of Piura is one of the most populated cities in the northern region of the country, and
has a fairly high level of agricultural activity at the national level. The El Niño phenomenon is a
recurrent climatic anomaly that affects the northern coastal area of the country, especially the
regions of Piura and Tumbes, due to the intense rainfall and the associated high flows.

Of particular importance is the consideration of El Niño events within the probabilistic series
for modelling flow rates or rainfall intensities, as the case may be, both at the basin level and
in the city of Piura.

To give a scope in this aspect, within the daily maximum rainfall records, compiled from the
Miraflores and Ramón Mugica UDEP stations for the years related to the El Niño phenomenon,
it is possible to indicate the recurrences that could represent the ENF.

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Figure 6-32. Estimated maximum precipitation recurrences with NPS-related precipitation.

Based on the estimates of the UKDT Preliminary Hydrology Study, the return periods of recent
NPS events would be represented with 15 to 70 years return period; and with respect to the
estimates of Farias and Ruiz (2018), the NPS events would be represented with 8 to 40 years
return period, with the estimates of Farias and Ruiz (2018) being considered a more
conservative approach (Figure 6-32). Analysis of results

In the preliminary hydrology study, to estimate the IDF curves (Figure 6-33), the daily records
of the Miraflores station were used to calculate the rainfall magnitude for different
frequencies; and to estimate the rainfall intensities for different durations, a design storm with
a duration of 12 hours was proposed, which has a representative shape based on the hourly
records of rainfall stations located more than 50 km from the city of Piura, located in the upper
middle part of the Piura river basin.

In addition, the IDF curves preliminarily proposed in the initial stage of the Integrated Master
Plan do not represent intensities for durations of less than one hour, which is relevant if one
takes into account that urban catchments have short times of concentration, and thus the
estimated values would not provide a sufficiently detailed representation for subsequent
hydraulic simulations.

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Figure 6-33. IDF curves from the preliminary hydrology study.

Source: Volume III - Basic Study - Part 3 - Hydrology

Based on the above, considering sub-hourly rainfall records and the collection of different
storms of different durations will achieve a better approximation and scope of the IDF curves
to represent rainfall events in the city of Piura; which has been considered in Farías and Ruiz

Figure 6-34 shows a comparison between the IDF curves described above, where a difference
can be seen between the magnitudes of the estimated intensity curves; the calculations
referring to the 50-year recurrence, from the preliminary hydrology, are almost equivalent to
the magnitudes of the results of Farías and Ruiz, for a 25-year recurrence.

Figure 6-34. Comparison of the IDF curves of the preliminary study and those obtained by Farías & Ruiz.



intensity (mm/h)

UKDT 25 years
UKDT 50 years
40 Farias 25
years old
Farias 50
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
duration (hours)

Figure 6-35 shows the intensities of storms measured in the years related to the El Niño
phenomenon, which show a notable increase in intensities for durations of less than two
hours; it is also possible to indicate that these events, compared with the IDF curves of Farías
& Ruiz, would not exceed a recurrence of 25 years, except for the year 1998, which does not
exceed a recurrence of 50 years.

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Figure 6-35. Comparison of the IDF curves obtained by Farías & Ruiz with respect to records related to the El Niño


intensity (mm/h)

60 50
40 1998
20 1983
0 120 240 360 480 600 720
duration (minutes)

However, carrying out the same analysis with the IDF curves proposed in the preliminary
hydrology, the El Niño events would have a recurrence greater than 25 years, and the events
of 1998 and 2017 would exceed the recurrence of a 50-year return period.

Additionally, a comparison of the values of the IDF curves proposed by Farías & Ruiz (2018)
and SENAMHI9 is made, where it can be indicated that they are close and mostly within the
confidence intervals (lower and upper) calculated by SENAMHI. It should be considered that
SENAMHI's calculations were made for a national scale application, within which they
accurately estimated an uncertainty range for the reference of their results.

TR 10 TR 50 TR 100 TR 200
DURATION Farías & SENAMHI Farías & SENAMHI Farías & SENAMHI Farías &
SENAMHI Ruiz Ruiz Ruiz Ruiz
22.2 36.8 49.4 71.9 69.8 90.2 98.5 110.9
(15.7-34.0) (34.2-80.9) (47.9-117.6) (67.0-170.9)
14.4 24.9 32.1 49.4 45.3 62.8 63.9 78.4
(10.2-22.0) (22.2-52.5) (31.1-76.3) (43.5-110.9)
7.2 13.1 16.1 27.6 22.8 35.2 32.2 44
(5.1-11.1) (11.2-26.4) (15.7-38.4) (21.9-55.8)
4.7 7.3 10.5 15.6 14.8 19.9 20.9 24.9
(3.3-7.2) (7.3-17.2) (10.2-24.9) (14.2-36.2)
3.1 3.8 6.8 8.1 9.6 10.5 13.5 13.2
(2.2-4.7) (4.7-11.1) (6.6-16.2) (9.2-23.5)

Table 6-21. Comparison of IDF values.

9 Module for the estimation of curves from Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF)

curves (IDF) CURVES

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6.5.3. Design Hietogram

In order to propose a design storm profile that is representative of the city of Piura, an analysis
of the sub-hourly records of the Ramón Mugica station was carried out, identifying the most
representative storms that occurred during the 2017 rainy season (Figure 6-36).

Figure 6-36. Rainfall intensity record from the Ramón Mugica UDEP Meteorological Station.

Among the events, some relevant ones were identified, where two events stand out, on 12
and 22 March, which recorded intensities of 88.38 mm/h and 88.38 mm/h.
67.08 mm/h respectively. The representation of both storms in 10-minute rainfall records is
shown in Figure 6-37 and Figure 6-38.

Figure 6-37. Storm recorded on 12-13 March 2017.

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Figure 6-38. Storm recorded on 21-22 March 2017.

For the generation of the design storm profile, a comparison of the relevant storms and the
storm profiles proposed by the US Soil Conservation Service (SCS) was performed (Figure 6-39),
identifying that the recorded storms present greater similarity to the behaviour of a Type II
storm; however, the storm of 12 March 2017 records that in one hour 77% of the storm total
has precipitated, which exceeds the 51% proposed by the SCS Type II storm profile.

Figure 6-39. Hourly comparison of observed storms with SCS profiles.

Therefore, in order to adequately represent the magnitude and shape of the design storms
that would be generated in the city of Piura, the use of the alternating block methodology is
considered appropriate, since it achieves a good representation of the interval with the highest
rainfall intensity as shown in Figure 6-40, where the proposed design storms and the most
relevant storms of 2017 are represented.

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Figure 6-40. Comparison of the proposed and observed hietograms.

In this way, it is validated that the estimates of the design hyetograms with 10-minute intervals
achieve good representativeness, based on the comparison with observed information, and
are considered adequate for urban drainage purposes.

Figure 6-41. Proposed design hydrographs for different return periods.

6.5.4. Concluding remarks

IDF curves are a fundamental tool for hydrological modelling aimed at determining design
flows for works located in places without hydrometric records that allow probabilistic
modelling of historical flows. They are usually determined from the modelling of historical
storms, assuming that the climate has the same trend over time, i.e. that it is stationary, which
is not correct given the evidence of climate change in various parts of the world.

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In Peru, the recurrent presence of coastal and global El Niño events has meant that, in recent
years, since the 1983 El Niño, rainfall records for the city of Piura have shown a change in the
climate, with more frequent and intense rainy years, with three extraordinary events, 1983,
1998 and 2017, and others of moderate intensity. This change has been statistically verified by
applying hypothesis tests of means and variances. The historical series from 1972 to 2017 was
divided in two: 1972-1982 and 1983-2017, finding that statistically they could come from
different universes, meaning that the rainfall of both periods is different.

It is proposed to use the IDF curves determined in this analysis to consider the latest events
and to work only with more recent data, reflecting the current non-stationary climate trend.

This consideration of the recent series makes it possible to dispense with climate change
analysis and estimates of climate projections by working on values that reflect the recent
climate trend.

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6.6. Mathematical simulation model hydrology-hydraulics

6.6.1. Conceptual description
The three districts of the city of Piura are exposed to two types of flooding: pluvial flooding
(due to insufficient or non-existent drainage networks) and fluvial flooding (associated with
the overflowing of the Piura river).

In order to strengthen the diagnosis of floods, numerical modelling is used using tools that allow
a hydrological and hydrodynamic study of these situations, with the aim of determining the
levels, speeds and flows that flow through different watercourses (natural and artificial) and
communication routes in order to understand the water dynamics of the study area and
establish a series of structural and non-structural measures to mitigate the impact on the

6.6.2. Flood dynamics and methodological approach

For a better understanding of the water dynamics in the city of Piura, the modelling tools are
distinguished according to the requirements of the hydrodynamic processes to be resolved,
which are associated with pluvial flooding (deficit in runoff in urban areas). On the other hand,
with regard to fluvial flooding (river overflow), the results obtained from the hydrodynamic
modelling associated with the development of the Piura River Master Plan are considered. The
modelling approach adopted for the present storm drainage project is detailed and justified
below, while the results obtained from the hydrodynamic modelling of the Piura river are
included in section 6.6.4.

Hydrological and hydraulic models in the urban areas of the city of Piura - MHH-Piura and
MHH-Castilla models: Two models were implemented to solve the hydrology and hydraulics of
the urban areas of the city of Piura: i) MHH-Piura which includes the districts of Piura and
Veintiséis de Octubre and ii) MHH-Castilla which includes the district of Castilla. These models
have the capacity to estimate the runoff generated by rainfall and to describe the route of this
water through a system made up of streets, drains, channels, pipes, storage and treatment
devices, pumps and regulating elements. With these models it is possible to represent the dual
drainage system with adequate precision, considering, on the one hand, the buried pipes
(drains and conduits) and, on the other, the surface pipes (drains, avenues and streets); the
buried and surface pipes can be linked by means of orifices and weirs. The conceptual scheme
of these models is presented in Figure 6-42.

For these models, a one-dimensional discretisation was chosen for both surface and
subsurface pipes (1D-1D model). This type of approach, with a detailed spatial discretisation of
the elements to be represented, is capable of providing results whose accuracy is similar to
those obtained with a two-dimensional model, but with significantly less computational effort.
The software used to implement these models is the Storm Water Management Model
(SWMM), which is widely used in urban flood studies in densely populated areas (Cateriano
and Menacho, 2019; Huong and Pathirana, 2013; Re et al., 2022; Yu et al., 2014) and in various
urban drainage master plans. The software is free and open source

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open. These latter characteristics bring with them a number of advantages, which are detailed

• As it is a freely distributed software, it can be easily transferred to various public or

private organisations, which can operate with the implemented models, avoiding the
complications and restrictions that commercial software usually presents.
• As open source software, it allows the inclusion of ad-hoc implemented structures for
each project.
• The results generated by this software can be visualised and manipulated by a wide range
of programs, thus circumventing the constraints imposed by commercial software
licensed for use.

Figure 6-42. Conceptual scheme of the hydrological and hydraulic models MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla. Taken from
Lagos (2019).

6.6.3. Description of the MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models

The mathematical modelling of the area under study was carried out using the Storm Water
Management Model (SWMM), version 5.2, a numerical hydrological and hydrodynamic model
developed and maintained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The
SWMM allows the simulation of the processes of transformation of precipitation into runoff
(runoff or hydrological module), and its transfer along the drainage network (streets and storm
drains), solving the 1D Saint-Venant equations (transport or hydrodynamic module).

The hydrological module operates by dividing the area to be modelled into a series of sub-
basins, which generate surface surpluses when forced by a precipitation event. Each of these
sub-basins is treated as a non-linear reservoir, characterised by an area, mean slope and
roughness. Precipitated water is partitioned into

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infiltration, evaporation and surface runoff. The outflow is obtained by application of the
Chezy-Manning equation. The water depth is continuously updated for each calculation step by
numerical resolution of the flow balance in the catchment.

The hydrodynamic module is capable of simulating both free surface runoff, including
backwater effects, pressure flow, reverse flow and surface storage. SWMM allows to
adequately model the operation of a dual urban drainage system, i.e. a system in which both
the runoff through the street network (Major System) and the conduit network (Minor
System) are considered.

The freely available software ConuPy (Re et al, 2019), developed by the National Water
Institute (INA) of the Argentine Republic, was used to build the models. The ConuPy software,
distributed under an open source license, performs the processing of georeferenced data in a
Geographic Information System - GIS - (such as street and conduit network, digital terrain
model, model domain, hydrological parameters, etc.), automatically generating a discrete
representation of the system and providing the input file for the model. The code also allows
post-processing of the results for the generation of georeferenced maps in GIS. Modelling domain

The domains of the MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models are presented in Figure 6-43. They
cover the urban area of the districts of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre (MHH-Piura) and Castilla
(MHH-Castilla) as well as the surrounding rural areas.

Figure 6-43. Modelling domains: MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models.

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The digital elevation model used to assemble the MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models was
obtained from LiDAR flights ('DEM WITH BUILDINGS UNIDO.tif' file) (Figure 6-44). Additionally,
the terrain model TanDEM-X (Digital Elevation Model developed by the German Space Centre
and EADS Astruim and having a spatial step of 90
m) in order to determine the catchments of external inputs to the urban area to the MHH-
Castilla model (Figure 6-45).

Figure 6-44. DEM used for the assembly of the MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models.

Figure 6-45. TanDEM-X DEM.

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The street network was defined on the basis of existing information from the collaborative
mapping project OpenStreetMap. For the definition of the network, the georeferenced
information of the street axes was exported (, last visit
22/7/2022) and processed in a geographic information system. Each of the defined street
sections was assigned a width associated with one of these options: 5, 8, 10, 15, 15, 25, 32, 45
or 60 m wide. The categorisation was supported by other tools such as Google Street View and
Google Maps, DEM obtained through LiDAR, photographs and videos from social networks and
background reports.

Figure 6-46 shows that on the right bank of the Piura river (districts 26 de octubre and Piura)
there are the smallest street widths around the historic centre of the city and a network of
wide avenues with a wide distribution throughout the sector. On the other hand, on the left
bank (Castilla district), there are fewer wide avenues and a regular distribution of street widths
around values of 10m. As an example, typical street sections of 8 and 25 m width are shown in
Figure 6-47.

Figure 6-46. Street widths in the 26 de Octubre, Piura and Castilla districts.

Figure 6-47. Typical street sections for 8-metre (right) and 25-metre (left) widths.

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The Chézy-Manning formula was used for the calculation of head losses in street runoff. A
Manning's roughness coefficient n of 0.020 was adopted (ASCE, 1982). Cross-sections of drains

The cross sections of the drains implemented in the MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models are
taken from the digital elevation model presented in section (see Figure 6-44). As an
example, sections of the main drains of the MHH-Piura model (Figure 6-48) and the MHH-
Castilla model (Figure 6-49) are presented.

Figure 6-48. Section of the V. Maldonado drain at the junction with the Petroperú drain (right) and the Sullana
drain at the junction with Av. Perú (left).

Figure 6-49. Sections of drain 1308 at the junction with Av. Guardia Civil and of drain Gallo at the junction with Calle Las
Palmeras (left). Storage curves

The SWMM software transforms precipitation into runoff in each of the model elements (sub-
basins) that discharge the flow generated at the nodes of the runoff network. In order to
represent the water entering the blocks, the nodes connecting the street or canal sections are
represented as storages. The storage capacity is a function of the levels in the block and was
obtained by generating hypsometric curves of the urban area using DEM (photogrammetric).
Each hypsometric curve represents the undeveloped area as a function of height.

The resulting storage curve is shown in Figure 6-50, with the average of the curves
schematized as the 'adopted curve'. Each model catchment in the urban area is assigned this
resulting storage curve as a function of its area. For rural catchments, this effect is not taken into
account by eliminating the capacity to store water at the nodes.

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Figure 6-50. Hypsometric curves (in grey) and adopted curve (in red). Rainfall-runoff transformation model

Each modelled node corresponds to a catchment area (Figure 6-51 and Figure 6-52), for which
the model simulates the process of transformation of rainfall into runoff. The basins are
automatically generated by ConuPy using Thiessen's method based on the street and drainage
network by discretising the nodes described in the previous paragraph approximately every 50
metres or at the crossings between water conveyance sections (streets or drainage network).
The output nodes of the MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models are presented in Figure 6-53.
The number of elements that make up the discretisation of each of the models is presented in
Table 3-2.

Figure 6-51. Model sub-basins.

MHH-Piura MHH-Castilla

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Figure 6-52. Detail of model sub-basins.

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Figure 6-53. Output nodes of the MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models.

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Element Model MHH-Piura Model MHH-Castile

Sub-basins 16843 13355

Junction or storage
16848 13387

Pipelines 20881 16022

Stations from
6 1

Output nodes 35 29

Table 6-1. Elements of the models.

Each catchment has an associated infiltration loss model, an area, the average slope, and the
roughness expressed by the Chezy - Manning coefficient. These parameters are explained

The runoff module of the SWMM allows the selection of the method to determine infiltration
losses. The SCS (Soil Conservation Service, USA) method (SCS, 1972; Ponce and Hawkins, 1996)
was used in this study. This is an empirical model that proposes an exponential decrease in
infiltration from an initial maximum value (representative of the conditions in which the basin
is initially found) to a final minimum value throughout the event. The model parameters are
the Number Curve (NC) and the initial abstraction (IA). Imperviousness values should be set to
0% as imperviousness is already taken into account in the choice of the CN (Rossman and
Huber, 2016). The NC values were constructed from the Land Use information (see 6.6.3) and
are presented in Figure 6-54 (the values associated with each sector being consistent with
those presented in the study 'Generation of the Number Curve (NC) thematic map' carried out
by the National Water Authority in 2015 and other reference literature; Rossman and Huber,
2016). In the SCS method the IA depends on the CN and the same is estimated as: IA [mm] =
0.1*[(254000 / CN) - 254] (Woodward et al, 2003). the resulting values are shown in Figure 6-

A summary of the adopted CN, IA and imperviousness values according to land use distribution
is presented in Table 6-22.

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Figure 6-54. Parameters Curve Number (CN) of the rainfall-runoff transformation model.

Figure 6-55. Initial abstraction (IA) parameters of the rainfall-runoff transformation model.

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Land use CN AI [mm] Waterproof


Agricultural 85 4.5 0
Eriazo 65 14.0 0
Urban Zone Type 1 95 1.3 0
Urban Zone Type 2 90 2.8 0
Water body 100 0 0

Table 6-22. CN, initial abstraction (IA) and imperviousness by adopted land use.

For the other parameters of the system to characterise the process of transformation of
rainfall into runoff, the following values were adopted, based on literature and previous

• Urban area roughness: 0.025, as used in Re et al. (2019).

• Average slope of the sub-basins obtained from the DEM.
• Evaporation: a uniform value of 4 mm/day is established, which is the average monthly
value for the city of Piura (ANA, 2015). Border conditions

The MHH-Piura model has the following boundary conditions:

• Water surface level in the Piura River

• Water surface level in the Pajaritos stream.

The boundary conditions of the MHH-Castile model are given below:

• Water surface level in the Piura river.

• Flows from a series of external basins that discharge their waters into the district of
Castilla. These basins are shown in Figure 6-56.

The levels in the Piura river and in the Pajaritos stream have an impact on the capacity of the
urban drainage system to evacuate flows. Meanwhile, the external basins provide a volume of
water that will have to be evacuated by the drainage system of the district of Castilla. These
contributions are calculated by means of hydrological modelling of the basins in question
(details of this modelling can be found in ANNEX E).

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Figure 6-56. Basins of external inputs. Simulation parameters

All simulations were run over a time interval of 72 hours, using a maximum time discretisation
of 2 seconds (variable step from 0.5 seconds). The hydrodynamic equations were solved in
their full dynamic wave mode (Full Saint-Venant 1D). Minimum slopes of 0.0001% were set
and the result sampling time is 15 minutes for the whole simulation period. Validation
The validation of the MHH-Piura and MHH-Castilla models consisted of verifying whether the
flood spots obtained with the models captured the mapped areas with records of flood
impacts (Figure 6-57). The validation event shows a rainfall of 17mm with a duration of one
hour, which is consistent with the 2019 and 2021 events (Figure 6-58).

For the validation of both models, the current state of maintenance of the drainage network
was taken into account. The current state of the drainage network was characterised on the
basis of what was observed during the team's visit (between 1 and 3 August) and taking into
account the preliminary surveys provided by the University of Piura. In general terms, it was
observed that the storm drainage system is in a very deteriorated condition, obstructed or in
some cases non-existent compared to the previous system. This is reflected in the numerical
model in the following aspects:

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Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre

• The closed gate at the end of the Gulman Drain disables the Gulman EEBB at the head
of the Gulman Drain, so it was not incorporated.
• The successive pedestrian and vehicular access embankments that cut the Maldonado
Drain with street crossings were incorporated into the model. They are located
between the discharge points of the Ciudad del Sol and Pumacachua drains, and the
elevation of the embankments was obtained from the DTM.
• The culvert located in the Dren Maldonado in the section between Panamericana and
Quebrada Pajaritos was cancelled, since, as was recorded during the visit, the two
conduits are completely clogged.
• Obstruction in the discharge of the Drain 0 at its mouth with the Sullana River
• Threshold at the mouth of Drain 66b into Drain 66, which was observed in the field
(see Annex B).


• According to the information provided by the operators, the Tacna EEBB is not
operational, but during rain events maintenance brigades carry out tasks for its start-
up. It was not included in the model.
• The Aviation Drain is clogged with rubbish in its piped section, while the siphon that
would allow it to cross under the Biaggio Arbulu Canal is completely obstructed, which
is why it was not included in the current situation model.
• Drain 1308 has numerous obstructions recorded on the DTM, which have been
incorporated into the numerical model.

Due to the general condition of the drains and drains, a roughness coefficient of n=0.030 is
assumed for vegetated drains and n=0.020 for the rest.

Figure 6-57 shows the flood inundation event floodplain for the validation event generated by
the MHH-Piura model covering the districts of Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre. Figure 6-58
shows, in more detail, the aforementioned flood plain. It can be seen how the model manages
to capture the areas where impacts could be mapped and the depths obtained are consistent
with the images and videos collected.

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Figure 6-57. Flood map in the districts of Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre for the validation event.

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Figure 6-58. Detail of the flood map in the districts of Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre for the validation event and
its correlation with the recorded impact zones.

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The flood stain for the validation event generated by the MHH-Castilla model is presented in
Figure 6-59. The detail of it can be seen in Figure 6-60. As with the MHH-Piura model, there is a
very good correlation between the modelled flooded areas and the impacted areas, both in
their spatial distribution and in the magnitude of the depths.

Figure 6-59. Flood map in the district of Castilla for the validation event.

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Figure 6-60. Detail of the flood map in the district of Castilla for the validation event and its correlation with the
recorded impact zones.

6.6.4. Results of the hydraulic model of the Piura River

With regard to the hydraulic behaviour of the Piura river, which corresponds to the main
receiving body of rainwater runoff, the results associated with the following scenarios are

- No project:
o TR 100
- With project:
o Without weirs / TR10CC / 1903 m³/s
o Without weirs / TR25CC / 2683 m³/s
o Without weirs / TR50CC / 3285 m³/s
o With dams / Without extension of the Sanchez Cerro bridge / TR100 / 3396 m³/s
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o With dams / With extension of the Sanchez Cerro bridge / TR100 / 3396 m³/s

Figure 6-61. Map of maximum depths, Without project, TR100

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Figure 6-62. Maximum Depth Map, With Project, Without Dams, TR10CC, 1903 m³/s

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Figure 6-63. Maximum Depth Map, With Project, Without Dams, TR25CC, 2683 m³/s

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Figure 6-64. Maximum Depth Map, With Project, Without Dams, TR50CC, 3285 m³/s

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Figure 6-65. Map of maximum depths, With project, With dams, Without extension of the Sanchez Cerro Bridge,
TR100, 3396 m³/s

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Figure 6-66. Map of maximum depths, With project, With dams, With extension of the Sanchez Cerro Bridge, TR100,
3396 m³/s

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6.6.5. Diagnosis
This section presents the main results of the response of the storm drainage system under
different scenarios.

In relation to the hydrological conditions, recurrences associated with 25, 50 and 100 years
were evaluated. The results are presented below for a return period of 25 years as this is the
same as that used for the design of the mitigation measures.

In addition to the different hydrological forcings, the existing rainwater infrastructure shows a
significant degree of deterioration and lack of maintenance. In this sense, two models were
constructed: the "Actual" model (used for validation) and the "Ideal Actual" model.

The current situation can be contrasted with the flood zone surveys carried out by the University
of Piura (Figure 6-67).

Figure 6-67. Areas surveyed as flood-prone or blind basins (light blue dots).

As for the Ideal Current Situation, it is assumed that the infrastructure is in optimal operating
conditions, both in terms of electromechanical equipment (Pumping Stations) and the cleaning
conditions of the drains. MHH-Piura model results Diagnostic Ideal Current Situation (DSI) - Recurrence 25 years (Tr025)

The Ideal Current Situation takes into account the following considerations:
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• All existing works are well maintained, which is reflected in a lower roughness (0.016),
no obstructions (such as embankments on the Maldonado or culverts), but no
geometric modifications are made to the drains, i.e. there is no re-profiling of the
• In relation to the pumping stations, in addition to those included in the current
situation (El Chilcal, Ignacio Merino, Vice, Quinta María I and Quinta María II), the
Gulman pumping station is incorporated, for which it is assumed that the gate at the
end of the Gulman Drain, at the mouth of the Sullana Drain, is completely open.

This situation differs from the current scenario, characterised mainly by the obstructed
conditions of the different drainage lines, due to the formation of transversal road accesses to
the channels and roughness associated with deficient maintenance of the collectors. The
scenario presented below corresponds to minimum maintenance conditions for the existing
drains, in order to achieve maximum hydraulic capacity.

From the hydrological-hydraulic modelling results (Figure 6-68) it can be seen:

• In this scenario, flooded areas continue to be observed in the north of Piura, given that
the area of Cinco Esquinas and Dos Grifos currently does not have a drainage system.
The same is true towards the northeast of Piura.
• The Maldonado west drain shows a reduction in the flow in its discharge into the
Quebrada Pajaritos (Figure 6-69), and there is no backwater effect from the mouth,
since the culvert is the main element that conditions runoff. The improvements in the
Maldonado west drain allow for an increase in discharge, presenting a peak flow of 4
m3 /s (Figure 6-70).
• The east Maldonado drain shows a slight decrease in its headflow (Figure 6-71) and a
small increase in its peak discharge flow (Figure 6-72).
• Increases can be seen in the peak flows discharged by the Petroperú and San Martín
drains (Figure 6-73). The flows of the San Martín drain are negative only because of a
matter of definition in the model; it is a flow that effectively ends up discharging into
the Maldonado drain.
• Increases in peak flows discharged to the Santa Julia wetland are also observed (Figure
• The drains that flow into the Maldonado Drain do not have a significant backwater
effect due to the presence of the Drain. Rather, the blind basins in this area are due to
the lack of connection to the drains, rather than to a lack of capacity or slope of the
• A significant decrease can be observed in the headflows of several drains discharging
to the Maldonado Oeste drain, as shown in Figure 6-75.
• Two response times can be observed in the evolution of the drains Enace, Ciudad del
Sol and Paredes Maceda, the first associated with the drains themselves and the
second with the entire Maldonado system (see Figure 6-75).
• Due to a decrease in roughness, the Sullana Drain has a higher conveyance capacity,
but this is not significantly reflected in a reduction of the affected areas shown by the
flood stain (the decrease in the flood strains is not significant, as shown in Figure 6-76
and Figure 6-77).

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• The improvement in the conveyance capacity of the Sullana drain allows an increase in
the peak flow of its discharge at the height of the Pan-American Highway North (from
26 to 27 m3 /s, as can be seen in Figure 6-78). This improvement, which means going
from a roughness of 0.020 to 0.016, implies an increase of 4% in the aforementioned
• Drain 66 is a discharge from the Santa Julia Wetland, whose peak is laminated, as
shown in Figure 6-79. This aspect shows the laminating effect of the Santa Julia
• Another point where significant residual flows are observed is in the area of El Chilcal,
where they reach maximum values of over 2.5m, and the low pumping capacity of the
EEBB continues to evacuate the accumulated volume beyond the 48-hour simulation

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Figure 6-68. Piura DSI flood spot - Tr25.

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Figure 6-69. Longitudinal profile of the west Maldonado Drain (discharge to Quebrada Pajaritos) - DSI - Tr025.

Figure 6-70. Drain Maldonado west (discharge to Quebrada Pajaritos) - DSA - Tr025.

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Figure 6-71. Longitudinal profile of the east Maldonado Drain (discharge to Humedal Santa Julia) - DSI - Tr025.

Figure 6-72. Drain Maldonado east (discharge to Humedal Santa Julia) - DSA - Tr025.

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Figure 6-73. Discharges to Maldonado east and west drains - DSI - Tr025.

Figure 6-74. Discharges to the Santa Julia Wetland and discharge from drain 66 - DSI - Tr025.

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Figure 6-75. Levels of various drains discharging into the Maldonado west drain - DSI - Tr025.

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Figure 6-76. Longitudinal profile of the Sullana Drain - DSI - Tr025.

Figure 6-77. Comparison of levels in the Sullana drain for the different scenarios analysed in the upstream section of the
6 de septiembre drain.

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Figure 6-78. Comparison of hydrographs in the Sullana drain for the different scenarios analysed at the junction
with the Pan-American Highway North.

Figure 6-79. Discharges to the Santa Julia Wetland and discharge from drain 66 - DSI - Tr025.

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Figure 6-80 shows the maximum velocities obtained from the modelling in the Piura and
Veintiséis de Octubre districts for the DSI Scenario.

Figure 6-80. Maximum speeds MHH-Piura DSI - Tr025. Diagnosis of Ideal Current Situation (DSI) + Piura Flood

In addition to considering a low river condition, which favours the discharge of rainwater
conduits into the Piura river, a flood situation of the river was evaluated. For this, the
maximum levels arising from the HID-Piura model for the March 2017 event (3468 m³/s) were
taken and entered as a constant level in each discharge of the MHH-Piura.

It can be seen that the affectation reaches the right bank sector (Figure 6-81), compatible with
what was observed in the results of the HID-Piura model.

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Figure 6-81. Flood plain for situation DSI Tr025 with the upper Piura river.

In the southern zone of Piura, the greatest effects are observed in the Fundo San Pedro
urbanisation and in Las Palmeras and Villa California (Figure 6-82). Meanwhile, in the central
area of the district of Piura (Figure 6-83), the areas most affected by the rise in the Piura river
level are the areas around the Plaza de Armas and Plaza Tres Culturas (in the historic centre,
with increases in the water level of around 40 cm) and the Barrio Norte (in particular Avenida

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Figure 6-82. Piura-DSI Tr025 (left) vs Piura-DSI Tr025 + Piura river (3468 m³/s) (right).
Detail of the southern area of the Piura district.

Figure 6-83. Piura-DSI Tr025 (left) vs Piura-DSI Tr025 + Piura river (3468 m³/s) (right).
Detail of the central area of the Piura district.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document MHH-Castile model results Diagnostic Ideal Current Situation (DSI) - Recurrence 25 years (Tr025)

The Ideal Current Situation takes into account the following considerations:

• All existing works are well maintained, which is reflected in a lower roughness (0.016),
no obstructions (such as the cuts in drain 1308), but no geometric modifications are
made to the drains, i.e. there is no re-profiling of the drains.
• The Tacna pumping station with discharge into the Piura River is included.
• The Aviación drain is connected to drain 1308 by means of the culvert built under the
Biaggio Arbulú irrigation canal.

In a similar way to that indicated above, this situation differs from the current scenario,
characterised mainly by the obstructed conditions of the different drainage lines, due to the
formation of transversal road accesses to the channels and roughness associated with
deficient maintenance of the collectors. The scenario presented below corresponds to
minimum maintenance conditions for the existing drains, in order to achieve maximum
hydraulic capacity.

From the results (Figure 6-84) it can be seen:

• Levels in the area of the Tacna pumping station are decreasing by an average of 20 to
25 cm, with no decrease in the flooded area.
• The maximum levels reached on the sides of the drains decrease slightly, with greater
relevance on drain 1308 with differences of about 10 cm on average (see details in
Figure 6-85).
• The connection of drain Aviación with drain 1308 generates an undesired effect on the
airport area, increasing the maximum levels of flooding due to contributions from
drain 1308 and at the same time allowing the connection and subsequent discharge of
the surpluses, a situation which does not occur when they are disconnected. This is
shown in the flows shown below, where negative flows are observed indicating the
entry of water from drain 1308 into the Aviación drain (see Figure 6-86).

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Figure 6-84. MHH-Castile Model DSI - Tr025 flood stain.

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Figure 6-85. Comparison of series of levels for different sections of drain 1308.

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Figure 6-86. Comparison of discharge hydrographs from drain Aviación to drain 1308.

Figure 6-87. Maximum speeds MHH-Castile - DSI - Tr025.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Diagnosis of the Ideal Current Situation (DSI) + Piura Flood

In the same way as in the MHH-Piura, a test was carried out with the MHH-Castilla considering
high levels of the Piura river (corresponding to the flood recorded in March 2017). Differential
zones between flooding by rain and flooding by the river compatible with the HID-Piura model
are observed. In the southern area of Castilla, the greatest effects are observed in the
urbanisations of Las Palmeras and Villa California (Figure 6-88). Meanwhile, in the northern zone
of the district of Castilla, the areas most affected by the rise in the level of the Piura river are
(Figure 6-89):
• In the vicinity of the José Cayetano Heredia Regional Hospital (the water levels
obtained in the simulations go from 0.5 metres in the Ideal Current Situation to 1.25
metres if a flood of the Piura River is considered, as shown in Figure 6-90).
• Surroundings of the campus of the National University of Piura
• Sector to the north of the UNP campus located between Avenida Guillermo Irazola and
the Biaggio Arbulú canal.
• Areas surrounding the Open Plaza Piura.

It should be noted that after 3 days of simulation, the discharges do not stabilise and water
continues to flow from the river into the city. This is due to the fact that the diameters of the
conduits and the load between the river and the levels in the city do not allow a high flow rate
to equalise the levels.

Figure 6-88. Flooded area for the situation DSI Tr025 with the lower Piura river (left) vs. situation DSI Tr025 with
the upper Piura river (right). Detail in the southern area of Castilla district.

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Figure 6-89. Flooded area for situation DSI Tr025 with the lower Piura river (left) vs. situation DSI Tr025 with the
upper Piura river (right). Detail in the northern area of Castilla district.

Figure 6-90. Water level at the José Cayetano Heredia Regional Hospital for the situation DSI Tr025 with the Piura
river low (left) vs. situation DSI Tr025 with the Piura river high (right).

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Blind Basins

Based on the results obtained, a comparison was made of the spatial extent and location of
the flood spots with the blind basins detected in the field survey carried out by the University
of Piura and other antecedents.

Figure 6-91 shows that mainly in the central Piura area (urbanised sectors) there is a good
compatibility between simulated and observed, both in location and extent. A closer look at
the central area (Figure 6-92) of Piura shows that sectors that usually suffer from flooding,
such as the area near the El Chilcal, Gulman and Ignacio Merino pumping stations, are well
represented in the modelling results.

In Castilla (Figure 6-93), an analogous response is observed in relation to the good

representation over the urban area (see detail in Figure 6-94), while for the periphery (with
uncultivated land use), the extent of the floodable area tends to be overestimated.

Figure 6-91. Piura DSI - Tr25 flood plain and identified blind basins.

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Figure 6-92. Detail of Piura flood plain DSI - Tr25 and identified blind basins.

Figure 6-93. Flood plain Castilla DSI - Tr25 and identified blind basins.

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Figure 6-94. Detail of the Castilla DSI - Tr25 flood plain and blind basins identified in previous studies and surveys by
the University of Piura.

6.6.6. Synthesis
In this chapter, the salient points arising from the simulations for the Current and Ideal Current
Situation, associated with 25-year recurrence events, were presented.

The following is a summary of the main conclusions drawn from the diagnosis of the current

• MHH-Piura

o Even in the current situation, where the Maldonado Drain is clogged, there is
no significant backwater effect on the drains that discharge into it, beyond the
first 200 to 300m (which is variable in each drain).
o The main differences between the Current situation and an "Ideal Current" is
concentrated in the Gulman Drain, which under the current conditions is not
pumping effectively (because the discharge gate is closed). The rest of the sites
present similar conditions. The northern zone of Piura, because it does not
have a drainage system, does not change between the current and ideal
o The Villa Hermosa Drain is not effective because it is at a higher elevation than
the surrounding land.
o The discharge of the Maldonado is conditioned by the culvert over the
Panamericana-Quebrada Pajaritos section, rather than by the restitution itself.

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o It was possible to observe the favourable effect of the lamination of the Santa
Julia Wetland, so that the peaks of Drain 66 and Sullana do not coincide.
o Drain 0, apart from evacuating the surplus that reaches it directly, does not
have a net flow between the Sullana and Drain 66.
o Simulations with a high level of the Piura river show a local effect and strongly
dependent on the duration of the flood peak in the Piura and the
characteristics of the discharges (if they have flap valves or not).

• MHH-Castilla

o Even in the current situation, where Drain 1308 has some obstructions, there
is no significant backwater effect on the streets and drains discharging into it
with slight effects on flood levels.
o The area of influence of the Tacna pumping station sees a reduction in levels,
which indicates the need to have the station in good working order.
o The main differences between the Current (no maintenance) situation and an
"Ideal Current" (or design) situation is concentrated at the airport. The
different discharge peaks of drain 1308 generate load and discharge waves in
the Aviation drain using it as a reservoir, decreasing the maximum levels in the
sides of drain 1308 but increasing the maximum level in the airport area.
o The different times of concentration of the urban and rural areas generate 2
flood waves, one that can be interpreted as pluvial and a second as fluvial
generated by the catchments outside the modelling area.
o Simulations with a high level of the Piura river show a local effect and strongly
dependent on the duration of the flood peak in the Piura and the
characteristics of the discharges (whether they have flap valves or not).

Volume DSI-
DSA-Tr25 DSI-Tr25 Tr25+Piura DSI-Tr50 DSA-Tr100 DSI-Tr100
(Hm3) high Tr50

Precipitation 862.64 862.64 862.64 1077.05 1077.05 1371.17 1371.17

Evaporation 35.32 35.18 35.27 36.04 34.5 37.04 36.89

Infiltration 251.7 251.7 251.7 269.92 272.41 290.09 290.09

External - - 70.29 - - - -

Download 209.29 223.96 296.98 307.32 332.87 453.06 476.92

Accumulated 305.92 284.92 303.79 366.23 345.98 461.03 435.24


Error Cont. 60.41 (7%) 66.88 (8%) 45.19 (5%) 97.54 (9%) 91.29 (8%) 129.9 (9%) 132 (10%)

Table 6-23. Volumes obtained from the hydrologic-hydrodynamic model for the simulated events - Piura and
Veintiséis de Octubre.

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Volume DSI-
DSA-Tr25 DSI-Tr25 Tr25+Piura DSA-Tr50 DSI-Tr50 DSA-Tr100 DSI-Tr100
(Hm3) high

Precipitation 948.25 948.25 948.25 1173.35 1173.35 1507.26 1507.26

Evaporation 43.95 44.42 44.66 44.94 44.95 46.14 46.32

Infiltration 381.53 380.73 541.36 422.17 421.19 477.38 476.34

External 676.06 676.06 891 833.21 833.21 997.07 997.07

Download 767.04 772.94 763.2 1060.6 1069.81 1440.96 1459.66

390.23 385.28 443.73 434.37 426.37 492.1 474.9

Error Cont. 41.56 (3%) 40.94 (3%) 46.3 (3%) 44.48 (2%) 44.24 (2%) 47.75 (2%) 47.11 (2%)

Table 6-24. Volumes obtained from the hydrologic-hydrodynamic model for the simulated events - Castilla.

7. Formulation of the master plan

7.1. Design conceptual
The approach of an integral plan of solutions cannot be dissociated from the particular
characteristics of the city, both in terms of its location (on the banks of a river such as the
Piura) and the restrictions that the natural waterway has, as well as the other possible
receptors of the surplus.

As mentioned, the city of Piura is located on the banks of the river of the same name, in the
lower middle basin of the same, this natural course being the main discharge route for the
excess rainfall recorded in the region. Most of the districts of Piura and Castilla drain towards
this sector, while the sector located to the west (district of Veintiséis de Octubre) drains its
surpluses towards the natural stream Pajaritos.

The natural drainage is complemented by artificial drains built to provide the resource for
agricultural exploitation, the Sechura and 1308 drains being the most outstanding, as both
allow, with the diversions on the road for consumptive use, the discharge of surpluses into the

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Figure 7-1. City of Piura. Overall, artificial and natural drainage system

The Pajaritos stream, which naturally receives the surpluses from its own upper basin and from
the western sector of the city, discharges them into the so-called Sechura drain, which gives it
continuity until it reaches the sea. Likewise, drain 1308, which originates in the eastern sector
of the city, after crossing the course of the Piura River itself, continues in a south-westerly
direction, flowing into the Sechura Drain, shortly before it flows into the sea.

Thus, conceptually, the discharges that the city actually has towards the sea can be
summarised as follows:

• Piura River (main natural discharge)

• Sechura Drain, with the final contributions of the Quebrada Pajaritos and Drain 1308.

However, in the surroundings of the urban area, the potential discharges of the surpluses are
the four named watercourses, two natural (Piura River and Quebrada Pajaritos) and two
artificial (Sechura and 1308 drains), as shown in the following figure.

Figure 7-2. City of Piura. Private, artificial and natural drainage system
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The city of Piura is located on the banks of the Piura River and includes the districts of
Veintiséis de Octubre and Piura, located on the right bank of the river (West) and the district of
Castilla, located on the left bank (East). This location has determined that, throughout its
history, the city has been affected by rains and floods, the magnitude of which has increased
since the occurrence of the so-called El Niño phenomenon.

The city's existing drainage system is roughly in line with the above-mentioned scheme and
consists of a series of open channels, arteries that act as drainage channels, some rainwater
collectors and a number of pumping stations with limited capacity. Undoubtedly, due to recent
flooding events, the existing system is not sufficient to absorb the excess rainfall recorded in
the city.

On the other hand, the flooding of the Piura River is also a threat to the city, since, given its
location, it is not exempt from the potential overflows of the river, when its flood levels exceed
the overflow level established for the existing or future longitudinal protection systems.

Within this framework, any comprehensive action plan, which considers the implementation
of works in the city, must consider a range of different scenarios including:

• Considering the climatic characteristics:

o High rainfall events.
o Alternating cycles of drought.

• Considering the threats:

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o Flooding due to heavy rains in the urban area.

o Fluvial flooding due to overflowing of the Piura river.

This is why integrated planning requires a broader view, which goes beyond the particular
drainage conditions of the city, and must cover the overall behaviour of the Piura river basin,
of which the urban basins mentioned above form part. Indeed, the river floods are a
determining factor in the discharge capacity of the city's drainage systems and are the reason
why many of the solutions to be implemented must include pumped discharge instead of
gravity drainage.

The possibility of integrating actions on the middle-upper Piura river basin can define the type
and magnitude of the works on the city itself, since the regulation of flows would make it
possible to defer the arrival of flood peaks, allowing the drainage of urban surpluses without
the use of pumping stations, at least for a certain level of flooding.

This general formulation, which includes the regulation of the basin's surpluses, has been and
is contemplated in the general solution plans based on the implementation of regulating
reservoirs in the upper basin, as can be seen in the following image:

Figure 7-3. Regulation of the upper Pirua river basin

The implementation of reservoirs, of different sizes, both on the tributaries of the upper Piura
river basin and on its main channel, would allow:

• Delay the arrival of floods in the city of Piura.

• To reduce peak flows in the lower middle basin, allowing current or future modified
protections to absorb more recurrent floods due to the volumes accumulated in the
• Significantly reduce traffic levels in front of the city, allowing drainage and discharge
works to operate without the need for pumping stations, at least for the design
recurrences adopted.
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This concept determines that isolated solutions that do not consider the functioning and
regulation of the river cannot and should not be adopted. Even so, and from a conceptual
theoretical point of view, the implementation of an integrated plan should begin with the
materialisation of the regulating reservoirs of the upper basin and the readjustment of the
natural and artificial downstream receptors, to then materialise the specific works in the city.
However, beyond the consideration of integral solution measures, it is not possible to say that
it will be possible to respect a construction sequence such as the one indicated, so the works
envisaged in the urban drainage plan will necessarily have to be programmed to operate in at
least the following two operating scenarios:

• Initial operation scenario: considering the possibility that the lamination works are not
implemented, so that the discharge structures to the river will have to contemplate
high levels and, therefore, pumped discharges.

• Final operation scenario: in which the regulating works are operating so that pumping
is not required, at least for the design condition, to produce the surplus discharge.

These possible scenarios strongly condition the type of works to be considered in the
integrated urban plan, resulting in large-scale discharge structures that will be used mainly for
the initial scenario, and which will then have residual discharge capacities greater than those
strictly required. Indeed, the magnitude of the excess flows in the different urban basins,
added to the unregulated river levels, define the need for pumping stations which, given the
size and power of the pumps required, cannot be conceived as temporary or easily dismantled
structures. Thus, with the progressive implementation of regulating reservoirs, the need for
pumping will gradually diminish, at least in terms of the pumping heights required.

This situation could lead to a new protection scenario in which gravity discharge is guaranteed
for events equal to or less than the design floods (25-year recurrence) and the system has
additional evacuation capacity to withstand more recurrent floods, reducing, at least in part,
the residual damage for these events. This is undoubtedly an added value to the total benefits
of the plan, reducing the negative effect of the temporary implementation of large-scale

Considering that the city will continue to be vulnerable to higher than design floods, even with
the implementation of the works included in this drainage plan, such as those that may form
part of the general regulation of the basin, the existence of discharge capacities of greater
magnitude than those required can be considered reasonable.

In view of the above, a works plan has been developed, materialised in two alternative
solutions that will be discussed below, under the strict consideration of all the aspects
involved, which are mentioned below:

• Existence of catastrophic flood cycles alternating with prolonged periods of extreme


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• There are two possible operating scenarios, with and without flow regulation in the
Pirua River.
• Existing restrictions in the existing drains, mainly in the Pajaritos-Dren Sechura and
Dren 1308 discharges.
• Characteristics of the urban ejido, such as the disorderly growth of its infrastructure
and population.
• Obstruction and occupancy actions in existing drains.
• Heavy environmental pollution, aggravated by the existence of mostly free surface

Based on all these aspects, and as will be discussed in the conceptual definition of alternatives,
the degrees of freedom to implement variants of specific works to resolve the most critical
areas in the interior of the city are severely limited. For this reason, the alternatives were
mainly focused on the use of the different bodies receiving the surpluses, with discharge
alternatives that respect the existing receiving watercourses and others that prioritise
discharge into the main natural receiving body, which is the river Piura.

7.2. Idea of project

7.2.1. General concept of the alternatives
In the introduction to this report, a conceptual approach was developed on the basis of which
the alternative solutions that will form part of the integrated plan for the urban area of the city
of Piura were drawn up. In this development, the existing conditions for the definition of the
type of works that will form part of the solution alternatives were established.

It has been established that the current drainage system suffers from deficiencies arising from:

• The inadequacy of the works in some sectors, as well as the lack of specific actions in
others, means that in the event of intense storm events, the surplus water has
difficulty in being evacuated from the sites where it is produced, or accumulates in
low areas without natural or artificial drainage.

• The drainage problems of the artificial receiving bodies themselves (Sechura and 1308
drains), which prevent them from absorbing greater flows than they currently receive,
without causing problems in the areas they supply.

• High levels in the natural course of the Piura River itself, which limits current and
future discharges of excess water from the city. However, even with these boundary
conditions, this river becomes the main receiving body for rainwater and was
considered in the alternatives approach.

i. Alternatives that modify, optimise or extend existing works in the city, in any of its
three main drainage sectors.

Work has been carried out on this set of alternatives in the formulation of the
comprehensive works plan, highlighting the fact that, given the characteristics of the
city, the high degree of urbanisation and the limited space for the implementation of
major works, it is not possible to implement a comprehensive works plan.
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find conceptual variants that modify the current treatment typology observed in
different sectors.

In fact, most of the current drainage is produced by the existence of free surface
channels, via channels, some conduits and a limited number of pumping stations.
When the magnitude of the surpluses that must be evacuated for the design
conditions of the plan are analysed, it can be seen that the current drainage systems
cannot be dispensed with, and there is a need to readapt or extend them with works
of similar characteristics with increased capacities.

It is not possible, therefore, to propose alternatives that only evacuate surpluses by

pumping or only by gravity or only by conduction, but rather these types of actions
must be combined, extending or readapting existing conduits. For this reason, in the
resolution of each particular problem, a single set of works is developed to solve it,
and there are no variants in each of these cases.

The same is true in those sectors where there are no drainage works at present,
considering, as far as possible, free surface drainage systems or the incorporation of
complementary conduits when this is required due to space or the incapacity of the

Likewise, the systems draining into the Piura River inexorably culminate in a pumping
system to allow discharge in the initial stage of operation of the plan.

In conclusion, the alternatives for the reformulation of the city's drainage system
consist of a set of measures that optimise the solution to each and every one of the
problems detected in the urban area of the three districts involved.

ii. Alternatives that modify the receiving body receiving surplus from each zone.

In this set of alternatives, it was considered to modify the discharge of the surpluses,
allowing, on the one hand, that they be evacuated towards their current receivers or
to modify the discharges in such a way that the Piura river is used as the main receiving
body. This second alternative implies a reduction in the flows discharged into the
existing artificial drains, improving their efficiency in conduction and in supplying
economically active areas.

To these first two groups of alternatives can be added:

iii. Alternatives that modify the Piura River's conveyance capacity.

These alternatives are part of the integrated plan for the basin and include direct
actions on the banks of the Piura River to increase its conveyance capacity, as well as
regulation alternatives in the upper basin.

Thus, these alternatives are not developed in the formulation of the urban plan, but the
effects of these actions are considered as boundary conditions for the formulation of
the urban alternatives.

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iv. Alternatives that modify the conveyance capacity of the Sechura and 1308 drains.

These possible variants include the possibility of solving the drainage problems in the
receiving bodies downstream of the city, mainly the Sechura and 1308 drains, both of
which end in the same collector channel that finally drains into the sea. These actions
are framed within a larger geographical framework than the internal areas of the city.
It would imply the extension of the conveyance capacity of extensive stretches of
canals, and frequent maintenance of the works would have to be guaranteed in order
to ensure the sustainability of the solution over time. On the other hand, it would not
avoid the need to solve the specific problems intrinsic to the urban area.

Based on the above, alternatives iii and iv are excluded from the formulation of alternatives as
exclusive variants beyond the fact that they can be partially considered for the present plan.

The alternatives put forward then focus on the following aspects:

• Alternative 1:

It has a set of actions that will improve the internal drainage of each sector (channels,
conduits and pumping stations), facilitating the evacuation of surpluses to the current
receiving bodies:

o Pajaritos Creek
o Sechura Drain
o Piura River
o Dren 1308

• Alternative 2:

The set of individual actions proposed in Alternative 1 is maintained, but most of the
discharges are modified, redirecting the middle sectors of the 26 de Octubre and Piura
districts towards the Piura River.

In this way, the Sechura and 1308 drains are relieved, with most of the surplus being
evacuated to the largest receiving body in the system. This redirection does not
include the discharges that in Alternative 1 are directed towards the Quebrada
Pajaritos, as the topographical conditions do not allow for clear drainage routes,
requiring at least two pumping stations to produce the transfer of basins.

In this context, Alternative 2 would have the following receiving bodies:

o Pajaritos Creek
o Piura River

As a differential concept between each alternative, the drainage areas that receive the
receiving bodies are modified, highlighting that in the alternative of discharge to the
Piura river, the drainage of the Cinco Esquinas area and the western sector of the
Maldonado drain, both sectors with discharge to the Pajaritos stream, are excluded.

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The rest of the areas are drained towards the Piura river, including the sector drained
by the Maldonado East drain, the central sector with natural drainage to the Sechura
drain, the sector with current drainage towards the Piura river and the left bank sector,
made up of the district of Castilla.

It should be noted that the fact that most of the surpluses in the rainy season are
conveyed to the river does not imply that the current links with the artificial drains are
disconnected, but that they are not used to evacuate flood surpluses.

The following diagrams show the areas drained by the two alternatives to the catch basins used:

Figure 7-4. Alternative 1 - Drainage areas

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Figure 7-5. Alternative 2 - Drainage areas

In the case of Alternative 1, the variants proposed in terms of discharge allow the surplus flows
to be distributed over a larger number of drainage channels, thus reducing pumping
requirements and possibly increasing drainage problems in the artificial watercourses. On the
other hand, Alternative 2 uses the natural drainage in the sector, relieves the existing drains
and relieves the production areas of potential overflows, at the cost of an increase in pumping
requirements and, therefore, in the magnitude of the works designed to produce the discharge
in the initial stage.

The following sections describe the specific actions included in each alternative.

7.3. design criteria

In this stage of defining the alternatives, the following design criteria have been considered,
established in order to allow a primary estimation of the structures to be implemented:

• Primary network: runoff flows associated with a 25-year recurrence event.

• Secondary network: runoff flows associated with a 25-year recurrence event.
• Pumping stations: runoff flows associated with a 25-year recurrence event.
• Free edge: ratio of head/maximum drain height (h/D) of 0.80. In addition to the above,
smaller free edges are tolerated in sections or places where the characteristics of the
location of the works prevent their execution, as well as the pressurised operation of
collectors. This last consideration corresponds to collectors whose requirement for
free surface operation would imply dimensions that could compromise the
implementation of the works.
• To ensure the sustainability and stability of the drainage channel cross sections,
beyond hydraulic considerations, a lining of the hydraulic box is proposed. This
consideration comes into effect in order to

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avoid occupations, backfilling, shaping of embankments transversal to the flow, etc.

during the useful life of the construction site.

As for the design storms, the IDF curves obtained by Farias and Ruiz (2018) were considered,
determining a hietogram established by the method of Alternating Blocks. The adoption of this
methodology for the determination of design storms has been validated with events recorded
during the 2017 El Niño phenomenon.

Figure 7-6. IDF curves for the city of Piura (1983 - 2017)

Figure 7-7. Proposed design hydrographs for different return periods.

Beyond the hydraulic aspects considered for the design, it is important to note that a limited
growth horizon for the city has been assumed, compatible with the current zoning of land use.
This situation marks a limit in the future with regard to the increase in flows derived from the
growth of urbanisation, and it should be noted that measures should be taken for the use of
public spaces to ensure that the flows of the peripheral basins that currently drain their
surpluses into the city do not increase.

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7.4. Description of Alternative 1

7.4.1. General characteristics
This alternative maintains the current discharges, improving and extending the current
systems through a set of works that involve

• Expansion of existing road channels.

• Improvement of existing canalisation works.
• Construction of open canals.
• Incorporation of complementary buried ducts.
• Extension and addition of pumping stations.
• Regulating/rolling works
• Systematisation of vehicular arteries to act as a conduit to existing or future drainage
• Incorporation and retrofitting of works of art such as bridges, culverts, diversion and
discharge works.

The following figure shows the specific drainage basins to each receptor, indicating the main
actions envisaged in critical flood zones.

Figure 7-8. Alternative 1 - Specific works

Downloads to Q. Discharge to Piura River

Pajaritos (District of Piura Centro)
(Maldonado Oeste and
Cinco Esquinas)

Download to Dren
Discharge to Dren (Castile District)
(Maldonado East and
central area

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7.5. Description of Alternative 2

7.5.1. General characteristics
This alternative, as mentioned above, differs from the previous one in that it modifies the
discharges, redirecting mainly the surpluses that in Alternative 1 were evacuated to the
artificial drains towards the Piura River.

Consequently, the actions to be developed in this alternative include:

• The final connection of the surplus from the Maldonado east and central area to the
Sechura drain is eliminated, at least for use during floods.
• The entire area drained by the Maldonado Drain and the central area is linked to the
Piura River, enabling a connection from the outlet channel of the lower Santa Julia
(Drain 0) and a section of the Sechura Drain itself.
• Connection of the surplus water from the Castilla district, which is collected by drain
1308, to the Piura river with a connecting channel in the lower Castilla basin.

Discharges to the Quebrada Pajaritos are maintained through the works planned at Cinco
Esquinas and Maldonado Oeste.

Figure 7-9. Alternative 2 - Specific works

Downloads to Q.
(Maldonado Oeste and
Cinco Esquinas)

The interventions of Alternative 2 are similar to those of Alternative 1 except for the following:

a) Sullana Drain:
The final discharge of the Sullana drain is a total discharge to the Piura River through a
pumping station located upstream of the Pan-American Highway.
For the discharge of the complex, a total flow of 40 m³/s is estimated for the Santa Julia
lagoon, which is estimated to reach a value of XX m³/s together with the discharges of
drain 66b and Sullana.
Additional downloads to
Piura River

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8. Strategies
8.1. Structural measures proposed
Based on previous developments, it has been established that Alternative 2 presents a lower
investment than Alternative 1. In turn, Alternative 2 allows a better centralisation of storm
drainage management, since all the works are implemented within the urban area, unlike
Alternative 1, which conditions drainage to the Sechura and 1308 drains, whose traces extend
outside the urban area of the city of Piura. The following paragraphs describe the structural
interventions based on the guidelines established by Alternative 2 of the project.

8.1.1. Discharge to Santa Julia

lagoon Marcavelica

The Marcavelica drain has a topographically low point at the intersection of Marcavelica
Avenue, between Sullana Street and Jiron Palmas. This point is currently drained by a buried
conduit 1.4 m wide and 1.65 m high, which discharges in the vicinity of Rusia street. This
conduit, for which a longitudinal slope of 0.005 m/m is estimated, would have a drainage
capacity in the order of 4 m³/s. Considering that the basin has a flow rate of around 18 m³/s, it
is considered appropriate to build a conduit parallel to the existing one, which would allow the
relief of the low point initially indicated.

In this respect, a two-cell conduit 2.5 m wide and 2.0 m high is proposed, with discharge at the
intersection of Marcavelica Avenue and Rusia Street. Figure 8-2 shows a longitudinal profile of
the spillway between Jirón Palmas and Rusia streets.

On the other hand, in order to create a controlled discharge of the flow (~ 18 m³/s), it is
proposed to create a channel between Alfonso Ugarte street and the discharge to the Santa Julia
lagoon. This channel will have a bottom width of 10 m and a height of 0.7 m, with a
longitudinal slope of 0.0095 m/m. Both the implementation of the spillway conduit and the
new channel formed in the return to the Santa Julia lagoon are shown in Figure 8-1.

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Figure 8-1. Marcavelica. General implementation of the intervention

Existing drain

New collector
parallel to existing


Figure 8-2. Marcavelica. Proposed solution

The drainage system is complemented by a secondary drainage network, implemented on

Bellavista Avenue and Grau Avenue, in order to capture the volume retained in these streets,
which due to topographical conditions do not allow runoff into the main drainage system.

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For the Amotape drain, a minor intervention is intended in the restitution of the drain to the
Maldonado canal. The intervention consists of building a channel 12 m wide and 1.2 m high
over a length of 210 m, where there is currently no stable conduit. The flow rate drained by
the canalisation is of the order of 15 m³/s.

Figure 8-3. Amotape implantation

Figure 8-4. Longitudinal profile Amotape

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Figure 8-5. Representative photograph of the section to be profiled Petroperu Drain

The Petroperú drain corresponds to one of the largest inflows along the Maldonado canal.
With the construction of the Cinco Esquinas drainage system, it is estimated that the flow will
gradually increase to about 40 m³/s in the discharge of the Petroperú drain into the
Maldonado canal. The existing drain does not have a runoff capacity of more than 15 m³/s, so
it is necessary to implement measures to reduce flood damage.

Firstly, the possibility of generating peak flow attenuation has been analysed through the
implementation of a flood park at the current Fairground (Av. Grau and dren Petroperú, next
to the Piura Field Hospital, Figure 8-6). This area is approximately 16,000 m² in size.
Furthermore, the runoff in this sector does not exceed 13 m³/s, and it is possible to reduce the
peak flow to approx. 6 m³/s, i.e. a reduction of 7 m³/s. This condition is not sufficient, as the
runoff capacity deficit is around 25 m³/s. In addition, the installation of a flow-regulating area
in the vicinity of a hospital is a risky condition in the event of more recurrent events. In view of
the above, it is not considered appropriate to consider a flow lamination solution as it does not
meet the technical conditions necessary to reduce flood damage.

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Figure 8-6. Potential flow attenuation property

Figure 8-7. Possible attenuation of the flow in the property next to Grau Av.

On the other hand, the construction of a collector has been evaluated on Av. Grau towards the
Pajarito gully. Figure 8-8 shows the layout of the possible collector, which, in order to capture
a flow of 15 m³/s (flow of the Petroperú drain at the intersection with Av. Grau), would have to
be made up of a collector with four cells, each 2 m wide and 2 m high (Figure 8-9).

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Figure 8-8. Implementation of a possible collector at Av. Grau

Figure 8-9. Longitudinal profile of the collector at Av. Grau

Considering the possible restrictions for the implementation of this collector, the possibility of
deepening the current Petroperú drain has also been evaluated, in order to allow all the runoff
to be diverted to the Maldonado canal. In this respect, a deepening is proposed, starting at the
Paita-Piura road, and reaching a maximum of 1.1 m at Morropón street. The maximum height
between the crown level of the drain and the bottom of the deepened channel in this section
will be 1.9 m. In specific sections there will be a free edge lower than that indicated in Figure 8-
10, a condition that is considered non-restrictive based on the magnitude of the intervention
and its social impact.

Due to the high height that would result between the frontage and the sill of the deepened
drain, it will be necessary to include pedestrian accesses and vehicular ramps, in order to
interfere as little as possible in the daily activities of the population. At the same time, the
relocation of interferences (drinking water and sewage) in that section will have to be

Among the three options analysed (lamination of the flow, diversion towards Pajarito along Av.
Grau and deepening of the existing drain), the latter is considered to be the most feasible
among the existing possibilities for reducing flood risks.
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In subsequent study stages, possible combinations of solutions should be evaluated in order to

arrive at the technically, economically, socially and environmentally optimal solution.

Figure 8-10. Longitudinal profile of the deepening of the Petroperú drain.

Figure 8-11. Implementation of the deepening of the Petroperú drainage system Maldonado East Channel

The Maldonado East canal will allow the flow captured by the Petroperú and Amotape drains
to drain towards the Santa Julia lagoon. In the final section of the discharge, a flow associated
with a 25-year recurrence of 53 m³/s is estimated. For this purpose, the formation and lining of
a channel 11 m wide at the bottom and 2 m high, with lateral slopes 1V:1H and a total length
of 700 m is foreseen.

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Figure 8-12. Implementation of the Maldonado East canal

Maldonado East
Lag. Santa

Figure 8-13. Longitudinal profile of the Maldonado East channel Turkey-Japan Drain

At present, the Japan drain allows discharges from the César Vallejo drain, coming from the
Chilcal pumping station. As will be presented below, the Chilcal/Vallejo drainage system is to
be disconnected, due to the low pumping capacity. In view of the above, it is also envisaged
that the Japan drain will be removed from the planned drainage system. This route may be
considered for the implementation of the secondary drainage network.

On the other hand, the Turkey drain presents the possibility of profiling the drain in order to
capture runoff from the basin. In this planning stage, the Turkey drain was adopted as the
alignment that would allow better possibilities for

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achieve the profiling of the drain, in terms of the possibility of achieving a larger channel sill
width. In addition, this drain has been initially planned as a canal-track structure. However, in
later stages of the study, the feasibility of achieving the conformation of a via channel in
correspondence with the alignment of the Japanese drain will have to be analysed.

Figure 8-14. Turkey - Japan Drain

Turkey Drain
Possible trace Dren Japan
of future Existing drain to be
collector sewer disabled due to the
future disabling of the
existing pumping station
in Chilcal.

Figure 8-15. Longitudinal profile of the Turkey drain Canal Maldonado South

For the drainage of the development located to the south of the Maldonado canal, the
implementation of a canal with the capacity to divert a total flow of 18 m³/s is planned. To this
end, a 2 m high channel is planned, with a lateral slope of 1V:1H, a longitudinal gradient of 0.001
m/m and a bottom width of 5 m in the first 1,400 m and a bottom width of 7 m in the
remaining section. The final discharge will be into the Santa Julia lagoon.

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On the other hand, the storm drainage system must be complemented with a secondary
drainage network, the conceptual layout of which is shown in Figure 8-16. As this urbanisation
has a precarious level of development (in terms of urbanisation, street layout, services, etc.),
an update of the layout of the fine drainage network (secondary, tertiary and street levelling)
should be considered in conjunction with the planning of the urbanisation of this area of the
city of Piura.

Figure 8-16. Maldonado South Channel

Figure 8-17. Longitudinal profile of the Maldonado Sur channel Santa Julia Lagoon

The Santa Julia wetland corresponds to a natural lowland that currently receives runoff from
the Maldonado canal (Petroperú and Amotape), the Marcavelica drain and the Turkey-Japan
drain. At present, the outlet point of the lagoon is drain 66, which drains into the Sechura canal.
Both in the current situation and in a scenario with a project, the lagoon would
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Santa Julia corresponds to a lowland with an important capacity for lamination of the inflowing

In particular, in the project scenario, the outflow of the Santa Julia lagoon is planned to be
carried out through the profiling of canal 66, continuing along the course of drain 0, towards
the Sullana drain (Figure 8-18). In this way, the runoff will be discharged through the new
Sullana-Panamericana pumping station. In this respect, the lagoon is considered as a
substantial element of the storm drainage system, which allows attenuation of flows and
reduction of the installed pumping capacity towards the Piura river.

In order to meet the needs of lagoon attenuation, it is planned to relocate some 13 ha of

dwellings located near the wetland. These settlements are located in an area at constant risk
of flooding due to the increased level of the lagoon during the occurrence of a pluvial event.
Considering that the consolidation of this lagoon within the storm drainage system of the city
of Piura is substantial. In order to complement the systematisation of the lagoon, the
construction of a control structure is planned to regulate the discharge flows into drain 66.
This control structure will consist of a 10 m long wide crest spillway, with a crown level located
at 24.5 m above sea level.

In addition to the above, the construction of a lateral embankment at 26.5 m above sea level
(1.0 m high + 2,500 m long) will be evaluated in later stages of the study, in order to control the
extent of the flooded surface.

Figure 8-18. Implantation of the Santa Julia lagoon

Maldonado East

Santa Julia
Maldonado South Lagoon


Control structure
and discharges to
dren 66

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Discharge Santa Julia lagoon (drain 66/0)

The outflow from the Santa Julia lagoon will be carried out by means of the profiling of canal
66, the route of which will continue along drain 0 to the Sullana canal (Figure 8-19). Finally,
discharge to the Piura river will be via the Sullana pumping station (Panamericana). It is
estimated that the discharge of the Santa Julia lagoon, after attenuation generated by the
wetland lamination, will be in the order of 38 m³/s. On the other hand, along its course, the
discharge channel of the Santa Julia lagoon will receive the following inflows:

- Dren 66b:
This drain will be the main collector for a housing estate under development,
which currently has precarious characteristics. This channel will be profiled,
with a lined cross section of 2 m in depth width, 1.5 m in height, 1V:1H side
slopes and a longitudinal gradient of 0.0016 m/m. It is estimated that the flow
to be drained will be of the order of 6 m³/s.

- Dren Sullana:
The Sullana canal is one of the main tributaries of the discharge to the Piura
river, systematised through the new pumping station located next to the Pan-
American Highway. It is estimated that through this drain, an inflow in the
order of 31 m³/s will be achieved. Due to the delay generated by the Santa
Julia lagoon, the peaks of both hydrographs (drain 0 and the Sullana canal) are
not simultaneous, so that the flow derived to the new pumping station will be
43 m³/s.

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Figure 8-19. Implementation of the Santa Julia lagoon discharge.

Santa Julia

Dren 66
Dren 66 / Sechura /
(Disaffected sections
for urban use)

Pumping Station

The profiled section of drain 66 / 0 will have a trapezoidal section of 15 m in depth width, 2.2
m in height, lateral slopes 1V:1H and a longitudinal slope of 0.00032 m/m (0.032%). This
channel will allow the drainage of a flow of 38 m³/s until it discharges into the Sullana channel
(existing) which has a capacity of around 90 m³/s. Although this latter channel (Sullana) has
ample hydraulic capacity, it is considered appropriate to achieve the attenuations caused by
the different available shallows (Santa Julia lagoon and Blue lagoon, described below), in order
to reduce the installed capacity of the pumping station.

As can be seen in Figure 8-20, the remaining section of drain 66 (downstream of the
confluence with drain 0), the Sechura drain and the Sullana canal (downstream of the diversion
to the pumping station) are removed from the urban drainage system, allowing them to be
used entirely for agricultural drainage.

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Figure 8-20. Longitudinal profile of the discharge from the Santa Julia lagoon to the Sullana channel.

8.1.2. Unloading by Sullana canal Dren Sullana (Santa Isabel - 6 de Septiembre Superficial and Santa

Isabel - Laguna Azul)
The historic centre of the city of Piura is mainly drained by the Sullana system, which currently
discharges into the Sechura drain. The first section of the drain, corresponding to the runoff in
Av. Country Club and Av. Sullana Norte, lacks a systematisation for the collection and
conveyance of surface runoff. In particular, Figure 8-21 shows that rainwater runoff is dumped
directly onto the road at the intersection of Avenida Country Club and Avenida Sullana Norte.
For this reason, the construction of a typical urban storm drainage system is proposed in this
sector, consisting of buried conduits and transversal and lateral drains to capture the flow. In
this line, the installation of multi-cell conduits below the existing drain (open-air) is proposed in
order to allow dual operation between the two conduits. It should be noted that at the
junction of the Sullana drain with Av. Don Bosco, the estimated flow is in the order of 29 m³/s,
while the existing (surface) drain would have a hydraulic capacity of no more than 4 m³/s.

Figure 8-21. Example of the precarious conditions of the existing drainage system (Av. Country between Av. Luis
Eguiguren and Av. Sullana).

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Considering the need to set up an urban drainage system in the centre of the city of Piura and,
in order to address the lack of drainage capacity in Sullana Avenue, the implementation of a
two-section collector under the pavement of the existing drain is proposed. The first section,
which is expected to have a capacity to transport 14 m³/s, is 1100 m long and will be made up
of a 2-cell collector of 2.1 m wide and 1.5 m high, while the remaining 2500 m section will be
changed to 2 cells of 3.0 m wide and 2.0 m high to transport up to 27 m³/s. The collector will
have a slope of 0.0015 m/m along its entire length. This collector (spillway) will be diverted
towards the route of the 6 September drain, where a new pumping station with a capacity of
37 m³/s will be installed (Figure 8-22).

In previous stages, the possibility of generating an attenuation basin in the Miguel Cortés park
has been analysed, however, this possibility was discarded due to the low lamination capacity.

Figure 8-22. Implementation of the new Sullana collector

St. Elizabeth - 6 September

Santa Isabel - Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon
Discharge from Santa
Isabel - Laguna Azul
system (Sullana surface

EB Santa Isabel - 6 September


Figure 8-23. Longitudinal profile of the new Sullana collector

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Sullana Drain (Santa Isabel - Laguna Azul)

In a second section of the Sullana system, downstream of the diversion to the new 6 de
septiembre pumping station, the area of Laguna Azul stands out, where the construction of a
flood park is planned. This will allow the retention of the entire volume discharged by the
Sullana drain (surface). In this case, a landscaping of 60,500 m², at a height of 3 m, is planned.
This condition will allow the retention of an inflow of 26.5 m³/s towards the Sullana pumping
station (Panamericana).

On the other hand, the lagoon will receive runoff from the new San Juan Bosco drain, which is
intended to reduce the impact on the area south of the Blue Lagoon.

The discharge of the Blue Lagoon is composed of a 20 m wide overflow spillway whose crest is
located at 26.5 m above sea level. At this discharge, the flow for a 25-year recurrence event
will be zero.

Finally, the emptying of the basin can be done by means of a bilge pump with a lower flow rate
(~ 1 m³/s), which will allow emptying the enclosure within 2 days after the end of the storm

Figure 8-24. Blue Lagoon basin implementation

zero flow

Blue Lagoon

Collector San
John Bosco Dren Gulman

The Gulman drain is currently made up of the pumping station of the same name, which does
not have sufficient capacity (< 1 m³/s) to drain a flow of more than 11 m³/s. In order to avoid a
repowering of the existing pumping station, the longitudinal profile allows the implementation
of a buried collector whose operation is restricted to gravity flow only (Figure 8-25). This
collector will have a final capacity of

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drain a flow of 11 m³/s, with a terminal structure discharging into the Sullana drain (Figure 8-26)
consisting of a collector with two eyes, each 2.4 m wide and 1.5 m high.

Figure 8-25. Implantation of the Gullman drain

St. Anne's

station to

31 Collecto
January r
La Paz

Sullana Canal

Figure 8-26. Longitudinal profile of the Gulman collector

The Gullman drainage system is complemented by three secondary underground collectors

(Santa Ana, Ayacucho and La Paz) 2 m wide and 1 m high, totalling 1100 m in length. Prior to
the discharge of the Gullman collector into the Sullana canal (existing), the 31 de enero canal
will be connected on the right bank of the main collector. This drain will consist of an open-air
channel with a 6 m wide base, 1.1 m high, 1V:1H side slopes and a longitudinal slope of 0.0013
m/m, to achieve drainage of approximately 6.5 m³/s. The connection of this channel to the
Gullman collector will be made by means of a 70 m long buried conduit, which will also allow
the crossing of Gullman Avenue.

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8.1.3. Discharge through Maldonado Oeste

Canal San Martín de Porres

The San Martín de Porres drain has not been identified as requiring the implementation of
works associated with an increase in drainage capacity or insufficient capacity to capture
surface runoff into the main collector. The flow generated by the basin is 3 m³/s, while the
existing sewer would allow a flow of at least 4 m³/s to pass through. In addition to the above,
general cleaning of the drain is necessary, as shown in Figure 8-28.

Figure 8-27. San Martín de Porres Drain

Figure 8-28. Current situation of the San Martín de Porres drain

With the profiling of the Maldonado canal, the runoff from the San Martín de Porres drain will
be discharged into the Pajarito stream.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Pumacahua Drain

This drain, with a surface runoff area of 33.9 ha, does not present any major interventions,
apart from forming a lined drain at the discharge to the Maldonado canal. In this case, the
construction of a 7.5 m wide and 0.6 m high channel is foreseen, with a length of 480 m, in
order to achieve an unobstructed discharge into the Maldonado West canal. With this lining,
the drain is expected to have a capacity of 6 m³/s when discharging into the Maldonado Oeste

Figure 8-29. Implementation of the Pumacahua drain.

Figure 8-30. Longitudinal profile of the Pumacahua drain.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Telephone Drain

The Telefónica drain discharges into the Maldonado Oeste canal, the final receiving body of
which is the Pajarito stream. No major interventions are planned for this drain, as it has
sufficient capacity to drain the 14 m³/s that are contributed by the basin. However, it is
considered necessary to pay attention to Calle Micaela Bástidas, where there is a blind spot
with flood heights exceeding 30 cm. To this end, the street is to be paved in order to achieve
drainage from the low point to the Telefónica drain. The profiling of Micaela Bástidas Street
will allow a capacity of 2 m³/s.

Figure 8-31. Implantation drain Telefónica

Figure 8-32. Longitudinal profile on Micaela Bástidas Street.

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Dren Paredes Maceda

With regard to the Paredes Maceda drain, only the Enace blind spot is to be served, for which
the implementation of a collector from María Argedas street is foreseen, in order to capture a
flow of around 3 m³/s that drains superficially. In this way, a pumping station will be installed
on the public property in order to serve both the low point (Enace) and the surface runoff from
María Argedas Street. The discharge from the pumping station is directly into the Paredes
Maceda drain with a flow rate of around 4 m³/s.

Figure 8-33. Implantación dren Paredes Maceda Ciudad del Sol Drain

The Ciudad del Sol drain has a drainage area of 28 ha, whose peak flow for a 25-year
recurrence event is estimated at 5 m³/s. Considering that the drain has a discharge capacity of
around 11 m³/s, there was no need to intervene in the existing drain. It should be noted that
the existing drain has a sill width of 7.5 m and a height of 1 m.

Figure 8-34 shows two reference images of the existing drain, highlighting the need for
minimum maintenance for the proper operation of the drain in the event of a rainfall event.

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Figure 8-34. Implantación dren Ciudad del Sol

Figure 8-35. Ciudad del Sol Drain Dren Dunas

The Dunas canal receives a flow of 13 m³/s, for which the restoration and lining of the canal is
planned, with cross sections increasing from 3.2 m in width to 4.8 m in width at the final
discharge section to the Maldonado West canal. The total length of the canal is about 730 m.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

Figure 8-36. Implantation of the Dunas drain

Figure 8-37. Longitudinal profile of the Dunas Drain Villa Hermosa Drain

The Villa Hermosa drain corresponds mainly to the collector drain of the Pan-American
Highway, which discharges into the Maldonado Oeste canal, before it returns to the Pajarito
stream. At present, the drain has higher sill levels than the street levels of the neighbouring
urbanisation. For this reason, it is planned to restore the drain to levels that will allow effective
capture of rainwater runoff.

To this end, the construction of a 2.5 m wide and 1.0 m high cell collector drain is planned,
with a length of 1,340 m. The drain will collect only the surface runoff generated by the
development located between the road and the highway. The drain will only collect the
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surface runoff generated by the housing development located between the road

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Panamericana Norte and the Piura-Paita road. A flow rate of around 5 m³/s is expected for this
runoff. Drainage of the cemetery is not foreseen for this collector. On the other hand,
depending on the liquid level at the discharge to the Maldonado Oeste canal, the collector is
expected to operate under pressure in the event of a 25-year recurrence event.

Figure 8-38. Villa Hermosa drainage system

Figure 8-39. Longitudinal profile of the Villa Hermosa drain

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Maldonado West Canal

The Maldonado Oeste canal will allow the drainage of the San Martín de Porres, Pumacahua,
Telefónica, Paredes Maceda, Dunas and Villa Hermosa drains towards the Pajaritos stream. A
maximum flow of 45 m³/s is estimated, transported by a lined channel 8 m wide at the bottom,
2 m high over a length of 2100 m and 2.5 m high over a length of 2300 m until it discharges
into the Pajaritos stream.

Figure 8-40. Longitudinal profile of the Maldonado West channel

Figure 8-41. Longitudinal profile of the Maldonado West channel

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

8.1.4. Chilcal System - Cáceres Av.

With regard to the evaluation of the existing outfalls Ignacio Merino, Chilcal and Vice, firstly,
the possibility of maintaining the current conduction criteria has been analysed, i.e. directed
towards the Turkey-Japan drain, to discharge into the Santa Julia lagoon (Figure 8-42). It
should be noted that beyond the possibilities of attenuating the flows at each of the discharge
points, the diversion to the Santa Julia lagoon should be carried out by means of a piped
conduit that would allow a flow of around 39 m³/s to be diverted. In this respect, it is
considered that maintaining this criterion is unfeasible.

Figure 8-42. Conceptualisation of the current drainage of the Ignacio Merino and Chilcal outlets.

Therefore, a solution consisting of independent drives is proposed as follows:

- Cáceres: Ignacio Merino: this brings together the Ignacio Merino, Vice and AVIFAP
basins. The discharge will be carried out via Av. Cáceres through two conduits of 2.4 m
in diameter each, so as to derive a laminated flow of around 27 m³/s.
- Cáceres: Chipe: On Fortunato Chirichigno Avenue, a low-flow pumping station will also
be installed, which will allow the discharge of the flow currently collected at the
intersection of Fortunato Chirichigno Avenue and Jirón Federico Helguero Street.
- Chilcal: corresponds to the current drainage basin. In this case the discharge will be
carried out via Av. Sánchez Cerro, by means of the installation of a conduit of
2.4 m in diameter, deriving a laminar flow of 12 m³/s.

In this regard, two possible locations have been identified for the implementation of
underground tanks to allow the lamination of inflows. For the Chilcal pumping station, the
Parque Los Petroleros (Figure 8-43), between Jiron Poechos and La Arena streets, is planned to
be occupied. This park has an attenuation area of about 6,700 m². Considering a clear height of
5 m, there will be a tank of 33,500 m³.

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On the other hand, the Cáceres: Ignacio Merino pumping station is planned to be built on the
site located next to the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú (Figure 8-44), on Cáceres Avenue.
This site has an area of 8,400 m². Considering a free height of 4 m, there will be a tank of
33,600 m³.

Figure 8-43. Location of possible attenuation tank for the Chilcal system.

Figure 8-44. Location of possible attenuation tank of the Cáceres system: Ignacio Merino

The following image shows the resulting implementation for the discharges of the Chilcal and
Cáceres basins (Ignacio Merino + Vice).

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

Figure 8-45. Implementation of Cáceres (Ignacio Merino and Chipe) and Chilcal systems.

Cáceres: Chipe

It should be noted that the possibility of achieving the unification of both drives at the Ignacio
Merino site has also been evaluated. However, this condition was discarded for the following

▪ Unifying the runoff from the Chilcal basin at the Ignacio Merino site would mean
doubling the pumping of the Chilcal BS, as the flow would be boosted twice.
▪ The non-independence of the pumping systems implies that any failure at Ignacio
Merino will also disaffect the pumping coming from the Chilcal pumping station.

At the same time, consideration has been given to the possibility of achieving the inflow of
surface runoff corresponding to the upper basin of the Sullana drain (Los Cocos). However,
considering that the energy level in the El Chilcal drive at this point will be at a level higher
than 31.5 m.a.s.l., it is impossible to achieve the inflow, as the energy level will be above the
street level.

8.1.5. Five Corners System

For the implementation of the Cinco Esquinas system, the construction of a gravity drainage
system is planned, according to the layout shown in Figure 8-46. The purpose of this system is to
drain the Dos Grifos, Cinco Esquinas, Las Casuarinas, A.H. La Molina, Las Dalias and Nuevo
Amanecer blind points. The resulting flow for each of the sections is as follows:

- Two taps: 14 m³/s

- Five corners: 28 m³/s
- Las Dalias - Nuevo Amanecer: 25 m³/s

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

The magnitude of the flows implies a pipeline size that requires the implementation of an
attenuation tank of 165,000 m² and a useful depth of 2 m, totaling a useful volume of 330,000
m³. This condition is critical in order to achieve a substantial reduction of the flows to be
discharged into the Pajarito stream (attenuation of the peak flow greater than 80%), by means
of a pipeline of reasonable dimensions. In this way, the final discharge collector is made up of
two cells, each 2.5 m wide and 1.6 m high. If it is not possible to achieve flow attenuation in
this way, the collector for discharge into the river will be a pipe that allows the discharge of
approx. 90 m³/s, which should consist of a structure made up of at least 10 cells of the above-
mentioned dimensions. This situation, without flow lamination, is not plausible for analysis,
defining the need to generate the tank indicated above, which is also shown in Figure 8-47.

Figure 8-46. Five-corner system implementation

Figure 8-47. Longitudinal profile of branch line 2 taps

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Figure 8-48. Longitudinal profile of the 5-corner branch line

Figure 8-49. Longitudinal profile of the Capullanas branch line

Figure 8-50. Longitudinal profile of the Las Dalias branch line

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8.1.6. Upper Piura System

In order to reduce the impact on the north-western part of the study area, where future urban
development will take place and where one of the axes of growth of the city of Piura will be
located, the construction of an Alto Piura system is proposed, consisting of a 2.5 m wide and
1.5 m high collector. The discharge to the Pajaritos stream will be by means of an open
channel 4 m wide and 1 m high.

Figure 8-51. Alto Piura system implementation

Chann Collector
el buried

Figure 8-52. Longitudinal profile of the Alto Piura

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

8.1.7. Piura Centro System

In order to meet the needs of the Plaza de Armas and Piura Centre 2 blind spots, it is proposed
to collect the flow in a conduit 3 m wide and 1.8 m high, 500 m long and with a longitudinal
slope of 0.001 m/m. This will allow the collection of a flow of 8 m³/s, which will be pumped
through a new pumping station located in the park next to the Bolognesi bridge.

Figure 8-53. Implementation of the Piura Centro collector and pumping station.

Figure 8-54. Longitudinal profile of the Piura Centro collector

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

8.1.8. Northern Piura


Ana María
In order to achieve the discharge of the blind basins UPAO, El Golf, San Eduardo and Quinta
Ana María, the construction of a storm drainage system is proposed, as shown in Figure 8-55.
For this purpose, a system of collectors is planned, which will have an intermediate impulsion
in order to overcome the topographical gradient associated with the level of restitution of the
Piura river. In this way, the construction of a pumping station is considered on the Quinta Ana
María estate, where an existing pumping station is to be installed, which has insufficient
capacity to discharge the aforementioned basins. In addition to achieving alternative discharge
routes, the location of Quinta Ana María has favourable topographical conditions as it
corresponds to lower excavation heights, together with shorter pipeline lengths.

The first section of this intervention is expected to have a capacity to transport 7 m³/s. It is 630
m long and will consist of a collector with two 3.0 m wide and 1.5 m high cells, while the
remaining 1250 m long section will be changed to two 3.0 m wide and 2.0 m high cells to
transport up to 15 m³/s. This collector discharges into the Piura River through the Quinta Ana
Maria pumping station which is expected to have a capacity of up to 21 m³/s.

Figure 8-55. Implantation Quinta Ana María

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

Figure 8-56. Longitudinal profile Quinta Ana María Pedro Estate

The aim of the Fundo San Pedro discharge is to reduce the impact in the vicinity of the Fundo
San Pedro, Villa del Periodista and Monte Olivo housing estates. To this end, a main collector is
planned, which is complemented by two cascade pumping stations. The first of these is located
close to the Monte Olivo housing estate and is intended to overcome a topographical
difference in height of approximately 8 m. The second is intended to discharge into the river.
The second is intended to discharge into the Piura river, for which the liquid level during a
flood event is a determining factor.

The inflow to the first pumping station (EB Fundo San Pedro: Impulsion) is in the order of 14
m³/s, so that a buffer basin of 10,000 m² and a useful height of 1.5 m is foreseen, totalling a
useful volume of 15,000 m³. This basin allows the pumping flow to be attenuated to 10 m³/s.

The discharge corresponds to two circular conduits of 1500 mm diameter, while the gravity
discharge to the second pumping station (Fundo San Pedro: Discharge), is materialised with a
collector 3 m wide and 2 m high.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

Figure 8-57. Implantation Fundo San Pedro

EB Fundo San
Peter: Impulsion

EB Fundo San

Figure 8-58. Longitudinal profile Fundo San Pedro Ejidos Norte

In the northern area of the city of Piura, the Los Ejidos drain has been identified, on which the
implementation of a collector with discharge to the Piura river is proposed. This receives an
inflow of slightly more than 4 m³/s, thus reducing the impact of rainwater flooding. A collector
with a diameter of 3 m and a height of 1.5 m and a length of 210 m is planned for this purpose.

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

Figure 8-59. Los Ejidos North Plantation

8.1.9. Malecón Castilla System Brillantes
At the intersection of the seawall of the Castilla district with Calle Los Brillantes, an existing
chamber will be installed to receive drainage from the area (Figure 8-60). At this location, a
new pumping station is planned to be installed to discharge a flow of around 17 m³/s into the
river. This drainage system, consisting mainly of two branches (Calle Los Robles and Calle Luis
Montero), will reduce the impact of rainwater flooding in the area of the Castilla land terminal,
Avenida Andrés Avelino Cáceres and the Monterrico residential area.

The Los Robles branch consists of a 2-cell collector of 2.5 m wide and 2 m high each one, in a
length of 820 m. The Luis Montero branch is a 2.6 m wide and 2 m high collector, 1080 m long.
The first one will allow the transport of 12 m³/s while the second one will allow the flow of 5

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Figure 8-60. Location of EB Los Brillantes

Figure 8-61. Implementation of the Los Brillantes system

Ramal Luis

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

Figure 8-62. Longitudinal profile of the Los Robles branch line

Figure 8-63. Longitudinal profile of the Luis Montero branch line Miraflores

To achieve the discharge of the Guardia Civil drain and make the drainage independent of the
river levels, it is proposed to install a new pumping station on the Castilla seawall at the
intersection with Las Amapolas street. In order to divert the flow coming from the existing
Guardia Civil collector, the construction of a collector 220 m long, 2 m wide, 1.15 m high and
with a gradient of 0.005 m/m is proposed. This new pumping station will also make it possible to
deal with the low point at this location, which can be seen in the contour lines shown in Figure

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Figure 8-64. EB Miraflores implementation Tacna

The existing pumping station has insufficient capacity to drain a flow of 6 m³/s associated with
a 25-year recurrence event. It is therefore proposed to build a new pumping station in the
same location, in order to solve the low point, together with the construction of two branches
of 290 m and 150 m, located to the north and south of Piura Street, respectively. The first,
located to the north, will consist of a cell 1 m wide and 1 m high, allowing the connection of
the existing Ramón Castilla collector. On the other hand, the southern branch will be made up
of two 2 m wide and 1.8 m high cells.

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Figure 8-65. Implementation of new Tacna BS Las Montero

Towards the southern part of the Castilla district, a new pumping station will be installed to
drain the low points Galilea to the south, and Las Montero, 7 de septiembre, Campo Polo,
Independencia and Colectores Jorge Chávez, the latter being drained towards the new
pumping station via a new collector. The system, beyond the pumping station, is
complemented by two branches, Las Montero and Las Palmeras.

The first of these corresponds to a 1500 m long collector consisting of 2.5 m wide and 2 m high
collectors, which increase in number from 1 to 3 cells until they reach the new pumping
station. As indicated in the previous paragraph, the existing Jorge Chávez collector will be
connected to this branch.

In addition, the Las Palmeras branch will be discharged into this pumping station, the main
purpose of which is to drain surface runoff from the Las Palmeras and Galilea housing
development. This branch will consist of a section of 1 and 2 cells, each 2.9 m wide and 2 m
high. In total, there will be a pumping of a flow of around 30 m³/s, supplied by both branches,
which will be complemented by two secondary drains that will allow the capture of surface

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Figure 8-66. Implementation of the Las Montero system



EB The


Figure 8-67. Longitudinal profile of the Las Montero branch

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

Figure 8-68. Longitudinal profile of the Las Palmeras branch

8.1.10. System 1308 Alto Gallo Drain

In the Alto Gallo basin, located next to the Country Miraflores, the possibility of generating a
retention in the basin has been analysed in order to attenuate the peak of the hydrograph in
an area where there is a natural depression in which the analysis of a laminating dam would be

Figure 8-69. Alto Gallo. Possible location of the laminating reservoir.

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Figure 8-70. Alto Gallo. General location

Surface runoff from the Alto Gallo basin is collected by the existing channel that borders the
Country Miraflores until it discharges into drain 1308. The existing channel, although it is in
good working order, does not have sufficient capacity to drain the peak flow, which has been
estimated to be in the order of 25 m³/s. In view of the above, there are two possible scenarios
for the implementation of remedial works:

1. Construction of the rolling dam (Q Outlet = capacity of existing channel)

2. Expansion of existing channel (Q = 25 m³/s)

With regard to the first scenario and estimating that the capacity of the existing channel
corresponds to approx. 10 m³/s, it would be possible to generate such attenuation with the
Alto Gallo rolling dam, where the discharge structure corresponds to a bottom culvert with a
square cross-section of 1.1 m on each side. The storage in the reservoir would reach a height of
approx. 5 m, while the outflow is below the 10 m³/s indicated above (Figure 8-71).

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Figure 8-71. Preliminary assessment of the attenuation effect of the Alto Gallo rolling dam.

In a second line of analysis, it is possible to evaluate that in order to achieve the drainage of
the peak flow generated by the basin, without any possible lamination of the flow hydrograph,
the existing drainage channel should be widened to a trapezoidal section of 5 m bottom width,
1.5 m height, 1V:1H side slopes and a longitudinal slope of 0.005 m/m (Figure 8-72).

Figure 8-72. Possible widening of the Country Miraflores canal.

At the same time, it should be noted that the lamination of the flow hydrograph in the Alto
Gallo stream has a limited effect on the reduction of the peak flow in drain 1308. For example,
Figure 8-73 shows a comparison of the flow hydrograph of drain 1308 in the outlet section of
the urban centre of the district of Castilla, in a scenario with and without lamination in the Alto
Gallo basin. It can be seen that the attenuating effect of the lamination dam is practically
negligible in terms of defining the maximum flow in drain 1308.

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Figure 8-73. Possible widening of the Country Miraflores canal.

Taking into account that it is possible to widen the drainage channel of the Country Miraflores
and that the attenuating effect of the Alto Gallo laminator does not present a substantial
improvement in the behaviour of drain 1308, it is considered appropriate to continue the work
without including the Alto Gallo laminator dam in the storm drainage solution. Spring Drain

The Primavera drain crosses the urbanisation of the same name, which is characterised by
unpaved streets, with the presence of certain intermediate low points that cause flooding. In
this aspect, it is necessary to systematise rainwater runoff in the streets, which should be
carried out as the urbanisation of this area progresses. On the other hand, the presence of the
Primavera drain is highlighted, which currently does not have a rectified longitudinal profile of
the sill level that would allow the maximum runoff capacity to be established. It is therefore
proposed to profile the existing drain by creating a channel with a cross section of 3.5 m in
depth width, 1.0 m in height, 1V:1H side slopes and longitudinal gradients in two sections of
0.01 m/m and 0.005 m/m (Figure 8-74). In this way, it will be possible to transport a flow of 8
m³/s associated with a 25-year recurrence event. Finally, the Primavera drain discharges the
flow into drain 1308.

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Figure 8-74. Spring Drain

Figure 8-75. Longitudinal profile of the Primavera drain El Gallo System

The El Gallo gully currently has a systemisation of only 600 m, in the area located to the north
of Av. Guardia Civil. The stream does not present adequate runoff conditions from the
intersection of the stream with Av. Los Médanos, until it discharges into drain 1308.

The first section, which corresponds to an existing channel located downstream of the
intersection of the stream with María Auxiliadora Street, with a length of 770 m, has an
insufficient capacity to transport a flow of 29 m³/s. For this reason, it is proposed to deepen
the channel in this section by an average height of 1.2 m.

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On the other hand, in order to create a stable and sustainable structure throughout the useful
life of the project, it is proposed to build a 10 m wide channel, with a height of 1.4 m in the
first 1800 m, which is extended to 2.0 m in the last 800 m until it discharges into drain 1308.

As indicated in the design criteria (numeral Figure 8-76), the need to generate a stable and
sustainable hydraulic structure is considered relevant, in order to avoid possible future
occupations of the drain, as well as to achieve an adequate linkage of the structure itself with
the urban environment. In view of the above, an adequate lining of the channel cross-section
is recommended, which may be materialised with a rigid lining (reinforced concrete) or a
flexible lining (e.g. geocells filled with simple concrete).

The design flow of this drain, in the section discharging into channel 1308, corresponds to 75
m³/s associated with a 25-year recurrence event.

Figure 8-76. El Gallo Creek

El Gallo Gorge

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Figure 8-77. Longitudinal profile of El Gallo stream.

Figure 8-78. Discharge zone of El Gallo stream to drain 1308. Ciudad del Niño System (Nueva Castilla 2)

The blind spot identified as Nueva Castilla 2 corresponds to an endiction of the natural runoff
of the El Gallo basin generated by the construction of the Guardia Civil Avenue. The Alas
Peruanas and Chulucanas sectors are located in this area, which are at high risk of damage
caused by rainfall events. The road network and the existence of crossing culverts that lack the
capacity to drain the flow in a south-north direction, generate the storage of the flow on the
south side of the road. This sub-basin generates a flow of around 35 m³/s for a 25-year
recurrence event.

Due to the magnitude of the flow, and considering that the existing El Gallo stream on the
north side of the road has a runoff capacity of around 33 m³/s, it is not considered appropriate
to restore the flow to its natural condition. For this reason, among the intervention measures
proposed is the construction of a collector parallel to Av. Guardia Civil, which will drain these
low points towards the El Gallo stream, at the intersection of the road with Los Almendros
street, where another line of intervention proposes the expansion of the hydraulic capacity of
the El Gallo stream. This collector will be formed in the first 650 m by a drain with two eyes,
2.5 m wide and 2 m high each, which will be extended to a drain with two eyes, 2.5 m wide
and 2.6 m high each, in the remaining length.

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In addition to the above, it should be noted that this area corresponds to one of the
settlements with a disorderly growth, without a clear structuring of the urbanisation. For this
reason, the systematisation of rainwater drainage will be complemented with the levelling of
the streets, allowing the drainage of the different blind spots present towards the collector
planned for Av. Guardia Civil.

Figure 8-79. Implementation of the Ciudad del Niño drain (Nueva Castilla 2).

El Gallo

Figure 8-80. Longitudinal profile of the Ciudad del Niño drain (Nueva Castilla 2).

Beyond the implementation of the works, it should be noted that they allow only a part of the
runoff volume from the external basin to be discharged into the new drain (Ciudad del Niño).
This remainder generates flooding that does not

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drainage is possible without considering the installation of a pumping station or a flow

attenuation structure located to the east of the Via Evitamiento Este. In this respect, it is not
considered appropriate to install a flow lamination structure, as it is considered a remaining
risk for more recurrent events, where an overflow could cause severe damage in an area
where there is no drainage line to the outlet point.

Another technical possibility is the implementation of a pumped discharge, which, in order to

achieve a discharge of 30 m³/s, would require the expropriation and resettlement of a
considerable area in a zone where urbanisation is not yet stable, in terms of street
development, services, etc.

For this reason, given the limitations of a structural measure to reduce the effects of flooding
and taking into account that these sectors do not correspond to an area of consolidated
urbanisation, it is proposed to resettle the population in an area of 36.3 ha, as shown in Figure

Figure 8-81. Population resettlement in Nueva Castilla Pampas de Castilla System (Nueva Castilla 1)

The blind spot identified as Nueva Castilla 1 corresponds to a topographic low lying area with a
depth of around 5m. Within this low area, the growth of a settlement has been identified,
whose urbanisation has precarious characteristics in terms of its systematisation, as well as the
rustic conditions of the dwellings (Figure 8-82). It should be noted that, as this area lacks
natural runoff and is an endorheic basin, the dwellings there present a high risk in the event of
a rainfall event, which could lead to loss of human life.

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Figure 8-82. Urbanisation in Pampas de Castilla (Nueva Castilla 1)

Figure 8-83. Implementation of the Pampas de Castilla drain (Nueva Castilla 1).

El Gallo

In order to solve the flood risk in this sector of the district of Castilla, two measures are envisaged
to deal with the drainage of a flow of 44 m³/s.

- Construction of a collector consisting of two eyes, each 2.5 m wide and 3 m high.
- Systematisation of the urbanisation, by levelling the streets.

This last point corresponds to a measure that in turn goes beyond the scope of urban storm
drainage. Rather, it is mainly made up of the conditions of

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The urbanisation of the area, which should contemplate an adequate systematisation of the
street network, in clear counterpoint to the disorderly growth that the settlement has
presented at present.

Figure 8-84. Longitudinal profile of the Pampas de Castilla drain (Nueva Castilla 1).

The projected drain discharges into drain 1308, which in turn contemplates a systematisation
in terms of the conformation of its cross-section and its longitudinal profile. Aviation
In order to reduce the impact in the vicinity of the Guillermo Concha Iberico International
Airport, it is proposed to readjust the Aviation drains in order to achieve a discharge into the
1308 collector channel. At present, this discharge is conditioned by the following aspects:

- Existing channels need to be re-profiled in order to restore their drainage capacity.

- Impossibility of the discharge of the Aviación drain into canal 1308 due to the non-
existence of a hydraulic crossing with the Biaggio Arbulú irrigation canal.

In this aspect, the profiling of the existing canals shown in Figure 8-85 is proposed, where the
construction of an inverted siphon to achieve the crossing of the Biaggio Arbulú irrigation canal
towards the discharge to canal 1308 is also highlighted. For the whole system, a total drainage
to canal 1308 of about 15 m³/s is foreseen. It should be noted that the discharge will be
conditioned by the liquid level of canal 1308, which in this case reaches a level of approx.
26.8 m.a.s.l., causing a backwater towards the lower part of the airport.

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Figure 8-85. Implementation of the Aviation system



Figure 8-86. Longitudinal profile of the Aviation Drain

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Figure 8-87. Longitudinal profile of the Internal Airport Drain

Figure 8-88. Longitudinal profile of the Aviation Drain El Indio
In the area known as El Indio, a topographically low point was identified that presents a certain
deficiency to achieve drainage to canal 1308 due to the liquid level that the latter presents
during a pluvial event. At present, the area bounded to the north by the agricultural area, canal
1308 to the southeast and the Biaggio Arbulú canal to the west, has a single surface drain that
is unable to drain due to the aforementioned conditions. To this end, the construction of two
branches made up of buried collectors is proposed, which drain the surface runoff towards the
Pachacutec El Indio square, where a new pumping station will be installed to bridge the
difference in level between the blind spots identified and canal 1308.

On the other hand, the impulsion is made up of 2 pipes of 1500 mm diameter, in a length of
550 m each. At a later stage of the study, the possibility of locating

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the pumping station in a sector close to canal 1308, in order to reduce the discharge length.

Figure 8-89. Implementation of the El Indio system


Figure 8-90. Longitudinal profile of the Pachacutec branch.

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Figure 8-91. Longitudinal profile of the El Indio branch line Chiclayito System

For the Villa California system, due to its proximity to drain 1308, the installation of a pumping
station with a short discharge length is planned, in order to drain the runoff retained between
the urbanisation and the Biaggio Arbulú canal. The estimated pumping flow is in the order of 6
m³/s. Bearing in mind the location of the work in relation to the whole of drain 1308, it should
be noted that the hydrological response times are clearly temporally distanced, with the
response of the Villa California system being more accelerated in relation to drain 1308.

Figure 8-92. Chiclayito implantation

New station


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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Dren 1308

Drain 1308 corresponds to the main drainage line located inside the urbanisation of the district
of Castilla. It receives the tributaries coming from basins both inside and outside the urban area.
The main tributaries include Alto Gallo, Primavera, Gallo, Nueva Castilla 1 and 2, Aviación, El
Indio, Chiclayito, together with the contribution distributed along the road.

On the other hand, the problems of drain 1308 include a longitudinal profile hindered by the
formation of transversal access embankments between both banks of the channel (Figure 8-
93), which notably reduces the flow's runoff capacity. At the same time, there is a drain profile
lacking maintenance (Figure 8-94) with a notable presence of solid urban waste dumped into
the channel.

Figure 8-93. Embankments transversal to drain 1308

Figure 8-94. Drain 1308

It is estimated that, beyond the possibility of rehabilitating the accesses between both banks
of the canal, and the possibility of reconforming the original cross-section of the canal, it would
not have a drainage capacity of more than 40 m³/s in the last 2 km within the urban area.
Taking into account the improvements in runoff conditions (mainly in Alto Gallo, Gallo, Nueva
Castilla 1 and 2) the canal will receive a greater volume of runoff, which, given the impossibility
of generating storage in the upstream sectors, the flow of drain 1308 amounts to some 160
m³/s for a 25-year event of

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recurrence. It should be noted that this value corresponds to the increase in inflows from the
surrounding basins, associated with an improvement in urban drainage conditions and a
reduction in the volume of runoff retained at each of the flooded sites. The main lateral (point)
inflows along the course of channel 1308 are presented below.

- Alto Gallo: 25 m³/s

- Spring: 8 m³/s
- El Gallo (with Nueva Castilla 2): 75 m³/s
- Nueva Castilla 1: 44 m³/s
- Aviation: 15 m³/s
- El Indio: 13 m³/s
- Chiclayito: 6 m³/s

In view of the above, there is a need to profile the channel, together with an enlargement of
the runoff cross-section. Figure 8-95 shows the longitudinal profile of the drain together with
the proposed intervention, which is characterised by the need for a 12 m wide channel, 4 m
high and 1V:1H side slopes in the first 6300 m of the channel, which is widened to a 15 m wide
channel at the bottom in the cross section where the Aviación drain is fed. Due to the
importance of the channel, both from a hydraulic point of view and in terms of the
sustainability of the collector, a 10 cm thick concrete lining is proposed along the entire length
of the section.

Figure 8-95. Longitudinal profile of drain 1308

Finally, the discharge to the Piura river of the flow drained by channel 1308 is carried out by
means of a pumping station located downstream of the Panamericana bridge on the left bank
of the river. Due to the magnitude of the discharge flow (160 m³/s) to achieve the discharge to
the Piura river, it is necessary to attenuate the flow by means of a deepened basin of 246,000
m², excavated at a level of 22.5 m.a.s.l.

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Figure 8-96. Discharge to river from drain 1308

Figure 8-97. Lamination of the hydrograph, prior to pumping into the Piura River.

8.1.11. Pumping stations

As indicated in the previous sections, the topographical conditions and the restrictions on
discharge into the Piura river imposed by the high liquid level that this imposes during a flood
in relation to the discharge level of the rainwater collectors, make it necessary to implement a
series of pumping stations, as detailed in Figure 8-98. In addition to the estimated pumping
capacities, the estimated liquid levels of the Piura river under different scenarios are shown

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• TR 100 - Scenario with project, with implementation of barrages, without extension of

the Sanchez Cerro bridge.
• TR 50 - Scenario with project, without implementation of barrage dams
• TR 25 - Scenario with project, without implementation of barrage dams
• TR 10 - Scenario with project, without implementation of barrage dams

The variety of scenarios evaluated makes it possible to identify that the need for pumping
facilities is not merely a temporary or transitory consideration. The approach to the above
conclusion is possible since, in a scenario without regulation of the Piura river (i.e. without the
implementation of the lamination dams in the upper basin), it is possible to observe from the
results presented in Table 8-1 that the discharge level of the collectors is below the levels
reached by the Piura river during a 10, 25 and 50 year recurrence event. On the other hand, in
a long term evaluation, in which it is possible to consider the construction of the lamination
dams in the upper basin, the reduction of the Piura river levels for a TR 100 year event does
not fall below the discharge levels of the rainwater collectors. This description is shown in
Figure 8-98, which shows the liquid levels for the different events indicated and the projected
discharge level of the storm drains.

As indicated in the previous paragraph, it is clear that rainwater discharges require the
implementation of pumping stations in both a short-term scenario (without regulation of the
Piura River) and a long-term scenario (with regulation of the Piura River).

Figure 8-98. Comparison between liquid levels of the Piura River vs. discharge level of the storm drains

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EB NL Rio Piura NL Rio Piura NL Rio Piura NL Rio Piura Gravity Total Flow rate Installed
- Project TR - Project TR - Project TR - Project TR discharge dynamic Power
100 -3396 50 - 3285 25 - 2683 10 - 1903 level height
m3/s- With m3/s- No m3/s- No m3/s- No
dams dams dams dams
(m.a.s.l.) (m.a.s.l.) (m.a.s.l.) (m.a.s.l.) (m.a.s.l.) (m.c.a.) (m3/s) (kW)
Castilla Norte 32.72 32.27 31.39 30.09 30.0 5 14 864
Fundo San Pedro: Impulsion 25.0 13 14 2,289
Fundo San Pedro: Unloading 32.58 32.12 31.25 29.94 28.7 6 15 1,154
Quinta Ana María 32.32 31.84 30.98 29.69 26.0 10 21 2,836
Cáceres: Ignacio Merino 31.99 31.48 30.63 29.34 24.0 12 27 4,233
Cáceres: Chipe 31.93 31.44 30.60 29.32 27.0 7 3 272
The Shining Ones 31.78 31.28 30.44 29.18 27.4 6 11 919
Miraflores 31.40 30.86 30.06 28.84 27.0 6 4 335
Chilcal 31.16 30.73 29.94 28.73 23.0 13 12 2,066
Tacna 30.56 30.18 29.44 28.30 25.8 7 4 354
Central Piura 30.00 29.90 29.20 28.13 25.6 6 8 670
6 September 29.40 29.28 28.57 27.08 21.8 10 37 4,644
Las Montero 29.01 28.89 28.23 27.25 23.0 8 29 3,040
Sullana - Panamericana 28.34 28.22 27.57 26.62 23.1 7 43 4,071
1308 28.02 27.88 27.26 26.34 22.5 8 70 6,890
Enace 32.0 7 4 374
Chiclayito 22.0 6 6 443
El Indio 22.0 6 12 885

Table 8-1. Summary of pumping stations to be implemented.

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8.1.12. Crossing works

Throughout the study area, the need for road crossings at the Maldonado (East and West) and
1308 canals has been identified. The purpose of these works of art lies in the following

▪ Create a safe road crossing during a rain event.

▪ Ensure connectivity between the two banks.
▪ Prevent the formation of clandestine crossings that compromise the hydraulic
capacity of the canals.

A total of 25 culverts are planned for construction, divided into:

- Maldonado East Canal: 1

- Maldonado West Channel: 10
- Channel 1308: 14

Figure 8-99. Implementation of crossing works in the Maldonado canal (East and West).

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Figure 8-100. Implementation of crossing works in canal 1308 (Alto Gallo - El Gallo section).

Figure 8-101. Implementation of crossing works in canal 1308 (El Gallo - discharge section).

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Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document Considerations for expansion areas

The city of Piura is clearly growing in accordance with the economic and investment growth
that is taking place in the region, which has led to the current urban strengthening and its
consequent planning in areas of urban expansion.

The growth trend of the districts of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla has been mainly
towards the north according to the Urban Development Plan for the Districts of Piura,
Veintiséis de Octubre, Castilla and Catacaos by 2032. In the case of the urban structure of
Castilla, it is growing, as well as towards the north, along the Piura-Chulucanas axis and towards
the south on the road to Catacaos. In the case of the urban structure of Piura, in addition to the
north, it also grows along the Piura-Paita axis and towards the south on the road to La Legua
and San Jacinto, in the jurisdiction of the District of Catacaos.

This urban structure in the process of consolidation is made up of formal urban development
projects, peripheral urban settlements and informal possessions, on which the responsible
entities must plan or adapt the urban environment in such a way that parks, squares and/or
large public areas are planned below ground level so that they can serve as infrastructure for
the retention or lamination of rainwater and thus limit the flow of runoff downstream (in situ
control). Urban roads should also be designed in such a way that natural runoff conditions

8.2. Non-structural measures proposed

Non-structural practices or measures aim to improve urban drainage management by
addressing both the quantity and quality of runoff water, in an integrated context where the
socio-economic component of the population plays an important role.

Non-structural measures include policies, awareness raising, development of knowledge and

rules of operation of the water and storm drainage system, as well as mechanisms for public
participation and information to the population, aimed at reducing the existing risk and
impacts of flooding.

In this sense, this chapter describes the non-structural measures to be considered as part of
the Master Plan.

8.2.1. MNE01 - Urban Rainfall Early Warning System (EWS)

Problem identified

It is not guaranteed that all the measures of the Plan to be developed will be implemented
without the existence of an Early Warning system for rainfall, since until then there will be no
risk coverage in accordance with the established design criteria.

Objective of the measure

To have an Early Warning System (SAT), basically meteorological, linked to the National
Network of the Early Warning System (RNAT) led by INDECI (National Institute of Civil
Defence), which allows sufficient time to inform the enforcement authorities responsible for
the maintenance of drainage works, as well as those in charge of the drainage works, in

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The urban waste collection service should be informed of the occurrence of an event. This
should trigger immediate cleaning and preventive maintenance protocols so that the drainage
infrastructure is in optimal working condition, a task that should be carried out before rainfall
surpluses begin to flow.

Conceptual approach

Conceptually, an urban rainfall EWS will be set up at the provincial level in the Provincial
Municipality of Piura, which will function in direct coordination with the Regional Emergency
Operations Committee (COER). In addition, it will be led by the Disaster Risk Management
Working Group (GTGRD) of the Regional Government of Piura, which in turn will designate a
technical team to be formed within the organisation of the Provincial Municipality of Piura, with
the support of the head of Civil Defence of the local government.

As for the implementation, in accordance with regulations, of the four (4) components of an
EWS, Component I: "Scientific knowledge" and Component II: "Monitoring, forecasts,
warnings", it will be through an agreement between the EWS and SENAMHI, as a specialised
public entity and in accordance with the experiences of the Authority for Reconstruction with
Change in the EWS-Ica and EWS-Piura already implemented. For its part, the SAT will be
responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stations to be installed. Regarding
Component III: "Dissemination and communication", and Component IV: "Response capacity",
it will be the exclusive responsibility of the EWS to be implemented.

Opportunities and interdependencies

According to the regulatory framework of the National Disaster Risk Management System
(SINAGERD), an Early Warning System must be articulated with the National Early Warning
Network (RNAT) and for this purpose the National Civil Defence Institute (INDECI), the
governing body in this area, will be involved. Likewise, existing organisations where civil
society participates will be involved, such as district and provincial Civil Defence Platforms
(PDC), the Community Neighbourhood Councils (JUVECOs), who in coordination with the
Emergency Operations Committees (COE), at regional and local level, and the Working Groups
of Disaster Risk Management, will allow the implementation of an Urban Rainfall EWS in the
province of Piura.

Agreements and co-ordinations

Based on the experiences of the Authority for Reconstruction with Change (ARCC) with similar
EWS projects, both in Ica and Piura, preliminary coordination has been carried out with the
SINAGERD components, including SENAMHI, a scientific technical entity that will play a leading
role, and under the mechanism of an agreement with the EWS to be implemented, the optimal
functioning of the system will be guaranteed.

Implementation period (years)

0.5 year

Starting time

Year 1

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Priority level

Short Term

8.2.2. MNE02 - Flood Contingency Plan Update

Problem identified

There is a contingency and risk prevention plan at provincial level that needs to be updated
according to the improvements in the drainage system that will be introduced by the Master
Plan and all the measures it implies.

Objective of the measure

Drafting, unification and updating of contingency and risk prevention measures to be applied
as part of a "Flood Contingency Plan", under the authority of the enforcement authority for
the management of the city's storm drains, whether Municipal and/or Decentralised.

This document should be of a succinct structure, defining the risk sectors, and the preventive
actions (to be taken following the warnings of the warning systems that are implemented)
and/or action to be taken in the event of an impact or emergency phase. In each case, the
actors who will coordinate the actions should also be defined. Finally, training and education
actions should be included for the actors responsible for implementation, as well as for the
public, who should know what instructions to follow (and from whom), safe zones, evacuation
plans, etc.

This plan will need to be updated as mitigation measures are incorporated in the city, as the
scope of the required actions will gradually be modified and reduced.

Implementation period (years)

0.5 year

Starting time

Year 1

Priority level

Short Term

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8.2.3. MNE03 - Update of the "Provincial and District Plan for Municipal
Solid Waste Management".
Problem identified

Despite the efforts of the institutions and the community to control solid urban waste, a large
amount of rubbish can still be observed in the channels or in specific deposits in different
sectors of the city, which can be carried by the rains to the drainage works. This leads to a
decrease in drainage capacity and pollution. The collection and disposal system is deficient.

In general, solid waste is scattered throughout the city, which not only implies a risk of rainfall,
as described above, but also has an impact on the quality of life of the community from a
sanitary point of view.

Objective of the measure

To have an updated management document related to solid waste in order to avoid undue
occupation of natural watercourses and reduction of the hydraulic discharge capacity of the
proposed infrastructure, as well as to reduce the overall pollution level of the city and
generate a healthy environment for human development.

Implementation period (years)

0.5 year

Starting time

Year 1

Priority level

Short Term

8.2.4. MNE04 - Strengthening of the entities in charge of the project

Problem identified

Currently, the management, operation and maintenance of the city's storm drainage network,
and its linkage and interrelationship with other urban services, has no responsible entity or
body, and thus any organisational effort would fail.

For the Drainage Plan to be successful and sustainable over time, regulatory and planning
instruments must be in place to ensure the proper operation and maintenance of the system's

To this end, the competent bodies at national and regional government level should establish
land use regulations, including the creation and/or recovery of green areas or potential
recreational areas (mainly in urban areas) and institutional strengthening in environmental
matters, both at district, provincial and regional levels,

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The two organisations are responsible for their respective functional responsibilities,
coordinated through appropriate mechanisms to achieve effective action.

Objective of the measure

Creation of a decentralised body or the institutional strengthening of a specific area within the
provincial and district municipality or within a municipal commonwealth, or within the
Regional Government or with outsourcing, who will be responsible for coordinating with the
other areas that may be involved in the management of the Urban Drainage Plan. Two (2)
alternatives to be analysed are described below:

Management system alternative 1: Management model consisting of a body in charge of

investment, operation and maintenance of storm drains in the Piura Provincial Municipality.
The storm drainage infrastructure would be managed by the two entities, their areas of
competence being delimited by the jurisdiction they are in charge of and by the infrastructure
components they have to operate and maintain (main outfalls, collectors and subcollectors).
The Regional Government of Piura would also participate in the functions for which it is

Management system alternative 2: requires that prior to the above-mentioned actions, an

agreement be drawn up between the Regional Government of Piura and the municipalities
involved in order to define the functions to be delegated, budget management and the
coordination and cooperation mechanisms. The bodies in charge of planning, budget and
organisation of the entities involved and the Regional Directorate of Housing, Construction and
Sanitation would be in charge of the elaboration of such an agreement, for which the
development of a consultancy service is suggested.

Other Alternatives for Infrastructure Management

Considering the importance of the drainage system in the study area, other alternatives for
financing the construction and/or management of these works (operation and maintenance)
could also be considered. Two alternatives considering the participation of the private sector are
summarised below:

• Works for taxes: According to DL N°1534, Regional Government entities may enter
into agreements for the financing and execution of the operation and maintenance of
service-producing units, with the costs being reimbursed through the issuance of
Regional and Local Public Investment Certificates (CIPRL).
• PPP concessions: Usually in initiatives of this nature, the private party assumes the
design and construction risk as well. Due to the long-term commitment assumed in
PPP contracts, these types of initiatives also depend on political and social factors.

A significant challenge of the modalities described above would be in the interest of the
market, considering that the consequences of a failure of the drainage system could be
disastrous. It should be noted that in all the cases described above it would be desirable to
have a comprehensive public sector management and supervision strategy.

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8.2.5. MNE05 - Training of the affected population to implement the risk

prevention culture
Problems Identified

The culture of risk prevention in the population is at an incipient level, although it is true that
there are regulations and the organisation of "Civil Defence Committees" in the municipalities,
the population is not involved or empowered.

Objective of the measure

Generate capacities in the beneficiary population for the prevention and adequate response to
a risk event, thus increasing community resilience.

As part of the Drainage Plan, the storm drainage service operators must draw up and/or
update the operating and maintenance procedures for urban facilities in relation to urban
drainage. This document must be dynamic and can be updated with each work and/or system
that is incorporated into the city. Each work and/or system that is incorporated must be
required to have its own cleaning, operation and maintenance procedure by the

Implementation period (years)

2.0 years Start


Year 1 and Year 2

Priority level

Short Term

8.2.6. MNE06 - Creation of requirements for the

paving paving and road resurfacing requirements
Problem identified

Despite the existence of "Urban Development Plans" at the municipal level, subsequent
municipal interventions in the urban road network will not be in accordance with the
guidelines of the Drainage Plan to be implemented with this project, and could lead to
incompatibilities with the direction of flow or the creation of blind basins. If, when paving the
streets, the direction of runoff is changed, new blind spots could be created or excess
rainwater could be channelled towards sectors that do not have sufficient drainage
infrastructure or capacity.

Objective of the measure

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To have a municipal control instrument that makes it possible to articulate decisions on

intervention in the urban road network, in direct accordance with the guidelines of the Storm
Drainage Plan. Among the aspects to be regulated are the following:

- Slopes and street alignments to match flow directions.

- Recommended type of pavement, according to infiltration capacity.

- Junctions between roads, streets and passages.

- Typical sections to consider.

It is therefore proposed that regulations be drawn up for the paving and resurfacing of streets.

The Stormwater Drainage Plan has been established by defining basins and sub-basins in the
urban environment, which have been established on the basis of the elevations obtained from
the topographic survey (2019). As a result, blind basins and preferential runoff routes have
been identified, in many cases with a lack of drainage capacity. Based on this diagnosis, a set of
structural measures were proposed to mitigate the risk of flooding.

As described in the problem, if these levels are not respected (or are modified in the future),
the direction of surface runoff of unfiltrated rainwater surpluses could be changed, which
could generate new blind spots or lead rainwater to sectors that do not have sufficient
drainage infrastructure or capacity.

In order to ensure that the latter does not happen, it is proposed that, from the survey maps
produced as part of the Plan, the municipalities generate a base plan of corner elevations that
must be respected.

This same document, in addition to establishing street elevations, slopes and alignments to
match flow directions, could define minimum design conditions, such as recommended
pavement type, typical sections to be considered, considerations for the design of the
structural package, etc.

The document to be drawn up will have a provincial scope and will be mandatory in the
districts of Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla.

Implementation period (years)

0.5 years Time of


Year 1

Priority level

Short Term

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8.2.7. MNE07 - Resettlement of population settled in areas at high risk of

Problem identified

The need for places to locate housing for a growing population, both due to fertility and
migration of families from the interior of the region, and the lack of resources and
opportunities, have led them to decide to fill topographical depressions and build their homes
there. In addition to this, the lack of land use planning to guide the location of localities, the
institutional weakness to enforce regulations, when they exist, and the lack of housing
programmes for the low-income population, leads to localities being located in areas at risk of
flooding. This situation puts the population settled in these areas (blind basins) at high risk.

set of actions and activities carried out by the State necessary to achieve the relocation of
settlers who are in areas declared to be at Very High Unmitigable Risk, to areas with better
security conditions". In this framework, the Population Resettlement Plan constitutes the
technical instrument that allows for its orderly and efficient viability, for which it is previously
necessary to design technical and administrative mechanisms and procedures that enable its
adequate elaboration and implementation.

Objective of the measure

To have a Population Resettlement Plan which should contain the set of actions and activities
carried out by the responsible entities necessary to achieve the relocation of inhabitants who
are in areas at risk of flooding, to areas with better safety conditions. This plan constitutes the
technical instrument that allows for its orderly and efficient viability, for which it is previously
necessary to design technical and administrative mechanisms and procedures that enable its
adequate elaboration and implementation.10

Implementation of the population resettlement plan for areas at high risk of flooding, such as:
Nueva Castilla 1 and the areas surrounding the Laguna Santa Julia. It is proposed to resettle
the population in an area of approximately 37 ha.

Implementation period (years)

1 year

Starting time

Year 1

Priority level

CENEPRED Guide (2016)

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Short Term

8.3. Assessment hydrological-hydraulic of the

measures implemented
8.3.1. Technical approach to the model
As a corollary of the previous stage of the PMDU, the most viable alternative was selected
according to a multi-criteria analysis, being Alternative 2 the one selected to achieve an
optimal and more efficient consideration of the systematisation of storm runoff discharges in
the districts of Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla.

The selected alternative for each sector of the PMDU, after being optimised, is represented
through the DSO configuration (Diagnostic Situation with Works) of the hydrological-hydraulic
models of Piura-Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla.

These final models include the following structural interventions:

● Re-profiling of existing drains and construction of new ones (open and piped).
● The operation of pumping stations in the central areas of Piura and Castilla with
discharge in most cases to the Piura river.
● Reservoirs into which part of the surplus volume is diverted laterally during flood
peaks, and then discharged either by pumping or into the drain to be relieved.
These interventions, for the selected alternative, are shown in Figure 8-102.

In terms of modelling strategies, some of the most relevant aspects are highlighted below:

● The proposed drains were implemented, generating the free surface profiles and
modelling piped sections of the drains for Piura, Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla.
● To ensure the connection of the surface drainage system with the buried pipes, orifice-
type connections were created at each node of the piped system, preventing the
presence of drains from being a limitation for the drainage of water in the street.
● For the new pumping stations, underground tanks with buffer function were
implemented for the Chilcal and Cáceres: Ignacio Merino cases. The rest of the cisterns
associated with new pumping stations (EEBB), present the same object of attenuation
of pumping flows, however, with lower storage volumes with respect to Chilcal and
Ignacio Merino.
● The buffering capacity of the new reservoirs was represented as the inclusion of a
storage point at Laguna Azul, with a buffering effect from the Sullana Drain. The
channel is connected to the reservoirs by lateral spillways 10 m long and with a
discharge coefficient associated with that of a thick-walled spillway. The return of the
laminated volume is carried out towards the drain (after the flood peak) by means of a
point discharge towards the drain located downstream.
At the same time, the flood park generated in the Cinco Esquinas system, which
receives the contributions of the different branches planned, is also noteworthy.
Downstream regulation

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is conditioned by the hydraulic behaviour of the collector that discharges into the
Pajarito stream.
● In the case of Castilla, the bridges over the Drain 1308 were removed, as the new
crossings will be provided by culverts that should not affect the hydraulic behaviour of
the canal.

Figure 8-102. Detail of the specific works of the selected alternative.

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Figure 8-103. Detail of the specific works of the selected alternative.

8.3.2. Hydraulic analysis of the current drainage system

From a global point of view, the urban conglomerate of the city of Piura presents two main
sources of water risk. On the one hand, the risk of flooding of fluvial origin through overflows
of the Piura river, and on the other hand, the risk of flooding of pluvial origin, through the
accumulation of rainwater in the basins of the area.

In turn, part of the urban drainage system of the city of Piura is highly influenced by the water
levels in the river of the same name, since most of the pipes drain into this watercourse.

The existing works that make up the drainage system of the city of Piura are a combination of
open channels, storm drains, buried conduits and pumping stations. Much of the
aforementioned infrastructure is undersized for the design rainfall and is inadequately
maintained, which means that its performance is not sufficient to reduce flood damage.

As mentioned above, the drainage network discharges into the Piura river, but also into the
Pajaritos stream, the Sechura Drain, the 1308 Drain and the Santa Julia Lagoon. In Figure 8-
102, in addition to the components of the general drainage system of the city of Piura, the final
discharges mentioned are shown. Figure 8-104 summarises the current state of the drainage
system in the three districts and shows all the interventions included in this assessment (new
drains and pumping stations and attenuation basins).

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Figure 8-104. Current drainage system and proposed interventions.

More details on the overall functioning of the system at present are presented in the following
sections. Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre Districts

The districts of Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre discharge in a northeast-southwest direction

into a series of open and buried drains, whose final discharges currently include the Pajaritos
Creek, the Sechura Drain, the Santa Julia Lagoon and the Piura River.

Within the Veintiséis de Octubre district, all existing drains discharge into the main Victor
Maldonado drain, which runs between the Santa Julia Lagoon and the Pajarito stream,
distributing the flows received between these two bodies of water.

The Piura district has the Gulman-Sullana-Sechura system, including an overflow into the 6 de
Septiembre drain and subsequently into the Piura river and the César Vallejo-Turkey-Japan
system, with final discharge into the Santa Julia Lagoon. There are also less developed drains in
the north of the city (Vice Merino, Alto Piura, Piura Norte -San Pedro-, Rosales and Piura
Centro), all discharging directly or through a pumping station into the Piura river.

On the other hand, there are numerous land depressions which, not being hydraulically
connected to the drainage system, form blind basins prone to frequent flooding.

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The drainage network of Castilla, the district on the left bank of the Piura river, is less
developed and has a markedly north-south orientation. Drain 1308 is an open-air channel that
runs along the eastern boundary of the basin and discharges into the Sechura drain outside the
district boundaries. The drainage system is articulated around this channel, the main
components being the El Gallo and Aviación drains. There is also a series of smaller drains that
discharge directly into the Piura river.

There is also the Biaggio Arbulu irrigation canal, whose flow is strictly regulated by the control
works at its headwaters and therefore does not present a risk of flooding in the area, nor is it
part of the urban drainage system.

The Tacna pumping station is the only existing one in the Castilla district and is located on the
Piura river, although it is currently out of service.

8.3.3. Description of results in the proposed works of the MHH-Piura model

Figure 8-105 shows the flood spots in the districts of Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre for a 25-
year recurrence event, with the selected alternative. Figure 8-106, Figure 8-107 and Figure 8-
108 show the comparison of the situations with works compared to the situation without
works, according to details of the northern, central and southern areas of the modelled

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Figure 8-105. MHH Piura Floodplain - Selected Alternative - Tr025.

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Figure 8-106. Detail of the northern part of the MHH Piura - Tr025 floodplain. Comparison between Ideal Current
Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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Figure 8-107. Detail of the central area of the MHH Piura - Tr025 floodplain. Comparison between Ideal Current
Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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Figure 8-108. Detail of the southern part of the MHH Piura - Tr025 floodplain. Comparison between Ideal Current
Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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The maximum velocities present in the streets and drains of the Piura and Veintiséis de
Octubre Districts are presented in Figure 8-109 for the Selected Alternative. Figure 8-110,
Figure 8-111 and Figure 8-112 show a comparison of the estimated speeds in the Ideal Current
Scenario and the Selected Alternative works scenario. The most significant decreases in speeds
are recorded in the area near Cinco Esquinas and Dos Grifos in the northern part of the city and
around the Petroperú drain.

Figure 8-109. Maximum speeds MHH Piura - Selected Alternative - Tr025.

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Figure 8-110. Detail of northern zone of maximum speeds MHH Piura - Tr025. Comparison between Ideal
Current Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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Figure 8-111. Detail of central area of maximum speeds MHH Piura - Tr025. Comparison between Ideal Current
Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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Figure 8-112. Detail of southern zone of maximum speeds MHH Piura - Tr025. Comparison between Ideal Current
Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

Discharges from the system to the Maldonado Drain (Figure 8-113), the Pajaritos Creek (Figure
8-114) and the Santa Julia wetland (Figure 8-115) are presented below.

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Figure 8-113. Discharges from different drains to the Victor Maldonado Drain - Ideal Current Situation (left) and
Selected Alternative (right) - Tr025.

The above graph shows a flow rate for the Petroperú drain in the section of the discharge to
the Maldonado canal of around 25 m³/s. However, there is a hydraulic connection with the
Marcavelica drain via Avenida Nicaragua. Upstream of the intersection of Avenida Nicaragua
and the Petroperú drain, the latter has a flow rate of 39.9 m³/s.

Figure 8-114. Discharges from the Victor Maldonado drain to Quebrada Pajaritos - Ideal Current Situation (left)
and Selected Alternative (right) - Tr025.


Figure 8-115. Hydrographs associated with the Santa Julia wetland - Ideal Current Situation (left) and Selected
Alternative (right) - Tr025.


In Figure 8-115 in both scenarios the hydrograph presented for Drain 66 corresponds to a
discharge (outflow) hydrograph from the Santa Julia Lagoon.

The Maldonado Drain in its discharge towards the Pajaritos Stream shows a longitudinal profile
of the water hair that is higher than that of the reference condition (DSAI). This is due to a
greater discharge flow (Figure 8-114), as a result of a greater contribution from the different
drains that discharge into it (Figure 8-115). Even so, the Maldonado Oeste drain does not

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along its entire length, as shown in Figure 8-116. The distribution of peak flows conveyed by
the Maldonado West Drain can be seen in Figure 8-116.

Figure 8-116. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in the Victor Maldonado West Drain for
Selected Alternative - Tr025.

Figure 8-117 shows the hydraulic profiles of all the discharges in the Maldonado Oeste drain:
Villa Hermosa, Las Dunas, Ciudad del Sol, Paredes Maceda, Telefónica and Pumacahua.
Analysing these results, it can be seen that, except for the Las Dunas drain, none of them show
backwater effects due to the levels of the receiving drain (Maldonado Oeste). The Villa
Hermosa, Paredes Maceda and Telefónica drains show sectors where the flow overflows,
generating flooding in the surrounding areas, but they are shallower than in the scenario
without works (as can be seen in Figure 8-107).

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Figure 8-117. Level profiles in the drains discharging to the Maldonado Oeste drain. Selected alternative - Tr025.

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Figure 8-118 shows the hydraulic profile of the Maldonado East drain (which discharges into
the Laguna Santa Julia). Its discharge level is conditioned by the levels of the lagoon. It can be
seen that there are no overflows along its entire length. The distribution of the maximum
flows transported by the Maldonado Oeste drain can be seen in Figure 8-118.

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Figure 8-118. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in the Victor Maldonado East Drain for
Selected Alternative - Tr025.

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The profiles of the different drains discharging into the Maldonado Este, Petroperú, Amotape
and Marcavelica drains are shown in Figure 8-119. The interventions included in the selected
alternative show a substantial reduction in the flooded areas (and their depths) around these
three drains which are tributaries of the Maldonado Este (see Figure 8-108). Despite these
interventions, there is a remaining area of flooding in the vicinity of the Maldonado East drain
(between the Petroperú and Amotape drains).

Figure 8-119. Level profiles in the drains discharging to the Maldonado East drain. Selected alternative - Tr025.

Sky channel


One of the systems served by the works intervention is the area known as Cinco Esquinas,
located to the north of the Veintiséis de Octubre district. This new drainage system, which
discharges into the Pajaritos stream, addresses the problems of several blind basins (Cinco
Esquinas, Dos grifos, Las Casuarinas, Las Dalias, A.H. La Molina and Nuevo Amanecer).

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The results presented in Figure 8-120 show that the piezometric line does not reach the
ground level along the entire length of the pipeline, with the exception of the Casuarinas -
Pajaritos section, which at the 4500m gradient is barely above the level at the moment of
maximum flow.

Among the results presented in Figure 8-121, firstly the drain that discharges directly into the
Pajaritos stream, Casuarinas - Pajaritos section, stands out, where it can be seen how the
contributions from the different sections raise the flow to some 90 m3 /s, which due to the
effect of the reservoir (progressive 3600m) is significantly reduced to 15m3 /s, which shows the
effectiveness of the storage works at that point. On the other hand, it can be seen that the
greatest contribution comes from the Cinco Esquinas branch and the Las Dalias branch,
together representing 60% of the peak flow of the main section (before the laminator).

Figure 8-120. Level profiles in the Five Corners System drains. Selected Alternative - Tr025.

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Figure 8-121. Flows in the Five Corners System drains. Selected Alternative - Tr025.

5 corner
rolling mill

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Also to serve the northern zone of the Veintiséis de Octubre district, the intervention with the
Alto Piura drain shows that the levels are within the conduction, with a maximum discharge
flow to the Quebrada Pajaritos of less than 5m3 /s (see Figure 8-122).

This system is independent of the Cinco Esquinas and Dos Grifos branches, and given that it is
located in an area of potential urban growth, it has a sufficient free edge in its conveyance

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Figure 8-122. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in the Upper Piura Drain for the selected
alternative - Tr025.

The Maldonado Sur canal drains a sector with an expanding population. The development and
dimensions of the proposed layout manage to capture almost a peak flow of 20 m3 /s which is
collected in a distributed manner along the section, as there is no point that concentrates the
discharge in the same (as is seen with the contributions of the drains on the Maldonado

This channel would retain additional conveyance margin, as seen in Figure 8-123, where liquid
levels are below the overflow in the entire reach.

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Figure 8-123. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in the Maldonado Sur Drain for the Selected
Alternative - Tr025.

One of the main changes in this proposal for the systematisation of urban drainage with
respect to the current system is the redirection of the flows discharged by the Laguna Santa
Julia to the Piura river (instead of going to Sechura). In this sense, the link that makes up Drain
66 together with Drain 0 should have sufficient capacity to carry the peak flow of 44 m /s.3

Figure 8-124 shows that for the entire section the levels are below the channel overflow level,
which verifies the effectiveness of the reprofiling. The contribution along the route due to the
presence of Drain 66b does not significantly change the hydraulic behaviour of the channel,
constituting approximately 10% of the total flow. On the other hand, the contribution on the
final section (progressive 550m) of the Sullana Drain is observed.

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Figure 8-124. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in drain 66 - Sullana discharging into the
Santa Julia wetland for Selected Alternative - Tr025.

As mentioned above, the discharge from Drain 66b is taken by the link formed by Drain 66 and
Drain 0, carrying the approximately 6 m3 /s that it contributes in the section. If we look at the
results of Drain 66b (Figure 4-25) there is no overflow and in the last 200m there are no
significant contributions.

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Figure 8-125. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in Drain 66 B for Selected Alternative -

With regard to the Gulman - Sullana system, the first section (Figure 8-126) shows the initial
section (Santa Isabel) of the Sullana Drain, where two types of behaviour can be distinguished.
On the one hand, that of the underground conduit, which works under pressure almost in its
entirety and the flow is distributed along the section. Likewise, in the profile of the
underground conduit, it can be seen that the piezometric level (Max HGL) exceeds the ground
level, which gives rise to the operation of the surface drain. It can be seen that the liquid levels
in this drain are limited to below the overflow levels. With regard to the flow rates, it should
be noted that the surface drain is effective in conveying up to 14 m3 /s, approximately one
third of the peak flow in the Santa Isabel section.

Downstream of the diversion of the underground conduit towards the current route of the 6 de
Septiembre, is the Laguna Azul reservoir, which receives and stores the discharge of the San
Juan Bosco drain, which operates mostly at free surface except for the last 330 m where it is
affected by the level imposed by the reservoir from downstream.

In relation to the Gulman Drain, the efficiency of replacing the current impulsion section in the
Gulman Drain with a gravity discharge is observed, with liquid levels that allow the conduction
to operate at free surface. The flow that leads to this drain is captured in a distributed manner
in the section by the inlet from drains, however, the Los Polvorines Drain generally provides a
punctual contribution of about 4 m3 /s, which constitutes almost 20% of the peak flow in the
discharge to the Sullana Drain.

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Figure 8-126. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in the Santa Isabel - 6 de Septiembre system drains
for Selected Alternative - Tr025.

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The intervention of the Piura Centro drain is favourable for maintaining good drainage in the
central area of the city of Piura (Figure 8-127). As can be seen in Figure 8-107, the situation
with the works favours the area around the Tres Culturas square in the historic centre, offering
the possibility of discharge towards the Piura river.

Figure 8-127. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in the Piura Centro drainage for the selected
alternative - Tr025.

The El Chilcal and Cáceres: Ignacio Merino systems share the fact that in both cases the
solution involves the collection of large flows, together with the construction of underground
tanks to attenuate the pumping flows. It is also pointed out that the attenuated flows imply
large pumping stations.

Firstly, it can be seen that the longitudinal profile of the Chilcal Drain (Figure 8-128) manages
to maintain liquid levels below ground level before the point of discharge (between 2700 m
and 3900 m). It can also be seen that the greatest flow contribution to the pumping system is
in the vicinity of the location of the basin (within a radius of 300 m), reaching a contribution
flow of approximately 27 m3 /s. Then the constant flow corresponding to the maximum
installed pumping capacity is observed, whose power line reaches 38 m above sea level, but it
should be noted that as this section is under pressure it does not overflow into the street.

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Figure 8-128. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in El Chical for the Selected Alternative - Tr025.


Secondly, there is a similar system in its hydraulic conception, which is the pumping from
Chilcal: Ignacio Merino (Figure 8-129). In this case, the section of the drain that drains towards
the pumping cistern is working under pressure, but with a piezometric level below the ground
level. Then, as in El Chilcal, the greatest flow is received in the final section, reaching almost 50
m3 /s. The dampening effect of the pumping cistern allows these surpluses to be evacuated
with a pumping flow rate of almost half the peak flow (27 m3 /s).

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Figure 8-129. Longitudinal profile of levels (top) and flows (bottom) in Ignacio Merino for the Selected
Alternative - Tr025.

The drainage system planned for the north of the Piura district consists of the Quinta Ana
María and Fundo San Pedro drains. These discharges are into the Piura river. As can be seen in
Figure 8-106, the reduction in the area and depth of flooding in this area is significant as a
result of the intervention of these drains.

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Figure 8-130 shows the flood stain in the district of Castilla for a 25-year recurrence event with
the works implemented. Figure 8-131 and Figure 8-132 show the effect of the projected works
by comparing the flood spots in this scenario with those obtained in the current ideal situation
for the same rainfall event. A significant reduction in the flooded area is observed in the area
of the Miraflores Country Club and in the areas surrounding the El Gallo drain, especially up to
the junction with Avenida Guardia Civil and prior to the discharge into Drain 1308. Decreases
are also observed in the blind area of Nueva Castilla 2 as a result of the new buried drain. The
new drains and pumping stations throughout the area near the Piura river, including the
upgrading of the Tacna pumping station, reduce flood levels and reduce the time that water
remains in the area.

Figure 8-130. MHH Castilla Floodplain - Selected Alternative - Tr025

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Figure 8-131. Detail of the northern area of the MHH Castilla - Tr025 floodplain. Comparison between Ideal
Current Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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Figure 8-132. Detail of the southern area of the MHH Castilla - Tr025 floodplain. Comparison between Ideal Current
Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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The maximum velocities present in the streets and drains of the Castilla district are presented
in Figure 8-133. Figure 8-134 and Figure 8-135 show a comparison of the estimated speeds in
the Ideal Current Scenario and the implemented works scenario. The most significant
decreases in velocities are recorded in the area corresponding to the Miraflores Country Club
and in the areas surrounding the El Gallo drain.

Figure 8-133. Maximum speeds MHH Castilla - Selected Alternative - Tr025.

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Figure 8-134. Detail of northern zone maximum speeds MHH Castilla - Tr025. Comparison between Ideal Current
Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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Figure 8-135. Detail of southern zone maximum speeds MHH Castilla - Tr025. Comparison between Ideal Current
Scenario (top) and Selected Alternative Scenario (bottom).

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The profiling of the El Gallo drain generates a decrease in the maximum levels in the upper
section of the course and a significant decrease in the flooded area (and flooding currents) in
the Almirante Miguel Grau area. In the middle section of this drain there are some low level
overflows (Figure 8-136). The levels of drain 1308 do not generate backwater effects in the
discharge of the El Gallo drain (Figure 8-136) due to its high gradient. The new conditions of
the El Gallo drain generate an increase in its capacity, reaching a maximum discharge of 75 m3
/s, as shown in Figure 8-136 (in the DSAI situation the maximum discharge was 38 m3 /s).

Figure 8-136. Longitudinal profile (upper) and flows (lower) of the El Gallo drain. Selected alternative - Tr 025.

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In the case of drain 1308, the profiling generates a decrease in the maximum levels during the
first half of the route. The improvements introduced in this drain allow a substantial increase
in the maximum discharge flow of this drain (from 52 m3 /s in the DSAI to 165 m3 /s in the
scenario with works, as shown in Figure 8-137).

The maximum flow is reached with the contribution of the Nueva Castilla 2 conduit.
Subsequent inflows, including the aviation drain, have little influence on the peak flows
because the response times of the basins do not coincide.

Figure 8-137. Longitudinal profile (upper) and flows (lower) of drain 13.08 (El Gallo - Primavera section).

Figure 8-138 shows the resulting hydrographs of drain 13.08 in different sections of its course.
The maximum peak, over 160 m3 /s, is recorded downstream of the junction of drain 13.08
with the Aviación drain. In the same section, in the Ideal Current Scenario, the maximum peak
was 35 m3 /s, which shows the increase in the capacity of the drain produced by the
implementation of the new works.

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Figure 8-138. Discharges from Drain 1308 at different sections of its route - Selected Alternative - Tr025.

The longitudinal profiles of levels and flow rates of all drains and conduits included in the
proposed solution are presented below.

The San Bernardo urbanisation drain, together with the El Indio - Pachacutec and El Indio
Ramal Escuela drains, allow flows to be discharged without being loaded and with the
piezometric level below ground level. The first one diverts a flow of 8 m³/s to the pumping
station, while the second one has a flow of 4 m /s.3

In the Aviación system, the branch that extends towards the 3 de octubre park was
incorporated into the existing drainage system, which flows up to 7 m3 /s towards the main
drain that conveys up to 16 m3 /s. The discharge over drain 1308 generates a backwater curve
over the aviation drain producing overflows of up to 2 metres over the natural terrain and 1.5
metres over the maximum level of the channel, which also produces a backwater over the
branch that extends towards the 3 de octubre park.

The Primavera and El Gallo drains, both profiled and with an increased capacity, transport up
to 8 and 75 m3 /s respectively. In both cases there are no significant overflows above the
maximum level of the channel and no backwater effects are observed as a result of the
discharge in drain 1308.

The Nueva Castilla 1 conduit has backwater effects due to its discharge into drain 1308,
working at the limit of being loaded in its first 900-metre section. The flow that it transports
increases progressively as the different urbanisations drain their surpluses towards the
conduit, reaching a maximum flow of 45 m³/s.

On the other hand, the Nueva Castilla 2 conduit has no backwater effects and drains a
maximum flow of approximately 34 m3 /s at its discharge into drain 1308. In its first section it
receives low inflows and reaches its maximum value at the point where it meets the El Gallo
gully, functioning mainly as a diverter of the surplus from the external basins.

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On the Malecón de Castilla on the Los Monteros discharge, a maximum flow of 35 m3 /s is

discharged with a contribution of 11 m3 /s from the Las Palmeras branch. In neither of the two
conduits (drain and feeder branch) are backwater effects or overflows observed, and the
discharge to the Piura river is pumped.

The new collector system of the Tacna pumping station delivers a maximum flow of 3 m3 /s
and no overflows are observed in any of its 4 collectors: North, South, Ayacucho and Moquega.

The Miraflores drain on Guardia Civil avenue derives a maximum flow of 5 m3 /s with no
observed levels above the design invert of the optimised Alternative 2.

Finally, the Los Brillantes system works mostly under pressure for the maximum flow of 10 m3
/s with the exception of the Luis Montero branch prior to discharge into the Piura River.

Figure 8-139. Hydraulic profile and flow rates for the selected alternative in drains of System 1308 in Castilla.

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Figure 8-140. Hydraulic profile and flow rates for the selected alternative in the Aviación drain in Castilla.

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Beyond the backwater caused by the discharge level of channel 1308 towards the Aviation
system, a notable decrease in flood heights can be seen, noting that the runways of the airport
itself are not affected.

Figure 8-141. Decrease in the impact in correspondence with the Airport drainage.

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Figure 8-142. Hydraulic profile and flow rates for the selected alternative in Nueva Castilla 1 in Castilla.

The previous profile shows an abrupt change from a supercritical to a subcritical regime in the
vicinity of the 1000 m gradient of the Nueva Castilla 1 collector. At this location, a dissipation
structure should be considered to control the hydraulic surge in a certain section of the

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Figure 8-143. Hydraulic profile and flow rates for the selected alternative in the Primavera drain in Castilla.

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Figure 8-144. Hydraulic profile and flow rates for the selected alternative in the Malecón Castilla system in Castilla.

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8.3.4. Hydraulic analysis of mitigation works and pumping stations

In addition to the verification of the results observed through the flood stains and longitudinal
profiles presented in the previous section, it is important to verify the hydraulic performance
of the works proposed to attenuate the discharge flows in the HHM. In particular, the
performance of the attenuation basins for the 25-year recurrence event is evaluated.

The purpose of the following is to quantify the attenuating effect that the different lamination
enclosures foreseen in this plan contribute to the reduction of the pumping flows of the
different planned stations. 5 corners reservoir

The proposed reservoir at 5 corners receives the discharge from the proposed drains at the
blind points Dos Grifos, Cinco Esquinas, Las Casuarinas, A.H. La Molina, Las Dalias and Nuevo
Amanecer. Because the total collected flow would result in an oversized drain, the attenuator
basin allows the discharge flows to be reduced from 90 m3 /s to about 15 m3 /s, with a total
stored volume of more than 300,000 m3 . The levels reached in the basin for this event are
slightly less than 36.5 m.

Figure 8-145. Hydrograph at 5 Esquinas Reservoir. Santa Julia Lagoon

As mentioned above, the Laguna Santa Julia system receives discharges from the Maldonado
East and South Canal, and the Marcavelica and Turkey-Japan drains. While the discharge is
directed towards Drain 66, which, as part of the alternative selected for the Piura-Veintiséis de
Octubre system, will end up flowing towards Drain 0 and finally towards the Piura River. It can
be seen in the following figures how the total incoming flow, in excess of 110 m3 /s, is reduced
to around 30 m /s.3

On the other hand, the transit of the presented hydrograph generates an elevation in the
levels of the Laguna Santa Julia up to about 26 m, a total over-elevation of approximately 2 m.

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Figure 8-146. Hydrograph in Laguna Santa Julia. Santa Isabel System - Laguna Azul Flooded Park

Along the Sullana Drain, downstream of the diversion to the new EEBB 6 de septiembre, the
construction of a flood park is proposed in order to attenuate the flows through the
implementation of a storage volume.

It is observed that the accumulated volume over the floodplain in Laguna Azul reaches 170,000
m3 , associated to a water level of 25.35 m.

Figure 8-147. Hydrograph at Laguna Azul.

8.3.5. Results for other recurrences

The flood spots for more frequent events, associated with 10-year recurrences, are presented
below. Figure 8-148 shows the flood stain obtained with the MHH-Piura, while Figure 8-149
shows the details of the same. Similarly, Figure 8-150 and Figure 8-151 show the results
corresponding to the MHH-Castilla.

For Piura, apart from the fact that for a lower recurrence a flooding impact is to be expected (as
will be identified later), it is observed that the water flows in the blind basins

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The drainage system is efficient both in the north and south of the Maldonado, where there is
currently no drainage network such as the one proposed. The drainage system is efficient both
in the northern area and south of the Maldonado, where there is currently no drainage
network like the one proposed, and in the central area, where it avoids flooding in the systems
of El Chilcal, Ignacio Merino (where in a situation without works there would have been drains
of more than 1 m), and in the centre of Piura.

In Castilla, the area where most of the urbanisation is concentrated shows low or no flooding
in the streets. While sectors to the east, adjacent to the Av. de Evitamiento (as a result of
contributions from external basins) and the airport, maintain a certain level of flooding.

Flood spots, velocity maps and complete profiles of levels and flows for 10-, 50- and 100-year
recurrences are presented in the corresponding annex.

Figure 8-148. Floodplain MHH Piura - Selected Alternative - Tr010.

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Figure 8-149. Detail of MHH Piura floodplain - Selected Alternative - Tr010.

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Figure 8-150. Floodplain MHH Castilla - Selected Alternative - Tr010.

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Figure 8-151. Detail of flood spot MHH Castilla - Selected Alternative - Tr010.

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8.3.6. Analysis and discussion of results

For the analysis and general discussion of the results of the simulations for the situation
without works and with works, two general indicators were proposed in order to allow a global
analysis of the intervention. The two indicators are: 1) Area flooded in built-up areas according
to a depth threshold, and 2) Area flooded in areas of low soil moisture content. The analysis of
the situation with works includes the results of the alternative selected from the previous
optimisation, considering the modelling in the Piura - Veintiséis de Octubre and Castilla districts. Flooded area in built-up areas according to a depth threshold

The urbanised area considered is the one determined according to the land use analysis of the
Diagnostic Report according to the designations Type 1 and Type 2 urban areas. Figure 8-152
shows the zoning chosen as representative of urbanisation.

Figure 8-152. Urbanised area under consideration.

Three flood depth thresholds have been selected: 0.3 m, 0.6 m and 1.0 m. Each of them is
associated with a different situation during flooding: 0.3 m, water ingress in dwellings; 0.6 m,
water level exceedance in household furniture (beds, chairs, etc.); and 1.0 m, water level
exceedance in the house.
1.0 m, drowning of children.

The proposed indicator consists of the value of the flooded area in hectares that exceeds the
three selected threshold values of water depth. This indicator is obtained for each model, with
eight different simulations (four for the situation without works, DSAI, and four for the
situation without works, DSAI, and four for the situation without works, DSAI, and four for the
situation without works, DSAI).

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the situation with the implemented works of the selected Alternative) and the three threshold

Table 8-2 and Table 8-3 present the modelling results with four different forcings (recurrence
times of 10, 25, 50 and 100 years) of Piura - Veintiséis de Octubre for the without construction
(DSAI) and with construction (Selected Alternative) conditions respectively.

Simulation Threshold 0.3 Threshold 0.6 Threshold 1.0

m m m
Piura Current situation (DSAI) Tr10 133 30 4
Piura Current situation (DSAI) Tr25 448 222 72
Piura Current situation (DSAI) Tr50 537 296 125
Piura Current situation (DSAI) 641 387 196

Table 8-2. Flooded area in Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre for the situation without works and above a depth
threshold [Ha].

Simulation Threshold 0.3 Threshold 0.6 Threshold 1.0

m m m
Piura Selected alternative Tr10 35 7 1
Piura Selected alternative Tr25 153 46 12
Piura Selected alternative Tr50 219 75 25
Piura Selected alternative Tr100 355 158 70

Table 8-3. Flooded area in Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre for the situation with works and above a depth threshold

Table 8-4 and Table 8-5 present the modelling results with four different forcings (recurrence
times of 10, 25, 50 and 100 years) of Castilla for the conditions without construction (DSAI) and
with construction (Selected Alternative) respectively.

Simulation Threshold 0.3 Threshold 0.6 Threshold 1.0

m m m
Castile Current situation (DSAI) Tr10 204 84 28
Castile Current situation (DSAI) Tr25 364 183 74
Castile Current situation (DSAI) Tr50 436 256 114
Castile Current situation (DSAI) Tr100 504 345 205

Table 8-4. Flooded area in Castile for the situation without works and above a depth threshold [Ha].

Simulation Threshold 0.3 Threshold 0.6 Threshold 1.0

m m m
Castile Selected alternative Tr10 92 38 14
Castile Selected alternative Tr25 159 58 25
Castile Selected alternative Tr50 208 81 31
Castile Selected alternative Tr100 273 119 49

Table 8-5. Area flooded in Castile for the situation with works and above a depth threshold [Ha].

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The above results show a significant reduction in the flooded area in general. It is observed
that, in both models, mainly in Piura - Veintiséis de Octubre, and for the case of the 10-year
recurrence time with high thresholds, the flooded area is reduced to very minor values
(practically zero).

As a summary, Table 8-6 and Table 8-7 compare the percentage reduction in flooded area for
each threshold and for each model. It can be seen that the interventions in the Piura-Veintiséis
de Octubre area show significant reductions in flooded area, reaching values of around 70-80
% for the lower recurrences and somewhat lower for the higher recurrences. In the case of
Castilla there are reductions in flooded area in the range of approximately 60-70%, with higher
values for the cases of high thresholds.

Recurrence time Threshold 0.3 Threshold 0.6 Threshold 1.0

m m m
Tr10 73 78 74
Tr25 66 79 83
Tr50 59 75 80
Tr100 45 59 64

Table 8-6. Comparison of percentages of reduction of flooded areas in Piura - Veintiséis de Octubre above a
threshold [%].

Recurrence time Threshold 0.3 Threshold 0.6 Threshold 1.0

m m m
Tr10 55 55 48
Tr25 56 68 67
Tr50 52 68 73
Tr100 46 66 76

Table 8-7. Comparison of percentage reduction of flooded areas in Castile above a threshold [%]. Flooded area in agricultural areas

The agricultural zones considered for the elaboration of this indicator correspond to those that
were characterised according to the land use analysis of the Diagnostic Report and that are
included within the domain of the models. Figure 8-153 shows the zoning chosen as
representative of agricultural zones. These zonings are more important in the Castilla model,
involving some 920 Ha, while in Piura - Veintiséis de Octubre they correspond to some 310 Ha.

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Figure 8-153. Agricultural areas under consideration.

The proposed indicator consists of the value of the flooded area in hectares that exceeds the
water depth threshold of 0.1 m (considered as a flood situation). This indicator is obtained for
each model and with eight different simulations (four for the situation without works, DSAI, and
four for the situation with works, Selected Alternative).

Table 8-8 shows the results of the indicator in Piura - Veintiséis de Octubre. There, a reduction
in the order of 5-15% of the flooded area is observed according to the intervention with works.
This reduction is much smaller than that obtained in urbanised areas, and these are also small
change values, so that a similar behaviour of the area is considered in the situation with and
without works.

Recurrence time Piura - DSAI Piura - Selected alternative

Tr10 89 78
Tr25 166 142
Tr50 194 174
Tr100 231 217

Table 8-8. Flooded area in Piura - Veintiséis de Octubre agricultural areas for the situation without works and
with works [Ha].

Table 8-9 presents the results of the indicator in Castilla. It shows a general reduction in the
order of 10-20% of the flooded area according to the intervention with works. As in Piura-
Veintiséis de Octubre, this reduction is much smaller than that obtained in urbanised areas,
and the values of change remain in a smaller range, so that a similar behaviour of the area is
considered in the situation with and without works.

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Recurrence time Castile - DSAI Castile - Selected alternative

Tr10 452 368

Tr25 602 517
Tr50 658 578
Tr100 715 643

Table 8-9. Flooded area in Castile of the agricultural areas for the situation without works and with works [Ha].

According to these results, the effect expected from the design of the interventions with works
that aim to maintain the agricultural areas of these districts in flood situations is fulfilled.

9. Proposal, Mechanisms and Action Plan

9.1. Functions for storm drainage management
The functions identified in the Regulations of Legislative Decree N° 1356 - Law on Rainwater
Drainage for Provincial Municipalities can be organised as follows:

General functions Specific functions

Elaborate comprehensive storm drainage plan (provincial only)

Addressing and Elaborate infrastructure inventory
managing main Report on infrastructure to GORE and MVCS
emitters and collectors Subscribe cooperation agreements
Store equipment, materials and other supplies
Prepare operation plan
Operating main Monitor stormwater runoff Operate pumping
emitters and collectors system
Train staff
Scheduling preventive and corrective
Maintain main
maintenance Executing preventive maintenance
emitters and collectors
Execute corrective maintenance

Table 9-1. Functions of Provincial Municipalities

The functions identified in the Regulation of Legislative Decree N° 1356 - Rainwater Drainage
Law for District Municipalities can be organised as follows:

General functions Specific functions

Develop infrastructure inventory
Addressing and
Entering into cooperation agreements
managing sub-collectors
Stocking equipment, materials and other inputs
Develop operational plan
Monitor storm water run-off
Operate sub-collectors
Operate the pumping system
Train staff
Schedule preventive and corrective maintenance
Maintain sub-collectors
Execute preventive maintenance

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General functions Specific functions

Execute corrective maintenance
Table 9-2 93. Functions of the District Municipality

9.2. Resources for storm drainage management

Considering the functions outlined above, it is projected that the human resources,
equipment, logistics and budget required would be as follows in each Provincial Municipality:

9.2.1. In charge of storm drains

Professional in civil engineering, agricultural engineering, fluid mechanical engineering,
hydraulic engineering or other related careers, with studies and academic training in urban
development and storm drainage management, to lead territorially the management of storm
drainage. There should be a person in charge in each municipality, responsible for the

- Update, monitor and evaluate the Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan (only in the
case of provincial municipalities).

- Drawing up the Operation Plan.

- Schedule preventive and corrective maintenance.

- Review and control the infrastructure inventory.

- Supervise the storage of equipment, materials and other supplies.

- Report on infrastructure to GORE and MVCS (only in the case of provincial municipalities).

- Report on infrastructure to the Provincial Municipality (only in the case of provincial


- Entering into cooperation agreements.

In terms of equipment and logistics, this professional would require an office work
environment (computer, printer, space to expand plans, internet access, whiteboards,
telephone, desk, meeting table, chairs), a warehouse for equipment, materials and other
supplies, as well as a van for the periodic supervision of the drains, according to the visits that
are programmed.

9.2.2. Technicians for operation and maintenance

Technical staff specialised in the operation and maintenance of storm drainage infrastructure,
who would be responsible for the following:

- Store equipment, materials and other supplies.

- Execute the Operation Plan, carry out evacuation and use of the pumping system.

- Execute preventive and corrective maintenance.

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The specialities of the technicians would be: civil construction and topography. The number of
technicians will be defined as part of the development of the non-structural measures during
the execution of the profile studies. In terms of equipment, material and supplies and logistics,
the following would be required: van for the transfer of technicians, front loaders, water
tankers, drainage pumps, concrete, cement, sand, aggregates, stones, spare parts pipes,
among others.

9.2.3. Administrative Analyst

Professional in business administration with studies and experience in operational planning and
government procurement. His or her duties would include:

- Identification of needs for procurement and contracting of goods and services.

- Coordinate, support and follow up procurement and contracting processes.

- Administrative support as required by storm drainage staff.

9.2.4. Drivers

People in charge of transporting professionals, technicians, equipment, materials and other

inputs for the rainwater drains via vans, as well as the use of water tankers and front loaders
for de-silting and cleaning.

9.3. Budget financing and programming

9.3.1. Budgetary considerations
The above resources will be considered in the cost estimation and budget programming for the
development of the non-structural measures during the execution of the profile studies. For
each item the following budgetary considerations are noted:

Item Considerations
Monthly salary:
- In charge of Pluvial Drainage in In case a new professional is recruited, the CAS regime would be used and
a provincial municipality. this requires a prior request to the MEF. In case a professional from the
- In charge of Pluvial Drainage in municipality's staff is assigned to this role, the increased workload and
the district municipality. responsibility should be compensated by a salary increase.
- Operation and
maintenance Fuel consumption depends on the frequency of use of the vehicle according
technicians. to the monitoring actions. The use of NGV or LPG is recommended as a cost-
saving measure.
Fuel consumption of a pick-up van
The cost of preventive maintenance depends on an established schedule,
and the cost of corrective maintenance depends on an approach to respond
Vehicle maintenance (pick- to common problems with this type of vehicle.
up truck van) Equipment, furniture, working environment and basic services generate
preventive and corrective maintenance costs according to a schedule. Basic
services such as water, drainage, internet and electricity generate monthly
Equipment, environment, furniture,
Office supplies require an inventory for immediate replenishment.
basic utilities and office supplies
The warehouse requires monthly expenses for maintenance and
payment of utilities.

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Item Considerations
Specialised equipment Specialised equipment generates preventive maintenance costs
Specialised materials and corrective actions according to a predefined schedule.
Specialised materials and supplies require an inventory for
Specialised inputs immediate replenishment.
A petty cash fund needs to be set up for immediate purchases of
Petty cash technical equipment, equipment, materials and supplies in case of
unforeseen events.

Table 9-4. Budgetary considerations

With regard to financing, the following table develops financing models for each of the above-
mentioned management system alternatives, according to the phase of the investment

Phase of the Alternative 1: Alternative 2: Alternative 3:
investment Provincial and Regional Government Outsourcing the Alternative 4:
project Provincial of Piura takes over service of Works for Taxes
Management Units management maintenance
(PMUs) via agreement
Pre- Budget
Investment institutional
Investment Regional Government of
(final Piura (specifically
The budget used
studies/tec of the Regional According to DL
depends on whether it
hnical Directorate of N°1534, the Regional
will be outsourced
dossier and Housing, Construction Government entities
Institutional budgets, under alternative 1, 2
execution) and Sanitation), which can sign agreements
managed individually or 3. The budget
must include for the financing and
by each municipality. would be divided into
investment in human execution of the
Such budgets should two parts: Budget to
resources and operation and
include investment in finance the hiring of a
equipment, maintenance of the
human resources and monitoring and
considering the service-producing
equipment, for all evaluation officer for
provisions mentioned units, reimbursing the
three stages of the the supplier.
in numeral 11.3, for costs by issuing
Post investment project. Budget to finance the
the three stages of the Regional and Local
investment contracting of the
investment project. Public Investment
(operation and supplier.
The cooperation Certificates (CIPRL).
agreement would
include contributions
from municipal
revenues coming from
the municipalities and
directed to the
Regional Government
of Piura.
Institutional budget of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation or the Authority for
Reconstruction with Changes. The ex-post evaluation should be carried out by a different entity
than the one responsible for the pre-investment, investment, operation and maintenance stages.

Table 9-5. Financing models

It is important to consider that, as established in the Regulations of Legislative Decree No.

1356 - Rainwater Drainage Law, in its second final complementary provision: "Interventions in
rainwater drainage, both in investments and in operation and maintenance activities, are
recorded in Budget Programme 0068 Reduction of vulnerability and emergency response to
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disasters". In this sense, Budget Programme 0068 should be designed Nº 3 - Main with
in accordance Document
alternatives of management systems and financing models to be used in the following areas

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through the corresponding operational model, contemplating the role of each entity. It is also
specified that the Operation and Maintenance stage can be financed from the following
sources, according to Article 16 of the Regulations of the Storm Drainage Law:

9.4. Management system

Considering the analysis of the institutional technical capacities, the preliminary analysis of the
units that would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of storm drains, the legal
order, the capacities for coordination and inter-institutional work and the existing institutional
dispersion, the following alternatives are proposed and the advantages and disadvantages of
each of them are detailed:

Management system
Advantages Disadvantages
It favours the decentralisation of public Weaknesses in the management capacity of
Alternative 1: services. municipalities.
Management Units Greater proximity and knowledge of the Municipalities have no experience in storm
Provincial and District municipalities about the reality of their drainage management.
territories. The cooperation agreement is likely to run
into difficulties because the authorities
are unable to reach agreement.
Delay due to the fact that the Regional
Alternative 2: Government of Piura does not yet have the
The Regional Government of Piura has
Regional functions of storm drains fully transferred.
better management capacities than
Government of The Regional Government of Piura has no
the municipalities.
Piura takes over experience in storm drainage management.
management via The provincial, district municipalities or the
agreement Regional Government of Piura would not
effectively monitor and evaluate the
performance of the contracted supplier.
Benefiting from the experience and
increased speed of management of a private
Alternative 3: external operator.
Outsourcing the
maintenance service

Table 9-6. Advantages and disadvantages of management system alternatives

9.5. Actions needed for institutional strengthening and

timeframe for implementation
Institutional strengthening actions, as well as approximate and preliminary costs and timelines
for implementation are reported in 8.2.4.

9.6. Action plan

This section presents a summary of the structural and non-structural measures to be
implemented as part of the Drainage Plan, arranged in the time sequence in which they should
be implemented.

It is important to clarify the concept followed for the prioritisation of the different measures

The short and medium term interventions, in a comprehensive manner, aim to achieve a
substantial protection of the flooded areas in the urban area in the order of 60-70% against
rainfall events associated with 25-year return period recurrences, which is the equivalent to

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mitigate events such as the FENs that occurred in 2017, and reduce the risk of damage to the
population, goods and services. Likewise, the set of non-structural measures are prioritised as
part of the management measures, as they are necessary from the beginning of the Plan to
ensure its success.

With regard to structural measures, the aim is to prioritise in the short term (4-year time
horizon) those that generate the greatest positive impact by protecting the population from
25-year recurrent events. Thus, in the short term it is understandable that priority should be
given to those works which in themselves generate a reduction in flood levels in a large part of
the city and/or the most vulnerable areas.

With regard to the long term, it is reasonable to plan the storm drainage infrastructure for the
city's development areas, guaranteeing the level of protection of these areas for rainfall events
associated with 25-year return period recurrences, as established. However, although the
city's growth axes are known at the time of drafting this Plan, it is not possible to have the
information to generate projects at the profile level, which is why specific measures are not
considered. This is taken into account in the Plan's recommendations so that once the new
growth areas begin to consolidate and structural measures can be proposed on a suitable
reference framework to take them to a pre-investment level, the Plan will be updated under
the same guidelines and criteria.

9.6.1. Prioritisation
This section presents a summary of the structural measures to be implemented as part of the
Stormwater Drainage Master Plan, arranged in the time sequence in which they should be

It is important to clarify the concept followed for the prioritisation of the different measures
proposed, the ranking of which should be governed by the following criteria:

• Flood risk reduction

It aims to achieve substantial protection in the urban area of Piura, Veintiséis de
Octubre and Castilla against rainfall events associated with 25-year return period
recurrences, which is equivalent to mitigating events such as the FEN that occurred in
2017, and reducing the risk of damage to the population, goods and services.

• Water management
Specifically, it concerns the construction of pipelines from downstream to upstream,
starting with the main drainage lines.

• Application of rules of good art

This refers to those uses enshrined in the technique that are not necessarily legally
documented, i.e. they are a set of unwritten rules, they encompass all construction
practices, they can be assimilated by people who are not specialists in the construction

Below is the matrix with the structural and non-structural measures, proposed in the short,
medium and long term, according to the project ideas outlined above.

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Code Structural measure District Description Priority

Sullana System - First
CF-01 Piura 1
Canals and pumping station
I-03 Download Sullana - Piura Piura 1
Discharge Sullana
I-05 Dren 66 - Sullana Piura Reprofiling of carcasses 1

I-08 Turkey-Japan Drain Piura Reprofiling of carcasses 1

Pipelines installed in ditch.
I-14 Blue Lagoon Piura 1
Flooded park Laguna Azul
I-18 Maldonado East Channel 26 Oct. Reprofiling of carcasses 1

I-21 Dren Amotape 26 Oct. Reprofiling of carcasses 1

Buried collectors and
I-24 Marcavelica Drain 26 Oct. 1
channel reprofiling
I-26 Petroperu Drain 26 Oct. Deepening 1

CF-02 6 September System Piura 1

Santa Isabel - 6 of Underground collectors. Sewage
I-13 Piura 1
September station
pumping 6 september
CF-03 Ignacio Merino System Piura 1
Buried collectors, pipes installed in
trenches, pipes installed without
I-02 Cáceres: Ignacio Merino Piura trenches (pipe jacking). Ignacio 1
pumping station
Merino. Underground reservoir.
CF-04 Chilcal System Piura 1
Pipes installed without trench (pipe
jacking), buried collectors. Chilcal
I-16 Chilcal System Piura 1
pumping station.
Underground reservoir
CF-05 Maldonado West System 26 Oct. 1
Pipelines installed in trenches.
I-19 Maldonado West Canal 26 Oct. 1
Reprofiling of carcasses
I-23 Dren Dunas 26 Oct. Reprofiling of carcasses 1
Buried collectors, pipes
I-25 Dren Paredes Maceda 26 Oct. installed in trenches. Sewage 1
pumping Enace
I-27 Pumacahua Drain 26 Oct. Reprofiling of carcasses 1

I-29 Telephone Drain 26 Oct. Reprofiling of carcasses 1

Buried collectors, pipelines
I-30 Villa Hermosa Drain 26 Oct. 1
installed in a trench
CF-06 5 Corners System 26 Oct. 1
Buried collectors, pipes
I-31 5 Corners System 26 Oct. installed in trenches. Reservoir 1
System 1308 - First
CF-07 Castile 1

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Code Structural measure District Description Priority

Channels. Pumping station 1308.
Drain 1308 (Section El Indio
I-39 Castile Flooded park. Reprofiling 1
- Descarga Piura)
of channels
Dren 1308 (Aviation Section
I-38 Castile Reprofiling of carcasses 1
- El Indio)
Drain 1308 (New Section
I-37 Castile Reprofiling of carcasses 1
Castile 1 - Aviation)
Drain 1308 (Gallo - Nueva
I-36 Castile Reprofiling of carcasses 1
Castilla 1 section)
Drain 1308 (Section Pipelines installed in trenches,
I-35 Castile 1
Spring - Rooster) channel reprofiling
Drain 1308 (High Stretch
I-34 Castile Reprofiling of carcasses 1
Rooster - Spring)
Pipelines installed in trench.
I-33 Chiclayito Castile 1
Chiclayito pumping station
Buried collectors, pipes
I-42 El Indio Castile installed in trenches. Sewage 1
pumping El Indio
I-48 Gallo System Castile Reprofiling of carcasses 1
Malecón Castilla System:
CF-08 Castile 1
The Shining Ones
Buried collectors, pipes
Malecón Castilla: Los
I-44 Castile installed in trenches. Sewage 1
pumping Los Brillantes
Malecón Castilla System:
CF-09 Castile 1
Underground collectors. Sewage
I-47 Malecón Castilla: Tacna Castile 1
Tacna pumping
Malecón Castilla System:
CF-10 Castile 1
Las Montero
Buried collectors, pipes
Malecón Castilla: Las
I-43 Castile installed in trenches. Sewage 1
pumping Las Montero
Malecón Castilla System:
CF-11 Castile 1
Malecón Castilla: Underground collectors. Sewage
I-45 Castile 1
Miraflores station
pumping Miraflores
Sullana System - Second
CF-12 Piura 2
I-07 Dren Gulman Piura Channels. Buried collectors 2

I-04 Powder magazines 3 Piura Channels 2

I-12 Saint John Bosco Piura Buried collectors 2

CF-13 Central Piura System Piura 2

Buried collectors, pipes
I-17 Central Piura System Piura installed in trenches. Sewage 2
pumping Piura Centro
CF-14 Quinta Ana María System Piura 2

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Piura Norte: Qta. Ana Underground collectors. Pumping

I-11 Piura 2
María station Qta. Ana María
CF-15 Fundo San Pedro System Piura 2

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Code Structural measure District Description Priority

Underground collectors. Pipes
installed in trenches. Fdo. San
North Piura: Fdo. San Pedro pumping station: Discharge.
I-10 Piura 2
Pedro Fdo. San Pedro pumping station:
Discharge. Reservoir
CF-16 Los Ejidos Norte System Piura 2

I-09 Los Ejidos North Piura Buried collectors 2

CF-17 El Chipe System Piura 2

Underground collectors. Sewage
I-01 Cáceres: El Chipe Piura 2
El Chipe pumping station
System 1308 - Second Stage
CF-18 Castile 2

I-32 Aviation Castile Channels. Reprofiling of carcasses 2

Pipelines installed in trenches.
I-41 Spring Drain Castile 2
Reprofiling of carcasses
I-40 Alto Gallo Drain Castile Reprofiling of carcasses 2
Underground collectors. Pipelines
I-49 Nueva Castilla System 1 Castile 2
installed in a trench
Underground collectors. Pipelines
I-50 Nueva Castilla System 2 Castile 2
installed in a trench
Sullana System - Third Stage
CF-19 26 Oct. 3

I-06 Dren 66B Piura Reprofiling of carcasses 3

Channels. Pipelines installed in
I-20 Canal Maldonado South 26 Oct. 3
CF-20 Upper Piura System 26 Oct. 3
Canals, underground collectors,
I-15 Upper Piura System 26 Oct. 3
pipes installed in trenches
Malecón Castilla System:
CF-21 Castile 3
Pipelines installed in trench.
I-46 Malecón Castilla: North Castile Malecón pumping station 3
Castilla Norte

Table 9-7. Prioritisation of structural measures

10. Implementation Programme

The forecast of the intervention periods corresponds to the following detail, which is expanded
in Annex H.

- Pre-construction phase: 27 months

- Construction phase: 48 months
- Operation phase: 240 months

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11. Guidelines for the monitoring, measurement y

evaluation of the plan
Among the objectives guiding the proposed Drainage Plan, the main one is to achieve the
objectives proposed in the different measures that comprise it, within the planned timeframe
and using the resources projected for these purposes.

A key condition for the success of the strategy is ongoing monitoring of the progress of
projects, the achievement of targets and results, which requires mobilising the institutional
structure responsible for implementing the drainage plan measures, communicating and
disseminating the plan, making progress in the implementation of pre-investment studies, and
implementing the system of indicators for monitoring and management of the drainage plan.

The proposed system of indicators has the following purposes:

1) To allow for the monitoring of the Plan, i.e., to verify whether the tasks into which the
different measures and actions that make up the Plan are broken down are being carried
out within the foreseen schedule.

2) Measure the results and impacts of the Plan, according to the indicators identified for the
different measures that make it up; and eventually carry out the future monitoring of
operational plans or detailed programming of regular activities of the institution in charge
of the City Drainage.
Indicators on the progress and fulfilment of the Plan's activities (output indicators) are limited
to monitoring whether the Plan's tasks have been fulfilled and are generally associated with
the monitoring of the execution of a certain activity, for example the development of a study
or project and the execution of a work to which a physical magnitude can be associated (length
of a network of conduits, number of canals, etc.).

Indicators of results and impacts (outcome and impact indicators) can be of different nature
and their definition is much more complex because they must express the fulfilment of the
plan's goals in a measurable way, which often depends on various factors that go beyond the
physical realisation of a work, such as institutional and social factors.

The following sections analyse both types of indicators and develop a proposal for indicators
for monitoring the Stormwater Drainage Plan.

11.1. Output indicators or indicators of progress of the Drainage

The Drainage Plan contains a timeline with the initial and planned schedule of the different
project profiles and actions (measures). In order to verify the progress in the implementation
of the plan, it is necessary to establish whether the activities and milestones foreseen in each
measure are fulfilled. For each of them, the expected result and form of verification (indicator)
will have been described.

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Therefore, the progress of the plan will be the progress achieved in the realisation of the
different tasks programmed in the different project/measure profiles. Project activity or action
indicators can be considered as process and output indicators, as they show the completion of
each of the actions planned in a project and whether the set of actions to obtain the desired
output has been completed. They also provide information on the efficiency of the measures
(level of progress towards the achievement of the specific objectives), the degree of progress
of actions (measured through the % of components executed in relation to those planned,
including the allocated and executed budget).

The Plan is composed of measures developed at the level of Project Profiles (PP), some of
which (prioritised projects) will have pre-investment studies in the framework of the National
System of Programming and Investment Management, with specific objectives, goals,
activities, resources, assigned work teams, deadlines and schedules.

Initially, the system of indicators should allow the monitoring of planned activities, compliance
with deadlines for their implementation and the material and human resources used.
Subsequently, the necessary indicators would be designed to measure the fulfilment of goals
and the achievement of results. While the projects are still in the profile stage, the system of
indicators would record some critical milestones, such as the design of the tender conditions
for the development of the future executive project, the call for tenders, the opening of bids,
the awarding of the project and, from there, the specification of the respective executive

The simplest and most concrete indicators are generally those related to the completion of
tasks in a project. In these cases, indicators can be limited to the verification of whether or not
the tasks were accomplished. The description of the task itself, checked against the facts,
functions as an indicator at the same time. For example, in a project profile such as the El
Chilcal Pumping Station, a certain set of tasks, gathered in "milestones" as described below,
would be those whose fulfilment should be monitored for the duration of the project profile

• Definition of the scope of works

• Surveys

• Drafting of projects/profiles

• Elaboration of Technical File (unless included as part of the works contract)

• Tender for works

• Execution of the work

• System operation and maintenance, monitoring

In the event that this PP gives rise to a Technical File, it is the work itself that should be broken
down into stages, activities and milestones, for the subsequent monitoring of its compliance.

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As the Project Profiles are developed, detailed sequences of activities leading to the
achievement of partial milestones and ultimately the intended goals will be available. The
detail, as indicated above, should include:

• The start and end date of the activity

• The unit and/or team responsible for it

• Its result, expressed in a quantitative or qualitative indicator that allows to

demonstrate its fulfilment

• Indication that such compliance is subject to any condition or activity precedent

• Record of actual performance of the activity or causes of possible delay or

difficulty encountered in carrying out the activity.

• Project progress

In essence, the overall structure of the indicator system should respond to a scheme in which
each of the projects contributes to the fulfilment of the strategic objectives set out in the
Drainage Plan.

11.2. Outcome and impact indicators

After the first stage of the system's implementation, a qualitative leap in quality and
functionality will be achieved when it also includes the control of goals and results of projects
and plans, as well as the recording and monitoring of the degree of fulfilment of activities and

To this end, a set of critical performance indicators is usually defined to evaluate the
implementation of the Plan, which may indicate results, social impact (direct or indirect),
cultural impact (internal or external), etc. defined in order to measure the impact of the
implementation of the measures, which are presented as objectively verifiable relationships
between two or more variables, from which relevant information is recorded, processed and
presented to measure the progress in achieving the goals by comparison with some reference
level and so that their evaluation can be related to the historical trend. The performance
indicators for the Drainage Plan should comply with the key premise of being SMART11 as a
condition for them to be effective: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-oriented and
Timely, taking into account:

• Relevance: the indicator should make it possible to describe the situation, the object
of the action, expressing what is to be measured in a clear and precise manner,

• Functionality, establishing indicators that are measurable, operable and sensitive to

changes in the initial situation,

11 Doran, George, T., There is a SMART way to write management Goals and objectives, Management Review, November 1981.

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• Availability and reliability of information, constructed from variables on which there is

information produced under certain standards and with attributes of statistical quality,

• Usefulness, in the sense that its analysis is relevant and allows decisions to be made.

11.3. Proposal for indicators

In line with the theoretical framework set out above, product indicators have initially been
defined for the purpose of monitoring specific actions, control and verification of the progress
of the actions carried out in relation to the fulfilment of the objectives of the flood risk
mitigation policies and improvement of drainage conditions in the city, improvement of
environmental quality or control of sediments entering the city. In other words, they will
testify to the progress made in carrying out the different tasks.

On a preliminary basis, the following output indicators may be defined for each of the
structural measures:

• IP1 Execution of the project and work

Indicator that establishes whether the project and the work were executed or their state of
completion. It can be assessed by the rating: Completed/Partially completed/Not started.

• IP2 Implementation deadlines

This indicator establishes the actual duration of the project/work in relation to the duration
foreseen in the plan and can be measured in different units, e.g. by the ratio of months of
execution/months foreseen for execution.

• IP3 Implementation amounts

The indicator establishes the execution ratio of the allocated budget by the quotient Amount
invested/Amount estimated in the Plan.

• IP4 Physical progress

This indicator is established on the basis of the characteristics/functionality of the project or

work under evaluation, and can be estimated as a percentage of the materialised tasks with
respect to the total foreseen: For example, increase in volume of rainwater surplus storage
(%), length of drain constructed (%), length of channel enlargement/conditioning (%),
catchment works constructed (%), etc.

The frequency of determination of output indicators may be on a monthly or other scale, and
intermediate outputs for each should be established at the time of contracting when the
timetable for the execution of the work or study is drawn up.

The definition of performance indicators, on the other hand, is much more complex since they
must capture, in an easily measurable way, the effective fulfilment of the goals of the drainage

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Piura, Veintiséis de octubre and Castilla Pluvial Drainage Master Plan
Deliverable Nº 3 - Main Document

The following is a summary of the planned performance indicators that aim to weigh up the
impacts of the implementation of the city's Drainage Plan, i.e. progress in meeting the
objectives of mitigating the current water risk, improving storm drainage conditions and thus
the quality of life of the population, while at the same time revaluing the drainage system as a
backbone element of urban development. The following performance indicators are proposed
for use:

Objective Performance indicators

Provision of drainage system

IR1 Drainage system coverage
Execution of storm drainage system
Number of dwellings with adequate drainage / Total number of dwellings
expansion works.

IR2 Flood claims

Water risk mitigation Number of reports per year for critical hazard monitoring areas (Cabinet
Implementation of flood mitigation should correlate reports with estimated recurrence time of the event).
measures in water risk areas, pipelines, IR3 Water response of the system to floods
pumping stations and laminations and non- Record levels at delimited water marks for critical hazard monitoring areas
structural measures aimed at reducing the (with expost correlation with event recurrence time). The indicator should
vulnerability of the population and urban indicate at least no impact for the plan's protection recurrence in each
infrastructure. case.

IR4 Cleaning efficiency

Maintenance, improvement and upkeep of
Number of resolved complaints and denunciations related to obstructions or
infrastructure and drainage routes
obstructions to runoff
Elimination of system operational problems
IR5 Claims handling (repairs, unblocking and construction)
leading to flooding situations.
Number of repair, replacement, construction works completed in less than
a given timeframe / Total number of requests/claims.

IR6 Upgrading of the city's drainage system

• Volume of solid waste removed from accumulations in canals
and drains
Environmental quality management
IR7 Improving the quality of life of the population
impact that individually or jointly allow the
quantification of the improvement/recovery • Number of dwellings with access to sanitary sewers
of environmental quality as a condition for • Number of persons assisted in emergency situations
achieving an ecologically balanced
• Number of severe hydro-meteorological event warnings/warnings
• Number of people trained by the risk education and
communication strategy

Table 11-1. Performance indicators

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12. Conclusions
The topographical and hydrological conditions that characterise the city of Piura place it in a
high-risk scenario in terms of river and rainwater flooding.

The first of these is characterised by the flooding of the Piura river, which generates overflows
in the flood valley where densely populated urbanisations are located, while floods of pluvial
origin are conditioned by the existence of a significant number of endorheic sub-basins.

This double problem means that the approach to the solutions to be implemented for the
reduction of damage to urban infrastructure and the preservation of human lives must
contemplate an integral solution that achieves an adequate communion between the
structural and non-structural measures to be implemented in both the fluvial and pluvial

In an initial stage of diagnosis of the current situation, it was possible to identify that the
existing rainwater infrastructure, apart from the poor maintenance of the drainage lines, lacks
sufficient hydraulic capacity to prevent severe damage to the service-producing units and the
infrastructure of the Piura, 26 October and Castilla districts. It is also possible to indicate that
this first conclusion is independent of the flooding of the Piura river, since the deficit of the
drainage lines is due to insufficient hydraulic transport and not only to the conditions of
restitution of runoff to the Piura river, the Pajaritos stream, the Sechura drain and drain 1308,
the main evacuation routes for excess rainwater from the urban area and the sector of

Needless to say, a flood event of the Piura river conditions and aggravates the surface runoff
conditions of urban drainage.

It is also important to note that specific sites (Santa Julia lagoon, Chilcal, Ignacio Merino, and
the new Nueva Castilla 1 and 2 housing developments) imply a risk of loss of human lives, since
for a 25-year recurrence event (similar to the FEN 2017 event), flood heights of more than 1.5
m are estimated. In particular, in the area of Nueva Castilla 2, an area of approximately 36 ha
was identified, which presents conditions of great population vulnerability to pluvial flooding
events, on which it is recommended to initiate the necessary mechanisms to achieve their
early resettlement. This is a critical consideration as the populations are at serious risk of loss
of human life in an area where the implementation of works is difficult due to the
precariousness of urbanisation.

Apart from these specific cases, and in order to address the general problems identified in the
study area, during the study stage two conceptual alternatives were developed to reduce the
effects of rainwater flooding, with Alternative 1 having a drainage scheme similar to the
current one, where rainwater discharges are distributed between the Piura river, the Pajaritos
stream, the Sechura drain and drain 1308; while Alternative 2, which has been identified as the
option with the lowest initial investment, directs discharges only to the Piura river and the
Pajaritos stream.

This last alternative defined the guidelines to be deepened in the planning design of the
structural measures of the present plan, which defines a CAPEX at private figures, without IGV
of PEN 2,612,497,000 and an Average Annual OPEX at private figures, without IGV of PEN
21,162,000, at PEN 21,162,000, at PEN 2,612,497,000.

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be implemented within 27 months for the pre-construction phase and 48 months for the
construction phase. Due to the study stage in which the present study is being carried out, the
CAPEX and OPEX value of the works presents a variability of ± 30%, with possibilities of
optimisation depending on the programming and development of the structural measures to
be implemented in the Piura river basin, upstream of the urban centres under study and objects
of the present plan.

The optimisation of the structural measures set out in this Plan is linked to the possible joint
programming of the works also foreseen in the so-called "River Plan", with adequate investment
planning, since in this case it has been considered that the works for the regulation and control
of the upper basin of the Piura River have not been built, and the river defences of the urban
section and the bridges are elevated, guaranteeing the Piura River flood flow for a recurrence
of 25 years of recurrence without overflowing into the city.

In this way, the protection of the most developed and vulnerable area of the Piura region is
ensured, regardless of the decisions taken with the river investments. Nevertheless, the plan
presents the flexibility to reduce (especially) the number and/or size of pumping stations,
which will result in lower investment and operation and maintenance costs.

In addition to the possible edges that may define the design criteria for urban drainage works,
there is a need for retention works to attenuate drainage flows. These works include the need
to systematise the Santa Julia and Azul lagoon depressions, as well as the construction of the
basins planned for the 5 corners, Chilcal and Ignacio Merino systems. Dispensing with these
lamination structures could lead to technically unfeasible drainage solutions due to the
magnitude of the flows to be drained. On the other hand, the beneficial effect of the flooding
of the agricultural areas in the district of Castilla has been identified, which means that the
demand on the hydraulic capacity of drain 1308 will not increase too much.

Among the whole range of works identified, priority is given to the execution of the following
• Sullana System - First stage
• System 6 September
• Ignacio Merino System
• Chilcal System
• Maldonado West System
• 5-corner system
• System 1308 - First stage.
• Malecón Castilla System: Los Brillantes
• Malecón Castilla System: Tacna
• Malecón Castilla System: Las Montero
• Malecon Castilla System: Miraflores

Based on the results of the mathematical modelling, the implementation of the works projected
in this study allows, for a 25-year recurrence design storm, the reduction of flooded urban
areas in a range of 70 to 80% in the Piura and Veintiséis de Octubre districts. On the other
hand, this range is between 60 and 70% in the district of Castilla.

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This scenario ensures a high degree of protection, which will be even higher for more frequent

13. Recommendations
In view of the forthcoming studies to be developed in later stages (Profile Study, Technical
File), and the magnitude of the investment costs established in this work, it is recommended
that consideration be given to optimising the design recurrence of the works, even if this
implies the evaluation of a recurrence of less than 25 years.

In this regard, it is important to carry out further studies on the implementation of non-
structural measures that can contribute to the reduction of damage resulting from the
structural measures implemented. Such a consideration will also allow for an assessment of
how to optimise the final outlets for rainwater runoff.

In another important aspect regarding the continuity of the studies, it is recommended to

evaluate the independent stageability of each of the systems to be implemented. In other
words, for the implementation of large systems, such as the Five Corners System, it will be
relevant to implement works in stages, in order to achieve a distribution of investments over the
coming years.

On the other hand, with regard to the current management that encompasses the execution
of the next drainage works to be carried out, it is necessary to ensure that they are executed
under the general guidelines set out in this plan.

The possibility of optimising and reducing the costs of investments should not be lost sight of if
an adequate articulation between the Pluvial Drainage Plan (Urban) and the Fluvial Drainage
Plan (of the Piura River) is achieved and guaranteed.

Finally, with regard to the encroachments associated with informal buildings along drain 1308,
these must be addressed from a social point of view and in accordance with the application of
the laws, since it is not possible to make economic compensation in areas of hydraulic domain
or, for example, marginal strips, but the competent authority must enforce the laws and
remove them from these locations. It is recommended to coordinate with the competent
authorities in subsequent stages of the project to address the issue of encroachments on the
service road of drain 1308.

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14. References
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[14] SERFOR. "Resolución de Dirección Ejecutiva N° 072-2019-MINAGRI-SERFOR-DE", Diario El

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15. Annexes

Annex O - Executive summary

Annex A - Socio-Economic Characterisation

Annex B - Inventory of storm drainage infrastructure Annex C -


Annex D - Hydrology

Annex E - Hydrological-hydraulic model

Annex F - Maps and plans

Annex G - Predial Diagnosis Annex H

- Economic Assessment

Annex I - Structural interventions sheets Annex K -

Geology and geotechnics

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