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Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you today, to address an issue, especially in this growing digital age. My mission

as a legislator is not only to protect the well-being of citizens but also to safeguard their privacy.

As a legislator, I am committed to protecting our citizens and our economy from the growing

threat of ransomware attacks. Ransomware is a digital plague that respects no boundaries,

disrupting lives, including the loss of sensitive data, financial loss, and reputational damage. That

is why I believe that we need to take action to prevent these attacks and hold those who engage

in them accountable.

I am deeply concerned about the increasing number of ransomware attacks that have been

affecting individuals and businesses alike. Think about the oil pipeline attack, with those

never-ending lines at gas stations and people anxiously storing fuel because they fear they won't

be able to go to work or take their kids to school. It was a moment that opened our eyes to how

exposed our interconnected society is, and it became a nationwide concern we chat about at

home. We've realized just how pressing this matter is. Today, I urge you to join me in addressing

this issue that impacts us all - the threat of ransomware.

To this end, I propose that we strengthen our laws and regulations related to ransomware attacks.

Specifically, I believe that we should:

1. Enact legislation that will assist the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in carrying out the

SAFE WEB Act. This will help the FTC to better investigate and prosecute those who engage in

ransomware attacks.

2. Enact more expansive privacy legislation to protect our citizens' data and prevent ransomware

attacks. We can use the FTC Act to hold those who engage in ransomware attacks accountable

for their actions.

3. Use the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) to prosecute those who engage in

ransomware attacks.

To secure our nation's future, we must collaborate and embrace the digital landscape. My

commitment lies in protecting our election system from cyber threats. We stand firmly behind the

use of the Cybersecurity Toolkit and Resources for Election Protection. The reason behind this

strategy is simple: by using the Election Security Risk Profile Tool, we can smartly target our

efforts, identifying risks and gaps. This leads to precise actions that safeguard our democracy.

We're not just talking about it; we're taking action. But there's more to it. Our path includes not

just reinforcing our nation's cybersecurity resilience but also nurturing a diverse and robust

cybersecurity workforce. Think of it as our strong defense lineup, equipped to handle any

challenge. To make this vision a reality, I wholeheartedly endorse Secretary Mayorkas' vision

and strategy for the Department of Homeland Security's cybersecurity initiatives. Together, we're

building a safer and more secure future for our nation, an inspiring and memorable journey.
By voting for me, you can be assured that I will work tirelessly to protect our citizens and

economy from the growing threat of ransomware attacks. I am committed to working with

stakeholders across government and industry to develop effective solutions to the threat of

ransomware attacks. Making these changes isn't simple, but it's essential that we take

responsibility for the lessons we have learned. Will we make the decisions that pave the way for

a future that's secure? Or will we let inaction shape a future where our national security and our

way of life are at risk? We've shown that it's possible, but only if we take action, and we must do

it together, right now. Together, we can prevent ransomware attacks and safeguard our privacy.

Thank you.

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