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Julia sat outside her small hut looking at the sky, a drop of tear slide
down her right eye, she has been crying and wanted to stop but she
couldn’t help it, life had been so unjust to her, she had just lost her
mom, her only reason to smile, her only reason to go on living, why had
life been so unfair to her.
Her mom was a single parent, she had struggled to train her
daughter single handedly after being abandoned by her own parents
and her lover.
Julia know nothing about who her real father is, she only knew that he
was a Corp member that came to their village to serve, she isn’t
bothered about her father whereabouts, she is used to living her life
without a father figure in her life but now her mother is now gone from
her life, how is she supposed to survive now ?
She was still deep in her thoughts when a familiar voice called out
her name
“ Julia, Julia “ the voice called out to her .
Julia looked outside to see Urenmma at the entrance of her house, she
was running like she was being pursued,
“Urenmma, why are you running, is there something going on “ Julia
asked, looking rather confused
“Julia, I’m thirsty, please get me water,” She said gasping for her
Urenmma ran inside to get water for her friend, she was surprised to
see her friend looking rather unorganized, she got the water in a cup
and gave it to her friend
“ so why are you running?” Julia asked again after her friend had drank
the water
“ Jully, I have great news for you” Urenmma started smiling, her smile
was so bright and radiant, Urenmma had one of the best smiles in the
world, Julia thought to herself.
“That ehmm, scholarship you applied for ehnn, was approved , your
letter of approval is with the Chief, My dad told me to inform to go get it
from the Chief today”
Urenmma told her everything in one scoop , she was so happy for her
friend, she knew the many traumas her friend have been through and
wished that this good news was the beginning of many more good
Julia starred at her friend in shock, she remembered when her mother
had escorted her to write the exams and now she has gotten in but her
mother was not here to share in her joy, a stream of tears rolled down
her eyes, she immediately used her hand to wipe it, Urenmma
immediately went over to Julia and embraced her in a tight hug, Julia
begin sobbing uncontrollably, if her mom was here they will be jumping
in joy but now she couldn’t help but cry, what supposed to be
something to be happy about is now something to cry about.
Urenmma slowly disengage in the hug, she looked at her friend with
concern, Julia lowered her head still sobbing, Urenmma couldn’t help
but question her
“ are you still interested in the scholarship “ Urenmma asked rather
curious, she was worried her friend might actually refused the
scholarship, Julia turned and looked at her friend with a smile
“Of course I’m, this was I and my mother’s wish and I’m glad I get to
fulfill it, let me get inside and get ready “ she said and turned to the
direction of her small hut, this small hut hold so many dear memories of
her mom, she was already feeling sad about leaving it.

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