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Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics

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Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy: an

update on diagnosis and treatment

Shunya Nakane, Akihiro Mukaino, Osamu Higuchi, Mari Watari, Yasuhiro

Maeda, Makoto Yamakawa, Keiichi Nakahara, Koutaro Takamatsu, Hidenori
Matsuo & Yukio Ando

To cite this article: Shunya Nakane, Akihiro Mukaino, Osamu Higuchi, Mari Watari, Yasuhiro
Maeda, Makoto Yamakawa, Keiichi Nakahara, Koutaro Takamatsu, Hidenori Matsuo & Yukio Ando
(2018) Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy: an update on diagnosis and treatment, Expert
Review of Neurotherapeutics, 18:12, 953-965, DOI: 10.1080/14737175.2018.1540304

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Published online: 01 Nov 2018.

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2018, VOL. 18, NO. 12, 953–965


Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy: an update on diagnosis and treatment

Shunya Nakanea,b, Akihiro Mukainoa,b, Osamu Higuchic, Mari Wataria, Yasuhiro Maedac, Makoto Yamakawaa,
Keiichi Nakaharaa, Koutaro Takamatsua, Hidenori Matsuoc and Yukio Andoa
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan; bDepartment of Molecular Neurology
and Therapeutics, Kumamoto University Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan; cDepartment of Neurology and Clinical Research, Nagasaki Kawatana Medical
Center, Nagasaki, Japan


Introduction: Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy (AAG) is an acquired immune-mediated dis- Received 9 August 2018
order that leads to autonomic failure. The disorder is associated with autoantibodies to the ganglionic Accepted 22 October 2018
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (gAChR). We subsequently reported that AAG is associated with an KEYWORDS
overrepresentation of psychiatric symptoms, sensory disturbance, autoimmune diseases, and endocrine Ganglionic acetylcholine
disorders. receptor; autoantibodies;
Area covered: The aim of this review was to describe AAG and highlight its pivotal pathophysiological autoimmune autonomic
aspects, clinical features, laboratory examinations, and therapeutic options. ganglionopathy; extra-
Expert commentary: AAG is a complex neuroimmunological disease, these days considered as an autonomic manifestations;
autonomic failure with extra-autonomic manifestations (and various limited forms). Further comprehen- immunotherapy
sion of the pathophysiology of this disease is required, especially the mechanisms of the extra-
autonomic manifestations should be elucidated. There is the possibility that the co-presence of anti-
bodies that were directed against the other subunits in both the central and peripheral nAChRs in the
serum of the AAG patients. Some patients improve with immunotherapies such as IVIg and/or corti-
costeroid and/or plasma exchange. 123I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy may be a useful tool to monitor
the therapeutic effects of immunotherapies.

1. Introduction preservation of somatic motor and sensory functions, Colan

and his colleagues reported the first case of acute autonomic
Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy (AAG; also known as
and sensory neuropathy is characterized autonomic and sen-
autoimmune autonomic neuropathy or acute pandysautono-
sory impairment without motor dysfunction that reaches its
mia) is an autoimmune disease affecting the autonomic gang-
peak severity within a short period in 1980 (Figure 1) [8].
lia, leading to various autonomic symptoms. In the
Regarding idiopathic autonomic neuropathy, three subgroups
approximately half of the cases, it is caused by autoantibodies
have been proposed on basis of the concomitance or absence
(Abs) directed against the ganglionic acetylcholine receptor
of sensory or motor dysfunctions: 1) pure autonomic neuropa-
(gAChR) [1–3].
thy (=APD), 2) autonomic neuropathy with sensory impairment
AAG is a relatively recently described neurological disease.
(AASN), and 3) autonomic neuropathy with sensory and motor
One of the earliest descriptions of a patient who had pure
impairment (AASMN), although there could be some overlap
pandysautonomia was by Young and colleagues in 1969
[9,10]. Fagius et al reported the case of autonomic and sensory
(Figure 1) [4]. Thereafter, some patients with acute pandysau-
neuropathy demonstrated sensory ataxia, and the autopsy of
tonomia (APD) have since been reported. In 1975, Young and
this case revealed the dorsal root ganglia showed very severe
colleagues published the full description of their original
damage with only a few remaining neurons [11]. In this period,
patient and considered the diagnostic criteria [5]. During this
idiopathic autonomic neuropathy including APD, AASN, and
period, most patients with APD have been report to show acute
AASMN categorized acute idiopathic inflammatory neuropa-
or subacute progression with antecedent events (possibly infec-
thies, and positioned at one end of the spectrum of GBS.
tion illness), widespread autonomic failure, and monophasic
However, Hainfellner et al described an autopsy case of AASN,
clinical course [6,7]. The causes of APD were unknown at this
and they showed widespread inflammation of sensory and
time, however, and immunological mechanism similar to
autonomic ganglia with immunocytochemical evidence of a
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). The site of damage in APD was
CD8 T cell-mediated cytotoxic attack against ganglion neurons
postganglionic in almost cases, but the etiological factor
[12]. And finally, Vernino and his colleagues discovered the Abs
remained unclear in the pathomechanism of APD [7].
against the neuronal gAChRs, and they proposed nicotinic acet-
Although APD was characterized by severe sympathetic and
ylcholine receptors (AChRs) autoimmunity cause dysautonomia
parasympathetic impairment with relative or complete
[1,2]. Recently, we elucidated the prevalence of extra-

CONTACT Shunya Nakane Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University, 1-1-1, Honjo,
Chuouku, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto 860-8556, Japan
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Timeline | clinical, physiological and immunological developments in autoimmune dysautonomia research in early days.

autonomic manifestations in patients with AAG [13]. The pre- endogenous acetylcholine (ACh) and the exogenous tertiary
sent review summarizes current status of diagnosis and treat- alkaloid nicotine [14]. Each nAChR contains four transmem-
ments in AAG. brane domains (M1-M4), an extracellular amino – and carboxy-
terminus, and a prominent M3-M4 intracellular loop of vari-
able length (Figure 2(a)) [15]. The majority of high affinity
2. Autonomic ganglia and acetylcholine receptor nAChRs are heteromeric and consist of α and β subunits
antibodies (Figure 2(b)). Homomeric receptors consist of α subunits only
and usually have low affinity for agonist (Figure 2(b)). Every
2.1. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
nAChR is formed by the association of five subunits of which
Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are at least two are α subunits [16,17]. Ref On autonomic neurons,
ligand-gated cation channels that are activated by the AChRs are typically composed of two α3 subunits in

Figure 2. Neuronal nAChR structure.

(a) Membrane topology of a nAChR subunitEach nAChR gene encodes a protein subunit consisting of a large amino-terminal extracellular domain composed of β-strands, four trans-
membrane α-helices segments (M1-M4), a variable intracellular loop between M3 and M4, and an extracellular carboxy-terminus.(b) Heteromeric and homomeric nAChRsFive subunits co-
assemble to form a functional subunit. The majority of high affinity nAChRs are heteromeric and consist of a combination of α and β subunits. Importantly, multiple α subunits may co-
assemble with multiple β subunits in the pentameric nAChR complex. Homopentameric receptors consist of α subunits only and usually have low affinity for agonist. To date, only
mammalian α7, α9, and α10 subunits may form functional homomers. Ach-binding sites are depicted as red circles.

combination with three other AChR subunits [18]. The α sub- nervous system, also synapse extensively with each other. Fast
unit contains important binding sites for acetylcholine. synaptic transmission within autonomic ganglia is mediated
Transgenic mice lacking the α3 subunit have profound auto- by acetylcholine acting on nAChRs. The gAChR mediates fast
nomic failure with prominent bladder distention, gastrointest- synaptic transmission in all ganglia (sympathetic, parasympa-
inal (GI) dysmotility, and lack of pupillary light reflexes thetic, and enteric ganglia) in the peripheral autonomic ner-
indicating that the α3 subunit is required for ganglionic neu- vous system.
rotransmission [19]. Although neurons of the autonomic gang-
lia can express numerous neuronal AChR subunits, including
α3, α4, α5, α7, β2, and β4, the properties of the AChR at
2.2. Ganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibodies
mammalian ganglionic synapses are most similar to AChRs
that are formed by α3 and β4 subunits [20,21]. AAG is associated, at least in part, with Abs to the gAChR.
The autonomic nervous system has a unique anatomic Antibodies to the gAChR are found in the serum of approxi-
structure (Figure 3). Unlike the somatic motor and sensory mately 50% of patients with the acute or subacute form of
systems, the autonomic system is composed of groups of AAG in concentrations that correlate with disease severity
neurons (ganglia) with extensive synaptic connections outside and have been shown to be pathogenic [2,22]. Several stu-
the central nervous system (CNS). Like the somatic motor dies have reported that these Abs induce the internalization
nerves, peripheral autonomic nerves originate with cholinergic of cell-surface nicotinic gAChRs and thereby impair synaptic
motor neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord that project transmission (Figure 3) [23,24]. Although these antibodies are
to the periphery [3]. These preganglionic nerves synapse with useful serological markers for AAG, they are still not univer-
neurons in autonomic ganglia. The peripheral autonomic neu- sally detected. Mayo clinic group reported patients with high
rons, especially in the case of the intrinsic enteric autonomic levels of ganglionic AChR antibodies usually have a subacute

identified in AAG to date. We attempted to develop a

novel technique to detect the subunit-specific antibodies
of gAChR without the use of a radioisotope. The RIPA is a
very useful tool for obtaining information about the total
amount of antibodies to gAChR [1,2].
We established luciferase immunoprecipitation systems
(LIPS) using GL8990 that can detect antibodies that bind to
the α3 or β4 gAChR subunits with high sensitivity (Figure 4)
[26]. The RIPA using [125I]-labeled epibatidine has been used
as a convenient method to detect Abs to the gAChR [1–3].
LIPS is a diagnostic technique for the serological testing of
antibodies that are associated with many different human
pathogens, is suitable for detecting an antibody against each
subunit [27–30]. We need to compare the performance of
gAChR Abs assays in clinical service.
To provide higher performance on the LIPS, we selected a
Gaussia luciferase (GL) mutant, called GL8990, for use in this
Figure 3. Autonomic nervous system and the anti-gAChR Abs. study. GL is the smallest marine luciferase that has been
The autonomic ganglia receive input from cholinergic motor neurons in the brainstem or discovered [31]. GL generates a greater signal intensity from
spinal cord. Fast ganglionic synaptic transmission is mediated by acetylcholine acting on
neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. The postganglionic fibers extend to innervate cells in culture (1000-fold) compared with the Renilla luciferase
numerous target organs (a few examples are shown) and release acetylcholine acting on [32]. GL8990 (featuring a phenylalanine-to-tryptophan substitu-
muscarinic receptors (m) or norepinephrine acting on alpha and beta adrenergic receptors.
The anti-gAChR Abs have the potential to physiologically block the ganglionic synaptic tion at residue 89 and a isoleucine-to-leucine substitution at
transmission in both of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. residue 90) is a GL mutant that is generated by site-directed
mutagenesis and emits bioluminescence that is 10 times
onset of disabling symptoms over a few weeks followed by stronger and/or prolonged than intact GL [33]. We performed
spontaneous but incomplete recovery. Patients with lower the LIPS with the α3 or β4 gAChR subunit fused to a luciferase
antibody levels may have a chronic insidious presentation or to detect the respective Abs in human sera.
milder, limited forms of autonomic failure. Higher ganglionic LIPS is a user-friendly assay to examine a protein–protein
AChR antibody levels correlate with greater clinical severity interaction as described elsewhere [27–29]. The luminometer
and with greater severity of laboratory measures of auto- output was measured in relative luminescence units (RLU).
nomic failure. In some cases, patients treated with plasma Based on the data for anti-gAChRα3 and β4 Abs from the
exchange or other immunomodulatory treatments to reduce 73 HC, the cut-off values were calculated as the mean plus
antibody levels can show dramatic improvement in auto- three standard deviations from the mean (SD). In this study,
nomic function. Additionally, in vitro studies show that the antibody levels were expressed as an antibody index (A.I.)
serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) isolated from patients with that was calculated as follows: A.I. = [measurement value of
AAG reduces whole-cell neuronal AChR current in cultured the sample serum (RLU)]/[the cut-off value (RLU)]. The normal
human IMR-32 cells [1,2,22]. Lennon et al. developed an value that was established in this study from healthy indivi-
experimental AAG (EAAG) by immunizing rabbits with a duals was <1.0 A.I. As such, serum samples with an A.I. ≥1.0
recombinant neuronal AChR α3 subunit fusion protein [24]. were considered positive for the relevant antibody. To eval-
These clinical and experimental findings indicate that the uate the diagnostic accuracy of this assay, we verified the
gAChR antibodies in patients with AAG cause physiologic cut-off points for all data collected in the previous study. Cut-
changes in ganglionic AChR function and confirm that AAG off points for sensitivity and specificity as well as receiver
is an antibody-mediated disorder. operator characteristic (ROC) curves were obtained [34,35].
According to the ROC curves, we confirmed the most discri-
minative cut-off points, and calculated their sensitivity, spe-
cificity, and positive and negative predictive values (PPV and
2.3. Detection of autoantibodies
NPV). The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.935 (95% con-
Since the gAChR was identified as an autoantigen that is fidence interval [CI]: 0.897–0.972) for the LIPS assay of the
associated with the pathogenesis of AAG, it has been a anti-gAChRα3 antibody. With the anti-gAChRα3 antibody cut-
challenge to search for gAChR-specific Abs. The radioim- off point of 1.0, the sensitivity and specificity values were
munoprecipitation assay (RIPA) and cell-based assays have 50.0% (95% CI: 35.2%–64.8%) and 100.0% (95% CI: 92.5%–
been available for the detection of Abs to the gAChR in 100.0%), respectively, while those for PPV and NPV were
the sera of patients with AAG [1,2]. In Japan, cases of 100.0% and 66.7%, respectively. The AUC was 0.830 (95%
idiopathic pure autonomic neuropathy have been reported CI: 0.040–0.907) for the LIPS assay of the anti-gAChRβ4 anti-
since 1975, and 29 cases of AAG have been reported [7,25]. body. With the anti-gAChRβ4 antibody cut-off point of 1.0,
However, no assays that detect the Abs to gAChR are the sensitivity and specificity values were 10.0% (95% CI:
available in Japan, and this has caused difficulty in the 3.5%–23.8%) and 100.0% (95% CI: 92.5%–100.0%), respec-
diagnosis of AAG. Furthermore, antibodies to non-α3 sub- tively, while those for PPV and NPV were 100.0% and
units, including the β4 gAChR subunit, have not been 52.84%, respectively.

Figure 4. Detection of the anti-gAChR Abs by LIPS.

The anti-gAChR Abs are detected by LIPS we developed. For the gAChR Abs LIPS assay, HEK293 cells were transfected with an expression plasmid for the gAChRα3 or β4-GL reporter. The
soluble fractionated component from the solubilized HEK 293F cells, including the gAChRα3- or β4-GL, reacted with human serum, and the specific luciferase activities of the gAChRα3- or
β4-GL were found with the luminometer. The in vitro LIPS assay can quantitatively evaluate an interaction between an antigen and an antibody with high sensitivity and without a

Ching et al. have reported using the LIPS method to detect a Western countries [25]. We extensively reviewed the histories
specific autoantibody of the AChRα1 subunit in patients with and ongoing clinical and laboratory evaluations of 80
myasthenia gravis [36]. Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoim- Japanese patients (mean age: 60 ± 18 years old; 43 males
mune channelopathy that is caused by Abs to AChRs located in and 37 females) who had been diagnosed with AAG and
the neuromuscular junction. In about 80% of the patient sera, measured their levels of antibodies to gAChR with the LIPS
these Abs to the muscle-type of the nAChR are detected [37]. [13]. All of the patients with AAG had dysfunction in at least
The muscle nAChR is a pentamer that is composed of four one autonomic domain, and they underwent a baseline
subunits (α1, β1, γ or δ, and ε). Ching et al have demonstrated assessment, which included a determination of the gAChR
that using the α1 AChR subunit fused to Renilla luciferase in LIPS α3 and β4 antibody levels. Moreover, we investigated based
was partly useful for the detection of Abs against each AChR on our specific questionnaire. Our questionnaire consisted of
subunit. The LIPS provides a new approach to serological testing six domains, addressing the following aspects: 1) age, sex,
for antibodies associated with many different human pathogens clinical diagnosis, age at onset, symptom onset, and antece-
in neuroimmunological diseases. The LIPS is based on the fusion dent infection, 2) widespread autonomic manifestations, 3)
of protein antigens to a light-emitting enzyme reporter, Gaussia extra-autonomic manifestations (sensory disturbance, motor
luciferase, and then the use of these antigen fusions in immu- symptoms, DTR, gait, and other neurological findings), 4)
noprecipitation assays with serum samples and protein comorbid diseases (endocrine disorders, tumor, and autoim-
G-sepharose. After the protein G-sepharose is washed, the mune disorders), 5) autonomic testing and MIBG scintigraphy,
level of light production is measured, yielding highly quantita- and 6) other laboratory findings (CSF, and other Abs testing).
tive antibody levels. Taken together, these reports suggest that Subacute onset was defined as reaching peak autonomic
autoantibody detection by the LIPS will be useful for enhancing failure within 3 months, and gradual was defined as reaching
the clinical management of autoimmune diseases. the peak level of autonomic failure within 3 months. The
patterns of mode were divided into subacute and gradual
groups, according to the duration to the peak of autonomic
3. Clinical features of autoimmune autonomic symptoms. Gradual onset was more common in the seroposi-
ganglionopathy tive AAG patients (62/80, 78%). An antecedent event (e. g.
enterocolitis, flu-like symptom, and etc.) was reported in 13
3.1. Antecedent events and clinical course
patients (16%) shortly before the initiation of autonomic
So far, Hayashi et al reported the patients with AAG in Japan symptoms. Seven patients (7/62, 11%) had an antecedent
were younger and more male-predominant than those in event in this chronic AAG group, in contrast, six patients (6/

18, 33%) had an antecedent event in the subacute AAG group. 3.3. Extra-autonomic manifestations
Therefore, an antecedent event may be associated with the
Totally, 67 patients (84%) exhibited extra-autonomic manifesta-
subacute form of AAG.
tions in our recent study [13]. Extra-autonomic manifestations
consisted of sensory disturbance, CNS involvements, endocrine
disorders, autoimmune diseases, and tumors (Figure 5).
3.2. Autonomic manifestations In our questionnaire, we classified sensory disturbance into
four symptoms (paresthesia, dysesthesia, NCS abnormality,
We inquired about the presence or absence of each of the
and no symptoms). In the recent study, we detected dysesthe-
following functions that are controlled by the autonomic sys-
sia (=numbness) and superficial sensory disturbance in 37/80
tem: syncope or orthostatic hypotension for orthostatic intol-
patients with AAG (46%) [13]. Sensory examinations were
erance; sicca complex, dryness of the skin, or hypohidrosis/
performed for pinprick, temperature, light touch, vibratory
anhidrosis for heat intolerance; pupillary dysfunction; diarrhea
sensation, and joint position sensation. In 80 AAG patients,
or constipation for dysfunction of the GI system; dysuria or
abnormal motor conduction velocity, distal latency, or com-
urinary retention needing catheterization for bladder dysfunc-
pound muscle action potential values in nerve conduction
tion; and sexual dysfunction [13,26].
studies were not detected. They complained of subjective
Autonomic manifestations were various and widespread
numbness as an extra autonomic symptom, and the numb-
and they affected both sympathetic and parasympathetic
ness might have been caused by extensive disturbance of the
functions; however, orthostatic hypotension and lower (GI)
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. However,
tract dysfunction were frequently observed [13]. Orthostatic
this important symptom may distinguish AAG from other dis-
hypotension for orthostatic intolerance and lower GI tract
orders such as AASN, GBS, and chronic inflammatory demye-
symptoms was observed in 64/80 patients (80%) and 59/80
linating polyneuropathy (CIDP). A nerve conduction study
patients (74%), respectively. Upper and lower GI tract symp-
could be performed to assess this, and a nerve and skin biopsy
toms were composed of various digestive system problems,
may be necessary in the patient with AAG.
such as early satiety, vomiting, abdominal pain, anorexia, diar-
In regard to CNS involvement, if any CNS (cerebral, cere-
rhea, ileus, alternate stool abnormality, taste impairment, and
bellar, brain stem, and spinal cord) symptoms were detected,
constipation. Pupillary dysfunction was observed in 21/80
we defined ‘CNS involvement’ after careful thought about
patients (26%), including two patients who had Adie’s tonic
neurodegenerative diseases. We distinguished CNS involve-
pupil. The initial symptoms of seropositive AAG in 50/80
ment from other neurological disorders including Parkinson’s
patients (62.5%) were orthostatic hypotension and/or intoler-
disease, multiple system atrophy, based on clinical assess-
ance, involving lightheadedness, orthostatic intolerance, or
ment, laboratory tests, and imaging studies. Of the 29
Japanese patients previously reported by Hayashi et al., 12

Figure 5. The anti-gAChR Abs in AAG and related syndromes.

AAG is a clinical entity with a broad spectrum that has etiological correlations with gAChR Abs. Some of the cases with seropositive AAG have the underlying diseases. We observed that
brain involvement, sensory disturbances, and endocrine disorders were common among seropositive patients with AAG.

(41.4%) had psychiatric symptoms [25]. In our study, psychia- including intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), plasma
tric symptoms involved depressive state (n = 2), cognitive exchange (PE), and immunosuppressants can be effective in
impairment (n = 6), apathy (n = 3), and character change both groups [48]. However, consideration regarding the ser-
(n = 11), such as emotional instability and infantilization after onegative autoimmune autonomic neuropathy recently
the onset of autonomic symptoms. We are considering reported. Golden et al. reported six patients presented with
whether these brain symptoms and AAG can coexist based subacute autonomic failure, seronegative for gAChR Abs [49].
on autoimmune etiology against both peripheral and central Although three patients responded to intravenous steroids,
nAChRs [38–40]. other immunotherapy with PE, IVIg, and rituximab was inef-
Totally, 11 patients (14%) exhibited the following endocrine fective in all cases. They described this seronegative autoim-
disorders: amenorrhea (n = 5), syndrome of inappropriate mune autonomic neuropathy is characterized by prominent
antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) (n = 2), hyponatremia sympathetic failure and sensory symptoms. Therefore, they
(n = 3), adrenal insufficiency (n = 1) and panhypopituitarism defined it as a new distinct clinical entity. Clarifying the patho-
(n = 1). Several Japanese neurologists have already reported mechanism of seronegative AAG is expected in the future.
cases of APD or acute autonomic and sensory neuropathy with
amenorrhea and/or SIADH [41–43]. They have suggested that
4.2. Limited form of autoimmune autonomic
patients with autonomic neuropathy might have both periph-
eral and CNS manifestations. nAChRs are associated with cho-
linergic neurotransmission, modulation of dopamine function, 4.2.1. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
inflammation, and activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adre- The spectrum of AAG continues to expand. It is known that
nal axis [44,45]. We presumed that nAChRs are involved in a classic AAG phenotype presents with severe and widespread
variety of neurological systems that are implicated in the autonomic dysfunction, and limited forms of autonomic
pathophysiology of CNS involvement including endocrine dis- neuropathy, too, are being found [47]. Postural orthostatic
orders and psychiatric symptoms. tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is the most common form and
In total, 25 patients (31%) were presented with autoim- orthostatic intolerance without associated orthostatic hypo-
mune diseases, and Sjögren’s syndrome was confirmed in tension, and GI disturbances are common and prolonged in
nine patients. Other patients presented the other following patients with POTS [50–52]. An autoimmune mechanism has
autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheuma- been suggested as a causal mechanism in POTS [53,54], and
toid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, polymyalgia rheumatica, pri- antibodies such as Abs against cardiac lipid raft-associated
mary biliary cirrhosis, Still’s disease, Hashimoto’s disease, protein and α1AR, β1AR and β2AR agonistic Abs are present
Graves’ disease, and fibromyalgia. Tumors were observed in in the serum of the patients with POTS [55–61]. More spe-
11 patients (14%), four of which were ovarian tumors. Small cifically, gAChR Abs are detected in the serum from the
cell lung cancer, gastric cancer, and maxillary cancer were patients with POTS. It has been indicated the detection of
detected in other patients. gAChR Abs in 10 to 20% of POTS patients [62]. In our recent
As mentioned above, over 80% of seropositive AAG study, we analyzed the serum of 34 patients with POTS, who
patients demonstrated dysautonomia with non-autonomic were a median of 22 years old. We found gAChR Abs in 10
findings. McKeon and his colleagues in Mayo Clinic analyzed (eight with gAChRα3 Abs and two with gAChRβ4 Abs), or
the clinical utility of gAChRα3 autoantibody as a marker of 29% of them. The seropositive POTS patients were an aver-
neurological autoimmunity and cancer. They reviewed the age of 29 years old, compared with an average age of
oncological associations, neurological manifestations, and 20 years old for those who were negative (p = 0.012).
accompanying Abs in 78 gAChRα3 Abs seropositive patients Here, 60% of patients who were seropositive had complica-
by titer [46]. We will analyze the extra-autonomic manifesta- tions from autoimmune diseases compared with 8% in the
tions in the Japanese AAG patients by the levels of gAChRα3 seronegative group (p < 0.001) [62]. We acknowledged that
and β4 Abs. the majority of seropositive patients did not have high levels
of the antibodies. Therefore, increased expression of Abs to
gAChR subunits may contribute to secondary autoimmune
4. Atypical cases of autoimmune autonomic responses to anti-ganglionic neuron damage in seropositive
ganglionopathy patients. We can conclude at present we have no definite
evidence gAChR Abs has a pathogenic role in POTS, but we
4.1. Seronegative autoimmune autonomic
will look at the relationship between the gAChR Abs and
immunotherapy outcomes for each subcategory of POTS –
Sandroni and her colleagues compared the clinical character- neuropathic, hyperadrenergic, volume dysregulation, and
istics between seropositive and seronegative patients with physical deconditioning.
idiopathic autonomic neuropathy [47]. A subacute mode of
onset was more common in the group of the seropositive 4.2.2. Anhidrosis
patients, and the seropositive group had a significant over- Chronic anhidrosis, especially acquired idiopathic generalized
representation of pupillary abnormalities, sicca complex, and anhidrosis (AIGA), is characterized by an acquired impairment
lower GI tract dysfunction. Thereafter, they studied six in total body sweating despite exposure to heat or exercise.
patients, four with seropositive and two with seronegative Most cases of AIGA have been reported in Asia, particularly in
putative AAG, and reported immunomodulatory treatment Japan [63]. Asahina and his colleagues attempted to find the

Abs against muscarinic M3 receptors (M3Rs) on ecrine glands, dihydroxyphenylalanine, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, and
but anti-M3R Abs were detected in 1/12 patients (8%) with dihydroxyphenylglyco seem to be lower in PAF than in AAG.
AIGA [64]. Chronic anhidrosis may be heterogeneous. We In this article, they report results of QSART, Valsalva maneuver,
experienced several patients with seropositive AAG associated head-up tilt test, and 6-[18F] fluorodopamine PET scanning
with severe anhidrosis (Figure 5) [65,66]. Severe anhidrosis besides the measurement of plasma catechols, in patients
came to the front in the clinical manifestations of these with AAG, PAF, and two other forms of chronic autonomic
cases. We should be alert to severe anhidrosis in the cases of failure manifesting with OH – multiple system atrophy (MSA)
AAG because AAG itself is rare. We should pay attention to and Parkinson’s disease with neurogenic OH (PD with NOH)
autonomic function except for the sudomotor activity. [75]. Baroreflex – cardiovagal gain, calculated from the slope
of the line of best fit for the relationship between interbeat
4.2.3. Gastrointestinal dysmotility interval and systolic blood pressure during Phase II of the
In 2008, autoimmune GI dysmotility (AGID) was proposed Valsalva maneuver, was also low in all four groups. QSART
new clinical entity that is a limited manifestation of auto- responses were remarkably subnormal in AAG patients.
immune dysautonomia and can occur as an idiopathic or Conversely, QSART responses were often within the normal
paraneoplastic phenomenon [67,68]. The presentation may range three patient groups in the three patient groups. 6-[18F]
be gastroparesis, colonic inertia, or intestinal pseudoobstruc- fluorodopamine-derived radioactivity in the interventricular
tion; rare cases have presented with pyloric obstruction or septum was normal in the AAG and MSA groups and low in
anal spasm [69–73]. Several neural autoantibody specificities the PAF and PD with NOH groups.
aid the diagnosis of AGID: gAChRα3, voltage gated neuronal Gorson et al. reported the skin biopsy findings in a cohort
potassium channel-complex, and calcium channel antibodies of patients with features suggestive of a non-length-depen-
(N type >P/Q type), muscle nAChR, striational, glutamic acid dent small fiber neuropathy or ganglionopathy [76]. Skin
decarboxylase 65, and peripherin [67–73]. We determined biopsy may help to differentiate between the length depen-
the associations among autonomic dysfunction, anti-gAChR dent neuropathy and ganglionopathy because axonal neuro-
Abs, and clinical features in Japanese patients with GI moti- pathies are characterized by a retrograde nerve degeneration
lity disorders including achalasia and chronic intestinal with a preferential loss of fibers at the distal site [77].
pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) [74]. We identified 10/123 (8.1%) I-MIBG, an analog of noradrenaline, is used to trace
patients with seropositive AAG who presented with achala- uptake and transport both in noradrenaline presynaptic sym-
sia, or gastroparesis, or paralytic ileus (Figure 5). Moreover, pathetic nerve terminals and in subsequent vesicular storage
we detected anti-gAChR Abs in 21.4% of the achalasia [78]. Postganglionic presynaptic cardiac sympathetic nerve
patients, and in 50.0% of the CIPO patients. Although endings can be noninvasively assessed by MIBG scintigraphy
patients with achalasia and CIPO demonstrated widespread because a reduction in cardiac MIBG uptake (H/M ratio) indi-
autonomic dysfunction, bladder dysfunction was observed in cates postganglionic sympathetic dysfunction. Cardiac MIBG
the seropositive patients with CIPO as a prominent clinical uptake is reduced in patients with Lewy body diseases such as
characteristic of dysautonomia. A prospective, multi-center, Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies [79,80]. In
clinical interventional study will be necessary to confirm the the standard procedure, the H/M ratio is calculated from early
relationships among the levels of anti-gAChR Abs, auto- and delayed anterior chest planar images by drawing a region
nomic function including severity of GI dysmotility, and the of interest including the heart (H) and the other one over the
outcome of immunotherapies. upper mediastinum (M). In our experience, the H/M ratio
during the early and delayed phases of 123I-MIBG myocardial
scintigraphy decreased by approximately 80% in AAG patients.
5. Laboratory evaluations
Decreased cardiac uptake occurred in most seropositive cases,
The diagnosis of AAG requires the seropositivity for the gAChR which indicated that 123I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy may
Abs. Furthermore, we should widely evaluate the autonomic be a useful tool for monitoring AAG [26].
function in the patients with AAG. Each patient will undergo The site of damage in AAG was analyzed by several auto-
autonomic testing, which involved, head-up tilt test, measure- nomic testings. Kimpinski et al. characterized the unique sudo-
ment of the coefficient of variation in R-R intervals (CVR-R), motor dysfunction in AAG as widespread, predominantly
noradrenaline (NA) infusion test, pupillary response to local postganglionic, and a result of lesions at both the ganglia
instillation, assessment of the plasma levels of catecholamines, and distal axon [81]. Manganelli et al. have also demonstrated
sweat testing, quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test in a sudomotor function study and skin biopsy findings, that
(QSART), [123I] meta-iodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) myocar- there is postganglionic autonomic damage in patients with
dial scintigraphy, Valsalva maneuver, skin biopsy, GI motility AAG [82]. They attributed this damage to prolonged and
study, urodynamic study and cystometry. severe impairment of synaptic transmission. These reports
Goldstein et al. report tried to differentiate AAG from pure coincide with our deduction that the anatomic pattern of
autonomic failure (PAF), because some part of AAG and PAF autonomic dysfunction was predominantly postganglionic.
are same chronic forms of autonomic failure [75]. AAG often And, we have some important matters. In some of the AAG
has a chronic progressive course that may resemble degen- cases, we found the other autoimmune disorders as comorbid
erative forms of autonomic failure such as PAF. Both disorders diseases. Although AAG and other autoimmune diseases can
feature low plasma levels of catecholamines during supine coexist due to the same background of autoimmunity, few
rest, but plasma levels of the other endogenous catechols, reports have referred to anti-gAChR Abs in the autoimmune

rheumatic disorders [34,35,83]. We believe it is important to transmission is a common pathway for all autonomic traffic,
clarify the clinical and immunological characteristics of the and aimed to enhance the autonomic function through inhibi-
coexistence of AAG and the other autoimmune disorders tion of acetylcholinesterase. Previous trials for neurogenic OH
(Figure 5). Thus, we should consider the comorbid diseases reported midodrine and droxidopa are efficacious and safe in
(endocrine disorders, tumor, and autoimmune disorders) in the treatment [89,90]. A combination treatment for various
the patients with AAG as the extra-autonomic manifestations autonomic symptoms is often required as well as combined
described above. immunomodulatory therapies.

6. Treatments 7. Expert commentary

AAG treatments have so far primarily targeted symptoms, AAG is a clinical entity with a broad spectrum that has etiolo-
and the treatments were helpful in most cases. Some gical correlations with gAChR Abs. The gAChR Abs have the
patients with seropositive AAG responded to treatment potential to impair autonomic ganglionic synaptic transmis-
with steroid pulse therapy, plasmapheresis, or IVIg, and sion; additionally, because both the sympathetic and parasym-
most of these required combined or subsequent treatments pathetic ganglia utilize nicotinic cholinergic synapses, Abs that
to maintain the improvement [47,84–86]. The more severely interfere with ganglionic transmission may cause dysautono-
affected patients who did not respond to steroid pulse mia. AAG patients demonstrated widespread and severe auto-
therapy or PP monotherapy benefited from combined ther- nomic failure. Patients typically present with symptoms related
apy with other first-line therapy and immunosuppressant to sympathetic failure (e.g. orthostatic hypotension and anhi-
agents, such as prednisolone, azathioprine, mycophenolate drosis), parasympathetic failure (e.g. impaired heart rate varia-
mofetil, and rituximab [87]. They also required prolonged bility, dry mouth, and impaired pupil constriction), and GI
immunotherapy for sustained clinical improvement. dysmotility.
However, reports of immunomodulatory therapies for AAG In this review, we mentioned the extra-autonomic manifes-
are limited to small and uncontrolled case studies, and the tations as a sort of new entity. Baker et al. previously described
optimal therapy remains uncertain. When we read the past late-onset encephalopathy in AAG [38]. They found antibodies
reports, we realized the outcomes of the immunotherapies that specifically bind neuronal α5 and α7 nAChRs. The α7
showed the differences among individual cases and case nAChR is a homopentameric ligand-gated ion channel predo-
series. It is unclear which immunotherapy combination or minantly expressed in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus.
which order of the various immunotherapies will be best for Gibbons et al. investigated the relationship between ortho-
treating autonomic and extra-autonomic manifestations static hypotension, antibody titers and cognitive impairment
of AAG. in patients with AAG [39]. Recently, we reported a pediatric
One Japanese AAG patient has been successfully treated by AAG case presenting with acute encephalitis [91]. The nAChRs
combined immunomodulatory therapies [88]. Although he comprise a family of abundantly expressed ligand-gated
showed marked recovery of his dysautonomia after steroid cation channels found throughout the central and peripheral
therapy, stepwise recovery of his plasma noradrenaline levels nervous systems, especially in the hypothalamus. They are
after each treatment showed that his dramatic improvement involved in various neurobiological systems that have been
was not only as a result of steroid therapy. The gAChRα3 Abs implicated in the pathophysiology of psychiatric symptoms.
in his serum returned to the initial levels observed before nAChRs have roles in addition to that in cholinergic neuro-
steroid administration, and the levels of the gAChRα3 Abs transmission: they modulate dopamine function and hypotha-
were not always parallel to the clinical severity and plasma lamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity. Therefore, we speculated
noradrenaline levels. In previous reports, higher gChR Abs that nAChRα3 and nAChRβ4 Abs may play a role in extra-
levels correlate with greater clinical severity and with greater autonomic manifestations. Anti-gAChRα3 and anti-gAChRβ4
severity of laboratory measures of autonomic failure. In some Abs, in addition to new Abs to other subunits of nAChRs in
cases, patients treated with plasma exchange or other immu- the dorsal root ganglion and brain, have the potential to cause
nomodulatory treatments to reduce antibody levels can show extra-autonomic manifestations.
dramatic improvement in autonomic function. There is the The seropositive AAG in our study had a significant over-
possibility that gAChR Ab levels did not always correlate with representation of autoimmune diseases. Autonomic dysfunc-
the clinical course in each individual from our experience. tions have been reported in association with Sjögren’s
Combined immunotherapies are beneficial in AAG, but inter- syndrome [92,93], systemic sclerosis [94], systemic lupus erythe-
national multicenter collaboration is required to clarify the matosus [95], rheumatoid arthritis [96,97], and mixed connec-
correlations among the levels of anti-gAChR Abs, severity of tive-tissue disease [98]. Although AAG and other autoimmune
the autonomic and extra-autonomic manifestations, and the diseases can coexist due to the same background of autoimmu-
outcome of the different immunotherapies. nity, few reports have referred to anti-gAChR Abs in these auto-
There have been no trials of symptomatic treatment for immune diseases [99–102]. We believe it is important to clarify
AAG, although it has been frequently performed on the clin- the clinical and immunological characteristics of the coexistence
ical spot for medical treatments. Vernino and his colleagues of AAG and the other autoimmune rheumatic diseases.
attempted to develop the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor such In a clinical field of diagnosing AAG, sometime it is difficult to
as pyridostigmine for AAG as a potential specific therapeutic differentiate AAG from other neuropathies with autonomic dys-
strategy [18]. They focused on the ganglionic synaptic function such as AASN, GBS. Koike et al. reported testing for anti-

gAChR Abs in 6 patients with AASN, all of whom were negative. ● Further studies are required to clarify which immunother-
They demonstrated significant differences in the frequency of an apy combination or which order of the immunotherapies
antecedent event, age and progression in comparison between will be best for treating autonomic and extra-autonomic
AASN and seropositive AAG [9]. We detected the anti-gAChR manifestations of AAG.
Abs in approximately 10% in serum from patients with GBS ● Immunotherapies, such as steroid pulse therapy, IVIg and plas-
[103]. The levels of Abs in the seropositive GBS samples were mapheresis, are often effective and used as first-line treatment.
relatively low, which may be a bystander effect that reflects a ● Additional treatment with steroids, azathioprine, mycophe-
dysimmune state in GBS. Moreover, several research groups nolate mofetil, and rituximab, alone or in combination with
have reported that patients with other neurological disorders each other could be effective.
have Abs to gAChR and autonomic symptoms [100–102].
8. Five-year view
The authors are grateful to Drs Masataka Umeda, Kunihiro Ichinose, Hideki
A better classification of AAG based on clinical features includ- Nakamura, Hitomi Minami, Hajime Isomoto, Akio Ido, Kiyoshi Migita, Kazuhiko
ing pediatric AAG and their clinical course, better autonomic Nakao, and Atsushi Kawakami for useful discussions. The authors are indebted
to members of Kumamoto University Hospital Department of Neurology and
testing techniques with reliable biomarkers usable in routine
Nagasaki Kawatana Medical center Department of Neurology for discussing
examination, advances in immunology and immunogenetics, some issues for this study and to Yuka Okumura, Keiko Hida, Haruna Akaishi,
and increased knowledge in the medical professionals should and Haruka Ikezaki for providing excellent secretarial support.
have an impact on the difficult of the approach in the clinical
diagnosis. Earlier clinical management and treatment invol-
ving precise inclusion criteria in clinical trials will probably Funding
have an impact on the effectiveness of any immunotherapy. This research was supported by AMED under Grant Number
We need to verify the pathogenicity of the gAChRα3 and β4 18dk0310069h0003, and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 25461305 and
Abs, and it may be necessary to establish a new LIPS assay for 16K09695.
the detection of Abs to other subunits of nAChRs (e. g. α4, α5,
α7, β2 and etc.). An animal model of this disorder can be Declaration of interest
induced in rabbits by immunization with ganglionic AChR sub-
unit proteins. Rabbits with experimental AAG (EAAG) manifest The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any
organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with
symptoms of autonomic failure similar to those seen in AAG the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
patients and show a deficit in synaptic transmission in auto- employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
nomic ganglia. Furthermore, autonomic deficits can also be testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
transferred to mice by passive transfer of IgG from AAG patients
via serum [24,104]. The anti-gAChRα3 Abs could cause several
autonomic dysfunctions in an EAAG model [24,104,105]. Reviewer disclosures
However, it is unclear whether the anti-AChRβ4 Abs is involved Peer reviewers on this manuscript have no relevant financial or other
in the pathogenesis of AAG. Additional experiments and inves- relationships to disclose.
tigations using the animal model are necessary to clarify the role
of AChR β4 Abs in the pathogenesis of AAG involving the References
autonomic and the extra-autonomic manifestations.
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