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I am writing this incident to you so that you can give me some clue for converti ng this incident into

a story which could be narrated to somebody or be used as a story for my own reference.Here it begins like this: It was on 19th june 2010 that my father told me to book a general ticket from de lhi to agartala.As i am new to delhi so I went to Hazrat Nizammudin railway stat ion so that there i can book my ticket,When i reached over there i found a big q ueue and i also entered into the queue when my turn came i asked the official to book my ticket but he rudely replied that there is no train from this station t o agartala and further he asked me to go to new delhi railway station.I took the bus to new delhi railway station which dropped me just in front of the station. I was feeling very thirsty i went to water provider and drank 2 glass of water which costed Rs 2/= .But to my surprise when i told that i am not having the cha nge he told that ok no problem give it afterwards.As i was having only 1 rupee change with me i gave to him telling that at least take this.He accepted the mon ey and told ok. After that i went to the counter asking for the general ticket. I got a very long queue about 30 people were standing in the queue. Since all th e 3 queues were almost equal in length I chose 1 and joined the queue.In my queu e just behind me there was a person with whom i talked to do some time pass.I re ached to the official slowly as the queue was moving on. Now the twist begins... .......... I gave the ticket booker three 100 rupee notes and my ticket was of Rs 278/= as soon as i just turned my head down for searching any change money the ticket bo oker replaced one of the Rs 100/= note with Rs 10/= note and told me that why y ou have given me Rs 10/= note and asked for one more Rs 100/= note. Since i was standing in the queue for a long time and i thought that may be i had given him Rs 10/= note i took the ticket and came back and when i did my calculations i f ound to be 100 Rs missing and then i got to know that ok he took 100 rupees more from me.I t waas of no use going to him and asking for money if he would have b een honest enough he would never had practiced this kind of cheap act of cheatin g. Actually i was not haing this much courage to face trhat guy and ask him "why you cheated me or i think you have taken extra money from me?" I called to my father and explained him what had happened.He was very angry on m y act of unattendedness and unfocussed behaviour.Well how could i explain what d oes it fell standing for an hour in the queue waiting when your turn will come?I had never encountered such a cheap behaviour and never thought this possibility .I am always prepared for pickpocketing,for fighting and for any common adverse situation which common people do encounter.I felt guilty when father told me tha t how could anybody cheat you?That showed the level of trust he had on me and wo uld the had felt for whole this thing.I disconnected the phone telling that my b us came but there a process of deep thinking began in me. But my bus came which would drop me till canaught place from where i will take the bus to home.I sat o n the bus. But I began to feel that i had been cheated and if i go now just like this with this failure in my hand it would be a bit of bitter experience throug hout my life.Although I could answer anybody but would never be able to match my eyes in the mirror.The bus had started I asked the conductor to stop the bus an d got down. Now I moveds toward the ticket counter with full determination that no let anything happen i will ask him. I went up to him and asked that sir i had given you 400 and my ticket was of 278 and you took 100 rs more from me.Since h e was a cheat he firmly replied no sir it is not like that and asked me to go. this was part1 in part 2 which begins just now........................ Now since i had a loss of Rs 100 i need to earn this 100 Rs. How will i do that? Than I saw one coolie picking up some bags which i can also pick. So i decided to be a coolie for that night till i earn Rs 100/= .I took a platform ticket and went to the platform where the train had just arrived.Now the train had arrived there were many coolies entering on the running train i avoided that and waited till the train did not stop completely.ok.Now I saw people with so much luggage and as soon icould approach them some coolie would book their eyes on them and

before my approach he will start talking with them.To begin with how can i ask f or something?It was just like begging but in a differnt way.It was very kind of just shamefull situation for me but than i thaught of the loss i had done which made me to stay in the platform.After 15 minutes whole platform was empty than t here i saw 1 very old couple walking very slowly and trying toi reach at some po int in the station.I offerd them my help and they refused thinking of me as some roudy or not a good person.I looked till they felt that no he was a right man t han when i found that no there experience of life had much more weightage than i stopped watching them and reached to the platform 1 to get some job over there. There 1 lady was standing with her young daughter i approached her and told tha t woul you go inside? Her daughter told me what do you want ? I politely told th at do you require a coolie?she rudely replied "no".Then i went on and thaught it is not my day.And then started my journey to home getting disappointed that i h ad not earn even a single new paisa rather had got loss of 103 Rs/= .There was n o bus at that time so i need to walk till canaught place where i got the bus. Before I wrote this i was having a failure feeling but now i could realize that my motivation to stand against the wrong thing and questioning the wrong person was a positive thing which i learned through explainin it to you. hope you would have enjoyed the whole incident now please help me to frame a sto ry on this incident. 58, Hiran Magri,Sector 3,Udaipur, Rajasthan, 313002.

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