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The event was held on Oct 24,2023.

The symposium focused on International

Humanitarian Law (IHL) ad aimed to educate students about the concept, principles and
significance of global citizenship. IHL, also known as the law of war or the law of armed
conflict, plays a crucial role in mitigating the humanitarian consequences of armed conflicts
and upholding human rights. By highlighting the importance of IHL, the event contributes to
fostering a sense of global citizenship among students, emphasizing their role responsibility
in promoting peace, justice, and respect for human identity. IHL serves as a framework of
rules and principles that aim to protect those who are not or are no longer participating in
hostilities, such as civilians, medical personnel, and prisoners of war. It seeks to minimize the
suffering and impact of armed conflict by establishing guidelines for the conduct off parties

By studying IHL, students gain deeper understanding of these humanitarian reasons behind
these rules and the necessity off limiting the effects of armed conflicts. Furthermore, linking
IHL to the concept of global citizenship is highly relevant. Globalization citizenship
emphasizes an awareness of interconnectedness and a sense of responsibility towards not
only one’s own community but also the broader global community. By studying IHL,
students develop a global perspective, recognizing the shared responsibility to protect human
rights and alleviate human suffering, regardless of national boundaries or affiliations.
Understanding the IHL equips students with the knowledge in efforts to prevent and address
armed conflicts, promote compliance with international law, and contribute to a more just and
peaceful world. It encourages students to think critically about the consequences of armed
conflicts and to advocate for humanitarian principles and respect for human right.

The event mentioned aims to discuss about the rights and responsibilities of citizens armed
forces under IHL: 1. Relevance to Global Citizenship: IHL promotes compliance,
accountability, and prevention of atrocities, contributing to the development of a global
citizenship mindset. It emphasizes the role of individuals and civil society in advocating for
humanitarian principles and holding parties accountable for their actions. 2. Rights of
Civilians: IHL recognizes the rights of civilians during armed conflicts. Civilians have the
right to be respected and protected, and they should not be targeted or taken hostage as they
are not part of the conflict. Their property and belongings should also be respected. 3.
Prohibited Methods of Warfare: IHL prohibits certain methods and weapons in armed
conflicts. These include the use of poisons, exploding bullets, nuclear weapons, biological
weapons, and chemical weapons. Additionally, combatants are forbidden from taking down
enemies who have surrendered, using civilians as shields, targeting shelters or symbols
indicating the presence of civilians, and causing unnecessary harm to non-combatants. 4.
Responsibilities of Armed Forces: Armed forces have the responsibility to protect individuals
who are not participating in the armed conflict. The primary objective of warfare should be to
weaken the enemy's military forces, not to harm civilians. Armed forces should adhere to
IHL principles and be aware of their obligations to prevent harm to civilians.
Under International Humanitarian Law (IHL), armed forces have several key responsibilities
to ensure the protection of civilians and compliance with humanitarian principles. Respect for
Civilians: Armed forces must treat civilians with respect, dignity, and humanity. Civilians
should not be targeted or harmed intentionally. Prohibition of Hostage-Taking: Taking
civilians as hostages is strictly prohibited under IHL. Armed forces must not use civilians as a
means of leverage or protection. Protection of Belongings and Property: Armed forces should
respect the belongings and property of civilians. Deliberate destruction or pillaging of civilian
property is prohibited. Prohibited Methods of Warfare:

Armed forces must avoid using prohibited weapons and methods of warfare, including the
use of poisons, bullets that cause excessive harm, nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and
chemical weapons. Treatment of Surrendering Enemies: When an enemy combatant
surrenders, armed forces are forbidden from taking them down or causing them harm.
Surrendering individuals should be treated humanely and provided with appropriate care.
Prohibition of Using Human Shields: Armed forces must not use civilians or other
individuals as human shields during warfare. This includes intentionally placing civilians in
harm's way to deter enemy attacks. Protection of Rescued Individuals: If armed forces rescue
individuals, they are prohibited from shooting or causing harm to those they have rescued.
Rescued individuals should be treated with care and protected from further harm. Avoidance
of Indiscriminate Attacks: Armed forces must take precautions to avoid targeting civilian
shelters or areas where civilians are likely to be present. Indiscriminate attacks that can harm
civilians are strictly prohibited. The responsibilities of armed forces under IHL are based on
the principles of humanity, distinction, proportionality, and precaution. These responsibilities
aim to minimize harm to civilians and protect their rights during armed conflicts. Compliance
with these responsibilities is crucial for upholding the principles of IHL and ensuring the
well-being of non-combatants.

One examples is Israeli, Targeting of civilian areas, Israeli forces is targeting civilian areas,
including residential neighborhoods, resulting in civilian casualties. Use of excessive force
the use of disproportionate and excessive force by Israeli security forces during military
operations, leading to civilian deaths and injuries. Settlement construction the establishment
and expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories have been
criticized as a violation of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Restrictions on movement and access Israel has imposed restrictions on the movement of
people and goods in the occupied territories, affecting the daily lives and livelihoods of
Palestinians. Indiscriminate rocket attacks: Israeli armed groups, such as Hamas, have been
launching rocket attacks targeting Palestinian civilian areas, which is considered a violation
of international humanitarian law. Use of human shields, Israelis armed groups using
civilians, including children, as human shields, placing them in harm’s way during armed
confrontations. Incitement to violence: Israelis political and religious leaders have been
accused of inciting violence and promoting hate speech, which can contribute to a climate of
hostility and tensions.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has indeed witnessed tragic incidents resulting in the loss of
innocent lives, including children. Reports of civilian casualties, including children, are
deeply distressing and raise concerns about the protection of human rights and adherence to
international humanitarian law. International humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva
Convention, prohibits the targeting of civilians, indiscriminate attacks, and the intentional
destruction of civilian infrastructure, such as hospitals. These laws are in place to protect the
lives and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their nationality or affiliation. It is
important to note that Israeli violated international humanitarian law and committing human
rights abuses during the conflict. These should be thoroughly investigated, and those
responsible for any violations should be held accountable. The pursuit of justice and
accountability for these alleged violations is vital for promoting peace, protecting human
rights, and reaching a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Up until now this is the biggest issue, even the media is keeping quiet on it and media is
being bias with this instances happening. In my own perspective this is not related to Israelis-
Palestinian conflict. To avoid the war leader of the country should talk to void this
happening, so the civilian cannot be affected with this circumstances. And for the Israelis-
Palestine conflict, Israelis can’t traversable to talk because they are itself is a devil. They
even violated a lot in IHL which is this should be abide in law.
In partial fulfillment
Of the requirement for the subject


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