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Risk Assessment

Hazard Control measure Risk Factor 1-10

Dropping equipment For safety measures make you pack Severity= 5
up equipment before leaving in the Likely hood= 3 (possible
correct bags this will minimize the risk Total= 15 (medium)
of dripping it.

Ollie getting stuck in the bars To avoid this ollie should go around Severity= 3
the bars instead of through them Likely hood= 3 (possible)
Total= 9

Leaving out equipment Leaving equipment out may cause Severity= 2

damage to it to and we will be Likely hood= 3 possible
responsible this means we will have Total= 6
to pay for it.

Filming permission Make sure everyone who is on Severity= 1

camera is okay with being filmed Likely hood= 5 likely
and that no one who doesn’t want Total= 5
to be filmed isn’t on camera.

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