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1. The main codes and conventions that identify with

this genre are that the main character has to go and
save someone i.e a girl or someone who is important
to them. This is common in action films like Die Hard.

The genre has adapted and changed in the form

of superhero movies which have replaced more
traditional action movies that only have one main
actor and a simple storyline

3. The genre is still relevant today, just not in its original

form. Typically narrative expectations are simple, with
the protagonist fighting multiple people to get the girl

Answers or defeat the villain.

Before watching an action movie, audiences have
4. expectations of elaborate fights and tense situations.
answering questions The target audience nowadays ranges from children
(10-14) to teens and adults which are the main

Some negative effects have already shown themselves

5. with things like superhero movie burnout
(oversaturation of superhero films).

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