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Choose the main idea of the passage.

A Parents should limit children's exposure to violent superhero movies.
B Superheroes can have a powerful impact on children's behavior.
C The concept of the superhero has evolved over time.
A Complete the chart showing pros and cons of superheroes.
The heroic behavior of superheroes can Imitating superheroes can sometimes lead
encourage children to be more __________
intelligent to violent or ________________behavior
In real life. in children.
Superheroes give children ____________ Some superhero characters exploit -
and send a positive message about women
_____________ and convey a narrow
protecting _________________ version of __________________

B Math de superheroes to the characterizations mentioned in the passage.

1 Superman He is self-centered and is not a good role model for children.
2 Iron man He empowers children and stands for justice, fairness, and decency.
3 Professor X He shows children that it’s OK to be different.
A Match the words in blue from passage to their definitions.
1 Virtual Having contact with something and being affected by it.
2 Transfer Existing only computers or on the internet.
3 Underlying concealed but detectable.
4 Exposure to Committed to a task or purpose.
5 Dedicated to To carry from one situation to another.
Reflecting Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 Do you agree with the characterizations of the superheroes mentioned in the
passage? Why or why not?
Yes, I am totally agreed Obviously, superheroes have a great impact on children both
positively and negatively depending on the interpretation of the children. As the article
says, children often do not differentiate reality from fiction, therefore they can in some
cases create a negative impact. Since some superheroes have powers that do not exist and
many children want to imitate these characters, this could be a negative impact. Regarding
the positive, the article mentions that some superheroes teach children to be self-confident.
2 Can you think of any other examples of superheroes who make good or bad role
In my time there was Wonder Woman, speaking from my personal experience I wanted to
be like her, a strong woman who helped people and of course very beautiful and I think that
today many girls instead of learning to be a princess Delicate and feminist Disney, they
should copy more being a woman like this character, a strong woman capable of fighting
and fending for herself.

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