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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Nama : Adesta bernalisa

NIM : 859799167



1) Right now Yoko..... an article in the newspaper, but she .... it. Some of

the vocabulary... too difficult for her.

Jawab: A. is reading, doesn't understand, is

2) I.......some words on the board. I wear my glasses.

Jawab: A. See

3) I....... to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment.

Jawab: D. need

4 ) My parents can't call me because they my new telephone number.

Jawab: B. do not know.

5 ) This tea is good. I___it.

Jawab: A. Like

6 ) Sam is at the library now. He always......... to the library after school. He.... to the library after
school yesterday. And he ... tomorrow.

Jawab: B. goes, went, will go

7 ) the table right now He ......... A composition.he always.....a dicitonary to look up the
spelling of some worlds.

Jawab: A. Is sitting, is writing,Will uses

8) Sam always......up words in the dictionary because make sure that he dosen't misspell
any words.

Jawab: C. Looks, wants

9) Right now the children at the beach, and they a good time.

Jawab: A. Are, are having

10) They..... a beach ball, and they....catch with it.

Jawab: A. have, play

11) Yesterday they...... to some music on a transistor radio. They also....... the sound of sea gulls and
the sound of the waves.

Jawab: C. Listened, heard


1.) Anwar : Does Mary have a bicycle ?

Bilal :........... She has a ten-speed bike.

Jawab: A. Yes, she does

2.) Amran: Is it raining right now?

Burhan:.... The sky is bright.

Jawab : A. No,it itsn't

3.) I.....sour oranges yesterday.

Jawab : C.bought

4) Your friends......a lot of letters next week.

Jawab : A. Are going to write

5 ) The students a test in class next week.

Jawab : D. Are going to take

6) I.... Tom in Singapore last year.

Jawab : B. Met

7) I.... six drawers in my desk

Jawab : D. have

8) Jean and I...... at the library tomorrow evening.

Jawab : A. Will study

9) She... at the student union this morning.

Jawab : A. Was

10) Jean.... in the swimming pool every evening.

Jawab : D. Swims

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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