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Department of Psychology

Teacher Dr. Naveed shibili
Class/Semester: BS Psychology 4th Term Exam: Mid Term (Spring-2020)
Course Title: Gender issues in Psychology Total Marks: 30
Credit Hours 3(3-0) Time 60 Min.
Student Name Ansa razaq Roll No. 11278

Note: Attempt all questions and return this question paper with your answer sheet(s)

Q# Question (s) Marks

1 Discuss: (a) gender typing 10
(b) gender identity
(c) gender role

2 Scope of the psychology of gender? 10

3 What do you know about the history of gender? 10


Gender typing is the process by which a child becomes aware of their gender and thus
behaves accordingly by adopting values and attributes of members of the sex that they
identify as their own. This process is important for a child's social and personality
development because it largely impacts the child's understanding of expected social
behavior and influences social judgments.
For example, a male child may attribute himself to the male gender by growing up and
wanting to be the stereotypical man.

Gender sub types:

In usual situations people mark gender as male and female. In another way of sub
typing the gender is to construct the images of gender in certain sub types. In this
situation seeing the men and women or male and female in sub categories like:
(a) Mothers
(b) Beauty queens
(c) Tom boys
(d) Feminist’s
(e) Sluts
(f) Carrier women

In the similar manner male gender in sub types as researches indicate could be
viewed in the following categories,
(a) Fathers
(b) Business man
(c) Hard hats (working class)
(d) Sissies
(e) Jocks
(f) Chauvinist
Gender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender. Gender identity can
correlate with a person's assigned sex at birth or can differ from it. Gender
expression typically reflects a person's gender identity, but this is not always the
Gender identity is the sense of oneself as a male or female. Gender identity
involves more than the anatomical–it involves the inner knowledge and outer
expression of one's sex. The dominant view has been that gender identity resides
within the individual, although more recent views challenge this assumption by
arguing that gender identity is created in the context of interactions, societal
structures, and cultural expectations.
It includes physical expressions such as person's clothing, hairstyle, makeup, and
social expressions such as name and pronoun choice.


according to the definition and explanation by APA the term gender role
encompasses the following to determine masculinity or masculine role or
femininity or female roles according to:
(a) The patterns of behavior
(b) Personality traits
(c) Attitudes
(d) Defined roles of masculinity or femininity or femininity in a given culture.
An example of these gender roles would be that males were supposed to be the
educated breadwinners of the family, and occupiers of the public.
Gender studies is an interdisciplinary academic field devoted to analyzing gender
identity and gendered representation. It includes women's studies (concerning
women, feminism, gender, and politics), men's studies and queer studies.
Sometimes, gender studies is offered together with study of sexuality.
However, psychology of women will be touched upon more than issues specific to
the psychology of men alone. It gives an understanding of the difference between
gender and sex and a new approach to understanding human behavior and mental
processes. This includes gender studies or women also discusses gender
relations in the society that will help you to have an awareness of abilities,
capacities, psychological make up and problems of women and research methods
employed to study these. Another important point is to familiarize with the social
and political background of gender differences and the gender issues.

The study of gender started in 1970. During this period many works about gender
published like, in 1966, The Development of Sex Differences was published. This
book went into what factors influence a child's gender development, with
contributors proposing the effects of hormones, social learning, and cognitive
development. In 1974, The Psychology of Sex Differences was published. It said
that men and women behave more similarly than had been previously supposed.
in 1978 the first text of gender studies was published and entitled; “women and sex
rules: A social psychological perspective”. Another famous book about gender that
was published during the same time period i.e. “gender and communication”.
Recently a controversy and argument has arised in the western cultures, that was
regarding the socialization role in determining the gender in that context which is a
reference written by john money “Man and woman, Boys and girls”.

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