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Correct the homework

Katrina wrote the following piece of writing for her homework, but she got her tenses
confused. Rewrite the following piece of writing, correcting it so that it is all in past tense.

Over summer I goed on holiday to Spain. I was really looking forward to going, but when
I get there it was raining. I was very upset! I sit in the hotel room and imagine what I
would do when the weather got better.
When it finally get better, I goed straight outside and jump into the pool. It was so nice. I
play with my sister. We swim and splash each other for hours. By the time I get out the
pool, I was wrinkle because I’d been in the water for so long.
The next day we all goed out in the local area. We explore the markets and historical
places. I had a nice day, but all I want to do is go back to the pool!
At the end of the holiday, we went to a shop and buyed a postcard for my Granddad. I
writed all about how good my holiday was.
It was the best holiday I’ve ever had.

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