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Cue Card Topic: Describe a member of your family.

You should say:

 Who this family member is

 How you are related to this person
 What this person looks like
 What kind of person he/she is
 And explain why you admire this person

Sample Response:

I'd like to talk about my older sister, Sarah. She's my elder sister, and we have a pretty
close bond. Sarah is in her late 20s and has long, brown hair that she usually ties in a
ponytail. She's of average height, has a warm smile, and is always neatly dressed. She's a
striking blend of intelligence and kindness.

In terms of her personality, Sarah is an incredibly considerate and compassionate

individual. She's the type of person who would go out of her way to help someone in
need. She's also a great listener and has a knack for making people feel at ease when
they're around her. Sarah's sense of humor is infectious, and she often lightens up
family gatherings with her witty remarks.

One of the reasons I admire Sarah so much is her dedication to her work and her
continuous pursuit of self-improvement. She's a successful lawyer and has worked hard
to achieve her goals. Her dedication and perseverance have inspired me to work harder
in my own pursuits. She's always ready to offer guidance and support when I need it,
making her not just a sister but also a mentor and friend.

Overall, Sarah is an amazing sister and a role model to me. Her kindness, intelligence,
and dedication are qualities that I deeply admire. I feel lucky to have her as a family
member, and I hope to be as successful and compassionate as she is.

1. Describe a memorable family celebration or event.

 You should explain what the celebration was, who was involved, where it
took place, why it was memorable, and how it made you feel.
2. Describe a family member who has had a significant influence on you.
 Explain who this family member is, how they have influenced you, what
qualities they have, and why their influence is important to you.
3. Describe a family tradition that you follow or enjoy.
 Share details about the tradition, when it occurs, who participates, why it is
important, and how it makes you feel.
4. Describe a family trip or vacation you went on.
 Discuss the destination, who you went with, what you did there, and how
the experience affected your family relationships.
5. Describe a family photo that has a special meaning to you.
 Explain what is depicted in the photo, who is in it, when and where it was
taken, and why it is meaningful to your family.
6. Describe a family member who shares a hobby or interest with you.
 Introduce this family member, explain the hobby or interest you both
share, why you enjoy it, and the benefits of bonding over it.
7. Describe a family decision or problem-solving experience.
 Discuss a decision or challenge your family faced, how it was resolved, who
was involved, and the outcome.
8. Describe a family recipe or dish that you enjoy.
 Share details about the dish, who in your family prepares it, when you
typically eat it, and why it's special to you.
9. Describe a family story or legend that has been passed down.
 Explain the story or legend, who told it to you, why it is significant to your
family, and how it has been preserved.
10. Describe a family member who lives far away from you.
 Introduce this family member, how often you communicate, what you miss
about them, and how you stay connected despite the distance.
11. Describe a family decision you had to make recently.
 Discuss a recent decision you made with your family, what the decision
was about, who was involved, and the outcome.
12. Describe a family member who has a unique talent or skill.
 Introduce this family member, what their talent is, how they developed it,
and how it has affected your family.

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