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10/28/23, 2:20 PM Vargottama | Sri Garuda by Visti Larsen

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by Visti Larsen | Aug 18, 2014 | Email Answers | 0 comments

vyāṁ vyāsadevāya namaḥ

Dear Anand, Namaste.

Varga-uttama = vargottama.

Uttamāmśa arises when a planet is strong in 3 vargas. In case of same sign in D1 and D9
you will also find the planet occupying the same sign in Jagannātha Drekkana (J3) ALWAYS.
Hence the term vargottama specifically applies to the D1 & D9 and thus implying the J3 as

Many stretch the term to other vargas viz-a-viz the D1 which technically we should term
varga-pārijāta (strong in 2 vargas is Pārijātāṁśa). However, the meaning of vargottama
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10/28/23, 2:20 PM Vargottama | Sri Garuda by Visti Larsen

What differentiates the results of a planet being in the same sign in the D1 viz-a-viz a varga
depends on the varga in question, e.g. in D9 its a blessing of good health and intelligence,
e.g. an all-round blessing of the lagna/1st house, whereas in D10 it blesses with with the
same traits in matters of work alone.

So any vargottama graha enhances the lagna in some way and will give a blessing, despite
negatives such as bad sign, etc. Specifically as the Lagna is the head, the divinity who will
sit on the head is the Ṛṣi of the graha, and this is the blessing.

E.g. Jupiter vargottama and retrograde in Capricorn in the fifth house gave a person a
wonderful spouse (7th lordship) as well as excellent children (5th house and kāraka), as
well as an excellent education and job (1st house – vargottama blessing). But the native
dabbled in black magic because of Badhakeśa in the house of mantra. In such cases the Ṛṣi
will become very negative and the intelligence will go awry thus denying one of the 1st
house blessings.

Knowing that the 1st house and the head comes in focus herein we can take this principle
to the next step.

The planets placement in the D1 chart is the head of the graha. Treat this sign as Lagna
and see where the same graha is placed in the respective varga. The resultant house
placement shows which house/limb the graha is affecting. E.g. say Mars is in Cancer D1
and Scorpio D9. This implies that Mars is occupying the 5th house from itself and thus is
bringing 5th house results. These usually relate to some type of blessing or fortune such as
children or knowledge. Had it instead been Cancer D1 and Libra D9 it could give property.
Whether this is a property blessing or property curse depends on the house placement of
Mars from Lagna, but the agenda of the graha is ascertained in this way.

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Vargottama 2/6
10/28/23, 2:20 PM Vargottama | Sri Garuda by Visti Larsen

Take the given chart of 19th July 1985, 2:35 AM, Mumbai, India.

In the given case Mars is vargottama in Cancer. Mars Vargottama implies the Ṛṣi Kratu is
sitting on the natives head and attempting to guide his intelligence and health.

Will he benefit from the blessing? Yes, Mars is in Kendra in the D9 showing a real
blessing. Being in the 4th house in D9 specifically guides him spiritually, whilst it being
1st lord ensures health and reputation during this. However, its nīca placement in the
4th will cause some issues in marriage.
How does it affect the native? Mars in the 3rd house in the D1 with 3 other grahas
indicates a weakness of anger from the past life, but being debilitated indicates that
this weakness is going away or is being overcome. Hence the blessing is focused on
overcoming anger and fighting.
How will it manifest? Being in the 6th from Ārūḍha Lagna and weak with Mercury,
this will definitely push the person on a path of kriya yoga or the likes, wherein
overcoming the senses and perfecting the body and mind is the focus.

Mercury is the Ātmakāraka and it is important to understand that the beginning of non-
violence arises from what we say or write. Learning Mauna vrāta and keeping it every day
will benefit the native immensely.

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