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Ratna (gemstones) [updated]

by Visti Larsen | Jan 8, 2009 | Ratna | 0 comments

हरे राम कृ ष्ण

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10/28/23, 2:18 PM Ratna (gemstones) [updated] | Sri Garuda by Visti Larsen

so here is what I have learned and have to share.

I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time:
Updates are given hereunder with reference to the teachings of
Pt. Sanjay Rath from the Gemstone Workshop in California, 2009.
Only partial clarifications from the lecture are here given, whilst
for more information it is recommended to obtain the recordings
from the gemstone workshop. The prescription of metals or
gemstones belongs to the concept of Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body.
This is best to advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them
to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect the body, there are
gemstones which can remove the protection of the body, hence one should advise these
Being associated with the body, the concept of advising gemstones is considered Tamasic,
but if combined with mantras can lead to be more rajasic in nature, but never lead to
sattva guna which mantras alone can do.

Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean gemstone, but can also
refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is derived from the word rā meaning a gift,
goods, wealth or riches. (Monier-Williams)

The word ratna specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl),
vajra (diamond), padmarāga (ruby), pushparāga (topaz), indranīla (clear/stainless sapphire),
marakata (emerald), vaidūrya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same
reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. Pushparāga has been
translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does state
that different colours of the pushparāga can be regarded as equal to the indranīla
(sapphire) or padmarāga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranīla (Sapphire) we must infer
that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparāga (topaz).
Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranīla the colour of them being
different also differentiates the effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be learned
from the Garuda Purana in this regard.

mukta:need not be a sea-pearl and can refer to ivory or other similar substances which are
carved into shape. It was popular to take the ivory of the elephants skull and carve into a
gem as this gives excellent memory, similarly pearls from the skulls of other beings is
considered sacred.
vajra: refers to lightning and the weapon of Indra. Can refer to commets or anything falling
from the sky, or even gems formed by lightning-strikes
padmarāga: the song of the lotus. This is not a ruby but possibly a pink or reddish
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Sapphire. 2/14
10/28/23, 2:18 PM Ratna (gemstones) [updated] | Sri Garuda by Visti Larsen

indranīla: is more like an aquamarine as it despite being from the corundum family only
has a tinge of blue. This again is not for Saturn, but is one among the Pancaratna.
vaidūrya: more likely Lapiz, and certainly not cats eye.
vidruma: any red stone, and the pravala is recommended. Red coral is not necessary.
gomeda: possibly a yellow garnet, but must be light yellow in colour.

The Deva are supposed to reside in the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without
cracks or lines in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is for the
sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.

The problems in a gem are caused by the following Graha:

Negative Mercury: Dullness
Saturn: Opaque/curled
Mars: Spots/depressions
Ketu: 2 or more studs
Rahu: artificial colouring, bubbles

Ratnakā raka
Ratna comes under the various metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rāhu
signify the Dhatu and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the
earth, Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst Rāhu rules over the rare
metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kāraka and divisional charts as
Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the most important to judge the
effect of gemstones. As specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified
by ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones.
Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it. Strong ojas can grant
fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as
sexuality where ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all gemstones is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of
guna or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis other
gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other purposes and is an integral
part of Vedic numerology. This will be explained further below.

Which finger to wear the gemstone on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in
Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kāma
respectively for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the index
finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The following table has been
culled out of the same work.
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very clear recommendations to avoid misery in a persons life. Whichever gemstone worn 3/14
10/28/23, 2:18 PM Ratna (gemstones) [updated] | Sri Garuda by Visti Larsen

on the index finger will carry a persons anger and make the person force wealth from the
indication of that gemstone. This is not recommended for anyone as despite initial wealth
this will eventually cause great loss and denies moksha.
Gems worn on the middle finger affect ones work. Mukta (pearl) on this finger causes
excess emotion in work and is not recommended. Instead Markata (emerald), Vajra
(diamond) Vidruma (Pravala/coral) and Nilam (blue sapphire) are recommended and can
grant great wealth.
On the ring finger dharma and intellect are affected. All but Nilam and Gomedha are
allowed here as they will cause adharma. Diamond is great here as one follows dharma in
relationships. Best is pushparaga (Jupiter).
Gems worn on the little finger will affect relationships and children. Avoid malefics here,
and emerald is only worn here for students and those who should be free from
relationships, but not married people as then divorce or separation may occur.

Gems of Sura grahas (Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter) should never be worn on the same
hand with Asura Grahas (the rest). Exceptions are there for Sun & Venus, Sun & Mercury,
Moon & Mercury and Jupiter & Mercury as they cause specific auspicious Devata Yogas
(refer Gemstone Workshop handout).

Table 2: Finger and Ratna (Rath)

Ratna Finger
Ruby Ring (3 from index)
rd th
Pearl Ring or Little finger (3 or 4 from index)
nd rd
Coral Middle or ring finger (2 or 3 from index)
nd th
Emerald Middle or little fingers (2 or 4 from index)
Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire Ring (3 from index)
Diamond Ring (3 from index)
nd th
Blue Sapphire Middle or little finger (2 or 4 from index)
nd th
Hessonite Middle or little finger (2 or 4 from index)
nd rd
Cats eye Middle or ring finger (2 or 3 from index)

Garuda Purana states that gemstones can do great good for the human race and they
have natural (Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady
wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparāga (topaz) or
pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear a diamond and
recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the
gemstones and the effects are given in Garuda Purana.

Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)

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Sun Padmarāga Ruby
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Moon Mukta Pearl 4/14
10/28/23, 2:18 PM Ratna (gemstones) [updated] | Sri Garuda by Visti Larsen

Mars Vidruma Coral

Mercury Marakata Emerald
Jupiter Pushparāga Yellow Topaz
Venus Vajra Diamond
Saturn Indranīla Blue Sapphire
Rahu Gomeda Hessonite
Ketu Vaidūrya Cats eye
Tradition is everything when it comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the
advice that I have gathered from my teacher.

Ratna should be advised based on the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1)
chart. These are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of life. The
first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth protects the hands and torso, whilst
the ninth protects the legs, and hence the native will always select the best path in life if
the gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most auspicious
gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone for disease in particular parts
of the body.

Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are

Graha in 9 Gemstone advised
Saturn Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)
Rähu Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz
Ketu Gold ring
Mars Pearl
Gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife,
disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.

To both the above there are exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.

For Ketu in the ninth house the Emerald for Mercury can be worn, or Sri Vishnu can be

Yoga and Sambandha (refer Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely
dharma, artha, kāma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth pada of a
nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs respectively. When a graha is in
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graha. Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the gemstone of the
sixth lord should be advised.

Similarly when a graha is yuti another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the
other graha. Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the
two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give
the effects of Venus. In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn
then it would give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha,
and further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after being an airy sign,
the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana (fiery) and kāma-ayana (airy) as
well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery).

If three or more graha join then the interchange of effects will be decided based on the
natural benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury join
then the highest malefic and highest benefic will interchange results, thus causing Saturn
and Jupiter to interchange results whilst Mercury will give his own results. Similarly apply
this to conjunction of more grahas.

The two remaining Sambandha, viz. Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into
account for this purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana of
a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.

Never wear the gemstone of malefics associating with the ninth house or lord. Sun is an
exception here as it never goes against dharma.
Avoid wearing the gemstone of the fifth house/lord as there is a possibility that this is
inimical towards the lagna, and in the worst case this may cause the death of children.
Never wear the gemstone of malefics in Kendra, instead wear those of benefics.
However, if the benefics are joined malefics then wear the gemstone of the malefics as
they will do the job of the benefics they join. Apply the scheme of most malefic/benefic
given above in case of multiple conjunctions. Only take natural malefic/benefics into
If the benefics which one wishes to strengthen are lords of the sixth, eighth (or twelfth if
negative) then special care should be taken to wear the gemstone in question on the left
The sixth and eighth houses are always evil if grahas join them, whilst the second and
twelfth are neutral and can sway to good/bad houses. They are named ‘Parashraya’. In
case of This
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wearing its gemstone makes it extremely beneficial, provided its also a benefic. Benefics
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in second or twelfth should be strengthened if they also lord good houses and will give
shubha yoga
The sixth house does have some exceptions: i) a benefic lord of the sixth can be worn,
but a malefic lord cannot. Malefics in the sixth house can be worn, but only a single,
unjoined, unafflicted benefic in the sixth can be worn. Lords of sixth/eighth should be
worn on the left hand and not the right.

Vā rachakra
Table 4: Varachakra

# Graha
1 Sun
2 Moon
3 Mars
4 Mercury
5 Jupiter
6 Venus
7 Saturn
8 Rähu
9 Ketu
In some cases the gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as
those graha are causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another graha
is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its positive effects. I.e. Sri
Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as
Sun was in the sixth and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native
was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on account of Rähu.
th st th
This is further explained as: when a graha occupies the Simhasana bhavas (10 , 1 or 5
in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the order of the
Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha from Rähu is the Sun, hence when
Rähu is in the tenth house the native will have problems on account of the house
placement and lordship of the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava
only Mars is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter will be

The Varachakra has many uses in matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many
principles in the Brighu Sutras.

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# Graha Guna
1 Sun
2 Moon Satva
3 Jupiter
4 Rähu
5 Mercury
6 Venus
7 Ketu
8 Saturn
9 Mars
Gunachakra is applied somewhat differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious
then we can choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh graha in
the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are caused by a malignant
growth of cancer-cells in the body and is signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra
the fourth graha from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to remedy
such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya mantra. Similarly Mars
can cause nervous system issues such as Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a
gemstone of Jupiter is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.

Should a graha already be blocking the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7
graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in Libra, the native will be
bothered by constant disease on account of wrong application of intelligence. Therefore
the intellect can be deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised.
Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a Blue Sapphire is
advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon in weekday order and can unlock
these negatives.

Somanatha Drekkana
Having ascertained the gemstone as per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the
Somanātha Drekkana. Herein graha lording the second house is a māraka to the ojas in the
body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore not advised, and
neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the sixth lord from the seventh house causing
celibacy to the partner. Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar
fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising the third lord’s
gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and advising this gemstone should be
done thoughtfully. The gem of the lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame.
Apply this advice intelligently.

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5 comments Sort by Oldest

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Dain Ironfoot
dear sir i am a capricorn ascendant with moon mars saturn and venus in my
ascendant itself but when i wore blue sapphire it gave me health problems despite
being my lagna lord why?
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Krishna Kumar
Dear Sir,
Thanks you very much for sharing your knowlwdge for the benefience of other
learned astrologers.
I have a doubt in your above article Ratna(Gemstones) you have mentioned
"If three or more graha join then the interchange of effects will be decided based on
the natural benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury
join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will interchange results, thus
causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange results whilst Mercury will give his own
results. Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas."

How come mercury give its own result while in one of your recent video on Yuti you
said in 3 grahas conjunction two grahas affect 3rd one left.

Request you to kindly clear my doubt.

Regards … See more

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Krishna Kumar
Dear sir,
As lord of kendra if is in 6/8/12 houses becomes weak for its significations.
e.g. 10L in 8 H
In such case, is it not logical to wear its gemstone to strengthen that planet or is that
true which some astrologers believe that by wearing such planet gemstone ,it shall
give more results of 8H and thus such gemstone should not be worn.

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The Galactic Centre

Dear Visti Larsen ji,
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am a Dhanu Lagna
you agree and have sun ( in
to their
use. libra) and venus ( in leo) in parivartana in both D1 and D9. Mars is also in Leo while
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Saturn ishow
in to control
Libra. cookies,
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a ruby or a diamond for me, esp in
Venus Mahadasha? I had a ruby made with diamonds, and an astrologer told me 10/14
10/28/23, 2:18 PM Ratna (gemstones) [updated] | Sri Garuda by Visti Larsen
never to wear the two together. However, I don't think he knew that I have a
parivartana between the two, which anway makes them connected. What is your
opinion on this?
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Hrishikesh Shah
Radhe Radhe,

Hello, Can you suggest which gemstone will work best for career & wealth

Taurus ascendent
Su,Ve,Me,Ju,Ma all in 4th house
Rahu conjunct Moon in 8th house
Saturn in 9th house
Ketu in 2nd house… See more
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