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 Abstract:
The rapid evolution of cloud computing technologies has
revolutionized the way applications are developed, deployed, and managed.
Legacy applications, though robust, often face challenges in adapting to
modern cloud paradigms, such as Function as a Service (FaaS) and serverless
computing. This research paper explores the process of transforming legacy
applications into serverless architectures, delving into the challenges faced,
the strategies employed, and the benefits reaped during this transition. The
paper combines theoretical analysis with real-world case studies to provide a
comprehensive understanding of this transformative process.

 Introduction: Background and motivation, Definition of legacy

applications, FaaS, and serverless computing, Significance of transforming
legacy applications to serverless paradigm.
 Opening Statement:
Begin your introduction with a strong opening statement or a compelling
anecdote that illustrates the challenges faced by businesses operating with legacy
applications. This could be a real-world scenario, a relevant quote, or a surprising
fact that emphasizes the urgency of the topic.

 Background and Motivation:

Discuss the historical context of legacy applications, their significance in various
industries, and how they are becoming a bottleneck in the era of cloud
Highlight the motivation behind transforming legacy applications, emphasizing
the need for improved agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in the face of
evolving market demands. Clearly state the problem that your research aims to
address. Discuss the limitations and challenges of legacy applications, highlighting
issues such as inflexibility, high maintenance costs, and the inability to scale
efficiently. Emphasize the gap in literature and industry practices regarding the
transformation of these legacy systems into serverless

 Definition of Terms:
Clearly define terms such as legacy applications, FaaS, and serverless computing
to ensure a common understanding among readers. Explain the basic concepts
and principles associated with each term.

 Significance:
Explain why transforming legacy applications into serverless architectures is
significant. Discuss the advantages of serverless computing, including reduced
operational overhead, automatic scaling, and pay-as-you-go pricing models

 Research Questions:

1. What are the key challenges faced by organizations when transforming

legacy applications to serverless architectures?
2. What are the critical factors that influence the decision to migrate from
legacy systems to serverless computing?
3. What are the technical complexities involved in refactoring legacy code to
be compatible with serverless computing platforms?
4. How can security and data integrity be ensured during the migration of
legacy applications to serverless architectures

 Index terms: Legecy Application,serverless Computing,Function as a

Service,Cloud computing,Digital Transformation.
 Motivation:
i. Organizations face challenges related to legacy system integration, data
migration, security concerns, and adapting existing workforce skills to new
paradigms. Solutions often involve thorough planning, training programs,
and phased migration strategies.
ii. Factors such as scalability, cost efficiency, agility, and competitive
advantage influence migration decisions. Companies tend to migrate to
serverless paradigms when there's a need for rapid development, scaling
based on demand, and reduced infrastructure management.
iii. Refactoring involves breaking down monolithic applications into smaller,
manageable components (microservices). Tools and frameworks like AWS
Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions assist in this process.
iv. Implementing secure API gateways, encryption mechanisms, and strict
access controls ensure security. Data integrity is maintained through careful
planning of data storage and transmission mechanisms.
 Methodology Preview:
Research methodology refers to the systematic process used by researchers to
design, conduct, and analyze research studies. It outlines the strategies,
techniques, and tools that researchers employ to answer their research questions
or test their hypotheses. Here's an overview of the key components typically
included in a research methodology section:
Provide a brief preview of the research methodology you plan to employ.
Mention whether your study will involve case studies, surveys, interviews, data
analysis, or a combination of these methods. Briefly explain how your chosen
methodology will help address the research questions and achieve the objectives.

 Research Design:
i. Experimental Design: If your research involves experiments, explain the
design, variables, and control groups.
ii. Survey Design: If surveys are used, describe the survey structure, question
types, and sampling methods.
iii. Case Study Design: For qualitative research, detail the selection criteria,
data collection methods, and analysis approach for the case studies.
 2. Participants or Sample:
i. Describe the characteristics of the participants (if human subjects are
involved) or the sample size and selection criteria.
ii. Discuss any biases, limitations, or ethical considerations related to the
selection process.
 3. Data Collection Methods:
i. Quantitative Methods: Explain how numerical data will be collected. This
could involve surveys, experiments, sensors, or other measurable means.
ii. Qualitative Methods: Describe how non-numerical data, such as interviews,
observations, or textual materials, will be collected and recorded.
iii. Data Sources: Specify the sources of your data, whether they are primary
(collected firsthand) or secondary (from existing sources).
 Data Analysis Techniques:
1. Quantitative Analysis: Detail the statistical methods (such as regression
analysis, t-tests, or ANOVA) you plan to use to analyze numerical data.
2. Qualitative Analysis: Explain how qualitative data will be analyzed, including
techniques like thematic analysis, content analysis, or discourse analysis.
3. Software Tools: If applicable, mention the software or tools (such as SPSS,
NVivo, or Excel) you will use for data analysis.
 Review Protocol:
The development of review protocol is the 1st step towards systematic literature
review. The SLR protocol helps to designate the search plan in the form of search
strategies for the extraction of relevant literature. This process includes research
questions, research scope, and source of information, inclusion & exclusion
criteria and literature assessment criteria.
 It includes Following:

In order to conduct a systematic review, it is essential to formulate the
primary research questions. After specifying the research questions, the
review procedure involves building the search strategies to recognize
and extract relevant studies. The answers to these research questions
are searched in the published literature using the procedures of
systematic literature reviews as proposed by Kitchenham and
DARE/CDR criteria . The basic intent of this review is to summarize the
current state of the art research in MLSCA (Multilingual Source Code
Analysis) domain and to identify efficient techniques used for MLSCA.
We searched for MLSCA techniques that were empirically evaluated to
identify needs for future research.
Keywords: Legacy Applications, Serverless Computing, Function as a
Service (FaaS), Cloud Computing, Transformation Strategies, Case Studies,
Benefits, Challenges, Scalability, Security, Cloud Paradigms, Digital

A well-organized research is required for extracting appropriate
information and filtering irrelevant studies from focused research
areas. The planning and formulation of effective search is an important
step to finding out the meaningful research available in the respective
domain. We followed both automatic and manual search mechanism
for the exploration of the search term. At first, we performed automatic
search followed by the manual search is executed. The automatic
search is based on search string and is performed on search engines of
relevant electronic data repositories. The purpose of the manual search
is to gather more literature relevant to multilingual source code
analysis domain. The manual search includes reference lists of relevant
primary studies and gray literature. In order to ensure the extraction of
relevant information, we limit our search terms on following conditions.
• Identification of major search keywords, based on for
mulated research questions. -
• Search for alternate words and synonyms for major
• Developing a search string by combining keywords with
Boolean operator ‘‘AND’’, and alternate keyword with
Boolean operator ‘‘OR’’.
Search Term: The search term is the combination of keywords that
precisely returns the relevant literature from a large number of studies.
In order to ensure the reliability of search term, we analyzed the main
concepts and terminologies in the domain of multilingual source code
analysis. We recognized keywords used in the literature that is related
to research questions. The meta-sentence for this literature review
contains ‘‘Analysis of Software Systems developed using the source
code ofMultiple Programming Languages’’. We finalized initial
((Multi∗ ) OR (Cross∗ ) OR (Hetero∗ ) OR (Hybrid∗ ) OR (Inter∗ ) OR (∗operability∗ )
OR (∗depend∗ ) OR (∗Lingual) OR (∗Language∗ ) OR (Artifact)) AND ((Analy∗ ) OR
(Recover∗ ) OR (Revers∗ ) OR (Invest∗ ) OR (Synthes∗ ) OR (Detect∗ )) AND
((Software∗ ) OR (Source∗ ) OR (Application) OR (Program∗ ) OR (Pars∗ )).

Scope of Study:
Key Search Attributes:
Selection Process:
 Critical review
Title: Transformation of Legacy Applications towards FaaS and Serverless Paradigm: A
Comprehensive Review
The transformation of legacy applications towards Function as a Service (FaaS) and serverless paradigms
represents a significant shift in modern software engineering. This Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
provides a comprehensive analysis of the existing body of knowledge in this domain. The review critically
assesses the challenges, methodologies, impact, and future prospects associated with transforming legacy
applications into serverless architectures. By synthesizing research findings from various sources, this SLR
aims to provide valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers navigating the
intricate landscape of legacy application modernization.

1. Introduction:

1.1 Background:

Legacy applications, though robust, often hinder organizational agility and innovation. The advent of
serverless computing offers a promising solution, enabling seamless scaling, reduced operational
overhead, and enhanced flexibility.

1.2 Research Questions:

1. What are the common challenges faced during the transformation of legacy applications into serverless architectures?
2. What methodologies and best practices have been employed for successful migration?
3. What is the economic and operational impact of adopting serverless paradigms?
4. What are the emerging trends and innovations in this field?
2. Methodology:

2.1 Search Strategy:

Utilizing key search attributes, relevant literature from academic databases (such as IEEE Xplore, ACM
Digital Library, and Google Scholar) and reputable online platforms will be systematically searched.

2.2 Inclusion Criteria:

Studies published between 20XX and 20XX, focusing on legacy application transformation, serverless
architectures, challenges, methodologies, impact assessment, and future trends will be included.

2.3 Quality Assessment:

Included studies will be assessed for quality using established evaluation tools ensuring the credibility and
reliability of the sources.
3. Challenges in Legacy Application Transformation:

3.1 Technical Challenges:

 Code Refactoring and Compatibility Issues

 Integration Complexities in Hybrid Environments
 Data Migration and Schema Transformations

3.2 Organizational Challenges:

 Skill Gaps and Workforce Training

 Cultural Resistance to Change
 Vendor Lock-In and Platform Dependency
4. Methodologies and Best Practices:

4.1 Microservices Architecture:

 Decomposition Strategies for Monolithic Systems

 API Gateways and Inter-Service Communication
 Event-Driven Microservices and Asynchronous Processing

4.2 DevOps and CI/CD Integration:

 Continuous Integration for Serverless Applications

 Automated Deployment Pipelines and Rollback Strategies
 Monitoring and Performance Optimization Tools
5. Impact Assessment:

5.1 Economic Implications:

 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Serverless Adoption

 TCO Reduction and Resource Optimization
 Business Agility and Competitive Advantages

5.2 Operational Impact:

 Scalability and Response Time Enhancement

 Security and Compliance Measures
 Real-world Case Studies and Industry Applications
6. Future Trends and Innovations:

6.1 Edge Computing and Serverless:

 Edge Devices Integration and Real-time Processing

 Challenges and Opportunities in Edge Serverless Architectures

6.2 Serverless Machine Learning and AI:

 Serverless Frameworks for Machine Learning Models
 Applications in Predictive Analytics and Data Mining
7. Conclusion:
This SLR provides a holistic view of the transformation of legacy applications towards FaaS and serverless
paradigms. It synthesizes the challenges faced, methodologies employed, and the impact of these
transformations on organizations. By highlighting emerging trends and innovations, this review guides
future research and industry practices. The findings herein serve as a foundation for further exploration,
ensuring a more informed and strategic approach to legacy application modernization in the era of
serverless computing.

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