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Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a hotbed of research in data science these days and one
of the most common applications of NLP is sentiment analysis. From opinion polls to creating
entire marketing strategies, this domain has completely reshaped the way businesses work,
which is why this is an area every data scientist must be familiar with. Sentiment analysis on
Twitter data has attracted much attention recently. In this project, we focus on target-dependent
Twitter sentiment classification; namely, given a query, we classify the sentiments of the tweets
as positive, negative or neutral according to whether they contain positive, negative or neutral
sentiments about that query.

Thousands of text documents can be processed for sentiment (and other features including
named entities, topics, themes, etc.) in seconds, compared to the hours it would take a team of
people to manually complete the same task.


The state-of-the-art approaches for solving this problem always adopt the target-independent
strategy, which may assign irrelevant sentiments to the given target. Moreover, the state-of-the-
art approaches only take the tweet to be classified into consideration when classifying the
sentiment; they ignore its context (i.e., related tweets). However, because tweets are usually
short and more ambiguous, sometimes it is not enough to consider only the current tweet for
sentiment classification. In this paper, we propose to improve target-dependent Twitter
sentiment classification by 1) incorporating target-dependent features; and 2) taking related
tweets into consideration. According to the experimental results, our approach greatly improves
the performance of target-dependent sentiment classification.


This project will be helpful to the companies, political parties as well as the common people. It
will be helpful to political parties for reviewing about program that they are going to do or the
program they have performed. similarly, companies will also get review about the new products
on newly released hardware or software. Also movie makers can take review on current movie.
By analysing the new twitter Sentiment analysis can get results on how positive or negative or
neutral are people about it


Collecting – in this stage data to be analyzed is crawled from various sources like Blogs, Social
networks (Twitter, MySpace, etc.) depending upon the area of application.:
Pre-processing – In this stage, the acquired data is cleaned and made ready for feeding it into
the classifier. Cleaning includes extraction of keywords and symbols. For instance – Emoticons
are the smiley used in textual form to represent emotions e.g. “:-)”, “:)”, “=)”, “:D”, “:-(“, “:(“, “=(“,
“;(“, etc.. Correcting the all uppercase and all lowercase to a common case, removing the non-
English (or proffered language texts), removing un-necessary white spaces and tabs, etc.

Training Data – A hand-tagged collection of data is prepared by most commonly used crowd-
sourcing method. This data is the fuel for the classifier; it will be fed to the algorithm for learning

Classification – This is the heart of the whole technique. Depending upon the requirement of
the application SVM or Naïve bayes is deployed for analysis. The classifier (after completing the
training) is ready to be deployed to the real time tweets/text for sentiment extraction purpose.

Results – Results are plotted based on the type of representation selected i.e. charts, graphs,
etc. Performance tuning is done prior to the release of the algorithm


A feasibility study is a preliminary study which investigates the information of prospective users
and determines the resources requirements, costs, benefits and feasibility of proposed system.
A feasibility study takes into account various constraints within which the system should be
implemented and operated. In this stage, the resource needed for the implementation such as
computing equipment, manpower and costs are estimated. The estimated are compared with
available resources and a cost benefit analysis of the system is made. The feasibility analysis
activity involves the analysis of the problem and collection of all relevant information relating to
the project. The main objectives of the feasibility study are to determine whether the project
would be feasible in terms of economic feasibility, technical feasibility and operational feasibility
and schedule feasibility or not. It is to make sure that the input data which are required for the
project are available. Thus we evaluated the feasibility of the system in terms of the following

Technical feasibility Operational feasibility Economic feasibility Schedule feasibility

1)Technical Feasibility

Evaluating the technical feasibility is the trickiest part of a feasibility study. This is because, at
the point in time there is no any detailed designed of the system, making it difficult to access
issues like performance, costs (on account of the kind of technology to be deployed) etc. A
number of issues have to be considered while doing a technical analysis; understand the
different technologies involved in the proposed system. Before commencing the project, we
have to be very clear about what are the technologies that are to be required for the
development of the new system. Is the required technology available? Our system "Tweezer" is
technically feasible since all the required tools are easily available. Python and Php with
Javacscript can be easily handled. Although all tools seems to be easily available there are
challenges too.

2)Operational Feasibility

Proposed project is beneficial only if it can be turned into information systems that will meet the
operating requirements. Simply stated, this test of feasibility asks if the system will work when it
is developed and installed. Are there major barriers to Implementation? The proposed was to
make a simplified web application. It is simpler to operate and can be used in any webpages. It
is free and not costly to operate.

3)Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility attempts to weigh the costs of developing and implementing a new system,
against the benefits that would accrue from having the new system in place. This feasibility
study gives the top management the economic justification for the new system. A simple
economic analysis which gives the actual comparison of costs and benefits are much more
meaningful in this case. In addition, this proves to be useful point of reference to compare
actual costs as the project progresses. There could be various types of intangible benefits on
account of automation. These could increase improvement in product quality, better decision
making, and timeliness of information, expediting activities, improved accuracy of operations,
better documentation and record keeping, faster retrieval of information

4)Schedule Feasibility

A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Typically, this means
estimating how long the system will take to develop, and if it can be completed in a given period
of time using some methods like payback period. Schedule feasibility is a measure how
reasonable the project timetable is. Given our technical expertise, are the project deadlines
reasonable? Some project is initiated with specific deadlines. It is necessary to determine
whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable.

A minor deviation can be encountered in the original schedule decided at the beginning of the
project. The application development is feasible in terms of schedule


1)Functional Requirements
Functional requirement are the functions or features that must be included in any system to
satisfy the business needs and be acceptable to the users. Based on this, the functional
requirements that the system must require are as follows:

System should be able to process new tweets stored in database after retrieval System
should be able to analyze data and classify each tweet polarity

2)Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements is a description of features, characteristics and attribute of the

system as well as any constraints that may limit the boundaries of the proposed system.

The non-functional requirements are essentially based on the performance, information,

economy, control and security efficiency and services.

Software requirements

 Linux Operating System/Windows

 Python Platform(Anaconda2,Spyder,Jupyter)

 NLTK package,

 Modern Web Browser

 Twitter API, Google API


Twitter is a demandable micro blogging service which has been built to discover what is
happening at any moment of time and anywhere in the world. In the survey, we found that
social media related features can be used to predict sentiment in Twitter. We will use three
machine learning algorithms which will contribute to outperform three models namely unigram,
feature based model and tree kernel model by using Weka. So, our proposed system concludes
the sentiments of tweets which are extracted from twitter. The difficulty increases with the
nuance and complexity of opinions expressed. Product reviews, etc are relatively easy. Books,
movies, art, music are more difficult. We can also implement features like emoticons,
neutralization, negation handling and capitalization/internationalization as they have recently
become a huge part of the internet.

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