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Photoshop and Advertising Essay

In recent decades, advertising has become an integral part of our daily lives. Television, radio, newspaper,
magazine and online advertisements all compete for our attention on a daily basis.

One of the most prominent tools used in advertising is Photoshop, a powerful image editing software that
allows advertisers to manipulate and enhance images for their respective campaigns. Photoshop has
become a popular tool among advertisers because of its ability to make even the most ordinary images
look extraordinary

, attract the audience's attention and convey a message effectively.

However, the use of Photoshop in advertising has also been a topic of controversy and concern. In many
cases, digitally altered images are used to create an unrealistic standard of beauty that is often
unattainable in real life. This can cause consumers to have unrealistic expectations of themselves and their
appearance, leading to negative effects on body image and self-esteem. Ads on the internet, particularly
on social media, often display idealized images of women that give a message suggesting that beauty
enhancement procedures are a desirable and viable way to achieve the perfect body, skin tone or other
characteristics. Despite these concerns, Photoshop remains a powerful tool in advertising as it allows for
creative freedom to make an image more attractive or attention-grabbing.

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