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Assignment no 3

what do you understand by relapse?

Relapse' is a word that is used in many different ways in a variety of contexts.
Relapse takes place when symptoms of a condition reappear. This happens after a
time with no symptoms.
For example, a person with depression might get relief from medication or therapy.
But they may start showing symptoms again after a few months of treatment.
Relapse can refer to a return of any medical condition. Its most common use refers
to the return of addiction symptoms. These return after a period of sobriety. A person
recovering from alcohol addiction might begin drinking again after weeks, months,
or years without using. Or a compulsive gambler might stop gambling only to start


Medical conditions may get better and then suddenly get worse. Some people stop
medical treatment when symptoms go away. This can cause relapse. For people with
addictions, relapse can be part of the addiction recovery process. Many people with
addiction relapse several times before they reach permanent sobriety. Some
addiction counselors argue that relapse enables recovery. It may do this by teaching
an addicted person how to recognize potential relapse warning signs. This can help
them improve with each attempt at sobriety.
Many emotional and physical indicators can act as relapse warning signs. These
signal that a relapse may be imminent. Some situations people with addictions may
relapse include:

 Times of stress
 In events that trigger their addiction
 Not completing their recovery program
For example, someone with alcohol addiction may have a history of drinking
heavily at parties. They could be more likely to relapse after attending several
Relapse has a strong chemical component. It can take weeks for an addictive
substance to leave the body. The brain may be especially susceptible to the addictive
substance even once it is gone. This is why most addiction counselors advise people
with addiction to never use the substance again. Relapse typically means the
addiction has come back. It can mean the person with addiction must complete the
process of withdrawal and psychological distress again.
A person with addiction may relapse. This does not mean they have failed. Relapse
may occur many times before a person reaches recovery. Certain factors influence
if and when relapse occurs. People may take steps to avoid relapse or minimize its
effects. In addition to recognizing relapse warning signs, people may do the
following to prevent relapse:

 Stay in treatment for the amount of time your care provider recommends
 Avoid addiction triggers, including people, places, and events
 Join an addiction recovery support group
 Build stress-management skills
 Practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation
 See a therapist for regular sessions
 Group and one-on-one therapy may help prevent relapse. People with
addiction can benefit from seeing a therapist who practices cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT). This type of therapy shows how thoughts and
actions are linked. It may help people manage life stress that could lead to


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