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a select
group of humans are sent to a mysterious remote island in the middle of the ocean these
humans have somehow evolved into a new race of people known as the talented to the rest of
the world they are considered as their only hope and surviving the war between humanity and
the alien monsters who have come to earth to destroy all of mankind these monsters are now

known as the enemies of humanity the story begins in an unknown here somewhere in the early
two thousands are main protagonist is a boy named nano nakajima who lives here on this island
among the other talented human race however he was apparently born without any talents and
thus leading him to be an embarrassment to the rest of his family who are quite the opposite

his father had ordered him to leave at once and was sent to this academy to eventually find out
his talent and so he is also far away from his family this island seems to be some kind of training
camp or school for all the talented people and is completely isolated from the rest of the world
the island doesn't receive any communication from the outside world unless someone

calls the teacher from the headquarters which are the owners of the island in the task force to
destroy enemies of humanity nakajima is an outcast and the subject of bullying in the class due
to his lack of powers and gets picked on by his peers one day the teacher introduces to new
students to the class the first being a boy called kyle your own oh dear i am

after a crybaby big mouth named each him a mogul the class brute demands kyrie to reveal
what his talent is but the teacher interrupts him and tells mogul that his talent remains a secret
this makes and academe a suspect that he must be very powerful as those who liked to keep
their talents a secret normally have the best abilities in the class after a pink haired girl was

oxen with a bubbly personality and introduces herself is nona she doesn't keep anything a
secret at all and immediately tells the other students what her power is which is mine reading
but not only can she read minds but she can also dig deep into people's mind and look at their
past experiences and memories they had from a very long time ago she explains how she's all

always listening to people's inner voices and likes to help those when they are over thinking too
much the teacher tells her to sit at the back of the class and this happens to be the seat next to
a gym she immediately discovers through in academe his mind about the rest of the class
looking down on him as that's all he thinks about he gets nervous when a beautiful girl like nona
sits down next to him

and can imagine how a girl that looks like her would want to even help him in anyway due to her
reading his personality traits she already wants to become friends with him she starts to find out
more about him using her powers and discovers more about neck a gym is past life memories
before coming to the island and comes to realize that his dad was a very proud millionaire who
he was disappointed in his son for not being useful in the family not a knows that naca jima
wants to do everything possible to win back his father's approval as a way of keeping his
father's respect his father gave him the responsibility of looking after the family watch and naca
jima promises to keep it safe manner also knows that neck a demon needs to get a chance

it's to be the leader of the class something his father will be proud about but she knows he will
never vote himself in so nona a quickly volunteers for him to be the new class rap and points out
all his best qualities however the two most popular students mobo and say are also voted
themselves in an argument occurs on who will be the next class rap at this moment chi

oh he begins to stop all the arguing and proposes a dual match between the three to settle it
instead after school not a follows neck jima home and asks if he would show her around the
island as she still feels very new to everything as neck jima walks her around they talk about
their past lives before coming to the island and while talking not a nearly fell

down but knackered jima quickly saves her she tells him that she felt some sort of entity push
her away and they both think it might be one of the enemies of humanity later at night they're
both walking back to their dormitories and not brings up naca a gym his relationship with his
father this annoyed him as they are his personal and private memories that he doesn't want to
discuss with anyone who

however she continues to try and understand how he feels but he gets upset with non for
bringing up things that are personal to him she still doesn't understand why it was a problem for
her picking him to be the class rap since that way he can finally prove his leading abilities to his
father which is all he ever wanted but knackered ujima motels nano that voting him in is
pointless since

it's impossible for him to win as he doesn't possess any talent the next day at school mogul the
firebird and say you the ice wizard or ready to fight for the position to be the new class rap they
enter the battlefield and use a series of attacks against one another until say uses ice magic to
freeze his legs and wins against mogul this humiliates the brute me

making him extremely angry so mobo uses all his power to form a huge fireball and throws it it's
say yeah but it nearly hits the entire class until naca jima jumps in the way and stops the huge
fire blast bus revealing is hidden talent he turns out that knackered deem as power is to nullify
other people's talents so he can stop another purse

sons abilities for some reason he kept this a secret as he thinks it's useless compared to other
people's powers however everyone is shocked by this and thanks neck jima and because of
what he did he became the new class representative academe and decides that he should
thank nona for being his only friend in the class and the only person who stood up for him so
they both
meet on a mountainside they begin to talk about the enemies of humanity and the possibility
that there was an infiltrator in the school since these monsters could take any kind of form even
human forms so even a student could very well be one of these monsters because at this
moment that not as cute persona changes to a dark one and she eats him off the cliff bewilder

third nakajima is holding onto a thin rope for dear life and asks her what is going on this is
where nona reveals how she's actually a talentless student and isn't part of their talented race
she's actually just a normal human being and it turns out that the enemies of humanity that the
talented students are training to fight against don't actually exist and there are no joy

i am monsters which they read about in their textbooks but in reality the real enemies of
humanity are in fact the talented beings she explains too knackered academe that around five
years ago the normal humans got sick of these talented individuals which were rapidly
increasing around the world these new form of humans who could possess special powers stop
using them

to fight crime and help humanity but instead they were using these powers for their own benefits
and financial gain destroying the world we know breaking all laws and this eventually started a
war between the talented humans and the normal humans humanity actually won the war and
after winning the war the youngest talented beings who survived are now i

isolated on these remote islands away from the real world and from a young age they are all
taught that they are being trained here to be earth superheroes and must learn how to defeat
the enemies of humanity but that's something that the humans just made up because in reality
they only put the talented people on these islands so that humans can remain in control of the
world that we know so they

set up this secret operation which is to eliminate the talented beings before they can master
their supernatural abilities for this they need to send a regular human onto the island to figure
out their abilities and then assassinate them kind of like am gus the infiltrator they sent this time
is nona and even though she's just an ordinary human with no powers she

actually has superior intelligence and is a great judge of character so together with her
incredibly good deductive abilities and high i q she can easily make the other students believe
that she has the talent to read other people's minds and that way she could blend in with the
talented beings her mission given by the human headquarters is to find out these talented
people's pay

hours and eliminate as many of them as possible her first target was naca jima but he's now
been eliminated so now she must go on and get the others the next day the class heads down
to the lake and here nona gets to witness the true strength of say is freezing abilities when he
freezes the entire lake within seconds a notices how thick the ice was and key
and conclude that it will take at least five days for it all to completely melt later on in class nona
sits with sia and get some more information about his talent but meanwhile logo is bullying and
other student logo goes into punch the victim but unexpectedly gets knocked down this happens
to be shibley so as doing another talented student who can manipulate time so

he had talks to non about should be saw his abilities and how he might just be the most
powerful one in the entire class as ship you saw a can actually stop and go back and forth
through time and change the future of certain scenarios upon hearing this nona marks him as or
next target as he seems to opie and can ruin her ultimate goal of eliminating every talented

person on the island so with that being said not a meets up with should be salad for lunch and
puts on a cute little act that she has a crush on him only to acquire more information about his
powers she wants to know of all of his limitations and weaknesses she manages to discover
that he can only go back in time for a maximum of twenty four hours he could also go back

back for more time as he travels in the past with doing this will make him incredibly tired non
and devise a plan on how to kill should be saw but at this moment the mysterious white haired
student a new boy who also joined on the same day is nona named calea and who's talent still
remains a secret joins and on their conversation and seemingly interrogate not

about naca jima tyree seems interested in concerned about his sudden disappearance however
nona pushes the narrative away from herself by calling coyote an enemy of humanity for being
the one who's not revealing his powers and should you saw ignorantly takes non aside as he
seems to like her so kira just walks away to avoid even more suspicion

after the interaction with coyote it should be saw a now seems worried about the knackered jima
situation and wants to discover more about neck a jima sudden disappearance as well and he
tells non that he will help to try and find her friend however not knowing that this will lead to his
ultimate demise as nano was able to send him to the exact moment in time when the lake was

frozen by say and thus trapping him under the lake which will be frozen for at least five days so
say goodbye to my man should be sala mana has now eliminated two targets but her only
problem was the new boy calea who's already starting to suspect nona and already has some
kind of idea of what's going on here it turns out that they might be the same in some way

where's or he might be even smarter but she still needs to find out his real talent so she takes it
upon herself to do any means necessary to reveal coyote his powers so that she can figure out
a way to dispose of him as soon as possible she needs to know more about him so she begins
to follow him around school by doing this he discovers he had been feeding a kitten and the
janitors show

and he always buys a box of milk which he heats up and feeds into the stray cat every day at
lunch later on non approaches him again under the context of wanting to be his friend and so he
invites her into his room which seems to look more like a library instead of a normal boys
bedroom however he does leave nano lot of different clues which she can use to start

ending his secret power after looking around his room she did ducks that one of kyrie his
weaknesses was that he has no sense of smell as he seems to keep labels on all his food and
groceries and these labels also have the expiry dates on them so she can also predict the kailua
can't see color and his vision is permanently in black and white after some brief deduction

the two of them start playing video games together and he reveals that he has a younger sister
who was also a talented one and was sent to this island however he never heard from her ever
again so his goal on the island other than studying the enemies of humanity is to also find out
what happened to his younger sister and he thinks that whatever happened to knackered jima

will lead him to finding out the answers failure asks nona to accompany him over to knackered
gm as crime scene and also interrogate her once again she doesn't understand why he's being
so hostile and she wants him to reveal more about himself since he so mysterious and she
makes up an excuse that he's scaring her so this time non i asked him what his real talent is

but kira gets the upper hand and begins to doubt if she is really talented and can read people's
minds since cairo his talent is all he's ever thinking about but somehow she still doesn't know
what it is but since cairo doesn't have enough evidence that she isn't talented or any proof that
she was involved in academe his disappearance that night he can't incriminate her yet

so he just lets it all go for now and then asks non i if they should become friends and she agrees
the next day non up repairs the trap on coyote after knowing his daily routines of feeding the cat
during his lunch break and she turns on the gas inside the shed she does it in such a way that
when he turns on the stove the whole shed would explode which would be a great way to reveal
his towel

it when carrier enters the shed he can't smell anything and he turns on the stove so the whole
shed explodes and carrier the seem completely burned alive and on the floor pretending to be
innocent nona approaches the burnt corpse of coyote and yells out to him saying she will send
for help but to her surprise a half dead kyrie a grabs non his leg which final

he reveals his power which is immortality so no matter what anyone tries to do to him killing him
is impossible and because she was the first to arrive to the scene he now thinks she's the
enemy of humanity the right after he admits he took things way too far and he calms down and
now has a different mindset and thinks maybe not it is really only trying to help

him and he comes back to realization that apologizes to nona and says he hopes they can still
be friends for now not i can't have kyrie a thinking of her is the main culprit so she devise a plan
to remove yourself from suspicion later on that day nona ends up meeting a kind hearted girl
called me true who's a somewhat clumsy girl but she's way too kind
if a person her ability consists of healing any one right on the spot just by simply using her saliva
she gets closer with me true by helping her with the class bullies and they become really good
friends however she only does this as she needs me true for her next plan during the night nano
decides to stab her own back after meters screams loudly as

and kylie meet them at the scene of the crime nona who had been stabbed done this knowing
that meter it would save her when asked who done this to her nano tells them it was an enemy
of humanity is doing and that the enemies of humanity can also turn invisible but after hearing
her story kylie a still doesn't believe her and already suspects that she may have stabbed
herself but once again

he tells himself that he's only guessing with is detective skills and has no real hard evidence that
nona actually done this to herself the next day during class they conclude in academia was
killed by an enemy of humanity and therefore they need to select a new class rep non against
the confidence of the class for being brave enough to face an enemy of humanity and sir

surviving one so they decide to make her the new class leader her first command as the class
leader was to order a specific student to find out more about the other students and start writing
down everyone's abilities her brilliant excuse for this was that they need to prepare everyone for
the upcoming attack and makes up a reason that the monsters are already on the island
however this backfire

years when after school she runs into a boy called soon a kitschy who shows her a photo of
what's about to happen to them in the next few hours he reveals how he has the power to see
into the future and asks nona to explain herself he tells nona that his photographs or from the
future and while he's dreaming photos are being captured into five photographs at a time and

they will tell him the future which is something that is one hundred percent going to happen
without a doubt as his power never fails to tell the future sooner kids he has been taking photos
ever since he arrived and reveals how he knows about her killing aca jima and he also knows
about her trapping should be saw the teleport time travel boy under the lake so now knowing
that he's going to be key

killed by non a next he decides to blackmail her by saying he is going to tell the others about her
being the real enemy of humanity however in exchange for his silence he asks if she will be his
girlfriend and then takes her back to his room he makes her give him a massage and spend the
night with him at that moment she observes how his power works within the photos as he's

and she finds one picture that she doesn't want him to see so she hides it away the next day
when soon a kid he wakes up he realizes there are only four photos here so one photograph is
missing since he can only take a maximum of five photos at a time something that nona didn't
know about and he blames her for taking it he finds the photo and on his paw
pocket and the photo and question revealed how soon a kid he actually won the fight between
him and not and non stole the photo because she wanted him to feel like she was the one with
all the power to get the upper hand on him he tells her that no matter what everything will
happen exactly as he predicted in the photos so the next day at ten pm they both meet at the
rendezvous in the show

get this is the exact time the photo took place and to change the fate of the photos she had
some poisonous needles in her back pocket and threw them on the floor five minutes before he
arrived she then grabs the rope and everything happens as they did in the photos but when he
is about to take advantage of her she falls on the floor directly next to the needles and uses

to attacked sooner kitschy after he's dying she reveals that she had the real fifth picture and it
turns out that the image in which she seemed like she was that wasn't actually real but it was a
photo that had been taken by nona herself and she hit it on her as she knew he would find it and
then think that that's what really happened she simply use a fake photo in order to deceive

soon a kitschy and the real photo that he took in his dreams was actually him dead on the floor
with kylie a bursting through the door which is going to happen any second now highly explains
that he found out about them being together because sooner kitschy had been going around
telling everyone that nano was now his girlfriend and he was acting very strange me rethought
non my

have been in trouble and this around coyote as interests than together they inspected soon a
his room in there they found the photo of nona dead on the floor with sunni kitschy standing
over her and that's how they knew about the location they would be a since coyote your
recognize the p shed later on kyrie of finds nona back and soon it gets his room after he had
passed away so

he confronts nona about soon kit his powers as kyrie he knows that whatever happens in sunni
teaches photos will one hundred percent always come true something that sooner kitty
constantly bragged about but somehow nona is still alive all of this led to cairo deducting that
the photo was in fact a fake one and had maybe been taken by non a herself to

manipulate soon a kitty and make him lowered his guard at a specific time so non could win the
fight against him but once again kylie was only speculating all this inside his head and still has
no real evidence of this being true and still has nothing to prove his theories right now so once
again he just lets her go however carried us suspect not a

playing everyone and now needs to find proof that nona is up to something so he can tell the
rest of the class everyone had left the p shed except for me true who was still trying to bring
soon a kitty back to life with her healing powers while doing so she felt something under his
jacket and takes it out just as the ominous looking nona enters the room me to wrigley
emp says that the photograph of sunni kids his future vision of non pushing academe off that
cliff however the kind hearted be true has too much admiration for non and she believes that
when nona tells her that so can she cannot always predict the correct future and that it might
have only been one of his dreams and the photograph is incorrect the day of two conditions
funeral is here and ten

engines are rising as it has been told that the enemies of humanity are closing in on them try
demands that before they depose of the body he wants to do an autopsy while monitors
everything she can to prevent it just as kylie is about to open the casket it starts to open up from
inside by can issues corpse this is what a quiet and usually absent boy in class step

in front and introduces himself as a necromancer he tells the classes talent is to bring the dead
back to life and even gain information of their death and even use the corpses powers if he
wishes to do so in a desperate attempt to stop all this nona announces that she can hear to can
issues thoughts while he's a zombie and he isn't so much agony and wishes to rest

peace it is then settled that they perform the more respectable approach of doing the autopsy
that same night nona trails shinji marking him as or next target since his talents and reanimated
the dad is a big problem for her mission is it could incriminate her of the people shinji brings
back or investigated by the necromancer she discovers that shinji has a relationship with yoga

a girl in the class with superhuman strength she befriends both of them and comes to realize a
bigger revelation that uk as the actual necromancer and shinji is actually just a dead corpse and
is only being reanimated by yuka not a figures out ucas weaknesses and planned out how to
eliminate her and eventually gets her in a fragile position

and takes her poison needles and finishes her off nona sneaks up behind a girl called hobby in
the forest and asks her where her friend key or he is so hobby tells of that she got into a fight
with chiari and that she's back at the dormitory knowing the key or he is not around not a uses
this opportunity to prick hobby with the poison needle and takes her phone away to

manning hobby to give her the passcode to the phone and if she gives her the coach he will in
exchange give her the antidote hobby then quickly tells her the password but not just leaves her
alone in the forest to die after this nona finds her friend key or his room and uses another
poisonous needle to poison calories contact lenses later that day nona takes calea

me to say and margot into the forest to explain how she found out that yuka was the real
necromancer who was raising people from the dead and she was the one who was reanimated
shinji his body as she fell in love with shinji and wanted to be with him forever not a tells them
that in the and euchre regretted doing this and then killed herself coyote a suspicion and not are
now go
later than ever is nona struggles to cover up the kills the other classmates especially the loyal
meter is still refuse to believe it in the dormitory as the group here's a screen running to key or
his room they find her dead as coyote investigates the scene he finds the key or he was
poisoned through her contact lenses be true mentions how hobbies talent was turning her saliva

to poison thus making kyrie a suspect hobyo instead of nona after going through key or his
phone mci retells kylie or that key henri and hobby last spoke when they were in the forest with
nona convinced that nona killed chiari kiowa tell some of their classmates that nona is the culprit
after explaining his evidence against nona kyrie begins to search nona

for hobbies phone is his main piece of evidence after searching nona and not finding the phone
to prove his claims kyrie he apologizes to nona after me true yells at him for putting nona
through all these claims and nona tells the group that she can hear hobbies spirit voice telling
them not to suspect anyone ever again from the same classroom later that night metres

he is nona guarding the dormitories at night on look out duty in our sweet manner she offers to
be on the lookout so non i could rest which he suddenly flipped a switch an ominous look casts
onto her face and she holds a blade to nona asking her what her real talent is and apparently
me true suspect she's on the island for other reasons this takes nona off guard but she quit

lee gets in and disarms her wounding her hand the next day non takes me true to the cliff to
confront her knowing that that person is and actually me true because she bandage the upper
hand wound instead of just healing it with her power then right after me true shape shift into a
man who introduces himself as jean and tells nano that he used to go to this school after he
takes no

a to his secret cave and gene offers nona coffee is he makes himself a cup gene reveals that
he's actually been acting as the cat that a has been feeding during lunch and that five years ago
his classmates were at war with one another however not a slips poison into the drink making
gene drop dead were so nona thought dialing her phone to call the committee to report

about genes def kylie he grabs a hold of her phone who then transforms to make a room and
also see you as nona realizes with horror that gene can copy not only the appearance but also
the powers of whoever he wants on the spot but not a runs to escape the cave so gene shape
shift into mogul and throws a massive fireball to stop her after stopping nona she

he falls down and is nearly knocked out after gene goes on to ask nano about her family
situation as a way to build trust with her and nona opens up a bit more to g and tells him about
her parents dying is a talented person came into their house one night and rob the place and
also killed her parents after the talk gene tells nona he actually like

x her and he knows how it feels to be in her position as he also eliminated everyone on the
island many years back and ever since then he hides in the cave after gene warns nona to be
careful and lets her know that she might not be the only murderer on this island as gene has
been investigating other students intentions other than her after nano wakes up in the real me to
his bed with her

back fully healed the sweet hearted nature of me true affects nona to open up about her past
talking about her parents' death which left nona as an orphan it a very young age after opening
up nano looks closely and analyzes me to room as she seems to be overly nice to her and
thinks me true is secretly trying to investigate her she comes to realize the

me true must also have a dark side like everyone else does mana knows that she has to finish
her off one day but right now she can't seem to find any reason to do so so she lets her go of
yukos shinji and curious funeral kyle your request to the teacher to let him talk to the higher ups
the next time they call the school so he can explain everything that's going on

all well known as he's meter falling down due to the over use of her powers later on in non as
room gene appears once again and tells nano that he will give her phone back only in exchange
for her opening up to him again but suddenly me true enters the room making gene transform
back into the cat version of himself me true once more answers as to why

why not a think she's a bad person and this is when nona opens up about what type of child she
was and non i explained to me true how she snuck out of the window one night and forgot to
lock it causing a robber to break into their home and that resulted in her parents' death in the
morning kira shows the girls a new dead body this is what gene warden donna about as this

time this death was not on non his hands and nano realizes that there is another murderer other
than her after they identify the dead body as a boy named ryuji kylie starts investigating and
begins to ask mogul what he was doing the night before this as moguls room is directly next to
the victim mobo tells cairo that he was giving all his friends a much needed

pep talk after calea asks moguls friends what all their talents are and they start to reveal them to
him one has asked will travel another his voice mimicking in the last this some kind of human
magnet power lastly coyote then asks for rudy's girlfriend named fewer what her talent is as well
however she warns them about her overpowered talent and said the

it's best to take everyone outside first so she can demonstrate her ability when outside she
explains how she can harness the elements of the earth and control them such as the wind
which she uses to attack calea finishing up outside their teacher runs to cairo telling him the
higher ups are on the phone back in the room nona and meter or still investigating the crime

non notices meet looking worried later on me true asked not to live with her and her parents
after they graduate from the island this causes nona to get emotional and she leaves the room
after receiving back her washed and cleaned uniform from me true nano realizes that the poison
bottle she left inside the pocket which she intended to use against gene is me
missing from her pocket right after kyrie appears and also their teacher who informs kylie that
someone from headquarters will be coming to the island after being interrogated by kailua fuku
pleads with non to help her avenge her boyfriend read his death later on not a reaches meter
his room to find her poison bottle until gene appears with the poison and gives it to her

her gene tells nona to check on me true but as she opens the door she finds me true
unconscious in the bath after a debate on whether or not to save a talented person's life and go
against her ultimate mission nona picks her up and finally rushes to their teacher to ask for the
doctor but he tells her to ask korea for help instead as all the teachers have left the aisle

and highly a gives nona some medicine and she rushes back to me true side later that night few
good comes in and asks nona if there are any developments in the case of her boyfriend ryuji
but not a tells her that kyle is taking care of it time passes and this is when meter wakes up and
tells nona how she healed a mysterious cat that came to her before going into the shower

in the forest gene catches and talks to reduce killer telling him to stop harming the animals and
pets on the island meanwhile the mysterious second killer is shown to have a meeting at the
same place where non as mentors are mr sorokin says he will go to inspect the island back on
the island nona plays a game with me to ruin nona take this opportunity to find out

meter is real intentions by asking her why she so nice all the time as she can't figure out why
than me true explains to none of that she used to be bullied because of her powers and she
actually hated being a talented person at any point in her life until one day she healed a stray
dog and a girl from her school approached her to thank her for the kind hearted and self

as act starting from them the girl whose name was hit tommy defended her from all the school
bullies and encouraged me true to keep using her talents to help others and need me true
explains that he told me had cancer and had died she said that he told me his friendship with
her has left a long lasting effect on her life and that's why she's always open and kind and ready
to help anyone with

her powers even though it will shorten her own life span the nano leaves the room once again
and this upsets metering as she just wants to be friends with nona but nona is constantly
showing different emotions when she leaves nona gets torn up between what to prioritize her
friendship with her beloved friend me room or her mission at hand which is destroying

all talented beings just then gene sneaks into non as room again to give her information of
meter his whereabouts adding that she might be in danger gene knows how much nona cares
for her but me true is just about to be attacked by the second killer known as immediate
response was to go and rescue her during the way they're not gets a call from mister sorokin the
man from the town

this human council headquarters and is also known as boss he said that he called to remind her
of the mission of expect her to carry it out not leaving any talented ones alive at this moment
nona seems to have a change of heart and decides that me true is still an enemy of humanity
and that she's not worth risking the entire mission the scared me to tries with been at

temps to escape the killer just when the stab that could have ended her life reached her nona
appears and shields her from it taking the stab in the back varner reveals that rudy's killer is
moguls friend who can do astral travel named renter you who is still in his astral form finishes off
the week nano with more stabs apparently finding delight in the murder with no and ten

ancient other than getting high on it within the dormitories coia finds or tara's physical body as
he and i had plan how to catch him earlier which breaks his astral travel with the astral form of
rent a me true rushes over to non as body who is bleeding and is barely alive without second
guessing she starts healing her injuries despite known as

protests for her to stop are restored to perfect health and depart from her bloodied clothes and
torn in places where she was stabbed there are no traces of injury she kneels in front of me to
his body to try to listen for a heartbeat but what she hears makes her break down and
anguished thanks for watching if you enjoyed this and want to see more please make sure to
drop a like and subs

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