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Friday January 11, 2019 750Words.


So I have just begun to go for these taekwondo classes and theres a senior, he's a black
belt and he accompanies sir sometimes in teaching when the span of the class is too
much... and this girl, tall and skinny, pretty face, abominable teeth, shows up one day
out of thin air and she's welcomed like a star and sir gives her special attention and she
acts pretty nonchalant to all the attention directed towards her, probably because she's
used to it, I mean when you're born with that phenotype, you tend to be accustomed to
being the center of everyones attention. Anyways, she seemed to bond with me really
well so I went with it, skinny ass with a satisfactory amount of language proficiency, she
seemed not designed with layers or any depth or complexity that I starvingly search for
in people... if you ask me, she's a lot like people I've known in the past, we all know that
one girl who always gets male attention and therefore is consumed in vanity and has
superficiality throbbing in her veins, making them the most shallow people one could
stumble upon.. anyways, it turns out that I am not very good at identifying people,
because her first day jitters made her appreciation for her physicality, less protruding
and being the soft target I am, she used the usual tactic on me wherein one puts the
other on fire to feel warm themselves, she lured into being her friend by slipping
compliments as I practiced my kicks, and then followed me around everywhere, before
you know it, she's everyones favorite, because of her bold appearance and uninhibited
personality.. she seemed like the ideal person to be enrolling for a sport like taekwondo,
and lets face it, teachers are always targeting students who they realize they'll cultivate
results of off... so anyways, this slut of a human being, hits on the guy i had been eyeing
for several classes, she just goes up to him and says how she thinks he is very cute, and
he blushes as though, she asked him if she could have a glimpse of his dick, anyways,
then they start talking and the guy who didn't look familiar to me when i first met him, I
saw him change colors and mould into a figure I recognized very well, he went from
being the guy who was the favorite person to fight shadow matches with for majority of
the children in our class went ahead to become the guy, lured by her superficial
comments and and droll at her feet as she looks in the other direction.. I mean I finally
started to understand what was happening, everybody is the same, they are very similar,
there isn't that vast difference in the variations of human moulds, therefore running
from people is never the solution, cause behind the skin of the new set of people you
stumble upon, is the ghost you had been trying to run from in the first place, in my case
it is, people born with an armor, with a know-how, with a sibling who has already given
them a glimpse of the real world, being partially exposed to it themselves, they look so
occupied all the time, answerable to someone for their failures, never wide-eyed, always
prepared, never fragile, unless its to trap a cute guy by being silly, piercing eyes, as
though calculating their success or failure rate if they were to plunge into something and
if its going to be worth their time, confusing lust for love and bouncing back to a good
shape in a couple of weeks after their break up... these girls are all around me,
everywhere, they want the same things I do, but realize they're too precious to wait for
the universal time clock to give them a signal, and yeah, make the move themselves, the
worlds at their feet and that makes me sick..

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