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It is said that the spine of a remarkable nation is its people, individuals who are
united and share positive aspect in life. Just like what the terrific President Abraham
Lincoln did in his second inaugural speech, which become remarkable and become the
key for the US to be a great united nation.

When there is Unity then equality is present, whilst we are saying equality it implies
in every man or woman, now allow me to dig deeper. In subject of equality, it stands for
many kinds of stuff. It can be gender equality, equality of status in life, privilege, equal
wages, education, or equal recognition for distinctive races, beliefs, and cultures; in less
complicated words, we are able to gain equality if we seek diversity in our life. Simpler
to be said however is hard to do, mainly understanding that discrimination and racism
have become lots worse over the year. We turn out to be so dismissive in our actions that
we downgrade a race, belief, perception, culture, tradition, and many more, simply to
sense superiority that we forget to be humble. But it’s a good thing God knows what to do
to a person who is too scornful. We should constantly understand that before God, we are
all similarly clever and unwise.

So as for us to achieve diversity, we must first point out the issues and if there’s a
problem there should always be a solution.

Racism and discrimination are the top most reasons why it's tough for diversity to be
implied to all of us. Within the US alone, humans are being discriminated due to their
coloration, race, and ideals. Asian hate crime is one of the most pointed out problems in
the States in where people with Asian heritage is being centered by means of bodily
abuse and bullying. In line with NBC Information, Asian hate crimes increased by 339
percent, and this was recorded in 2020 alone, with the subsequent 12 months they
elevated by way of 124 percent and this is in New York City alone, a single state within
the US, and we ought to recognize this is just one country, imagine if the cases around
the world are combined. I remember watching a video in TikTok from the past few
weeks the subject was about the ranking of the most racist countries in the world, and I’m
very saddened that the Philippines is a part of those nations, and what’s worse is that in
the comment section Filipinos are pleased with it, I know that the Filipino pride is
unmatchable however we need to put it in the right situation, we should in no way be
proud on something disenchanting.

“In diversity there is beauty and there's strength” highlighted by Maya Angelou a
well-known author who's also one of the people who are searching for a change where
labels do not stop someone from being true.

The solution to stopping such issues regarding discrimination and racism is by

starting with ourselves, there might be no such issue as racism if we learn to accept
ourselves so we could learn to accept others. Red, black, yellow, black, and white
whatever shade of color there is, any race, any gender, any belief, and any lifestyle, we
ought to take into account that we are all equal and we must all remember that there's no
such factor as labels that must prevent us from doing the good stuff we do. Just like in
science, big and small organisms exist because they give balance to our ecosystem, and
that is what we need. We must learn to be steady with ourselves, no need for contrasting
ourselves to others to look perfect. Remember God takes his time in creating us.

Unity is the key to the success of a nation. It's far what makes a country puissant and
mighty. Today I stand here not inquiring for any of your sympathies or pettiness, what I
ask is for us to take action, to change such etiquette that is inconsequential and
insignificant that brings harm to others and just be diverse instead so we could build a
nation where nobody is left in the shadows and everyone has a voice to be heard, and this
could also be a stepping stone for us to obtain world peace.

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