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You may be surprised to hear that chocolate is useful for

burning fat and losing weight. But dark chocolate is so
beneficial for fighting disease and harmful body fat that I

love recommending it!

Cacao contains potent bioactives like proanthocyanidin,

theobromine, and lycopene. It's also rich in dietary fiber,
which feeds the gut microbiome.

One study from the National Health and Nutrition

Examination Survey found that people who ate any dark
chocolate had a smaller waist circumference, indicating
less harmful visceral fat inside the belly. Chocolate eating
was also associated with a lower body mass.

If you choose to eat chocolate, always look for the highest-

quality organic dark chocolate. The darker, the better. I
recommend at least 80% cacao! Always remember to eat in
moderation, as well. Don't wolf down a whole bar. Savor it!

There has been more concern recently about lead and

cadmium found in dark chocolate, but you can exercise
caution by choosing brands that source organic cacao for
their chocolate.

There are 100+ other ingredients with powerful fat-fighting

and waist-shrinking properties. Join my FREE Metabolism
Masterclass on May 16 at 8 pm ET to learn how to use food
to boost your metabolism! This Masterclass will feature
BRAND NEW, never-before-seen content, so you won't want
to msis it! You must register in advance. Click the button
below to secure your spot!
Boost Your Metabolism in my FREE Masterclass on May 16

Love your food to love your health,

Dr. Li

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