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Chocolate is a popular and sweet food. It is made from cocoa liquor, cocoa butter
and sugar. Cocoa liquor and butter come from the cacao bean plant. Cocoa liquor
is the ground or melted part of the cacao bean. This is what makes chocolate
brown. Cocoa liquor does not contain alcohol even though it is called liquor. Cocoa
butter is the fat part of the cacao bean. The cocoa liquor and butter are separated
to make different types of chocolate. Cocoa butter is used in other products too. It
is found in lotions and cosmetics.

You can make different types of chocolate by changing the ingredients. There are
three main types of chocolate. Dark chocolate is made by adding cocoa butter and
sugar to cocoa liquor. Dark chocolate is usually 70% cocoa. Adding cocoa butter,
sugar and milk to cocoa liquor makes milk chocolate. Milk chocolate is usually 25%
cocoa. White chocolate is made from only cocoa butter, milk and sugar.

Too much chocolate, no matter the type, is not good for you. However, dark
chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate. Milk chocolate tastes great but it
contains less cocoa. Cocoa has beneficial nutrients. Cocoa contains flavonoids.
Flavonoids are a type of antioxidant. Antioxidants are substances that may
prevent or delay damage to your cells. They may help prevent cancer and strokes
too. Furthermore, antioxidants can help your immune system stay strong.

Flavonoids can prevent heart disease. They can also lower blood pressure and keep
blood vessels healthy. Some scientists believe flavonoids stabilize blood sugar
levels and cholesterol levels too. Scientists must perform more research to
determine all of the benefits of flavonoids and other antioxidants.
Nutritionists believe chocolate that is at least 65% cocoa is best for you. This is
why they believe dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate. Milk chocolate is
only 25% cocoa. Also, dark chocolate has less added sugar and fat than milk

Nutritionists recommend no more than one ounce of chocolate per day. One ounce
of chocolate is about five Hershey kisses.


Chocolate is a popular and sweet food made from cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, and
sugar. Cocoa liquor and butter come from the cacao bean plant. Cocoa liquor is the
ground or melted part of the cacao bean that gives chocolate its brown color.
However, it does not contain alcohol. Cocoa butter is the fat part of the cacao
bean and is also used in other products like lotions and cosmetics.

There are three main types of chocolate. Dark chocolate is made by adding cocoa
butter and sugar to cocoa liquor and usually contains 70% cocoa. Milk chocolate,
on the other hand, is made by adding cocoa butter, sugar, and milk to cocoa liquor
and typically contains 25% cocoa. White chocolate is made solely from cocoa
butter, milk, and sugar.

While excessive consumption of any type of chocolate is unhealthy, dark chocolate

is considered better for you than milk chocolate. Despite its great taste, milk
chocolate contains less cocoa, which is rich in beneficial nutrients. Cocoa contains
flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that can help prevent or delay cell damage, as
well as potentially prevent cancer, strokes, and heart disease. Flavonoids may also
contribute to lower blood pressure, healthy blood vessels, stabilized blood sugar
levels, and cholesterol levels. However, more research is needed to fully
understand all the benefits of flavonoids and other antioxidants.

Nutritionists recommend consuming dark chocolate with at least 65% cocoa for
optimal health benefits. This is because milk chocolate only contains 25% cocoa
and has higher amounts of added sugar and fat. To stay within a healthy limit, it is
advised to consume no more than one ounce of chocolate per day, which is roughly
equivalent to five Hershey kisses.

Directions: Answer the questions using evidence from the reading passage.

1. What is the difference between cocoa liquor and cocoa butter?

2. What’s the difference between dark and milk chocolate?

3. Why do you think white chocolate is white in color?

4. What is an antioxidant? What is a flavonoid?

5. Why is dark chocolate better for you than milk chocolate?

6. Why should you only consume one ounce of chocolate per day?

7. Draw a simple pie chart to show the percentage of cocoa in dark and milk
chocolate. The colored portion should represent the percentage of cocoa.
Comparing Dark vs. Milk Chocolate

PROBLEM: Is dark or milk chocolate healthier for you?

Chocolate is a favorite gift to give (and receive). In this activity you will examine
the nutritional benefits of a dark chocolate and milk chocolate candy bar.
In this activity, you will analyze the nutritional information on the nutrition label
for a milk and dark chocolate bar. You can use the nutritional information provided
if chocolate bars are not available. Then you will conclude which is healthier for
you – dark or milk chocolate. Make a prediction. Then follow the directions.

Materials Required
• Milk chocolate candy bar
• Dark chocolate candy bar

Predict: Do you think dark or milk chocolate is healthier for you? Why?
I think, dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate.

Directions: Examine the following nutritional information for the chocolate bars.
Record the number or amount of the elements in table 1 for dark and milk

1. Calories. A calorie is a measure of how much energy is in a food item. This

energy will help fuel processes in the human body. Energy is used to move muscles,
digest food, pump blood and even to think!
2. Fat. Fat is a type of nutrient. Fat provides a lot of energy. Fat is also a major
storage source of energy in the body. There are different types of fats. Saturated
fats and trans fats are bad fats. Unsaturated fats are better. Fat is important to
your diet, but too much fat or too much of the wrong type is unhealthy.
3. Cholesterol. Cholesterol is a type of fat in the blood. You need some cholesterol
in your diet, but very little. Your body can make cholesterol on its own. Too much
cholesterol in the blood can build up along blood vessel walls, causing them to
4. Sodium. Sodium is a substance your body needs to work properly. It is found in
salt. The body uses sodium to control blood pressure. Too much sodium can cause
high blood pressure or a build up of fluid in the body.
5. Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are sugars. Carbohydrates provide your body
with energy to fuel body processes. There are simple and complex carbohydrates.
Complex carbs take longer to break down. Fiber and starch are types of complex
carb. Simple carbohydrates are called simple sugars. Both types of sugar are
important to your diet. It’s important to get your carbs, especially simple sugars,
from nutritious foods such as milk and fruit.
6. Protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues in your body.
Muscles and organs are mostly made of protein. Your body also uses protein to
make hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in your blood, and fights disease.
7. Vitamins. Vitamins are substances found in foods. They help your body work
properly. They also help you grow and develop normally. There are many types of
vitamins. Vitamin D helps build new bones. Vitamin A helps you see. Vitamin C
helps your immune system.
8. Calcium. Calcium is a type of mineral. Just like vitamins, minerals help your
body work correctly. Calcium is important to building bones. In fact, your bones
are made of calcium. Dairy products, like milk and cheese, are a good source of
calcium. Record the amount (% DV) of calcium in Table 1.
Note: % DV is the percent daily value. The meaning of this value is explained on the
next page.
9. Iron. Iron is a type of mineral. It is important to carry oxygen in the blood.It
helps to keep your body energized. Record the amount (%DV) of iron inTable 1.

1. Compare and contrast the nutrients in one milk chocolate and one dark
chocolate candy bar. Check which candy bar provides a better source of each
nutrient. Pay attention to the amount and type of nutrient. For example, it’s better
to have MORE calcium but LESS fat.

2. Based on your observations, determine which candy bar is better for you.
Explain why you believe dark chocolate or milk chocolate is better for you.

3. Answer the conclusion questions.


%DV = Percent Daily Value

Percent Daily Value is a guide to the nutrients in one serving of food. For example,
if the label says 18% for fat, one serving will give you 18% of the fat you should
consume in one day.

Percent Daily Value is based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Most healthy and moderately
active teenagers and adults should consume 2,000 calories a day. Your daily values
may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Your calorie needs
depend on your age, gender and physical activity.

Nutritional information is for a Hershey™ Special Dark Chocolate and Milk

Chocolate Candy Bar. Information obtained from
Table 1

Dark Better Milk Better

Chocolate source? Chocolate source?

Calories 190 No 210 Yes

Total Fat 12 Yes 13 No


Cholesterol 5 Yes 10 No

Sodium 15 Yes 35 No

Total Carbs 25 No 26 Yes


Fiber 3 Yes 1 No

Sugars 21 Yes 24 No

Protein 2 No 3 Yes

Vitamins 0 N/A 0 N/A


Calcium 0 No 8 Yes

Iron 10 Yes 2 No

Summary Questions

1. Was your prediction correct? Why or why not?

Correct, because I have the correct information and because dark chocolate
has better characteristics than milk chocolate (nutrimental information).

2. What makes milk chocolate better than dark chocolate?

Maybe, milk chocolate is better than dark chocolate for the calories and the
energy that it can make.

3. What makes dark chocolate better than milk chocolate?

Dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate, because it helps our circulatory
system and the memorie: Too, it has less fat and more healthy things.

4. Do you think it is healthy to only eat chocolate in a single day? Why?

No, because chocolate does not have other nutrients that we need.

5. What are healthier alternatives to chocolate for a sweet snack or gift?

The healthier alternative is a fruit or vegetables with an saborzinte or salse.

6. EXTRA CREDIT: Based on your personal calorie diet, what is the daily percent
value of calories for the dark chocolate and milk chocolate bar? Show your work.
Dark chocolate:8.8%
Milk chocolate: 9.8%

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