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Digestive System

Salivary glands
Produce saliva. Saliva contains an
enzyme that begins chemical
Mouth (teeth and tongue). digestion of starch into glucose.
Teeth break food into smaller pieces
(mechanical digestion).
Saliva moistens food and begins starch Long muscular tube linking mouth
digestion with enzymes (amylase). and stomach.
Tongue rolls food into a ball and pushes
Uses peristalsis to move food
it into the oesophagus. along.

Churns up food (mechanical
Liver digestion). Produces gastric juice
Produces bile that is used for which kills bacteria (stomach
mechanical digestion of fats/oils. acid) and chemically digests
proteins (enzymes).
Gall bladder Pancreas
Stores bile. Produces pancreatic juice
(containing enzymes) that digest
Duodenum carbohydrates, fats/oils and
Bile and pancreatic juice enter proteins.
and digest food into small
substances. Small intestine
Digested food is absorbed into the
Large intestine body (amino acids, glucose, fatty
Water, vitamins and minerals are acids and glycerol).
absorbed into the body.

Anus Stores faeces (waste)
Expels faeces (waste) from the

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