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Title: "Maritime Sustainability: Navigating Complex Challenges and Ecological Footprints"

This proposed chapter explores the intricate relationship between maritime activities and sustainability,
focusing on ethno-economics and sustainable economics, encompassing vital ethical dimensions. It
addresses sustainability issues by shedding light on the complexities of maritime challenges and
introducing innovative projects aimed at reducing ecological footprints. Through the presentation of case
studies, best practices, and theoretical frameworks, the chapter offers valuable insights and actionable
solutions to address the ecological footprint of the maritime industry. The suggested chapter will
significantly contribute to the book "Ethno-economics and Sustainable Economics as Ecological
Footprint," fostering a holistic understanding of sustainability challenges and promoting cross-disciplinary
collaboration. Key themes for the chapter:
Sustainable Resource Management in the Maritime Industry: This section delves into the economic,
social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable resource management in the maritime industry.
Specifically, it examines the management of natural resources in fisheries, shipping, and offshore energy
production. The section focuses on sustainable approaches, the conservation of marine biodiversity, and
the protection of ecosystems.
Blue economy and circularity: This section will examine innovative approaches to waste reduction,
recycling, and utilization of resources in maritime operations, specifically in areas like port management
and shipbuilding. The main focus will be on the concept of a circular economy.
Sustainable Maritime Transportation and Logistics: This section will examine the strategies employed
to address the challenges associated with decarbonization and efficiency in maritime transportation.
Specifically, it will focus on implementing clean technologies, alternative fuels, and optimized logistics
systems to mitigate the environmental impact of shipping.
Ethical considerations and local impacts in the maritime industry: This section provides an in-depth
discussion, exploring maritime ethno-economics, shedding light on issues involving labor, ecosystems,
and local responsibilities. For example, wealthy maritime nations benefit economically from shipping,
while developing nations often face the environmental consequences of shipbreaking, creating an ethical
dilemma. These effects extend to local environments, fisheries, and economies, emphasizing the
connection between economic processes, community well-being, and ethno-economics. Moreover,
Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs) highlight the delicate balance between marine growth and
protecting local environments and communities.

Dr. Serkan Karakas

Affiliation/Institution: Logistics Management/Faculty of Applied Sciences/Istanbul Bilgi University
Contact details: (primary); (secondary)
Mobile: +90 5423811169
Dr. Mehmet Kirmizi
Affiliation/Institution: Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences/Piri Reis University
Contact details:

Prof. A. Zafer Acar

Affiliation/Institution: Logistics Management/Faculty of Applied Sciences/Istanbul Bilgi University
Contact details:

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