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African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies

VOL.3, May-August, 2021



OBIAKOR, Mariagoretti Ijeoma

Department of Educational Management and Policy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Anambra State. Phone: 07063842753

The objective of this study is to determine the impact of inflation and economic recession on education of
Secondary School Students in Oji River Educational Zone of Enugu State. The research adopted survey
method. The research design for the study was survey. A close-ended questionnaire was used as the
instrument of study. This instrument was validated by two experts. The test re-test method was used to test
for the reliability of the instrument. The population includes 1786 teachers from secondary schools in the
area, out of which a sample size of 360 (5%) was drawn at random. The mean statistic was employed as
the method of data analysis. The mean statistic was adopted as the method of data analysis. Findings
revealed that economic recession has caused unemployment, lower wage, high taxation, budget deficit,
rising bond yields and untold hardship on the people to a great extent and propel Poor quality and
ineffective teaching in secondary schools to a great extent, and; government failure to respond to cry of
the masses to a great extent. The study recommended that government funding of the education sector
should be increased by encouraging the government to always enact long lasting policies and stand firm
in staging war against corruption, government need for the employment of qualified teachers who are
knowledgeable in different areas to teach in our secondary schools.

Keywords: Inflation, Economic Recession, and Impact of Economic Recession on Education in Nigeria

Introduction inflation rate due to the devaluation of the

It is the dream of every country whether nation’s currency, loss of job, exorbitant
developed or underdeveloped to experience even taxation and negligence on education on the site
development in the standard of living of its of the government where meager percentage is
citizenry. This development encapsulates all allocated to education in yearly budgets. The
facets of human endeavours. However, the education system is part of the general macro-
development hubs around the economy sector of economy hence whatever happens in the system
such country. Moreover, the truth cannot be far- will definitely have an effect on the schools. The
fetched as in the sectors being it the health, education system cannot compromise standards
agricultural, technology, education, social, and quality on the account of poor funding.
amongst others, depend highly on the economy Most institutions in Nigeria are confronting
sector for their survival. This is to say, when the economic constraints and this slows down the
economic sector fails, all other sectors follow speed of achieving the institutions’ activities.
suit. So, economic recession must be frowned at. Since the funding of education is solely external
at most levels (public or government schools)
As a result, both institutions and employees are mostly affected with the economic hardship.
experience hardship during this period of Devanshi (2016).
economic compress as they experience high
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

In Nigeria, formal public education is regarded (9) years of basic education (Nziramasanga,
as a birthright for every child. Most Nigerians, 2009).
and indeed, all progressive nations; generally
believe that good education is the gateway to The massive expansion at secondary school
success and the cornerstone of social level resulted in marked shortages of qualified
emancipation, economic achievement and teachers and learning space. Primary trained
national development. It can also be empirically experienced teachers were engaged to teach
argued that, failure to provide relevant and lower secondary school classes (Jansen, 1991).
adequate educational opportunities to blacks by Foreign teachers were recruited to argument in
the successive colonial governments was one of the teaching of key subjects such as
the major reasons that fueled the protracted Mathematics, Science, Technical and Practical
armed struggle. The pre-independence era was subjects. Centrally located primary schools, or
characterized by discriminatory policies which part of their sections, were converted to become
marginalized and disadvantaged learners on the upper-tops for use by secondary school learners
basis of their race, colour or creed (Chung, where there was no secondary school in close
2016). Provision of education for the majority of proximity. The central objective of
the population remained low at both the primary macroeconomic policies is to foster economic
and secondary school levels. There were growth and to keep inflation on a low level. The
bottlenecks throughout the system. word inflation rings bell in the market
economics of the world. It is a problem that
In 1980, there was a deliberate policy shift to threatens all economics because of its
address the imbalances in the education undesirable effects. The problem of inflation
provision. The government acknowledged that surely is not a new phenomenon. It has been
education was the key to socio-economic major problem of the country over the years.
development and political transformation. It also Inflation is a household word in many market
acknowledged that education was a basic human oriented economics. Although, several people,
right which played a pivotal role in combating producers, consumers, professionals, non-
ignorance, disease, crime and poverty. The first professional, trade unionists, workers and the
fifteen years of Nigeria’ political independence likes, talk frequently about inflation particularly
witnessed an unprecedented expansion of the if the affection has assumed a habitual character
education system. The seven year primary yet only selected few mechanisms and
school education cycle had more than 100% consequences of inflation (Omoke, 2010).
gross enrolment because of the over-aged
learners who had missed going to school There s a high level consensus among many
because of war disturbances (Chivore, 2015). economist, central bankers, policy makers and
The six year cycle of secondary school sector practitioners that one of the fundamental
experienced the widest expansion as bottlenecks objective of macroeconomic policies in both the
were removed and all primary school Grade 6 developed and developing economics is to
graduands were able to register in JSS One sustain high economic growth together with low,
classes. There was a near 90% transition rate one-digit inflation (meaning that inflation is very
from Grade Six to Form One (Chivore, 2015). low). This is because a high level of inflation
There was automatic progression from JSS One disrupts the smooth functioning of a market
to JSS Three, which constitutes a total of nine economy (Kingman, 1998). The right to
education has been enshrined in a number of

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

international treaties and is regarded as a Related Literature

fundamental social, economic and cultural right. The review of related literature was discussed
Access to education particularly schooling is a under the following headings, the conceptual
mechanism through which all people can framework, the theoretical framework, empirical
integrate into mainstream society and a means framework and the summary of related
through which they can exercise social, framework
economic and cultural rights. Concept of Inflation
Inflation is one of the most frequently used
Problem Statement terms in economic discussions, yet the concept
According to Christies (2011) education is variously misconstrued. There are various
produces knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. schools of thought on inflation, but there is a
It is essential for civic order and citizenship and consensus among economists that inflation is a
for sustainable economic growth and the continuous rise in the prices. Simply put,
reduction of poverty. Education is also about inflation depicts an economic situation where
culture; it is the main vehicle for disseminating there is a general rise in the prices of goods and
the accomplishments of a group of people. It services, continuously. It could be defined as a
encompasses general skills such as language, continuing rise in prices as measured by an
science, mathematics and communication that index such as the consumer price index (CPI) or
provide the foundation for further education and by the implicit price deflator for Gross National
training. Education also includes the Product (GNP). Inflation is frequently described
development of values and attitudes necessary as a state where “too much money is chasing too
for meaningful contribution and participation in few goods”. When there is inflation, the
civic life. These multiple purpose makes currency losses purchasing power.
education a key area for human rights in all
countries. In fact, the right to education is The purchasing power of a given amount of
accepted internationally and enshrined in major naira will be smaller over time when there is
international conventions and many national inflation in the economy. For instance, assuming
constitutions including our own (Nigeria’) that N10.00 can purchase 10 shirts in the current
constitution. It therefore, becomes a very period, if the price of shirts double in the next
disturbing phenomenon, to observe that period, the some N10.00 can afford 5 shirts. In
Nigeria’s education standards are falling down the definition of inflation, two must be borne in
at an alarming rate, thereby, negating the noble mind. First, is aggregate, which implies that the
objectives of this service (education). It is a fact rise that constitutes inflation must cover the
that a multiplicity of factors contributed to this entire basket of goods in the economy as distinct
deterioration of standards. However, it is this from an isolated rise in the prices of a single
writer’s contention that the economic meltdown commodity or group of commodities? The
the country was experiencing was the main implication here is that changes in the individual
cause of falling standards in the education prices or any combination of prices cannot be
sector. considered as the occurrence of inflation.
Research Questions However, a situation may arise such that a
To what extent has the economic meltdown in change in an individual price could cause the
Nigeria led to fallen standard of education in other prices to rise. An example is petroleum
Oji-River Education Zone? product prices in Nigeria. This again does not
signal inflation unless the price adjustment in

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

the basket is such that the aggregate price level Basically, two causes of inflation have been
is induced to rise. Second, the rise in the identified, namely, demand-up and costs push
aggregate level of prices must be continuous for inflation.
inflation to be said to have occurred. The i. Demand-pull inflation is caused by an
aggregate price level must show a tendency of a increase in the conditions of demand;
sustained and continuous rise over different time these could either be an increase in the
periods. This must be separated from a situation ability to buy goods or an increase in the
of one off rise in the price level. willingness to do so.
ii. Cost – push inflation arises from
Types of Inflation in Nigeria anything that causes the conditions of
Broadly speaking, inflation can be grouped into supply to decrease. Some of these
four types according to its magnitude. factors include a rise in the cost of
1. Creeping inflation: This occurs when the production, an increase in government
rise in price is very slow. A sustained annual taxation and a decrease in quantity of
rise in prices of less than 3 percent per foods produced.
annum falls under this category. Such an
increase in prices is regarded safe and Inflation on Economic Growth of Nigeria
essential for economic growth. Tobin, another neoclassical economist, (1965)
2. Walking inflation: This occurs when prices developed mundell’s model further by following
rise moderately and annual inflation rate is a Solow (2016) and Swan (2016) in making
single digit. This happens when the rate of money a store of value in the economy.
rise in prices is in the intermediate range of Individuals in this model, substitute current
3 to less than 10 percent. Inflation of this consumption for future consumption by either
rate is a warning signal for the government holding money or acquiring capital. Under this
to control it before it turns into running setup, individuals maintain precautionary
inflation. balances, in spite of capital offering a higher rate
3. Running inflation: When prices rise rapidly of return. Quite simply, the Tobin effect
at the rate of 10 to 20 percent per annum, it suggests that inflation causes individuals to
is called running inflation. This type of substitute out of money and into interest earning
inflation has tremendous adverse effects on assets, which leads to greater capital intensity
the poor and middle class its control and promotes a positive relationship to
required strong monetary and fiscal economic growth.
measures. Tobin (1972) also argued that because of the
4. Hyper inflation: Hyper inflation occurs downward rigidity of prices (including wages),
when prices rises very fast at double or triple the adjustment in relative prices during
digit rates. This could get to a situation economic growth could be better achieved by
where the inflation rate can no longer be the upward price movement of some individual
measurable and absolutely uncontrollable prices.At this juncture, it is important to discuss
prices could rise many times everyday. Such the role of money in the neoclassical economy to
a situation brings a total collapse of the appropriately understand subsequent
monetary system because of the continuous literature.Sidrauski (2017) proposed the next
fall in the purchasing power of money. major development, which his seminal work on
the context of an infinitely lived representative
agent model where money is supernatural super

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

neutrality, as mentioned earlier, holds when real affect only prices. However, if it is upward
variables, including the growth rate of output, sloping changes in AD affect both prices, and
are independent of the growth rate in the money output, Dornbusch, et al, (2015). This holds with
supply in the long-run. The main result in the fact that many factors drive the inflation rate
Sidraushi’s economy is that an increase in the and the level of output in the short-run. These
inflation rate does not affect the steady state includes changes in expectations, labour force,
capital stock. As such, neither output nor prices of other factors of production, fiscal
economic growth is affected. and /or monetary policy.
Stockman (2011) developed a model in which an In moving from the short-run to the hypothetical
increase in the inflation rate results in a lower long-run, the above mentioned factors and its
steady state level of output and people’s welfare shock on the steady state of the economy are
declines. In stockman’s model, money is a assumed to balance out. In this steady state
compliment to capital, accounting for a negative situation, nothing is changing, as the name
relationship between the steady-state level of suggests. The dynamic adjustment of the short-
output and the inflation rate. Stockman’s insight run AD and AS curve yields an adjustment path
is prompted by the fact that firms put up some which exhibits an initial positive relationship
cash in financing their investment projects. between inflation and growth, however, turns
Sometimes, the cash is directly part of the negative towards the later part of the adjustment
financing package, whereas other times, banks path.
require compensating balances. Stockman Therefore, even if the prices of goods in the
models this cash investment as a cash-in- economy have increase, output would not
advance restriction on both consumption and decline, as the producer has to fulfill the demand
capital purchases. Since inflation erodes the of the consumer with whom the agreement was
purchasing power of money balances, people made. The aggregate supply-aggregate demand
reduce their purchases of both cash goods and (AS-AD) framework also postulated a positive
capital when the inflation rate rises. relationship between inflation growth whereas
Correspondingly, the steady-state level of output growth increased, so did inflation the 1970’s
falls in response to an increase in the inflation however, the concept of stag inflation gained
rate. This theoretical review demonstrates that permanence, and the validity of the positive
models in the Neo-classical framework can yield relationship was questioned. Widely accepted at
very different results with regards to inflation that time, the Philips curve relationship had
and growth. An increase in inflation can result in appeared to not hold. This was evidenced by
higher output (Tobin Effect) or lower output periods of low or negative output growth, and
(stockman effect or no change in output inflation rates that were historically high. During
(Sidecuski). this period, prices rose sharply, while the
Implication of Inflation on Economic Growth economics around the world experienced
The traditional Keynesian model comprises of massive unemployment.
the Aggregate demand (AD) and Aggregate Economic Recession
Supply (AS) curves, which aptly illustrates the There is no certified definition of recession, but
inflation growth relation sip. According to this there is general understanding that the term
model, in the short run, the (AS) curve is refers to a period of decline in economic
upward sloping rather than vertical, which is its activity. Very short periods of decline are not
critical features. If the AS curve is vertical. considered recessions.
Changes on the demand side of the economy

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

The NBER defines a recession more broadly as Nigeria (CBN) is doing little or nothing to
‘a significant decline in economic activity salvage the situation.
spread across the economy, lasting more than a c. Poor fiscal powers: unending poor
few months, normally visible in real GDP implementation of set programmes that
growth, real personal income, employment, have to do with economic development,
industrial production, and wholesale-retail and even when steps are taken, corruption
sales. A recession begins when the economy takes the day at the detriment of the less
reaches a peak of activity and ends when the privilege where perpetrators go scot free.
economy reaches its trough." (IMF 2009). d. Rising in oil price: though this is global
From the above definition, Emmauel (2016), issue, but the Nigerian government has
judges that, “Nigeria is experiencing economic failed to save for the rainy days. This has
recession currently, since her first and second also post a problem to the economy.
quarters growth in 2016 are -0.36% and - e. Bursting of housing: only a few Nigerians
1.5%”. Benjamin (2017), also sees recession as can burst of where to put their heads and
a phase of economic cycle which occurs after even if there is any, majority live in
two consecutive quarters of negative growth. overcrowded apartments besides
This exhibits low output and investment, dilapidated structures with very poor social
abnormal increases in unemployment due to amenities.
massive retrenchment, falls in the availability of National Bureau of Economy Research (NBER)
credit facilities, fluctuation in exchange market gives inflation as the main cause of recession.
(instability in exchange rate), illiquidity and Inflation refers to general rise in the prices of
downsizing and dismiss as well as reduced goods and services over a period of time. This
amount of trade and commerce. From the above, can be said to lead to recession.
economic recession can simply mean economic Unemployment rate rises because companies lay
condense. off workers to cut costs. When combined with
inflation according to NBER, leads to economy
Causes of Economic Recession recession.
Chad B, in business news daily of November Effects of Economic Recession
29th, 2012 gives the following as the causes of Telvan (2012: p, 1-4) gives the following as the
economic recession; war, high interest rates, effects of economic recession:
poor fiscal powers, rising in oil prices and i. Unemployment: A fall in GDP will
bursting of housing. Thus: cause a rise in unemployment. Some
a. War: in a country like Nigeria, the firms will go bankrupt. Meaning most
religious war (Boko Haram insurgency), workers will lose their jobs.
tribal wars, Niger Delta restiveness, ii. Lower wages: firms will also try to
kidnapping, are some of the related issues reduce costs by keeping wages low.
to war that affect the country’s economic Many workers will see substantial fall in
growth in Nigeria. effective income.
b. High interest rates: most banks in Nigeria iii. Government spending: Rising
charge exorbitant interest rates of double government’s spending on welfare
digits (26-27%), this discourages payments, such as unemployment
investment in the country especially the benefits and income support.
foreign investors. The Central Bank of iv. Budget deficit: because of falling in tax
revenue and rising welfare payments

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

(automatic fiscal stabilizer) a recession of TSA (treasury single account), which leads to
tends to cause an increase in the budget shortfalls in the payments of teachers/lecturers
deficit and total government debt. salaries, non-payment of annual increment and
v. Taxation; government will see a fall in accumulated promotion arrears for many years,
tax revenue as a result of a recession poor infrastructure, among other factors would
since most companies will fold up and definitely cause a lot of harm to the sector.
most workers will be dismissed. For this reason, majority of parents and
vi. Rising bond yield: usually, during stakeholders are afraid of poor quality delivery
recession, government bond yields will services in this sector as majority of them cannot
fall. afford their children’s school fees. Most
especially those parents whose wards attend
And also, Enejeta (2016) gives the following as private schools are left with no option than to
the effects of economic recession on common withdraw them to public schools. But are the
man: public schools safe or better?
i. Job loss: this affects the stability of Shafiq (2010: p, 4) opines that; “research on
families and individuals, with school quality in developing countries is
unemployment rates running extremely challenging because formal data collection
high during a recession period, family and initiatives on schools are typically infrequent.”
individuals will always struggle to find This is a fact about Nigeria because millions of
jobs no matter how menial to pay bills. children roam the streets during school hours
ii. Lifestyles change; reduced incomes leads and both government and parents give little
to reduce entertainment, dining and attention because they can’t cater for the
extracurricular activities. At this period, academic needs of these innocent children.
most people will always go for cheaper UNESCO (2009; p 1-7) gives the following as
substitutes from expensive to less some of the effects;
expensive ways of living. 1. Education financing: prior to the financial
iii. Credit and debts: many strive hard to get crisis or economic recession has really
off debt thereby collecting loans and affected the educational sector. This is
credits to offset bills, for instance, leading because, money gotten from the economy
to bankruptcy. is supposed to be channelled to the
Looking at the two authors assertive on the development of the education, but owing to
effects of economic recession, one can boldly economic recession, the money needed in
say that the effects of recession leads to the educational sector is diverted to other
unemployment, debt, budget deficit, low sectors.
taxation, lower wages, and reduced lifestyles, 2. Employment trends in the educational
fall in government bond yield, increase in sector; number of teachers reduces due to
government spending. In all these, its effects on economic recession.
education cannot be ignored. 3. Changes in migration and mobility pattern:
Impact of Economic Recession on Education teacher migration has become an increasing
in Nigeria feature of cross-border flows of highly
It is unfortunate that the educational system in skilled professional workers during
Nigeria is not left out of the heat of the economic recession. This will definitely
economic recession especially when government lead to brain drain; it is very glaring today
owned institutions are shielded under the guise in Nigeria where teachers migrate to

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

neighbouring countries for better offered education curriculum delivery and massive
jobs. retrenchment in schools especially private ones
4. Changes in other benefits (pension, health, where parents cannot afford payment. Poor
other social protection concerns have been learning environment as it is not conducive due
expressed that social security programmes schools underfunding. Undoubtedly, lack of
including the sustainability of education funds stands out as the number one problem in
sector pension funds, would be negatively teaching and learning. In view of this, most
affected by economic recession institutions are left with no option rather than to
5. Others may include: corruption, over source for funds to maximize whatever has been
dependency on oil, laziness, poor given.
implementation of agricultural
programmes, poor leadership, just to
mention a few, are some of the lingering Research Method
factors. The research design adopted for the study was
Education and Training Responses to survey design. In this design, questionnaire is
Financial Constraints According to Samoff used to elicit information from different
(1994) several responses to financial constraints individuals on a particular issue relating to the
are possible: population. This survey design was adopted
 To cut or reduce spending either across because the data collected from a few members
all expenditure categories or selectively; of the population is used to generalize and make
affecting some activities more than reference to the population. This method is easy
others; access to and quality of and cheap to conduct. The survey study was
education services are likely to decline. carried out in Oji River Educational zone. The
 Expenditure reduction has taken many Oji River educational zone is made up of all the
forms e.g. reduction in spending on Secondary Schools in Oji River Local
supplies and stationery – reduced Government Area of Enugu State. The
expenditure on instructional personnel, population of the study was selected from all the
generally the largest portion of the teachers in twenty-six (26) public secondary
education budget. schools in the Enugu Educational Zone. This
 Least common has been an absolute figure was put at one thousand seven hundred
reduction in teachers’ salaries. Most and eighty-six (1786) according to the figures
common has been a freeze on teachers’ obtained by the researcher from the Research
salaries, effectively reducing them and Statistics Department of the Post-Primary
through inflation. Schools Management Board (PPSMB) Enugu in
Furthermore, it is pertinent to note that January 2016. Using a simple random sampling
economic crisis has drastically affected the technique, the researcher selected thirty (30)
education sector. Parents/guardian and teachers teachers each of the twelve (12) schools in the
have their purchasing power dropped and as a local government area under the zone. Thirty
result, it has affected the purchase of books and teachers were selected at random without bias
educational materials and the exodus of learners from each of the schools to arrive at a sample of
from more expensive schools to less expensive 360 teachers. This represents about 5% percent
ones since parents can no longer afford it. There of the parent population. The instrument used
is also the reduction in recruitment of teachers for data collection is questionnaire designed by
and other personnel needed for effective the researcher. The questionnaire was made of

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

two sections; section A and section B. Section A A pilot study was conducted in two towns
is made up of personal data of the respondent located in two villages (Akwuke and Amechi-
while Section B contained the (12) twelve Awkunanaw) located in Enugu South L.G.A
question items that are used to answer the which were not part of the sample used in the
research questions. The respondents were study. Fifteen (15) students were selected as
required to respond to a four-point Likert scale respondents. The researcher after doled out the
of Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree questionnaires to the respondents in order to
(D), Strongly Disagree (SD). The question items elicit their responses on two different occasions,
were designed in a close-ended form to ensure collected it from them, then, applied the Pearson
that individual or subjective opinions were correlation statistics to correlate the two sets of
avoided. The instrument after structuring were scores. The result yielded a coefficient index
arranged and submitted to three experts (two value of 0.85, indicating that the instrument is
lecturers in the school of educational reliable and reliable. Mean analysis method was
foundations and one lecturer in measurement used to analyze the question items in the
and evaluation) in Chukwuemeka Odimegwu questionnaire.
Ojukwu University Uli, Anambra State
(COOU). Advice, criticisms, re-arrangements Data Presentation
and corrections were given by these three In this chapter, data from the study were
experts, were considered in producing the final presented and analyzed, based on the research
copy of the instrument. For this purpose, the questions. Mean statistic was used to analyses
researcher carried employed a Test-Retest data collected through questionnaire. The
method. This method can be described as a criteria mean was 2.5.
system where a respondent who had completed a Research Question:
questionnaire previously was asked to do so at a To what extent has the economic meltdown in
later date, say after two weeks. After this, the Nigeria led to falling standard of education
two responses are compared using correlation system?

Table 1: Mean Response of extent has the economic meltdown in Nigeria led to falling Standard of
education system? N = 360
S/N Items Mean Decision

1. Due to inflation and economic recession in Nigeria students, 3.30 Agree

some parents cannot afford two square meal let alone paying their
children school fees.
2. Teacher’s truancy to school 3.39 Agree
3. Students fail external exams and engage in all sort of 3.40 Agree
4. Educational sector has been neglected 2.4 Disagreed
Grand Mean 3.36 Agree

Table 1 above shows the various responses inflation and economic recession affect
given by the respondents on the research education. All the mean responses were above
question seeking to determine the extent the threshold of 2.5, with the mean scores (3.30,

African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:
African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021

3.39, and 3.40) for question items 1 to 3 1. Long lasting policy should be made.
respectively. The results indicate that: Due to This is because recession is known to
inflation and economic recession in Nigeria last just within two successive quarters.
students some parents cannot afford 2 square So when there is long lasting policy on
meal let alone paying their children school fees. education, no matter the recession, its
Teacher’s truancy to school, Students fail impact would not be felt in the
external exams and engage in all sort of education sector.
malpractices. The grand mean was calculated as 2. Political stability; government is known
3.36, implying that economic meltdown and to be an institution, so, when there is
inflation in Nigeria led to falling standard of political instability, it affects the
education system. economy. Of course, the education
sector would not be left out. So political
stability matters.
3. Funding of the education sector should
be increased. No matter the problem, the
educational system should be well-
Summary of Findings funded to avoid unforeseen
In view of the result of the data investigation, circumstances like economic recession.
some interesting findings become revealing. 4. Corruption should be checked, hard
First, the response given to research question 1 work and good leadership should be
indicates that: Due to inflation and economic encouraged these would create room for
recession in Nigeria students some parents faster development.
cannot afford 2 square meal let alone paying
their children school fees. Teacher’s truancy to References
school, Students fail external exams and engage Aminu, U. and A.Z. Anono (2012). Effect of
in all sort of malpractices. This implies that Inflation on the Growth and
economic meltdown and inflation in Nigeria led Development of the Nigerian Economy
to falling standard (An Empirical Analysis). International
Journal of Business and Social Science.
Conclusion Vol.3, No. 10.
As education is said to be the bedrock of every Anochiwa, L.I. and Maduka, A. (2015). Inflation
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Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
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African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies
VOL.3, May-August, 2021
Impact Factor: SJIF 2020=5.536; SJIF 2021 = 5.57
Impact Factor URL:
Ranking URL:

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