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coming from something can feel like a curse,

and going somewhere else might involve a he(a)rse.
we’re taught to believe in lines between lives,
as if the best of what’s to come hasn’t already arrived.

tho many may fear year after year,

maybe there are better ways to seam what one holds dear.
and tho it may seem like life teems by chance,
i believe in forces beyond my first glance.
more likely than not, it’s an opportunity to dance!

rhythm breeds movement just as se(e)(a) tells where to land.

mending feeds improvement when we lend our hands.

yet we tend to create in ways we don’t realize,

then it blends so seamlessly
as most of us remain preoccupied with demise.

but you are more than most,

like a treasure island coast:
a very rare host
and a source of hope.
yes you show how bodies are telescopes,
a way to see souls from afar—
like a sandbar offers safety in the face of raging waves.

because of you i’m sure that birth is not a curse.

because of you i walk this earth with trust in what it’s worth.

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