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Submitted on 24/10/2023

1) Discuss ways of managing learner in class during instructions.Refer to specific theory of learning.

Learner management is a process which teachers use to ensure that learning run smoothly without
disruptive behaviour from students comprising the delivery of instruction.There are various theories of
learning which a teacher can use for effective management of learners in class instruction.The theories
include: behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism ,humanism and connectivism.

The theories can be applied in various ways in learners management.For instance:

(a).Behaviorism: John Watson is the father of this theory.The theory emphasizes the role of external
stimuli in shaping behaviour.To manage the learners in a classroom using this theory teachers can use
techniques such as positive reinforcement , negative reinforcement and modelling to encourage desired
behaviour and promote positive learning environment.For instance teachers can give students point of
token for good behaviour and take away points for bad behaviour.

(b). Cognitive:The father of this theory is Jean Piaget.The theory emphasizes on role of mental process
such as attention , perception memory and problem solving in shaping behaviour.To manage a learner in
a classroom using this theory teachers can incorporate activities that promote critical thinking and
problem solving skills.Teachers can do this by asking open ended questions that encourage students to
think deeply.Also a teacher can ask students to justify and explain their thinking.

(C). Humanism:, This theory posits that learning is individualized;it's a self directed process that involves
personal growth ,self actualization and self discovery.Teachers can apply this in learner management in
a way that,he or she provides an opportunity for self reflection and assessment.A teacher can ask
students to set their own goals and evaluate the progress.

(d): Constructivism:This theory suggests learning is an active process in which learners construct new
knowledge based on their prior experiences.Teachers can apply this in learner management by
providing opportunities for students to work collaboratively and share ideas.For instance the group
work and discussions.

(e) Connectivism.It suggests learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information

sources.To manage learners in a classroom using this theory teachers can use technology to create
networked learning environment that allow students to connect each other and experts in the field. For
instance use of online discussion forum.

Inconclusion the learning theories can eqquip a teacher with various strategies of the learners
management which are of great importance .A teacher can model both a learner and the environment
for smooth learning and delivery of instruction.

2.(a)Discuss the forms of instructional evaluation showing merit and demerits

Instructional evaluation is objectively examining your progress towards your learning objectives for your
students.One collects data through different forms of assessment and then evaluate the strategies you
used to teach your students.It also involves assessment of student's performance, teacher's
performance and strategies of teaching.

Instructional evaluation include: summative evaluation,formative evaluation and diagnostic evaluation.

(a) Summative evaluation:It is a type of evaluation that occurs at the end of a learning period or
program.It asses students learning and whether they established learning goals . Examples of
summative evaluation include;end of unit or chapter test,end of term or semester exams.

There are various merits of summative evaluation which includes;

First, Summative evaluation helps the teachers and the institution as a whole to know the overall
performance of the students covered in the evaluation.Without it,they would not know if the course
outcomes established in the start of the semester were reached.

On the other hand summative evaluation motivates the students to study and pay closer
attention.Summative evaluation are incredible source of motivation to put more effort into their studies
for the sake of success.

Summative evaluation also measures overall learning outcomes ,provides a summary of student
achievement useful for grading and certification.

However the summative evaluation has some demerits also which include:

Summative evaluation does not provide information for correcting errors.It does not reveal the reason
for mistakes made by a student.That is it is impossible to find out why a student did not answer
particular questions.

Summative evaluation may also promote cheating due to high stakes nature of evaluation.Also due to
the urge of students to succeed ,to be graded and certified.

It time consuming and expensive due to high quality test instruments .

(b)Formative evaluation:It's a type of evaluation that assess the development or progress of a project or
program to improve its effectiveness.It is done dur6 the development process to provide feedback and
make necessary changes before final product is released.Example of formative evaluation include
drawing a concept map in class to represent understanding of a certain topic.

Formative evaluation has some merits which include:

It provides quick feedback based on conflict management and resolution to work capacity.It helps to
find out why a program doesn't work.Through this solutions will be provided.

It has low stake nature of evaluation which prevents motivation for student teaching.This enhance
honesty among students which is a great and important virtue.

Promotes active reflection on the effectiveness of instructions since the students are actively
engaged.Through this teachers and students are encouraged to work together towards achievement.

However it also has demerits which include

It maybe difficulty to measure how best to do it with groups of students who may be at different stages
of development.

It's time consuming for instructors to provide effective feedback regarding the assessment.

There is intensive dedication required since there is need of continuous feedback for one to know the
progress and effectiveness of the program.

(C) Diagnostic evaluation:It's an evaluation done to discover the student's difficulties while learning and
asses the problem accurately.Its performed to disclose weakness and strengths.Examples of this
evaluation include mind maps

The merits of diagnostic evaluation include:

It provides insights to educators to create customised education. It can help instructors adjust content
and activities to encourage more effective learning.

It indicates the students prior knowledge .The knowledge the student had before and it's applicable.

The demerits include

If the instructor lack commitment,then you will not get the best results from the process .This evaluation
needs a lot of time and dedication for its effectiveness.

It's time consuming .This is due to the dedication required.

Requires special training in order to be administered and scored reliably.

In conclusion the instructional evaluation helps one to know the progress towards learning objectives
and outcomes .

(b) Discuss forms and types of evaluation showing their applicability to instruction.

Evaluation is a systematic process of collecting , analysis and interpreting information to determine the
extent to which pupils have achieved instructional objectives.Examples of evaluation include:
summative, formative, diagnostic and need evaluation.

(a) Summative evaluation: It's conducted at the end of an instructional period to asses the overall
learning outcomes.Its applicable in determining the effectiveness of a program and make decisions such
as grading and certification.It helps the instructor to know whether there is an achievement of the
objectives of the program.

(b) Formative evaluation:It's conducted to evaluate the progress of a project or program to improve its
effectiveness.It is mostly applicable in improving the instruction and learning progress through provision
of feedback to the learners and instructors.It provides quick feedback based on conflict management
and resolution work capacity.

(C) Diagnostic evaluation:It's done to discover the students difficulties while learning and asses their
problems accurately.Its applicable in that it identifies specific areas of strengths and weakness in
learner's knowledge and skills helping instructors tailor instructional strategies to individual needs.

(d)Need evaluation:This type of evaluation is applicable in the instruction in that it's conducted before
implementing program to identify the specific needs of the target , ensuring that the instructional
content addresses relevant learning gaps.

(e) Summative Comparative evaluation:It compares the outcomes of different instructional approaches
or programs,aiding in the selection of most effective methods and informing future educational
3) Discuss Blooms'Taxonomy and it's relevance to formulation of instructional objectives

Blooms Taxonomy is a system of hierarchical models used to categorize learning objectives into varying
levels of complexity.They are classified into three levels cognitive,affective and pyschomotar.Cognitive
it's about thinking skills, affective is the emotional response while pyschomotar is the physical skills.

It's relevance into formulation of instructional objectives include:It classifies instructional objectives into
3 that is:

Cognitive domain: Include objectives related to the scale of knowledge and intellectual abilities or
skills.For instance knowledge , application, analysis and synthesis.

Affective domain:Includes objectives concerning learners changes in learners attitude ,interests ,values
and appreciations .e.g Responding, perceiving

Psychomotar domain: Concerned with use of sense organs to guide motor activities e.g physical set.

4.Describes the steps followed in setting an exam

I) Choose appropriate four types for your objectives. Depending on your learning objectives, you should
identify what item type or question style to deploy.

II) Highlight how the exam aligns with course objectives. It is important to ensure that the exam aligns
with the course objectives and it serves as a thorough review of the content.

III) Write instructions that are clear, explicit, unambiguous that are easy to understand and follow.

IV) Word questions clearly and simply to enhance easy understanding of the questions.

V) Have someone to review your exams and help identify any error or ambiguity.

VI) Consider time taken for completion of the exam and ensure there is enough time.

VII) Consider conducting an exam review exercise with students to identify areas or feedbacks and how
to improve in future.

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