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Half yearly syllabus

Class 2
English Literature
Unit - 3

A smile

The wind and the sun

Unit - 4


Storm in the Garden


Zoo manners

Funny Bunny

English Language
7- -ly Words

8 -Pronouns

9 - A, An, The

10 -Today and Yesterday

11- Is, Am, Are + ing

15- Short Forms

16 -WH-Family



Hindi Literature:

4.अधिक बलवान कौन

5. दोस्त की मदद

6. बहुत हुआ

7. मे री धकताब

Hindi Language:

5. संज्ञा
6. धलं ग
7. वचन
8. सववनाम
13. समान अर्व वाले शब्द

Maths Syllabus for TERM-1

2-Numbers (100 to 500)

3-Addition (1 to 500)

4-Substraction (1 to 500)


6-More about Numbers (1 to 1000)

7-More about Addition (1 to 1000)


Lesson 2-Uses of a computer

Lesson 3-Learn to turn on and turn off the computer

Lesson 4-Working of a computer

General Knowledge :

Ch 5: Musical Instruments

Ch 6: Correct postures

Ch 7: Independence day

Ch 8: Healthy me

Ch 9: Facial expressions

Ch 10: Unique fruits

Ch 11: Bird world

Ch 12: Let’s celebrate

Ch 13: Who am I

Ch 14: Clean classroom

Ch 15: Good touch & bad touch




3.Save Water

Ch 3: Our Houses

Ch 4: Living & non-living things

Ch 5: Occupations in the neighbourhood

Ch 6: All about food(SEA)

Ch 7: Plants around us

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