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Cities are under pressure to stay habitable as the world's population grows more metropolitan.
In recent years, urban air quality has emerged as a major source of worry throughout the
world. As a result, to make a city smart and liveable, the air quality index must be regularly
monitored. In this research, we propose and construct an IoT-based air quality monitoring
system for smart cities. Smart gadgets access real-time data on air quality and analyse it to
determine the impact on city residents. The smart devices can measure the temperature,
humidity, carbon monoxide, LPG, smoke, and other harmful particulate matter levels in the
atmosphere, such as PM2.5 and PM10. The collected data is available internationally via an
Android application. Air quality monitoring is a procedure in which the quality of the air is
monitored, and based on the collected data, the public is informed about the quality of the air
they are inhaling. Air pollution causes major issues for people with respiratory ailments; thus,
it is vital to offer them a tool that both informs them about the pollution picture and warns
them about an imminent catastrophic condition. It is basic for them to avoid circumstances
where they may be exposed to contaminants, resulting in assaults that can be deadly at times.
This prior knowledge will go a long way toward assisting this target audience in minimizing
their exposure to pollutants and, thus, mitigating their exposure to pollutants' experience.
Aside from receiving a predicted alert, it provides the targeted stakeholders with a good
overview of the current pollution condition. This paper outlines the creation of a cloud based
IoT system for air quality monitoring that is available as a web interface and as an Android
app. The designed system combines sensors for nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, particulate
matter 10 micrometres or less in diameter (P.M. 10), temperature, and humidity to build a
wireless sensor node. An Android application has also been created that the user may install.
Once registered, the user may access the data through the application, which allows users to
view sensor data as well as the air quality index (AQI) and provides the registered user with
an alarm warning one day ahead of time about the likely number of pollutants as well as the

Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), DHT 11, Air Pollution Monitoring Sensors, Air Quality
Identification (AQI), Health Care P.M.10, Android Application, ThingSpeak Cloud, Database
Service, Telegram Alerts dashboard.



An embedded system is not always a separate block - very often it is physically built-in to the
device it is controlling. Software written for embedded systems is often called firmware and
is stored in read-only memory or flash convector chips rather than a disk drive. It often runs
with limited computer hardware resources: small or no keyboard, screen, and little memory.

There are now more mobile phone subscriptions than wired-line subscriptions. Technology
advancements are providing smaller and more cost-effective devices for integrating
computational processing and wireless communication. These embedded communications
devices will be integrated into applications ranging from homeland security to industry
automation and monitoring. They will also enable custom tailored engineering solutions,
creating a revolutionary way of disseminating and processing information.

Students are learning about embedded systems and wireless communications, but often do
not learn about these technologies in hands-on lab exercises. With new technologies and
devices come new business activities, and the need for employees with knowledge of these
areas will be in high demand. Unfortunately, there are few environments available for
development and classroom use, so students often miss out on learning about them.


Poor air quality is causing an increase in health concerns such as stroke, heart disease, lung
cancer, and respiratory disorders such as asthma. According to WHO statistics, air pollution
causes millions of early deaths globally each year. Poor air quality endangers the most
vulnerable members of society, including children, asthmatics, pregnant women, and the
elderly. Cities are under pressure to stay habitable as the world's population grows more

Urban air quality has become a major source of worry throughout the world. Governments all
around the globe are constructing smart cities to combat these issues. Real-time air quality
monitoring necessitates live data transfer between equipment through the internet. The
Arduino 3B is the basis of the system in Internet of Things (IoT)-based applications.
ThingSpeak collects data from various sensors via an embedded Wi-Fi module.

It is also in charge of sending the collected data to ThingSpeak, an open-source cloud

platform. When you sign in, a channel with a unique Channel ID is generated. The data may
be saved and accessed via the internet using hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP).

A good sensing and monitoring system is required to enable efficient IOT achievement for an
application. Machine to Machine communication allows the gadgets to communicate with
one another, and physical equipment to be controlled digitally. For example, in factories, a
device may be put that continuously monitors the operation of the installed machinery.
Sensors gather data and transfer it to a processing unit, which analyses it according to the
requirements and then sends processed data to the cloud platform.


The Internet of Things (IoT) can be connecting various types of objects like smart phones,
personal computer, and tablets to the internet. This paper presents an IoT operator which is
the mind of this design, and it controls the gadgets through the web. In an extremely brief
timeframe, the IoT specialist gets the client information as orders, which will be sent to
control the frameworks through Google.

Figure 1.1: IoT Objectives

Any man-made objects that can be assigned an IP address and it could transfer data
successfully over a network, the interaction through a network is called IoT. The internet
helps us to bring immediate solutions for many problems and able to connect from any of the
remote places. Cloud computing can be used in such case to implement the IoT infrastructure
that augmented with sensors and actuators to monitor and control "things" from anywhere.


Adafruit has developed a system called Adafruit which uses sensors to monitor the air
quality. The hardware architecture of this system consists of Node MCU and Smartphone.
Android OS has a built-in voice recognition feature named Google assistant which is used to
develop an application on the phone. This application converts the user trigger into text, then
it transmits that text message to node MCU through IFTTT website which is abbreviated as


Climate change is likely to be the defining environmental problem of the twenty first century.
The atmosphere already contains enough long-lived greenhouse gases to raise global
temperature by over 2°C (assuming a climate sensitivity of approximately 3°C). Clearly the
world is already close to a threshold level of climate change that could be considered

Urban air pollution is a substantial problem in most industrializing countries, and many are
actively seeking to improve air quality. Explicitly integrating climate change considerations
into air quality regulations can maximize the global, as well as the local, environmental
benefit. mitigating global warming by reducing concentrations of these pollutants promises
substantial co-benefits in terms of improved human health.

The potential for fast-track, inexpensive mitigation of global warming by targeting black
carbon and ozone emissions in industrializing countries is explored. It will also look at co-
benefits that such a strategy might have on human health, agriculture, and regional climate.
This paper will review the role played by black carbon and tropospheric ozone in global
radiative forcing.

2.1 Radiative Forcing

Figures in Table 1 show the changes in radiative forcing between the pre-industrial era and
2005 that can be attributed to emission of various warming agents. The IPCC estimates
forcing from black carbon at 0.44 Wm-2, making it the third most important anthropogenic
warming agent after carbon dioxide and methane. Tropospheric ozone is not included in table
1 because it is not emitted directly, but a quarter of the forcing from methane emissions
results from increasing ozone concentrations.

Black carbon absorbs radiation to warm the atmosphere and changes the albedo of snow and
ice to cause further warming. Falling snowflakes are effective at scavenging black carbon
particles out of the atmosphere, and concentrations have been found to vary from 10 – 50
parts per billion by weight (ppbw) in the Arctic to 100 – 300 ppbw in the French Alps.
Including this effect in climate models, Hansen and Nazarenko [7] estimate the radiative
forcing effect at 0.3 Wm-2 in the Northern Hemisphere. But other researchers suggest that the
“efficacy‟ of this forcing, relative to the same increase from CO2, is as much as 1.7.

Table 1. Figure 2. Change in radiative forcing due to anthropogenic emission of O3

precursors (VOCs, CO, NOx and CH4) is 0.39 Wm-2 [4] - the same amount of warming
caused by anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other
greenhouse gases.

Agent Emitted Net Change in Atmospheric Primary Sources

Radiative Forcing Lifetime
in 2005 due to
Emissions 1750 –
2005 (Wm-2)
CO2 1.56 Centuries- Fossil fuel burning, deforestation
Millennia and land use change, cement
CH4 0.86 12 years Landfills, natural gas leakage,
N2O 0.14 114 years Fertilizer use, livestock sector,
fossil fuel combustion.
CFC / HCFC 0.28 100 – 1000 Aerosols, cleaning products and
years refrigerants.
CO / VOC (O3 0.27 CO – months CO – incomplete fossil fuel
precursor) VOC – hours combustion; VOCs – petroleum
(O3 – days) production and consumption,
Black Carbon 0.44 – 0.9 1 week Fossil fuel combustion, biomass

Even though tropospheric ozone and black carbon are relatively short-lived pollutants, the
radiative effects of these warming agents are global. Although often considered a local air
pollutant, increasing studies are showing significant ozone transport across continents.
Similarly, modeling studies by Menon et al. indicate that black carbon emissions in India and
China produce warming around the world, with climatic effects in the Sahara and west and
central Canada. The radiative forcing of black carbon and tropospheric ozone relates to the
short atmospheric lifetime of these pollutants. For example, O3 pollution from east Asia can
be detected in western North America within 6 days and is thought to account for, on
average, 10% of the O3 concentration in California national parks [12,13]. Models also
suggest that O3 emissions from Asia and North America contribute substantially to O3
concentrations in Europe [14].

Figure 1. Green represents warming from emissions taking place between 2000 – 2050.
Adapted with black carbon emissions. Red represents warming caused by land use change,
methane, nitrous oxide, soot and tropospheric ozone.

Even if carbon dioxide emissions went to zero immediately, radiative forcing from CO2
would only decrease by 38 percent. A similar degree of control on black carbon and ozone-
precursor emissions would eliminate forcing from these pollutants. Ramanthan estimates that
reducing global black carbon emissions by a factor of five would offset the business-as-usual
increase in carbon dioxide for between ten and twenty years.

2.2. Co-Benefits of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone Mitigation

The World Health Organization estimates that 1.6 million people die each year from indoor
air pollution, making it the 8th most important health risk factor, responsible for 2.7 percent
of the global burden of disease. This burden is higher in developing countries, reaching 3.5
percent in India and more than 5 percent in poorer African countries such as Mali, Malawi,
and Rwanda. Indoor air pollution results principally from soot (black carbon) and dust
particles released during the burning of traditional biomass fuels such as wood or dung. An
additional 800,000 premature deaths are caused each year by urban air pollution, a principal
component of which is particulate matter (including black carbon) and tropospheric ozone.
This disease burden caused by air pollution has a quantifiable economic impact. Early
estimates indicate that the health effects of small particulate matter (PM2.5) in India and
China could be as high as 3.6 and 2.2 percent of GDP, respectively. Moreover, Sapadaro and
Rabl have compared the economic costs of different air pollutants and found that particulate
matter was the most damaging at between €160,000 and €2.2 million per ton ($215,000 to
$2.9 million). Although previously the link between tropospheric ozone and mortality risk
was unclear, recent studies have indicated that high ozone concentrations are linked with
mortality, and that even very low levels of ozone can cause an increase in mortality risk.
Ozone also causes economic losses by damaging crops and lowering agricultural yields.
Currently mean ozone levels in Asia reach 50 ppb during the spring and experimental studies
suggest that mean ozone concentrations between 30 – 45 ppb can cause losses of 10 – 40
percent in sensitive wheat, rice, and legumes cultivars. This compares to IPCC-projected
yield declines due to global warming of 2.5 – 10 percent by 2020 for parts of Asia. Economic
estimates of agricultural losses attributed to ozone are $5 billion for wheat, rice, corn and
soybeans in Japan, South Korea, and China. Under business-as-usual ozone emissions, these
losses will increase to over $8 billion by 2020.

Additional climate effects of black carbon stem from its role in contributing to regional
clouds of haze known as Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABCs). These are clouds of particulate
aerosols and pollutant gases that result from the burning of fossil fuels, biofuels, or biomass
in densely inhabited regions. They extend several kilometres into the troposphere and form
regional hotspots over polluted regions. ABC hotspots identified to date include East Asia,
South Asia, Southeast Asia, Southern Africa, and the Amazon Basin. Because they are made
up of many substances, ABCs have a complex effect on climate. For global average climate,
top-of-atmosphere (TOA) forcing is critical, and this is negative for ABCs. Regionally,
however, surface forcing, and atmospheric heating are more important because they are
factors of 3 – 10 times larger than the TOA forcing. Aerosols in the clouds scatter and reflect
incoming solar radiation, causing a reduction in solar irradiance (dimming) at the surface,
while black carbon particles in the clouds absorb radiation and heat the lower atmosphere.
These two effects cancel somewhat to give a smaller, negative TOA forcing. Observational
evidence of ABCs suggests black carbon heating is contributing as much as greenhouse gases
to regional warming over Asia [26], while dimming has decreased solar radiation at the
surface in India and China by 6 percent since pre-industrial times. These large climatic
effects have perturbed the regional climate, most notably through a southward shift in the
East Asian monsoon and a weakening of the South Asian monsoon that has decreased by 5 –
7 percent between 1950 and 2000. Modelling studies indicate that these changes cannot be
explained by greenhouse warming alone but require the surface dimming effect of ABCs. The
black carbon component of ABCs may play a dominant role in driving monsoonal shifts
because black carbon both dims the surface and warms the lower atmosphere, producing
strong effects on the vertical atmospheric temperature profile, evaporation, atmospheric
stability, and the strength of convection. Surface dimming also affects agricultural yields with
one study estimating that this haze effect‟ is depressing the optimal yield of 70 percent of the
crops grown in China by 5 – 30 percent. Black carbon in ABCs also appears to be
contributing substantially to the retreat of glaciers in the Himalayas, Hindu Kush, and Tibetan
Plateau. Ninety percent of glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau are currently in retreat and many
will disappear by 2060. Similarly, the IPCC estimates that many Himalayan glaciers will melt
by 2035. These glaciers feed rivers that affect 40 percent of the world’s population. River
systems particularly at risk because of their high dependence on glacial meltwater include the
Indus, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Yangtzee. Although increased temperatures in
the Himalayan region due to global warming are a factor in the glacial retreat, recent
evidence indicates that black carbon is also important. In addition to the surface albedo effect
(described in the previous section), black carbon in ABCs warms the atmosphere at the
elevated levels where mountain glaciers are present. Satellite data shows the Tibetan Plateau
surrounded by a blanket of ABC-haze suggesting the black carbon black carbon portion of
these clouds may be having a substantial warming effect on the region, probably equal in
magnitude to the warming effect of greenhouse gases. Finally, ozone abatement policies will
help to weaken the positive-feedback effect in which higher temperatures due to global
warming increase the rate of ozone production, which in turn damages forest ecosystems so
reducing the land carbon sink and resulting in accelerated CO2 build up in the atmosphere.
Ozone damages forest ecosystems by causing cellular damage within leaves resulting in
reduced net primary productivity and decreased carbon storage. Modelling studies indicate
that the indirect radiative forcing from this feedback effect in 2100 will be comparable to the
direct forcing from elevated O3 concentrations. Ozone abatement will therefore improve the
health of forest ecosystems while protecting the land carbon sink.

This section has highlighted damages resulting from black carbon and tropospheric ozone
independent of their effect on global radiative forcing. Perhaps the most important of these is
their adverse impacts on human health, particularly the disproportionate impact of black
carbon on the health of women and children through its contribution to indoor air pollution.
Other impacts include damage to agricultural crops and forest ecosystems, heating of
Himalayan glaciers causing declines in Asian water supply, and disruption of regional
climate by incorporation into Atmospheric Brown Clouds. These problems could all be
reduced through an integrated climate/air pollution policy strategy that focused on mitigating
black carbon and tropospheric ozone.

2.3 Abatement Technologies

Concentrating air pollution control on black carbon and tropospheric ozone is likely to yield
significant cross-cutting benefits in terms of climate, health, and agriculture and is also likely
to be highly cost-effective because much of the technology to control emissions already
exists and has been deployed with effect in developed countries. This stands in contrast to
technology to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions which, while technically feasible, has yet to
be deployed on a large scale in developed countries. Developed countries have reduced their
emissions of black carbon by a factor of five since the 1950s, so abatement technologies
already exist and have been implemented. Twenty percent of black carbon emissions come
from household biofuel burning in cookstoves and options to abate this include promoting the
use of improved stoves or encouraging fuel switching to cleaner-burning kerosene or
liquefied petroleum gas. A successful model of such a program is the Chinese National
Improved Stove Program that introduced 129 million improved stoves into rural areas
between 1982 and 1992. Even considering only climate benefits, and ignoring the substantial
improvements in health, such a program is likely to be highly cost-effective. A second major
source of black carbon is diesel engines, which account for approximately 25 percent of
global emissions. These can be addressed by regulations requiring diesel oxidation catalysts
that can be fitted to almost any vehicle and reduce total particulate emissions 20 – 50 percent,
or with diesel particulate filters which eliminate 90 percent of black carbon emissions. Recent
EPA regulations for diesel vehicles mean that U.S. black carbon emissions are projected to
decline by 42 percent between 2001 and 2020. Another possible approach is fuel switching,
as was recently done in the New Delhi public transport system after the court ordered a
switch to compressed natural gas that produces much fewer particulate emissions. Additional
gains can be made in industrial coal boilers through the shift to pulverized coal use. At 40
percent of the global total, biomass burning is the final major source of black carbon
emissions (as well as a significant source of ozone precursor emissions, particularly in the
southern hemisphere). However, it is unlikely to provide many opportunities for emissions
reduction. Deforestation provides no technological options for control and emission
reductions would have to come from decreasing the amount of forest burnt every year. To
date, governments have appeared unable or unwilling to slow the rate of deforestation,
although these efforts may be scaled up if avoided deforestation is incorporated into the
carbon market under a new climate treaty. Black carbon emissions from biomass burning are
co-released with substantial amounts of organic carbon aerosols that scatter rather than
absorb radiation and so have a net cooling effect. Thus, even though biomass burning is a
substantial source of black carbon, it is not a substantial source of black carbon heating and
so is not necessarily a promising target for mitigation efforts.


In Google assistant-controlled home automation, first, the user should have an Android
Smartphone with Google assistant installed in it. When the user gives commands to the
Google assistant, the commands will be checked with the commands in the IFTTT website
which are already set. Then the next step is setting up the virtual switches in Adafruit
website. If the commands given by the user matches with the commands in the IFTTT
website, then depending on those commands, the virtual switches in Adafruit will be turned
ON or OFF.


This section comprises of the hardware and software that were used to set up the
experimental framework of the research work and to make it executable. Fig. shows a simple
architectural diagram of the system developed in the research work. The methodology of this
project design includes implementation of the proposed method. There are some basic steps
involving in the Methodology of the product. The first major step is setting up the Adafruit
IO. Adafruit IO is a website used to create virtual switches which will be turned ON or OFF
depending on the commands given to the Google assistant and the second step is connecting
the ESP8266 and the last step is connecting to Google assistant through IFTTT. IFTTT is also
a website used to create simple chain of conditional statements for like if else statements. By
following these three steps, the implementation of the proposed system is going to be done.

NodeMCU: Node Microcontroller Unit is named as NodeMCU which is open-source

software and firmware that is built around System-on-Chip (SoC) called the ESP8266. The
ESP8266 is designed and manufactured by Express. It contains the crucial elements like
CPU, RAM, networking (Wi-Fi), modern operating system, and SDK. The NodeMCU aims
to simplify ESP8266 development. It has an operating voltage of 3.3v. It has an operating
temperature range of - 40˚c ~ 125˚c. Figure 4 shows the NodeMCU development board.
ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC is embedded with the memory controller, including SRAM and ROM.
Micro Controller Unit can enter the memory units through iBus, dBus, and AHB interfaces.
Sensors are the peripheral part as they act as a link between the external world and the digital
processors by sending the data collected via its vicinity to the processing unit for further
processing. In this work, MQ-2 sensor has been used to detect Carbon Monoxide (CO),
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Smoke and DHT11 sensor have been used to measure
Temperature and Humidity levels of the surrounding. To measure the PPM levels of PM 2.5
and PM 10 particulate matters, BME280 sensor has been interfaced with the Arduino Uno.

DHT11: DHT11 sensor has a moisture holding component sandwiched between two
electrodes. A minute variation in humidity leads to change in the conductivity of the
component that results in the resistance change between the electrodes which in turn is
measured by an Integrated Circuit (IC). The temperature is measured by a thermistor which
works as a temperature dependent variable resistor. DHT11 is preferred over DHT22 as the
sampling rate of DHT11 is much better than that of DHT22.

MQ-2: The MQ-2 sensor works on the ionization principle. There is a sensing element inside
the sensor which is heated in the presence of the current and then this current is passed
through the connecting leads. The air around the heated sensing element ionizes, which
further changes the resistance and henceforth the output current from the sensor varies.

Web service: One of the main aims of this research work is to make the real-time data
available to authentic users anywhere in the world. This is possible using a cloud platform
which can store
the real-time data readings. These data points can be used for further processing and
visualization. For this purpose, in this research work, ThingSpeak is chosen due to its ease of
use and user-friendly interface.
Android Application: The app designed in the android studio is created in such a way that it
fetches the data in real time from ThingSpeak with the help of an API. The readings of the
various sensors along with the date and time are displayed in a tabular format in the app.
Applications are handy as they are easy to access through our mobile phones. A user needs to
simply sign in with an Email or with Google to further witness the content of the application.


1. NodeMCU – 32-bit ESP8266 development board

2. DHT11 Module

3. MQ2 SMOKE Sensor

4. MQ7 LPG Gas Sensor

5. MQ135 Air Quality Sensor

6. PMS5003 PM2.5

7. LCD Display

8. Android App

9. IoT Web Service


1. Thingspeak application

2. Adafruit IO

3. IFTTT Service.

4. Arduino IDE



Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board developed by which is an open-source

electronics platform mainly based on AVR microcontroller Atmega328. First Arduino project
was started in Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in 2003 by David Cuartielles and Massimo
Banzi with the intention of providing a cheap and flexible way to students and professional
for controlling several devices in the real world. The current version of Arduino Uno comes
with USB interface, 6 analog input pins, 14 I/O digital ports that are used to connect with
external electronic circuits. Out of 14 I/O ports, 6 pins can be used for PWM output. It allows
the designers to control and sense the external electronic devices in the real world.

This board comes with all the features required to run the controller and can be directly to the
computer through USB cable that is used to transfer the code to the controller using IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) software, mainly developed to program Arduino. IDE
is equally compatible with Windows, MAC, or Linux Systems; however, Windows is
preferable to use. Programming languages like C and C++ are used in IDE. from USB,
battery or AC to DC adopter can also be used to power the board.

Apart Arduino Uno boards are quite like other boards in Arduino family in terms of use and
functionality, however, Uno boards don’t come with FTDI USB to Serial driver chip.

There are many versions of Uno boards available, however, Arduino Nano V3 and Arduino
Uno are the most official versions that come with Atmega328 8-bit AVR Atmel
microcontroller where RAM memory is 32KB. When nature and functionality of the task go
complex, Mirco SD card can be added in the boards to make them store more information.

Arduino in general is an opensource platform targeting hobbyists.

Opensource is a methodology where, the developers of a software/hardware give the end

user access to their end product’s design and implementation. That means the end user has
rights to modify/change the way a software looks/works and redistribute it.

 It can be powered from USB or standalone DC power.

 It can communicate with a computer via serial connection over USB.
 It can run standalone from a computer (chip is programmable) and it has memory
(a small amount).
 It can work with both Digital and Analog electronic signals. Sensors and Actuators.
 You can make cool stuff! Some people are even making simple robots (or) quad


4.3: Pin Description:


 Microcontroller: ATmega328
 Operating Voltage: 5V
 Input Voltage (recommended):7-12V
 Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
 Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
 Analog Input Pins: 6
 DC Current per I/O Pin: 40mA
 DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50mA
 Flash Memory: 32 KB(ATmega328)
 SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
 EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed: 16 MHz
Input and Output

Each of the 14 digital pins on the Arduino Uno can be used as an input or output, using
pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. They operate at 5 volts. Each pin can
provide or receive a maximum of 40 mA and has an internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by
default) of 20-50 kOhms.

In addition, some pins have specialized functions:

Serial: pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data.
These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial

External Interrupts: pins 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt on a
low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See the attachInterrupt() function for

PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function.

SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI communication
using the SPI library.

LED: 13. There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is HIGH value,
the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it’s off. The Uno has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0
through A5, each of which provide 10 bits of resolution (i.e., 1024 different values). By
default, they measure from ground to 5 volts, though is it possible to change the upper end of
their range using the AREF pin and the analogReference () function. Additionally, some pins
have specialized functionality:
TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin. Support TWI communication using the Wire

There are a couple of other pins on the board:

AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analogReference().

Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add a reset button

shields which block the of the Arduino

4.2: Liquid crystal display:

Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have materials, which combine the properties of both liquids
and crystals. Rather than having a melting point, they have both liquids and crystals. Rather
than having a melting point, they have a temperature range within which the molecules are
almost as mobile as they would be in a liquid but are grouped together in an ordered form like
a crystal. An LCD consists of two glass panels, with the liquid crystal material sand witched
in between them. The inner surface of the glass plates is coated with transparent electrodes
which define the character, symbols, or patterns to be displayed polymeric layers are present
in between the electrodes and the liquid crystal, which makes the liquid crystal molecules to
maintain a defined orientation angle. One each polarizer is pasted outside the two glass
panels. These polarisers would rotate the light rays passing through them to a definite angle,
in a particular direction.

When the LCD is in the off state, light rays are rotated by the two polarisers and the liquid
crystal, such that the light rays come out of the LCD without any orientation, and hence the
LCD appears transparent.

When sufficient voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal molecules would be
aligned in a specific direction. The light rays passing through the LCD would be rotated by
the polarisers, which would result in activating/ highlighting the desired characters.

The LCDs are lightweight with only a few millimeters thickness. Since the LCD’s consume
less power, they are compatible with low power electronic circuits, and can be powered for
long durations.
The LCDs don’t generate light and so light is needed to read the display. By using
backlighting, reading is possible in the dark. The LCD’s have long life and a wide operating
temperature range. Changing the display size or the layout size is relatively simple which
makes the LCD’s more customers friendly.

The LCDs used exclusively in watches, calculators and measuring instruments are the simple
seven-segment displays, having a limited amount of numeric data. The recent advances in
technology have resulted in better legibility, more information displaying capability and a
wider temperature range. These have resulted in the LCDs being extensively used in
telecommunications and entertainment electronics. The LCDs have even started replacing the
cathode ray tubes (CRTs) used for the display of text and graphics, and in small TV
applications. This section describes the operation modes of LCD’s then describe how to
program and interface an LCD to 8051 using Assembly and C.

4.2.1: Lcd Operation:

In recent years the LCD is finding widespread use replacing LEDs (seven-segment LEDs or
other multisegment LEDs). This is due to the following reasons:

1. The declining prices of LCDs.

2. The ability to display numbers, characters, and graphics. This is in

contract to LEDs, which are limited to numbers and a few characters.

3. Incorporation of a refreshing controller into the LCD, there by

relieving the CPU of the task of refreshing the LCD. In the contrast,

the LED must be refreshed by the CPU to keep displaying the data.

4. Ease of programming for characters and graphics.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor

A device that is used to detect or measure or monitor the gases like ammonia, benzene,
sulfur, carbon dioxide, smoke, and other harmful gases are called as an air quality gas sensor.
The MQ135 air quality sensor, which belongs to the series of MQ gas sensors, is widely used
to detect harmful gases, and smoke in the fresh air. This article gives a brief description of
how to measure and detect gases by using an MQ135 air quality sensor. The alternatives for
the MQ135 air quality sensor/detector are MQ-2 (methane, LPG, butane, and smoke), MQ-3
(alcohol, smoke, and ethanol), MQ-4 (CNG gas and methane), MQ-5 (natural gas, and LPG),
MQ-6 (butane and LPG), MQ-7 (CO), MQ-8 (Hydrogen), MQ-9 (CO, and flammable gases),
MQ131 (ozone), MQ136 (Hydrogen sulfide gas), MQ137 (ammonia), MQ138 (benzene,
alcohol, propane, toluene, formaldehyde gas, and hydrogen), MQ214 (methane, and natural
gas), MQ303A (alcohol, smoke, Ethanol), MQ306A (LPG and butane), MQ307A(CO),
MQ309A(CO and flammable gas).

What is an MQ135 Air Quality Sensor?

An MQ135 air quality sensor is one type of MQ gas sensor used to detect, measure, and
monitor a wide range of gases present in air like ammonia, alcohol, benzene, smoke, carbon
dioxide, etc. It operates at a 5V supply with 150mA consumption. Preheating of 20 seconds is
required before the operation, to obtain the accurate output.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor

It is a semiconductor air quality check sensor suitable for monitoring applications of air
quality. It is highly sensitive to NH3, NOx, CO2, benzene, smoke, and other dangerous gases
in the atmosphere. It is available at a low cost for harmful gas detection and monitoring

If the concentration of gases exceeds the threshold limit in the air, then the digital output pin
goes high. The threshold value can be varied by using the potentiometer of the sensor. The
analog output voltage is obtained from the analog pin of the sensor, which gives the
approximate value of the gas level present in the air.

Pin Configuration:

The MQ135 air quality sensor is a 4-pin sensor module that features both analog and digital
output from the corresponding pins. The MQ135 air quality sensor pin configuration is
shown below.
For MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Module:

The MQ135 air quality sensor module is shown below.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Pin Configuration

Pin 1: VCC: This pin refers to a positive power supply of 5V that power up the MQ135
sensor module.
Pin 2: GND (Ground): This is a reference potential pin, which connects the MQ135 sensor
module to the ground.

Pin 3: Digital Out (Do): This pin refers to the digital output pin that gives the digital output
by adjusting the threshold value with the help of a potentiometer. This pin is used to detect
and measure any one gas and makes the MQ135 sensor work without a microcontroller.
Pin 4: Analog Out (Ao): This pin generates the analog output signal of 0V to 5V and it
depends on the gas intensity. This analog output signal is proportional to the gas vapor
concentration, which is measured by the MQ135 sensor module. This pin is used to measure
the gases in PPM. It is driven by TTL logic, operates with 5V, and is mostly interfaced with

For the MQ135 Air Quality Sensor:

The MQ135 air quality sensor is shown below.

MQ135 Air Quality Sensor

H-pins: There are 2 H-pins, where one is connected to the voltage supply and the other is
connected to the ground.
A-pins: Here A-pins and B-pins can be interchanged. These are connected to the voltage
B-pins: Here A-pins and B-pins can be interchanged. One pin is used to generate output
while the other pin is connected to the ground.
Specifications and Features:

The MQ135 air quality sensor specifications and features are listed below.
 It has a wide detection scope.
 High sensitivity and faster response.
 Long life and stability.
 The operating voltage: +5V.
 Measures and detects NH3, alcohol, NOx, Benzene, CO2, smoke etc.
 Range of analog output voltage: 0V-5V.
 Range of digital output voltage: 0V-5V (TTL logic).
 Duration of preheating: 20 seconds.
 Used as an analog or digital sensor.
 The potentiometer is used to vary the sensitivity of the digital pin.
 Heating Voltage: 5V±0.1.
 Load resistance is adjustable.
 Heater resistance: 33ohms±5%.
 Heating consumption:<800mW.
 Operating temperature: -10°C to -45°C.
 Storage temperature: -20°C to -70°C.
 Related humidity: <95%Rh.
 Oxygen concentration: 21% (affects the sensitivity).
 Sensing resistance: 30kiloohms to 200kiloohms.
 Concentration slope rate: ≤0.65.
 Preheat time: over 24 hrs.
 Simple drive circuit.
How to Detect and Measure Gases using the MQ135 Air Quality Sensor:

To measure or detect the gases, use analog pins or digital pins. Just apply 5V to the module
and you can observe that the module’s power LED turns ON (glows) and the output LED
turns OFF when no gas is detected by the module. This means that the output of the digital
pin is 0V. Note that the sensor must be kept for preheating time for 20seconds (as mentioned
in the specifications) before the actual operation.

Now, once when the MQ135 sensor is operated to detect, then the LED output goes high
along with the digital output pin. Otherwise, use the potentiometer until the output increases.
Whenever the sensor detects a certain gas concentration, the digital pin goes high (5V),
otherwise it stays low (0V).
We can also use analog pins to get the same result. The output analog values (0-5V) are read
from the microcontroller. This value is directly proportional to the gas concentration detected
by the sensor. By the experimental values, we can observe the working and reaction of the
MQ135 sensor with different gas concentrations and the programming developed

How to Measure PPM (parts per million) using the MQ135 Air Quality Sensor:

The MQ-135 gas sensor uses SnO2, a gas-sensitive material that has higher resistance in
clean air. An increase in the number of harmful gases decreases the resistance of the gas
MQ135 sensor. To measure PPM with the MQ-135 air quality sensor, observe the graph
between (Rs/Ro) and PPM shown below.
MQ135 Air Quality Sensor – PPM Graph

 The typical sensitivity characteristics of the MQ135 sensor are shown in the above
 Temperature is 20°C, humidity is 65%, the concentration of O2 is 21% and load
resistance RL is 20kilo ohms.
 Here Ro refers to the resistance value of the sensor at 100ppm of NH3 in clean air
or fresh air.
 Rs refers to the resistance of the sensor at several gas concentrations.
 We can calibrate the MQ135 sensor by determining the Rs value from the below
 Resistance of sensor Rs = (Vc/VRL-1)RL
 After calculating the Ro and Rs values, the ratio is found, and using the above
graph we can calculate the PPM value of the gas, which is to be measured.

How to Interface the MQ135 Air Quality Sensor with Arduino:

The circuit diagram of interfacing the MQ135 air quality sensor with Arduino is shown
below. The components required are,
MQ135 Air Quality Sensor Interface with Arduino

 MQ135 air quality sensor

 Arduino UNO
 The power supply of 5V
 Connecting wires.

Connections are made as per the circuit diagram shown above. The MQ135 sensor’s VCC pin
is connected to the Arduino’s 5V pin. This power ups the MQ135 sensor. The analog output
pin Ao and digital output pin Do of the MQ135 sensor are connected to the Ao and pin 2 of
the Arduino. Finally, the ground pins of the MQ135 and the Arduino are connected to a
common ground.

The applications of the MQ135 quality sensor are,

 Used in the detection of excess or leakage of gases like nitrogen oxide, ammonia,
alcohol, aromatic compounds, smoke, and sulphide.
 Used as air quality monitors.
 Used in air quality equipment for offices and buildings.
 Used as a domestic air pollution detector.
 Used as an industrial air pollution detector.
 Works as a portable air pollution detector.

First, create account at

Fig 4.1 Adafruit Sign In page

Now, create dashboard at Adafruit. This dashboard is a user interface to control things remotely.
Fig 4.2 Creating a Dashboard

After following above steps, provide name to the dashboard and save it. Users can see their
dashboard as follows,

Fig 4.3 Dashboard after login

Now, create feed (user interface) to control light On-Off. To create it, just click on ‘+’ symbol
and select toggle feed shown below,
Fig 4.4 Creating blocks for switches

After selecting toggle feed, pop-up window appears as shown below.

Fig 4.5 Choosing Feed in Dashboard

Enter name of our feed (shown in red box) and create it. After creation, select the created feed
(here mine is light) and then click on Next step.
In the next step configure the feed, which is shown below,

Fig 4.6 Block settings for turning ON and OFF

Here, 0 is used as (OFF), and 1 is used as (ON) text for button and then click on create. This will
create toggle button on your dashboard which can be used to control things remotely.
Now, dashboard is ready for IoT application like home automation.
Fig 4.7 Creating Virtual switches in Dashboard

4.2 IFTTT (If This Then That)

If This Then That, also known as IFTTT is a free web-based service to create chains of simple
conditional statements, called applets. An applet is triggered by changes that occur within other
web services such as Gmail, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, or Pinterest. For example, an
applet may send an e-mail message if the user tweets using a hashtag or copy a photo on
Facebook to a user's archive if someone tags a user in a photo.

Here, IFTTT is used to use Google assistant service and Adafruit service in chain. So, Google
assistant is used to control light of my home by saying Ok Google, turn the light ON or OFF.
Then IFTTT interpret the message and can send it to Adafruit’s dashboard as an understandable
command to the created feed.

First step is creating account on IFTTT.

Fig 4.8 Creating account in IFTTT Website

Note: Create account on IFTTT by using same e-mail id which has been used for Adafruit.
After account creation, click on My Applets and then select New Applet shown below,

Fig 4.9 Applet creation in IFTTT website

After selecting a new applet, we get a new page in which we should click on to This as shown in
Fig 4.10.
Fig 4.10 Creating IF THIS statement in IFTTT website

Then search for Google Assistant and select it.

Fig 4.11 Searching Google assistant

Now, enter voice phrases which will be used as a command for Google assistant.
Fig 4.12 Creating Trigger

Any phrase can be entered as per the application. The phrases entered in the Fig 4.12 showing
trigger fields is for making Light ON. For making Light OFF, another applet with different
phrases must be created. Now, another page will be shown as shown in Fig 4.13 in which user
have to click on that option which is used to connect Google Assistant with Adafruit.
Fig 4.13 Creating THEN THAT statement

Then search for Adafruit and select it.

Fig 4.14 Searching Adafruit

After selecting Adafruit, choose action as shown in Fig 4.15,

Fig 4.15 Sending Data to Adafruit IO

Now enter what data needed to send to which feed of Adafruit dashboard.
Fig 4.16 Completing action fields

Click on Create Action.

So, when Google Assistant is used on my mobile. This will trigger the event on Adafruit
dashboard which is continuously monitored by the microcontroller (here NodeMCU). This
microcontroller will act as per the data change on the Adafruit dashboard.

There are a few places that the connection between our voice and the light can break down. If the
light isn't changing when the user speaks, there are a few things should be checked.
The light should be turned ON or OFF when the user toggles the switch on the Adafruit IO
dashboard. If not, the ESP8266 is either not connecting to the server, not subscribing to the feed,
or not checking for the correct string values.

Check the Serial Monitor output of the ESP8266 device to find out.
If the Google Assistant doesn’t hear the user properly, use the Google Allo app, users can see
what the Assistant heard, or can directly type the phrase which the user wants it to interpret. If
the Google assistant doesn’t respond with the correct phrase, then Google account and IFTTT
account aren't connected. Make sure that the same Google accounts for the Google assistant and
IFTTT is used. If the Adafruit IO dashboard doesn’t update when the IFTTT applet triggers, then
Adafruit IO account and IFTTT account aren't connected. Double check on IFTTT to make sure
that both the accounts have been linked.


The interfacing diagram of NodeMCU with Relay module is shown in Fig 4.18. The +5v Vin pin
of the NodeMCU is given to the Voltage pin of relay module. The ground pin of Node
Microcontroller is connected to ground pin of the Relay module. The NodeMCU consists of 8
data pins, clock, reset, enable, transmitter, receiver, flash, etc., If the 4-Channel relay is used,
then the data pins D0, D1, D2, D3 are connected to the 4 data pins of the Relay in which D0 is
used to control 1st relay, D1 is used to control the 2nd relay, D3 is used to control the 3rd relay
and D4 is used to control the 4th relay. The output of the relay consists of 3 pins in which two of
them are given to the output like bulb, fan etc., and the one is of no connection.


While connecting bulb with the relay module, one of the wires of the bulb is directly connected
to the power supply, the other wire of the bulb will be given to the power supply through relay
module as shown in the Fig 4.18.
4.18 Interfacing Diagram of Node MCU (ESP8266) with Relay module.
4.5.2 NODE MCU (ESP8266)

NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform, includes firmware which runs on the ESP8266
Wi-Fi Module from Espressif Systems, and hardware which is based on the ESP-12 module.
The term “NodeMCU” by default refers to the firmware rather than the development kits.
NodeMCU firmware was developed so that AT commands can be replaced with Lua
scripting making the life of developers easier. The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip with
full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability produced by Shanghai-based Chinese
manufacturer, Espressif. Fig 4.1 shows the NodeMCU (ESP8266) Development Board.

Fig 4.19 NodeMCU (ESP8266) Development Board


1. Open source

2. Interactive

3. Programmable

4. Low cost

5. Simple
6. Smart

7. WI-FI enabled

8. USB-TTL included

9. Plug & Play


1. Developer: ESP8266 Open-source Community

2. Type: Single-board microcontroller

3. Operating system: XTOS

4. CPU: ESP8266

5. Memory: 128kBytes

6. Storage: 4MBytes

7. Power By: USB

8. Power Voltage: 3v ,5v (used with 3.3v Regulator inbuilt on-Board using Pin VIN)

9. Code: Arduino Cpp

10. IDE Used: Arduino IDE

11. GPIO: 10


1. Low energy consumption

2. Integrated support for WIFI network

3. Reduced size of the board

4. Low Cost

Fig 4.20 Pin Diagram of Node MCU


• Install the current upstream Arduino IDE at the 1.8 level or later. The current version
is at the Arduino website.
• Start Arduino and open Preferences window.
• Enter into
Additional Board Manager URLs field. You can add multiple URLs, separating them with

After Completion,
1. Data Cable of your Mobile Phone. Used in To Connect ESP8266 MCU NODE with PC.
2. After Install Drivers if Needed.
3. Check Which Number Is Assigned to your Board.
4. Open Arduino IDE.
5. Open Boards Manager from Tools > esp8266 Module’s platform And Select NodeMCU
1.0(ESP-12E Module) board from Tools.

• Upload Using: Serial

• CPU Frequency: 80Mhz
• Flash Size: 4M
• Upload Speed: 115200
• PORT: Select Assign Port Only.
6. Upload Code.


The Google Assistant is an Artificial Intelligence based Virtual assistant software which
allows its users to control all the apps in their device. It allows the users to control and
command most of the apps in their devices using voice commands. This provides more
convenience to the people as they only must command the Google assistant thorough voice
command. Fig 4.5 shows Google assistant.
Fig: Google assistant
Google Assistant is an artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistant developed by Google
that is primarily available on mobile and smart home devices. Unlike the company's previous
virtual assistant, Google Now, Google Assistant can engage in two-way conversations.
Assistant initially debuted in May 2016 as part of Google's messaging app Allo, and its voice
activated speaker Google Home. After a period of exclusivity on the Pixel and Pixel XL
smart phones, it began to be deployed on other Android devices in February 2017, including
third-party smart phones and Android Wear (now Wear OS) and was released as a standalone
app on the iOS operating system in May 2017.

Alongside the announcement of a software development kit in April 2017, the Assistant has
been and is being, further extended to support a large variety of devices, including cars and
third-party smart home appliances. The functionality of the Assistant can also be enhanced by
third-party developers.

Users primarily interact with Google Assistant through natural voice, though keyboard input
is also supported. In the same nature and manner as Google Now, the Assistant can search the
Internet, schedule events and alarms, adjust hardware settings on the user's device, and show
information from the user's Google account. Google has also announced that the Assistant
will be able to identify objects and gather visual information through the device's camera, and
support purchasing products and sending money, as well as identifying songs

Adafruit IO is used to connect projects to Internet. It can handle and visualize multiple feed
of data. Dashboards are a feature integrated into Adafruit IO which allow users to chart,
graph, gauge, log, and display our data. Users can view their dashboards from anywhere in
the world. Adafruit IO is used to control and react to the user’s data. It is a platform designed
to display, respond, command, and interact with project's data. It also keeps our data private
and secure for us. It's the internet of things - for everyone. Adafruit IO also allows to set up
dashboards that let users directly manipulate or view the current value of each topic. Since it
can be accessed from a web browser, it makes it the ideal hub for monitoring and controlling
all various IOT projects.


If This Then That, also known as IFTTT, is a free web-based service to create chains of
simple conditional statements, called applets. An applet is triggered by changes that occur
within other web services such as Gmail, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, or Pinterest. For
example, an applet may send an e-mail message if the user tweets using a hashtag or copy a
photo on Facebook to a user's archive if someone tags a user in a photo. IFTTT is an
initialism for "If This Then That. In addition to the web-based application, the service runs on
iOS and Android. IFTTT users created about 20 million recipes each day. All the
functionalities of the Do suite of apps have since been integrated into a redesigned IFTTT

The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is a cross-platform application (for

Windows, macOS, Linux) that is written in the programming language Java. It is used to
write and upload programs to Arduino compatible boards, but also, with the help of 3rd party
cores, other vendor development boards.

The source code for the IDE is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
The Arduino IDE supports the languages C and C++ using special rules of code structuring.
The Arduino IDE supplies a software library from the Wiring project, which provides many
common input and output procedures. User-written code only requires two basic functions,
for starting the sketch and the main program loop, that are compiled and linked with a
program stub main () into an executable cyclic executive program with the GNU toolchain,
also included with the IDE distribution. The Arduino IDE employs the program avrdude to
convert the executable code into a text file in hexadecimal encoding that is loaded into the
Arduino board by a loader program in the board's firmware.

Fig: Arduino IDE



This section comprises the elements that were involved in the implementation of this system
and the integration of these elements with the system.
Humidity, Smoke, PM10 and LPG content in atmosphere over the Time.

The data sent by the sensors through an HTTP request is processed by the IOT service in
ThingSpeak which communicates with a virtual server. The server and the IOT service
communicate directly with the application. Three different ThingSpeak channels have been
used for the respective three sensors. Creating three different channels leads to the generation
of three different JSON files which is then fetched simultaneously using the Java code in the
android studio. Fig. 3, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6 show the variation in Temperature, Carbon
Monoxide and PM2.5 respectively with time. Fig. shows the rest of the sensors plot i.e., LPG,
PM10, Smoke and Humidity.


The article described an Internet of Things-based Air Pollution Monitoring System for Smart
Cities. A few sensors have been installed on the Jaypee Institute Campus to continuously
measure the levels of temperature, humidity, carbon monoxide, smoke, LPG, PM2.5, and
PM10 in the atmosphere. In this effort, a one-way communication channel was created
between ThingSpeak, an open-source cloud platform, and an Android application. The
Arduino was utilized as a gateway to connect the hardware system. The graphs are created in
ThingSpeak based on the sensor data collected and may be displayed in a tabular style in an
Android app. Based on the data collected, the system can anticipate and display the projected
levels of pollutants and the AQI on the website as well as the Android Application, which can
be readily downloaded on a smartphone, allowing stakeholders to avoid imminent pollution
and limit their exposure to it. "Breathe-Safe" provides a preventative tool for persons
suffering from respiratory illnesses, particularly those suffering from asthma, because
prevention is better than cure for such patients, and the system precisely assists them in doing

The proposed system is cost effective and simple to use, which solves the limitations of the
government-owned system. It also can be implemented on a broad scale, allowing it to map
regions that were previously unmapped, such as small-scale industries. The system may be
improved further by adding more sensors. Improved data analytics will allow for more
precise forecasting of pollution levels. The Air Pollution Monitoring System has been
installed and evaluated in real-world conditions, and we are in the process of expanding the
nodes outside of the smart cities. In the future, large-scale node deployment and data
collection are planned for the goal of predicting air pollution. With air pollution becoming
more severe by the day, it poses a tough situation for the public, particularly those suffering
from respiratory ailments. There is a requirement for a system that not only monitors air
quality but also delivers an alarm in the form of an estimated air quality in advance through
notification. We conclude that we were able to construct a system capable of sensing the
levels of air contaminants, transmitting these levels to the cloud, and recording them.

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