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Briefly, share a time when you set a goal and did not accomplish it, and
then share a time when you set a goal and successfully achieved it. Why
weren’t you successful in your first example? Why were you successful
in your second example?

Example Of A Goal Not Accomplished

I once had a three-month deadline for learning Arabic language. But I

was unable to accomplish it. The primary cause of this was a lack of
dedication and consistency. I was excited to study the language at first, but as
time went on, I became preoccupied with other obligations and eventually lost
interest in doing so. I learned inconsistently and ineffectively because I didn't
make a systematic strategy or set aside specific time for practise.
Furthermore, I failed to look for tools or advice that could have accelerated
my growth. In the end, the main reasons I didn't succeed in achieving the
objective were my lack of self-control and my inability to give language
learning priority.

Example Of A Goal Successfully Achieved

Another time, I started a six monthly IT certification course. This time I

clearly defined a plan and divided the certification process into smaller
milestones. To ensure a systematic and regular study schedule, I also set
down particular time periods every week for studying and exam preparation.
In addition, I joined a study group, and looked for helping study materials
online. Furthermore, I kept my enthusiasm and concentration up by reminding
myself of the advantages and professional growth that the certification would

In terms of commitment, preparation, and support, there is a significant

difference between the two cases. The first example's failure to achieve the
goal was due to a lack of consistency, and determination. The successful
accomplishment of the objective in the second case, on the other hand, was
made possible by the availability of a clear plan, constant work, and
resources and support.

Why does effective goal-setting help us achieve goals? What are the
characteristics of good goals?

Setting clear goals provides us with a sense of direction. It helps us

focus our efforts . When we have a clear target to work towards, we can plan
and prioritize our actions accordingly. Effective goal-setting helps us stay
motivated and committed. When we set meaningful and challenging goals,
they can ignite a sense of purpose and enthusiasm within us. This motivation

propels us forward, even in the face of obstacles. Additionally, setting goals
allows us to monitor our progress and celebrate small victories along the way,
which further fuels our motivation.Effective goal-setting promotes
accountability and self-discipline.It helps us stay focused and disciplined, as
we have a clear benchmark against which we can assess our progress.


Specificity: Good goals are clear, well-defined, and leave no room for

Measurability: Good goals are measurable, meaning there are concrete

criteria to determine whether the goal has been achieved or not.

Attainability: Good goals are realistic and attainable.

Relevance: Good goals are relevant to our overall aspirations, values, and

Time-bound: Good goals have a specific timeframe or deadline.

Based on your answer to questions 1 and 2, set three goals: one short-
term, one mid-term, and one long-term

Short-Term Goal

Within the next month, I will complete an online course in ethical

hacking to enhance my skills and knowledge in this field. This will help me
improve my job prospects and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the

Mid-Term Goal

I'm going to start a personal blog in the next six months, and I plan to
post interesting and educational articles about ethical hacking on a regular
basis. By doing this, I hope to develop an online presence, make connections
with like-minded individuals, and become recognised as an authority in this

Long-Term Goal

I'm going to open my own coaching academy in three years, with a

focus on assisting people in realising their personal development and career
ambitions. In order to give my students insightful advice and assistance, I'll
finish the required qualifications and acquire real-world experience. My
ultimate goals are to improve people's lives and establish a lucrative and
satisfying coaching business.

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