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Unit Title: Principles of Human Digestion and Nutrition

Level: Three

Credit Value: 3

Unit Code: CBB425

Grade Descriptors: 1, 2, 7

Type: Academic subject content

This unit has 4 learning outcomes.


The learner will: The learner can:

1. Understand the process of 1.1. Explain the six processes of digestion.

2. Understand the structure and 2.1. Explain the structure of the GI tract
function of the organs of the and its accessory organs and how these
gastrointestinal tract. organs are related to their function.
2.2. Describe 2 pathologies associated with
the digestive system.

3. Understand the structure and 3.1. Describe the key characteristics of

function of carbohydrates, lipids macromolecules.
and proteins. 3.2. Explain the structure of carbohydrates,
lipids and proteins and how this relates
to their uses within three different cell
3.3. Compare and contrast reducing and
non-reducing sugars.
3.4. Analyse the melting points of lipids of
varying composition and structure.

4. Understand how the body 4.1. Evaluate how the body metabolises the
metabolises the products of products of digestion.
digestion. 4.2. Explain the structure and function of

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1. Understanding of the subject X

2. Application of knowledge X

3. Application of skills

4. Use of information

5. Communication and presentation

6. Autonomy / Independence

7. Quality (Mandatory) X

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Learning Outcome 1
• The six processes of digestion including ingestion, mechanical digestion,
chemical digestion, absorption, elimination and utilisation.

Learning Outcome 2
• The structure and function of the GI tract and their accessory organs.
• Mechanisms for moving food along the GI tract, including peristalsis,
segmentation, pendular movements.
• Pathologies of the GI tract and accessory organs (may include but are not
limited to: acid reflux, diabetes, obesity, Crohn’s disease, IBS, cirrhosis,
colon cancer, diverticulitis, haemorrhoids)

Learning Outcome 3
• The structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
• Reducing vs non-reducing sugars
• Saturated vs unsaturated fats. Cis vs trans bonding in lipids.

Learning Outcome 4
• The chemical digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
• The metabolism of carbohydrates (monosaccharides), proteins (amino
acids) and fats (glycerol, fatty acids).
• Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, the mitochondrion, the electron transport chain.
• The structure and function of ATP

Assessment methods must include a controlled unseen assessment (usually a

written examination) and at least one of the following (which could also be
conducted, wholly or partly, under controlled conditions):-
• practical work and a report (which could be a completed pro-forma);
• artifacts or models;
• an oral presentation with appropriate written evidence (e.g. learner notes
and/or PowerPoint slides);
• Interpretation of graphs
• Flow charts

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