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Protagonist : Andy (Andrew) Walescu , brother Michael , father Jhon , Uncle Bogdan, sister Maria.

Chishiro hime – bloody white princess

Korochi hime-black blood princess

Chapters and perspectives for book 1 :

1. From theperspective of the inquisitive journalist lawman’s point of view regarding his finds on
mysterious empty graves and strange scenes of battle and strife that disappear from the public
eye as soon as they happen + the meeting with the liders of the Indentured ( Forsaken ? )
Sinners while hitching a ride in the mountains of Walachia (Romania).While on the road they
meet up with one of the journalist’s companions who relates how the base was attacked and
how the attackers found him and old him their story of the reason for attacking the base in the
first place. But when the driver and his companions hear his tale and a load bang theymake a
sudden turn and speed up going through a man’s barn and reaching the origin of the loud bang
in a matter of minutes . After seeing the ‘’events’’ that ocured at the military base the journalist
began to doubt his sanity thinking that either he drank to much and passed out or he is
dreaming a very realistic dream but then he realizes that he is in a unknown tent guarded by
one of the people who did imposible things a few hous ago , being than take to the lider’s tent
( Kurochi Hime- sama ‘s tent) as a hostage after he blacked out , starting to hear a part of the
true story of what he’s seen than being interrupted by a sudden attack on the camp he was in .
In the attack he sees the power of ‘’the Enemy of Life’’ ( Lord Shi- Death ) demonstrated before
him in full gory detail after-wich a certain Captain shows of his enormous power and completely
obliterates the attacker . After it calms down , in the tent from before he hears the rest of the
story , gets answers to his questions and learns what happened to trigger the ‘’event’’ he
witnessed before. After all is said and done he askes to learn their ways and offers to help them
in future negotiations as payment for their teachings and says goodbye to “the main character
(– Alexander Wallcescu ? ) who goes to train his incredible innate powers with “The Captain” as
his bodyguard and his own personal teacher ( Emperor Valerian or Publius Licinius Valerianus
or Licinius-as he was called by others).
2. From the perspective of Sorkatti Tirhaqa - Taharka ( sorkatti means writer and Tirhaka is
the name of a nubian king and egiptian Pharaoh of old who he actually is but keps it a secret
because he feers using violence again) a mesanger and kind of a butler to Valerian but
actually more of a brother being saved by Valerian when they first met and many times after
that. He tells Kurochi Hime or AkaYuki (as she is called by her close friends) about the
journey and the first 2 years of training of Alexander uner Valerian and Captain to a degree ,
how he learns to chanell his soul’s energy , how its power is related most to fire and most
importantly how he can hold and even draw the Kurotsuki Muramasa sword , a black b;laded
sword made from a chunk of back iron that was found when mount fugi erupted in 850 AD –
a part of the rock was made into the sword by muramasa and the second smaller part was
kept as religious relic by Akayuki’s family for more than 1000 years until it saved her life in
the bombing of Hagasaki in WW2 fusing with her blood and unlocking her incredible power.
When Alexander uses the blade for the firs time after unlocking his soul , the flames become
black and he can transform them into anything even hardening them and making them cut
almost anything but in secret he starts to hear the voice of the sword and in his dreams he
meets the spirit of the blade the godess Amat-Ei-Rasuo (Amaterasu) and starts to learn the
truth of the world but Amat gives him just bitts of the story sayng he is not ready for the
whole truth and dous he will ever be . After 2.5 years, Alexander becomes a strong warrior
and because his training is done he is tasked with finding his first 2 companions so he can
start making his company of warriors to fight in the great war and first kill his brother’s
murderer.he finds a frees a 16 year old girl that was held as a blood bag because her blood
could cure almost any disesee because she accidently puts her own souls erergy into her
blood without even knowing it . Alexander findout the her captor is Guy de Lusignion a
traitorus ex Templar that uses the power of his soul to strengthen his armour and uses light
as a weapon . Alexander fights with his dark flame insisting that he take him on alone and
after a hard battle he wins and and takes the girl Victoria with him . After a few weeks of
training Victoria they find that she’s a prodigy and has incredible control over her souls
power and can make wepons armor and even sentient warriors out of plantlife or transform
animals into super strong warrior beasts witch fight for her so she adopts and keeps with her
a sparrow and 2 cats one red and black and the other white as snow . after a few more
weeks of training Victoria Cap recieves a message that A grand meeting of the 3 great
powers has been called and he is orderd to find an assassin called Charon ( Peter Asimov)
who they have to recrut and then head to the meeting withing 3 months.
3. From the perspective of Victoria who keeps a journal of her life after she was set free by
Alexander . After her captor was killed she only asked for a notebook and a few pencils
before accompanieng them and learning how to fight with them. She recalls a few of the
lessons Valerian told her and notes that cap seems to want to help her but everytime
she gets to close to him he walls himself of and dosen’t speak to her for a while than
slowly starts giving her pointers about combat and how to deal with enemies. After
some time they meet the asasin and foil his latest hit accidently . he than askes for
recompense for his loss and they offer to give him power like he never had before if he
swear alliegence to their cause and Kurochi Hime , at wich time the assassin laughs and
askes for proof so they go outside and in a very short battle the sweet Victoria mops the
flor with the great asasin Charon , an event that teaches him humility and makes him
tell them that he is just a broken man who takes his rage and anger out on his targets
hoping that one day he just fails and dies like the stray dog he thinks he is . so after he
agres o join them he learns about the power of his soul and with Valerian’s expert help
combines his assassination skils with the power of his soul to make himself extremely
fast by controlling the wind and making blades out of compressed air he also learns how
to really coneal himself and with Alexander’s reluctant help quicly becomes a great soul-
powerd assassin . After 10 weeks have passed since reciving their summons the party
arrives at the meeting place ready for anything.

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