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Tarea №2

Deadline: Friday, 30.04.2021

1. (1 points) The Rogowski coil consists of the wire

wound around a flexible tube, with the lead from one end
returning through the centre of the coil to the other end
so that both terminals are at the same end of the coil.
The whole assembly is then wrapped around the straight
conductor whose current is to be measured. There is no
metal (iron) core inside.

. The coil has N  1 windings uniformly distributed along

the length of the tube. The tube of radius r is bent into
a circle of radius R  r, thus formig a torus. Evaluate
the potential U (t) measured by this coil as a function of
time, if the current inside the conductor is i(t). Analyze
if your result depends on location and orientation of the
conductor (i.e. if U (t) changes when the conductor does
not pass through the center of circumference R and is not
normal to the plane of the circumference).

2. (2 points) A large sheet of copper moves with

constant velocity u through the narrow gap of a C-shaped
permanent magnet. The copper has thickness h and
conductivity σ. The magnet’s field may be considered
to have the constant value B0 inside, and be negligible
outside the rectangular area w × ` determined by the
magnet’s pole pieces (take the sheet’s velocity parallel
. to the w dimension). Evaluate the force acting on the sheet.

Help: The motion induces an EMF in the conducting

sheet, which drives a two-dimensional pattern of eddy
currents in the sheet. The portion of this current flowing
within the region of magnetic field experiences a Lorentz
3. (1 points) A uniformly charged particle of mass M and
total charge Q is attached to a massless thread of length `.
The system may oscillate with small ampltiude θmax  1
near its equilibrium in a homogeneous gravitational field.
Find the intensity and spatial distribution of the emitted
electromagnetic waves. You may neglect the finite size of
. the particle and assume that it is a pointlike object.

Help: You may assume that the motion of particle

is slow (“nonrelativistic”),

|v(t)|  c

so emission of EM waves is weak.

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