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Technical Seminar Report



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree





submitted by

T.SAI TEJA (20M61A0454)

Under the Guidance of




(Approved by AICTE, Govt. of TS& Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad )

Dept of ECE, SBIT



(Approved by AICTE, Govt. of TS& Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad)

This is to certify that the technical seminar report entitled “AUTONOMOUS

VEHICLES” is a bonafide record of work carried outby T.SAI TEJA

(20M61A0454). We hereby accord our approval of it as a Technical Seminar

Report carried out and presented in a manner required for its acceptance in
partial fulfillment for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY
Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Hyderabad during the
academic year2023-2024.



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2.1 Ultrasonic sensors 4

2.2 Radars 5

2.3 Cameras 6

2.4 G.P.S unit and cloud service 7

2.5 Laser sensor 8

2.6 Backup system 9


3.1 Mapping and locallization 11

3.2 Obstacle avoidance 12

3.3 Path planning 13

3.4 The road ahead 14






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1.1 Working model of autonomous vehciles 3

2.1 Ultrasonic sensors 5

2.2 Radar sensor 6

2.3 Cameras 7

2.4 G.P.S unit and cloud service 8

2.5 Lasar scanner 9

2.6 Backup system 10

3.1 Working of self-drivr car 11

3.2 Scanning of speed control board 14

3.3 Cloud based 3d digital map 16

4.1 Levels of autonomous vehicles 20

5.1 Autonomous vehicles communication 23

5.2 The concept of vehicle to everthing(v2x) communication 25

5.3 A demo of v2x system warning for vulnerable road users 26

6.1 Autonomous vehicles marketing grap 27

6.2 Global autonomous vehicles marketing 29

6.3 Global marketing by application 31

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An autonomous vehicle is one that can drive itself from a starting point to a predetermined
destination in “autopilot” mode using various in-vehicle technologies and sensors, including
adaptive cruise control, active steering (steer by wire), anti-lock braking systems (brake by
wire), GPS navigation technology, lasers and radar. The SAE uses the term automated instead
of autonomous. One reason is that the word autonomy has implications beyond the
electromechanical. A fully autonomous car would be self-aware and capable of making its own
choices. For example, you say “drive me to work” but the car decides to take you to the beach
instead. A fully automated car, however, would follow orders and then drive itself. Autonomous
cars are the future smart cars anticipated to be driver less, efficient and crash avoiding ideal
urban car of the future. To reach this goal automakers have started working in this area to
realized the potential and solve the challenges currently in this area to reach the expected
outcome. In this regard the first challenge would be to customize and imbibe existing
technology in conventional vehicle to translate them to a near expected autonomous car.

KEY WORDS: self-driving vehicle, autonomous car, driverless car.


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AV- Autonomous Vehicle

ADAS- Advanced Driver Assistance System
CTA- Cross Traffic Alert
OSD- Optical Surface Dirt
ALC- Automated Line Control
PD- Power Delivery
ACC- Adaptive Cruise Control
DC- Drive Less Car
SDC- Self Driving Car
HAV- Highly Automated Vehicle
ADS- Automated Driving System
DDT- Dynamic Driving Task
V2X- Vehicle To Everything
ASIL- Automotive Safety Integrity
AEB- Autonomous Emergency Braking
CVW- Closing Vehicle Warning
LCA- Line Change Assist

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For the past hundred year’s innovation within the automotive sector as brought major
technological advances leading to safer, cleaner and more affordable vehicles. In the decades
of the 21st century the industry appears to be on the cusp of revolutionary change with potential
to dramatically reshape not just the competitive landscape but also the way we interact with
vehicles and indeed. The future design of our road and cities. The revolution when it comes
will be engendering by advent of an autonomous or self-driving car.

Self-driving vehicles have been defined as vehicles in which operation occurs without direct
driver input to control the steering, acceleration and braking according to the national highway
traffic safety administration. In this type of vehicles the driver is not expected to constantly
monitor the roadway while operating in self-driving mode. This definition assumes that the
vehicles will always have a driver however this isn’t essential autonomous technologies are
already able to perform all of the required function for vehicles to move safely without any one
board at all. The wide spread adoption of driverless vehicles may seem distant vision something
we would expect to see in futuristic movie perhaps.

Self-driving cars are mainly depends on the instruction is given by the GPS system. It gives the
clear picture of road. On the road the complete technology solution shall handle even the most
complicated scenarios. If the passenger is incapacitated for any reason an a doesn’t take over
in time, the car will bring itself to a safe place to stop. Self-driving cars as a holistic solution
that generates exact positioning and complete 360 (degree) views of the cars surrounding. This
is achieved by a combination of multiple radars, cameras and laser sensors. A redundant
network of computers process the information generating a real time map of moving and
stationary objects in the environment. The cameras have a high dynamic range and can handle
very quick changes in lighting condition example: When entering a tunnel. Sensor are used to
detect are identify the any objections to car on the road. It has technology to detect the speed
board in the highways and it goes on that speed. For this car cloud services are attached. It
connected to the traffic authorities control centres. It has a backup system facilities as in the
aeroplanes that will ensure that autopilot will continue to function safely also if an element of

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the system was to become disabled. Modern society faces extensive future challengers to
improve safety and reduce pollution

vehicles operate by using remote-sensing technology including radar, GPS, cameras,

and lidar to monitor and create a 3-D map of their environment. This environment typically
includes street infrastructure, other vehicles, pedestrians, traffic lights, and road

signs. Powerful computer systems process the gathered data and make decisions about vehicle
operations, continually adjusting steering, cruising speed, acceleration, and braking, as sensors
communicate constant changes about the vehicles’ surroundings.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are foundational elements of automated vehicle
systems. Through machine learning, vehicles are trained to learn from the complex data that
they receive to improve the algorithms that they operate under and to expand their ability to
navigate the road. Artificial intelligence enables vehicles’ systems to make decisions about
how to operate without needing specific instructions for each potential situation encountered
while driving.

connected vehicle technology

Connected vehicle technology enables communication with other vehicles and infrastructure.
Through the use of radio signals, connected vehicles are able to “see” each other and their
surroundings, creating a fuller picture of their environment—including infrastructure, vehicles,

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 Ultrasonic sensors may be used to measure the position of object very close to the
vehicle, such as curbs and other vehicles when parking
 Signals from the GPS(global positioning system) satellites are combined with reading
from tachometers, altimeters and gyroscope to provide more accurate positioning than
is possible with GPS alone.
 LIDAR (light detecting and ranging) sensors bounces pulses of light off the
surrounding. Then are analysed to identity lane marking and the edges of roads.
 Video cameras detect traffic lights, read road signs, keep track of the position of other
vehicles and look out for pedestrians’ obstacles on the road.
 Radar sensors monitor the position of other vehicles nearby. Such sensors are already
used in adoptive cruise-control systems.
 The information from all of the sensors is analysed by a central computer that
manipulates the steering, accelerator and brakes. Its software must understand the rules
road, both formal and informal.

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Autonomous car or “Self driving car are defined as a motor vehicles that uses a artificial
intelligence, sensor and global positioning system coordinates to drive itself without the active
intervention of a human operator”. When we compare autonomous car and normal car both are
totally different. In the basis of safety manner, comfort, of the people, in the eyes of pollution
and the parts include. Then the components include in the self-driving car are

• Ultrasonic sensors

• Radars

• Cameras

• Laser scanners

• G.P.S. unit

• Cloud based 3-d digital map

along this there is a backup system as in the aeroplanes. Now we discuss one by one, how its
work in the autonomous car.


A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical
environment. There are many types of sensors are there but we use here ultra-sonic sensors.
Ultrasonic sensors may be used to measure the position of objects very close to the vehicles,
such as curbs and other vehicles and support autonomous drive at low speeds. The sensors are
based on the technology used for current park assist functions enhanced with advanced signals
processing. A typical example of when this technology is useful is for detecting unexpected
situations such as pedestrians or hazards on the road close to the car.

It has four sensors looking backward, four sensors looking forward and four sensors looking to
the sides
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FIG: 2.1 Ultrasonic sensors


Radar is an objective detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude,
direction or speed of objective. In self-driving car 4 surrounded radars are use. It has field of
view greater than 140 degree (Field of view is the area visible through a microscope or
stereoscope. The higher the magnification the small the field view.) It has 3 long range radar
of field view greater than 20 degree of range >150 meter. This four radars behind the front and
rear bumpers cone (on each corner of the car) are able to locate objects in all direction. By
sweeping both left and right, transmitting waves bounces off signs, poles and tunnels, the
monitor a full 360 degree around the car. The two long range radars placed in the rear bumper

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of the car ensure a good rewarded field of view. This technology is particularly useful when
changing lanes because it can defect fast moving vehicles approaching from for behind.

FIG: 2.2 Radars


Cameras are a device for recording visual images in the forms of photograph film or
video signals. Here we use the trifocal cameras.

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Trifocal cameras: In these mainly 3 cameras. The main camera is the popular aril alexia and
two small indie GS2K satellite cameras which creates 3D by combining 3d cine photography.
In addition a trifocal cameras placed behind the upper part of the wind screen is 3 cameras in
one providing a board 140 degree view, a 45 degree view and along range yet narrow 34 degree
view for improved depth perception and distant object detection the cameras can spot suddenly
appearing pedestrians other on expected road hazards.

FIG: 2.3 Cameras

2.4 G.P.S. unit and cloud services

G.P.S. means global positioning system. Signals from GPS satellites are combined with reading
from tachometers, 3-degree freedom of altimeters and 3-degree freedom gyroscope to provide
more accurate position than is possible with GPS alone. A tachometer is an instrument

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measuring the rotation speed of a shaft or disk as in a motor or other machine. It is usually
display in RPM (revolution per minute). It is used to control the speed of the engine. By
matching the 360 degrees, image created by the altitude of sensors with the wrap image. The
car will get the information about its position in relation to the surroundings. By combing the
information from the sensors and the map self-driving car is able to choose the best course in
real time factoring in variables such as the curvature of the road speed limit, temporary signs
and other traffic.

The cloud service is connected to the traffic authorities control centre. This ensures that the
most up to date traffic information is always available. The control centre operation also
operates also have the ability to tell the drivers to turn off the autonomous drive if necessary.

FIG: 2.4 G.P.S. and cloud services

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2.5 Laser scanner

Laser scanning is a versatile tool that can be applied to a multitude of surveying challenges.
High definition 3D Laser Scanning allows for the effective and safe completion of surveys of
inaccessible, complex and irregularly shaped structures. The scanner can identity objects in
front of the car and ensure very high angle resolution. It can also distinguish between objects.
The unique laser sensor has a range of 150 meters for vehicles and covers a 140 degree field
view. This sensors bounce pulse of light off the surrounding. These are analyzed to identify
lane markings and the edge of roads.

There are many types of sensors are there but we use here ultra-sonic sensors. Ultrasonic
sensors may be used to measure the position of objects very close to the vehicles, such as curbs
and other vehicles and support autonomous drive at low speeds. The sensors are based on the
technology used for current park assist functions enhanced with advanced signals processing.
A typical example of when this technology is useful is

FIG: 2.5 Laser scanner

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2.6 Backup system

In addition of all these system, there is a backup system facilities is present as in the
airplanes. It is use full if any one component is not working properly while moving. On
that time it gives a backup system to that component and makes the car moving safely.
This is very essential to the autonomous car. For example: the probability of a brake
system failure is very small but a self-driving vehicles needs a second independent
system to brake the vehicle to a stop as it un likely that the driver will be prepared to
press the brake pedal.

view greater than 140 degree (Field of view is the area visible through a microscope or
stereoscope. The higher the magnification the small the field view.) It has 3 long range
radar of field view greater than 20 degree of range >150 meter. This four radars behind
the front and rear bumpers cone (on each corner of the car) are able to locate objects in
all direction. By sweeping both left and right, transmitting waves bounces off signs,
poles and tunnels, the monitor a full 360 degree around the car. The two long range
radars placed in the rear bumper of the car ensure a good rewarded field of view. This
technology is particularly useful when

the small the field view.) It has 3 long range radar of field view greater than 20 degree
of range >150 meter. This four radars behind the front and rear bumpers cone (on each

FIG :2.6 Back up system

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FIG: 3.1 Working of self-driving car

3.1 Mapping and localization

Prior to making any navigation decisions, the vehicle must first build a map of its environment
and precisely localize itself within that map. The most frequently used sensors for map
building are laser rangefinders and cameras. A laser rangefinder scans the environment using
swaths of laser beams and calculates the distance to nearby objects by measuring the time it
takes for each laser beam to travel to the object and back. Where video from camera is ideal
for extracting scene colour, an advantage of laser rangefinders is that depth information is
readily available to the vehicle for building a three-dimensional

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map. Because laser beams diverge as they travel through space, it is difficult to obtain accurate
distance readings greater than 100m away using most state-of-the-art laser rangefinders,
which limits the amount of reliable data that can be captured in the map. The vehicle filters
and discreteness data collected from each sensor and often aggregate the information to create
a comprehensive map, which can then be used for path planning.

For the vehicle to know where it is in relation to other objects in the map, it must use its GPS,
inertial navigation unit, and sensors to precisely localize itself. GPS estimates can be off by
many meters due to signal delays caused by changes in the atmosphere and reflections off of
buildings and surrounding terrain, and inertial navigation units accumulate position errors
overtime. Therefore localization algorithms will often incorporate map or sensor data
previously collected from the same location to reduce uncertainty. As the vehicle moves, new
positional information and sensor data are used to update the vehicle’s internal map.

3.2 Obstacle Avoidance

A vehicle’s internal map includes the current and predicted location of all static (e.g.
buildings, traffic lights, stop signs) and moving (e.g. other vehicles and pedestrians) obstacles
in its vicinity. Obstacles are categorized depending on how well they match up with a library
of pre-determined shape and motion descriptors. The vehicle uses a probabilistic model to
track the predicted future path of moving objects based on its shape and prior trajectory. For
example, if a two-wheeled object is travelling at 40 mph versus 10 mph, it is most likely a
motorcycle and not a bicycle and will get categorized as such by the vehicle. This process
allows the vehicle to make more intelligent decisions when approaching crosswalks or busy
intersections. The previous, current and predicted future locations of all obstacles in the
vehicle’s vicinity are incorporated into its internal map, which the vehicle then uses to plan
its path.

3.3 Path Planning

The goal of path planning is to use the information captured in the vehicle’s map to
safely direct the vehicle to its destination while avoiding obstacles and following the rules of
the road. Although manufacturers’ planning algorithms will be different based on their
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navigation objectives and sensors used, the following describes a general path planning
algorithm which has been used on military ground vehicles.

This algorithm determines a rough long-range plan for the vehicle to follow while
continuously refining a short-range plan (e.g. change lanes, drive forward 10m, turn right). It
starts from a set of short-range paths that the vehicle would be dynamically capable of
completing given its speed, direction and angular position, and removes all those that would
either cross an obstacle or come too close to the predicted path of a moving one. For example,
a vehicle travelling at 50 mph would not be able to safely complete a right turn 5 meters
ahead, therefore that path would be eliminated from the feasible set. Remaining paths are
evaluated based on safety, speed, and any time requirements. Once the best path has been
identified, a set of throttle, brake and steering commands, are passed on to the vehicle’s on-
board processors and actuators. Altogether, this process takes on average 50ms, although it
can be longer or shorter depending on the amount of collected data, available processing
power, and complexity of the path planning algorithm. The process of localization, mapping,
obstacle detection, and path planning is repeated until the vehicle reaches its destination.

3.4 The Road Ahead

Car manufacturers have made significant advances in the past decade towards making self-
driving cars a reality; however, there still remain a number of technological barriers that
manufacturers must overcome before self-driving vehicles are safe enough for road use. GPS
can be unreliable, computer vision systems have limitations to understanding road scenes,
and variable weather conditions can adversely affect the ability of on-board processors to
adequately identify or track moving objects. Self-driving vehicles have also yet to
demonstrate the same capability as human drivers in understanding and navigating
unstructured environments such as construction zones and accident areas.

These barriers though are not insurmountable. The amount of road and traffic data available
to these vehicles is increasing, newer range sensors are capturing more data, and the
algorithms for interpreting road scenes are evolving. The transition from human-operated
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vehicles to fully self-driving cars will be gradual, with vehicles at first performing only a
subset of driving tasks such as parking and driving in stop-and-go traffic autonomously. As
the technology improves, more driving tasks can be reliably outsourced to the vehicle. This
car move in the road as the speed control board in the high ways as shown in fig.


Consumer confidence is finally bouncing back after Covid, with solid job markets and low
interest rates fuelling vehicle sales. Admittedly, the semiconductor shortage has caused the
sector to hit a bump in the road that has gone on for longer than expected, however global light

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vehicle (LV) sales are still predicted to return to pre-pandemic levels during 2023.

Against this backdrop sustainability remains a key consideration for consumers and auto
OEMs, and with politicians striving to reach climate targets, the case for switching from

Several Asian countries including China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and India are making
significant contributions to the field. Although these countries are in various stages of adoption
with respect to connected and autonomous vehicles, more effort is needed before these
technologies can be reliably deployed on a large scale. Customizing and improving the existing
automated driving technologies to traffic patterns and specific scenarios relevant to Asia
remains a major focus of research in this region.

In addition to major Asian cities like Singapore, Shanghai, and Tokyo building deployment
sites for testing and evaluating self-driving cars, significant activity in Asia-based corporations
continues to expand. For example, Samsung in South Korea recently acquired US infotainment
and audio company Harman, making it a Tier 1 company (Tier 1 companies supply parts to
original equipment manufacturers [OEMs] like BMW). Analysts expect Samsung will now
play a role in automotive telematics, infotainment, and driver-safety technology. In addition,
Hyundai Motors is working with HDmaps to field self-driving cars in time for the 2018
Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. In Japan, auto-makers are working together to make
self-driving cars a reality in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

In China, web services company Baidu is leading the way among Asian companies in bringing
innovative deep-learning technologies to self-driving vehicles through its Project Apollo.
Baidu's self-driving platform offers many capabilities including obstacle perception, route
planning, cloud simulation, HD maps, and end-to-end deep learning. Whether this approach is
adopted by a wider audience remains to be seen. The Chinese government has plans to
encourage adoption of autonomous vehicles by 2025, particularly in the trucking industry.
Several other OEMs, such as Didi Chuxing, NIO (formerly NextEv), Faraday Future, Geely
through its ownership of Volvo, and Nvidia through its investments in JingChi are all in the
race to reshape the transportation industry in China as well as the rest of the world.

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Similarly, Tata and Mahindra in India are making progress in developing market-viable
automated driving technologies that are relevant to local conditions. And, in Vietnam, FPT has
set up a 1,000-person team to develop automated driving technology.

FIG: 3.3 Cloud based 3d digital map

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Level 0 (No Driving Automation)

Most vehicles on the road today are Level 0: manually controlled. The human provides the
"dynamic driving task" although there may be systems in place to help the driver. An example
would be the emergency braking system―since it technically doesn’t "drive" the vehicle, it
does not qualify as automation.

Level 1 (Driver Assistance)

This is the lowest level of automation. The vehicle features a single automated system for driver
assistance, such as steering or accelerating (cruise control). Adaptive cruise control, where the
vehicle can be kept at a safe distance behind the next car, qualifies as Level 1 because the
human driver monitors the other aspects of driving such as steering and braking.

Level 2 (Partial Driving Automation)

This means advanced driver assistance systems or ADAS. The vehicle can control both
steering and accelerating/decelerating. Here the automation falls short of self-driving because
a human sits in the driver’s seat and can take control of the car at any time. Tesla Autopilot and
Cadillac (General Motors) Super Cruise systems both qualify as Level 2.

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Level 3 (Conditional Driving Automation)

The jump from Level 2 to Level 3 is substantial from a technological perspective, but subtle if
not negligible from a human perspective.

Level 3 vehicles have “environmental detection” capabilities and can make informed decisions
for themselves, such as accelerating past a slow-moving vehicle. But―they still require human
override. The driver must remain alert and ready to take control if the system is unable to
execute the task.

Almost two years ago, Audi (Volkswagen) announced that the next generation of the A8―their
flagship sedan―would be the world’s first production Level 3 vehicle. And they delivered.
The 2019 Audi A8L arrives in commercial dealerships this Fall. It features Traffic Jam Pilot,
which combines a lidar scanner with advanced sensor fusion and processing power (plus built-
in redundancies should a component fail).

However, while Audi was developing their marvel of engineering, the regulatory process in the
U.S. shifted from federal guidance to state-by-state mandates for autonomous vehicles. So for
the time being, the A8L is still classified as a Level 2 vehicle in the United States and will ship
without key hardware and software required to achieve Level 3 functionality. In Europe,
however, Audi will roll out the full Level 3 A8L with Traffic Jam Pilot (in Germany first).

Level 4 (High Driving Automation)

The key difference between Level 3 and Level 4 automation is that Level 4 vehicles can
intervene if things go wrong or there is a system failure. In this sense, these cars do not require
human interaction in most circumstances. However, a human still has the option to manually

Level 4 vehicles can operate in self-driving mode. But until legislation and infrastructure
evolves, they can only do so within a limited area (usually an urban environment where top
speeds reach an average of 30mph). This is known as geofencing. As such, most Level 4
vehicles in existence are geared toward ridesharing. For example:

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 NAVYA, a French company, is already building and selling Level 4 shuttles and cabs
in the U.S. that run fully on electric power and can reach a top speed of 55 mph.
 Alphabet's Waymo recently unveiled a Level 4 self-driving taxi service in Arizona,
where they had been testing driverless cars―without a safety driver in the seat―for
more than a year and over 10 million miles.
 Canadian automotive supplier Magna has developed technology (MAX4) to enable
Level 4 capabilities in both urban and highway environments. They are working with
Lyft to supply high-tech kits that turn vehicles into self-driving cars.
 Just a few months ago, Volvo and Baidu announced a strategic partnership to jointly
develop Level 4 electric vehicles that will serve the robotaxi market in China.

Level 5 (Full Driving Automation)

Level 5 vehicles do not require human attention―the “dynamic driving task” is eliminated.
Level 5 cars won’t even have steering wheels or acceleration/braking pedals. They will be free
from geofencing, able to go anywhere and do anything that an experienced human driver can
do. Fully autonomous cars are undergoing testing in several pockets of the world, but none are
yet available to the general public.

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Several Asian countries including China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and India are making
significant contributions to the field. Although these countries are in various stages of adoption
with respect to connected and autonomous vehicles, more effort is needed before these
technologies can be reliably deployed on a large scale. Customizing and improving the existing
automated driving technologies to traffic patterns and specific scenarios relevant to Asia
remains a major focus of research in this region.

In addition to major Asian cities like Singapore, Shanghai, and Tokyo building deployment
sites for testing and evaluating self-driving cars, significant activity in Asia-based corporations

Dept of ECE, SBIT


Communication & Connectivity

Enabling vehicles to share information with other road participants as well as traffic
infrastructure increases the amount and type of available information for autonomous vehicles
to act upon. Vice versa it can provide data for better traffic management. Connectivity also
enables autonomous vehicles to interact with non-autonomous traffic and pedestrians to
increase safety.

Furthermore, AVs will need to connect to the cloud to update their software and maps, and
share back information to improve the collectively used maps and software of their

The digitalization of transport is expected to impact both individual vehicles, public transport,
traffic management, and emergency services. The communication needed can be summed
under the umbrella term of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. This term
encompasses a larger set of specific communication structures, such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle
(V2V), Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), Vehicle-to-Network (V2N), and Vehicle-to-Person

The concept of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication covers various types of

entities that a connected vehicle communicates with. Image: Revolver

A way for inter-vehicle coordination to impact the driving environment is through cooperative
manoeuvring. One application getting much attention is ‘platooning.’ When autonomous /
semi-autonomous vehicles platoon they move in a train-like manner, keeping only small
distances between vehicles, to reduce fuel consumption and achieve efficient transport.
Especially for freight trucks this is a highly investigated area as it could save up to 16% of fuel.

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Another example application of V2X was recently demonstrated by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles,
Continental, and Qualcomm: V2V equipped cars broadcasted a message to following vehicles
in the case of sudden braking to notify them timely of the potentially dangerous situation.

The network enabling these features must be highly reliable, efficient and capable of sustaining
the data traffic load. V2X communication is predominantly supported by two networking
standards, each with significantly different design principles:

1. Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC), based on the IEEE 802.11p

automobile specific Wi-Fi standard. DSRC uses channels of 10 MHz bandwidth in the
5.9 GHz band (5.850–5.925 GHz),
2. Cellular V2X (C-V2X), standardized through the 3GPP release 15 (3GPP is a global
cooperation of six independent committees that define specifications for cellular
standards). The Cellular-V2X radio access technology can be split in older LTE-based,
and the newer 5G New Radio (5G-NR) based C-V2X, which is being standardized at
the moment.

DSRC and C-V2X both allow for communication between vehicles and other vehicles or
devices directly without network access through an interface called PC5. This interface is
useful for basic safety services such as sudden braking warnings, or for traffic data
collection. C-V2X also provides another communication interface called Uu, which allows the
vehicle to communicate directly to the cellular network, a feature that DSRC does not provide.

Both technologies are going through enhancements (802.11bd and 5G-NR V2X) to support
the more advanced applications that require reliability, low latency, and high data throughput.

Current fourth generation (LTE/4G) mobile network are fast enough for gaming or streaming
HD content, but lack the speed and resilience required to sustain autonomous vehicle network
operations 5G brings three main capabilities to the table: greater data rate speed (25-50% faster
than 4G LTE), lower latency (25-40% lower than 4G LTE), and the ability to serve more

In the case of V2N over a cellular connection, using the Uu interface, the requirements of a 5G
network are:

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• Real data rates of 1 to 10 Gbit/s.

• 1ms end-to-end latency.
• Ability to support 1000 times the bandwidth of today’s cell phones.
• Ability to support 10 to 100 times the number of devices.
• A 99.999% perceived availability and 100% perceived coverage.
• Lower power consumption.

5G does not necessarily bring all of these at the same time, but it gives developers the ability
to choose the performance needed for specific services. In addition, 5G could offer network
slicing (creating multiple logical networks, each dedicated to a particular


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In addition to major Asian cities like Singapore, Shanghai, and Tokyo building deployment
sites for testing and evaluating self-driving cars, significant activity in Asia-based corporations
continues to expand. For example, Samsung in South Korea recently acquired US infotainment
and audio company Harman, making it a Tier 1 company (Tier 1 companies supply parts to
original equipment manufacturers [OEMs] like BMW). Analysts expect Samsung will now
play a role in automotive telematics, infotainment, and driver-safety technology. In addition,
Hyundai Motors is working with HDmaps to field self-driving cars in time for the 2018
Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. In Japan, auto-makers are working together to make
self-driving cars a reality in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The digitalization of transport
is expected to impact both individual vehicles, public transport, traffic management, and
emergency services. The communication needed can be summed under the umbrella term of
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. This term encompasses a larger set of specific
communication structures, such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I),
Vehicle-to-Network (V2N), and Vehicle-to-Person (V2P) DSRC and C-V2X both allow for
communication between vehicles and other vehicles or devices directly without network access
through an interface called PC5. This interface is useful for basic safety services such as sudden
braking warnings, or for traffic data collection. C-V2X also provides another communication
interface called Uu, which allows the vehicle to communicate directly to the cellular network,
a feature that DSRC does not provide.

Both technologies are going through enhancements (802.11bd and 5G-NR V2X) to support
the more advanced applications that require reliability, low latency, and high data throughput.

Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. In Japan, auto-makers are working together to make
self-driving cars a reality in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The digitalization of transport
is expected to impact both individual vehicles, public transport, traffic management, and
emergency services. The communication needed can be summed under the umbrella term of
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. This term encompasses a larger set of specific
communication structures, such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I),
Vehicle-to-Network (V2N), and Vehicle-to-Person (V2P) DSRC and C-V2X both allow for
communication between vehicles and other vehicles or devices directly without network access
through an interface called PC5. This interface is useful for basic safety services such as sudden
braking warnings, or for traffic data collection.

Dept of ECE, SBIT


application within the same hardware infrastructure) and cloud management techniques (edge
computing) to manage data traffic and capacity on demand.

Applications supporting fully autonomous vehicles could generate huge amounts of data every
second. This has led semiconductor manufacturers such as Qualcomm and Intel to develop new
application-specific integrated circuits. These combine large 5G bandwidth with innovative
digital radio and antenna architectures, to change the autonomous vehicle into a mobile data

‘In an autonomous car, we have to factor in cameras, radar, sonar, GPS and LIDAR –
components as essential to this new way of driving as pistons, rings and engine blocks. Cameras
Dept of ECE, SBIT

will generate 20–60 MB/s, radar upwards of 10 kB/s, sonar 10–100 kB/s, GPS will run at 50
kB/s, and LIDAR will range between 10–70 MB/s. Run those numbers, and each autonomous
vehicle will be generating approximately 4,000 GB –or 4 terabytes –of data a day.’

Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel, 2016

At the same time, it may be noted that high data loads are not always needed. Choosing what
the relevant and minimally required data is, and transferring it at the right time to the right
receiver can enable a lot of uses cases to transfer less data.


The digitalization of transport is expected to impact both individual vehicles, public transport,
traffic management, and emergency services. The communication needed can be summed
under the umbrella term of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. This term
encompasses a larger set of specific communication structures, such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle
(V2V), Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), Vehicle-to-Network (V2N), and Vehicle-to-Person

‘In an autonomous car, we have to factor in cameras, radar, sonar, GPS and LIDAR –
components as essential to this new way of driving as pistons, rings and engine blocks. Cameras

Dept of ECE, SBIT


Report Overview
The global autonomous vehicles market demand was estimated at 51.6 thousand units in 2021
and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 53.6% from 2022 to
2030. Self-drive cars, also known as autonomous vehicles, are a key innovation in the
automotive industry, with high growth potential, and act as a catalyst in the technological
development of automobiles. Developing a supportive regulatory framework, government
funding, and investment in digital infrastructure is expected to play a key role in positively
affecting the market growth during the forecast period.


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The improvements in the technology, such as adaptive algorithms, sensor processing, high the
production of autonomous vehicles. The market has a wide range of products and systems that
Dept of ECE, SBIT

make up the autonomous vehicle infrastructure. Autonomous cars enable independent mobility
for non-drivers and people suffering from certain disabilities. It allows travelers to travel with
more comfort and flexibility to read, rest, or even work while traveling, increasing their
efficiency. It will also reduce the paid driver cost for commercial vehicles and taxis. Other
benefits such as increased safety with reduced crash risks and increased road capacity with
reduced costs will significantly adopt these vehicles in the market.
Various leading players are working towards enhancing the experience of using autonomous
vehicles, with the help of new technologies. For instance, in 2019, the leading automobile
company Volkswagen announced its collaboration with Ford to invest in AI vendor Argo AI.
The partnership's goal was to introduce autonomous vehicle technology in Europe and the US.
The company decided to invest more than 4 billion USD through 2023 to develop and enhance
its autonomous or self-driving services.

The autonomous car is made up of numerous sensors, such as LiDAR and RADAR systems,
working concurrently to carry out operations automatically without the help of drivers. By
performing situational analysis, motion planning, and trajectory control, these sensors help in
navigation. The rising safety concerns and advancements in automotive technologies have led
to the penetration and acceptance of autonomous vehicles by governments of various countries,
such as the U.S., Germany, China, and Japan. Such factors are anticipated to drive market
growth in the forecast period.
Many government entities are taking various initiatives to launch autonomous vehicles in their
country. Additionally, the government has taken multiple initiatives to ensure the safety of
autonomous vehicles. For instance, in February 2018, the European Union (EU), the
ENSEMBLE consortium, and the Netherlands scientific research organization TNO announced
the implementation plan for multi-brand truck platooning on European roads. The multi-brand
truck platooning will enable a single truck to connect with other trucks.

Such initiatives will improve the fuel economy, increase traffic capacity, and reduce the
carbon-dioxide emissions in the EU. Moreover, the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) has announced several measures and guidelines to ensure safety. In
2021, NHTSA issued a standard general order, under which the manufacturers and the operator
of the autonomous vehicles will have to report any crashes they face to the agency.

Dept of ECE, SBIT

Application Insights
The transportation segment accounted for the highest market share of 93.6% in 2021 in the
global market. However, the defense sector is expected to emerge as the fastest-growing
segment during the forecast period. This is due to the rising number of initiatives across various
regions, such as North America. For instance, in March 2020, Sikorsky and the U.S. Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced testing autonomous flight software
on S-70 Black Hawk and S-76 commercial helicopters. Based on application, autonomous
vehicles are categorized into transportation and defense. The improvements in the technology,
such as adaptive algorithms, sensor processing, high-definition mapping, and enhanced
infrastructure, are prompting various companies to expand the production of autonomous
vehicles. The market has a wide range of products and systems that make up the autonomous
vehicle infrastructure. Autonomous cars enable independent mobility for non-drivers and
people suffering from certain disabilities. It allows travelers to travel with more comfort and
flexibility to read, rest, or even work while traveling, Furthermore, the enhanced technology
offered by various companies also attracts customers to adapt autonomous vehicles for their
commercial use. Different leading companies are collaborating to provide hi-tech autonomous
driving experiences. For instance, in March 2020,


Dept of ECE, SBIT

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The transportation segment is expected to account for a high share of the autonomous vehicles
market in the coming years, due to the rising adoption of AVs in transportation. For instance,
in December 2019, Baidu, a provider of Internet-related products and services, announced that
it had secured 40 licenses that will enable the company to test driverless cars. In the
transportation type segment, the industrial segment is estimated to grow at a high CAGR in the
forecast period. This is due to advances in technologies and the rising acceptance of
autonomous vehicles by various governments across the globe.

Furthermore, the enhanced technology offered by various companies also attracts customers to
adapt autonomous vehicles for their commercial use. Different leading companies are
collaborating to provide hi-tech autonomous driving experiences. For instance, in March 2020,
Toyota announced that it is working with TomTom and Denso to demonstrate fast, high,
definition map building methods for the road that will help improve autonomous vehicle
driving and provide a safer experience.

Report Coverage & Deliverables

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 Competitive benchmarking
 Historical data & forecasts
 Company revenue shares
 Regional opportunities
 Latest trends & dynamics
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Regional Insights
North America accounted for the highest share of more than 45% in the global market in 2021.
The growth across the mobility as a service sector is anticipated to provide an impetus to the
autonomous car market. North America is expected to witness significant growth owing to
amendments in traffic regulations in the U.S. to incorporate autonomous cars on public roads.
The regulation is slowly being adopted across all the states of the U.S. to make transportation
fully autonomous.

For instance, the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), a traffic regulations
body in the U.S., under its policy in 2013, allowed self-driving car testing in several states,
including Nevada, California, Florida, Michigan, and Washington D.C. Europe is expected to
emerge as a potentially lucrative market for the adoption of autonomous cars, on account of
growing consumer preference for using techno-advanced products. In addition to this, the
government is taking various initiatives to enhance autonomous vehicles.

For instance, in August 2020 in the U.K., The Department of Transport (DFT) announced the
launch of the Automated Lane-Keeping System (ALKS), which can automatically take control
Dept of ECE, SBIT

of vehicles running at low speed. This technology will enable the driver to delegate driving to
the vehicles, and the system will keep the vehicle moving along its lane. The U.K. government
plans for self-driving vehicles to be in use by 2021 in the country, and it also has further plans
to make the required changes to the regulations that can support the development of
autonomous vehicles in the region.

Key Companies & Market Share Insights

Leading players in the market stay ahead of the competition through collaborations and the
development of innovative solutions. For instance, in August 2019, Audi announced its
partnership with Daimler and BMW to create and develop an advanced driving system. These
collaborations will help the companies develop highly functioning autonomous vehicles with
autonomous driving and autonomous parking.

In August 2017, BMW AG, Intel Corporation, Mobileye, a subsidiary company of Intel
Corporation, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) signed an MoU for FCA to join the
companies in developing autonomous vehicle driving platforms. The memorandum aims to
combine the resources, capabilities, and strengths of all companies to reduce time to market,
increase development efficiency, and enhance the application’s technology. Various leading
companies collaborate to offer advanced technology, and such initiatives will substantially
contribute to market growth. Some of the key players operating in the global autonomous
vehicles market include:

 Audi AG


 Daimler AG

 Ford Motor Company

 General Motors Company

 Google LLC

 Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

 Nissan Motor Company

 Tesla

 Toyota Motor Corporation

Dept of ECE, SBIT

 Uber Technologies, Inc.

 Volvo Car Corporation

 Volkswagen AG

Autonomous Vehicles Market Report Scope

Segments Covered in the Report

This report forecasts volume growth at the global, regional, and country levels and provides an
analysis of the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2021 to 2030. For the
purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global autonomous vehicles
market report based on application and region:

 Application Outlook (Volume, Thousand Units, 2021 - 2030)

o Transportation

 Industrial

 Commercial

o Defence

 Regional Outlook (Volume, Thousand Units, 2021 - 2030)

o North America

 U.S.

 Canada

 Mexico

Dept of ECE, SBIT

o Europe

 Germany

 U.K.

 France

 Netherlands

 Sweden

o Asia Pacific

 China

 Japan

 Singapore

 Austral

 General Motors Company

 Google LLC

 Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

 Nissan Motor Company

 Tesla

 Toyota Motor Corporat

Dept of ECE, SBIT



Despite massive improvement in a traffic safety 1.2 million of people are still in kill traffic
every year. For reduce this problem autonomous car technology is very helpful. Allowing the
car to act automatically is crucial when moving towards the future cars will not crash at all.
The present system for auto braking lane keeping aid and adaptive cruise control are examples
of the first steps towards autonomous driving. Then other features include road edge and barrier
detection with steer assist, which detect if the near about to drive off the round and
autonomously applies steering torque to bring the vehicles back on track. Autonomous driving
will carry significant consumer benefit, it will fundamentally change the way we look at driving
cars. As a driver in the future you will be able to plan your drive with a mix of autonomous and
active driving, allowing for efficient use of your daily journey. You could safely interact via
phone or tablets or simply relax. Autonomous driving safely there by paves the way for more
efficient time management behind the wheel. In addition to simplifying people`s lived and
transforming the everyday commute from last time to quality time self driving cars create
environment benefits. Autonomous driving car is no longer available due to exceptional
weather conditions, technical malfunction or the end of the rotate has been reached. On this
time the driver is promoted by the system to take over again. But except this car is very useful
to the consumers. It is not only useful but also the safer when compare to the other cars which
are present.

Dept of ECE, SBIT

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