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the importance of staying away from HIV virus

HIV is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. This virus has spread widely
throughout Indonesia and even the world.

HIV transmission can occur through vaginal or anal sex, using needles and blood
transfusions. Although rare, HIV can also be passed from mother to child during pregnancy,
childbirth and breastfeeding. HIV is not like other viruses, so there is no need to stay away
from people who are infected with HIV except for intercourse, it must be avoided because it
can be transmittedThere is no definitive cure for HIV, but strict adherence to a prescription
anti-retroviral (ARV) regimen can dramatically slow disease progression and prevent
secondary infections and complications.

From the many news circulating, it is better for us to stay away from HIV by not having free
sex, and it is hoped that we can remind each other about the dangers of HIV for the next

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