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During the 19th century, Slavery was massively used by the English in order to

control the coffee and sugar trade in the Indies or the Caribbean despite the

living conditions of slaves.

The slave trade is described in this extract of law governed by the Auxiliary

Society for the Relief of Negro Slaves passed the 21st of 6th Month 1825 and

announced at a meeting in Sheffield the 12th of 7th month 1825.

The Auxiliary Society for the Relief of Negro Slaves is an organization

founded in 1825 that defends the rights and freedoms of slaves and in this

excerpt those-I ask for a better standard of living as well as to stop the horrors

suffered by black children and to improve knowledge of slavery in order to be

able to stop it.

This extract was able to allow many people to become aware of the horror and

crimes committed in connection with the quality of life and slaves and 7 years

later on 26 July 1833 Slavery in England and the colonies is abolished.

What does this extract from the Auxiliary Society for the Relief of Black

Slaves do to unveil and raise awareness of slavery ?

In a first part we will discuss the living conditions of slaves and in a second

part we will explain the arguments cited by the organization against slavery.

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