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The 6 rules

for a strong
password policy
in your business
Company Password Policy

Digital Vault and Password Manager for Business.

The importance of a
password policy
Protecting sensitive information is crucial for any organization, and a strong
password policy is an essential component of an overall security strategy.
Our free password policy template provides clear guidelines for employees to
follow when creating and handling passwords, helping to reduce the risk of data
breaches and unauthorized access.
Minimum password length:
14 characters

Requiring a minimum password length helps to ensure that passwords are more difficult
to guess or crack. Longer passwords are generally more secure because they have more
possible combinations, making it harder for attackers to guess or use a precomputed list
of common passwords (a technique known as „dictionary attack“).

Password Manager & Digital Vault

At least one lowercase
letter, one uppercase
letter, one number, and one
special character
Requiring a mix of different character types (lowercase letters, uppercase letters,
numbers, special characters) makes it more difficult for attackers to guess or crack
passwords. Using a variety of character types increases the number of possible
combinations, making it harder for attackers to use a precomputed list of common

Password Manager & Digital Vault

Password expiration:

Requiring regular password updates has long been seen as a crucial security measure,
aimed at minimizing the risk of compromised or weak passwords being exploited over
time. In the past, it was widely recommended to enforce password changes every 90
days (or 180 days for passphrases) according to the guidelines set by NIST. However, this
approach has proven to have unintended consequences, as frequent password changes
often lead to user frustration and increase the likelihood of individuals reverting to
old passwords or adopting predictable patterns. Such practices undermine the overall
security of your information systems.

Password Manager & Digital Vault

Do not reuse any of the last
10 passwords.

Prohibiting the reuse of recent passwords helps to prevent the use of compromised or
weak passwords. If a password is compromised or becomes weak, requiring users to
choose a new password helps to ensure that the password is not used again.

Password Manager & Digital Vault

Do not use common
passwords or easily
guessable information
(e.g. “password,” “123456,”
“qwerty,” “first name,” etc.)

Prohibiting the use of common passwords and easily guessable information helps to
prevent the use of passwords that are easily guessed or found in precomputed lists of
common passwords.

Password Manager & Digital Vault

Keep passwords private
and do not share them with
Keeping passwords private helps to prevent unauthorized access to company systems
and data. Sharing passwords can lead to unauthorized access if the person with whom
the password is shared is not authorized to access the system or if the password is
compromised. It is important for each user to have their own unique password to ensure
the security of company systems and data.

Password Manager & Digital Vault

Our company’s
password policy
Following the password policy is essential for maintaining the security of our
organization‘s systems and data. By setting these guidelines for creating and managing
passwords, you can help prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. A strong
password policy also helps to ensure compliance with industry regulations and protect
our business‘s reputation. Don‘t risk the security of our organization – use our password
policy template to establish a comprehensive and effective password management.

Minimum password length: 14 characters

At least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter,

one number, and one special character

Password expiration: optional

Do not reuse any of the last 10 passwords

Do not use common passwords or easily guessable

information (e.g. “password,” “123456,” “qwerty,”
“first name,” etc.)

Keep passwords private and do not share them with


Password Manager & Digital Vault

Every business has secrets.
Need more information on how to securely manage your company
passwords or any other sensitive data?

Hypervault can help. We‘re a digital vault, with a password manager

included and made for businesses of any size. Get in touch today to
protect the most valuable asset in your company: your sensitive data.

Password Manager & Digital Vault

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