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1. Introduction. Review of general concepts and approach to the literary production of the North American colonies till Independence
2. The beginnings of fiction in North America
3. Transcendentalism and the American Renaissance
4. 19th century American poetry
5. Realism in US fiction
6. Naturalism. The turn of the century.

• 25.01.2023
1492: Cristopher Columbus arrived in America but he did not discover because Vikings had already been there.
1607: Jamestown (Virginia)
Alver Nunes Cabeza de Vava wrote “Naufragions” in 1542. It is the starting point of American literature.
North America: 18th century
Conquest (invasion) / Colonization: there is a difference, they are not the same thing there are some similarities. power and money, possess it to be more powerful (England) minerals and all the
other stuff are so important.
Colonization: Making a place your home (Spain) it takes longer, people need to feel out, Spain was all about conquer.
What is the thing they couldn’t find?: minerals, gold, silver and other things that they are interested. Spain was focused on South America because the reason they went to america to pursue
benefit. Later Spain their interest because they couldn’t access the things they were looking for. It was then England (pilgrams from england ) step in. (1607, colonized not to conquer because
territories were not taken by force) They wanted to live there and access commercial areas. And in 1607 Jamestown (Virginia) was set up , found.
Later in 1620 , Plymouth (new england) was founded. They sailed to there using mayflower. In 1630 , Massachusetts was found , too. Both colonies was founded by Puritans.
everything that I possess. Her husband is her “head” she identifies him with the head : the intelligence. , the authority ; the “money” . money comes from hem. He is the one who provide. A
good husband. The dycotomy (ikilem) head/heart as him and her persists. There is tenderness ,careness, love. She misses her affection and his body, she thinks they are a whole she is
complaining about physical distance that they have. They should not be separated we need to be together all the time. It was not something typical in the 17th century. But in purtism you should
not question in anything. A good wife should merely be satisfied with that. What is the source of compliance :love ; what kind of love is this ; pegın love. We are supposed to be colder but she is
not a kind of a woman puritans comfortable with. When she is with her husband everything is LIGHT, WARM , SUN BUT WHEN HE İS NOT WİTH HER everything is DARK , COLD,
WINTER “MY SUN IS GONE SO FAR” how this poem glorify god ? it is not glorify . this fear of religion is secular(dünyevi)*. We are moving from “love” into “desire” desire can adopt
many forms. It is something that burns within you. Woman and desire is not acceptable in 17th century. Children were a consolation consoloation, to some extend. She is in pain , *despair : like in
the other poem. (bir önceki) she tries to comfprt herself , acceptance. From despair to acceptance. She use poetry a way to cope with things.* she points out that she born these children through
her husband heat.*
The first things that will happened when he is back that their body will be together. You will be my guest and. I will be your house. There is a contraposition of Capricorn and cacer which were
opposites in the zodiac and glowing breast makes reference to a sensual part of a woman’s body , again domestic imagenry , in which the husband is welcomed.
“flesh of thy flesh” (in here she ompares adam and eve and she outs assertion that they are both the same as together. BUT the male superiprity is pervasive. it shows that i

* NOT:1620 Plymouth, 1630 Massachusetts. *

Mayflower: It was an English ship that transported a group of English families, known today as the Pilgrims, from England to the New World in 1620.
NOTE : Anne Bradstreet was the first writer in England’s North American colonies to publish book.


Puritans were persecuted in england , so they fled to america because it was a chance of survival. These were followers of Juan Calvin , so they were Calvinists. They believed in Predestination.
Predestination: (kader) you can’t do anything to go to heaven, only if you are predestined. “Your fade is already written” the name of the people is “chosen” or “elect” “damned” but you did
not find out until you die. God knows if you’re going to be one of the elected. If you are good, you might have a possibility. But you have no guarantees. You shouldn’t make a mistake, if you do
you are out. They are demanding and strict. No possibility of forgiveness. This is life of puritans. Good actions are not enough to go to heaven. Mistakes can not be forgiven. Repenting ( tövbe
etmek) did not allow you to go back into the wagon of of “good Puritans”.
Hierarchy: community, leader
Pilgrims: people who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.

The Arbella was this ship on which the pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts. They were a group led by John Winthrop , who then became the governor of the colony. Massachusetts was under
theocratic political system when it was founded in 1630.
Theocracy: In a theocratical society sin and crime are basically the same thing everything is controlled by gods, and everybody is pleased by god. Ifyou have a sin , it means you are criminal .
law and religion are so close to eachother. The puritans were deeply accounted with Bible. All means of socialization was the bible at that time. They needed explanation for biblical references.
“biblical , quotes”

Fear was used used to push people to be a good Christian.

*Confiscation(haciz) the act of confiscating a possession from someone (= taking it away as a punishment) 1630

Winthrop uses the metaphor of “shipwreck” since the most people who crossed the Atlantic died. He uses fear to move people faithful to religion and therefore makes them obey. He threatens.
“god is going to kill you”
*Puritan literature is didactic and plain style. They always glorify the god , while writing and by being didactic. By using way of word to understand the god. Glorifying god in every aspect , even
in writing.
He also mentions a character from the bible , Micah. For most of them The bibile was their only book and they discussed it in every sermon and probably at home too. If any Biblica I reference
was made , it was assumed that everyone would understand it because of how common it was to know everything about the Bible.
The Idea of Togetherness: it was repeated obsessively. Winthrop was disappointed because he was believing the united communities but people started to believe in individualism. People began
to become their own priority rather than prioritisng Christianism. ( dissent : düşünce ayrılığı)
Brotherly affection: being there for eachother. There I given a lot of prominent in the text. These insistent are exaggerate. They insist so much on togetherness. If we are together we can do better.
Who are the enemies in the text? : the Native Americans because whoever have another religion are termed as enemies since they were not Puritans. ; why he assume this? : because they are
different. So we need to be scared of them. What they celebrate in thanksgiving? : puritans could not have survived at that time if there wasn’t americans.
A city upon a hill: a hill is a mountain or elevation ; on the top of that would be a city , for its location, would be clearly visible for ever yone to imitate and admire. The role model were those
who metaphorically were on the top of the mountain , therefore being physically closer to godç the rest of the people watched and observed them from the bottom of the mountains and looked up
to them. The gave the other people the sense of being better and they devoted themselves to the religion they are closer to the god. And ofcourse this is not true : most of the world thought they
were crazy and fanatic people and they di not care about them. And john in here lies to them to give them a motive to believe and to give them a sense of purpose.
American exceptionalism: America is the model for values and basically everything. Like America is better society. The manifest destiny supported the idea of dominating all of north America
and getting rid of whoever did not agree with their beliefs. They wanted to conquer the west. Winthdrop through “ a model of Christian charity” sent the message that he was the puritanés
saviour and used the word “covenant”
What is “covenant” : agreement,contract,compromise. It is used in the bible. While describing what happened when the people of the Israel were than to the Egypt and enslaved.
*Israel people are puritans
*Moses is himself
*Promised land America
The puritan literary style was plain , of an extreme simplicity.didactic fashion. That’s why the content was more important than form. Like the Bible. In the text and in the bible the words are
similar or same.


Wrote the day of the doom , so important. The most popular poem written in new England.
day of doom and what does it significate? : day of the doom is the day of joy ,doomsday is
the day in which god chooses whether you will go either to hell or to heaven.


A woman at her own house. She was single , has never get married. She did not need any one. She knew everything by herself. She lived 1630s. there was Antinomianism. It is any view that
rejects laws and legalism and argues against mroral,religious or social norms. Because of her peculiar beliefs like she does not believe in god or she knows everything she was rejected by
Puritans. And she was pretty good at speaking.1637 Roohe Island , she was expelled from Massachussetts.(1636). She was the person of Decending tradition . she was not on the same page with
Winthrop. Consents / dissents olarak ayrılmışlardı. Anne brandstreet was in the middle of two.


She was talking about that it is like she can not write about captains because she is a woman, poor. This text has some irony while she is saying these things. She says so in a way that she is
appealing. She is often in the middle. She refers to herself as a schoolboy was also a way to let society infantilize her so no one saw her as a threat or as an outcast becaue she was a woman who
was writing and she had to adopt that role of being merely child. And she kept saying smooth comment about man and how terrible a poet is until the 5th stanza. She acts clearly. While she insists
that she can’t write , she basically writes. For someone who is incapable of writing she does a lot of writing.
All of a sudden she appeals her identity and starts saying things like she is tired , angry. She is sick of hearing those comments like you can not write. The idea revoves around a woman being a
writer and excusing herself for being a writer too, to not to be rejected by society.


It is Puritan style. It is easy to follow,words are easy. Simplicity is something we can take for granted. It is written in Heroic couplets. And this is simpler than parameters. The rhythm is iambic.
The words are completely simple. The more you go the more the words become sophisticated. The first verse is obscure. (I rest took) that complicates the reading very much. We can divide the
poem into pieces.
(a) 1-12 : it is description of fire. This is intro. Intro is very dynamic. And it ended up being a bit sad over what happened , it is description.
(b) 1. 13-20 2. 21-36 : it is more about reflection. It is more what’s happening inside. It is more about what to do about the burnt. (I blest his name that gave and took : god take and god gives) and
then there is another house (god’s hose: the church) there is calm and acceptance. It was god’s decision ; the fire was a purification(arındırma) , so to speak. If the god decided to do it so be it ,
in this part it is just acceptance . house is destroyed but you are alive.
(c)37-54 melancholy ; she stars feeling the nostalgia. How devastated over the fire. This is unacceptable to her, because the heavenly home is better. She has another house waiting for her ,on the
top. She awares that in those lines. At the end of the poem you understand that she does KENOSIS. She complictes the poem and cleans. Puritans can be fooled by this but the poem is not clean
Why does she keep going to that place? : because of the memories , she feels attachment to the is not easy to stick Puritan ideas. Because a Christian person should not feel such
attachment to material possessions.

Iambic: bir kısa bir uzun hece ölçüsü

Pentameter: beş heceli mısra


he is a good poem. What is inpredictable about him? : nothing suprsises you , it is affected by puritsm, not so interesting.

A LETTER TO HER HUSBAND (heroic I iambic pentameter)

Religious part: she should love her husband. You are my everything . you are t is a biblical one. It Is quoted from bible. She is kinda backing off here. Before the poem is over she introduces the
bible , because she takes a step back, attempt to go back to some kind religious way. This particular sentence is classic biblical line : to support that man are superior. -the last line- : no matter
how physically apart they might be the love keep them together. He will always be with me. This journey is like : she is in the middle. Express : I will not be myself completely , will be in the


-O renkli haritayı açtı

1607 Jamestown / Virginia
1619 Black People / they were not slaves , they were hired.
1620 Plymouth
1630 Massachusetts
1660 The economy in South Carolina / tabacco / slavery*
1663 North carolina
1670 South carolina
The economy in South Carolina was based on platations of tabacco and it is very aggressive. It required so many people and land. The problem of labour was that it was very intensive and there
were not enough people. They needed a lot of hand working cheaply. It was a huge exploitation. Slavery was their choice. Black went from getting hired than slavery through years because white
people scared them and they straightened their laws until they become slave.. They needed more and more and more and in time they became truly slaves. They were not considered human
beings anymore.
08.02.2023 (farklı hocanın geldiği ders)
WAR OF 1812
Chief Tecumseh (1768)
J. Hector St. John
Indian Removal Act
Mexican – American War
Anti-slavery Movement

American Romanticism(s) (1820-1860) : genuine literary movements that developed in the us. Imagination went towards. Everything was fresh.


Everything began with lyrical ballads. Collection of poems by wordsworth and coledridge. Included poem mainly by William wordsworth.

Lyrical Ballads

Was a desire to original state of nature in hich people enjoyed a less corrupt and more innocent existence. Problem şn America was they did not know what to do with native americans. Indians
were seen as belong to other society.


1.I possess the slave. The more you become individual the more you become powerful. The less someone know the more vulnerable he is.
The problem was economoy was colonies , was not diversified. Without slavery they had nothing. They were relying on this. Jefferson iconic person , present of united states and therefore;
Jefferson he had lots of slaves. 2.5 million were lining and 500.000 people were slaves ,n where that is going to be u.k soon. South depended on slavery but north did not(other colonies ; they also
had slavery but not as much as north?). They had so many slaves and it was easy to be mean ,cruel and the saves were seen like out of the family , not familiar approach to them. Slavery was
abolished due to the civil war 1861-1865.
Capitalism ; the civil war was impulse because the north had.


“The negro slaves of the south are the happiest” you never think that they are soon as capitalism became dominant south was hell so was the north. On the first part of the text he only
puts praises to the slavery conditions , like “no more then 9 hours

Phyllis Wheatley

1753 year she was born / africa

1761 8 year old was taking to American colonies and sold to the slaves / Susanna Wheatley
1765 she was already writing poets
1767 she published a poet
1773 by this time , “POEMS” – African American literature starting point*
1774 “POEMS” another book
1776 declaration of independence / also the date of the revolutionary war*
1778 she got married
1784 until this time she tries to have a family / marriage time
She is the poet of ON BEING BROUGHT FROM AFRUCA TO AMERICA and ON IMAGINATION poems. She was captured as a slave when she was 8 years old in 1761 and she headed to
south were the slaves were needed the most but luckily because of the weather she ended up in Massachusetts/ boston. There were slaves from new England as weel and she was taken bu a
woman and named after. Se treated her as a daughter. It was not typical in the American slavery time. (sussanna took her) Phyliss was not a servant but a daughter to her. This is a different and a
unique experience as a slave she got lucky because we can not guess how many brilliant minds artists spend their lives a slave. She was PRECOCIOUS when it comes to education. In 1767 she
published a poem in a newspaper and 1773 her first book : Poems. She is the first person who is African-american publisher. Thanks to he black American poerty started. She died while she was
giving birth. The canon of American
literature has changed over years. She was not in it until quite recently and she wrote about religious and war poetry , also things like imagination , fancy. She became a convinced Christian.
Because she was not feeling as this way.

Do they have to be grateful to be slave?

Iambic pantameters / heroic couplets… this is realy classic. In form it is conventional but unconventional in ideas. The content did not match with it. In poet she talks about the mercy when she
was captured since thanks to this she knew about the god and this is what she calls “understanding” about the scorn “tepeden baka , hor görme” (supremacy) of the others towards her race ,she
makes an ironic statement. It is not just some others but everybody . besided , by quoting them she is not assuming or internalizing that racism , but merely drawing the reader’s attention to it..
This was a revolutionary(inkilapçı , devrimci) idea. She was not Christian but in the poetry she was rejecting her roots.there was purtanistic themes because she was putting religionus theems
over material devices. (the way the poem begins) it was the time that slavery was good for slaves she was appreciating being slave. She use the “Anne Bradstreet” strategy. She demonstrate that
she can use your league (Americans)
May be refined , and join the angelic train. : She believes that as long as black people can be converted to Christianity they can be equal to whites before the eyes of the god. The only thing that
speperated them black people from white people is that the religion. She is moking the way her contemporaries.
*canon of 19th century


Imagination : fancy
Imagination Fancy
Meaning Beauty
Relevance Second rate
Orgininality Imitative
Creation Re-creatable
Casting Short lived
Mind Sense
Now here , now there : fancy constantly moving
Heroic couplets. This is more abstract than those we have covered. Maybe she really talks about imagination.Imagination was necessary to creta. Truth , originality , meaning…. Things that are
for more than just fun. Which is he difference with fancy? Traditionally they have always meant the same thing. However, the romantics established difference, fancy was mere beauty and
1773 > transitional (geçici) poetry between Neoclassicism and Romantism. Imagination should taka eover. This stanza seems to be the transition between two styles.
The first was only a tool for her to make contrast
with the second, thus conveying what Imagination is. Wheatley wanted to show that she, a black woman, could write something beyond Fancy. Apparently, the poem seems merely fancyful; an
attempt to write an imagination poem and failing, until almost the end. She realises it is a failure amd doesnt like it either. But the idea is, indeed, Imaginative: A poet writing a poem about a poet
writing a poem. It is the second poet, the fictitious one, who gives up because of writing something bad. She addresses Imagination, personifying it and praising it to keep by her side. Fancy is
unstable: whimsical, capricious, of a transitory nature - because it has only beauty. It doesnt last. Roving as opposed to swiftness. 4th stanza: To be transported to no less than God himself. To be
lifted above the ground. Not a religious God, however, but a Romantic one. It grants her the power of vision. Imagination is ambitious: It strives to get to the most inner parts of the reader
("amaze thunbounded soul")
In the following stanza, the poet is describing nature. Something not particulary meaningful or innovative, because it it Fancy talking. The reality is winter; upset that Fancy is lying. It is false.
It goes on in the same fashion, until the poet finally gives up: It prefers not to write, unless it is something Imaginative. However, Wheatley's idea is, with its two poets embedded in a frame


Women in the Puritan England were seen as wives and mothers. In the 19th century, however, there was an increasing number of women fighting for their right to vote. The movement had
started, and thay had also started to be educated - literacy increasing.
The aim of the movement for the rights for women was to not be confined at home, but doing jobs outside of it. They were not many, but the seed was sown. It was not, by then, unthinkable of
women to have a career.
There were also women who decided to not have children. Few, but increasing. They had begun to embrace those rights, as well as that to divorce. Minor changes started to take place
Usually, they were the middle class women who could have more leisure time to pursue hobbies and household chores. Therefore, they had time to read and WRITE. As a result, one of the things
that the movement demanded was a growing market of books written by women.
What kind of literature did those women write? Mostly low quality popular novels, meant for entertaining.
Sentimental stuff, things that reinforced the values of the middls class. Expectable things. The women's rights' movement was important because it was a findamental step, but still very
conventional. It still reinforced OLD VALUES.



1836 : nature
1854 ; Walden
1730 : Massachuesset moved back to make religion a big part of life. (first great awakening) Bringing emotion to religion , make it less cold. We are here to be together. It was the first to admit
American students in the uk. It is particularly vague and and obscure. (walden) Transcendentalism is irrational , contradiction , popular, universal , local. Trans. Inspired so many places except
americans. American have proud finally being a city upon a hill.
Transcendentalism concerns with three things :
Oversoul : everything that there is . for emerson reality was everything at them same time and it is comprised two things : man , nature. Where is god ? god is nowhere because he is everywhere.
The only way to understand god is to understand man and nature. God is in everything. For trans : god Is rather an energy , deserves respect.

Looking at Nature : okuduk notlar kitapta


Transcendentalism (1835-1855) is a local movement that tries to transcend material reality. Transcendentalism, 19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were
loosely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation, the innate goodness of humanity, and the supremacy of insight
over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths.
It was originated in concord , Massachusetts when Margaret fuller founded the transcendentalism club.(it is a reaction against puritans ; all thhose values were abandoned.)
They were inspried by German Romanticism (european) and platonism and deism. The transcendentalist Club published in a joural called The Dia: It is worth noticing that it was the first
intellectual movement in the US in which women were prominent writers. Political movements, literary movements, religious movements….
What is transcen.? : it deals with philosophical movement, religion , literary . it deals with all 3 of them. That is why it is unique. We need three things to make a movement a movement;
-shared ideas :
-place : concord , Massachusetts : everything related with that place
-time : 1835-1855
Transcendentalism is a very long word that comes from the verb “transcend” as in transcending the “material reality”. We use a device to cross and it is “intuition”.
Transcendentalism consists of 3 main pillars :
1.MAN; all individual are important , they matter and deserve respect
2. NATURE; it is only through nature we can understand what this is all about : man ,world, reality..
3.INTELLECTUAL AMBITION ;need of always go deeper and further.
America , native Americans , Anne Hutchinson , dissent (people who refuse to believe community). It was practical : they do not believe in ideas if you cannot put in action. Their way of
thinking was used to make difference , to solve problems. They were debating slavery ,supporting women’s rights .
Temple School : intrested by Blonson Allcott. Transcendentalism was not happy of the way of education and decided to change the school. They changed how children are taught. It did not work.
Was operated for 5 years.
2. the value of indivuality
3. go further , the curiosity
Brook Farm : (1834 – 1847) : Both of them were found together. Everybody does whatever they want . do whatever you want , live. They had no interest for money. They worked five hours.
Like arbella, we will stay together , communism.

Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau was born in 1817. And he was an American Naturalist , essayist,poet and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist. Thoreau was a lifelong abolitionist. Henry and Emerson
were contemporaries , but there was a age gap between them. For Thoreau to be Emerson as his mentor. Back then it was big having 14 years of age gap.

By 1885 , transcendentalism was over. Walden was published in 1854 , so he closed the movement while Emerson opened it. He was more conscious than Thoreau ; in the letter , the movement
was pure. He came from a humble origin. He is son of a pencilmaker. He was in the university of Harvard. And as a son of a pencil maker went to Harvard. He quit Harvard and he pursued the
things he wanted. He devoted himself to be himself. He was under the impression of SELF RELIANCE .Walden was influenced by Emerson’s work.
1849: A Week On the Concord and Merrimack Rivers ; this was written so soon
1854 : WALDEN , 2000 copies
1863 ; The Maine Boot ; this book was written so late
Walden is difficult to read and obscure. Throeau is popular not with Walden , because it is not kinda book that can make you popular. The thing made him popular was Civil Disobedience. The
thing that make this book peculiar is ; it introduces one nobility .
1849 , Throeau was in jail because of not paying taxes. There was civil war at that time. Because throeau believed in freedom. If I pay taxes it is against my conscious. So what do you do? This is
what Civil Disob. is about. You do say “no”. you merely stand where you are , free to do whatever you want.
Thoreau was ecologist : someone who is devoted to protect the nature.
Throeau put everything that Emerson wrote in practice.


He does not follow anything but what he feels like. So this is this kind of book not like essay or other stuff. He sticks to what he wants. Its structure is , everything is randomly chosen , it is not in
a super order. Even if you change the order of the chapters you will have the same book. Because you can alter it. July 4th he went to Walden ; summer , fall , winter comes to massacuahest and it
is cloudy , it is a season you can see anything. You can not fish or swim. So it presents like frozen Thoreau. In spring where the book is. It is a structure that is given to the bok ; nature is
structuring seasons so in this book seasons are so important. He follows the seasons and how the seasons impact his feelings.
1) Journey to Nature
2) Journey to the Self
Discuss Thoreau cabin : * an exam question : he built himself which Is perfect and big , not realistic. With lots of different things , windows , bedrooms.. but it is actually small for an american.
But actually it was only one room , it comsisted everything. And there was some materials he found in nature. The cabin did not have plaster , has windows without glass, uncompleted roof. The
cabin is not finished. Indoor / outdoors : he wants to be outdoors. Even if his is in the bcabin he can feel the nature inside. He always wants to see the rein , smell the sea. He did not want a house
in the middle of ourdoors and indoors. Throaeu does the cabin unfinished intentionally.

all human beings are dressed with money , and we are working oo much , there is no time left for leisure. We are missing so much time in life if we work so much. sometimes with not working
you have time to remember. Stopping for a little time is good thing. We should leave the prejudice , we renovate ourselves constantly , we can not rely on ancient people because age is not
enough for wisdom. With the problems of the past we are trashing our present. Every person has now own moral standards. This is very Emersonian. He regrets to od hwat was considered as
good by people . Thoreau's point throughout the whole of his essay is that one has to be oneself, not Thoreau. He praised diversity rather than conformity.
Good behavior is seen as something regrettable. Good behaviour is based on not following your standards or your instincts. You are not being yourself. Before walden he kept kept suggesting
things to improve things . People were not interested, they did not listen. So threaou left society because left solitude. Part of walden is part of walden and transcendalism. People care about
superficiality.because if you are a wealth man you get respect. It is only something that happens in new England. We do not value anymore. To him , rather than to understand who you really are ,
by looking at the appearance you stay on the surface. Heathens : don’t believe god anymore. You should spend more time as you can in nature to speak better language. He criticizes the society.
Capitalism is unequal while some has everything some has nothing. Unequality in capitalism. If you are wasting time with unnecessary things , throw them away. You must worry about your
Hallowell farm: it was a farm throeau spend time thinking to buy it , but he did not because he was going to be addicted something and pay money. He understands that he doesn’t need a piece
of paper to own the farm, he will have the ownership of it by learning from it. He praised diversity rather than conformity. One has to be oneself. Be brave to do what do you think you need to
do . do not let others to tell you what to be. Believe in your principles. He finds self-reliance vague.he did not want anyone to live with him, but being themselves.
He keeps telling about austerity. The less you can live with, the richer you get. Thoreau saw a major difference between a farmer towards his land and a poet towards his land. The farmer
"owns" and cultivates it to make a living, while the poet OWNS: He transforms it into meaning and an understanding of who he is, of nature, of the oversoul and of reality.
That is ownership in different forms. First possess : material / second possess : being able to take full advantage of something. While the farmer gets food money , the poet gets more benefit ,
inspiration , knowledge. The way to purchase things is to visit a few times and think. Do not ever buy anything. It is pointless. Irony is he did not want to be tied up to any place. A cabin which is
great to entertain God. Because god is revived in nature and the cabin is so close to the nature. As god is in nature , he will feel better in his cabin. He likes being in the middle , in two places at
the same time . heaven is outdoor all the time. As because heaven is in nature , cabin is what it is. Throeau did all this because it was pleasant for him , not an obligation . He listened the live
celestial music. Morning rebirth. A ritual of baptism. You should go deeper and further with goal . he wants his life to have a purpose, life should not be without goal, living with willingless to
learn is so essential. In life always there is more to get, never satisfied. He wants to know everything in life , by searching for knowledge and by using that spartan like energy. "Richness" is
defined as the things that one leaves behind. One's life is wasted on the unnecessary: On the detail and the trivial things. The simplicity in life entails an elevation of its purpose. Because you
should consume your time with significant things. We are so coplicatedthat we waste time with the things which are so detailed. To figure yourself you do not need to accept the circumstaces.
Elevate your purposes than buying a car. We are made up of by small fragments and it is difficult to see our existence with oversoul. We need to figure out what we want. truth is in the future , in
eternity. He values the present. We need to pay attention to present. We normmaly the least attention. Everyting is here around you . there is no excuse , it does not cost anytinhg everything is for
you. If yo want to get you need to do something, you need to pay attention I take the advantage of it and go get it. It is only about doing it.


Deliberation. .he repeats all the time. Be mortal , in all of those pursuits. We deal with the thing of permanent. We become immortal with dealing with the truth. If we doni2t care about money ,
we are more cultivated. We need to pay more attention to become immortal. Books must be read as deliberately and reservedly as they were written.
Classics are old, but they have value. There is a major difference between reading and READING. This involves sqeezing the meaning; an engagement with the work.
According to Thoreau, there should be a kind of SPIRITUAL COMMUNION between the reader, the work and the author. What's got from here, eventually, is that all effort in writing a book is
ultimately wasted because the only onc who's suited to read it properly is the author himself. That makes him feel quite lonely. the works of Shakespeare haven’t been read by mankind ; you
should read “in time.” Reading to understand it , readind by digesting the meaning. Throeasu is against of reading to fall a sleep. It was a custom. This is not kind of a reading you cam
accomplish , master somethings. We do not know if he is rejecting the “tradition” or not. Provincial : over society we can do omitting. We need to make a new bridge over the ignorance. What
to re-think : work , equality , superility , mediocrity. We should find how to bring wise men that not being provincial state anymore. He is not against bridges,technology but he considers
knowledge is more important.

After being there for a while he discovers he is a part of nature. He embrace the idea of being on with the nature. What makes it delicious is what is has in general. He does not care about the
wealth. Everything in nature happens for a reason,perfectly. He does not depend on anyone. Solitude is not being alone it is a feeling. He chooses individuality. When you are alone you are better.
You can be surrounded by people but still can be alone. Because the company he has is himself. You need yourself. You can benefit from someone. But get rid of excessive people. In winter , it
is so common to have visitors. Visitors a reknot real people , it is god. God is the one who tells him stories through nature. Even before men were created nature was there. The more you spend
time thinking the more you will be closer to the god. There is a lady in the text that symbolizes nature. It is invisible to most of the people , it is up to how you take the advantage out of it. For
him , the relationship with god is something enjoyable. God is something beyond imagination. Nature has always been there , it is more than we can find absolutaley everything nature good and

You have to be conscious to make sense out of existence. The nature teaches you lesson… there is a fish that funcions as the reminder of that everyting is in nature with him. Fish is food but
also a lesson a reminder. He does not care about the beauty or size of the lake. earth’s eye : you look into the lake , and it turns out that the lake is going to looking back at you . lake is an eye.
There is an interaction between seeing the lake and the reflection of this visualization , and this is the oversoul . we are said again that we are part of nature , and it discovers who we are. When
we observe nature and learn from it , we also learn about ourselves. When we look at the lake we will find ourselves ,like reading a book. The book reads you. You won’t find anything in nature
that you don’t possess beforehand. Nature is taking an active role in discovering us. Walden is a mirror to observe the nature. You should understand nature as a whole : neauty ,purity , vastness.
Also it is undestroyable, in some shape it will always be there. It is source of purification A mirror in which all impurity presented to it sinks, swept and dusted by the surfs hay brush, this the
light dost-cloth, which retains no breath that is bucathed on it, but sends its own to fiost as clouds high above its surface, and be reflected in its bosom still.
He can see all the forest reflected on the lake. The sicy itself is reflected on the water.
There was nothing special about Walden's lake - superficially. The scenery is throughly described everytime, and it might be useful for scientific purposes, but that's not Thoreau's aim. He does
not want us to see the lake, but to SEE the lake. We have to train our eyes to sce the special things in Walden; the special contemplation of nature. Whenever we find our lake, we have to
appreciate it.
Thoreau talks there about one of the cycles of nature: The water comes from the rain, and the rain comes from the sky. Nature itself is represented in that very lake, and he is using the lake as a
vehicle to understand all Nature. The lake needs no fence, since it doesn't need protection. Thinking is not a waste of time for him. Some destroy nature by chpping. His muse is nature. he means
in 132 the wagons of the train with this. It must be compared to the observation of the lake , like a symmetrical reflection , however ; negative one. People breathes the smoke of the engine of the
train. And nature purifys you from pollution. Spending time in nature, you will purify yourself , even when you are not paying attention. He confesses that there is no one in nature , it is alone.
We live in a different mindset than nature , we believe in material things.

We appreciate other things than appreciating gains and values. <Everyone has animal in with instincts but we have higher laws to know hwat is right or not. why do I have to kill the animal in
me? Emerson is not agree with this. Emerson does not care more inter practice. Why? Animals are connected with nature , so why? The more primitive part we need to kill. If you want to exceed
to the higher laws you have to kill the animal in you. sensual: means eating sensualy is to obtain “enjoyment”. “drink sensualy” : drinking anything that in not water. Getting something that is
not helpful for you. “sleeping sensually” : doing it more than you actually need. Exertion : working hard , the more you work hard , themore you get wisdom and purity. “nature is hard to be
overcome , but she must be overcome”*”


. He questions, but Nature does not question everything.
We need to be more open-minded; the relationship between ourselves and Nature cannot be based on making questions - the answer is that it is always there, and it always wants to communicate
with us on its own way. Nature ca help you discover indirectly. The truth can be revealed.

Winter : past ; spring : present . revelation is coming to him instantenously. Spring is rebirth and a little state of mind in which you live all over again.

Society is more concerned in explaining world than exploring themselves. Their own planet inside their mind. : the important thing is why we do the things we do . life is a great experiment. We
are addicted to comfort zones , they saves us, it makes easier but it is not necessarily better for your mind. He says that he fell into routine at the woods. He did not find it exciting anymore. He's
not going to apologize at all because his book is obscure: If it is, better leave it like that. He's not going to change it. Whiteness and darkness do not equal to purity and impurity, it's just that the
internal complexity of the book requires a little effort.
He insists on this idea of getting rid of material possessions.if your life is poor,try to love it. Maybe being poor is your blessing . there are more important things than food .
136 : the last paragraph :
19: emerson , nature : he spends so much time mouring.
Valla dinleyemedim ama son dakikalar ses kaydı var.
132 : the cars never : he means the wagons of the train with this. It must be compared to the observation of the lake , like a symmetrical reflection , however ; negative one. People breathes the
smoke of the engine of the train.
State street : metonymy for society. Society is the dirt you need to eliminate from your body.
127 : a lake is the landscape : earth’s eye : you look into the lake , ind it turns out that the lake is going to looking back at you . lake is an eye. There is an interaction between seeing the lake and
the reflection of this visualization , and this is the oversoul . we are said again that we are part of nature , and it discovers who we are. When we observe nature and learn from it , we also learn
about ourselves. When we look at the lake we will find ourselves ,like reading a book. The book reads you. You won’t find anything in nature that you don’t possess beforehand. The conclusion
is :
The self vs the world
1.austerity : a ontological b. moral
Austerity / poverty : when you have to give up things when you are poor and austerity is something willing.
149 : “if I knew so wise a man…” : it is referring to budism. Because other than transcendalism Budism is another sourse of inspiration for him. Throue is more radical about cultivate those
concern. To be clean we need to cultivate …? . why do I have to kill the animal in me? Emerson is not agree with this. Emerson does not care more inter practice. Why? Animals are connected
with nature , so why? The more primitive part we need to kill. If you want to exceed to the higher laws you have to kill the animal in you.
150 ; all sensuality…” : sensual: means eating sensualy is to obtain “enjoyment”. “drink sensualy” : drinking anything that in not water. Getting something that is not helpful for you.
“sleeping sensually” : doing it more than you actually need. Exertion : working hard , the more you work hard , themore you get wisdom and purity. “nature is hard to be overcome , but she
must be overcome”*”
*sınavda çıkabilir* “Reject all” : is throeau the one that believes we have to reject? 6; “when we consider what..” every human being that come to life has to live his journey. You have to write
your own book. You should not accept thing without thinking on them?? : is this what he think? : you should test those beliefs , custom before you go with them. ”everybody echoes or in silence
passes by…” : it declares that time goes by , and everything is changing. “practically the old have no very important advice…” → He attacks that you may be older than mebut it does not
mean that necessarily you know more than me. he views life like ; experience , fail but try again and again.
70 ; “for what are the classics”
72 ; “the words of the great poets..” : the works of Shakespeare haven’t been read by mankind ; you should read “in time.” Reading to understand it , readind by digesting the meaning.
Throeasu is against of reading to fall a sleep. It was a custom. This is not kind of a reading you cam accomplish , master somethings. We do not know if he is rejecting the “tradition” or not.
8 ; “ the greater part…” : every person has now own moral standards. This is very Emersonian. Good behavior is seen as something regrettable. Good behaviour is based on not following your
standards or your instincts. You are not being yourself.
48 ; “one young man…” :he praised diversity rather than conformity. One has to be oneself. Be brave to do what do you think you need to do . do not let others to tell you what to be. Believe in
your principles. He finds self-reliance vague.
24; “but how do the poor…” : certain idea of progress : capitalism , he is against it. To him , it would be good to find more equality.
5 ; “most men, even in this…” : sometimes with not working so much weh vae time to remember. Stopping for a little time is good thing.
16 ; “even in our democratic….” : people care about superficiality. It is only something that happens in new England. We do not value anymore. To him , rather than to understand who you
really are , by looking at the appearance you stay on the surface.
76 ; to act collectively “: provincial : over society wen can do omitting. We need to make a new bridge over the ignorance. What to re-think : work , equality , superility , mediocrity
224 ; rather than love , there are more important things than food .
13 ; in short , I went” : this is before walden. I kept suggesting things. People were not interested, they did not listen. So threaou left society because leftt solitude. Part of walden is part of walden
and transcendalism.
67 ; men esteem…” : truth is in the future , in eternity. He values the present. We need to pay attention to present. We normmaly the least attention. Everyting is here around you . there is no
excuse , it does not cost anytinhg everything is for you. If yo want to get you need to do something, you need to pay attention I take the advantage of it and go get it. It is only about doing it.
69 ; with a little : deliberation. .he repeats all the time. Be mortal , in all of those pursuits. We deal with the thing of permanent. We become immortal with dealing with the truth.
217 , the poem : possibilities are boundless. Try to discover what really matters , and look inside.
218 ; nay be :
219 ; I left : the important thing is why we do the things we do . life is a great experiment. We are addicted to comfort zones , they saves us, it makes easier but it is not necessarily better for your
mind. What he coffesses is ,
220 ; I do not suppose : if it is obscure , it is what it is.
225 ; the life in us :

4. 19th century American poetry / WALT WHITMAN


1848 senela falls

1873 sufferage
1920 19th amenoment
1969 stonewall
Emily Dickenson is a 19th century American poet. She was bron in 1830 in Amherst ,MA. She is one of the most interesting poets in the world. She talks about everything about the things that the
us has done easily , but then there are a few things in its dark past. Only way to be fair to a country that is discrimination , slavery , and imperialism. MA was no longer the place where the poets
were born but it was the center of culture. Things for women were changing but not at the speed desired. In 1848 it happened but very slowly. Creation of the middle class working family
happened during the 19th century. In time in families women stopped working and fathers were the only. One who was working. Women stayed at home as a house wife. For the first time they
had free time. They started reading romantic novels, emotional novels for the firs time. Thanks to this woman writer became more common than it ever was. And Emily Dickenson was a poet and
there was something peculiar about this because at that time woman did not expected to be poets. Emily Dickenson was different than others. Man were writing poems . she spent all of her time
in Amherst , ma , 1869 to detah she was at home : reading writing friends and family. Has been said that she was crazy, shut ,n ; which is a sexist view. No one said this of throueau when he
confined himself at the lake.
POETRY was unmistakeably literature and art, contrary to what the movies or novels were. Women were not supposed to write poe try. Emily Dickinson cultivated this form, in spite of this fact.
It wasn't easy for her to publish
She had a preliminary EDUCATION at an academy, and them, she attended a college for women - Holyoke.
Together with Walt Whitman, they were the two main poets in the US in the 19th C
Her life was uneventful, travelling to nearby places and even barely leaving home for a period. There was this general wrong conclusion that she was sick woman (melancholy). She was an avid
reader, maintained an active correspondence and she was very prolific as well. Around 1500 poems were preserved, but there were much more.
Her poems were very AMBIGUOUS, dealing with various elements at a time, as a kind of suggestion. There was no rhyme, either, and the capitalization seemed random and unreliable.
The DASHES were not a conventional punctuation mark. It was a way to accomplish a personal style and to give the poem a peculiar rhythm. It was also tool for her to manage the degree of
control over the reading.
Dashes were used to convey the way that the poem should be read, but it is quite unclassifiable in that sense.
The life of E.D – Richard b. sewall (1974): this is a biography that refuses the idea of her being crazy. She did not get married she chose a life alone , another style of life. And never wrote for
publication.she tried but no one were interested on her writing and she wrote what she enjoyed she did not push her self to find people that have desire to ready her work.(men) she wasnot
professional she wrote whateverevet she found like envelope , a piece of paper. (1999) : the works of Emily Dickenson → by Thomas : he put them together in decades.
HER THEMES WERE ; pain , retreat , terror,madness,love,solitude,loss,knowledge, religion..
Because of her gloomy choice , she was not popular.


The effect that the poem creates is that of great stress and difficulty. It inspires the reader with these feelings.
Also in a hesitating manner. It communicates in many levels.
The poem lacks a title, something that usually focus on an idea and gives the poem a beginning or a sense of cirtularity, if it also happens at the end. The very first line talks paradoxically about
the measure of something that is not measurable: Grief. But a measure is too a habit; she dedicates time to this.
The "I" marks a powerful presence of the author in the poem, from the very beginning, and it sounds like "eye". The poem in fact is full of "Is" and "eyes". She wants to establish a contrast
between something subjective, as de Is and eyes, and something objective as a measure. There is also another contrast, betwee
"I° and 'every": The singular and the plural or the individual grier against the other's.
Eyes can observe or perceive, but not measure. Only the brain analyzes. Precisely this insistence on analysis denotes a thrist for knowledge. Line five has only two syllables, which is quite
unusual. It was meant for emphasis.
"It feels so old a pain": She has lost track of the time she's been suffering. This third stanza is a MAZE, a reflection of what her mind is: Interruptions, pauses etc. Ideas cross her mind; ideas we
are not bold enough to face. They are related to SUICIDE.

"Some gone patient.." There is a light in others with very little oil, but at least there is a light. Maybe there is some hope after a while? All of this is a process of exploration and investigation.
Although she has found nothing in the end, this process is more important.

"I wonder if when years have piled.." Chaotic, messy syntax; it reflects what's going on inside her. TIME is a balm, to heal her pain; or it might be. It is something she wonders. However, and
because of the thousand years' hyperbaton, she's being nothing but IRONIC. It is a gloomy point, but with sparks of humor.

In Contrast with the Love": The capital letter and the article made that love her own, the one she feels. It has a kind of religious connotation. (Sense of scorn?)

"Death is but one": The idea conveyed here is that death happens only once, but suffering is constant and therefore worse. DEATH might be better than this. According to her, it "nails the Eyes",
like a coffin, referring to the physical fact that they cannot be opened again, but most importantly to those PROCESSES of exploration.

Nailed eyes means that everything is over, including that. And this is the worst thing that can ever happen, because this process is the best that one can do.
She understands, finally, that suffering is NOT classifiable.

The fact that other people suffer too is comforting, but a "piercing comfort" (oxymoron): It makes her feel less alone, but there's never a source of happiness. A bittersweet kind of feeling.

The religious imagery of the cross (in a sole line, by itself, just one syllable: scorn) and the calvary is used by her aiming at inspiring the idea of SUFFERING. She was an atheist.
The final sentence "some are like my Own" conveys that she is one with other human beings. She's not completely alone, because she recognizes herself in others. The dash gives a meaning of
uncompletion; she must investigate further.
She was defining the feminist discourse at the time.



This short poem can be divided into two parts or propositions: Either you turn on the light, or you adjust your
sight to darkness. Traditionally, darkness = ignorance and light = knowledge. You have to eliminate ignorance,
and thus, "Life steps".It is not feasible that one knows everything, though. The only life worth living is that in which you try to learn as much as you can and in which you can recognize that there
are things you'll never know. That's why"Life steps", but "ALMOST straight.Her poem is brief , illusional and authorizing.This is the only one that does not finish with a dash , leaving it open
normally.İt says you can not live under darkness, you have to continue living.Either you turn on the light or adjust your sight. Life steps : you have to eliminate ignorance


The author takes care not to evoke the cultural demonization of the word "snake"; she names her subject "a Fellow" and then personifies it with the respective personal pronouns like "Him" and
"He" The snake does not take assault, as there are no verbs that denote or connote confrontation. This "Fellow" only avoids (7-8) and vanishes (16). The speaker can only have glimpses of its
body. In revealing that the threat of the arrow and the whip are not really there (as it is just some motion in the grass and a quick sight of a vanishing body), Dickinson might be implying that the
threat of the snake is not really there. There is only danger in the myth.
Those signs of fear are anticipatory suggestions that we are always ready to drop everything and fight, given the slightest excuse. When there is actually no reason to.
There is a recurrent motif of interruption: Occasionally (1.2), which denotes a moment isolated in time, set apart from everyday's chronological progression. "Sudden" interrupts the syntax of the
sentence, subsuming all our attention. The dividing grass is also a visual metaphor for interruption, as an image of discontinuity.
In that time , transcendentalism were only men , women were not so into it , she agrees that from a distance. She is placing question marks to trans.


Thanks to the trees that acre becomes remarkable. The interconnection between soil and trees they are giving. We should honor everything that is allise, existerce deserves appreciation.
Dickensor exploes nature by ; 1 focising on the trees and their surroundiggs, searching for a purpose in trees' growth

19th Centruy Fiction

It is associated with romantizm. We associate romantizm with Blake , William. Nature, innocence. Romanticzm appears as a reaction to classisizm. İt is defence of the “I” ıf the subject. İt is the
cult of the individual , the cultural and psychological birth of the I – the self. Romantics are connected with quest. The beginning of the story is transendentalist.


He was born in Salem , MA. He is famous fort “the salem witch trials.” (1692) what made it unusual was that even the jugdes who condemned then found out the poeple were innocent. (prank
by some girls). He did not make puritans look good in the eyes of the warl. John Hawthorne is a reat grandfather of nathaniel hawthorse. He did many other family puritans. And hoawthorne
carried this guilt. Later he added “w” to hislast name to distance himseld from this history. His father died when he was 4, he was raised by gried-sritcken mothe. He discovered reading as an
escape from this childhood and wanted to write a novel. Later he published “fanshawe” 1828 . he is very Emerson in the aspect of being yourself. Result of tihs : he had to pay for it to be
published, no one read it , this is a disaster. İt taught him an important lesson : you don’t always have to be yourself , later he meet yourself halfway. İn these time , there were high demand for
short stories, and this was a more realistic way to start a career in literatüre.
1837 : twice – told tall tales
1847 : mosses fromon old mance
Later he become famous and well-known , successfull short story writer. One of those was “young goodman Brown”
1850 : the scarlet letter , he was able to find a Publisher
He is very deceptive , he hides the complexity, amphibious. He was a hybrid in his appeal to readers.he was belonged to both categroies : highbrow literture (melville ) ; lowbrow literatüre
(stephen king , what you need for pleasure).
His way of writing / his universe ; -dark tragic-guilt,evil-puritan era-solitude-mystery ambiguity-psychology


Young : why is he diferentiated as “young” : naive /parallel to the old man / goodman : wife is faith / Brown : muddy color
Are all poeple bad?* : we can not take things for granted? :
This is the story of disappointment ; people are not what they thought.


He was born in 1891 , newyork city as a third child of a prosperous merchants.was an amerşcan novelist, short story writer , poet of the american renaissance period. at 18 began working on a
Merchant ship , where he travled to exotic locations. Drew on these experiences in his writing romaticism..
First , travel narratives ; were quite popular.
1851 ; moby dick : mot well received ,economic failure
Abandoned career as a writer ; life was difficult , had to work in customs to suppoert his family.
Melville was very critical of emerson’s idea.
For melville life includes gooddness and evil.
The pizza can be seen a a parable made up of two movements.
There are 2 parts ; the building of piazza ,the quest for truth.
The building : the piazza is identified with the place fort he narrator to behold and enjoy nature , in the most transcendentalist vein.

Melville parody stars with the very beginning of the movement,justifying the eventual construction of the piazza on the “North side” for economic reasons : conflict between materalistic monder
society and romanticism.


It is written by melville (1819-1891). Originally , the prologue for a group of shor stories to be published in a book : the piazza tales. Tell the story of a man who has moved to the countryside to
built a piazza on his house , explores the theme of the search for happiness / contentment in life. Deeply intrspective story that dives into the psychology of the narrator / his struggles to find
meaning in life.
There are conflicts between : Past and present ,Fact and fancy (had the power to create reality) Appearences and reality .Also portrays social tensions of the moment , usually romantics suggest
leaving society. But what about the changes taking place. Social , economic tensions connected w/ modernity. Example of Melville’s particular narrative technique with the figure of isolate
narrator , stories with intertextuality. Melville was close to Hawthonne.Connections to story written by Hawthorne against the excess of transcendental imagination , the danger of the
transcendentalism. According to him man by nature is good. God is good , nature comes from god , nature is good. And he follows self-assertive principle. He emphasizes the importance of
individualism , self-reliance and self-expression. İnidivduals should rey on their own instincts -intuition – rather than conforming to the expectations of society. İndividiuals should strive to be
true to themselves , emphasized self-relaince -isolation. Connected with the sub-l,me ; this can be dangerous when explored to the extreme. Melvile , who was not a transcendenalis, writer
criticizes how ther writers took this to extremes and that you may get lost. Life is made of good / evil and you must understand this duality to survive. This is a paradox with the
historical context. Confronts a different reality. This story is a parable , can be seen as a parable of two movement. The piazza is identified with the place fort he narrator to
behold / enjoy nature. In "The Piazza", the journey into the landscape is a journey into the mindscape, a journey that tells us about not only Melville and the Berkshires, but also
American cultural history. the narrator of "The Piazza" becomes attracted in mind and body to the great mountain he contemplates from his piazza.

( Rebecca Hardino Davis 1831 -1910)

Author, essayist, and jaurnalist ; wrote most often a baut issues of race and class
economic a social change in necromiction-era.
Washington, PA / lived in the south for a short time, moved to Wineeling, Raw WV most writers based. Most writers based stories on real events / places . North was becoming more and more
industrialized. Construction of cities a transatlantic vessels , according to him any man can make himself rich. Class struggle intensifies / working class = less than human. The atmosphere of
wheeling influenced
The themes a vision of her works, such as
"Life in the Iron Mills" o prospers along the Onio River
• Davis depicts
Deseribes life before industralization in autobiography o deesnt like industrialization -A lot of money / for a few, miserable for most
• life was better, more natural . Of her over 500 published works . Prolific, but almost forgotten by the time she died
She is a writer who addresses the well-defined reader. She warns the reader to teach a lesson. Realistic narrative style.


Commonly labelled as realism but this is not correct entirely , connected to French ; Balzac y zola and novel was a recent
invention. Realism : realistic narrative style;being as real as possible. This book were considered as a pioneer of American realism but
was writing before realism reached the us. In here characters are more important than the action ; ambiguity is part of
their description. Class is important and the novel has typically served the middle class.
1. Journalistic specificity
2. Characters typical of their social class and who speak like the people from that class. They talk with a specific accent.
Realists : they attempt to depict reality
Naturalism : is thematically linked to realism. They add the realistic depiction the scientific and phycological influences on characters due to their environment. If you are born in a rich family
you will have a different life of poor families. Add to the reality with scientific r psychological influences on characters due to the
In life of the m ills; two genres are combined. The story points to reality but believes in the transcend. , harking back to the days of transcd. ; also looks forward to deterministic attitudes of
naturalistic novelists. (p:7)
Realism , naturalism , determins all are combined in the uniqueness of the male protagonist. This is always the curse of the naturalistic hero : to be unique and to stand out from surroundings
into which he can’t /won’t blend or belong.
Who worked in the iron mills? : immigrants ; language identifies the character , they are always lower class , social statue.
In the book sentimentalism , romanticism , realism , naturalism all can be found. There are characters in extreme
situatioins for the purpose of emotion. Also it includes romantic elements. The statue that the narrator owns which stands
for a spiritually hungry woman. The book established a clear dialogue w transcendentalism. There is a tension between
nature and culture. Realism , naturalism , determinism all there combined in the uniqueness of the male pratogonisy.


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