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US FF GEI #Estudios Culturales en Lengua Inglesa I

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This is an excerpt from Itinerariun Peregrinorum et Gesta Regis Ricardi, which is an
Latin prose narrative of the Third Crusade written in 1220. It is a religious text. The book
is divided into two parts: the first part concentrates on Saladin's conquests and the early
stages of the crusade, with a long description of the expedition of the Emperor Frederick
Barbarossa. The rest of the book describes King Richard I of England's participation in
the Crusade which this text is about. Apuntes - 28.pdf
The Itinerarium was compiled by Richard de Templo, a religious figure from the Holy
Trinity in London around the year 1220.
To give a context, Richard, who was king of England, was also known as Richard the
Lionheart because of his reputation as a great military leader and warrior. Known to be
very cruel and an excellent Knight. He was the third of five sons of King Henry II of
England. It seemed unlikely to become king, but all of his brothers except from the PDF 2 páginas
youngest, John, predeceased (died before) their father. Nevertheless, the war with France
continued but Henry also had to fight against his son because Richard attempted to take
the throne of England for himself by joining Philip's expedition against his father. In 1189, 72 0
the forces of Richard and Philip defeated Henry's army. Henry II, with John's consent,
agreed to name Richard his heir apparent. When Henry II died, Richard the Lionheart
succeeded him as King of England.
Richard immediately on becoming king he set off for the Holy Land to join the third
crusader against the Moslems. In the Third Crusade (1189-1192) England, France and the Apuntes - 27.pdf
Holy Roman Empire join forces to retake the Holy Land. Richard had already “taken the
cross” (fought in the 2nd crusade) before his coronation. He had to raise a lot of money
to build his army for the crusade, and he was considered one of the first ever to be both
King and Knight. Richard entrusted the government of England to William, bishop.
Prince John was deeply jealous of his brother Richard, so John and French King Phillip
agreed to work together against King Richard. Richard was shipwrecked on his way back
from the Holy Land. He became prisoner of the duke of Austria. John declared that
Richard was dead, and he made himself king, but the English noticed that king still lived. PDF 2 páginas
The English were so proud of their great and brave king and so they thought that it would
be dishonourable to let a crusader end his life in a prison. For this reason, they paid a
ransom to the captor. Richard arrived back and the rest of his reign was spent abroad
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defending his possessions in France. Finally, he was killed in this struggle consequently
Richard was succeeded by his brother John.
It is believed that Itinerarium Peregrinorum et Gestas Regis Ricardi used king ́s idealized
Apuntes - 29.pdf
description in order to justified why he went to the crusaders. Furthermore, it could be
used as a political propaganda.
Analysing this text, the text can be divided in two parts because the author describes first
how was the appearance of the king and secondly describes king ́s personality.
In the first part, the writer describes the king ́s personality and emphasise good features
that he has. The king is portrayed as a qualified, brave and generous king who has many
honourable skills. For example, in line 2 “ king Richard gratified all, by distributing
money... thus manifesting his liberality and his great excellence ̈. As result of this, it is
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seen, how the author and the English admired their king. Moreover, the wordsmith
compares the king's abilities with great figures of the past. For example, in line 8 ̈he had
the valour of Hector ̈ or ̈the magnanimity of Achilles ̈ it is observed the calvary, the
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courage and the qualified skills of the king, during a fighting. He does not mind to die if
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it were necessary, he fights for his beliefs.

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