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Delayed swayback in goat kids, a study of 23 cases

W. Wouda, G. H. A. Borst & E. Gruys

To cite this article: W. Wouda, G. H. A. Borst & E. Gruys (1986) Delayed swayback in goat kids, a
study of 23 cases, Veterinary Quarterly, 8:1, 45-56, DOI: 10.1080/01652176.1986.9694017
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Delayed swayback in goat kids, a study of 23
W. Wouda', G. H. A. Borst2, and E. Gruys'

SUMMARY The results of a retrospective study of 23 goat kids with delayed swayback are reported.
Principal clinical signs were ataxia, loss of postural control, spasticity of the hindlimbs, and muscular
weakness, often progressing to permanent recumbency. Denervation of skeletal muscles was demon-
strated by electromyography in 2 kids. Three kids slowly recovered during hospitalisation.
Histopathological changes were characterized by degeneration of selected neuronal populations with
their processes within the central and the peripheral nervous system. Affected systems included upper
motor neuron, vestibular, general proprioceptive, and lower motor neuron pathways, with additional
involvement of the cerebellar cortex in some animals. Our findings, including limited ultrastructural
observations, support the notion that the neuraxon rather than the myelin sheath is the prime target of
disease in delayed swayback. The available copper values of affected kids and their unaffected herd
mates were significantly lower than those of random control goats, which provides furt her support for a
role of copper deficiency in the aetiology of this disease in the goat.

INTRODUCTION with those of sheep, but it is now known

Swayback or enzootic ataxia is a well that there are fundamental differences in
known neurological disorder in lambs. A copper metabolism between goats and
congenital and a delayed form of the dis- sheep (21).
ease can be distinguished. In the latter form In this report we present the results of a
clinical signs appear from about one week retrospective study of 23 goat kids with
to six months after birth (3). Copper de- swayback-like signs and/or lesions. A com-
ficiency has been shown to play a major parison of copper values of affected kids
aetiological role in this disease (25). and their herd mates with those of random
Since 1962 several case reports from control goats, strongly suggests that a low
Europe (4, 5, 16, 18), North America (8, 22, copper status is involved in the aetiology of
23), Australia (14, 15, 19) and Africa (13) the disease.
have attracted attention to a similar disease
entity in goat kids. As in lambs, the disease
in goat kids is characterized by a typical MATERIAL AND METHODS
histological picture of neuronal alteration All 23 kids were submitted for clinical and/or patho-
and myelin degeneration in the brain stem logical examination during the period 1973-1983. The
and spinal cord. Unlike in lambs, cerebel- kids originated from 13 properties, scattered all over
lar hypoplasia has been a frequent addi- the Netherlands. All kids were normal at birth and
tional finding in goat kids (5, 8, 14, 15, 16, 19, during early postnatal life. The age at onset of signs
varied from 5 to 28 weeks, with a mean of 13 weeks
22). In goats the disease has also been asso- (Table I). Progressive motor disturbances were seen
ciated with hypocuprosis (4, 13, 15, 19, 23). in all kids. A staggering gait, abnormal straddle-leg-
However, some authors are inconclusive ged posture, imbalance, and sometimes rigidity of the
about the role of copper deficiency in the hind limbs were the first signs noted by the owners.
Weakness with frequent collapse usually followed,
aetiology since ranges of copper values in until the animals became permanently recumbent and
both clinically normal and affected kids are rapidly developed flexor contracture of the forelegs.
wide and often overlap (5, 8, 16, 22). Goat In 3 kids the forelimbs were affected prior to the
copper values have usually been compared hindlimbs.

Department of Veterinary Pathology, State University of Utrecht, Yalelaan 1, 3508 TD Utrecht, the
2 Regional Animal Health Service Centre Overijssel, Zwolle, the Netherlands.


Most kids remained alert and ate well. Seven kids permetria, imbalance, head tremor, and
were euthanized with an overdose of barbiturate
shortly after presentation. The others were hospital- laryngeal stridor were other signs noted in
ized for periods varying from 2 days to 9 weeks, after individual kids.
which they were either discharged or euthanized. Two Electromyography in kids 21 and 22
kids died spontaneously during hospitalization. showed fibrillation potentials and positive
Clinical, neurological, haematological and faecal waves in various proximal limb muscles.
examinations were carried out in most cases. Needle
electromyography was done in kids 21 and 22. Diarrhoea was seen in some animals. In
Twenty kids were necropsied. Tissues were fixed in more than half of the cases large numbers
10% buffered formalin. Brains and spinal cords were of oocysts were found in the faeces and
sliced transversely after fixation and blocks were occasionally also Strongylus type eggs. In 6
sampled at various levels. Serial blocks were taken
from the brain stem in kids 17, 21, 22, and 23. After kids a slight anaemia was found on haema-
embedding in paraffin, 6 pm sections were cut. The tological examination.
following staining methods were used: haematoxylin Hospitalized kids received nursing care
and eosin, luxol fast blue-cresyl echt violet, Holmes and physiotherapy, including exercise, and
silver, Holmes silver and luxol fast blue, Nissl, Holzer,
and Weigert-Van Gieson. In goat 17 small portions passive movement and massage of affected
from the cervical intumescence of the spinal cord were legs. Coccidiostatic treatment was given if
removed immediately after death and fixed in 4% necessary. Kids 3, 7 and 15 showed im-
glutaraldehyde. Specimens were postfixed in 2% provement during hospitalisation and were
osmiumtetroxide and embedded in araldite. Semi- send home after 3-6 weeks, where they re-
thin sections were stained with toluidin blue. Ultra-
thin sections from selected areas were contrasted with covered reasonably well. Kids 21 and 22
uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined with a received intramuscular applications of
Philips 201 electron microscope. copper, after which no further progress of
Blood copper values were determined in 5 affected the disease was seen. In all other kids clini-
kids, 5 dams, 11 adult herd mates and 4 of their
unaffected kids, at 3 properties. Liver copper values cal signs either remained stationary or de-
of 7 affected kids were determined postmortally. In 2 teriorated. The remaining goats at prop-
affected kids a liver biopsy was taken for copper erty J received parenteral copper supple-
analysis. In order to get reference values, copper ana- mentation, after which no new cases occur-
lyses were done on 35 blood samples and 57 liver red. On properties E and M no further
samples from immature and adult goats without a
history of locomotor disturbance. Blood samples cases were seen after replacement of the
were collected from experimental goats at the Univer- sheep concentrate with a concentrate for
sity and from slaughter goats. Liver samples were cattle and horses respectively.
collected from goats randomly submitted for autopsy
and from slaughter goats. Copper analyses were car- Pathomorphological findings
ried out by atomic absorption spectophotometry,
using an air-acetylene flame, after destruction of the At necropsy most animals were emaciated
organic material by concentrated nitric and sulphuric and showed various degrees of muscular
acids. The Mann-Whitney 13 test was used for statis- atrophy, sometimes with scattered pale
tical comparison of the copper values of both young
and adult goats from properties with swayback, with fibre groups. In some kids coccidiosis and
those of the control goats. gastrointestinal helminth infestation were
found. No macroscopic lesions were seen
RESULTS in the central nervous system.
In all cases similar microscopic lesions
Clinical examination and treatment were present in the brain stem and spinal
Principal clinical data for each kid are cord, with differences only in intensity and
summarized in Table 1. Most kids were chronicity between individual kids. The
recumbent at the time of submission and lesions consisted of degeneration of both
were hardly or not able to support body nerve cells and fibres in a characteristic
weight. Many of them showed secondary bilaterally symmetrical pattern.
flexor contracture of the forelimbs. Some Altered neurons were found in the nucleus
recumbent animals showed periodic spas- ruber, vestibular nuclei (especially the lat-
modic contractions of the hindlimbs (Fig. eral), reticular formation of the medulla,
1). Goats which were ambulatory at the ventral horns of the spinal cord (especially
time of presentation showed ataxia and pa- the lateral motor nuclei at the level of the
resis, sometimes with spasticity in the hind- cervical and lumbosacral intumescences),
limbs and overstretched tarsal joints. Hy- and the thoracic nuclei (Clarke's columns).


; Table I. Signalment and clinical history of 23 goat kids with swayback.
< Kid Property Breed Sex Litter Age at Duration Clinical presentation
m number size onset (weeks)
m 1 A Afr.dwarf U U + 8 + 4 Recumbent, unable to stand
c 2 B Afr.dwarf 2 5 6 Recumbent, spastic movement of hindlegs, flexor contracture of
Z ]
m 3 B Afr.dwzir 2 11 3 Ambulatory, slight hypermetria, imbalance after blindfolding,
slow recovery
4 B Afr.dwarf 2 6 7 Recumbent, extensor spasm of hindlegs, body tremor, flexor
< contracture of forelegs
2 U 12 9 Recumbent, unable to stand
5 C* Dutch white

Z 6 D Afr.dwarf 2 7 2 Recumbent, able to stand with assistance, paresis of hindlegs,

P ]
flexor contracture of forelegs
1 7 D Afr.dwarf 2 7 4 Ambulatory, tetraparesis, slow recovery
> Ambulatory, ataxia and paresis of all 4 legs
8 E Afr.dwarf 2** 8 4

Tc 9 E Afr.dwarf 2 8 4 Ambulatory, ataxia and paresis of hindlegs

ou 10 E Afr.dwarf 2 8 4 Ambulatory, ataxia and paresis of hindlegs

11 1' Afr.dwarf 2 17 4 Recumbent, able to stand with assistance, imbalance, flexor

contracture of forelegs
12 G Afr.dwarf 3 20 4 Recumbent, hypotonia of hindlegs, flexor contracture of forelegs

13 G Afr.dwarf 2 21 4 Recumbent, hypotonia of hindlegs, flexor contracture of forelegs


14 G Afr.dwarf 2 21 4 Recumbent, hypotonia of hindlegs, flexor contracture of forelegs

15 G Afr.dwarf 2 20 12 Recumbent, flexor contracture of forelegs, slow recovery

16 1 28 2 Recumbent, Able to stand with assistance, spasticity of hind-

H Afr.dwarf
legs, spinal reflexes and pain sensation decreased
17 H Afr.dwarf 3 12 4 Ambulatory, paresis primarily of forelegs, spinal reflexes
18 I Dutch white 3 11 2 Recumbent, unable to stand, hypotonia, urinary incontinence

19 J* Dairy cross 1 8 8 Recumbent, hypotonia primarily of forelegs

20 K Afr.dwarf 1 8 1 Ambulatory, tetraparesis, laryngeal stridor

21 L Dutch white 2 17 10 Recumbent, paresis primarily of forelegs, flexor contracture of

) forelegs
22 L Dutch white 2 17 10 Ambulatory, ataxia and hypermetria of hindlegs, decreased spinal
reflexes and pain sensation of hindlegs
23 M Afr.dwarf 1 8 16 Ambulatory, ataxia and paresis of hindlegs, head tremor

U: unknown, *: more kids at property affected, **: twin kid also affected, I: litter mates
inTrr-4. .Tor c -7-,-
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Fig. I. Lateral recumbency.
Flexor contracture of the fore-
- legs. Spastic extension of the
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hindlegs (kid 4).
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The predominant neuronal change was cy- tracts, the rubrospinal tracts, the vesti-
toplasmic swelling and chromatolysis, bulospinal tracts, and the medial longitu-
ranging from central chromatolysis with dinal fascicles (Fig. 7).
eccentric location of the nucleus to com-
plete disappearance of Nissl substance In kids 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 20, and 23 additional
with disruption and loss of nuclei (ghost lesions were present in the cerebellum.
cells). Other neurons showed shrinkage These lesions ranged from patchy or diffuse
and eosinophilic fibrillary transformation degeneration and loss of Purkinje cells to
of the cytoplasm, often with nuclear pyk- folial atrophy affecting all cortical layers.
nosis or fading (Figs 2, 3). In the latter Both the vermis and hemispheres were in-
neurons an increase of neurofibrils could volved. Altered Purkinje cells showed chro-
be demonstrated by silver impregnation matolysis, vacuolisation and hyalinisation.
(Fig. 2b), while ghost cells showed lysis of Fusiform swellings of the proximal axon
neurofibrils. Neuronophagia was sporadi- (torpedoes) were occasionally observed. In
cally seen (Fig. 3b). Axonal swellings were areas of Purkinje cell loss a reactive prolifer-
frequently observed, especially in the proxi- ation of the Bergmann glia was evident
mity of altered neurons in the ventral (Fig. 5a). In atrophic folia there was loss
horns of the spinal cord (Fig. 3c). These and dystopia of Purkinje cells, cellular
swellings contained excess neurofibrils. In paucity of the internal granular layer, and
chronic cases neuronal loss with associated narrowing of the moleCular layer (Fig. 5b).
glial proliferation was'apparent. An increased cellular density, partly due to
White matter changes were most conspicu- microglial activation, was seen in the folial
ous in the spinal cord, especially in the and central white matter of affected cere-
dorsal part of the lateral funiculus and in bella.
the ventral funiculus adjacent to the ven- Other changes noted in the central nervous
tral median fissure, with less severe chan- system were polymicrocavitation of the ex-
ges between these areas (Fig. 4a). Lesions ternal thalamic laminae in 4 cases, and
consisted of degeneration and loss of my-, gliosis of the ventral thalamic nuclei and
elinated axons, with associated phagocytic superior olivary nuclei respectively, in 2
and glial reactions (Fig. 4c). In kid 23 the cases.
whole ventrolateral funiculi showed severe In all kids Wallerian type degeneration of
fibre loss, particularly in the thoracic re- varying intensity was seen id the ventral
gion. Rarely were affected fibres seen in the spinal nerve roots (Fig. 6a), especially at
dorsal funiculi. Similar changes were seen the level of the cervical and lumbosacral
in the lower brain stem. A tentative neuro- intumescences. Similar lesions were seen in
anatomic analysis revealed the involvement mixed peripheral nerves of the limbs (Fig.
of the dorsal spinocerebellar tracts, which 6b), and the spinal root of the assessory
were traceable up to the caudal cerebellar nerve. In kid 20 Wallerian degeneration
peduncles, the ventral spinocerebellar was seen in the recurrent laryngeal nerve.


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Fig. 2. Lumbosacral intumescence of the spinal cord. Ventral horn. Neuronal alterations (kid I I). a. Central
chromatolysis (A), eosinophilia and shrinkage (B), complete chromatolysis and regression of the nucleus (C).
Haematoxylin and eosin, x 200. b. Increase of neurofibrils in neuronal cell body (D), and in axonal process (E).
Lysis of neurofibrils in ghost cell (F). Holmes silver, x 400.


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b. C.

Fig. 3. Spinal cord grey matter. Ventral horn.

a. Central chromatolysis (kid 19). Nissl, x 400.
b. Neuronophagia (kid 17). Haematoxylin and eosin, x 600.
c. Proximal axonal swelling (kid 2). Haematoxylin and eosin, x 400.


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Fig. 4. Cervical spinal cord (kid 4).
a. Symmetric loss of myelinated fibres, especially in dorsolateral tracts (arrows), and less conspicuously in
ventromedial white matter (arrowheads). Luxol fast blue, x 10.
b. Unaffected dorsal white matter. Holmes silver, x 400.
c. Dorsolateral white matter: loss of axons. Holmes silver, x 400.

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Fig. 5. Cerebellum. a.Purkinje cell loss with associated proliferation of Bergmann glia (kid I I ). Hacmatoxylin
and eosin, x 200.
b. Cerebellar cortical atrophy: Purkinje cell loss and dystopia, narrowing and cellular paucity of internal
granular layer (kid 2). Haematoxylin and eosin, x 200.


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a. C.

Fig. 6. a. Lumbar spinal nerve roots (kid 16). Fibre degeneration and loss in ventral root, contrasting with
normal dorsal root. Luxol fast blue-Holmes silver, x 40. b. Sciatic nerve. Longitudinal section (kid 17).
Wallerian degeneration: fragmentation of myelinated nerve fibre with formation of ellipsoids, contrasting with
intact fibres. Luxol fast blue-Holmes silver, x 400. c.M. triceps (kid 21). Neurogenic atrophy: group of small
angular muscle fibres adjacent to normal sized fibres. Haematoxylin and eosin, x 400.

Skeletal muscles showed varying degrees of Electron microscopic findings

neurogenic atrophy, evidenced by the pres- In a limited ultrastructural study of the
ence of groups of small angular fibres ventral grey matter of the cervical intumes-
among normal ones (Fig. 6c). No relevant cence in kid 17 the following changes were
lesions were found in the other extraneural noted. In neuronal perikarya dispersion of
tissues. granular endoplasmic reticulum was seen.

Fig. 7. Schematic representation of principal affected neuronal systems in goat kids with swayback. n.r. =
nucleus ruber, f.r.m. = formatio reticularis medullae, n.v.l. = nucleus vestibularis lateralis, n.m. = nucleus
motorius, n.t. = nucleus thoracicus, t.s. = tractus spinocerebellaris, t.r. = tractus rubrospinalis, t.v. = tractus
vestibulospinalis, p.m.f. = peripheral motor fibres.


640'Vt. ' sss*
iirs 4P,Votrerie;

"4", 1144

4 'r

a. b.

Fig. 8. Cervical intumescence of the spinal cord. Ventral horn (kid 17). Electron micrographs: a. Portion of
neuronal perikaryon. Dispersion of granular endoplasmic reticulum. Short haphazardly arranged cisterns.
Numerous free ribosomal clusters, x 11.500.
b. Large myelinated axon. Intra-axonal accumulation of neurofilaments.(Myelin sheath artificially damaged)
x 25000.

Cisterns were short, haphazardly arranged (p < 0.001), but did not differ from the
and associated with large amounts of free values of kids without neurological signs
ribosomal clusters (Fig. 8a). Excess of neu- on the same property. Blood copper values
rofilaments was seen in some neuronal cell of the adult goats from properties with
bodies. Dense accumulations of neurofi- swayback were significantly lower than
laments were observed inside large myel- those of the mature control goats (p <
Mated axons (Fig. 8b). There was a relative 0.001). There was no significant difference
abundance of fibrous astroglial processes. between the blood copper values of dams
with affected kids and the values of the
Copper analyses other adult goats on the same properties.
Blood and/or liver copper levels of 9 affect- Liver copper values of affected kids were
ed kids are shown in Table 2. Blood copper significantly lower than those of the con-
concentrations of the herd mates, includ- trol kids (p < 0.001).
ing 5 dams of ataxic kids, on 3 properties I
Immature control goats had significantly
are shown in Table 3. Blood and liver lower liver copper values than the adult
copper values of the control goats are dia- control animals (p < 0.01). A consider-
grammatically represented in Fig. 9. Blood able portion of them had liver copper
copper values of affected kids were signifi- values in the same range as the affected
cantly lower than those of the control kids kids.


Table 2. Blood and liver copper levels of 9 goat kids a. b.
with swayback.
0 adult goats
12 kid goats
Blood copper Liver copper
Kid number (umo1/1) (pg/g dw)

1 ND 1

4 ND 6 20

9 3 4
10 3 6 10

20 ND
9 20 40
I 20 40 60 80 100
21 4 < 20' blood copper Imnol/II lIvercopper(0/9 drY weight)

22 7 < 20' Fig. 9. Distribution of blood and liver copper

23 3 9 concentrations of control goats.

ND = not determined a. Blood samples of 35 goats (25 adults and 10 kids).

b. Liver samples of 37 goats (35 adults and 22 kids).
`: in liver biopsy.
Samples of 7 adult goats with liver copper concen-
trations over 100 pg/g dry weight are not shown.
The signs and lesions of the goat kids de- of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which
scribed here are identical to those reported probably caused the respiratory stridor in
previously (5, 8, 13, 15, 22, 23). The similar- one kid would be another expression of
ity of the lesions with those seen in delayed peripheral nervous system involvement.
swayback in lambs is striking (3). How- Degeneration of ventral spinal nerve roots
ever, some differences can be noted. Degen- in goats with swayback has been mention-
eration of the ventral spinal nerve roots ed by other authors (8, 15), but has been
and peripheral nerves was conspicuous in rarely reported in lambs (17). Degenera-
our kids. This was clinically evident by the tion of peripheral axons up to the ventral
observed hypotonia and hyporeflexia and spinal roots may only reflect a further pro-
was substantiated by the electromyogra- gressive stage of the disease, which is
phic findings in 2 cases. The degeneration usually not reached in lambs. Long sur-
Table 3. Blood copper levels of goats present or 3 properties with swayback history.

Blood copper
Property Goat (pmo1/1) Offspring

Afr. dwarf 4 affected twins (No. 8)

Afr. dwarf 3 affected twins (Nos 9 and 10)
Afr.dwarf ND normal twins (blood copper: 3 and 8 pmo1/1)
Afr.dwarf 4 normal single kid (blood copper: 3 pmo1/1)
Afr. dwarf 7 normal single kid (blood copper: 6 pmo1/1)
Afr. dwarf 8 affected single kid (No. 16)
Afr. dwarf 4 affected single kid (No. 17)
Afr. dwarf 5 none
Afr. dwarf 2 none
Afr. dwarf 3 affected single kid (No. 23)
Afr. dwarf 9 normal single kid
Afr. dwarf 3 normal single kid .
Afr. dwarf 4 none
Afr. dwarf (male) 15
French alpine 20 normal single kid
French alpine 9 twins (died postnatally)
French alpine 5 twins (died postnatally)
Afr. dwarf cross


vival times due to individual care as seen in Cerebellar cortical dysplasia, as seen in
many of our kids, are more likely in goats some kids, has also been observed in experi-
kept on a small scale than in sheep kept in mental copper deficiency in guinea pigs
large flocks. (10), and in Menkes kinky hair disease, a
Cerebellar cortical degeneration and hy- hereditary disorder associated with low tis-
poplasia, as seen repeatedly by us and also sue copper levels in man (9).
reported in the literature (5, 8, 14, 15, 16, Our data from the copper analyses support
19) is another feature which is not com- an aetiological role of copper deficiency in
monly seen in swayback in lambs. How- swayback in goats. Statistical analysis
ever, such cerebellar lesions have been re- showed that the available blood and liver
ported in lambs as well (2, 14). copper levels of affected kids, their dams
Recently cavitation of the cerebral white and other herd mates were significantly
matter, a frequent observation in congeni- lower than those of random control goats.
tal swayback in lambs, has also been report- Moreover a favourable effect was observed
ed in congenital cases in goats (14). after copper supplementation in some in-
On morphological grounds it thus seems stances. However, since equally low copper
justified to consider this disease in sheep levels were found in kids with and without
and goats as a single nosological entity, nervous signs, it could be postulated that
with only minor differences in expression unidentified factors in addition to copper
between the two species. deficiency are necessary to induce nervous
disease. Such a multifactorial aetiology has
The selective involvement of certain neu- also beet) suggested for a swayback-like
ronal populations, especially those having disease in red deer (27). A possible role of
long processes within the central nervous vitamin A deficiency in addition to copper
system or extending into peripheral nerves, deficiency has been discussed (16).
is in favour of a primary neuraxonal dis- The low liver copper values in a relatively
ease as opposed to a primary myelin dis- high percentage of our control goats, espe-
order. The nature of the lesions both at cially in immature animals, would indicate
light and electron microscopic level also that low copper status is not uncommon in
suggests that myelin degradation occurs as Dutch goats. Since many of these kids had
a secondary phenomenon (Wallerian type died spontaneously it cannot be excluded
degeneration). It has been suggested that that death was partly attributable to copper
the first neuraxonal changes in swayback deficiency.
take place in the axon (8, 20), causing retro- The cause of the low copper status in the
grade changes in the nerve cell body. This ataxic kids is not known. A primary copper
view would be consistent with the disper- deficiency cannot be excluded. The copper
sion of granular endoplasmic reticulum as requirements of goats are often assumed to
seen by us, and the fibrillary accumulation be similar to those of sheep (28). However,
in the nerve cell body observed by others since goats have a lower capacity of hepatic
(6). Similar changes may occur in the nerve storage of copper (21), it could be postulat-
cell body after experimental axotomy, in ed that goats need a higher daily intake of
neurons that regenerate as well as in those copper than sheep. Copper supplementa-
that ultimately die (24). The neuronal ne- tion during gestation has been shown to
crosis, phagocytosis and loss observed in improve postnatal growth in African dwarf
our material indicate that irreversible goats (1). In several instances in our series,
changes often occur. Proximal axonal sheep concentrate, which is low in copper,
swellings filled with neurofilaments may had been used as supplementary food, and
reflect an impaired axonal transport of cy- on two occasions no further cases of sway-
toskeletal proteins (12). such impairment back occurred after replacement of sheep
might be related to a deficient energy sup- concentrate by concentrate for cattle and
ply, due to decreased activity of the copper horses.
containing enzyme cytochrome oxidase, as The possibility of a conditioned copper de-
has been demonstrated in motor neurons ficiency must be considered, but informa-
in swayback in sheep (11) and goats (16). tion concerning factors known to reduce
the availability of copper such as excess of 7. Commonwealth agricultural bureaux: The nu-
molybdenum, sulphate and heavy metals trient requirements of ruminant livestock. Chap-
ter 6: Trace elements, Unwin Brothers, The
(7) is lacking. Gresham Press, Old Woking, Surrey, U.K., 1980.
The possibility of a genetic predisposition 8. Cordy, D. R. and Knight, H. D. California goats
of African dwarf goats for copper de- with a disease resembling enzootic ataxia or
ficiency must be considered, since African swayback. Vet. Pathol. 1978; 15: 179-85.
dwarf goats were overrepresented in our 9. Crome, L. and Stern, J. In: Greenfield's Neuro-
pathology. Edited by W. Blackwood and J. A.
material. Genetic variation in swayback M. Corsellis. Chapter 12, p. 536. Edward Arnold
incidence and in blood and tissue copper Ltd., London, 1976.
concentrations have been observed in differ- 10. Everson, G. J., Shrader, R. E., and Wang, T.
ent breeds of sheep (26). Chemical and morphological changes in the
brains of copper-deficient guinea pigs. J. Nutr.
Further research is needed to elucidate the 1968; 96: 115-25.
complex factors involved in copper de- I I. Fell, B. F., Mills, C. F., and Boyne, R. Cyto-
ficiency, its relationship to swayback in chrome oxidase deficiency in the motor neurones
goats and sheep, and the possible differen- of copper-deficient lambs: a histochemical study.
ces in copper requirement in the two spe- Res. Vet. Sci. 1965; 6: 170-7.
12. Griffin, J. W., Hoffman, P. M., Clark, A. W.,
cies. Caroll, P. T., and Price, D. L. Axonal transport
of neurofilament proteins: Impairment by /3, B1-
iminodiproprionitrite. Science 1978; 202: 633-5.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 13. Hedger, R. S., Howard, D. A., and Burdin, M. L.
The occurrence in goats and sheep in Kenya of a
We are indebted to Dr. G. J. Binkhorst for providing disease closely similar to sway-back. Vet. Rec.
clinical information and for valuable comments on 1964; 76: 493-7.
the manuscript, to Mr. A. van Beek for accurately 14. Howell, J. McC., Pass, D. A., and Terlecki, S.
carrying out the copper analyses, to Dr. J. J. van Nes, Swayback lesions and vulnerable periods of de-
who performed the electromyographic examinations, velopment. Proceedings of the 4th international
and to Dr. J. E. van Dijk, who kindly supplied ex- symposium on trace element metabolism in man
perimental goats for reference copper values. and animals. Perth, Western Australia, 11-15
May 1981. J. M. Gawthorne, J. McC Howell,
and C. L. White, Editors. Springer-Verlag. Ber-
lin Heidelberg New York 1982; 298-301.
15. O'Sullivan, B. M. Enzootic ataxia in goat kids.
Austr. Vet. J. 1977; 53: 455-6.
16. Owen, E. C., Proudfoot, R., Robertson, J. M.,
Barlow, R. M., Butler, E. J., and Smith, B. S. W.
REFERENCES Pathological and biochemical studies of an out-
break of swayback in goats. J. Comp. Path. 1965;
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goat. Proceedings of the 3rd international confer-
Veterinary Annual 1968; 9: 178-84.
ence on goat production and disease. Tucson, 18. Pekelder, J. J. Kopergebrek en swayback bij
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copper deficiency in goats. Austr. Vet. J. 1981;
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Maclntyre, I. J. Swayback in South-East Scot- 20. Smith, R. M., Fraser, F. J., and Robertson, J. S.
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aspects. J. Comp. Path. 1960; 70: 411-28. neuronal pathology in foetal and neonatal spinal
4. Barlow, R. M., Robertson, J. M., Owen, E. C.,
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Ototoxicity of the antiseptic combination

chlorhexidine/cetrimide (Savlon®):
effects on equilibrium and hearing
H. G. Gall& and A. J. Venker-van Haagen2

SUMMARY Literature concerning the ototoxicity of the antiseptic combination chlorhexidine/cetri-

mide (Savlon8) is reviewed The ototoxic effects are illustrated by the results of our own experiments in
guinea pigs. The impetus for this article was the observation of vestibular dysfunction in 15 clinical
cases (12 dogs and 3 cats), in 8 of which it was confirmed that the ear canal had been rinsed with this
drug combination in the presence of a ruptured tympanic membrane.

Rinsing of the external ear canal is the had been treated under anesthesia and the
principal treatment of otitis externa in signs of equilibrium dysfunction had be-
dogs. Preferably this is carried out with come evident upon arousal. Full details of
water or saline; the Ilse of antiseptics is not the treatment procedure were not always
recommended because the tympanic mem- provided, but in eight of the cases chlor-
brane may be perforated and as a conse- hexidine/cetrimide3 had been used to rinse
quence the antiseptic may damage the lab- the external auditory canal.
yrinth (19). Nevertheless, in some practices
it is customary to use antiseptic fluids for
rinsing the ear canal, which may give rise to On admission all animals had the classical
complications. signs of unilateral vestibular dysfunction
and the tympanic membrane on the affect-
Between 1975 and 1980 twelve dogs and ed side was found to be perforated. The
three cats were referred to the Utrecht Uni- severity of the signs of vestibular dysfunc-
versity Small Animal Clinic with equi- tion decreased with the length of time be-
librium disturbances which had developed tween onset and admission. In all cases
shortly after ear treatment by the veterin- there had been eye nystagmus, falling to
ary practitioner. In most cases the animal one side and tilting of the head toward the

' Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital, State University of Utrecht. Catharijnesingel 101,
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
2 Small Animal Clinic, State University of Utrecht, Yalelaan 8, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
3 Savlon®, I.C.I., Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


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