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Nyakas Orsolya

The best advice I have ever had

Sometimes it’s very hard to accept that a really old and strong friendship can end.
This can cause a lot of stress and overthinking in our lives, which aren’t good for us and no
one wants them.
The best piece of advice I have been given is that if something goes wrong in a
friendship, then you need to let time do its job. You don’t have to hang tight to that
friendship. If it’s over than you can’t change it just by yourself. It’s just like with sand. If you
squeeze the sand in your hands, it will flow out. If you just hold the sand in your hand
without squeezing it, it will stay.
My grandmother gave me this helpful advice, when I was younger. It helped me
trough a bad phase, when my best friend and I were arguing and fighting over a lot of silly
things. We stopped talking that often, how we used to, for some time. Slowly but safely,
everything become the same, and we have forgiven each other. I am so glad that it turned
out this way, and I am so grateful for this advice.

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