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Visual Artist Report

The artist I chose is a Punjabi Sikh artist named Param Singh. He currently
resides in Canada and was born into a farmer family in rural Punjab. He
chose to pursue his love of painting skillfully after earning his Masters in
Punjabi and a Diploma in Arts & Crafts. Growing up in Punjab's natural
surroundings and seeing Sikh life has had a big impact on Parm Singh's
art. His life's work has been to capture the knowledge, history, and beauty
of Sikhs and Punjab, and his artwork reflects this goal. Param Singh’s
artwork is incredible. The work that impressed me was when he received a
third place in a painting competition held by the Community Arts Council of
Richmond, BC, Canada, in 2016; another artwork, "Conquest of the
Saintly," was awarded an honorary mention in New York NTDTV in 2014.

In one of the pictures Param Singh had made, a young child was riding a
horse and controlling him by pulling on the rope to direct it where to go. The
horse's right leg is in the air, and the back left leg is in the air, which is how
horses walk normally. It also shows a camp full of training warriors where
they teach kids how to fight, ride horses and use swords. Another child in
the painting was learning how to ride a horse with his father and this child
is holding a spear. The painter showed the kids emotions so perfectly, he
looks happy that he is riding a horse and with his family.

This painting shows how people lived and trained their kids in the older
times. I really love the way the artist added such wonderful colors for their
clothing which represented their custom and culture.The painter started this
picture as a rough sketch and outline, later on he filled it with many vibrant
colors to make it more fascinating. I think the materials he used in the
sketch must be pencil,crayons and paint.

I understand it's not easy to become a painter, it needs a lot of hard work,
dedication and patience. I am so excited to see Param Singh's next
projects and wish him the best in his life.

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