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Well, it is very important to make use of our sense of

imagination as it reflects our intelligence as well as creativity.

I often make use of this power and now I would like to talk about
a time when I drew painting using imagination. I vividly remember,
when I was in 7th grade, one time I fall sick and was not attending
school for a while. During this time my school organized a painting
competition so I was completely unawared about this contest. I had
not had any preparation at all. The day after recovering, I went to
school. I got to know that the painting competition is going to
happen that day. My friends taking part in this competition were
quite confident as they were prepared carefully. Well, I decided
that I will come up something in my mind to make a painting. The
competition started and all the painters had to come up with a
painting in one hour time. I decided to make a painting of Hoan
Kiem Lake using my imagination. It’s a picturesque landscape I had
visited several so I was quite aware how it looks like. I started
painting as I was visualizing. At the same time, I painted it with
realistic colours. For example, I choose red for the bridge
structure and blue to represent the water in the lake. In one hour,
I completed and it was quite stunning. My teachers really
appreciated me not only the painting but also, my sense of
imagination that really helped me to draw this wonderful piece of
art. Since, it was best among all. So, I was also honored by my
teacher with a reward.

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