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1. "Within the irregular arc of coral the lagoon was still as a mountain lake.

Technique: Simile
Explanation: The word as is used to compare the arc to the stillness of that of a mountain lake.

2. "The palms that still stood made a green roof."

Technique: Personification
Explanation: The palms can’t actually stand still or make a green roof, these are human

3. "The incredible pool was only invaded by the sea at high tide."
Technique: Hyperbole
Explanation: The word incredible suggests an exaggeration, making the description of the pool
more impressive.

4. "He turned over, holding his nose, and a golden light danced and shattered just over his
Technique: Personification
Explanation: a golden light cant actually dance and shatter. Human-like qualities are given to
the light, which can't actually dance or shatter.

5. "Ralph paddled backwards, immersed his mouth and blew a jet of water into the air."
Technique: Hyperbole
Explanation: The term blew a jet of water into the air implies a forceful action that might be
exaggerated beyond the ordinary act of blowing air.

6. "We've got to make smoke up there--or die."

Technique: Hyperbole
Explanation: The statement is a dramatic exaggeration that suggests a life-or-death situation.

7. “If Jack were leader, it would be all hunting all of the time.”
Technique: Hyperbole
Explanation: The phrase "all hunting all of the time" is an exaggerated description of the
intense focus on hunting under Jack's leadership.

8. "It seemed there were more marbles than could be counted and Sara was soon
Technique: Hyperbole
Explanation: The phrase "more marbles than could be counted" is an exaggeration to
emphasize the overwhelming number of marbles.
9. "Ralph dropped words like heavy round stones among the little groups that crouched or
Technique: Simile
Explanation: The simile is used to compare the words dropping from Ralph's mouth to heavy
round stones using the word like.

10. "The afternoon sun emptied down invisible arrows."

Technique: Metaphor
Explanation: The phrase invisible arrows is a metaphor comparing the sun's rays to arrows,
suggesting the way they pierce through the atmosphere.

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